Ejemplo n.º 1
void Scene03::updateSpaceShip(float deltaTime)
	spaceship->line()->color = WHITE;

	float rotspeed = 3.14f;

	static Vector2 velocity = Vector2((rand()%100)-50, (rand()%100)-50);
	static Polar polar = Polar((rand()%360) * DEG_TO_RAD, 400.0f);

	if (input()->getKey( GLFW_KEY_UP )) {
		spaceship->line()->color = RED;
		velocity += polar.cartesian() * deltaTime; // thrust
	if (input()->getKey( GLFW_KEY_RIGHT )) {
		polar.angle += rotspeed * deltaTime; // rotate right
	if (input()->getKey( GLFW_KEY_LEFT )) {
		polar.angle -= rotspeed * deltaTime; // rotate left

	spaceship->rotation = polar.angle;
	spaceship->position += velocity * deltaTime;

	if (spaceship->position.x < 0) { spaceship->position.x = SWIDTH; }
	if (spaceship->position.x > SWIDTH) { spaceship->position.x = 0; }
	if (spaceship->position.y < 0) { spaceship->position.y = SHEIGHT; }
	if (spaceship->position.y > SHEIGHT) { spaceship->position.y = 0; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
void BigStroke(Painter& sw)
	int n = 0;
	double r = 400;
	int    i = 0;
	while(r > 5) {
		Pointf p = Polar(i * M_2PI / 400) * r + Pointf(400, 400);
		sw.Line(Polar((i * M_2PI / 400 + M_2PI / 800)) * (r - 3) + Pointf(400, 400));
		n += 2;
		r = r - 0.01;
	sw.Stroke(1, Black());
	sw.Text(0, 0, "Elements: " + AsString(n), Arial(20)).Fill(Blue());
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Big(Painter& sw)
	int n = 0;
	double sgn = 1;
	for(int r = 400; r > 5; r -= 3) {
		for(int i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
			Pointf p = Polar(sgn * i * M_2PI / 400) * r + Pointf(400, 400);
			sw.Line(Polar(sgn * (i * M_2PI / 400 + M_2PI / 800)) * (r - 6) + Pointf(400, 400));
			n += 2;
		sgn = -sgn;
	sw.Text(0, 0, "Elements: " + AsString(n), Arial(20)).Fill(Blue());
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Stroker::Round(const Pointf& p, const Pointf& v1, const Pointf& v2, double r)
	double tolerance = 0.3;
	double a1 = Bearing(v1);
	double a2 = Bearing(v2);
	if(a1 < a2)
		a1 += 2 * M_PI;
	while(a1 > a2) {
		PutLine(Polar(p, r, a1));
		a1 -= fid;
Ejemplo n.º 5
inline void Helper
( Matrix<Real>& d, Matrix<Complex<Real>>& e, Matrix<Real>& w, SortType sort,
  const HermitianEigSubset<Real>& subset )
    typedef Complex<Real> C;
    const Int n = d.Height();
    Matrix<Real> eReal( n-1, 1 );
    C yLast = 1;
    for( Int j=0; j<n-1; ++j )
        const C psi = e.Get(j,0);
        const Real psiAbs = Abs(psi);
        if( psiAbs == Real(0) )
            yLast = 1;
            yLast = Polar(Real(1),Arg(psi*yLast));
        eReal.Set( j, 0, psiAbs );
    HermitianTridiagEig( d, eReal, w, sort, subset );
Ejemplo n.º 6
Complex Complex::Sqrt( Complex &c )
	Float32 a=sqrt(c.GetPolarMagnitude());
	Float32 b=0.5*c.GetPolarAngle();
	return Polar( a,b );
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool Glider::load(QSettings *config, int id)
  QString keyname = "Glider%1";

  //check if an entry exists
  if( config->contains( keyname.arg( id ) ) )
      QStringList data = config->value( keyname.arg( id ), "" ).toString().split(';', QString::KeepEmptyParts);

      // qDebug("Glider::load(): No of fetched glider items is %d", data.count());

      // check to see if we have enough data members available
      if( data.count() < 15 )
          return false;

      m_type = data[0];
      m_registration = data[1];
      m_callSign = data[2];

      if( data[3].toInt() == 1 )
          m_seats = singleSeater;
          m_seats = doubleSeater;

      m_maxWater = data[4].toInt();

      Speed V1, V2, V3, W1, W2, W3;
      V1.setKph( data[5].toDouble() );
      V2.setKph( data[7].toDouble() );
      V3.setKph( data[9].toDouble() );

      W1.setMps( data[6].toDouble() );
      W2.setMps( data[8].toDouble() );
      W3.setMps( data[10].toDouble() );

      m_polar = Polar( m_type,
                      V1, W1, // v/w pair 1
                      V2, W2, // v/w pair 2
                      V3, W3, // v/w pair 3
                      data[12].toDouble(), // wing area
                      data[13].toDouble(), // empty weight
                      data[14].toDouble() ); // gross weight

      m_lastSafeID = id;

      if( data.count() >= 17 )
          m_polar.setWater( data[15].toInt() );
          m_coPilot = data[16];

      if( data.count() >= 18 )
                m_polar.setAddLoad( data[17].toDouble() );

      if( data.count() >= 19 )
          m_isSelected = data[18].toInt();

      return true;

  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Polar Planet::local2polar(Vec2 pl) const
    return Polar(pl);