Ejemplo n.º 1
int menu(void)
char Choice;

     do {

                "P. Planar embedding and Kuratowski subgraph isolation\n"
                "D. Planar graph drawing\n"
                "O. Outerplanar embedding and obstruction isolation\n"
                "2. Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3}\n"
                "3. Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{3,3}\n"
                "4. Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_4\n"
        		"C. Color the vertices of the graph\n"
        		"H. Help message for command line version\n"
                "R. Reconfigure options\n"
                "X. Exit\n"

        Prompt("Enter Choice: ");
        scanf(" %c", &Choice);
        Choice = tolower(Choice);

        if (Choice == 'h')

        else if (Choice == 'r')

        else if (Choice != 'x')
        	char *secondOutfile = NULL;
        	if (Choice == 'p'  || Choice == 'o' || Choice == 'd')
        		secondOutfile ="";

            switch (tolower(Mode))
                case 's' : SpecificGraph(Choice, NULL, NULL, secondOutfile); break;
                case 'r' : RandomGraphs(Choice, 0, 0); break;
                case 'm' : RandomGraph(Choice, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); break;
                case 'n' : RandomGraph(Choice, 1, 0, NULL, NULL); break;

        if (Choice != 'r' && Choice != 'x')
            Prompt("\nPress a key then hit ENTER to continue...");
            scanf(" %*c");

     }  while (Choice != 'x');

     // Certain debuggers don't terminate correctly with pending output content

     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int helpMessage(char *param)
	char *commandStr =
    	"C = command from menu\n"
    	"    -p = Planar embedding and Kuratowski subgraph isolation\n"
        "    -o = Outerplanar embedding and obstruction isolation\n"
        "    -d = Planar graph drawing\n"
        "    -2 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3}\n"
        "    -3 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{3,3}\n"
        "    -4 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_4\n"
		"    -c = Color the vertices of the graph\n"


	if (param == NULL)
            "'planarity': menu-driven\n"
            "'planarity (-h|-help)': this message\n"
            "'planarity (-h|-help) -menu': more help with menu-based command line\n"
    	    "'planarity -test [-q] [C]': runs tests (optional quiet mode, single test)\n"

	    	"Common usages\n"
            "planarity -s -q -p infile.txt embedding.out [obstruction.out]\n"
	    	"Process infile.txt in quiet mode (-q), putting planar embedding in \n"
	    	"embedding.out or (optionally) a Kuratowski subgraph in Obstruction.out\n"
	    	"Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error\n"
            "planarity -s -q -d infile.txt embedding.out [drawing.out]\n"
            "If graph in infile.txt is planar, then put embedding in embedding.out \n"
            "and (optionally) an ASCII art drawing in drawing.out\n"
            "Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error\n"

	else if (strcmp(param, "-menu") == 0)
	    	"'planarity -r [-q] C K N': Random graphs\n"
	    	"'planarity -s [-q] C I O [O2]': Specific graph\n"
	        "'planarity -rm [-q] N O [O2]': Maximal planar random graph\n"
	        "'planarity -rn [-q] N O [O2]': Nonplanar random graph (maximal planar + edge)\n"
	        "'planarity I O [-n O2]': Legacy command-line (default -s -p)\n"

	    Message("-q is for quiet mode (no messages to stdout and stderr)\n\n");


	    	"K = # of graphs to randomly generate\n"
	    	"N = # of vertices in each randomly generated graph\n"
	        "I = Input file (for work on a specific graph)\n"
	        "O = Primary output file\n"
	        "    For example, if C=-p then O receives the planar embedding\n"
	    	"    If C=-3, then O receives a subgraph containing a K_{3,3}\n"
	        "O2= Secondary output file\n"
	    	"    For -s, if C=-p or -o, then O2 receives the embedding obstruction\n"
	       	"    For -s, if C=-d, then O2 receives a drawing of the planar graph\n"
	    	"    For -m and -n, O2 contains the original randomly generated graph\n"

	        "planarity process results: 0=OK, -1=NOTOK, 1=NONEMBEDDABLE\n"
	    	"    1 result only produced by specific graph mode (-s)\n"
	        "      with command -2,-3,-4: found K_{2,3}, K_{3,3} or K_4\n"
	    	"      with command -p,-d: found planarity obstruction\n"
	    	"      with command -o: found outerplanarity obstruction\n"

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int helpMessage(char *param)
	char *commandStr =
    	"C = command (algorithm implementation to run)\n"
    	"    -p = Planar embedding and Kuratowski subgraph isolation\n"
        "    -d = Planar graph drawing by visibility representation\n"
        "    -o = Outerplanar embedding and obstruction isolation\n"
        "    -2 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3}\n"
        "    -3 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{3,3}\n"
        "    -4 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_4\n"
		"    -a = All of the above\n"


	if (param == NULL)
            "'planarity': if no command-line, then menu-driven\n"
            "'planarity (-h|-help)': this message\n"
            "'planarity (-h|-help) -gen': more help with graph generator command line\n"
            "'planarity (-h|-help) -menu': more help with menu-based command line\n"
	        "'planarity (-i|-info): copyright and license information\n"
    	    "'planarity -test [-q] [C]': runs tests (optional quiet mode, single test)\n"

	    	"Common usages\n"
            "planarity -s -q -p infile.txt embedding.out [obstruction.out]\n"
	    	"Process infile.txt in quiet mode (-q), putting planar embedding in \n"
	    	"embedding.out or (optionally) a Kuratowski subgraph in Obstruction.out\n"
	    	"Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error\n"
            "planarity -s -q -d infile.txt embedding.out [drawing.out]\n"
            "If graph in infile.txt is planar, then put embedding in embedding.out \n"
            "and (optionally) an ASCII art drawing in drawing.out\n"
            "Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error\n"

	else if (strcmp(param, "-i") == 0 || strcmp(param, "-info") == 0)
		    "The Edge Addition Planarity Suite\n"
	    	"Copyright (c) 1997-2015, John M. Boyer\n"
		    "All rights reserved. \n"
	    	"See the LICENSE.TXT file for licensing information. \n"
	    	"Includes a reference implementation of the following:\n"
	    	"* John M. Boyer. \"Subgraph Homeomorphism via the Edge Addition Planarity \n"
	    	"  Algorithm\".  Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 16, \n"
	    	"  no. 2, pp. 381-410, 2012. http://www.jgaa.info/16/268.html\n"
		    "* John M. Boyer. \"A New Method for Efficiently Generating Planar Graph\n"
		    "  Visibility Representations\". In P. Eades and P. Healy, editors,\n"
		    "  Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Graph Drawing 2005,\n"
		    "  Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., Volume 3843, pp. 508-511, Springer-Verlag, 2006.\n"
		    "* John M. Boyer and Wendy J. Myrvold. \"On the Cutting Edge: Simplified O(n)\n"
		    "  Planarity by Edge Addition\". Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications,\n"
		    "  Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 241-273, 2004.\n"
		    "  http://www.jgaa.info/08/91.html\n"
		    "* John M. Boyer. \"Simplified O(n) Algorithms for Planar Graph Embedding,\n"
		    "  Kuratowski Subgraph Isolation, and Related Problems\". Ph.D. Dissertation,\n"
		    "  University of Victoria, 2001.\n"

	else if (strcmp(param, "-menu") == 0)
	    	"'planarity -r [-q] C K N': Random graphs\n"
	    	"'planarity -s [-q] C I O [O2]': Specific graph\n"
	        "'planarity -rm [-q] N O [O2]': Maximal planar random graph\n"
	        "'planarity -rn [-q] N O [O2]': Nonplanar random graph (maximal planar + edge)\n"
	        "'planarity I O [-n O2]': Legacy command-line (default -s -p)\n"

	    Message("-q is for quiet mode (no messages to stdout and stderr)\n\n");


	    	"K = # of graphs to randomly generate\n"
	    	"N = # of vertices in each randomly generated graph\n"
	        "I = Input file (for work on a specific graph)\n"
	        "O = Primary output file\n"
	        "    For example, if C=-p then O receives the planar embedding\n"
	    	"    If C=-3, then O receives a subgraph containing a K_{3,3}\n"
	        "O2= Secondary output file\n"
	    	"    For -s, if C=-p or -o, then O2 receives the embedding obstruction\n"
	       	"    For -s, if C=-d, then O2 receives a drawing of the planar graph\n"
	    	"    For -m and -n, O2 contains the original randomly generated graph\n"

	        "planarity process results: 0=OK, -1=NOTOK, 1=NONEMBEDDABLE\n"
	    	"    1 result only produced by specific graph mode (-s)\n"
	        "      with command -2,-3,-4: found K_{2,3}, K_{3,3} or K_4\n"
	    	"      with command -p,-d: found planarity obstruction\n"
	    	"      with command -o: found outerplanarity obstruction\n"

    return 0;