Ejemplo n.º 1
void new_TrackValHistoPublisher(const char* newFile="NEW_FILE",const char* refFile="REF_FILE") {

  cout << ">> Starting new_TrackValHistoPublisher(" 
       << newFile << "," << refFile << ")..." << endl;

  //====  To be replaced from python ====================
  const char* dataType = "DATATYPE";
  const char* refLabel("REF_LABEL, REF_RELEASE REFSELECTION");
  const char* newLabel("NEW_LABEL, NEW_RELEASE NEWSELECTION");

  // ==== Initial settings and loads
  gROOT ->SetBatch();
  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning; // Get rid of the info messages

  // ==== Some cleaning... is this needed?  
  delete gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(refFile);
  delete gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(newFile); 
  // ==== Opening files, moving to the right branch and getting the list of sub-branches
  cout << ">> Opening files, moving to the right branch and getting the list of sub-branches..." << endl;

  cout << ">> Finding new DQM file ..." << endl;
  TFile * sfile = new TFile(newFile);
  TList* sl = GetListOfBranches(dataType, sfile);

  if (!sl) {
    cout << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
    cerr << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
  TDirectory*  sdir  = gDirectory;

  if (DEBUG) {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sl->GetEntries(); i++)
      cout << "   + " << sl->At(i)->GetName() << endl;
  cout << ">> Finding reference DQM file ..." << endl;
  TFile * rfile = new TFile(refFile);
  TList* rl = GetListOfBranches(dataType, rfile);

  if (!rl) {
    cout << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
    cerr << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
  TDirectory* rdir  = gDirectory;

  if (DEBUG) {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rl->GetEntries(); i++)
      cout << "   + " << rl->At(i)->GetName() << endl;

  //==== Iterate now over histograms and collections
  cout << ">> Iterating over histograms and collections..." << endl;

  bool logy[6]     = {false,  false,  false,  false,   false,  false  };
  bool logx[6]     = {false,  false,  false,  false,   false,  false  };
  bool doKolmo[6]  = {true,   true,   true,   true,    true,   true };
  Double_t norm[6] =  {-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.};  // initial default: do not normalize
  Double_t minx[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  Double_t maxx[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  Double_t miny[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  Double_t maxy[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  const char* drawopt[6] = {"", "", "", "", "", ""};
  TString plots[6]       = {"", "", "", "", "", ""};
  TString titles[6]      = {"", "", "", "", "", ""};

  TString rcollname;
  TString scollname;
  TIter iter_r( rl );
  TIter iter_s( sl );
  TKey* rKey = 0;

  // before CMSSW_10_1_0_pre1 a few collection names were different
  bool NEWcollNames = false;
  TString Ref_CMSSW_Release("REF_RELEASE");
  if (Ref_CMSSW_Release.Contains("CMSSW_9") || Ref_CMSSW_Release.Contains("CMSSW_10_0")) NEWcollNames=true;

  while ( (rKey = (TKey*)iter_r()) ) {
    TString myName = rKey->GetName();
    rcollname = myName;
    if (DEBUG) {
      cout << " Checking collection: " << myName << endl;
      cerr << " Checking collection: " << myName << endl;

    TString myName2 = myName;
    if (NEWcollNames) {
      if (myName=="NEWprobeTrks") myName2="probeTrks";
      else if (myName=="NEWprobeTrks_TkAsso") myName2="probeTrks_TkAsso";
      else if (myName=="NEWseedsOfSTAmuons") myName2="seedsOfSTAmuons";
      else if (myName=="NEWseedsOfDisplacedSTAmuons") myName2="seedsOfDisplacedSTAmuons";
      else if (myName=="NEWcutsRecoTrkMuons") myName2="cutsRecoTrkMuons";
      else if (myName=="NEWextractGemMuons") myName2="extractGemMuons";
      else if (myName=="NEWextractMe0Muons") myName2="extractMe0Muons";
    scollname = myName2;
    if (DEBUG) {
      cout << " Comparing " << rcollname << " and " << scollname << endl;
      cerr << " Comparing " << rcollname << " and " << scollname << endl;

    // ==== Now let's go for the plotting...
    TString newDir = newDirBase+myName2;
    cout<<"creating directory: "<<newDir<<endl;
    // efficiency and fake rate Vs eta and phi
    plots[0]="effic_vs_eta"    ; titles[0]="Efficiency vs #eta";
    plots[1]="fakerate_vs_eta" ; titles[1]="Fake rate vs #eta" ;
    plots[2]="effic_vs_phi"    ; titles[2]="Efficiency vs #phi" ;
    plots[3]="fakerate_vs_phi" ; titles[3]="Fake rate vs #phi" ;
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/eff_eta_phi",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "eff_eta_phi", "Efficiency vs eta and Vs phi",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);     

    // efficiency and fake rate Vs pt
    plots[0]="effic_vs_pt"    ; titles[0]="Efficiency vs pt";
    plots[1]="fakerate_vs_pt" ; titles[1]="Fake rate vs pt" ;
    plots[2]="num_simul_pT"   ; titles[2]="N of simulated tracks vs pt" ;
    plots[3]="num_reco_pT"    ; titles[3]="N of reco track vs pt" ;



    norm[0]= -1.;
    norm[1]= -1.;
    norm[2]= 2.;
    norm[3]= 2.;

    miny[0]= -0.0001;
    miny[1]= -0.0001;
    miny[2]= 0.;
    miny[3]= 0.;

    maxy[0]= 1.09;
    maxy[1]= 0.;
    maxy[2]= 0.;
    maxy[3]= 0.;

    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/eff_pt",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "eff_pt", "Efficiency vs pt and sim,reco distributions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);     

    // efficiency and fake rate vs Number of Hits; Hit multiplicity per track; Ave.N.hits vs eta
    plots[0]="effic_vs_hit"      ; titles[0]="Efficiency vs Number of hits";
    plots[1]="fakerate_vs_hit"   ; titles[1]="Fake rate vs Number of hits" ;
    plots[2]="nhits"             ; titles[2]="number of hits per track" ;
    plots[3]="nhits_vs_eta_prof" ; titles[3]="mean number of Hits vs eta" ;


    norm[0]= -1.;
    norm[1]= -1.;
    norm[2]=  0.;
    norm[3]= -1.;

    miny[0]= -0.0001;
    miny[1]= -0.0001;
    miny[2]= 0.;
    miny[3]= 0.;

    maxy[0]= 1.09;
    maxy[1]= 0.;
    maxy[2]= 0.;
    maxy[3]= 0.;

    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/eff_hits",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "eff_hits", "Efficiency vs Number of hits and hit multiplicity per track",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);
    // efficiency and fake rate vs PU
    plots[0]="effic_vs_pu"      ; titles[0]="Efficiency vs n.PU interactions";
    plots[1]="fakerate_vs_pu"   ; titles[1]="Fake rate vs n.PU interactions" ;

    //maxx[0]= 100.;
    //maxx[1]= 100.;

    miny[0]= -0.0001;
    miny[1]=  0.;

    maxy[0]= 1.09;
    maxy[1]= 0.;

    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/eff_pu",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "eff_pu", "Efficiency vs n.PU interactions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);     
    // skip other plots for seeds
    if (!scollname.Contains("seeds")) {

    //===== normalized chi2, chi2 probability, ave. norm. chi2 vs eta; ave. pt bias vs eta
    plots[0]="chi2"              ; titles[0]="Track #chi^{2}";
    plots[1]="chi2prob"          ; titles[1]="Probability of track #chi^{2}";
    plots[2]="chi2_vs_eta_prof"  ; titles[2]="Mean normalized #chi^{2} vs #eta" ;


    norm[0]= -1.;
    norm[1]=  2.;
    norm[2]= -1.;

    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/chi2",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "chi2", "chi2 distributions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);
    //===== pull distributions
    plots[0]="ptpull"     ; titles[0]="p_{T} Pull";
    plots[1]="qoverppull" ; titles[1]="q/p Pull" ;
    plots[2]="phipull"    ; titles[2]="#phi Pull" ;
    plots[3]="thetapull"  ; titles[3]="#theta Pull" ;
    plots[4]="dxypull"    ; titles[4]="dxy Pull" ;
    plots[5]="dzpull"     ; titles[5]="dz Pull" ;



    norm[0]= 2.;
    norm[1]= 2.;
    norm[2]= 2.;
    norm[3]= 2.;
    norm[4]= 2.;
    norm[5]= 2.;

    Plot6Histograms(newDir + "/pulls",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "pulls", "pull distributions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);     
    //===== residual distributions (projected on Y-axis from the 2D histos with residuals vs eta)
    plots[0]="ptres_vs_eta"       ; titles[0]="p_{T} Relative Residual";
    plots[1]="etares_vs_eta"      ; titles[1]="#eta Residual" ;
    plots[2]="phires_vs_eta"      ; titles[2]="#phi Residual" ;
    plots[3]="thetaCotres_vs_eta" ; titles[3]="cot(#theta) Residual" ;
    plots[4]="dxyres_vs_eta"      ; titles[4]="dxy Residual" ;
    plots[5]="dzres_vs_eta"       ; titles[5]="dz Residual" ;



    norm[0]= 2.;
    norm[1]= 2.;
    norm[2]= 2.;
    norm[3]= 2.;
    norm[4]= 2.;
    norm[5]= 2.;

    Plot6Histograms(newDir + "/residuals",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "residuals", "residual distributions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);      
    //===== resolutions vs eta; pt relative bias vs eta
    plots[0]="phires_vs_eta_Sigma"      ; titles[0]="width #phi Residual vs #eta";
    plots[1]="thetaCotres_vs_eta_Sigma" ; titles[1]="width cot(#theta) Residual vs #eta" ;
    plots[2]="dxyres_vs_eta_Sigma"      ; titles[2]="width dxy Residual vs #eta" ;
    plots[3]="dzres_vs_eta_Sigma"       ; titles[3]="width dz Residual vs #eta" ;
    plots[4]="ptres_vs_eta_Sigma"       ; titles[4]="width p_{T} Relative Residual vs #eta" ;
    plots[5]="ptres_vs_eta_Mean"        ; titles[5]="mean p_{T} Relative Residual vs #eta" ;

    Plot6Histograms(newDir + "/resol_eta",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "resol_eta", "resolutions vs eta",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);     

    //===== resolutions vs pt; pt relative bias vs eta
    plots[0]="phires_vs_pt_Sigma"      ; titles[0]="width #phi Residual vs p_{T}";
    plots[1]="thetaCotres_vs_pt_Sigma" ; titles[1]="width cot(#theta) Residual vs p_{T}" ;
    plots[2]="dxyres_vs_pt_Sigma"      ; titles[2]="width dxy Residual vs p_{T}" ;
    plots[3]="dzres_vs_pt_Sigma"       ; titles[3]="width dz Residual vs p_{T}" ;
    plots[4]="ptres_vs_pt_Sigma"       ; titles[4]="width p_{T} Relative Residual vs p_{T}" ;
    plots[5]="ptres_vs_pt_Mean"        ; titles[5]="mean p_{T} Relative Residual vs p_{T}" ;


    Plot6Histograms(newDir + "/resol_pt",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "resol_pt", "resolutions vs pt",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);     

    // ================= charge misid rate vs eta, pt, n.hits, PU
    plots[0]="chargeMisId_vs_eta" ; titles[0]="Charge MisId rate vs #eta";
    plots[1]="chargeMisId_vs_pt"  ; titles[1]="Charge MisID rate vs p_{T}" ;
    plots[2]="chargeMisId_vs_hit" ; titles[2]="Charge MisID rate vs number of RecHits" ;
    plots[3]="chargeMisId_vs_pu"  ; titles[3]="Charge MisID rate vs n.PU interactions" ;


    //maxx[0]= 0.;
    //maxx[1]= 0.;
    //maxx[2]= 0.;
    //maxx[3]= 100.;

    miny[0]= -0.0001;
    miny[1]=  0.;
    miny[2]= -0.0001;
    miny[3]=  0.;

    maxy[0]= 0.;
    maxy[1]= 0.;
    maxy[2]= 0.;
    maxy[3]= 0.;

    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/chargeMisId",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "chargeMisId", "charge misId rate vs eta, pt, nhits, PU",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots, titles, drawopt,
		    logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);     

    } // if (!scollname.Contains("seeds"))

    //// Merge pdf files together and rename the merged pdf after the collection name
    TString mergefile = "merged_plots.pdf"; // File name where partial pdfs will be merged
    TString destfile  = newDir + "/../" + myName + ".pdf"; // Destination file name
    TString gscommand = "gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="  + mergefile + " "
      + newDir + "/eff_eta_phi.pdf "
      + newDir + "/eff_pt.pdf "
      + newDir + "/eff_hits.pdf "
      + newDir + "/eff_pu.pdf "
      + newDir + "/chi2.pdf "
      + newDir + "/pulls.pdf "
      + newDir + "/residuals.pdf "
      + newDir + "/resol_eta.pdf "
      + newDir + "/resol_pt.pdf "
      + newDir + "/chargeMisId.pdf ";

    if (scollname.Contains("seeds"))
      gscommand = "gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="  + mergefile + " "
	+ newDir + "/eff_eta_phi.pdf "
	+ newDir + "/eff_pt.pdf "
	+ newDir + "/eff_hits.pdf "
	+ newDir + "/eff_pu.pdf ";
    cout << ">> Merging partial pdfs to " << mergefile << "..." << endl;
    if (DEBUG) cout << " ...with command \"" << gscommand << "\"" << endl;

    cout << ">> Moving " << mergefile << " to " << destfile << "..." << endl;
    gSystem->Rename(mergefile, destfile);

    cout << ">> Deleting partial pdf files" << endl;
    gSystem->Exec("rm -rf "+newDir+"/*.pdf"); 
    cout << "   ... Done" << endl;
    }  // end of "while loop"

  // comparison plots of Muon and Track associators on the probeTracks

  TString dir_MABH_vs_TABH = newDirBase + "probeTrks_MABH_vs_TABH";
  gSystem->mkdir(dir_MABH_vs_TABH, kTRUE);

  // in case of HLT or HeavyIons skip the following
  TString new_Sample_Name("NEW_LABEL");

  if (TString(dataType) == "HLT" || new_Sample_Name.Contains("_HI")) {
    cout << ">> Removing the relval files from ROOT before closing..." << endl;

    if (DEBUG) {
      cout << " Exiting!" << endl;
      cerr << " Exiting!" << endl;


  if (DEBUG) {
    cout << " Comparing MuonAssociatorByHits with quickTrackAssociatorByHits on probeTracks (for the new release)" << endl;
    cerr << " Comparing MuonAssociatorByHits with quickTrackAssociatorByHits on probeTracks (for the new release)" << endl;
  sfile->cd("DQMData/Run 1/Muons/Run summary/RecoMuonV/MuonTrack");
  sdir = gDirectory;
  rcollname = "probeTrks_TkAsso";
  scollname = "probeTrks";

  // for releases before CMSSW_10_1_0_pre1 and New Muon Validation
  TString New_CMSSW_Release("NEW_RELEASE");
  bool NEWprobeTrksNames = false;
  if (New_CMSSW_Release.Contains("CMSSW_9") || New_CMSSW_Release.Contains("CMSSW_10_0")) NEWprobeTrksNames=true;
  if (NEWprobeTrksNames) {
    rcollname = "NEWprobeTrks_TkAsso";
    scollname = "NEWprobeTrks";

  const char* _refLabel("NEW_LABEL, NEW_RELEASE NEWSELECTION quickTrackAssociatorByHits");
  const char* _newLabel("NEW_LABEL, NEW_RELEASE NEWSELECTION MuonAssociatorByHits");

  // efficiency and fake rate Vs eta and phi
  plots[0]="effic_vs_eta"    ; titles[0]="Efficiency vs #eta";
  plots[1]="fakerate_vs_eta" ; titles[1]="Fake rate vs #eta" ;
  plots[2]="effic_vs_pt"     ; titles[2]="Efficiency vs pt" ;
  plots[3]="fakerate_vs_pt"  ; titles[3]="Fake rate vs pt" ;



  Plot4Histograms(dir_MABH_vs_TABH + "/eff_pt_eta",
		  sdir, sdir,
		  rcollname, scollname,
		  "eff_pt_eta_MABHvsTABH", "Efficiency vs eta and pt - Muon vs Track Associator",
		  _refLabel, _newLabel,
		  plots, titles, drawopt,
		  logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);

  // efficiency and fake rate Vs N.hits and phi
  plots[0]="effic_vs_hit"    ; titles[0]="Efficiency vs Number of hits";
  plots[1]="fakerate_vs_hit" ; titles[1]="Fake rate vs Number of hits" ;
  plots[2]="effic_vs_phi"    ; titles[2]="Efficiency vs #phi" ;
  plots[3]="fakerate_vs_phi" ; titles[3]="Fake rate vs #phi" ;

  Plot4Histograms(dir_MABH_vs_TABH + "/eff_phi_hits",
		  sdir, sdir,
		  rcollname, scollname,
		  "eff_phi_hits_MABHvsTABH", "Efficiency vs phi and N. hits - Muon vs Track Associator",
		  _refLabel, _newLabel,
		  plots, titles, drawopt,
		  logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);
  // efficiency and fake rate Vs PU
  plots[0]="effic_vs_pu"    ; titles[0]="Efficiency vs n.PU interactions";
  plots[1]="fakerate_vs_pu" ; titles[1]="Fake rate vs  n.PU interactions" ;
  //maxx[0]= 100.;
  //maxx[1]= 100.;
  miny[0]= -0.0001;
  miny[1]=  0.;
  maxy[0]= 1.09;
  maxy[1]= 0.;
  PlotNHistograms(dir_MABH_vs_TABH + "/eff_pu",
		  sdir, sdir,
		  rcollname, scollname,
		  "eff_pu_MABHvsTABH", "Efficiency vs N.PU interactions - Muon vs Track Associator",
		  _refLabel, _newLabel,
		  4, plots, titles, drawopt,
		  logy, logx, doKolmo, norm, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);
  //// Merge pdf files together and rename the merged pdf after the 
  TString _destfile  = newDirBase + "probeTrks_MABH_vs_TABH" + ".pdf"; // Destination file name
  TString _gscommand = "gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="  + _destfile + " "
    + dir_MABH_vs_TABH + "/eff_pt_eta.pdf "
    + dir_MABH_vs_TABH + "/eff_phi_hits.pdf "
    + dir_MABH_vs_TABH + "/eff_pu.pdf ";
  cout << ">> Merging partial pdfs to " << _destfile << "..." << endl;
  if (DEBUG) cout << " ...with command \"" << _gscommand << "\"" << endl;
  cout << ">> Deleting partial pdf files" << endl;
  gSystem->Exec("rm -rf "+ dir_MABH_vs_TABH +"/eff_*.pdf"); 
  cout << "   ... Done" << endl;
  cout << ">> Removing the relval files from ROOT before closing..." << endl;
  if (DEBUG) {
    cout << " Exiting!" << endl;
    cerr << " Exiting!" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void RecoMuonValHistoPublisher(const char* newFile="NEW_FILE",const char* refFile="REF_FILE") {
  cout << ">> Starting RecoMuonValHistoPublisher(" << newFile << "," << refFile << ")..." << endl;

  //====  To be replaced from python ====================
  const char* dataType = "DATATYPE";
  const char* refLabel("REF_LABEL, REF_RELEASE REFSELECTION");
  const char* newLabel("NEW_LABEL, NEW_RELEASE NEWSELECTION");
  const char* fastSim = "IS_FSIM";

  // ==== Initial settings and loads
  //gROOT->ProcessLine(".x HistoCompare_Tracks.C");
  //gROOT ->Reset();
  gROOT ->SetBatch();
  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning; // Get rid of the info messages


  // ==== Some cleaning... is this needed?  
  delete gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(refFile);
  delete gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(newFile); 

  // ==== Opening files, moving to the right branch and getting the list of sub-branches
  cout << ">> Openning file, moving to the right branch and getting sub-branches..." << endl;

  cout << ">> Finding sources..." << endl;
  TFile* sfile = new TFile(newFile);
  TList* sl = getListOfBranches(dataType, sfile, "RecoMuonV");
  if (!sl) {
    cout << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
    cerr << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
  TDirectory*  sdir  = gDirectory;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sl->GetEntries(); i++)
    cout << "   + " << sl->At(i)->GetName() << endl;
  cout << ">> Finding references..." << endl;
  TFile* rfile = new TFile(refFile);
  TList* rl = getListOfBranches(dataType, rfile, "RecoMuonV");
  if (!rl) {
    cout << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
    cerr << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
  TDirectory* rdir  = gDirectory;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sl->GetEntries(); i++)
    cout << "   + " << sl->At(i)->GetName() << endl;

  Float_t maxPT;
  TString File = newFile;
  if (File.Contains("SingleMuPt1000") ||File.Contains("WpM")||File.Contains("ZpMM")   ) maxPT=1400.;
  else if(File.Contains("SingleMuPt10")) {maxPT = 70.;}
  else if (File.Contains("SingleMuPt100")) {maxPT = 400.;}
  else maxPT = 400.;

  TIter iter_r( rl );
  TIter iter_s( sl );
  TKey* rKey = 0;
  TKey* sKey = 0;
  TString rcollname;
  TString scollname;

  while ( (rKey = (TKey*)iter_r()) ) {
    TString myName = rKey->GetName();
#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "DEBUG: Checking key " << myName << endl;
    rcollname = myName;
    sKey = (TKey*)iter_s();
    if (!sKey) continue;
    scollname = sKey->GetName();
    if ( (rcollname != scollname) && (rcollname+"FS" != scollname) && (rcollname != scollname+"FS") ) {
      cerr << "ERROR: Different collection names, please check: " << rcollname << " : " << scollname << endl;
      cout << "ERROR: Different collection names, please check: " << rcollname << " : " << scollname << endl;

    // ==== Now let's go for the plotting...
    cout << ">> Comparing plots in " << myName << "..." << endl;    
    cerr << ">> Comparing plots in " << myName << "..." << endl;    
    bool resolx = false;
    bool *resol = &resolx;
    bool    logy    [] = {false,   false,  false,      false    };
    bool    doKolmo [] = {true,    true,   true,       true     };
    Double_t minx   [] = {-1E100, -1E100,    -1E100,   5.,    -1E100, -1E100 };
    Double_t maxx   [] = {-1E100, -1E100,-1E100, maxPT,  -1E100, -1E100 };
    Double_t norm   [] = {0.,0.,-999.,-999.,0.,0.}; //Normalize to first histogram

   //===== reco muon distributions: GLB
    //TString baseh     = Form("RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Glb%s/",fastSim);

    const char* plots1[] = {"RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Glb/ErrPt", 
    const char* plotst1[] = {"GlobalMuon(GLB) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T}", 
			     "GlobalMuon(GLB) #Delta p/p", 
			     "GlobalMuon(GLB) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(#eta)", 
			     "GlobalMuon(GLB) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(p_{T})"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoGlb.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecHistosGlb", "Distributions for GlobalMuons (GLB)",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots1, plotst1,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm,resol,minx,maxx);
    //==== efficiencies and fractions GLB
    const char* plots2 [] = {"RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Glb/EffP", 
    const char* plotst2[] = {"GlobalMuon(GLB) #epsilon vs. p", 
			     "GlobalMuon(GLB) #epsilon vs. #eta", 
			     "GlobalMuon(GLB) fraction vs. p", 
			     "GlobalMuon(GLB) fraction vs. #eta"};
    Double_t minx1   [] = {5., -1E100,    5.,   -1E100,    -1E100, -1E100 };
    Double_t maxx1   [] = {maxPT, -1E100,maxPT, -1E100,  -1E100, -1E100 };
    Double_t norm2   [] = {-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.}; //Normalize to first histogram 
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoGlbEff.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecEffHistosGlb", "Distributions for GlobalMuons (GLB), efficiencies and fractions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots2, plotst2,
		    logy, doKolmo,norm2,resol,minx1,maxx1);
    //===== reco muon distributions: GLBPF
    baseh             = Form("RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_GlbPF%s/",fastSim);
    const char* plots3[]  = {(baseh + "ErrPt").Data(), (baseh + "ErrP").Data(), 
			     (baseh + "ErrPt_vs_Eta_Sigma").Data(), (baseh + "ErrPt_vs_Pt_Sigma").Data()};   
    const char* plotst3[] = {"PFGlobalMuon(GLBPF) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T}", "PFGlobalMuon(GLBPF) #Delta p/p", 
			     "PFGlobalMuon(GLBPF) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(#eta)", "PFGlobalMuon(GLBPF) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(p_{T})"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoGlbPF.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecHistosGlbPF", "Distributions for PFGlobalMuons (GLBPF)",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots3, plotst3,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm);
    //==== efficiencies and fractions GLBPF
    const char* plots4 [] = {(baseh + "EffP").Data(), (baseh + "EffEta").Data(), 
			     (baseh + "FractP").Data(), (baseh + "FractEta").Data()};   
    const char* plotst4[] = {"PFGlobalMuon(GLBPF) #epsilon vs. p", "PFGlobalMuon(GLBPF) #epsilon vs. #eta", 
			     "PFGlobalMuon(GLBPF) fraction vs. p", "PFGlobalMuon(GLBPF) fraction vs. #eta"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoGlbPFEff.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecEffHistosGlbPF", "Distributions for PFGlobalMuons (GLBPF), efficiencies and fractions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots4, plotst4,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm);
    //===== reco muon distributions: STA
    //baseh             = Form("RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Sta%s/",fastSim);
    const char* plots5 [] = {"RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Sta/ErrPt", 
    const char* plotst5[] = {"StandAloneMuon(STA) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T}", 
			     "StandAloneMuon(STA) #Delta p/p", 
			     "StandAloneMuon(STA) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(#eta)", 
			     "StandAloneMuon(STA) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(p_{T})"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoSta.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecHistosSta", "Distributions for StandAloneMuons (STA)",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots5, plotst5,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm,resol, minx,maxx);
    //==== efficiencies and fractions STA
    const char* plots6 [] = {"RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Sta/EffP", 
    const char* plotst6[] = {"StandAloneMuon(STA) #epsilon vs. p", 
			     "StandAloneMuon(STA) #epsilon vs. #eta", 
			     "StandAloneMuon(STA) fraction vs. p", 
			     "StandAloneMuon(STA) fraction vs. #eta"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoStaEff.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecEffHistosSta", "Distributions for StandAloneMuons (STA), efficiencies and fractions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots6, plotst6,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm2,resol,minx1,maxx1);

   //===== reco muon distributions: TRK
    //baseh             = Form("RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Trk%s/",fastSim);
    const char* plots7 [] = {"RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Trk/ErrPt", 
    const char* plotst7[] = {"TrackerMuon(TRK) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T}", 
			     "TrackerMuon(TRK) #Delta p/p", 
			     "TrackerMuon(TRK) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(#eta)", 
			     "TrackerMuon(TRK) #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(p_{T})"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoTrk.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecHistosTrk", "Distributions for TrackerMuons (TRK)",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots7, plotst7,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm,resol,minx,maxx);

   //==== efficiencies and fractions TRK
    const char* plots8 [] = {"RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Trk/EffP", 
    const char* plotst8[] = {"TrackerMuon(TRK) #epsilon vs. p", 
			     "TrackerMuon(TRK) #epsilon vs. #eta", 
			     "TrackerMuon(TRK) fraction vs. p", 
			     "TrackerMuon(TRK) fraction vs. #eta"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoTrkEff.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecEffHistosTrk", "Distributions for TrackerMuons (TRK), efficiencies and fractions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots8, plotst8,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm2,resol,minx1,maxx1);

    //===== reco muon distributions: Tight Muons
    //baseh             = Form("RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Tgt%s/",fastSim);
    const char* plots9 [] = {"RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Tgt/ErrPt", 
    const char* plotst9[] = {"Tight Muon #Delta p_{T}/p_{T}", 
			     "Tight Muon #Delta p/p", 
			     "Tight Muon #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(#eta)", 
			     "Tight Muon #Delta p_{T}/p_{T} vs #sigma(p_{T})"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoTgt.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecHistosTgt", "Distributions for Tight Muons",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots9, plotst9,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm,resol,minx,maxx);

   //==== efficiencies and fractions Tight Muons
    const char* plots10 [] = {"RecoMuon_MuonAssoc_Tgt/EffP", 
    const char* plotst10[] = {"Tight Muon #epsilon vs. p", 
			      "Tight Muon #epsilon vs. #eta", 
			      "Tight Muon fraction vs. p", 
			      "Tight Muon fraction vs. #eta"};
    Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/muonRecoTgtEff.pdf",
		    rdir, sdir, 
		    rcollname, scollname,
		    "RecEffHistosTgt", "Distributions for Tight Muons, efficiencies and fractions",
		    refLabel, newLabel,
		    plots10, plotst10,
		    logy, doKolmo, norm2,resol,minx1,maxx1);
    // Merge pdf histograms together into larger files, and name them based on the collection names
    TString mergefile = "merged_recomuonval.pdf"; // File name where partial pdfs will be merged
    TString destfile  = newDir + "/../" + myName + ".pdf"; // Destination file name
    TString gscommand = "gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="+ mergefile + " "
      +newDir+"/muonRecoGlb.pdf "
      +newDir+"/muonRecoGlbEff.pdf "
      //      +newDir+"/muonRecoGlbPF.pdf "
      //      +newDir+"/muonRecoGlbPFEff.pdf "
      +newDir+"/muonRecoSta.pdf "
      +newDir+"/muonRecoStaEff.pdf "
      +newDir+"/muonRecoTrk.pdf "
      +newDir+"/muonRecoTrkEff.pdf "
      +newDir+"/muonRecoTgt.pdf "
      +newDir+"/muonRecoTgtEff.pdf ";

    cout << ">> Merging partial pdfs to " << mergefile << "..." << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "DEBUG: ...with command \"" << gscommand << "\"" << endl;
    cout << ">> Moving " << mergefile << " to " << destfile << "..." << endl;
    gSystem->Rename(mergefile, destfile);
    cout << "   ... Done" << endl;
    cout << ">> Deleting partial pdf files" << endl;
    gSystem->Exec("rm -r "+newDir);
  }  // end of "while loop"
  cout << ">> Removing the relval files from ROOT before closing..." << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "DEBUG: Exiting!" << endl;
  cerr << "DEBUG: Exiting!" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void TrackValHistoPublisher(const char* newFile="NEW_FILE",const char* refFile="REF_FILE") {

  cout << ">> Starting TrackValHistoPublisher(" 
       << newFile << "," << refFile << ")..." << endl;

  //====  To be replaced from python ====================
  const char* dataType = "DATATYPE";
  const char* refLabel("REF_LABEL, REF_RELEASE REFSELECTION");
  const char* newLabel("NEW_LABEL, NEW_RELEASE NEWSELECTION");

  // ==== Initial settings and loads
  //gROOT->ProcessLine(".x HistoCompare_Tracks.C");
  //gROOT ->Reset();
  gROOT ->SetBatch();
  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning; // Get rid of the info messages


  Float_t maxPT;
  TString File = newFile;
  if (File.Contains("SingleMuPt1000") ||File.Contains("WpM")||File.Contains("ZpMM")   ) maxPT=1400.;
  else if (File.Contains("SingleMuPt100")) {maxPT = 400.;}
  else if(File.Contains("SingleMuPt10")) {maxPT = 70.;}
  else maxPT = 400.;

  bool ctf=1;

  bool resol = false;

  // ==== Some cleaning... is this needed?  
  delete gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(refFile);
  delete gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(newFile); 

  // ==== Opening files, moving to the right branch and getting the list of sub-branches
  cout << ">> Openning file, moving to the right branch and getting sub-branches..." << endl;

  cout << ">> Finding sources..." << endl;
  TFile * sfile = new TFile(newFile);
  TList* sl = GetListOfBranches(dataType, sfile);
  if (!sl) {
    cout << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
    cerr << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
  TDirectory*  sdir  = gDirectory;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sl->GetEntries(); i++)
    cout << "   + " << sl->At(i)->GetName() << endl;

  cout << ">> Finding references..." << endl;
  TFile * rfile = new TFile(refFile);
  TList* rl = GetListOfBranches(dataType, rfile);
  if (!rl) {
    cout << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
    cerr << "ERROR: Could not find keys!!!" << endl;
  TDirectory* rdir  = gDirectory;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sl->GetEntries(); i++)
    cout << "   + " << sl->At(i)->GetName() << endl;


  //==== Find if the collection has muon associator or track associator
  cout << ">> Find if the collection has muon associator or track associator..." << endl;
  bool hasOnlyMuonAssociatorInRef = true;
  bool hasOnlyMuonAssociatorInSig = true;
  bool hasOnlyTrackAssociatorInRef = true;
  bool hasOnlyTrackAssociatorInSig = true;
  TIter iter_r0( rl );
  TIter iter_s0( sl );
  TKey* rKey = 0;
  TKey* sKey = 0;
  /*while ( (rKey = (TKey*)iter_r0()) ) {
    TString myName = rKey->GetName();
    if ( !(myName.Contains("TkAsso")) && !(myName.Contains("MuonAssociation")) ) {
      hasOnlyMuonAssociatorInRef = false;
    if ( !(myName.Contains("TkAsso")) && (myName.Contains("MuonAssociation")) ) {
      hasOnlyTrackAssociatorInRef = false;

  while ( (sKey = (TKey*)iter_s0()) ) {
    TString myName = sKey->GetName();
    if ( !(myName.Contains("TkAsso")) && !(myName.Contains("MuonAssociation")) ) {
      hasOnlyMuonAssociatorInSig = false;
    if ( !(myName.Contains("TkAsso")) && (myName.Contains("MuonAssociation")) ) {
      hasOnlyTrackAssociatorInSig = false;
  bool considerOnlyMuonAssociator = hasOnlyMuonAssociatorInRef || hasOnlyMuonAssociatorInSig;

  cout << "   + Has Only Muon Associator (reference):  " << hasOnlyMuonAssociatorInRef << endl;
  cout << "   + Has Only Muon Associator (signal):     " << hasOnlyMuonAssociatorInSig << endl;
  cout << "   + Has Only Track Associator (reference): " << hasOnlyTrackAssociatorInRef << endl;
  cout << "   + Has Only Track Associator (signal):    " << hasOnlyTrackAssociatorInSig << endl;
  cout << "   + Consider only Muon Associator:         " << considerOnlyMuonAssociator << endl;

  //==== Iterate now over histograms and collections
  cout << ">> Iterating over histograms and collections..." << endl;

  TIter iter_r( rl );
  TIter iter_s( sl );
  TString scollname;
  TString rcollname;
  TKey *myNext2=0;
  while ( (rKey = (TKey*)iter_r()) ) {
    TString myName = rKey->GetName();
#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "DEBUG: Checking key " << myName << endl;
    /*    if (!(myName.Contains("TkAsso")) && 
	considerOnlyMuonAssociator && 
	hasOnlyTrackAssociatorInRef) {
      if (myName.Contains("TrackAssociation")) 
    while (considerOnlyMuonAssociator && 
	   !(myName.Contains("TkAsso")) && 
	   !(myName.Contains("MuonAssociation")) ) {
      rKey = (TKey*)iter_r();
      myName = rKey->GetName();
    rcollname = myName;
    // ==> extractedGlobalMuons are in a different position wrt globalMuons:
    if (myNext2) {
      sKey = myNext2;
      myNext2 = 0;
    else {
      sKey = (TKey*)iter_s();
    if (!sKey) continue;
    TString myName2 = sKey->GetName();
    /* this was thought for when there are different names 
    if (myName2 != myName) {
      myNext2 =  (TKey*)iter_s();
      TKey* myTemp = sKey; 
      sKey = myNext2;
      myName2 = sKey->GetName();
      myNext2 = myTemp;
      if(myName2 != myName)
	{myNext2 =  (TKey*)iter_s();
	  TKey* myTemp = sKey; 
	  sKey = myNext2;
	  myName2 = sKey->GetName();
	  myNext2 = myTemp;
#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "DEBUG: Comparing " << rcollname << " and " << scollname << endl;
    if ( 
	(myName == myName2) || (myName+"FS" == myName2) || (myName == myName2+"FS" )
	|| (myName.Contains("extractedGlobalMuons") && myName2.Contains("globalMuons") )
	|| (myName.Contains("globalMuons") && myName2.Contains("extractedGlobalMuons") )
	 ) {
      rcollname = rKey->GetName();
      scollname = sKey->GetName();
    else if ( (rcollname != scollname) && (rcollname+"FS" != scollname) && (rcollname != scollname+"FS") ) {
      bool goodAsWell = false;
      if (rcollname.BeginsWith("StandAloneMuons_UpdAtVtx") && 
	  scollname.BeginsWith("StandAloneMuons_UpdAtVtx")) {
	if (rcollname.Contains("MuonAssociation")==scollname.Contains("MuonAssociation")){}
	goodAsWell = true;
      if (rcollname.BeginsWith("hltL2Muons_UpdAtVtx") && 
	  scollname.BeginsWith("hltL2Muons_UpdAtVtx")) {
	if (rcollname.Contains("MuonAssociation")==scollname.Contains("MuonAssociation")){}
	goodAsWell = true;
      if (rcollname.BeginsWith("hltL3Tk") && scollname.BeginsWith("hltL3Tk")) {
	if (rcollname.Contains("MuonAssociation")==scollname.Contains("MuonAssociation")){}
	goodAsWell = true;
      //     TString isGood = (goodAsWell? "good": "NOT good");
      //     cout << " -- The two collections: " << rcollname << " : " << scollname << " -> " << isGood << endl;
      if (! goodAsWell) {
	if (rcollname.Contains("SET") && !scollname.Contains("SET")) {
	  while (rcollname.Contains("SET")) {
	    if ((rKey = (TKey*)iter_r()))  rcollname = rKey->GetName();
	else if (scollname.Contains("SET") && !rcollname.Contains("SET")) {
	  while (scollname.Contains("SET")) {
	    if ((sKey = (TKey*)iter_s()))  scollname = sKey->GetName();
	if (rcollname.Contains("dyt") && !scollname.Contains("dyt")) {
	  while (rcollname.Contains("dyt")) {
	    if ((rKey = (TKey*)iter_r()))  rcollname = rKey->GetName();
	else if (scollname.Contains("dyt") && !rcollname.Contains("dyt")) {
	  while (scollname.Contains("dyt")) {
	    if ((sKey = (TKey*)iter_s()))  scollname = sKey->GetName();
	if (rcollname.Contains("refitted") && !scollname.Contains("refitted")) {
	  while (rcollname.Contains("refitted")) {
	    if ((rKey = (TKey*)iter_r()))  rcollname = rKey->GetName();
	else if (scollname.Contains("refitted") && !rcollname.Contains("refitted")) {
	  while (scollname.Contains("refitted")) {
	    if ((sKey = (TKey*)iter_s()))  scollname = sKey->GetName();
	if ( (rcollname != scollname) && 
	     (rcollname+"FS" != scollname) && 
	     (rcollname != scollname+"FS") ) {
	  cout << " Different collection names, please check: " << rcollname 
	       << " : " << scollname << endl;
	else {
	  //	 cout << "    The NEW collections: " << rcollname << " : " << scollname << endl;
	  myName = rKey->GetName();

    // ==== Now let's go for the plotting...
    //    cout << ">> Comparing plots in " << myName << "..." << endl;    
    //cerr << ">> Comparing plots in " << myName << "..." << endl;    
    bool     logyfalse  [] = {false,  false,  false,  false,   false,  false  };
    bool     doKolmo    [] = {true,   true,   true,  true,   true,   true   };
    Double_t norm   [] = {-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.};
    Double_t minx   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, 5.,     5.,    -1E100, -1E100 };
    Double_t maxx   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, maxPT, maxPT,  -1E100, -1E100 };
    Double_t miny   [] = {0.5,    -1E100, 0,     -1E100, 0.5,    -1E100 };
    Double_t maxy   [] = {1.0125, -1E100, 1.025, -1E100, 1.0125, -1E100 };

    /////////// CTF //////////////////////

    if (ctf) {
      //===== building
     const char* plots0[] = {"effic", "fakerate", "efficPt", "fakeratePt"};
      const char* plotsl0[] = {"efficiency vs #eta", "fakerate vs #eta", "efficiency vs Pt", "fakerate vs Pt"};
      bool    logy0 [] = {false,  false, false,  false  };
      Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/building.pdf",
                      rdir, sdir, 
                      rcollname, scollname,
                      "Seeds", "Efficiency Vs Pt and Vs #eta",
                      refLabel, newLabel,
                      plots0, plotsl0,
                      logy0, doKolmo, norm,0,minx,maxx,miny,maxy);     
      cout<<"HICE EL HISTO "<<endl;

      const char* plots1[] = { "effic_vs_hit", "fakerate_vs_hit","effic_vs_phi","fakerate_vs_phi"};
      const char* plotsl1[] = { "efficiency vs hits", "fakerate vs hits","efficiency vs #phi","fakerate vs #phi"};
      bool    logy [] = {false,  false, false,  false  };
      Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/building2.pdf",
                      rdir, sdir, 
                      rcollname, scollname,
                      "Seeds2", "Efficiency vs hits and #phi",
                      refLabel, newLabel,
                      plots1, plotsl1,
                      logy, doKolmo, norm, 0,minx,maxx,miny,maxy);     
      cout<<"HICE EL HISTO "<<endl;

      // ====== hits and pt
      const char* plots2  [] = { "hits_eta", "hits", "num_simul_pT","num_reco_pT"};
      const char* plotsl2  [] = { "nhits vs eta", "number of hits per track", "Number of Pt Simulated","Pt of Reco tracks"};
      Double_t norm2 [] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
      // Double_t minx2   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, 0,     0,    -1E100, -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxx2   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100,  -1E100, -1E100 };
      // Double_t miny2   [] = {0.5,    -1E100, 0., -1E100, 0.5,  -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxy2   [] = {1.0125, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100 };
      Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/hitsAndPt.pdf",
                      rdir, sdir, 
                      rcollname, scollname,
                      "hits", "Pt",
                      refLabel, newLabel,
                      plots2, plotsl2,
                      logyfalse, doKolmo, norm2,0,minx,maxx);
      //===== tuning
      bool    logy3    [] = {false,   true,   false,      true    };
      bool    doKolmo3 [] = {true,    true,   true,       true    };
      const char* plots3 [] = {"chi2","chi2_prob","chi2mean", "ptres_vs_eta_Mean"};
      Plot4Histograms(newDir + "/tuning.pdf",
		      rdir, sdir, 
		      rcollname, scollname,
		      "IsoHistos2", "HCAL, HO Deposits",
		      refLabel, newLabel,
		      plots3, 0,
		      logy3, doKolmo3,norm2,0);
      //===== pulls
      const char* plots4  [] = {"pullPt", "pullQoverp", "pullPhi", "pullTheta", "pullDxy","pullDz"};
      const char* plotsl4  [] = {"Pt Pull", "Q/P Pull", "#Phi Pull", "#theta Pull", "Dxy Pull","Dz Pull"};
      // Double_t minx4   [] = {-10, -10, -10, -10,    -10, -10 };
      // Double_t maxx4   [] = {10,10,10, 10, 10, 10 };
      // Double_t miny4   [] = {0.,    -1E100, 0., -1E100, 0,  -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxy4   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100 };
      Plot6Histograms(newDir + "/Pulls.pdf",
		      rdir, sdir, 
		      rcollname, scollname,
		      "Pullsdis", "Pull Distributions",
		      refLabel, newLabel,
		      plots4, plotsl4,
		      logyfalse, doKolmo, norm2,0);     
      //===== residuals
      const char* plots5  [] = {"ptres_vs_eta", "etares_vs_eta", "phires_vs_eta", "cotThetares_vs_eta", "dxyres_vs_eta","dzres_vs_eta"};
      const char* plotsl5  [] = {"p_{t} resolution", "#eta resolution", "#Phi resolution", "cot(#theta) resolution", "Dxy resolution","Dz resolution"};
      // Double_t minx5   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100,    -1E100, -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxx5   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100,    -1E100, -1E100 };
      // Double_t miny5   [] = {0.,    -1E100, 0., -1E100, 0,  -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxy5   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100 };  

      resol= true;
      Plot6Histograms(newDir + "/residuals.pdf",
		      rdir, sdir, 
		      rcollname, scollname,
		      "residualdis", "residuals vs Pt",
		      refLabel, newLabel,
		      plots5, plotsl5,
		      logyfalse, doKolmo, norm2,&resol);    
      //===== resolutions vs eta
      const char* plots6  [] = {"phires_vs_eta_Sigma", "cotThetares_vs_eta_Sigma", "dxyres_vs_eta_Sigma", "dzres_vs_eta_Sigma", "ptres_vs_eta_Sigma"};
      const char* plotsl6  [] = {"#sigma(#delta #phi) [rad]", "#sigma(#delta cot(#theta))", "#sigma(#delta d_{0}) [cm]", "#sigma(#delta z_{0}) [cm]", "#sigma(#delta p_{t}/p_{t})"};
      // Double_t minx6   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100,    -1E100, -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxx6   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100,    -1E100, -1E100 };
      // Double_t miny6   [] = {0.,    -1E100, 0., -1E100, 0,  -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxy6   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100 };
      Plot5Histograms(newDir + "/residualsEta.pdf",
		      rdir, sdir, 
		      rcollname, scollname,
	 	      "residualsdisEta", "residuals vs Eta",
		      refLabel, newLabel,
		      plots6, plotsl6,
		      logyfalse, doKolmo, norm,0);     
      //===== mean values vs eta
      const char* plots7   [] = {"phires_vs_eta_Mean", "cotThetares_vs_eta_Mean", "dxyres_vs_eta_Mean", "dzres_vs_eta_Mean", "ptres_vs_eta_Mean"};
      const char* plotsl7  [] = {"#delta #phi [rad]", "#delta cot(#theta)", "#delta d_{0} [cm]", "#delta z_{0} [cm]", "#delta p_{t}/p_{t}"};
      // Double_t minx7   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100,    -1E100, -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxx7   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100,    -1E100, -1E100 };
      // Double_t miny7   [] = {0.,    -1E100, 0., -1E100, 0,  -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxy7   [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100 };
      Plot5Histograms(newDir + "/meanvaluesEta.pdf",
		      rdir, sdir, 
		      rcollname, scollname,
		      "meanvaluesEtadis", "mean values vs eta",
		      refLabel, newLabel,
		      plots7, plotsl7,
		      logyfalse, doKolmo,norm,0);     
      //===== resolutions vs pt
      const char* plots8  [] = {"phires_vs_pt_Sigma", "cotThetares_vs_pt_Sigma", "dxyres_vs_pt_Sigma", "dzres_vs_pt_Sigma", "ptres_vs_pt_Sigma","ptres_vs_pt_Sigma"};
      const char* plotsl8 [] = {"#sigma(#delta #phi) [rad]", "#sigma(#delta cot(#theta))", "#sigma(#delta d_{0}) [cm]", "#sigma(#delta z_{0}) [cm]", "#sigma(#delta p_{t}/p_{t})"};
      Double_t minx8  [] = {5., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5.};
      Double_t maxx8  [] = {maxPT,maxPT,maxPT,maxPT,maxPT,maxPT};
      // Double_t miny8  [] = {0.,    -1E100, 0., -1E100, 0,  -1E100 };
      // Double_t maxy8  [] = {-1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100, -1E100 };
      Plot5Histograms(newDir + "/resolutionsPt.pdf",
		      rdir, sdir, 
		      rcollname, scollname,
		      "resolutionsPtdis", "resolution vs pt",
		      refLabel, newLabel,
		      plots8, plotsl8,
		      logyfalse, doKolmo, norm,0,minx8,maxx8);     
    }  // end of "if CTF"

    //// Merge pdf histograms together into larger files, and name them based on the collection names
    TString mergefile = "merged_tracks.pdf"; // File name where partial pdfs will be merged
    TString destfile  = newDir + "/../" + myName + ".pdf"; // Destination file name
    TString gscommand = "gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="  + mergefile + " "
      + newDir + "/building.pdf "
      + newDir + "/building2.pdf "
      + newDir + "/hitsAndPt.pdf "
      + newDir + "/tuning.pdf "
      + newDir + "/Pulls.pdf "
      + newDir + "/residuals.pdf "
      + newDir + "/residualsEta.pdf "
      + newDir + "/meanvaluesEta.pdf "
      + newDir + "/resolutionsPt.pdf ";
    cout << ">> Merging partial pdfs to " << mergefile << "..." << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "DEBUG: ...with command \"" << gscommand << "\"" << endl;
    cout << ">> Moving " << mergefile << " to " << destfile << "..." << endl;
    gSystem->Rename(mergefile, destfile);

    cout << ">> Deleting partial pdf files" << endl;
    gSystem->Exec("rm -rf "+newDir); 
    cout << "   ... Done" << endl;
  }  // end of "while loop"
  cout << ">> Removing the relval files from ROOT before closing..." << endl;

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "DEBUG: Exiting!" << endl;
  cerr << "DEBUG: Exiting!" << endl;