Ejemplo n.º 1
KarbonWhirlPinchCommand::KarbonWhirlPinchCommand( KoPathShape * path, qreal angle, qreal pinch, qreal radius, QUndoCommand *parent )
    : QUndoCommand( parent ), d( new Private( path, angle, pinch, radius ) )
    setText( i18n( "Whirl & pinch" ) );

    // save the path point data used for undo
    uint subpathCount = d->pathShape->subpathCount();
    for( uint subpathIndex = 0; subpathIndex < subpathCount; ++subpathIndex )
        QList<PointData> subpathData;
        int pointCount = d->pathShape->pointCountSubpath( subpathIndex );
        for( int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < pointCount; ++pointIndex )
            KoPathPoint * p = d->pathShape->pointByIndex( KoPathPointIndex( subpathIndex, pointIndex ) );
            subpathData.append( PointData( p ) );
        d->pathData.append( subpathData );
Ejemplo n.º 2
	int setTree(	unsigned count,
					const Point3D< Real > * inPoints,
					const Point3D< Real > * inNormals,
					int maxDepth,
					int minDepth,
					int splatDepth,
					Real samplesPerNode,
					Real scaleFactor,
					bool useConfidence,
					Real constraintWeight,
					int adaptiveExponent)
		if ( splatDepth < 0 )
			splatDepth = 0;
		this->samplesPerNode = samplesPerNode;
		this->splatDepth = splatDepth;

		if( this->_boundaryType == 0 )
			minDepth = std::max< int >( 1 , minDepth )+1;
			if (splatDepth > 0 )
			minDepth = std::max< int >( 0 , minDepth );
		this->_minDepth = std::min< int >( minDepth , maxDepth );
		this->_constrainValues = (constraintWeight>0);

		double pointWeightSum = 0;
		Point3D< Real > min , max;

		TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( maxDepth );

		this->tree.setFullDepth( _minDepth );
		// Read through once to get the center and scale
			for (unsigned k=0; k<count; ++k)
				const Point3D< Real >& p = inPoints[k];

				for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
					if (k)
						if( p[i] < min[i] )
							min[i] = p[i];
						else if( p[i] > max[i] )
							max[i] = p[i];
						min[i] = max[i] = p[i];

			this->_center = ( max+min ) /2;
			this->_scale = std::max< Real >( max[0]-min[0] , std::max< Real >( max[1]-min[1] , max[2]-min[2] ) ) * 2;
			if( this->_boundaryType == 0 )
				this->_scale *= 2;

		//update scale and center with scale factor
			this->_scale *= scaleFactor;
			for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
				this->_center[i] -= _scale/2;

		if( splatDepth > 0 )
			const Point3D< Real >* _p = inPoints;
			const Point3D< Real >* _n = inNormals;
			for (unsigned k=0; k<count; ++k, ++_p, ++_n)
				Point3D< Real > p = ( inPoints[k] - _center ) / _scale;
				if( !_inBounds(p) )
				Point3D< Real > myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
				Real myWidth = Real(1.0);
				Real weight = Real(1.0);

				if( useConfidence )
					weight = Real( Length(inNormals[k]) );

				TreeOctNode* temp = &this->tree;
				int d = 0;
				while( d < splatDepth )
					UpdateWeightContribution( temp , p , neighborKey , weight );
					if( !temp->children )
					int cIndex = TreeOctNode::CornerIndex( myCenter , p );
					temp = temp->children + cIndex;
					myWidth /= 2;
					if( cIndex&1 ) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
					else           myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
					if( cIndex&2 ) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
					else           myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
					if( cIndex&4 ) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
					else           myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
				UpdateWeightContribution( temp , p , neighborKey , weight );

		this->normals = new std::vector< Point3D<Real> >();
		int cnt = 0;
			for (unsigned k=0; k<count; ++k)
				Point3D< Real > p = ( inPoints[k] - _center ) / _scale;
				if( !_inBounds(p) )

				Point3D< Real > n = inNormals[k] * Real(-1.0);
				//normalize n
				Real l = Real( Length( n ) );
				if( l!=l || l<=EPSILON )
				if( !useConfidence )
					n /= l;

				Point3D< Real > myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
				Real myWidth = Real(1.0);

				Real pointWeight = Real(1.0f);
				if ( samplesPerNode > 0 && splatDepth )
					pointWeight = SplatOrientedPoint( p , n , neighborKey , splatDepth , samplesPerNode , _minDepth , maxDepth );
					TreeOctNode* temp = &this->tree;
					int d = 0;
					if( splatDepth )
						while( d < splatDepth )
							int cIndex = TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,p);
							temp = &temp->children[cIndex];
							myWidth /= 2;
							if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
							else		 myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
							if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
							else		 myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
							if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
							else		 myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
						pointWeight = GetSampleWeight( temp , p , neighborKey );
						for (int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
							n[i] *= pointWeight;
					while( d < maxDepth )
						if( !temp->children )
						int cIndex = TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,p);
						temp = &temp->children[cIndex];
						myWidth /= 2;
						if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
						else		 myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
						if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
						else		 myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
						if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
						else		 myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
					SplatOrientedPoint( temp , p , n , neighborKey );
				pointWeightSum += pointWeight;
				if ( this->_constrainValues )
					int d = 0;
					TreeOctNode* temp = &this->tree;
					Point3D< Real > myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
					Real myWidth = Real(1.0);
					while( true )
						int idx = temp->nodeData.pointIndex;
						if( idx == -1 )
							idx = static_cast<int>( this->_points.size() );
							this->_points.push_back( PointData( p , Real(1.0) ) );
							temp->nodeData.pointIndex = idx;
							this->_points[idx].weight += Real(1.0);
							this->_points[idx].position += p;

						int cIndex = TreeOctNode::CornerIndex( myCenter , p );
						if ( !temp->children )
						temp = &temp->children[cIndex];
						myWidth /= 2;
						if( cIndex&1 ) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
						else		   myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
						if( cIndex&2 ) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
						else		   myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
						if( cIndex&4 ) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
						else		   myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;


		if( this->_boundaryType == 0 )
			pointWeightSum *= Real(4.0);
		constraintWeight *= static_cast<Real>(pointWeightSum);
		constraintWeight /= static_cast<Real>(cnt);

		MemoryUsage( );

		if( this->_constrainValues )
			for( TreeOctNode* node=this->tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=this->tree.nextNode(node) )
				if( node->nodeData.pointIndex != -1 )
					int idx = node->nodeData.pointIndex;
					this->_points[idx].position /= this->_points[idx].weight;
					int e = ( this->_boundaryType == 0 ? node->depth()-1 : node->depth() ) * adaptiveExponent - ( this->_boundaryType == 0 ? maxDepth-1 : maxDepth ) * (adaptiveExponent-1);
					if ( e < 0 )
						this->_points[idx].weight /= Real( 1<<(-e) );
						this->_points[idx].weight *= Real( 1<<  e  );

					this->_points[idx].weight *= Real( constraintWeight );

		if( this->_boundaryType == 1 )
			for( TreeOctNode* node=this->tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=this->tree.nextNode( node ) )
				int d , off[3];
				node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
				int res = 1<<d;
				if( node->nodeData.normalIndex < 0 )
				Point3D< Real >& normal = (*this->normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex];
				for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
					if ( off[d]==0 || off[d]==res-1 )
						normal[d] = 0;

		return cnt;