int main(){ int n; printf("\nEnter the number of strings you want to add: "); scanf("%d",&n); int i; char data[100]; TNode* root=NULL; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ //printf("\nEnter the length of string you want to add : "); printf("\nEnter the string you want to add : "); scanf("%s",data); InsertTrie(&root,data); } printf("\%d words added ",n); getch(); printf("\nEnter the string you want to search : "); scanf("%s",data); int result=SearchTrie(root,data); if(result){ printf("\nWord found !Hurray!"); }else{ printf("\nSorry! word not found !"); } char* buffer=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*100); printf("\nPress enter to print all the words in the dictionary you just created :\n"); getch(); PrintAll(root,buffer,0); getch(); return 0; }
void RunNewSystem() { SYSTEMTIME t; GetLocalTime(&t); for (int i = 0; i < NewSystem_Enable.size(); i++) { if (NewSystem_Enable[i]) {//тобто повідомлення вже було написано NewSystem_Iteration[i]++; if (NewSystem_Iteration[i] > 30) { NewSystem_Iteration[i] = 0; NewSystem_Enable[i] = false; } } else { SYSTEMTIME MsgTime = {0}; MsgTime.wDay = NewSystem_Day[i] == -1? t.wDay : NewSystem_Day[i]; MsgTime.wDayOfWeek = NewSystem_DayOfWeek[i] == -1? t.wDayOfWeek : NewSystem_DayOfWeek[i]; MsgTime.wHour = NewSystem_Hour[i] == -1? t.wHour : NewSystem_Hour[i]; MsgTime.wMinute = NewSystem_Min[i] == -1? t.wMinute : NewSystem_Min[i]; MsgTime.wMonth = NewSystem_Month[i] == -1? t.wMonth : NewSystem_Month[i]; if ( NewsDataEcval(t,MsgTime) == 0) { PrintAll(NewSystem_Type[i],(char*)NewSystem_Msg[i].c_str()); NewSystem_Iteration[i] = 0; NewSystem_Enable[i] = true; } } } }
void PrintLast(int x, FILE *pf_out) { int nr=0; NODE *CurrNODE=head; while(CurrNODE!=NULL) { nr++; CurrNODE=CurrNODE->next; } if(x>=nr) { PrintAll(pf_out); } else { CurrNODE=tail; while(x>=1) { x-=1; CurrNODE=CurrNODE->prev; } while(CurrNODE!=NULL) { fprintf(pf_out,"%d ",CurrNODE->data); CurrNODE=CurrNODE->next; } } fprintf(pf_out, "\n"); }
void main() { int nMenu = 0; LoadList(DATA_FILE_NAME); // 메인 이벤트 반복문 while ((nMenu = PrintUI()) != 0) { switch (nMenu) { case 1: // Add Add(); break; case 2: // Search Search(); break; case 3: // Print all PrintAll(); break; case 4: // Remove Remove(); break; } } // 종료 전에 파일로 저장하고 메모리를 해제한다. SaveList(DATA_FILE_NAME); ReleaseList(); }
void runDistances(BedFile1& refFile, BedFile2& nonRefFile, const Input& input) { bool printDistances = input.PrintDistances(); bool suppressRefField = input.SuppressReference(); if ( input.ShortestOnly() ) findDistances(refFile, nonRefFile, input.AllowOverlaps(), PrintShortest(input.Delimiter(), printDistances, suppressRefField)); else findDistances(refFile, nonRefFile, input.AllowOverlaps(), PrintAll(input.Delimiter(), printDistances, suppressRefField)); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Node* head = new Node(3); AddNode(&head, 5); AddNode(&head, 5); AddNode(&head, 5); AddNode(&head, 5); AddNode(&head, 8); PrintAll(head); RemoveDuplicate2(head); PrintAll(head); return 0; }
int main() { head = BuildOneTwoThree(head); PrintAll(head); printf("Lenght of the list is %d\n", Length(head)); // insert 6 Append(6, head); PrintAll(head); // insert 5 // delete the whole list }
//xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx // void Next() { GetProjection(event, event); FindEdges(); if( (start[1]-start[0])> MinStartDist ) // limit the burst distance { GetAmpSignals(); GetPMTSignals(); GetShpSignals(); if( !(event%100) ) { DrawAll(); DrawDistributions(); PrintAll(); printf("event: %i\n", event); } } event++; if( event == event_lastt ) { ftimer.Stop(); FitProfiles(); PrintAll(); DrawAll(); DrawDistributions(); WriteAll(); gSystem->Exit(1); } }
void PrintAll(Unit unit[], int i) { printf("\n Name : %s\n", unit[i].name); printf(" Hp : %.2lf\n", unit[i].hp); printf(" Mp : %.2lf\n", unit[i].mp); printf("Speed : %d\n", unit[i].speed); printf("Range : %d\n", unit[i].range); printf("Posit : %s\n", unit[i].position); if (i == SIZE - 1) return; PrintAll(unit, i + 1); }
int Move(int *source, int *dest) { int i,j; while (i<N && (source[i])==0) i++; while (j<N && (dest[j])==0) j++; dest[j-1] = source[i]; source[i] = 0; PrintAll(); /* Print configuration after each move. */ return dest[j-1]; }
//void MoveMemberData(); //Delete Index change need to use address &iIndex void Delete_me(BAN MemberArray[],int * piIndex)//Delete func to delete member { for(int i=0;i<*piIndex;i++){ int iSearch = Search_name(MemberArray,piIndex); if(iSearch != -1){ //PrintMemberData(&MemberArray[i]); DeleteAt(MemberArray,piIndex,iSearch); }else { printf("NOT FOUND!!!"); } } PrintAll(MemberArray,*piIndex); }
int main() { FILE *f1=fopen("input.dat","r"); FILE *f2=fopen("output.dat","w"); char s[15]; int data; p->head=0; p->tail=0; while(fscanf(f1, "%s", s)==1) { if(strcmp(s, "AF")==0) { fscanf(f1, " %d", &data); AddFirst(data); } if(strcmp(s, "AL")==0) { fscanf(f1, " %d", &data); AddLast(data); } if(strcmp(s, "DF")==0) DeleteFirst(); if(strcmp(s, "DL")==0) DeleteLast(); if(strcmp(s, "DE")==0) { fscanf(f1, "%d", &data); DeleteElem(data); } if(strcmp(s, "DOOM_THE_LIST")==0) Doom_The_List(); if(strcmp(s, "PRINT_ALL")==0) PrintAll(f2); if(strcmp(s, "PRINT_F")==0) { fscanf(f1, "%d", &data); PrintFirst(data, f2); } if (strcmp(s,"PRINT_L")==0) { fscanf(f1, "%d", &data); PrintLast(p->tail, data, f2); fprintf(f2, "\n"); } } return 0; }
int main() { FILE *pf_in=fopen("input.dat", "r"); FILE *pf_out=fopen("output.dat", "w"); char action[20]; int value; while(fscanf(pf_in,"%s %d", &action, &value)!=EOF) { if((strcmp(action,"AF"))==0) { AddFirst(value); } if((strcmp(action,"AL"))==0) { AddLast(value); } if((strcmp(action,"DF"))==0) { DelFirst(); } if((strcmp(action,"DL"))==0) { DelLast(); } if((strcmp(action,"DOOM_THE_LIST"))==0) { DoomList(); } if((strcmp(action,"DE"))==0) { DeleteCertainElement(value); } if((strcmp(action,"PRINT_ALL"))==0) { PrintAll(pf_out); } if((strcmp(action,"PRINT_F"))==0) { PrintFirst(value, pf_out); } if((strcmp(action,"PRINT_L"))==0) { PrintLast(value, pf_out); } } fclose(pf_in); return 0; }
int main() { Date compGradDate(12, 6, 2017); MathStudent numberStudent("Jeremy Lin", 12456717, 25, "617-823-8925", 'M', "Freshman", 3.0, "42 Harwood Avenue", "Harwich", "MA.", 82653); CS1Cstudent compStudent("James Davis", 98035769, 25, "661-877-8825", 'M', "Sophomore", 3.5, 120, true, compGradDate); Student student("Douglas Adams", 42424242, 42, "666-987-0042", 'M', "Senior", 4.2); cout << endl << endl; PrintAll(numberStudent); cout << endl << endl; PrintAll(compStudent); cout << endl << endl; PrintAll(student); cout << endl << endl; return 0; }
int main(){ int n; //head = NULL; gets(str); scanf("%d",&n); Create(str); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ int k; char c; scanf("%d ",&k); c = getchar(); Insert(c,k); Delete(k); PrintAll(i == n - 1?1:0); } return 0; }
//sap xep theo shellsort void sort_by_shell(BAN ban[],int size) { int i,j,interrup; BAN temp; for(interrup=size/2;interrup>0;interrup=interrup/2){ for(i=0;i<size;i=i+interrup){ temp=ban[i]; //strcpy(temp.numberphone,ban[i].numberphone); for(j=i;j>0 && compare_string(ban[j-interrup].numberphone,ban[j].numberphone)==1;j--){ //strcpy(ban[j].numberphone,ban[j-interrup].numberphone); ban[j] = ban[j-interrup]; } ban[j] = temp; //strcpy(ban[j].numberphone,temp.numberphone); } } PrintAll(ban,size); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s input.index digits\n", argv[0]); return 2; } FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: can't open \"%s\"\n", argv[1]); return 1; } IndexReader reader(fp); PhoneFilter filter(argv[2]); SearchDriver driver(&reader, &filter, 0, 1e-6); PrintAll(&driver); return 0; }
void PrintAll(TNode* root,char* buffer,int index){ if(!root){ return; } int i; if(root->data==1){ PrintCurrent(buffer,index); } for(i=0;i<26;i++){ if(root->next[i]){ buffer[index]=97+i; PrintAll(root->next[i],buffer,index+1); } } }
int main() { int i; /* initialize the towers */ for(i=0;i<N;i++)A[i]=i+1; for(i=0;i<N;i++)B[i]=0; for(i=0;i<N;i++)C[i]=0; printf("Solution of Tower of Hanoi Problem with %d Disks\n\n",N); /* Print the starting state */ printf("Starting state:\n"); PrintAll(); printf("\n\nSubsequent states:\n\n"); /* Do it! Use A = Source, B = Destination, C = Spare */ Hanoi(N,A,B,C); return 0; }
void Play(tGame * game) { int legal; tScan scan; tCommand command; command.undo.can_undo = FALSE; command.undo.undo_error = FALSE; command.undo.lastboard.rows = game->visualboard.rows; command.undo.lastboard.columns = game->visualboard.columns; CreateBoard(&command.undo.lastboard);; do { PrintAll(game, &command); do { if ((legal = InputCommand(&scan))) { if((legal = LegalCommand(&scan, &command))) if (command.command_ref < 5) /*All commands but quit or undo*/ legal = LegalParams(game, &command, &scan); } if (!legal) printf("%s%s%s\n", KERR, COMMAND_ERR, KDEF); } while (!legal); ExecCommand(game, &command); CheckGameState(game); } while(game->gamestate == GAMESTATE_DEFAULT); PrintResult(game); freeBoard(game->hiddenboard.board, game->hiddenboard.rows); freeBoard(game->visualboard.board, game->hiddenboard.rows); return; }
void main() { BOOK BookArray[3]; int iIndex =0; int iChoice = 1; while( iChoice !=0) { printf("\n1.Input\n"); printf("2.Print All\n"); printf("3.Search\n"); scanf("%d", &iChoice); fflush(stdin); switch(iChoice) { case 1: InputBookMember(BookArray, &iIndex, sizeof(BookArray)/sizeof(BookArray[0])); break; case 2: PrintAll(BookArray,iIndex); break; } } }
void PrintInput() { PrintAll(init_share); PrintAll(TransferMat); }
virtual void PrintResult(){ PrintAll(nums); }
void PrintResult() { PrintAll(eq_share); }
virtual void PrintInput(){ PrintAll(nums); }
int main() { Unit unit[SIZE] = { { "Lux", 477.72, 334, 330, 550, "mid" }, { "Ashe", 527.72, 231.8, 325, 600, "bot" }, { "Sona", 482.36, 340.6, 325, 550, "bot" }, { "Nocturn", 582.8, 273.8, 345, 125, "jungle" }, { "Amumu", 613.12, 287.2, 335, 125, "jungle" }, { "Veigar", 492.76, 342.4, 340, 525, "mid" }, { "Taric", 619.2, 349.08, 340, 125, "bot" }, { "Leesin", 570.8, 200, 350, 125, "jungle" }, { "Irelia", 607.2, 288.8, 345, 125, "top" }, { "Corki", 512.76, 305.16, 325, 550, "bot" }, { "Alistar", 513.36, 278.84, 330, 125, "bot" }, { "Tryndamere", 625.64, 100, 345, 125, "top" }, { "Fiddlesticks", 524.4, 350.12, 335, 480, "jungle" }, { "Vayne", 498.44, 231.8, 330, 550, "bot" }, { "Anivia", 467.6, 346.04, 325, 600, "mid" }, { "Morgana", 547.48, 340.8, 335, 450, "mid" }, { "Graves", 551.12, 322.2, 330, 525, "bot" }, { "Gangplank", 631.08, 282.2, 345, 125, "top" }, { "Ezreal", 484.4, 310.6, 325, 550, "bot" }, { "Singed", 542.76, 290.6, 345, 125, "top" } }; Unit Utemp = { 0, }; int sel = 0; char Search_name[20] = { 0, }; char Delete_name[20] = { 0, }; char Delete_pos[20] = { 0, }; char Insert_name[20] = { 0, }; char Insert_position[20] = { 0, }; double Insert_hp = 0; double Insert_mp = 0; int Insert_speed = 0; int Insert_range = 0; int index = 0; while (1) { printf("\n(1)Search (2)Insert (3)Delete (4)DeleteAll (5)PrintAll (6)FindMaxHp (7)SortByHp\n Input : "); scanf_s("%d", &sel); switch (sel) { case 1://Search printf("Search input : "); scanf("%s", Search_name); Search(unit, Search_name, 0); break; case 2://Insert printf("Name input : "); scanf("%s", Insert_name); printf("Hp input : "); scanf("%lf", &Insert_hp); printf("Mp input : "); scanf("%lf", &Insert_mp); printf("Speed input : "); scanf("%d", &Insert_speed); printf("Range input : "); scanf("%d", &Insert_range); printf("Position input : "); scanf("%s", Insert_position); Insert(unit, Insert_name, Insert_hp, Insert_mp, Insert_speed, Insert_range, Insert_position, 0); break; case 3://Delete printf("Delete input : "); scanf("%s", Delete_name); Delete(unit, Delete_name, 0); break; case 4://DeleteAll printf("Position input : "); scanf("%s", Delete_pos); DeleteAll(unit, Delete_pos, 0); break; case 5://PrintAll PrintAll(unit, 0); break; case 6://FindMaxHp index = FindMaxHp(unit, 0, 0, 0); printf("\n Name : %s\n", unit[index].name); printf(" Hp : %.2lf\n", unit[index].hp); printf(" Mp : %.2lf\n", unit[index].mp); printf("Speed : %d\n", unit[index].speed); printf("Range : %d\n", unit[index].range); printf(" Pos : %s\n", unit[index].position); break; case 7://SortByhp SortByHp(unit, unit, Utemp, 0, 0); printf("\nSortByHp Complete!!\n\n"); break; } } return 0; }
int connectToSlave(modbus_t *ctx) { uint16_t *tab_rp_registers; // for getting data from server( slave module ) int i,j; // for repeat int nb_points; // number of register int rc; // register counter char query[QUERY_SIZE]; // for getting query char sSlaveNum[3]; char sFuncCode[3]; char sRegiAdd[5]; char sRegiNum[5]; char sData[5]; char svData[MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS][5]; // MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS : set value in modbus.h char sWriteNum[3]; // str for read data in query uint16_t nSlaveNum; uint16_t nFuncCode; uint16_t nRegiAdd; uint16_t nRegiNum; uint16_t nData; uint16_t nvData[MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS]; uint8_t nWriteNum; // variable for read data in query /* Allocate and initialize the memory to store the registers */ nb_points = (UT_REGISTERS_NB > UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB) ? UT_REGISTERS_NB : UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB; tab_rp_registers = (uint16_t *) malloc(nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t)); memset(tab_rp_registers, 0, nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t)); while ( 1 ) { memset(sSlaveNum, 0, sizeof(sSlaveNum) ); memset(sFuncCode, 0, sizeof(sFuncCode) ); memset(sRegiAdd, 0, sizeof(sRegiAdd) ); memset(sRegiNum, 0, sizeof(sRegiNum) ); memset(sData, 0, sizeof(sData) ); for ( i=0 ; i< MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS ; i++ ) memset(svData[i], 0, sizeof(svData[i]) ); memset(sWriteNum, 0, sizeof(sWriteNum) ); memset(query, 0, QUERY_SIZE); // memory init printf("\tinput Query ( \"q\" exit, \"all\" show all data, \"r\" random query )\n"); printf("\tQUERY : "); scanf( "%s", query ); printf("\n"); if ( !strcmp( query, "q" ) ) // quit message break; // while break else if ( !strcmp( query, "all" ) ) { PrintAll(ctx, tab_rp_registers, UT_REGISTERS_NB); // print all data continue; } else if ( !strcmp( query, "r") ) // random code { printf("\t\"r3\" : 0x03 \"r6\" : 0x06 \"r1\" : 0x10\n\n"); continue; } else if ( !strcmp( query, "r3") ) RandomQuery( query, FUNC03 ); // make random code 0x03 else if ( !strcmp( query, "r6") ) RandomQuery( query, FUNC06 ); // make random code 0x06 else if ( !strcmp( query, "r1") ) RandomQuery( query, FUNC10 ); // make random code 0x10 else if ( !isHexCode(query) || strlen(query)<12 ) // if incorrect query inputed { printf("\tplease input correct query\n\n"); continue; } memcpy( sSlaveNum, (char *)&(query[0]), 2 ); memcpy( sFuncCode, (char *)&(query[2]), 2 ); memcpy( sRegiAdd, (char *)&(query[4]), 4 ); // get Slave ID, Function code, Register start address from query nSlaveNum = strtol( sSlaveNum, NULL, 16 ); nFuncCode = strtol( sFuncCode, NULL, 16 ); nRegiAdd = strtol( sRegiAdd, NULL, 16); // translate string to uint variable switch ( nFuncCode ) { /**/ case 0x03: // 3 read multiple data in RW register /**/ case 0x04: // 4 read multiple data in RO register { if ( strlen(query) != 12 ) // func 0x03, 0x04 must have 16 byte len // last 4 byte is CRC // 16 - 4 = 12 { printf("\tplease input correct query\n\n"); break; // switch break } memcpy( sRegiNum, (char *)&(query[8]), 4 ); nRegiNum = strtol( sRegiNum, NULL, 16); rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, nRegiAdd, nRegiNum, tab_rp_registers); // func 0x03 in modbus library if ( rc < 1 ) { printf("read operation error\n"); // error break; // switch break } printf("\t---------------------------------------- Data ----------------------------------------\n"); printf("\t\t 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F\n"); printf("\t----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (i=0 , j=nRegiAdd%0x10; i<nRegiNum+j ; i++ ) { if ( i%16 == 0 ) printf("\n\t0x%02X\t", nRegiAdd-j+i); if ( i >= j && i < j+nRegiNum ) printf(" %04X", *(tab_rp_registers+i-j)); else printf(" "); } printf("\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); } break; // switch break /**/ case 0x06: // 6 write one data in RW register { if ( strlen(query) != 12 ) // func 0x06 must have 16 byte len // last 4 byte is CRC // 16 - 4 = 12 { printf("\tplease input correct query\n\n"); break; // switch break } memcpy( sData, (char *)&(query[8]), 4 ); nData = strtol( sData, NULL, 16); rc = modbus_write_register(ctx, nRegiAdd, nData); // func 0x06 in modbus library if ( rc != 1 ) { printf("write operation error\n\n"); break; // switch break } printf("\n"); } break; /**/ case 0x10: // 16 write multiple data in RW register { memcpy( sRegiNum, (char *)&(query[8]), 4 ); memcpy( sWriteNum, (char *)&(query[12]), 2 ); nRegiNum = strtol( sRegiNum, NULL, 16); nWriteNum = strtol( sWriteNum, NULL, 16); if ( strlen(query) != 14+(nRegiNum*4) || nWriteNum != nRegiNum*2 ) { // func 0x06 must have 16 byte len // last 4 byte is CRC // 16 - 4 = 12 printf("\tplease input correct query\n\n"); break; // switch break } for ( i=0 ; i< nRegiNum ; i++ ) { memcpy( svData[i], (char *)&(query[14+(i*4)]), 4 ); nvData[i] = strtol( svData[i], NULL, 16); } printf("\n"); modbus_write_registers(ctx, nRegiAdd, nRegiNum, nvData); // func 0x10 in modbus library } break; // switch break; default : printf("incorrect Function code.\n\n"); // function code is not 0x03, 0x06, 0x10 } // switch end } // while end printf("interface end.\n"); /* Free the memory */ free(tab_rp_registers); }
int main() { //show_menu_main(); BAN b[10]; int iIndex =0;//No Data int choice; label: show_menu_main(); printf("Input that you want choice : \n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice){ case 1: { Show_Create(); InputMember(b,&iIndex, sizeof(b)/sizeof(b[0]));// Input run pointer point to iIndex address, get value iIndex ++ goto label; break; } case 2: { Show_Output(); PrintAll(b,iIndex); goto label; break; } case 3: Show_Searching(); int chon; printf("Input choice that you searching!!!\n"); scanf("%d",&chon); switch(chon){ case 1: Searching_by_name(b,&iIndex); goto label; break; case 2: Searching_by_id(b,iIndex); goto label; break; } case 4: Show_Modify(); Modify(b,iIndex); goto label; break; case 11: show_menu_EDIT(); Edit(b,iIndex); goto label; break; case 5: show_list_delete(); //Delete(b,&iIndex); Delete_me(b,&iIndex); //PrintAll(b,iIndex); goto label; break; case 6: Show_delete_All(); int de; printf("YOU WANT CHOICE "); scanf("%d",&de); switch(de){ case 1: DeleteAll(b,&iIndex); goto label; break; case 2: goto label; break; } case 7: { show_menu_sort(); int sort; printf("Please Input choice to sort data\n"); scanf("%d",&sort); switch(sort){ case 1: insertSort(b,iIndex); PrintAll(b,iIndex); goto label; break; case 2: sort_by_shell(b,iIndex); goto label; break; case 3: QuickSort(b,0,iIndex-1); PrintAll(b,iIndex); goto label; break; case 4: Merger_Sort_vision(b,0,iIndex-1); PrintAll(b,iIndex); goto label; break; } } break; case 8: save(b,iIndex); goto label; break; case 9: Show_data_read_file(); ReadFile_1(b,iIndex,"ds.txt"); goto label; break; case 10: exit(0); break; } return 0; }
int main() { HEAD* List = Create(); SaveData data = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; EnQueue(List, data); char sel = 0; while (1) { printf("명령어 입력 : "); scanf("%s", &sel); switch (sel) { case '+': printf("Push 입력 : "); scanf("%d %d %d", &data.x, &data.y, &data.z); Push(List, data); PrintAll(List); break; case '-': Pop(List); PrintAll(List); break; case 'e': printf("EnQueue 입력 : "); scanf("%d %d %d", &data.x, &data.y, &data.z); EnQueue(List, data); PrintAll(List); break; case 'd': DeQueue(List); PrintAll(List); break; case 'l': printf("length of stack : %d \t length of queue : %d\n", stack_count, queue_count); break; case 'c': DeleteAll(List); break; case 'm': FindMaxNum(List); break; case 'n': FindMinNum(List); break; case 'q': break; default: break; } } return 0; }