Ejemplo n.º 1
void FlagObject::ReturnToFlagStand()
	// If we're already in our flag stand, just return...

	if (m_bInStand) return;

	// Set our "stand" position...

	DRotation rTemp;
	g_pServerDE->SetupEuler(&rTemp, 1, 1, 1);
	g_pServerDE->SetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rTemp);

	g_pServerDE->SetObjectPos(m_hObject, &m_vStand);
	g_pServerDE->SetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &m_rStand);

	// Play a cool respawn sound...

	char* sSound = "sounds_multipatch\\CtfFlagRespawn.WAV";
	PlaySoundFromPos(&m_vStand, sSound, 2000.0f, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_MEDIUM, DFALSE, DFALSE, DFALSE);

	// Flag that we are back in our stand...

	m_bInStand    = DTRUE;
	m_bOnGround   = DFALSE;
	m_bWithPlayer = DFALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PickupObject::PickedUp (HMESSAGEREAD hRead)
	// get the override respawn time - if it's -1.0, use the default

	float nRespawn = g_pServerDE->ReadFromMessageFloat (hRead);
	if (nRespawn == -1.0f) nRespawn = m_fRespawnTime;

	// make the item invisible for the correct amount of time

	DDWORD dwFlags = g_pServerDE->GetObjectFlags(m_hObject);
	g_pServerDE->SetObjectFlags(m_hObject, dwFlags & ~FLAG_VISIBLE & ~FLAG_TOUCH_NOTIFY );

	if( nRespawn <= 0.0f || g_pBloodServerShell->GetGameType() == GAMETYPE_SINGLE)
		g_pServerDE->RemoveObject( m_hObject );
		g_pServerDE->SetNextUpdate(m_hObject, (DFLOAT) nRespawn);

	// Let the world know what happened...
	if (m_szPickupSound)
		DVector vPos;
		g_pServerDE->GetObjectPos( m_hObject, &vPos );
		PlaySoundFromPos( &vPos, m_szPickupSound, 300.0f, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_HIGH);

	// if we're supposed to trigger something, trigger it here
	if (m_hstrPickupTriggerTarget && m_hstrPickupTriggerMessage)
		SendTriggerMsgToObjects(this, m_hstrPickupTriggerTarget, m_hstrPickupTriggerMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 3
DDWORD Cat::ObjectMessageFn(HOBJECT hSender, DDWORD messageID, HMESSAGEREAD hRead)
		case MID_DAMAGE:
			CServerDE* pServerDE = GetServerDE();
			if (!pServerDE) break;
			DVector vDir;
			pServerDE->ReadFromMessageVector(hRead, &vDir);
			DFLOAT fDamage   = pServerDE->ReadFromMessageFloat(hRead);
			DamageType eType = (DamageType)pServerDE->ReadFromMessageByte(hRead);
			HOBJECT hHeHitMe = pServerDE->ReadFromMessageObject(hRead);

			if (eType == DT_SQUEAKY)
				if (m_hstrSqueakedAtSound)
					char* pSound = pServerDE->GetStringData(m_hstrSqueakedAtSound);
					if (pSound) PlaySoundFromObject(m_hObject, pSound, m_fSoundRadius, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_MEDIUM );

				// If we're supposed to trigger something, trigger it here
				if (m_hstrSqueakyTarget && m_hstrSqueakyMessage)
					SendTriggerMsgToObjects(this, m_hstrSqueakyTarget, m_hstrSqueakyMessage);
				if (m_hstrDeathSound)
					DVector vPos;
					pServerDE->GetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPos);
					char* pSound = pServerDE->GetStringData(m_hstrDeathSound);
					if (pSound) PlaySoundFromPos(&vPos, pSound, m_fSoundRadius, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_MEDIUM );

				if (m_hstrDeathTriggerTarget && m_hstrDeathTriggerMessage)
					SendTriggerMsgToObjects(this, m_hstrDeathTriggerTarget, m_hstrDeathTriggerMessage);


		default : break;

	return InventoryItem::ObjectMessageFn(hSender, messageID, hRead);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Explosion::CreateExplosion(DVector *pvPos)
	if (!g_pServerDE) return;

	ObjectCreateStruct ocStruct;
	ocStruct.m_Flags = FLAG_VISIBLE;
	VEC_COPY(ocStruct.m_Pos, *pvPos);

//	DRotation rRot;
//	g_pServerDE->GetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);
//	ROT_COPY(ocStruct.m_Rotation, rRot);
	DFLOAT fPitch	= g_pServerDE->Random(-MATH_PI, MATH_PI);
	DFLOAT fYaw		= g_pServerDE->Random(-MATH_PI, MATH_PI);
	DFLOAT fRoll	= g_pServerDE->Random(-MATH_PI, MATH_PI);
	g_pServerDE->SetupEuler(&ocStruct.m_Rotation, fPitch, fYaw, fRoll);

	if (m_hstrModelName) _mbscpy((unsigned char*)ocStruct.m_Filename, (const unsigned char*)g_pServerDE->GetStringData(m_hstrModelName));
	else _mbscpy((unsigned char*)ocStruct.m_Filename, (const unsigned char*)szDefExplosionModel );

	if (m_hstrSkinName)	_mbscpy((unsigned char*)ocStruct.m_SkinName, (const unsigned char*)g_pServerDE->GetStringData(m_hstrSkinName));
	else _mbscpy((unsigned char*)ocStruct.m_SkinName, (const unsigned char*)szDefExplosionSkin );

	// Create the explosion model
	HCLASS hClass = g_pServerDE->GetClass("CModelObject");
	if (!hClass) return;

	CModelObject* pImpact = (CModelObject*)g_pServerDE->CreateObject(hClass, &ocStruct);
	if (!pImpact) return;

	// Initialize the object...
	pImpact->Setup(m_fDuration, &m_vRotation, DFALSE, DTRUE);
	m_hModel = pImpact->m_hObject;

	// Gouraud shade and make full bright...
	DDWORD dwFlags = g_pServerDE->GetObjectFlags(m_hModel);
	g_pServerDE->SetObjectFlags(m_hModel, dwFlags | FLAG_MODELGOURAUDSHADE | FLAG_NOLIGHT);
	g_pServerDE->SetObjectColor(m_hModel, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	if (m_bCreateLight) CreateLight(pvPos);
	if (m_bCreateShockwave) AddShockwave(pvPos);
	if (m_bCreateMark) 	CreateMark(pvPos);
	if (m_bCreateSmoke) CreateSmoke(pvPos);
//	CreateFX(pvPos);

	// Play sound
	DVector vPos;
	g_pServerDE->GetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPos);
	if ( m_hstrSound )
		char* pSound = g_pServerDE->GetStringData(m_hstrSound);
		if (pSound) PlaySoundFromPos(&vPos, pSound, m_fSoundRadius, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_HIGH );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CClientExplosionSFX::SetupFX()
	CServerDE* pServerDE = GetServerDE();
	if (!pServerDE) return;

	HMESSAGEWRITE hMessage = pServerDE->StartInstantSpecialEffectMessage(&m_vPos);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageByte(hMessage, SFX_EXPLOSIONFX_ID);

	pServerDE->WriteToMessageVector(hMessage, &m_vPos);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageVector(hMessage, &m_vNormal);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageDWord(hMessage, m_nType);


	DamageObjectsInRadius(m_hObject, NULL, m_vPos, m_fDamageRadius, m_fDamage);
	if (m_hstrSound)
		PlaySoundFromPos(&m_vPos, pServerDE->GetStringData(m_hstrSound), 1000.0f, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_HIGH );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CProjectile::AddExplosion(DVector vPos, DVector vNormal)
	CServerDE* pServerDE = BaseClass::GetServerDE();
	if (!pServerDE) return;

	DVector		vUp;
	VEC_SET(vUp, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

	HMESSAGEWRITE hMessage = pServerDE->StartInstantSpecialEffectMessage(&vPos);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageByte(hMessage, SFX_EXPLOSIONFX_ID);

	pServerDE->WriteToMessageVector(hMessage, &vPos);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageVector(hMessage, &vUp);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageDWord(hMessage, nType);


	PlaySoundFromPos(&vPos, "Sounds\\Weapons\\c4\\explosion_1.wav", 1000.0f, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_MEDIUM);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CDebris::AddExplosion(DVector &vPos)
	CServerDE* pServerDE = BaseClass::GetServerDE();
	if (!pServerDE) return;

	DVector		vUp;
	VEC_SET(vUp, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

	HMESSAGEWRITE hMessage = pServerDE->StartInstantSpecialEffectMessage(&vPos);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageByte(hMessage, SFX_EXPLOSIONFX_ID);

	pServerDE->WriteToMessageVector(hMessage, &vPos);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageVector(hMessage, &vUp);
	pServerDE->WriteToMessageDWord(hMessage, nType);


	PlaySoundFromPos(&vPos, "Sounds\\Weapons\\c4\\explosion_1.wav", 1000.0f, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_MEDIUM);

	// Do some damage
	if (m_fExplodeDamage && m_fDamageRadius)
		DamageObjectsInRadius(m_hObject, pServerDE->HandleToObject(m_hObject), vPos, m_fDamageRadius, m_fExplodeDamage, DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLODE);
Ejemplo n.º 8
DBOOL CShellCasingFX::Update()
	if (!m_hObject || !m_pClientDE) 
		return DFALSE;

	if (m_pClientDE->GetTime() > m_fExpireTime) 
		return DFALSE;

	if (m_bInVisible)
		m_bInVisible = DFALSE;
		m_pClientDE->SetObjectFlags(m_hObject, FLAG_VISIBLE);

	if (m_bResting) return DTRUE;

	DRotation rRot;

	// If velocity slows enough, and we're on the ground, just stop bouncing and just wait to expire.

	if (m_movingObj.m_PhysicsFlags & MO_RESTING)
		m_bResting = DTRUE;

		// Stop the spinning...

		m_pClientDE->SetupEuler(&rRot, 0, m_fYaw, 0);
		m_pClientDE->SetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);	
		// Shell is at rest, we can add a check here to see if we really want
		// to keep it around depending on detail settings...

		HLOCALOBJ hObjs[1];
		DDWORD nNumFound, nBogus;
		m_pClientDE->FindObjectsInSphere(&m_movingObj.m_Pos, 64.0f, hObjs, 1, &nBogus, &nNumFound);

		// Remove thyself...
		if (nNumFound > 15) return DFALSE;
		if (m_fPitchVel != 0 || m_fYawVel != 0)
			DFLOAT fDeltaTime = m_pClientDE->GetFrameTime();

			m_fPitch += m_fPitchVel * fDeltaTime;
			m_fYaw   += m_fYawVel * fDeltaTime;

			m_pClientDE->SetupEuler(&rRot, m_fPitch, m_fYaw, 0.0f);
			m_pClientDE->SetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);	

	DVector vNewPos;
	if (UpdateMovingObject(DNULL, &m_movingObj, &vNewPos))
		ClientIntersectInfo info;
		SurfaceType eType = SURFTYPE_UNKNOWN;
		if (BounceMovingObject(DNULL, &m_movingObj, &vNewPos, &info, &eType))
			if (m_nBounceCount > 0)
				char sType[10];
				char sFile[MAX_CS_FILENAME_LEN];
//					case SURFTYPE_FLESH:	_mbscpy((unsigned char*)sType, (const unsigned char*)"Flesh"); break;
					case SURFTYPE_GLASS:	_mbscpy((unsigned char*)sType, (const unsigned char*)"Glass"); break;
					case SURFTYPE_METAL:	_mbscpy((unsigned char*)sType, (const unsigned char*)"Metal"); break;
					case SURFTYPE_PLASTIC:	_mbscpy((unsigned char*)sType, (const unsigned char*)"Plastic"); break;
					case SURFTYPE_TERRAIN:	_mbscpy((unsigned char*)sType, (const unsigned char*)"Terrain"); break;
					case SURFTYPE_LIQUID:	_mbscpy((unsigned char*)sType, (const unsigned char*)"Water"); break;
					case SURFTYPE_WOOD:		_mbscpy((unsigned char*)sType, (const unsigned char*)"Wood"); break;
					case SURFTYPE_STONE: 
					default:				_mbscpy((unsigned char*)sType, (const unsigned char*)"Stone"); break;

				sprintf(sFile, "Sounds\\Weapons\\ShellDrops\\%s\\Shell%d.wav", sType, GetRandom(1, 2));

				PlaySoundFromPos(&vNewPos, sFile, 150.0f, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_LOW);

			// Adjust the bouncing..

			m_fPitchVel = GetRandom(-MATH_CIRCLE * 2, MATH_CIRCLE * 2);
			m_fYawVel	= GetRandom(-MATH_CIRCLE * 2, MATH_CIRCLE * 2);


			if (m_nBounceCount <= 0)
				m_movingObj.m_PhysicsFlags |= MO_RESTING;

		VEC_COPY(m_movingObj.m_Pos, vNewPos);

		if (m_pClientDE->GetPointStatus(&vNewPos) == DE_OUTSIDE)
 			return DFALSE;

		m_pClientDE->SetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vNewPos);

	return DTRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
LTBOOL CParticleExplosionFX::Update()
    if (!m_hObject || !m_pClientDE) return LTFALSE;

    if (!CBaseParticleSystemFX::Update()) return LTFALSE;

    LTFLOAT fTime = m_pClientDE->GetTime();

    if (m_bFirstUpdate)
        m_bFirstUpdate = LTFALSE;
        m_fStartTime   = fTime;
        m_fLastTime	   = fTime;

    // Check to see if we should start fading the system...

    if (fTime > m_fStartTime + m_fFadeTime)
        LTFLOAT fEndTime = m_fStartTime + m_fLifeTime;
        if (fTime > fEndTime)
            return LTFALSE;

        LTFLOAT fScale = (fEndTime - fTime) / (m_fLifeTime - m_fFadeTime);

        LTFLOAT r, g, b, a;
        m_pClientDE->GetObjectColor(m_hObject, &r, &g, &b, &a);
        m_pClientDE->SetObjectColor(m_hObject, r, g, b, fScale);

    // See if it is time to create a new Particle puff...

    if (fTime >= m_fLastTime + m_fOffsetTime)
        // Loop over our list of emmitters, creating new particles...

        for (int i=0; i < m_nNumEmmitters; i++)
            if (m_ActiveEmmitters[i])

        m_fLastTime = fTime;

    // Loop over our list of emmitters, updating the position of each

    for (int i=0; i < m_nNumEmmitters; i++)
        if (m_ActiveEmmitters[i])
            LTBOOL bBounced = LTFALSE;
            if (bBounced = UpdateEmmitter(&m_Emmitters[i]))
                if (!(m_Emmitters[i].m_PhysicsFlags & MO_LIQUID) && (m_hDebris[i]))
                    char* pSound = GetDebrisBounceSound(DBT_STONE_BIG);

                    // Play appropriate sound...

                    PlaySoundFromPos(&m_Emmitters[i].m_Pos, pSound, 300.0f,


                if (m_BounceCount[i] <= 0)
                    m_Emmitters[i].m_PhysicsFlags |= MO_RESTING;

            if (m_Emmitters[i].m_PhysicsFlags & MO_RESTING)
                m_ActiveEmmitters[i] = LTFALSE;
                if (m_hDebris[i])
                    m_hDebris[i] = LTNULL;
            else if (m_hDebris[i])
                m_pClientDE->SetObjectPos(m_hDebris[i], &(m_Emmitters[i].m_Pos));

                if (m_bRotateDebris)
                    if (bBounced)
                        // Adjust due to the bounce...

                        m_fPitchVel = GetRandom(-MATH_CIRCLE, MATH_CIRCLE);
                        m_fYawVel	= GetRandom(-MATH_CIRCLE, MATH_CIRCLE);

                    if (m_fPitchVel != 0 || m_fYawVel != 0)
                        LTFLOAT fDeltaTime = m_pClientDE->GetFrameTime();

                        m_fPitch += m_fPitchVel * fDeltaTime;
                        m_fYaw   += m_fYawVel * fDeltaTime;

                        LTRotation rRot;
                        m_pClientDE->Common()->SetupEuler(rRot, m_fPitch, m_fYaw, 0.0f);
                        m_pClientDE->SetObjectRotation(m_hDebris[i], &rRot);

    return LTTRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void SoccerBall::Update( )
	DVector vVel, vAccel, vAccelAdd, vPos, vForward, vCross, vTemp, vTemp2;
	CollisionInfo collInfo;
	float fVelMag, fDistTraveled, fTime, fRotAmount, fExp;
	DRotation rRot;

	g_pServerDE->GetObjectPos( m_hObject, &vPos );
	g_pServerDE->GetVelocity( m_hObject, &vVel );
	fVelMag = VEC_MAG( vVel );
	fTime = g_pServerDE->GetTime( );

	// Remove the ball if it's been sitting around for a while.
	if( fTime > m_fRespawnTime )
		g_pServerDE->RemoveObject( m_hObject );

	// Update the on ground info
	g_pServerDE->GetStandingOn( m_hObject, &collInfo );
	m_bOnGround = ( collInfo.m_hObject ) ? DTRUE : DFALSE;
	if( m_bOnGround )
		m_fLastTimeOnGround = fTime;

	// Get how far we've traveled.
	VEC_SUB( vForward, vPos, m_vLastPos );
	fDistTraveled = VEC_MAG( vForward );
	VEC_COPY( m_vLastPos, vPos );

	// Rotate the ball
	if( fDistTraveled > 0.0f )
		VEC_MULSCALAR( vForward, vForward, 1.0f / fDistTraveled );

		if( m_bOnGround )
			VEC_COPY( m_vLastNormal, collInfo.m_Plane.m_Normal );
			VEC_CROSS( vCross, vForward, m_vLastNormal );
			fRotAmount = VEC_MAG( vCross ) * fDistTraveled / m_fRadius;
			VEC_CROSS( vCross, vForward, m_vLastNormal );
			fRotAmount = VEC_MAG( vCross ) * fDistTraveled / m_fRadius;

		if( fRotAmount > 0.0f )
			VEC_NORM( vCross );
			g_pServerDE->GetObjectRotation( m_hObject, &rRot );
			g_pServerDE->RotateAroundAxis( &rRot, &vCross, fRotAmount );
			g_pServerDE->SetObjectRotation( m_hObject, &rRot );

	// Adjust the velocity and accel
	if( fVelMag < MINBALLVEL )
		VEC_INIT( vVel );
		g_pServerDE->SetVelocity( m_hObject, &vVel );
	else if( fVelMag > MAXBALLVEL )
		VEC_MULSCALAR( vVel, vVel, MAXBALLVEL / fVelMag );				
		g_pServerDE->SetVelocity( m_hObject, &vVel );
		// new velocity is given by:		v = ( a / k ) + ( v_0 - a / k ) * exp( -k * t )
		g_pServerDE->GetAcceleration( m_hObject, &vAccel );
		fExp = ( float )exp( -BALLDRAG * g_pServerDE->GetFrameTime( ));
		VEC_SUB( vTemp2, vVel, vTemp );
		VEC_MULSCALAR( vTemp2, vTemp2, fExp );
		VEC_ADD( vVel, vTemp2, vTemp );
		g_pServerDE->SetVelocity( m_hObject, &vVel );

	// Make sure we're rolling if we're on a slope.  This counteracts the way the
	// engine stops objects on slopes.
	if( m_bOnGround )
		if( collInfo.m_Plane.m_Normal.y < 0.9f && fabs( vVel.y ) < 50.0f )
			g_pServerDE->GetGlobalForce( &vAccelAdd );
			vAccel.y += vAccelAdd.y * 0.5f;
			g_pServerDE->SetAcceleration( m_hObject, &vAccel );

	// Play a bounce sound if enough time has elapsed
	if( m_bBounced )
		if( fTime > m_fLastBounceTime + TIMEBETWEENBOUNCESOUNDS )
			// Play a bounce sound...
			PlaySoundFromPos( &vPos, "Sounds_ao\\events\\soccerball.wav", 750, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_MEDIUM );

		m_bBounced = DFALSE;

	g_pServerDE->SetNextUpdate( m_hObject, 0.001f );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void SoccerGoal::OnTouchNotify( HOBJECT hObj )
	CollisionInfo colInfo;
	DVector vBallVel;
	DBOOL bGoal;
	SoccerBall *pSoccerBall;
	DVector vPos, vDir, vDims;
	HOBJECT hPlayer;
	LMessage *pMsg;
	if( g_pServerDE->IsKindOf( g_pServerDE->GetObjectClass(hObj), m_hSoccerBall ))
		pSoccerBall = ( SoccerBall * )g_pServerDE->HandleToObject( hObj );
		if( !pSoccerBall )

		// Already recorded this goal.  Ball should delete itself soon.
		if( pSoccerBall->IsMadeGoal( ))

		// Ball has to enter from correct side for directional goals
		if( m_bDirectional )
			// Assume no goal
			bGoal = DFALSE;

			g_pServerDE->GetVelocity( hObj, &vBallVel );

			// Check if going in the right direction
			if( VEC_DOT( vBallVel, m_vGoalDirection ) > 0.0f )
				bGoal = DTRUE;
			bGoal = DTRUE;

		if( bGoal )
			if(( hPlayer = pSoccerBall->GetLastPlayerTouched( )) == DNULL )
			// Send message to player and ball
			if( g_pServerDE->Common( )->CreateMessage( pMsg ) != LT_OK )
			pMsg->WriteByte( m_nTeamID );
			g_pServerDE->SendToObject( *pMsg, MID_GOAL, m_hObject, hPlayer, 0 );
			g_pServerDE->SendToObject( *pMsg, MID_GOAL, m_hObject, hObj, 0 );


			// Create special effects
			g_pServerDE->GetObjectPos( hObj, &vPos );
			g_pServerDE->GetVelocity( hObj, &vDir );
			VEC_MULSCALAR( vDir, vDir, -1.0f );
			VEC_SET( vDims, 25.0f, 25.0f, 25.0f );
			SetupClientGibFX( &vPos, &vDir, &vDims, ( SURFTYPE_FLESH/10 ) | SIZE_SMALL | TRAIL_BLOOD, 1.0f, 5 );

			// Play the sound
			if( m_hstrScoreSound )
				g_pServerDE->GetObjectPos( m_hObject, &vPos );
				PlaySoundFromPos( &vPos, g_pServerDE->GetStringData( m_hstrScoreSound ), m_fRadius, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_MEDIUM );

			SendTrigger( );
Ejemplo n.º 12
DBOOL PickupObject::Update(DVector* pMovement)
	if (!g_pServerDE) return DFALSE;

	// Only need update for bouncers...

	if (m_bBouncing)
		g_pServerDE->SetNextUpdate(m_hObject, 0.001f);
		g_pServerDE->SetNextUpdate(m_hObject, 0.0f);

	DDWORD dwFlags = g_pServerDE->GetObjectFlags(m_hObject);
	// If we aren't visible we've been hit and we're now respawning...
	if (!(dwFlags & FLAG_VISIBLE))
		g_pServerDE->SetObjectFlags(m_hObject, m_dwFlags );
		if (m_szRespawnSound)
			DVector vPos;
			g_pServerDE->GetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPos);
			PlaySoundFromPos( &vPos, m_szRespawnSound, 300.0f, SOUNDPRIORITY_MISC_HIGH);

	// Check if we've been bouncing...
	if( m_bBouncing )
		DVector vVel;
		g_pServerDE->GetVelocity( m_hObject, &vVel );

		// Check if bounce almost done...
		if( fabs( vVel.y ) < 1.0f && fabs( m_fBounce ) < 1.0f )
			DVector vZero;
			VEC_INIT( vZero );
			m_fBounce = 0.0f;
			m_bBouncing = DFALSE;
			g_pServerDE->SetObjectPos( m_hObject, &m_vRestPos );
			g_pServerDE->SetVelocity( m_hObject, &vZero );
			g_pServerDE->SetAcceleration( m_hObject, &vZero );
		// Continue bouncing...
			DVector vAccel, vPos;

			g_pServerDE->GetObjectPos( m_hObject, &vPos );
			VEC_SET( vAccel, 0.0f, m_fBounce, 0.0f );
			g_pServerDE->SetAcceleration( m_hObject, &vAccel );

			m_fBounce = ( 50.0f ) * ( m_vRestPos.y - vPos.y ) - ( 3.0f ) * vVel.y;

	return DTRUE;