 *  PsychQTGetTextureFromMovie() -- Create an OpenGL texture map from a specific videoframe from given movie object.
 *  win = Window pointer of onscreen window for which a OpenGL texture should be created.
 *  moviehandle = Handle to the movie object.
 *  checkForImage = true == Just check if new image available, false == really retrieve the image, blocking if necessary.
 *  timeindex = When not in playback mode, this allows specification of a requested frame by presentation time.
 *              If set to -1, or if in realtime playback mode, this parameter is ignored and the next video frame is returned.
 *  out_texture = Pointer to the Psychtoolbox texture-record where the new texture should be stored.
 *  presentation_timestamp = A ptr to a double variable, where the presentation timestamp of the returned frame should be stored.
 *  Returns true (1) on success, false (0) if no new image available, -1 if no new image available and there won't be any in future.
int PsychQTGetTextureFromMovie(PsychWindowRecordType *win, int moviehandle, int checkForImage, double timeindex, PsychWindowRecordType *out_texture, double *presentation_timestamp)
	static TimeValue myNextTimeCached = -2;
	static TimeValue nextFramesTimeCached = -2;
    TimeValue		myCurrTime;
    TimeValue		myNextTime;
    TimeValue       nextFramesTime=0;
    short		myFlags;
    OSType		myTypes[1];
    OSErr		error = noErr;
    Movie               theMovie;
    CVOpenGLTextureRef newImage = NULL;
    QTVisualContextRef  theMoviecontext;
    unsigned int failcount=0;
    float lowerLeft[2];
    float lowerRight[2];    
    float upperRight[2];    
    float upperLeft[2];
    GLuint texid;
    Rect rect;
    float rate;
    double targetdelta, realdelta, frames;
	PsychRectType outRect;

    if (!PsychIsOnscreenWindow(win)) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Need onscreen window ptr!!!");
    // Activate OpenGL context of target window:

    // Explicitely disable Apple's Client storage extensions. For now they are not really useful to us.
    if (moviehandle < 0 || moviehandle >= PSYCH_MAX_MOVIES) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid moviehandle provided.");
    if ((timeindex!=-1) && (timeindex < 0 || timeindex >= 10000.0)) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid timeindex provided.");
    if (NULL == out_texture && !checkForImage) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "NULL-Ptr instead of out_texture ptr passed!!!");
    // Fetch references to objects we need:
    theMovie = movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].theMovie;
    theMoviecontext = movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].QTMovieContext;

    if (theMovie == NULL) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid moviehandle provided. No movie associated with this handle.");

    // Check if end of movie is reached. Rewind, if so...
    if (IsMovieDone(theMovie) && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].loopflag > 0) {
        if (GetMovieRate(theMovie)>0) {
        } else {
    // Is movie actively playing (automatic async playback, possibly with synced sound)?
    // If so, then we ignore the 'timeindex' parameter, because the automatic playback
    // process determines which frames should be delivered to PTB when. This function will
    // simply wait or poll for arrival/presence of a new frame that hasn't been fetched
    // in previous calls.
    if (0 == GetMovieRate(theMovie)) {
        // Movie playback inactive. We are in "manual" mode: No automatic async playback,
        // no synced audio output. The user just wants to manually fetch movie frames into
        // textures for manual playback in a standard Matlab-loop.

		// First pass - checking for new image?
		if (checkForImage) {
			// Image for specific point in time requested?
			if (timeindex >= 0) {
				// Yes. We try to retrieve the next possible image for requested timeindex.
				myCurrTime = (TimeValue) ((timeindex * (double) GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie)) + 0.5f);
			else {
				// No. We just retrieve the next frame, given the current movie time.
				myCurrTime = GetMovieTime(theMovie, NULL);
			// Retrieve timeindex of the closest image sample after myCurrTime:
			myFlags = nextTimeStep + nextTimeEdgeOK;	// We want the next frame in the movie's media.
			myTypes[0] = VisualMediaCharacteristic;		// We want video samples.
			GetMovieNextInterestingTime(theMovie, myFlags, 1, myTypes, myCurrTime, FloatToFixed(1), &myNextTime, &nextFramesTime);
			error = GetMoviesError();
			if (error != noErr) {
				PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Failed to fetch texture from movie for given timeindex!");
			// Found useful event?
			if (myNextTime == -1) {
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: Bogus timevalue in movie track for movie %i. Trying to keep going.\n", moviehandle);
				// No. Just push timestamp to current time plus a little bit in the hope
				// this will get us unstuck:
				myNextTime = myCurrTime + (TimeValue) 1;
				nextFramesTime = (TimeValue) 0;
			if (myNextTime != myNextTimeCached) {
				// Set movies current time to myNextTime, so the next frame will be fetched from there:
				SetMovieTimeValue(theMovie, myNextTime);
				// nextFramesTime is the timeindex to which we need to advance for retrieval of next frame: (see code below)
				nextFramesTime=myNextTime + nextFramesTime;
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 5) printf("PTB-DEBUG: Current timevalue in movie track for movie %i is %lf secs.\n", moviehandle, (double) myNextTime / (double) GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie));
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 5) printf("PTB-DEBUG: Next timevalue in movie track for movie %i is %lf secs.\n", moviehandle, (double) nextFramesTime / (double) GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie));
				// Cache values for 2nd pass:
				myNextTimeCached = myNextTime;
				nextFramesTimeCached = nextFramesTime;
			else {
				// Somehow got stuck? Do nothing...
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 5) printf("PTB-DEBUG: Seem to be a bit stuck at timevalue [for movie %i] of %lf secs. Nudging a bit forward...\n", moviehandle, (double) myNextTime / (double) GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie));
				// Nudge the timeindex a bit forware in the hope that this helps:
				SetMovieTimeValue(theMovie, GetMovieTime(theMovie, NULL) + 1);
		else {
			// This is the 2nd pass: Image fetching. Use cached values from first pass:
			// Caching in a static works because we're always called immediately for 2nd
			// pass after successfull return from 1st pass, and we're not multi-threaded,
			// i.e., don't need to be reentrant or thread-safe here:
			myNextTime = myNextTimeCached;
			nextFramesTime = nextFramesTimeCached;
			myNextTimeCached = -2;
    else {
        // myNextTime unavailable if in autoplayback-mode:
    // Presentation timestamp requested?
    if (presentation_timestamp) {
        // Already available?
        if (myNextTime==-1) {
            // Retrieve the exact presentation timestamp of the retrieved frame (in movietime):
            myFlags = nextTimeStep + nextTimeEdgeOK;            // We want the next frame in the movie's media.
            myTypes[0] = VisualMediaCharacteristic;		// We want video samples.
                                                                // We search backward for the closest available image for the current time. Either we get the current time
                                                                // if we happen to fetch a frame exactly when it becomes ready, or we get a bit earlier timestamp, which is
                                                                // the optimal presentation timestamp for this frame:
            GetMovieNextInterestingTime(theMovie, myFlags, 1, myTypes, GetMovieTime(theMovie, NULL), FloatToFixed(-1), &myNextTime, NULL);
        // Convert pts (in Quicktime ticks) to pts in seconds since start of movie and return it:
        *presentation_timestamp = (double) myNextTime / (double) GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie);

    // Allow quicktime visual context task to do its internal bookkeeping and cleanup work:
    if (theMoviecontext) QTVisualContextTask(theMoviecontext);

    // Perform decompress-operation:
    if (checkForImage) MoviesTask(theMovie, 0);
    // Should we just check for new image? If so, just return availability status:
    if (checkForImage) {
        if (PSYCH_USE_QT_GWORLDS) {
            // We use GWorlds. In this case we either suceed immediately due to the
            // synchronous nature of GWorld rendering, or we fail completely at end
            // of non-looping movie:
            if (IsMovieDone(theMovie) && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].loopflag == 0) {
                // No new frame available and there won't be any in the future, because this is a non-looping
                // movie that has reached its end.
            // Is this the special case of a movie without video, but only sound? In that case,
			// we always return a 'false' because there ain't no image to return.
			if (movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].QTMovieGWorld == NULL) return(false);
			// Success!
        // Code which uses QTVisualContextTasks...
        if (QTVisualContextIsNewImageAvailable(theMoviecontext, NULL)) {
            // New frame ready!
        else if (IsMovieDone(theMovie) && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].loopflag == 0) {
            // No new frame available and there won't be any in the future, because this is a non-looping
            // movie that has reached its end.
        else {
            // No new frame available yet:
        // Blocking wait-code for non-GWorld mode:
        // Try up to 1000 iterations for arrival of requested image data in wait-mode:
        while ((failcount < 1000) && !QTVisualContextIsNewImageAvailable(theMoviecontext, NULL)) {
            MoviesTask(theMovie, 0);
        // No new frame available and there won't be any in the future, because this is a non-looping
        // movie that has reached its end.
        if ((failcount>=1000) && IsMovieDone(theMovie) && (movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].loopflag == 0)) {
        // Fetch new OpenGL texture with the new movie image frame:
        error = QTVisualContextCopyImageForTime(theMoviecontext, kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, &newImage);
        if ((error!=noErr) || newImage == NULL) {
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "OpenGL<->Quicktime texture fetch failed!!!");
        // Disable client storage, if it was enabled:
        // Build a standard PTB texture record:    
        CVOpenGLTextureGetCleanTexCoords (newImage, lowerLeft, lowerRight, upperRight, upperLeft);
        texid = CVOpenGLTextureGetName(newImage);
        // Assign texture rectangle:
        PsychMakeRect(outRect, upperLeft[0], upperLeft[1], lowerRight[0], lowerRight[1]);    
        // Set texture orientation as if it were an inverted Offscreen window: Upside-down.
        out_texture->textureOrientation = (CVOpenGLTextureIsFlipped(newImage)) ? 3 : 4;

        // Assign OpenGL texture id:
        out_texture->textureNumber = texid;
        // Store special texture object as part of the PTB texture record:
        out_texture->targetSpecific.QuickTimeGLTexture = newImage;
    else {
        // Synchronous texture fetch code for GWorld rendering mode:
        // At this point, the GWorld should contain the source image for creating a
        // standard OpenGL texture:
        // Disable client storage, if it was enabled:
        // Build a standard PTB texture record:    

        // Assign texture rectangle:
        GetMovieBox(theMovie, &rect);

        // Hack: Need to extend rect by 4 pixels, because GWorlds are 4 pixels-aligned via
        // image row padding:
        rect.right = rect.right + 4;
        PsychMakeRect(out_texture->rect, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);    
        // Set NULL - special texture object as part of the PTB texture record:
        out_texture->targetSpecific.QuickTimeGLTexture = NULL;

        // Set texture orientation as if it were an inverted Offscreen window: Upside-down.
        out_texture->textureOrientation = 3;
        // Setup a pointer to our GWorld as texture data pointer:
        out_texture->textureMemorySizeBytes = 0;

		// Quicktime textures are aligned on 4 Byte boundaries:
		out_texture->textureByteAligned = 4;

        // Lock GWorld:
        if(!LockPixels(GetGWorldPixMap(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].QTMovieGWorld))) {
            // Locking surface failed! We abort.
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "PsychQTGetTextureFromMovie(): Locking GWorld pixmap surface failed!!!");
        // This will retrieve an OpenGL compatible pointer to the GWorlds pixel data and assign it to our texmemptr:
        out_texture->textureMemory = (GLuint*) GetPixBaseAddr(GetGWorldPixMap(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].QTMovieGWorld));
        // Let PsychCreateTexture() do the rest of the job of creating, setting up and
        // filling an OpenGL texture with GWorlds content:
        // Undo hack from above after texture creation: Now we need the real width of the
        // texture for proper texture coordinate assignments in drawing code et al.
        rect.right = rect.right - 4;
        PsychMakeRect(outRect, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);    

        // Unlock GWorld surface. We do a glFinish() before, for safety reasons...

        // Ready to use the texture... We're done.
	// Normalize texture rectangle and assign it:
	PsychNormalizeRect(outRect, out_texture->rect);
    rate = FixedToFloat(GetMovieRate(theMovie));
    // Detection of dropped frames: This is a heuristic. We'll see how well it works out...
    if (rate && presentation_timestamp) {
        // Try to check for dropped frames in playback mode:

        // Expected delta between successive presentation timestamps:
        targetdelta = 1.0f / (movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].fps * rate);

        // Compute real delta, given rate and playback direction:
        if (rate>0) {
            realdelta = *presentation_timestamp - movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts;
            if (realdelta<0) realdelta = 0;
        else {
            realdelta = -1.0 * (*presentation_timestamp - movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts);
            if (realdelta<0) realdelta = 0;
        frames = realdelta / targetdelta;
        // Dropped frames?
        if (frames > 1 && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts>=0) {
            movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].nr_droppedframes += (int) (frames - 1 + 0.5);

        movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts = *presentation_timestamp;
    // Manually advance movie time, if in fetch mode:
    if (0 == GetMovieRate(theMovie)) {
        // We are in manual fetch mode: Need to manually advance movie time to next
        // media sample:
		if (nextFramesTime == myNextTime) {
			// Invalid value? Try to hack something that gets us unstuck:
			myNextTime = GetMovieTime(theMovie, NULL);
			nextFramesTime = myNextTime + (TimeValue) 1;

        SetMovieTimeValue(theMovie, nextFramesTime);        
    // Check if end of movie is reached. Rewind, if so...
    if (IsMovieDone(theMovie) && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].loopflag > 0) {
        if (GetMovieRate(theMovie)>0) {
        } else {

PsychError SCREENOpenOffscreenWindow(void) 
    int						screenNumber, depth, targetScreenNumber;
    PsychRectType			rect;
    PsychColorType			color;
    PsychWindowRecordType	*exampleWindowRecord, *windowRecord, *targetWindow;
    psych_bool				wasColorSupplied;
    char*					texturePointer;
    size_t					xSize, ySize, nbytes;
    psych_bool				bigendian;
	GLubyte					*rpb;
    int						ix;
	GLenum					fboInternalFormat;
	psych_bool				needzbuffer;
	psych_bool				overridedepth = FALSE;
	int						usefloatformat = 0;
	int						specialFlags = 0;
	int						multiSample = 0;
    // Detect endianity (byte-order) of machine:
    rpb=(GLubyte*) &ix;
    bigendian = ( *rpb == 255 ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    ix = 0; rpb = NULL;

    //all sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);

    //cap the number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(6));   //The maximum number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(2));  //The maximum number of outputs

    //1-User supplies a window ptr 2-User supplies a screen number 3-User supplies rect and pixel size
        PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, TRUE, &exampleWindowRecord);
		// Assign normalized copy of example windows rect -- Top-Left corner is always (0,0)
		PsychNormalizeRect(exampleWindowRecord->clientrect, rect);

        // We copy depth only from exampleWindow if it is a offscreen window (=texture). Copying from
        // onscreen windows doesn't make sense, e.g. depth=16 for onscreen means RGBA8 window, but it
        // would map onto a LUMINANCE+ALPHA texture for the offscreen window! We always use 32 bit RGBA8
        // in such a case.
        depth=(PsychIsOffscreenWindow(exampleWindowRecord)) ? exampleWindowRecord->depth : 32;
		// unless it is a FBO backed onscreen window in imaging mode: Then we can use the depth from it.
		if (exampleWindowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore || exampleWindowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows) depth = exampleWindowRecord->depth;
    } else if(PsychIsScreenNumberArg(1)){
        PsychCopyInScreenNumberArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber);
        PsychGetScreenRect(screenNumber, rect);
        depth=32; // Always use RGBA8 in this case! See above...
    } else if(PsychIsUnaffiliatedScreenNumberArg(1)){  //that means -1 or maybe also NaN if we add that option.  
        // Default to a depth of 32 bpp:
        depth = 32;
        targetWindow = NULL;
        // Get first open onscreen window as target window:
        PsychFindScreenWindowFromScreenNumber(kPsychUnaffiliatedWindow, &targetWindow);
		if (targetWindow == NULL) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Could not find any open onscreen window to act as parent for this offscreen window. Open an onscreen window first!");
		targetScreenNumber = targetWindow->screenNumber;
        PsychGetScreenRect(targetScreenNumber, rect);
    } else {
        targetScreenNumber = 0; // Make compiler happy.

    if (targetWindow==NULL) {
        // Get target window of screen:
        PsychFindScreenWindowFromScreenNumber(targetScreenNumber, &targetWindow);
		if (targetWindow == NULL) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Could not find any open onscreen window to act as parent for this offscreen window. Open an onscreen window first!");
		targetScreenNumber = targetWindow->screenNumber;
    //Depth and rect argument supplied as arguments override those inherited from reference screen or window.
    //Note that PsychCopyIn* prefix means that value will not be overwritten if the arguments are not present.
    PsychCopyInRectArg(3,FALSE, rect);
    if (IsPsychRectEmpty(rect)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid rect value provided: Empty rects are not allowed.");

	// Copy in optional depth: This gets overriden in many ways if imaging pipeline is on:
    if (PsychCopyInIntegerArg(4,FALSE, &depth)) overridedepth = TRUE;

    // If any of the no longer supported values 0, 1, 2 or 4 is provided, we
    // silently switch to 32 bits per pixel, which is the safest and fastest setting:
    if (depth==0 || depth==1 || depth==2 || depth==4) depth=32;

    // Final sanity check:
	if (!(targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows) && !(targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore) && (depth==64 || depth==128)) {
      PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid depth value provided. Must be 8 bpp, 16 bpp, 24 bpp or 32 bpp, unless you enable the imaging pipeline, which provides you with more options!");
    if (depth!=8 && depth!=16 && depth!=24 && depth!=32 && depth!=64 && depth!=128) {
      PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid depth value provided. Must be 8 bpp, 16 bpp, 24 bpp, 32 bpp, or if imagingmode is enabled also 64 bpp or 128 bpp!");

	// If the imaging pipeline is enabled for the associated onscreen window and fast backing store, aka FBO's
	// is requested, then we only accept depths of at least 32 bit, i.e. RGBA windows. We override any lower
	// precision spec. This is because some common hardware only supports rendering to RGBA textures, not to
	// RGB, LA or Luminance textures.
	if ((targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore || targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows) && (depth < 32)) depth = 32;

    // Find the color for the window background.  
    wasColorSupplied=PsychCopyInColorArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, FALSE, &color);
	// If none provided, use a proper white-value for this window:
    if(!wasColorSupplied) PsychLoadColorStruct(&color, kPsychIndexColor, PsychGetWhiteValueFromWindow(targetWindow));  

    // Get the optional specialmode flag:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(5, FALSE, &specialFlags);

    // OpenGL-ES only supports GL_TEXTURE_2D targets, so enforce these via flags setting 1:
    if (PsychIsGLES(targetWindow)) specialFlags |= 1;

	// This command converts whatever color we got into RGBA format:

    // printf("R=%i G=%i B=%i A=%i I=%i", color.value.rgba.r, color.value.rgba.g,color.value.rgba.b,color.value.rgba.a,color.value.index); 
    // First allocate the offscreen window record to store stuff into. If we exit with an error PsychErrorExit() should
    // call PsychPurgeInvalidWindows which will clean up the window record. 
    PsychCreateWindowRecord(&windowRecord);  // This also fills the window index field.

    // This offscreen window is implemented as a Psychtoolbox texture:

    // We need to assign the screen number of the onscreen-window, so PsychCreateTexture()
    // can query the size of the screen/onscreen-window...
    windowRecord->screenNumber = targetScreenNumber;

    // Assign the computed depth:

	// Default number of channels:
	windowRecord->nrchannels=depth / 8;

    // Assign the computed rect, but normalize it to start with top-left at (0,0):
    PsychNormalizeRect(rect, windowRecord->rect);

    // Client rect of an offscreen window is always == rect of it:
    PsychCopyRect(windowRecord->clientrect, windowRecord->rect);
	// Until here no OpenGL commands executed. Now we need a valid context: Set targetWindow
	// as drawing target. This will perform neccessary context-switch and all backbuffer
	// backup/restore/whatever operations to make sure we can do what we want without
	// possibly screwing any offscreen windows and bindings:
	if (PsychIsOnscreenWindow(targetWindow) || PsychIsOffscreenWindow(targetWindow)) {
		// This is a possible on-/offscreen drawingtarget:
	else {
		// This must be a proxy-window object: Can't transition to it!
		// But we can safe-reset the current drawingtarget...
		PsychSetDrawingTarget((PsychWindowRecordType*) 0x1);
		// ...and then switch to the OpenGL context of the 'targetWindow' proxy object:

		// Ok, framebuffer and bindings are safe and disabled, context is set. We
		// should be safe to continue with the proxy...
	// From here on we have a defined context and state. We can detach the drawing target whenever
	// we want, as everything is backed up somewhere for later reinit.
	// Create offscreen window either new style as FBO, or old style as texture:
	if ((targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore) || (targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows)) {
		// Imaging mode for this window enabled: Use new way of creating the offscreen window:
		// We safely unbind any FBO bindings and drawingtargets:
		PsychSetDrawingTarget((PsychWindowRecordType*) 0x1);
		// Overriden for imagingmode: There we always have 4 channels...

		// Start off with standard 8 bpc fixed point:
		fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA8; windowRecord->depth=32; usefloatformat = 0;
		// Need 16 bpc fixed point precision?
		if (targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeed16BPCFixed) {
			fboInternalFormat = (targetWindow->gfxcaps & kPsychGfxCapSNTex16) ? GL_RGBA16_SNORM : GL_RGBA16;
			usefloatformat = 0;
		// Need 16 bpc floating point precision?
		if (targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeed16BPCFloat) { fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA_FLOAT16_APPLE; windowRecord->depth=64; usefloatformat = 1; }
		// Need 32 bpc floating point precision?
		if (targetWindow->imagingMode & kPsychNeed32BPCFloat) { fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_APPLE; windowRecord->depth=128; usefloatformat = 2; }
		// Override depth value provided?
		if (overridedepth) {
			// Manual depth specified: Override with that depth:
			switch(depth) {
				case 32:
					fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA8; windowRecord->depth=32; usefloatformat = 0;

				case 64:
					fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA_FLOAT16_APPLE; windowRecord->depth=64; usefloatformat = 1;
					// Need fallback for lack of float 16 support?
					if (!(targetWindow->gfxcaps & kPsychGfxCapFPTex16) && !PsychIsGLES(targetWindow)) {
						// Yes. Try 16 bit signed normalized texture instead:
						if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 4)
							printf("PTB-INFO:OpenOffscreenWindow: Code requested 16 bpc float precision, but this is unsupported. Trying to use 15 bit snorm precision instead.\n");
						fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA16_SNORM; windowRecord->depth=64; usefloatformat = 0;
						if (!(targetWindow->gfxcaps & kPsychGfxCapSNTex16)) {
							printf("PTB-ERROR:OpenOffscreenWindow: Code requested 16 bpc float precision, but this is unsupported by this graphics card.\n");
							printf("PTB-ERROR:OpenOffscreenWindow: Tried to use 16 bit snorm format instead, but failed as this is unsupported as well.\n");

				case 128:
					fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_APPLE; windowRecord->depth=128; usefloatformat = 2;
					fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA8; windowRecord->depth=32; usefloatformat = 0;
        // Floating point framebuffer on OpenGL-ES requested?
        if (PsychIsGLES(targetWindow) && (usefloatformat > 0)) {
            // Yes. We only support 32 bpc float framebuffers with alpha-blending. On less supportive hardware we fail:
            if (!(targetWindow->gfxcaps & kPsychGfxCapFPTex32) || !(targetWindow->gfxcaps & kPsychGfxCapFPFBO32)) {
                PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Sorry, the requested offscreen window color resolution of 32 bpc floating point is not supported by your graphics card. Game over.");

            // Supported. Upgrade requested format to 32 bpc float, whatever it was before:
            fboInternalFormat = GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_APPLE; windowRecord->depth=128; usefloatformat = 2;

		// Do we need additional depth buffer attachments?
		needzbuffer = (PsychPrefStateGet_3DGfx()>0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
		// Copy in optional multiSample argument: It defaults to zero, aka multisampling disabled.
		PsychCopyInIntegerArg(6, FALSE, &multiSample);
		if (multiSample < 0) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid negative multiSample level provided!");

		// Multisampled anti-aliasing requested?
		if (multiSample > 0) {
			// Yep. Supported by GPU?
			if (!(targetWindow->gfxcaps & kPsychGfxCapFBOMultisample)) {
				// No. We fall back to non-multisampled mode:
				multiSample = 0;
				// Tell user if warnings enabled:
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) {
					printf("PTB-WARNING: You requested stimulus anti-aliasing via multisampling by setting the multiSample parameter of Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow', ...) to a non-zero value.\n");
					printf("PTB-WARNING: You also requested use of the imaging pipeline. Unfortunately, your combination of operating system, graphics hardware and driver does not\n");
					printf("PTB-WARNING: support simultaneous use of the imaging pipeline and multisampled anti-aliasing.\n");
					printf("PTB-WARNING: Will therefore continue without anti-aliasing...\n\n");
					printf("PTB-WARNING: A driver upgrade may resolve this issue. Users of MacOS-X need at least OS/X 10.5.2 Leopard for support on recent ATI hardware.\n\n");

		// Allocate framebuffer object for this Offscreen window:
		if (!PsychCreateFBO(&(windowRecord->fboTable[0]), fboInternalFormat, needzbuffer, (int) PsychGetWidthFromRect(rect), (int) PsychGetHeightFromRect(rect), multiSample, specialFlags)) {
			// Failed!
			PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Creation of Offscreen window in imagingmode failed for some reason :(");

		// Assign this FBO as drawBuffer for mono channel of our Offscreen window:
		windowRecord->drawBufferFBO[0] = 0;
		windowRecord->fboCount = 1;
		// Assign it as texture as well:
		windowRecord->textureNumber = windowRecord->fboTable[0]->coltexid;
		windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes = 0;
		windowRecord->textureMemory = NULL;
		windowRecord->texturetarget = (specialFlags & 0x1) ? GL_TEXTURE_2D : GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT;
		windowRecord->surfaceSizeBytes = (size_t) (PsychGetWidthFromRect(rect) * PsychGetHeightFromRect(rect) * (windowRecord->depth / 8));

		// Set bpc for FBO backed offscreen window:
		windowRecord->bpc = (int) (windowRecord->depth / 4);

		// Initial setup done, continues below after some shared code...
	else {
		// Traditional texture creation code:
		// Special case for alpha-channel: DBL_MAX signals maximum alpha
		// value requested. In our own code we need to manually map this to
		// the maximum uint8 alpha value of 255:
		if (color.value.rgba.a == DBL_MAX) color.value.rgba.a = 255;
		// Allocate the texture memory:
		// We only allocate the amount really needed for given format, aka numMatrixPlanes - Bytes per pixel.
		xSize = (size_t) PsychGetWidthFromRect(rect);
		ySize = (size_t) PsychGetHeightFromRect(rect);
		windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes = ((size_t) (depth/8)) * xSize * ySize;
		windowRecord->textureMemory = malloc(windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes);
		texturePointer=(char*) windowRecord->textureMemory;
		// printf("depth=%i xsize=%i ysize=%i mem=%i ptr=%p", depth, xSize, ySize, windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes, texturePointer);
		// Fill with requested background color:
		switch (depth) {
			case 8: // Pure LUMINANCE texture:
				memset((void*) texturePointer, (int) color.value.rgba.r, windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes);
			case 16: // LUMINANCE + ALPHA
				while (nbytes < windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes) {
					*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.r;
					*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.a;
			case 24: // RGB:
				while (nbytes < windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes) {
					*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.r;
					*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.g;
					*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.b;
			case 32: // RGBA
				if (bigendian) {
					// Code for big-endian machines, e.g., PowerPC:
					while (nbytes < windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes) {
						*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.a;
						*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.r;
						*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.g;
						*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.b;
				else {
					// Code for little-endian machines, e.g., IntelPC, IntelMAC, aka Pentium.
					while (nbytes < windowRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes) {
						*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.b;
						*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.g;
						*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.r;
						*(texturePointer++) = (psych_uint8) color.value.rgba.a;
	// Shared setup code for FBO vs. non-FBO Offscreen windows:
	// Assign parent window and copy its inheritable properties:
	PsychAssignParentWindow(windowRecord, targetWindow);
    // Texture orientation is type 2 aka upright, non-transposed aka Offscreen window:
    windowRecord->textureOrientation = 2;
	if ((windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore) || (windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows)) {
		// Last step for FBO backed Offscreen window: Clear it to its background color:

		// Set default draw shader:
		PsychSetShader(windowRecord, -1);
		// Set background fill color:
		PsychSetGLColor(&color, windowRecord);

		// Setup alpha-blending:

		// Fullscreen fill of a non-onscreen window:

		// Multisampling requested? If so, we need to enable it:
		if (multiSample > 0) {
			while (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR);
		// Ready. Unbind it.
	else {
		// Old-style setup for non-FBO Offscreen windows:
        // Special texture format?
		if (specialFlags & 0x1) windowRecord->texturetarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
		// Let's create and bind a new texture object and fill it with our new texture data.

	// Assign GLSL filter-/lookup-shaders if needed:
	PsychAssignHighPrecisionTextureShaders(windowRecord, targetWindow, usefloatformat, (specialFlags & 2) ? 1 : 0);
    // specialFlags setting 8? Disable auto-mipmap generation:
    if (specialFlags & 0x8) windowRecord->specialflags |= kPsychDontAutoGenMipMaps;    

    // A specialFlags setting of 32? Protect texture against deletion via Screen('Close') without providing a explicit handle:
    if (specialFlags & 32) windowRecord->specialflags |= kPsychDontDeleteOnClose;    

    // Window ready. Mark it valid and return handle to userspace:
    //Return the window index and the rect argument.
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, windowRecord->windowIndex);
    PsychCopyOutRectArg(2, FALSE, rect);

    // Ready.
Ejemplo n.º 3
PsychError SCREENTextBounds(void) 
	//for debugging
	TextEncodingBase		textEncodingBase;
	TextEncodingVariant		textEncodingVariant;
	TextEncodingFormat		textEncodingFormat;
        PsychWindowRecordType           *winRec;
	char				*textCString;
	Str255				textPString;
	UniChar				*textUniString;
	OSStatus			callError;
	PsychRectType			resultPsychRect, resultPsychNormRect;
	ATSUTextLayout			textLayout;				//layout is a pointer to an opaque struct.
	int				stringLengthChars;
	int				uniCharBufferLengthElements, uniCharBufferLengthChars, uniCharBufferLengthBytes, yPositionIsBaseline;
	double			textHeightToBaseline;
	ByteCount			uniCharStringLengthBytes;
	TextToUnicodeInfo		textToUnicodeInfo;
	TextEncoding			textEncoding;
	ATSUStyle			atsuStyle;
	Boolean				foundFont;
	//for ATSU  style attributes
	PsychFontStructPtrType  psychFontRecord;

        //all subfunctions should have these two lines.  
        PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
        //check for correct the number of arguments before getting involved
	//get the window pointer and the text string and check that the window record has a font set
        PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &winRec);
	foundFont=PsychGetFontRecordFromFontNumber(winRec->textAttributes.textFontNumber, &psychFontRecord);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Attempt to determine the bounds of text with no font or invalid font number");
		//it would be better to both prevent the user from setting invalid font numbers and init to the OS 9  default font.
	//read in the string and get its length and convert it to a unicode string.
	PsychAllocInCharArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &textCString);
	if(stringLengthChars < 1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You asked me to compute the bounding box of an empty text string?!? Sorry, that's a no no...");
	if(stringLengthChars > 255) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_unimplemented, "Cut corners and TextBounds will not accept a string longer than 255 characters");
	CopyCStringToPascal(textCString, textPString);
	uniCharBufferLengthChars= stringLengthChars * CHAR_TO_UNICODE_LENGTH_FACTOR;
	uniCharBufferLengthElements= uniCharBufferLengthChars + 1;		
	uniCharBufferLengthBytes= sizeof(UniChar) * uniCharBufferLengthElements;

    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(3, kPsychArgOptional, &(winRec->textAttributes.textPositionX));
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(4, kPsychArgOptional, &(winRec->textAttributes.textPositionY));

	//Using a TextEncoding type describe the encoding of the text to be converteed.  
	textEncoding=CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingMacRoman, kMacRomanDefaultVariant, kTextEncodingDefaultFormat);
	//Take apart the encoding we just made to check it:
	//Create a structure holding conversion information from the text encoding type we just created.
	//Convert the text to a unicode string
	callError=ConvertFromPStringToUnicode(textToUnicodeInfo, textPString, (ByteCount)uniCharBufferLengthBytes,	&uniCharStringLengthBytes,	textUniString);
	//create the text layout object
	//associate our unicode text string with the text layout object
	callError=ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(textLayout, textUniString, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, (UniCharCount)stringLengthChars);
	//create an ATSU style object
	//Not that we have a style object we have to set style charactersitics.  These include but are more general than Font Manager styles.  
	//ATSU Style objects have three sets of characteristics:  attributes, variations, and features.
	//attributes are things we need to set to match OS 9 behavior, such as the font ID, size, boldness, and italicization.
	//features are esoteric settings which we don't need for reproducing OS 9 behavior.  Whatever clearstyle sets should be fine.
	//font variations are axes of variation through the space of font characteristics.  The font definition includes available axes of variation.  Something else we can ignore for now.  
	PsychSetATSUStyleAttributesFromPsychWindowRecord(atsuStyle, winRec);
	//don't bother to set the variations of the style.
	//don't bother to set the features of the style.
	//associate the style with our layout object. This call assigns a style to every character of the string to be displayed.  
	callError=ATSUSetRunStyle(textLayout, atsuStyle, (UniCharArrayOffset)0, (UniCharCount)stringLengthChars);

	// Define the meaning of the y position of the specified drawing cursor.
	// We get the global setting from the Screen preference, but allow to override
	// it on a per-invocation basis via the optional 7th argument to 'DrawText':
	yPositionIsBaseline = PsychPrefStateGet_TextYPositionIsBaseline();
	PsychCopyInIntegerArg(5, kPsychArgOptional, &yPositionIsBaseline);
	if (yPositionIsBaseline) {
		// Y position of drawing cursor defines distance between top of text and
		// baseline of text, i.e. the textheight excluding descenders of letters:

		// Need to compute offset via ATSU:
		ATSUTextMeasurement mleft, mright, mtop, mbottom;
        callError=ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds(textLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, &mleft, &mright, &mbottom, &mtop);
		if (callError) {
			PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Failed to compute unjustified text height to baseline in call to ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds().\n");    

		// Only take height including ascenders into account, not the descenders.
		// MK: Honestly, i have no clue why this is the correct calculation (or if it is
		// the correct calculation), but visually it seems to provide the correct results
		// and i'm not a typographic expert and don't intend to become one...
		textHeightToBaseline = fabs(Fix2X(mbottom));
	else {
		// Y position of drawing cursor defines top of text, therefore no offset (==0) needed:
		textHeightToBaseline = 0;

	//Get the bounds for our text so that and create a texture of sufficient size to containt it. 
	ATSTrapezoid trapezoid;
	ItemCount oActualNumberOfBounds = 0;
	callError=ATSUGetGlyphBounds(textLayout, 0, 0, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, kATSUseDeviceOrigins, 0, NULL, &oActualNumberOfBounds);
	if (callError || oActualNumberOfBounds!=1) {
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Failed to compute bounding box in call 1 to ATSUGetGlyphBounds() (nrbounds!=1)\n");    
	callError=ATSUGetGlyphBounds(textLayout, 0, 0, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, kATSUseDeviceOrigins, 1, &trapezoid, &oActualNumberOfBounds);
	if (callError || oActualNumberOfBounds!=1) {
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Failed to retrieve bounding box in call 2 to ATSUGetGlyphBounds() (nrbounds!=1)\n");    
	resultPsychRect[kPsychLeft]=(Fix2X(trapezoid.upperLeft.x) < Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerLeft.x)) ? Fix2X(trapezoid.upperLeft.x) : Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerLeft.x);
	resultPsychRect[kPsychRight]=(Fix2X(trapezoid.upperRight.x) > Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerRight.x)) ? Fix2X(trapezoid.upperRight.x) : Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerRight.x);
	resultPsychRect[kPsychTop]=(Fix2X(trapezoid.upperLeft.y) < Fix2X(trapezoid.upperRight.y)) ? Fix2X(trapezoid.upperLeft.y) : Fix2X(trapezoid.upperRight.y);
	resultPsychRect[kPsychBottom]=(Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerLeft.y) > Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerRight.y)) ? Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerLeft.y) : Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerRight.y);
	PsychNormalizeRect(resultPsychRect, resultPsychNormRect);
	resultPsychRect[kPsychLeft]=resultPsychNormRect[kPsychLeft] + winRec->textAttributes.textPositionX;
	resultPsychRect[kPsychRight]=resultPsychNormRect[kPsychRight] + winRec->textAttributes.textPositionX;
	resultPsychRect[kPsychTop]=resultPsychNormRect[kPsychTop] + winRec->textAttributes.textPositionY - textHeightToBaseline;
	resultPsychRect[kPsychBottom]=resultPsychNormRect[kPsychBottom] + winRec->textAttributes.textPositionY - textHeightToBaseline;

	PsychCopyOutRectArg(1, FALSE, resultPsychNormRect);
	PsychCopyOutRectArg(2, FALSE, resultPsychRect);

	//release resources

Ejemplo n.º 4
PsychError SCREENTextBounds(void) 
	//for debugging
	TextEncodingBase		textEncodingBase;
	TextEncodingVariant		textEncodingVariant;
	TextEncodingFormat		textEncodingFormat;
        PsychWindowRecordType           *winRec;
	char				*textCString;
	Str255				textPString;
	UniChar				*textUniString;
	OSStatus			callError;
	PsychRectType			resultPsychRect, resultPsychNormRect;
	ATSUTextLayout			textLayout;				//layout is a pointer to an opaque struct.
	int				stringLengthChars;
	int				uniCharBufferLengthElements, uniCharBufferLengthChars, uniCharBufferLengthBytes;
	ByteCount			uniCharStringLengthBytes;
	TextToUnicodeInfo		textToUnicodeInfo;
	TextEncoding			textEncoding;
	ATSUStyle			atsuStyle;
	Boolean				foundFont;
	//for ATSU  style attributes
	PsychFontStructPtrType  psychFontRecord;

        //all subfunctions should have these two lines.  
        PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
        //check for correct the number of arguments before getting involved
	//get the window pointer and the text string and check that the window record has a font set
        PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &winRec);
	foundFont=PsychGetFontRecordFromFontNumber(winRec->textAttributes.textFontNumber, &psychFontRecord);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Attempt to determine the bounds of text with no font or invalid font number");
		//it would be better to both prevent the user from setting invalid font numbers and init to the OS 9  default font.
	//read in the string and get its length and convert it to a unicode string.
	PsychAllocInCharArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &textCString);
	if(stringLengthChars > 255)
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_unimplemented, "Cut corners and TextBounds will not accept a string longer than 255 characters");
	CopyCStringToPascal(textCString, textPString);
	uniCharBufferLengthChars= stringLengthChars * CHAR_TO_UNICODE_LENGTH_FACTOR;
	uniCharBufferLengthElements= uniCharBufferLengthChars + 1;		
	uniCharBufferLengthBytes= sizeof(UniChar) * uniCharBufferLengthElements;
	//Using a TextEncoding type describe the encoding of the text to be converteed.  
	textEncoding=CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingMacRoman, kMacRomanDefaultVariant, kTextEncodingDefaultFormat);
	//Take apart the encoding we just made to check it:
	//Create a structure holding conversion information from the text encoding type we just created.
	//Convert the text to a unicode string
	callError=ConvertFromPStringToUnicode(textToUnicodeInfo, textPString, (ByteCount)uniCharBufferLengthBytes,	&uniCharStringLengthBytes,	textUniString);
	//create the text layout object
	//associate our unicode text string with the text layout object
	callError=ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(textLayout, textUniString, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, (UniCharCount)stringLengthChars);
	//create an ATSU style object
	//Not that we have a style object we have to set style charactersitics.  These include but are more general than Font Manager styles.  
	//ATSU Style objects have three sets of characteristics:  attributes, variations, and features.
	//attributes are things we need to set to match OS 9 behavior, such as the font ID, size, boldness, and italicization.
	//features are esoteric settings which we don't need for reproducing OS 9 behavior.  Whatever clearstyle sets should be fine.
	//font variations are axes of variation through the space of font characteristics.  The font definition includes available axes of variation.  Something else we can ignore for now.  
	PsychSetATSUStyleAttributesFromPsychWindowRecord(atsuStyle, winRec);
	//don't bother to set the variations of the style.
	//don't bother to set the features of the style.
	//associate the style with our layout object. This call assigns a style to every character of the string to be displayed.  
	callError=ATSUSetRunStyle(textLayout, atsuStyle, (UniCharArrayOffset)0, (UniCharCount)stringLengthChars);

        //Get the bounds for our text so that and create a texture of sufficient size to containt it. 
        ATSTrapezoid trapezoid;
        ItemCount oActualNumberOfBounds = 0;
        callError=ATSUGetGlyphBounds(textLayout, 0, 0, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, kATSUseDeviceOrigins, 0, NULL, &oActualNumberOfBounds);
        if (callError || oActualNumberOfBounds!=1) {
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Failed to compute bounding box in call 1 to ATSUGetGlyphBounds() (nrbounds!=1)\n");    
        callError=ATSUGetGlyphBounds(textLayout, 0, 0, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, kATSUseDeviceOrigins, 1, &trapezoid, &oActualNumberOfBounds);
        if (callError || oActualNumberOfBounds!=1) {
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Failed to retrieve bounding box in call 2 to ATSUGetGlyphBounds() (nrbounds!=1)\n");    
        resultPsychRect[kPsychLeft]=(Fix2X(trapezoid.upperLeft.x) < Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerLeft.x)) ? Fix2X(trapezoid.upperLeft.x) : Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerLeft.x);
        resultPsychRect[kPsychRight]=(Fix2X(trapezoid.upperRight.x) > Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerRight.x)) ? Fix2X(trapezoid.upperRight.x) : Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerRight.x);
        resultPsychRect[kPsychTop]=(Fix2X(trapezoid.upperLeft.y) < Fix2X(trapezoid.upperRight.y)) ? Fix2X(trapezoid.upperLeft.y) : Fix2X(trapezoid.upperRight.y);
        resultPsychRect[kPsychBottom]=(Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerLeft.y) > Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerRight.y)) ? Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerLeft.y) : Fix2X(trapezoid.lowerRight.y);

	PsychNormalizeRect(resultPsychRect, resultPsychNormRect);

	PsychCopyOutRectArg(1, FALSE, resultPsychNormRect);
	PsychCopyOutRectArg(2, FALSE, resultPsychRect);

	//release resources

Ejemplo n.º 5
PsychError SCREENTextBounds(void)
   PsychWindowRecordType  *winRec;
   char			           *textString;
   int                    stringl, i;
	PsychRectType			  resultPsychRect, resultPsychNormRect;
   float                  accumWidth, maxHeight;

    // All subfunctions should have these two lines.  
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);

    //Get the window structure for the onscreen window.
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, TRUE, &winRec);
    //Get the text string (it is required)
    PsychAllocInCharArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &textString);

    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(3, kPsychArgOptional, &(winRec->textAttributes.textPositionX));
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(4, kPsychArgOptional, &(winRec->textAttributes.textPositionY));

	 // Enable GL context of this window - we might need it:

    // Does the font (== it's display list) need to be build or rebuild, because
    // font name, size or settings have changed?
    // This routine will check it and perform all necessary ops if so...

    // Top-Left bounds of text are current (x,y) position of text drawing cursor:
    resultPsychRect[kPsychLeft] = winRec->textAttributes.textPositionX;
    resultPsychRect[kPsychTop]  = winRec->textAttributes.textPositionY;

    // Compute text x and y increments:
    for (i=0; i<stringl; i++) {
      maxHeight=(fabs(winRec->textAttributes.glyphHeight[textString[i]]) > maxHeight) ? fabs(winRec->textAttributes.glyphHeight[textString[i]]) : maxHeight;

    accumWidth*=(PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_WINDOWS) ? winRec->textAttributes.textSize : 1.0;
    maxHeight*=(PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_WINDOWS) ? winRec->textAttributes.textSize : 1.0;

    resultPsychRect[kPsychRight]  = winRec->textAttributes.textPositionX + accumWidth;

    // MK: This should work according to spec, but f%$!*g Windows only returns zero values for
	 // for glyphHeight, so maxHeight is always zero :(
    // resultPsychRect[kPsychBottom] = winRec->textAttributes.textPositionY + maxHeight;

    // As fallback, we use this: It gives correct Bottom-Bound for character strings with characters that
    // don't contain descenders. The extra height of characters with descenders is not taken into account.
    resultPsychRect[kPsychBottom] = winRec->textAttributes.textPositionY + winRec->textAttributes.textSize;

    // Compute normalized version which just encodes text bounding box, not text position box:
	 PsychNormalizeRect(resultPsychRect, resultPsychNormRect);

    // Return optional values:
	 PsychCopyOutRectArg(1, FALSE, resultPsychNormRect);
	 PsychCopyOutRectArg(2, FALSE, resultPsychRect);

    // Done.