Ejemplo n.º 1
void Integral::IntegralScan(IImage& Source, IImage& Dest)

   CheckSameSize(Source, Dest);

   uint Width = Source.Width();
   uint Height = Source.Height();

   Kernel(scan1, Source, Dest, Width, Height);

   if (GetNbGroupsW(Source) > 1)
      make_kernel<Image2D, Image2D>(SelectProgram(Dest), "scan2")
         (EnqueueArgs(*m_CL, NDRange(GetNbGroupsW(Source) - 1, Source.Height())), Dest, *m_VerticalJunctions);

#define KERNEL_RANGE(src_img) src_img.FullRange()

   Kernel(scan3, In(Dest, *m_VerticalJunctions), Dest);

   if (GetNbGroupsH(Source) > 1)
      make_kernel<Image2D, Image2D>(SelectProgram(Dest), "scan4")
         (EnqueueArgs(*m_CL, NDRange(Source.Width(), GetNbGroupsH(Source) - 1)), Dest, *m_HorizontalJunctions);

   Kernel(scan5, In(Dest, *m_HorizontalJunctions), Dest);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ImageProximityFFT::SqrDistance_Norm(Image& Source, Image& Template, Image& Dest)
   CheckSameNbChannels(Source, Template);
   CheckSameNbChannels(Source, Dest);
   CheckSameSize(Source, Dest);

   // Verify image size
   if (Template.Width() > Source.Width() || Template.Height() > Source.Height())
      throw cl::Error(CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "The template image must be smaller than source image.");

   // Verify image types
   if(!SameType(Source, Template))
      throw cl::Error(CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH, "The source image and the template image must be same type.");

   PrepareFor(Source, Template);

   m_integral.SqrIntegral(Source, *m_image_sqsums);

   double templ_sqsum[4] = {0};
   m_statistics.SumSqr(Template, templ_sqsum);

   CrossCorr(Source, Template, Dest);
   MatchSquareDiffNorm(Template.Width(), Template.Height(), *m_image_sqsums, templ_sqsum, Dest);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Blob::ComputeLabels(IImage& Source, ImageBuffer& Labels, int ConnectType)
   if (ConnectType != 4 && ConnectType != 8)
      throw cl::Error(CL_INVALID_VALUE, "Wrong connect type in Blob::ComputeLabels");

   if (Labels.Depth() != 32 || Labels.IsFloat())
      throw cl::Error(CL_INVALID_VALUE, "Wrong Labels image type in Blob::ComputeLabels - Labels must be 32 bit integer");

   if (m_TempBuffer == nullptr)

   CheckSameSize(Source, Labels);
   CheckCompatibility(Labels, *m_TempBuffer);



   // Initialize the label image
   Kernel(init_label, Source, Out(Labels, *m_TempBuffer), Labels.Step(), m_TempBuffer->Step(), m_InfoBuffer);

   // These two labeling steps need to be executed at least twice each
   int i = 0;
   while (i <= m_BlobInfo.LastUsefulIteration)

      Kernel(label_step1, Labels, *m_TempBuffer, Labels.Step(), m_TempBuffer->Step(), m_InfoBuffer, i);
      Kernel(label_step2, Labels, *m_TempBuffer, Labels.Step(), m_TempBuffer->Step(), m_InfoBuffer, i);

      if (i >= 2)

Ejemplo n.º 4
void ImageProximityFFT::Convolve(Image& Source, Image& Template, Image& Dest)
   CheckSameSize(Source, Dest);

   PrepareFor(Source, Template);

   // Fill these images with black
   m_transform.SetAll(*m_bigger_template, 0);
   m_transform.SetAll(*m_bigger_source, 0);

   for (uint i = 1; i <= Source.NbChannels(); i++)
      // Copy the data from Source and Template in images that are F32 and are big enough
      Kernel(copy_offset, In(Source), Out(*m_bigger_source), Source.Step(), m_bigger_source->Step(),
         int(Template.Width()) / 2, int(Template.Height()) / 2, m_bigger_source->Width(), m_bigger_source->Height(), i);

      Kernel(copy_offset, In(Template), Out(*m_bigger_template), Template.Step(), m_bigger_template->Step(),
         0, 0, m_bigger_template->Width(), m_bigger_template->Height(), i);

      // Forward FFT of Source and Template
      m_fft.Forward(*m_bigger_source, *m_source_spect);
      m_fft.Forward(*m_bigger_template, *m_templ_spect);

      // We need to divide the values by the FFT area to get the proper 
      float Area = float(m_bigger_source->Width() * m_bigger_source->Height());

      // Do the convolution using pointwise product of the spectrums
      // See information here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolution_theorem
      MulAndScaleSpectrums(*m_source_spect, *m_templ_spect, *m_result_spect, 1 / Area);

      // Inverse FFT to get the result of the convolution
      m_fft.Inverse(*m_result_spect, *m_bigger_source);  // Reuse m_bigger_source image for the convolution result

      // Copy the result to Dest
      Kernel_(*m_CL, SelectProgram(Dest), copy_result, m_bigger_source->FullRange(), LOCAL_RANGE,
         In(*m_bigger_source), Out(Dest), m_bigger_source->Step(), Dest.Step(), Dest.Width(), Dest.Height(), i);

Ejemplo n.º 5
void ImageProximityFFT::CrossCorr(Image& Source, Image& Template, Image& Dest)
   CheckSameNbChannels(Source, Template);
   CheckSameNbChannels(Source, Dest);
   CheckSameSize(Source, Dest);

   // Verify image size
   if (Template.Width() > Source.Width() || Template.Height() > Source.Height())
      throw cl::Error(CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "The template image must be smaller than source image.");

   // Verify image types
   if(!SameType(Source, Template))
      throw cl::Error(CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH, "The source image and the template image must be same type.");

   PrepareFor(Source, Template);

   Convolve(Source, Template, Dest);   // Computes the cross correlation using FFT