Ejemplo n.º 1
/* PsychInitializePsychHID()
 * Master init routine - Called at module load time / first time init.
void PsychInitializePsychHID(void)
	int i;

	// Initialize the generic USB tracker to "all off" state:
	for (i = 0; i < PSYCH_HID_MAX_GENERIC_USB_DEVICES; i++) {
		usbDeviceRecordBank[i].valid = 0;

	// Setup event ringbuffers:
	for (i = 0; i < PSYCH_HID_MAX_KEYBOARD_DEVICES; i++) {
		hidEventBuffer[i] = NULL;
		hidEventBufferCapacity[i] = 10000; // Initial capacity of event buffer.
		hidEventBufferReadPos[i] = 0;
		hidEventBufferWritePos[i] = 0;

    #if (PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_OSX) && defined(__LP64__)
    for (i = 0; i < MAXDEVICEINDEXS; i++)
        deviceInterfaces[i] = NULL;
	// Initialize OS specific interfaces and routines:

    // This sets up data structures for HID report reception inside PsychHIDReceiveReports.c:

Ejemplo n.º 2
/* PsychInitializePsychHID()
 * Master init routine - Called at module load time / first time init.
void PsychInitializePsychHID(void)
    int i;

    // Initialize the generic USB tracker to "all off" state:
    for (i = 0; i < PSYCH_HID_MAX_GENERIC_USB_DEVICES; i++) {
        usbDeviceRecordBank[i].valid = 0;

    // Setup event ringbuffers:
    for (i = 0; i < PSYCH_HID_MAX_DEVICES; i++) {
        hidEventBuffer[i] = NULL;
        hidEventBufferCapacity[i] = 10000; // Initial capacity of event buffer.
        hidEventBufferReadPos[i] = 0;
        hidEventBufferWritePos[i] = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXDEVICEINDEXS; i++) deviceInterfaces[i] = NULL;

    // Try to load all bundles from Psychtoolbox/PsychHardware/
    // This loads the HID_Utilities.framework bundle if it is present. The whole point of it is
    // to allow our statically compiled-in version of the library to find the location of
    // the XML file with the database of (vendorId, productId) -> (VendorName, ProductName) and
    // (usagePage, usage) -> (usageName) mappings.
    // In practice, the XML file only serves as a fallback, and one that doesn't contain much
    // useful info for mainstream products, only for a few niche products. Given its limited
    // value, i think we can refrain from shipping the framework as part of Psychtoolbox and
    // just provide the option to use it (== its XML file) if users decide to install it themselves.
    char tmpString[1024];

    sprintf(tmpString, "%sPsychHardware/", PsychRuntimeGetPsychtoolboxRoot(FALSE));
    CFStringRef urlString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, tmpString, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
    CFURLRef directoryURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, urlString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
    CFArrayRef bundleArray = CFBundleCreateBundlesFromDirectory(kCFAllocatorDefault, directoryURL, NULL);


    // Initialize OS specific interfaces and routines:

    // This sets up data structures for HID report reception inside PsychHIDReceiveReports.c:
