Ejemplo n.º 1
nsNativeDragTarget::DragOver(DWORD   grfKeyState,
                             POINTL  ptl,
                             LPDWORD pdwEffect)
  if (DRAG_DEBUG) printf("DragOver %d x %d\n", ptl.x, ptl.y);
	if (!mDragService) {
		return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);

  // without the AddRef() |this| can get destroyed in an event handler

  // Drag and drop image helper
  if (mDropTargetHelper) {
    POINT pt = { ptl.x, ptl.y };
    mDropTargetHelper->DragOver(&pt, *pdwEffect);

  if (!mDragCancelled) {
    // Now process the native drag state and then dispatch the event
    ProcessDrag(nsnull, NS_DRAGDROP_OVER, grfKeyState, ptl, pdwEffect);


  return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
nsNativeDragTarget::DragEnter(LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource,
                              DWORD        grfKeyState,
                              POINTL       ptl,
                              DWORD*       pdwEffect)
  if (DRAG_DEBUG) printf("DragEnter hwnd:%x\n", mHWnd);

	if (!mDragService) {
		return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);

  // Drag and drop image helper
  if (mDropTargetHelper) {
    POINT pt = { ptl.x, ptl.y };
    mDropTargetHelper->DragEnter(mHWnd, pIDataSource, &pt, *pdwEffect);

  // save a ref to this, in case the window is destroyed underneath us
  NS_ASSERTION(!mTookOwnRef, "own ref already taken!");
  mTookOwnRef = PR_TRUE;

  // tell the drag service about this drag (it may have come from an
  // outside app).

  // Remember if this operation allows a move.
  mCanMove = (*pdwEffect) & DROPEFFECT_MOVE;

  void* tempOutData = nsnull;
  PRUint32 tempDataLen = 0;
  nsresult loadResult = nsClipboard::GetNativeDataOffClipboard(
      pIDataSource, 0, ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT), nsnull, &tempOutData, &tempDataLen);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && tempOutData) {
    NS_ASSERTION(tempDataLen == 2, "Expected word size");
    WORD preferredEffect = *((WORD*)tempOutData);

    // Mask effect coming from function call with effect preferred by the source.
    mMovePreferred = (preferredEffect & DROPEFFECT_MOVE) != 0;
    mMovePreferred = mCanMove;

  // Set the native data object into drag service
  // This cast is ok because in the constructor we created a
  // the actual implementation we wanted, so we know this is
  // a nsDragService. It should be a private interface, though.
  nsDragService * winDragService =
    static_cast<nsDragService *>(mDragService);

  // Now process the native drag state and then dispatch the event
  ProcessDrag(pIDataSource, NS_DRAGDROP_ENTER, grfKeyState, ptl, pdwEffect);

  return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
nsNativeDragTarget::Drop(LPDATAOBJECT pData,
                         DWORD        grfKeyState,
                         POINTL       aPT,
                         LPDWORD      pdwEffect)
	if (!mDragService) {
		return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);

  // Drag and drop image helper
  if (mDropTargetHelper) {
    POINT pt = { aPT.x, aPT.y };
    mDropTargetHelper->Drop(pData, &pt, *pdwEffect);

  // Set the native data object into the drag service
  // This cast is ok because in the constructor we created a
  // the actual implementation we wanted, so we know this is
  // a nsDragService (but it should still be a private interface)
  nsDragService * winDragService =
    static_cast<nsDragService *>(mDragService);

  // Note: Calling ProcessDrag can destroy us; don't touch members after that.
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDragService> serv = mDragService;

  // Now process the native drag state and then dispatch the event
  ProcessDrag(pData, NS_DRAGDROP_DROP, grfKeyState, aPT, pdwEffect);

  // Let the win drag service know whether this session experienced 
  // a drop event within the application. Drop will not oocur if the
  // drop landed outside the app. (used in tab tear off, bug 455884)

  // tell the drag service we're done with the session
  // Use GetMessagePos to get the position of the mouse at the last message
  // seen by the event loop. (Bug 489729)
  DWORD pos = ::GetMessagePos();
  POINT cpos;
  cpos.x = GET_X_LPARAM(pos);
  cpos.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(pos);
  winDragService->SetDragEndPoint(nsIntPoint(cpos.x, cpos.y));

  // release the ref that was taken in DragEnter
  NS_ASSERTION(mTookOwnRef, "want to release own ref, but not taken!");
  if (mTookOwnRef) {
    mTookOwnRef = PR_FALSE;

  return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CTexViewer::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	if (m_bDrag && (MK_LBUTTON & nFlags))
		if (EDITMODE_SELECT == m_eEditMode)
			// 화면 스크롤 체크
			CRect rcClient;
			CPoint ptOffset(0,0);
			int iBorder = 20;	// 화면 가장자리 20 이내있으면 1씩 증감
			if (point.x < rcClient.left+iBorder) ptOffset.x = -1;
			else if (point.x > rcClient.right-iBorder) ptOffset.x = 1;
			if (point.y < rcClient.top+iBorder) ptOffset.y = -1;
			else if (point.y > rcClient.bottom-iBorder) ptOffset.y = 1;
			iBorder = 10;		// 10 이내있으면 5씩 증감
			if (point.x < rcClient.left+iBorder) ptOffset.x = -5;
			else if (point.x > rcClient.right-iBorder) ptOffset.x = 5;
			if (point.y < rcClient.top+iBorder) ptOffset.y = -5;
			else if (point.y > rcClient.bottom-iBorder) ptOffset.y = 5;
			iBorder = 5;		// 5 이내있으면 20씩 증감
			if (point.x < rcClient.left+iBorder) ptOffset.x = -20;
			else if (point.x > rcClient.right-iBorder) ptOffset.x = 20;
			if (point.y < rcClient.top+iBorder) ptOffset.y = -20;
			else if (point.y > rcClient.bottom-iBorder) ptOffset.y = 20;
			if (CPoint(0,0) != ptOffset) SetLeftTopInImage(m_ptLeftTopInImage+ptOffset);

			if (DRAGTYPE_SELECT == m_eDragType)
				// 선택 영역 갱신
				CPoint pt = point;
				ScreenToImage(&pt);				// image 좌표로 변환
				m_rcSelectedRect.right = pt.x;
				m_rcSelectedRect.bottom = pt.y;
				m_bDeselect = FALSE;		// deselect 해제
			{	// 영역 변형일 경우 다음과 같이 처리
		else if (EDITMODE_HAND == m_eEditMode)
			CPoint ptDiff = m_ptMouseOld - point;
			ptDiff.x = (int)(ptDiff.x / m_fScale);
			ptDiff.y = (int)(ptDiff.y / m_fScale);
	m_ptMouseOld = point;
	GetParent()->PostMessage(UM_UPDATE_INFO, TRUE, MAKELPARAM((short)point.y,(short)point.x));
	CWnd::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CTexViewer::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	if (m_bDrag)
		m_bDrag = FALSE;
		if (EDITMODE_SELECT == m_eEditMode)
			if (DRAGTYPE_SELECT == m_eDragType)
				if (m_bDeselect) m_rcSelectedRect.SetRect(-1,-1,-1,-1);	// deselect
					CPoint pt = point;
					ScreenToImage(&pt);				// image 좌표로 변환
					// 사각형의 left,top은 작은 좌표 right, bottom은 큰 좌표로 정리하기
					if (m_rcSelectedRect.left > pt.x)
						m_rcSelectedRect.right = m_rcSelectedRect.left;
						m_rcSelectedRect.left = pt.x;
					else m_rcSelectedRect.right = pt.x;
					if (m_rcSelectedRect.top > pt.y)
						m_rcSelectedRect.bottom = m_rcSelectedRect.top;
						m_rcSelectedRect.top = pt.y;
					else m_rcSelectedRect.bottom = pt.y;
			m_eDragType = DRAGTYPE_NONE;
			if (m_iCurSelectedImage>=0) m_ImageRects[m_iCurSelectedImage] = m_rcSelectedRect;	// 만약 ImageType별로 저장한다면 선택된 사각형을 copy해주기
		else if (EDITMODE_ZOOM == m_eEditMode)
			if (m_ptMouseOld == point)
				CRect rc;
				CPoint ptPrev = point;
				ScreenToImage(&ptPrev);	// zoom 하기 전의 image좌표 저장
				Zoom((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0xff00) ? FALSE : TRUE);
				CPoint ptNext = ptPrev;
				ImageToScreen(&ptNext);	// zoom 한 후의 image좌표를 screen좌표로 전환
				ptNext.x = int((ptNext.x-rc.CenterPoint().x)/m_fScale);		//화면 가운데로 오게끔 설정
				ptNext.y = int((ptNext.y-rc.CenterPoint().y)/m_fScale);
				SetLeftTopInImage( m_ptLeftTopInImage + ptNext);	//차이만큼 옮기기
		else if (EDITMODE_HAND == m_eEditMode)
			CPoint ptDiff = m_ptMouseOld - point;
			ptDiff.x = (int)(ptDiff.x / m_fScale);
			ptDiff.y = (int)(ptDiff.y / m_fScale);
	m_ptMouseOld = point;
	GetParent()->PostMessage(UM_UPDATE_INFO, TRUE, MAKELPARAM((short)point.y,(short)point.x));
	CWnd::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);