Ejemplo n.º 1
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& Event )
    if( Kiway().PlayersClose( false ) )
        int px, py;

        if( !GetProjectFileName().empty() )
            UpdateFileHistory( GetProjectFileName(), &PgmTop().GetFileHistory() );

        if( !IsIconized() )   // save main frame position and size
            GetPosition( &px, &py );
            m_FramePos.x = px;
            m_FramePos.y = py;

            GetSize( &px, &py );
            m_FrameSize.x = px;
            m_FrameSize.y = py;

        Event.SetCanVeto( true );

        m_LeftWin->Show( false );

Ejemplo n.º 2
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnSaveProject( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( !wxIsWritable( GetProjectFileName() ) )

    Prj().ConfigSave( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::LoadProject( const wxFileName& aProjectFileName )
    // The project file should be valid by the time we get here or something has gone wrong.
    if( !aProjectFileName.Exists() )

    // Any open KIFACE's must be closed if they are not part of the new project.
    // (We never want a KIWAY_PLAYER open on a KIWAY that isn't in the same project.)
    // User is prompted here to close those KIWAY_PLAYERs:
    if( !Kiway().PlayersClose( false ) )

    SetTitle( wxString( "KiCad " ) + GetBuildVersion() );

    // Save the project file for the currently loaded project.
    if( m_active_project )
        Prj().ConfigLoad( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    m_active_project = true;
    SetProjectFileName( aProjectFileName.GetFullPath() );
    Prj().ConfigLoad( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    wxString title = GetTitle() + " " + aProjectFileName.GetFullPath();

    if( !aProjectFileName.IsDirWritable() )
        title += _( " [Read Only]" );
        SetMruPath( Prj().GetProjectPath() ); // Only set MRU path if we have write access. Why?

    SetTitle( title );

    UpdateFileHistory( aProjectFileName.GetFullPath(), &PgmTop().GetFileHistory() );


    // Rebuild the list of watched paths.
    // however this is possible only when the main loop event handler is running,
    // so we use it to run the rebuild function.

    wxPostEvent( this, cmd );

Ejemplo n.º 4
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnFileHistory( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxFileName projFileName = GetFileFromHistory( event.GetId(), _( "KiCad project file" ),
                                                  &PgmTop().GetFileHistory() );
    if( !projFileName.FileExists() )

    LoadProject( projFileName );
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnSaveProject( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( !wxIsWritable( GetProjectFileName() ) )

    // was: wxGetApp().WriteProjectConfig( m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath(),
    //          GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );
    Prj().ConfigSave( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::CreateNewProject( const wxFileName& aProjectFileName )
    wxCHECK_RET( aProjectFileName.DirExists() && aProjectFileName.IsDirWritable(),
                 "Project folder must exist and be writable to create a new project." );

    // Init project filename.  This clears all elements from the project object.
    SetProjectFileName( aProjectFileName.GetFullPath() );

    // Copy kicad.pro file from template folder.
    if( !aProjectFileName.FileExists() )
        wxString srcFileName = sys_search().FindValidPath( "kicad.pro" );

        // Create a minimal project (.pro) file if the template project file could not be copied.
        if( !wxFileName::FileExists( srcFileName )
          || !wxCopyFile( srcFileName, aProjectFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
            Prj().ConfigSave( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    // Ensure a "stub" for a schematic root sheet and a board exist.
    // It will avoid messages from the schematic editor or the board editor to create a new file
    // And forces the user to create main files under the right name for the project manager
    wxFileName fn( aProjectFileName.GetFullPath() );
    fn.SetExt( SchematicFileExtension );

    // If a <project>.sch file does not exist, create a "stub" file ( minimal schematic file )
    if( !fn.FileExists() )
        wxFile file( fn.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write );

        if( file.IsOpened() )
            file.Write( wxT( "EESchema Schematic File Version 2\n"
                             "EELAYER 25 0\nEELAYER END\n$EndSCHEMATC\n" ) );

        // wxFile dtor will close the file

    // If a <project>.kicad_pcb or <project>.brd file does not exist,
    // create a .kicad_pcb "stub" file
    fn.SetExt( KiCadPcbFileExtension );
    wxFileName leg_fn( fn );
    leg_fn.SetExt( LegacyPcbFileExtension );

    if( !fn.FileExists() && !leg_fn.FileExists() )
        wxFile file( fn.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write );

        if( file.IsOpened() )
            file.Write( wxT( "(kicad_pcb (version 4) (host kicad \"dummy file\") )\n" ) );

        // wxFile dtor will close the file
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * @brief (Re)Create the menubar
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
    wxString msg;
    static wxMenu* openRecentMenu;  // Open Recent submenu,
                                    // static to remember this menu

    m_manager_Hokeys_Descr = kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr;

    // wxWidgets handles the Mac Application menu behind the scenes, but that means
    // we always have to start from scratch with a new wxMenuBar.
    wxMenuBar*  oldMenuBar = GetMenuBar();
    wxMenuBar*  menuBar = new wxMenuBar();

    // Before deleting, remove the menus managed by m_fileHistory
    // (the file history will be updated when adding/removing files in history)
    if( openRecentMenu )
        PgmTop().GetFileHistory().RemoveMenu( openRecentMenu );

    // Recreate all menus:

    // Menu File:
    wxMenu* fileMenu = new wxMenu;

    // New project creation
    wxMenu* newprjSubMenu = new wxMenu();
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Project..." ), kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_NEW );
    AddMenuItem( newprjSubMenu, ID_NEW_PROJECT, msg,
                 _( "Create new blank project" ),
                 KiBitmap( new_project_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Project from &Template..." ),
                         kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_NEW_PRJ_TEMPLATE );
    AddMenuItem( newprjSubMenu, ID_NEW_PROJECT_FROM_TEMPLATE, msg,
                 _( "Create new project from template" ),
                 KiBitmap( new_project_with_template_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, newprjSubMenu,
                 _( "&New" ),
                 _( "Create new project" ),
                 KiBitmap( new_project_xpm ) );

    // Open
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Open Project..." ), kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_OPEN );
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_LOAD_PROJECT, msg,
                 _( "Open an existing project" ),
                 KiBitmap( open_project_xpm ) );

    // File history
    openRecentMenu = new wxMenu();
    PgmTop().GetFileHistory().UseMenu( openRecentMenu );
    PgmTop().GetFileHistory().AddFilesToMenu( );
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, openRecentMenu,
                 _( "Open &Recent" ),
                 _( "Open a recent project" ),
                 KiBitmap( recent_xpm ) );

    // Currently there is nothing to save
    // (Kicad manager does not save any info in .pro file)
#if 0
    // Save
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Save" ), kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_SAVE );
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_SAVE_PROJECT, msg,
                 _( "Save current project" ),
                 KiBitmap( save_project_xpm ) );

    wxMenu* importprjSubMenu = new wxMenu();

    AddMenuItem( importprjSubMenu, ID_IMPORT_EAGLE_PROJECT, _( "EAGLE CAD..." ),
            _( "Import EAGLE CAD XML schematic and board" ),
            KiBitmap( import_project_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, importprjSubMenu,
            _( "Import Project" ),
            _( "Import project files from other software" ),
            KiBitmap( import_project_xpm ) );


    // Archive
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "&Archive Project..." ),
                 _( "Archive all needed project files into zip archive" ),
                 KiBitmap( zip_xpm ) );

    // Unarchive
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "&Unarchive Project..." ),
                 _( "Unarchive project files from zip archive" ),
                 KiBitmap( unzip_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Quit
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "&Exit" ),
                 _( "Close KiCad" ),
                 KiBitmap( exit_xpm ) );

     // View Menu:
     wxMenu* viewMenu = new wxMenu();

     // Refresh project tree
     msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Refresh" ), kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_REFRESH );
     AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_PROJECT_TREE_REFRESH, msg,
                  _( "Refresh project tree" ),
                  KiBitmap( reload_xpm ) );

#ifdef __APPLE__

    // Menu Browse:
    wxMenu* browseMenu = new wxMenu();

    // Text editor
    AddMenuItem( browseMenu,
                 _( "Open Text E&ditor" ),
                 _( "Launch preferred text editor" ),
                 KiBitmap( editor_xpm ) );

    // View file
    AddMenuItem( browseMenu,
                 _( "&Open Local File..." ),
                 _( "Edit local file" ),
                 KiBitmap( browse_files_xpm ) );

    // Browse in file explorer
    AddMenuItem( browseMenu,
                _( "&Browse Project Files" ),
                _( "Open project directory in file explorer" ),
                KiBitmap( directory_browser_xpm ) );

    // Menu Preferences:
    wxMenu* preferencesMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Path configuration edit dialog.
    AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu,
                 _( "&Configure Paths..." ),
                 _( "Edit path configuration environment variables" ),
                 KiBitmap( path_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu,
                 _( "Manage &Symbol Libraries..." ),
                 _( "Edit the global and project symbol library tables" ),
                 KiBitmap( library_table_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu,
                 _( "Manage &Footprint Libraries..." ),
                 _( "Configure footprint library table" ),
                 KiBitmap( library_table_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu,
                 _( "&Preferences..." ),
                 _( "Show preferences for all open tools" ),
                 KiBitmap( preference_xpm ) );


    // Language submenu
    Pgm().AddMenuLanguageList( preferencesMenu );

    // Menu Tools:
    wxMenu* toolsMenu = new wxMenu;

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Schematic" ), kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_RUN_EESCHEMA );
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_TO_SCH, msg, KiBitmap( eeschema_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Schematic Symbols" ),
                         kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_RUN_LIBEDIT );
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_TO_SCH_LIB_EDITOR, msg, KiBitmap( libedit_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit PCB" ),
                         kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_RUN_PCBNEW );
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_TO_PCB, msg, KiBitmap( pcbnew_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit PCB Footprints" ),
                         kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_RUN_FPEDITOR );
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_TO_PCB_FP_EDITOR, msg, KiBitmap( module_editor_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "View Gerber Files" ),
                         kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_RUN_GERBVIEW );
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_TO_GERBVIEW, msg, KiBitmap( icon_gerbview_small_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Convert Image" ),
                         kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_RUN_BM2COMPONENT );
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_TO_BITMAP_CONVERTER, msg,
                 _( "Convert bitmap images to schematic or PCB components." ),
                 KiBitmap( bitmap2component_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Calculator Tools" ), kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_RUN_PCBCALCULATOR );
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_TO_PCB_CALCULATOR, msg,
                 _( "Run component calculations, track width calculations, etc." ),
                 KiBitmap( calculator_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Worksheet" ), kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_RUN_PLEDITOR );
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_TO_PL_EDITOR, msg,
                 _( "Edit worksheet graphics and text" ),
                 KiBitmap( pagelayout_load_xpm ) );

    // Menu Help:
    wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Contents
    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_HELP,
                 _( "KiCad &Manual" ),
                 _( "Open KiCad user manual" ),
                 KiBitmap( online_help_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_INDEX,
                 _( "&Getting Started in KiCad" ),
                 _( "Open \"Getting Started in KiCad\" guide for beginners" ),
                 KiBitmap( help_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu,
                 _( "&List Hotkeys" ),
                 _( "Displays the current hotkeys list and corresponding commands" ),
                 KiBitmap( hotkeys_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Get involved with KiCad
    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_HELP_GET_INVOLVED,
                 _( "Get &Involved" ),
                 _( "Contribute to KiCad (opens a web browser)" ),
                 KiBitmap( info_xpm ) );


    // About
    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_ABOUT, _( "&About KiCad" ), KiBitmap( about_xpm ) );

    // Create the menubar and append all submenus
    menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _( "&File" ) );
    menuBar->Append( viewMenu, _( "&View" ) );
    menuBar->Append( toolsMenu, _( "&Tools" ) );
    menuBar->Append( browseMenu, _( "&Browse" ) );
    menuBar->Append( preferencesMenu, _( "&Preferences" ) );
    menuBar->Append( helpMenu, _( "&Help" ) );

    SetMenuBar( menuBar );
    delete oldMenuBar;

    // Add the hotkey to the "show hotkey list" menu, because we do not have
    // a management of the keyboard keys in Kicad.
    // So all hotheys should be added to the menubar
    // Note Use wxMenuBar::SetLabel only after the menubar
    // has been associated with a frame. (see wxWidgets doc)
    msg = AddHotkeyName( menuBar->GetLabel( ID_PREFERENCES_HOTKEY_SHOW_CURRENT_LIST ),
                         kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr, HK_HELP );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::CommonSettingsChanged()
    int historySize;
    Pgm().CommonSettings()->Read( FILE_HISTORY_SIZE_KEY, &historySize, DEFAULT_FILE_HISTORY_SIZE );
    PgmTop().GetFileHistory().SetMaxFiles( (unsigned) std::max( 0, historySize ) );
Ejemplo n.º 9
wxString KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::help_name()
    return PgmTop().GetHelpFileName();
Ejemplo n.º 10
    return PgmTop().SysSearch();
Ejemplo n.º 11
wxConfigBase* KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::config()
    wxConfigBase* ret = PgmTop().PgmSettings();
    wxASSERT( ret );
    return ret;
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::CreateNewProject( const wxString& aPrjFullFileName,
                                            bool aTemplateSelector = false )
    wxFileName  newProjectName = aPrjFullFileName;
    wxChar      sep[2] = { SEP(), 0 };  // nul terminated separator wxChar string.


    // If we are creating a project from a template, make sure the template directory is sane
    if( aTemplateSelector )

        wxFileName  templatePath;
        wxString    envStr;

#ifndef __WXMAC__
        wxGetEnv( wxT( "KICAD" ), &envStr );

        // Add a new tab for system templates
        if( !envStr.empty() )
            // user may or may not have including terminating separator.
            if( !envStr.EndsWith( sep ) )
                envStr += sep;

            templatePath = envStr + wxT( "template" ) + sep;
            // The standard path should be in the share directory for kicad. As
            // it is normal on Windows to only have the share directory and not
            // the kicad sub-directory we fall back to that if the directory
            // doesn't exist
            templatePath = wxPathOnly( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() ) +
                sep + wxT( ".." ) + sep + wxT( "share" ) + sep + wxT( "kicad" ) +
                sep + wxT( "template" ) + sep;

            if( !wxDirExists( templatePath.GetFullPath() ) )
                templatePath = wxPathOnly( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() ) +
                sep + wxT( ".." ) + sep + wxT( "share" ) + sep + wxT( "template" ) + sep;
        // Use what is provided in the bundle data dir
        templatePath = GetOSXKicadDataDir() + sep + wxT( "template" );

        ps->AddTemplatesPage( _( "System Templates" ), templatePath );

        // Add a new tab for user templates
        wxFileName userPath = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir() +
                sep + wxT( "kicad" ) + sep + wxT( "template" ) + sep;

        ps->AddTemplatesPage( _( "User Templates" ), userPath );

        // Check to see if a custom template location is available and setup a
        // new selection tab if there is.
        wxGetEnv( wxT( "KICAD_PTEMPLATES" ), &envStr );

        if( !envStr.empty() )
            if( !envStr.EndsWith( sep ) )
                envStr += sep;

            wxFileName envPath = envStr;

            ps->AddTemplatesPage( _( "Portable Templates" ), envPath );

        // Show the project template selector dialog
        int result = ps->ShowModal();

        if( ( result != wxID_OK ) || ( ps->GetSelectedTemplate() == NULL ) )
            if( ps->GetSelectedTemplate() == NULL )
                wxMessageBox( _( "No project template was selected.  Cannot generate new "
                                 "project." ),
                              _( "Error" ),
                              wxOK | wxICON_ERROR,
                              this );
            // The selected template widget contains the template we're attempting to use to
            // create a project
            if( !ps->GetSelectedTemplate()->CreateProject( newProjectName ) )
                wxMessageBox( _( "Problem whilst creating new project from template!" ),
                              _( "Template Error" ),
                              wxOK | wxICON_ERROR,
                              this );

    // Init project filename
    SetProjectFileName( newProjectName.GetFullPath() );

    // Write settings to project file
    // was: wxGetApp().WriteProjectConfig( aPrjFullFileName, GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );
    Prj().ConfigSave( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    // Ensure a "stub" for a schematic root sheet and a board exist.
    // It will avoid messages from the schematic editor or the board editor to create a new file
    // And forces the user to create main files under the right name for the project manager
    wxFileName fn( newProjectName.GetFullPath() );
    fn.SetExt( SchematicFileExtension );

    // If a <project>.sch file does not exist, create a "stub" file
    // ( minimal schematic file )
    if( !fn.FileExists() )
        wxFile file( fn.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write );

        if( file.IsOpened() )
            file.Write( wxT( "EESchema Schematic File Version 2\n"
                             "EELAYER 25 0\nEELAYER END\n$EndSCHEMATC\n" ) );

        // wxFile dtor will close the file

    // If a <project>.kicad_pcb or <project>.brd file does not exist,
    // create a .kicad_pcb "stub" file
    fn.SetExt( KiCadPcbFileExtension );
    wxFileName leg_fn( fn );
    leg_fn.SetExt( LegacyPcbFileExtension );

    if( !fn.FileExists() && !leg_fn.FileExists() )
        wxFile file( fn.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write );

        if( file.IsOpened() )
            file.Write( wxT( "(kicad_pcb (version 4) (host kicad \"dummy file\") )\n" ) );

        // wxFile dtor will close the file

    // Enable the toolbar and menubar buttons and clear the help text.
    m_active_project = true;
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnLoadProject( wxCommandEvent& event )
    // Any open KIFACE's must be closed if they are not part of the new project.
    // (We never want a KIWAY_PLAYER open on a KIWAY that isn't in the same project.)
    // User is prompted here to close those KIWAY_PLAYERs:
    if( !Kiway.PlayersClose( false ) )

    // evt_id can be one of:
    //   wxID_ANY from 3 different places.
    int evt_id = event.GetId();

    wxString    title;


    bool newProject = ( evt_id == ID_NEW_PROJECT ) ||
                        ( evt_id == ID_NEW_PROJECT_FROM_TEMPLATE );

    if( evt_id != wxID_ANY )
        int  style;

        if( newProject )
            title = _( "Create New Project" );
            style = wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT;
            title = _( "Open Existing Project" );
            style = wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST;

        wxString        default_dir = GetMruPath();
        wxFileDialog    dlg( this, title, default_dir, wxEmptyString,
                             ProjectFileWildcard, style );

        if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

        //DBG( printf( "%s: wxFileDialog::GetPath=%s\n", __func__, TO_UTF8( dlg.GetPath() ) );)

        wxFileName pro( dlg.GetPath() );
        pro.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );     // enforce extension

        if( !pro.IsAbsolute() )

        if( newProject )
            // Check if the project directory is empty
            wxDir directory( pro.GetPath() );

            if( directory.HasFiles() )
                wxString msg = _( "The selected directory is not empty.  We recommend you "
                                  "create projects in their own clean directory.\n\nDo you "
                                  "want to create a new empty directory for the project?" );

                if( IsOK( this, msg ) )
                    // Append a new directory with the same name of the project file
                    // and try to create it
                    pro.AppendDir( pro.GetName() );

                    if( !wxMkdir( pro.GetPath() ) )
                        // There was a problem, undo

            if( evt_id == ID_NEW_PROJECT )
                CreateNewProject( pro.GetFullPath() );
            else if( evt_id == ID_NEW_PROJECT_FROM_TEMPLATE )
                // Launch the template selector dialog
                CreateNewProject( pro.GetFullPath(), true );

        SetProjectFileName( pro.GetFullPath() );

    wxString prj_filename = GetProjectFileName();

    wxString nameless_prj = NAMELESS_PROJECT  wxT( ".pro" );

    wxLogDebug( wxT( "%s: %s" ),
                GetChars( wxFileName( prj_filename ).GetFullName() ),
                GetChars( nameless_prj ) );

    // Check if project file exists and if it is not noname.pro
    if( !wxFileExists( prj_filename )
      && !wxFileName( prj_filename ).GetFullName().IsSameAs( nameless_prj ) )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
                "KiCad project file '%s' not found" ),
                GetChars( prj_filename ) );

        DisplayError( this, msg );

    // Either this is the first time kicad has been run or one of the projects in the
    // history list is no longer valid.  This prevents kicad from automatically creating
    // a noname.pro file in the same folder as the kicad binary.
    if( wxFileName( prj_filename ).GetFullName().IsSameAs( nameless_prj ) && !newProject )
        m_active_project = false;
        m_MessagesBox->SetValue( _( "To proceed, you can use the File menu to start a new project." ) );
        m_active_project = true;

    Prj().ConfigLoad( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    title = L"KiCad \u2014 " + prj_filename;

    if( !wxFileName( prj_filename ).IsDirWritable() )
        title += _( " [Read Only]" );
        SetMruPath( Prj().GetProjectPath() );    // Only set MRU path if we have write access.

    SetTitle( title );

    if( !prj_filename.IsSameAs( nameless_prj ) )
        UpdateFileHistory( prj_filename, &PgmTop().GetFileHistory() );


    // Rebuild the list of watched paths.
    // however this is possible only when the main loop event handler is running,
    // so we use it to run the rebuild function.

    wxPostEvent( this, cmd );
