Ejemplo n.º 1
void Sphere::generate() {
	S32 segments2 = segments / 2;
	S32 slices2 = slices / 2;

	Vertex *points = new Vertex[segments * slices * 2];
	U32 point = 0;

	for (S32 y = -slices2; y < slices2; y ++) {
		float cosy = cos(y * step);
		float cosy1 = cos((y + 1) * step);
		float siny = sin(y * step);
		float siny1 = sin((y + 1) * step);

		for (S32 i = -segments2; i < segments2; i ++) {
			float cosi = cos(i * step);
			float sini = sin(i * step);

			//Math not invented by me
			Point3F point0 = Point3F(radius * cosi * cosy, radius * siny, radius * sini * cosy);
			Point3F point1 = Point3F(radius * cosi * cosy1, radius * siny1, radius * sini * cosy1);
			Point4F color0 = Point4F(fabs(point0.x), fabs(point0.y), fabs(point0.z), radius).normalize();
			Point4F color1 = Point4F(fabs(point1.x), fabs(point1.y), fabs(point1.z), radius).normalize();

			color0 /= color0.z;
			color1 /= color1.z;

			Point2F uv0 = Point2F((F32)i / (F32)segments2, (F32)y / (F32)slices2);
			Point2F uv1 = Point2F((F32)i / (F32)segments2, (F32)(y + 1) / (F32)slices2);

			Point3F tangent0 = point0.cross(Point3F(0, 0, 1)).normalize();
			Point3F tangent1 = point1.cross(Point3F(0, 0, 1)).normalize();
			Point3F bitangent0 = point0.cross(tangent0).normalize();
			Point3F bitangent1 = point0.cross(tangent0).normalize();

			points[point].point = point0;
			points[point].uv = uv0;
			points[point].normal = point0;
			points[point].tangent = tangent0;
			points[point].bitangent = bitangent0;
			point ++;
			points[point].point = point1;
			points[point].uv = uv1;
			points[point].normal = point1;
			points[point].tangent = tangent1;
			points[point].bitangent = bitangent1;
			point ++;

	//Generate a buffer
	glGenBuffers(1, &renderBuffer);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, renderBuffer);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Vertex) * point, points, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	delete [] points;
void convertRotation(const F32 inRotMat[3][3], MatrixF& outRotation)
   // Set rotation.  We need to convert from sixense coordinates to
   // Torque coordinates.  The conversion is:
   // Sixense                      Torque
   // a b c         a  b  c        a -c  b
   // d e f   -->  -g -h -i  -->  -g  i -h
   // g h i         d  e  f        d -f  e
   outRotation.setColumn(0, Point4F( inRotMat[0][0], -inRotMat[0][2],  inRotMat[0][1], 0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(1, Point4F(-inRotMat[2][0],  inRotMat[2][2], -inRotMat[2][1], 0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(2, Point4F( inRotMat[1][0], -inRotMat[1][2],  inRotMat[1][1], 0.0f));
Ejemplo n.º 3
Point4F Matrix43::TransformPoint( const Point4F& point ) const
	return Point4F(M11 * point.X + M21 * point.Y + M31 * point.Z+M41*point.W,
		M12 * point.X + M22 * point.Y + M32 * point.Z+M42*point.W,
		M13 * point.X + M23 * point.Y + M33 * point.Z+M43*point.W,
Ejemplo n.º 4
void convertPointableRotation(const Leap::Pointable& pointable, MatrixF& outRotation)
   // We need to convert from Motion coordinates to
   // Torque coordinates.  The conversion is:
   // Motion                       Torque
   // a b c         a  b  c        a -c  b
   // d e f   -->  -g -h -i  -->  -g  i -h
   // g h i         d  e  f        d -f  e
   Leap::Vector pointableFront = -pointable.direction();
   Leap::Vector pointableRight = Leap::Vector::up().cross(pointableFront);
   Leap::Vector pointableUp = pointableFront.cross(pointableRight);

   outRotation.setColumn(0, Point4F(  pointableRight.x, -pointableRight.z,  pointableRight.y,  0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(1, Point4F( -pointableFront.x,  pointableFront.z, -pointableFront.y,  0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(2, Point4F(  pointableUp.x,    -pointableUp.z,     pointableUp.y,     0.0f));
Ejemplo n.º 5
void convertHandRotation(const Leap::Hand& hand, MatrixF& outRotation)
   // We need to convert from Motion coordinates to
   // Torque coordinates.  The conversion is:
   // Motion                       Torque
   // a b c         a  b  c        a -c  b
   // d e f   -->  -g -h -i  -->  -g  i -h
   // g h i         d  e  f        d -f  e
   const Leap::Vector& handToFingers = hand.direction();
   Leap::Vector handFront = -handToFingers;
   const Leap::Vector& handDown = hand.palmNormal();
   Leap::Vector handUp = -handDown;
   Leap::Vector handRight = handUp.cross(handFront);

   outRotation.setColumn(0, Point4F(  handRight.x, -handRight.z,  handRight.y,  0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(1, Point4F( -handFront.x,  handFront.z, -handFront.y,  0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(2, Point4F(  handUp.x,    -handUp.z,     handUp.y,     0.0f));
Ejemplo n.º 6
void PathCamera::calculateLookDirMat(Point3F dir)

	if(dir == Point3F(0.f, 0.f, 0.f))
		mUseLookDirMatrix = false;

	Point3F left = mCross(dir, Point3F(0.f, 0.f, 1.f));
	Point3F up = mCross(left, dir);

	mLookDirMat.setColumn(0, Point4F(left.x, left.y, left.z, 0.f));			
	mLookDirMat.setColumn(1, Point4F(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, 0.f));	
	mLookDirMat.setColumn(2, Point4F(up.x, up.y, up.z, 0.f));		

	mUseLookDirMatrix = true;	
void AdvancedLightBinManager::LightMaterialInfo::setViewParameters(  const F32 _zNear, 
                                                                     const F32 _zFar, 
                                                                     const Point3F &_eyePos, 
                                                                     const PlaneF &_farPlane,
                                                                     const PlaneF &_vsFarPlane)
   MaterialParameters *matParams = matInstance->getMaterialParameters();

   matParams->setSafe( farPlane, *((const Point4F *)&_farPlane) );

   matParams->setSafe( vsFarPlane, *((const Point4F *)&_vsFarPlane) );

   if ( negFarPlaneDotEye->isValid() )
      // -dot( farPlane, eyePos )
      const F32 negFarPlaneDotEyeVal = -( mDot( *((const Point3F *)&_farPlane), _eyePos ) + _farPlane.d );
      matParams->set( negFarPlaneDotEye, negFarPlaneDotEyeVal );

   matParams->setSafe( zNearFarInvNearFar, Point4F( _zNear, _zFar, 1.0f / _zNear, 1.0f / _zFar ) );
void LightManager::_update4LightConsts(   const SceneData &sgData,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightPositionSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightDiffuseSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightAmbientSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightInvRadiusSqSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightSpotDirSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightSpotAngleSC,
										  GFXShaderConstHandle *lightSpotFalloffSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstBuffer *shaderConsts )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( LightManager_Update4LightConsts );

   // Skip over gathering lights if we don't have to!
   if (  lightPositionSC->isValid() || 
         lightDiffuseSC->isValid() ||
         lightInvRadiusSqSC->isValid() ||
         lightSpotDirSC->isValid() ||
         lightSpotAngleSC->isValid() ||
		 lightSpotFalloffSC->isValid() )
      PROFILE_SCOPE( LightManager_Update4LightConsts_setLights );

      static AlignedArray<Point4F> lightPositions( 3, sizeof( Point4F ) );
      static AlignedArray<Point4F> lightSpotDirs( 3, sizeof( Point4F ) );
      static AlignedArray<Point4F> lightColors( 4, sizeof( Point4F ) );
      static Point4F lightInvRadiusSq;
      static Point4F lightSpotAngle;
	  static Point4F lightSpotFalloff;
      F32 range;
      // Need to clear the buffers so that we don't leak
      // lights from previous passes or have NaNs.
      dMemset( lightPositions.getBuffer(), 0, lightPositions.getBufferSize() );
      dMemset( lightSpotDirs.getBuffer(), 0, lightSpotDirs.getBufferSize() );
      dMemset( lightColors.getBuffer(), 0, lightColors.getBufferSize() );
      lightInvRadiusSq = Point4F::Zero;
      lightSpotAngle.set( -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f );
      lightSpotFalloff.set( F32_MAX, F32_MAX, F32_MAX, F32_MAX );

      // Gather the data for the first 4 lights.
      const LightInfo *light;
      for ( U32 i=0; i < 4; i++ )
         light = sgData.lights[i];
         if ( !light )            
            // The light positions and spot directions are 
            // in SoA order to make optimal use of the GPU.
            const Point3F &lightPos = light->getPosition();
            lightPositions[0][i] = lightPos.x;
            lightPositions[1][i] = lightPos.y;
            lightPositions[2][i] = lightPos.z;

            const VectorF &lightDir = light->getDirection();
            lightSpotDirs[0][i] = lightDir.x;
            lightSpotDirs[1][i] = lightDir.y;
            lightSpotDirs[2][i] = lightDir.z;
            if ( light->getType() == LightInfo::Spot )
               lightSpotAngle[i] = mCos( mDegToRad( light->getOuterConeAngle() / 2.0f ) ); 
			   lightSpotFalloff[i] = 1.0f / getMax( F32_MIN, mCos( mDegToRad( light->getInnerConeAngle() / 2.0f ) ) - lightSpotAngle[i] );

         // Prescale the light color by the brightness to 
         // avoid doing this in the shader.
         lightColors[i] = Point4F(light->getColor()) * light->getBrightness();

         // We need 1 over range^2 here.
         range = light->getRange().x;
         lightInvRadiusSq[i] = 1.0f / ( range * range );

      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightPositionSC, lightPositions );   
      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightDiffuseSC, lightColors );
      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightInvRadiusSqSC, lightInvRadiusSq );
      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightSpotDirSC, lightSpotDirs ); 
      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightSpotAngleSC, lightSpotAngle );
		shaderConsts->setSafe( lightSpotFalloffSC, lightSpotFalloff );


   // Setup the ambient lighting from the first 
   // light which is the directional light if 
   // one exists at all in the scene.
   if ( lightAmbientSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( lightAmbientSC, sgData.ambientLightColor );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void DecalManager::_generateWindingOrder( const Point3F &cornerPoint, Vector<Point3F> *sortPoints )
   // This block of code is used to find 
   // the winding order for the points in our quad.

   // First, choose an arbitrary corner point.
   // We'll use the "lowerRight" point.
   Point3F relPoint( 0, 0, 0 );

   // See comment below about radius.
   //F32 radius = 0;

   F32 theta = 0;
   Vector<Point4F> tmpPoints;

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < (*sortPoints).size(); i++ )
      const Point3F &pnt = (*sortPoints)[i];
      relPoint = cornerPoint - pnt;

      // Get the radius (r^2 = x^2 + y^2).
      // This is commented because for a quad
      // you typically can't have the same values
      // for theta, which is the caveat which would
      // require sorting by the radius.
      //radius = mSqrt( (relPoint.x * relPoint.x) + (relPoint.y * relPoint.y) );

      // Get the theta value for the
      // interval -PI, PI.

      // This algorithm for determining the
      // theta value is defined by
      //          | arctan( y / x )  if x > 0
      //          | arctan( y / x )  if x < 0 and y >= 0
      // theta =  | arctan( y / x )  if x < 0 and y < 0
      //          | PI / 2           if x = 0 and y > 0
      //          | -( PI / 2 )      if x = 0 and y < 0
      if ( relPoint.x > 0.0f )
         theta = mAtan2( relPoint.y, relPoint.x );
      else if ( relPoint.x < 0.0f )
         if ( relPoint.y >= 0.0f )
            theta = mAtan2( relPoint.y, relPoint.x ) + M_PI_F;
         else if ( relPoint.y < 0.0f )
            theta = mAtan2( relPoint.y, relPoint.x ) - M_PI_F;
      else if ( relPoint.x == 0.0f )
         if ( relPoint.y > 0.0f )
            theta = M_PI_F / 2.0f;
         else if ( relPoint.y < 0.0f )
            theta = -(M_PI_F / 2.0f);

      tmpPoints.push_back( Point4F( pnt.x, pnt.y, pnt.z, theta ) );

   dQsort( tmpPoints.address(), tmpPoints.size(), sizeof( Point4F ), cmpQuadPointTheta ); 

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < tmpPoints.size(); i++ )
      const Point4F &tmpPoint = tmpPoints[i];
      (*sortPoints)[i].set( tmpPoint.x, tmpPoint.y, tmpPoint.z );
Ejemplo n.º 10
Point4F Matrix43::Column( byte column )
	return Point4F(M[column],M[RowSize+column],M[2*RowSize+column],M[3*RowSize+column]);