Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Executes a service command.
 * @param argc The number of arguments in argv
 * @param argv The service command line arguments, argv[0] and argv[1]
 *             and automatically included by Windows.  argv[2] is the
 *             service command.
 * @return FALSE if there was an error executing the service command.
ExecuteServiceCommand(int argc, LPWSTR *argv)
  if (argc < 3) {
    LOG(("Not enough command line arguments to execute a service command\n"));
    return FALSE;

  // The tests work by making sure the log has changed, so we put a 
  // unique ID in the log.
  RPC_WSTR guidString = RPC_WSTR(L"");
  GUID guid;
  HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid(&guid);
  if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
    UuidToString(&guid, &guidString);
  LOG(("Executing service command %ls, ID: %ls\n", 
       argv[2], reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(guidString)));

  BOOL result = FALSE;
  if (!lstrcmpi(argv[2], L"software-update")) {
    result = ProcessSoftwareUpdateCommand(argc - 3, argv + 3);
    // We might not reach here if the service install succeeded
    // because the service self updates itself and the service
    // installer will stop the service.
    LOG(("Service command %ls complete.\n", argv[2]));
  } else {
    LOG(("Service command not recognized: %ls.\n", argv[2]));
    // result is already set to FALSE

  LOG(("service command %ls complete with result: %ls.\n", 
       argv[1], (result ? L"Success" : L"Failure")));
  return TRUE;
 * Executes a service command.
 * @param argc The number of arguments in argv
 * @param argv The service command line arguments, argv[0] and argv[1]
 *             and automatically included by Windows.  argv[2] is the
 *             service command.
 * @return FALSE if there was an error executing the service command.
ExecuteServiceCommand(int argc, LPWSTR *argv)
  if (argc < 3) {
    LOG_WARN(("Not enough command line arguments to execute a service command"));
    return FALSE;

  // The tests work by making sure the log has changed, so we put a 
  // unique ID in the log.
  RPC_WSTR guidString = RPC_WSTR(L"");
  GUID guid;
  HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid(&guid);
  if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
    UuidToString(&guid, &guidString);
  LOG(("Executing service command %ls, ID: %ls",
       argv[2], reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(guidString)));

  BOOL result = FALSE;
  if (!lstrcmpi(argv[2], L"software-update")) {

    // Use the passed in command line arguments for the update, except for the
    // path to updater.exe.  We copy updater.exe to a the directory of the
    // MozillaMaintenance service so that a low integrity process cannot
    // replace the updater.exe at any point and use that for the update.
    // It also makes DLL injection attacks harder.
    LPWSTR oldUpdaterPath = argv[3];
    WCHAR secureUpdaterPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
    result = GetSecureUpdaterPath(secureUpdaterPath); // Does its own logging
    if (result) {
      LOG(("Passed in path: '%ls'; Using this path for updating: '%ls'.",
           oldUpdaterPath, secureUpdaterPath));
      result = CopyFileW(oldUpdaterPath, secureUpdaterPath, FALSE);

    if (!result) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not copy path to secure location.  (%d)",
      if (argc > 4 && !WriteStatusFailure(argv[4],
                                          SERVICE_COULD_NOT_COPY_UPDATER)) {
        LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status could not copy updater error"));
    } else {

      // We obtained the path and copied it successfully, update the path to
      // use for the service update.
      argv[3] = secureUpdaterPath;

      WCHAR oldUpdaterINIPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
      WCHAR secureUpdaterINIPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
      if (PathGetSiblingFilePath(secureUpdaterINIPath, secureUpdaterPath,
                                 L"updater.ini") &&
          PathGetSiblingFilePath(oldUpdaterINIPath, oldUpdaterPath,
                                 L"updater.ini")) {
        // This is non fatal if it fails there is no real harm
        if (!CopyFileW(oldUpdaterINIPath, secureUpdaterINIPath, FALSE)) {
          LOG_WARN(("Could not copy updater.ini from: '%ls' to '%ls'.  (%d)",
                    oldUpdaterINIPath, secureUpdaterINIPath, GetLastError()));

      result = ProcessSoftwareUpdateCommand(argc - 3, argv + 3);

    // We might not reach here if the service install succeeded
    // because the service self updates itself and the service
    // installer will stop the service.
    LOG(("Service command %ls complete.", argv[2]));
  } else {
    LOG_WARN(("Service command not recognized: %ls.", argv[2]));
    // result is already set to FALSE

  LOG(("service command %ls complete with result: %ls.",
       argv[1], (result ? L"Success" : L"Failure")));
  return TRUE;