Ejemplo n.º 1
PsychError SCREENTextStyle(void) 
    psych_bool						doSetStyle, foundFont;
    PsychWindowRecordType		*windowRecord;
    int							oldTextStyle, newTextStyle;

    PsychFontStructType			*fontRecord;

    //all subfunctions should have these two lines.  
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    //check for valid number of arguments
    //Get the window record
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
    //Save the old text size value and return it.
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, (double)oldTextStyle);
    //Fetch and set the new size if it is specified. 
    doSetStyle= PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, FALSE, &newTextStyle);
    if (doSetStyle) {
      windowRecord->textAttributes.needsRebuild|=(windowRecord->textAttributes.textStyle != newTextStyle) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	  // Need to update font name and number from changed style on OS/X:
	  foundFont = PsychGetFontRecordFromFontFamilyNameAndFontStyle((char*) windowRecord->textAttributes.textFontName, windowRecord->textAttributes.textStyle, &fontRecord);
	  if (foundFont) {
		strncpy((char*) windowRecord->textAttributes.textFontName, (const char*) fontRecord->fontFMFamilyName, 255);
		windowRecord->textAttributes.textFontNumber= fontRecord->fontNumber;
	  else {
		// Failed! Revert to old setting:
		windowRecord->textAttributes.textStyle = oldTextStyle;
PsychError SCREENglPushMatrix(void)  
        // If you change useString then also change the corresponding synopsis string in ScreenSynopsis.c
        static char useString[] = "Screen('glPushMatrix', windowPtr);";
        static char synopsisString[] = "Store a backup copy of active current OpenGL matrix on the matrix stack for later reuse. "
            "The capacity of the matrix backup stack is limited, typically not more than 27 slots. For each call to glPushMatrix "
            "you need to call glPopMatrix at the appropriate place to avoid overflowing the stack. "
            "See <http://www.opengl.org/documentation/red_book_1.0/> Chapter 4 for detailed information.";
        static char seeAlsoString[] = "";	
	PsychWindowRecordType	*windowRecord;
        GLint stack_cur, stack_max;
	//all sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
	//check for superfluous arguments
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));        // The maximum number of inputs
        PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1)); 	// Number of required inputs.
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));       // The maximum number of outputs

	//get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
	PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
        // Switch to windows OpenGL context:
        // Compare current fill level of matrix stack with maximum level: We reserve five
        // stack-slots for PTB internal use, so at least that needs to be free before push.

        glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH, &stack_max);
        glGetIntegerv(GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH, &stack_cur);
        if (stack_max - stack_cur < 6) {
            printf("\nCouldn't push OpenGL-Modelview matrix because matrix stack is full! The most common reason is\n");
            printf("forgetting to call glPopMatrix a matching number of times... \n");
            printf("The maximum number of pushable matrices is %i -- Please check your code.\n", stack_max - 5);
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Too many calls to glPushMatrix. Imbalance?");
        // Execute push op:
 	//All psychfunctions require this.
PsychError SCREENAddAudioBufferToMovie(void)
	static char useString[] = "Screen('AddAudioBufferToMovie', moviePtr, audioBuffer);";
	static char synopsisString[] = 
		"Add a buffer filled with audio data samples to movie 'moviePtr'.\n"
        "This function is only supported with the GStreamer based movie writing functions. "
        "It doesn't work on MS-Windows with Matlab versions before R2007a and it doesn't work "
        "on Apple OS/X yet.\n"
        "The movie must have been created in 'CreateMovie' with an options string that "
        "enables writing of an audio track into the movie, otherwise this function will fail.\n"
        "You enable writing of audio tracks by adding the keyword 'AddAudioTrack' to the options string.\n"
        "Alternatively, if your options string is a gst-launch style pipeline description, it must contain "
        "one pipeline element with a name option of 'name=ptbaudioappsrc'.\n"
        "'audioBuffer' must be 'numChannels' rows by 'numSamples' columns double matrix of audio data. "
        "Each row encodes one audio channel, each column element in a row encodes a sample. "
        "E.g., a 2-by-48000 matrix would encode 48000 samples for a two channel stereo sound track.\n"
        "Sample values must lie in the range between -1.0 and +1.0.\n"
        "The audio buffer is converted into a movie specific sound format and then appended to "
        "the audio samples already stored in the audio track.\n"

	static char seeAlsoString[] = "FinalizeMovie AddFrameToMovie CloseMovie PlayMovie GetMovieImage GetMovieTimeIndex SetMovieTimeIndex";
	int     moviehandle = -1;
    int     m, n, p;
    double* buffer;
	// All sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
	if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(2));            // Max. 2 input args.
	PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(2));        // Min. 2 input args required.
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));           // Max. 0 output args.
    // Get movie handle:
	PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &moviehandle);
    // And audio date buffer:
	PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &m, &n, &p, &buffer);
    if (p!=1 || m < 1 || n < 1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid audioBuffer provided. Must be a 2D matrix with at least one row and at least one column!");

    // Pass audio data to movie writing engine:
    PsychAddAudioBufferToMovie(moviehandle, m, n, buffer);
PsychError SCREENGetMovieTimeIndex(void) 


    int                                     moviehandle = -1;


    // All sub functions should have these two lines

    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);

    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};


    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));            // Max. 1 input args.

    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1));        // Min. 1 input args required.

    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));           // One output arg.


    // Get the movie handle:

    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, TRUE, &moviehandle);

    if (moviehandle==-1) {

        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "GetMovieTimeIndex called without valid handle to a movie object.");



    // Retrieve and return current movie time index:

    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, TRUE, PsychGetMovieTimeIndex(moviehandle));


    // Ready!    


Ejemplo n.º 5
PsychError SCREENWindowSize(void)  
	PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord;
	int screenNumber;
	double	rectWidth, rectHeight;
    long fbWidth, fbHeight;
    int realFBSize = 0;
	//all sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
	//check for superfluous arguments
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(2));		//The maximum number of inputs
	PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1));	//Insist that the argument be present.   
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(2));		//The maximum number of outputs

    // Get optional 'realFBSize' flag: Defaults to zero.
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, FALSE, &realFBSize);

		PsychCopyInScreenNumberArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber);
        if (realFBSize) {
            // Physical size in pixels:
            PsychGetScreenPixelSize(screenNumber, &fbWidth, &fbHeight);
        else {
            // Logical size in points:
            PsychGetScreenSize(screenNumber, &fbWidth, &fbHeight);
		PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, fbWidth);
		PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(2, kPsychArgOptional, fbHeight);
	}else if(PsychIsWindowIndexArg(1)){
		PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, TRUE, &windowRecord);
		PsychOSProcessEvents(windowRecord, 0);

		rectWidth=PsychGetWidthFromRect((realFBSize) ? windowRecord->rect : windowRecord->clientrect);
		rectHeight=PsychGetHeightFromRect((realFBSize) ? windowRecord->rect : windowRecord->clientrect);

		PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, rectWidth);
		PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(2, kPsychArgOptional, rectHeight);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Argument was recognized as neither a window index nor a screen pointer");

PsychError SCREENglPopMatrix(void)  
    // If you change useString then also change the corresponding synopsis string in ScreenSynopsis.c
    static char useString[] = "Screen('glPopMatrix', windowPtr);";
    static char synopsisString[] = "Restore an OpenGL matrix by fetching it from the matrix stack. "
        "See <http://www.opengl.org/documentation/red_book_1.0/> Chapter 4 for detailed information.";
    static char seeAlsoString[] = "";	
    PsychWindowRecordType	*windowRecord;
    GLint stack_cur;
    //all sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
    //check for superfluous arguments
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));        // The maximum number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1)); 	// Number of required inputs.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));       // The maximum number of outputs
    //get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
    // Switch to windows OpenGL context:
    // Compare current fill level of matrix stack with maximum level: We reserve five
    // stack-slots for PTB internal use, so at least that needs to be free before push.

    glGetIntegerv(GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH, &stack_cur);
    if (stack_cur < 2) {
        printf("\nCouldn't pop matrix from top of OpenGL-Modelview matrix stack, because matrix stack is empty! The most common reason is\n");
        printf("that you tried to call glPopMatrix more often than you called glPushMatrix -- Please check your code.\n");
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Too many calls to glPopMatrix. Imbalance?!?");

    // Execute pop operation:
    //All psychfunctions require this.
Ejemplo n.º 7
PsychError SCREENTextFont(void) 

    boolean			doSetByName, doSetByNumber, foundFont;
    PsychWindowRecordType	*windowRecord;
    PsychFontStructType		*fontRecord;
    int				oldTextFontNumber, inputTextFontNumber;
    char			*oldTextFontName, *inputTextFontName;
    //all subfunctions should have these two lines.  
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    //check for valid number of arguments
    //Get the window record
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
    //Save the old text size value and return it.
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(2, FALSE, (double)oldTextFontNumber);
    PsychCopyOutCharArg(1, FALSE, oldTextFontName); 
    //Fetch and set the new font if specified by name or number
    PsychCheckInputArgType(2, kPsychArgOptional, PsychArgType_double | PsychArgType_char);  //if the argument is there check that it is the right type.
    doSetByNumber= PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgAnything, &inputTextFontNumber);
    doSetByName= PsychAllocInCharArg(2, kPsychArgAnything, &inputTextFontName);
        foundFont=PsychGetFontRecordFromFontNumber(inputTextFontNumber, &fontRecord);
        foundFont=PsychGetFontRecordFromFontFamilyNameAndFontStyle(inputTextFontName, windowRecord->textAttributes.textStyle, &fontRecord);
        strncpy(windowRecord->textAttributes.textFontName, fontRecord->fontFMFamilyName, 255);
        windowRecord->textAttributes.textFontNumber= fontRecord->fontNumber;

PsychError SCREENStartVideoCapture(void) 
    int capturehandle = -1;
    double captureFPS = 25;
    int dropframes = 0;
    double starttime = 0;

    // All sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(4));            // Max. 4 input args.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1));        // Min. 1 input args required.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(2));           // Max. 2 output args.
    // Get the handle:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, TRUE, &capturehandle);
    if (capturehandle==-1) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "StartVideoCapture called without valid handle to a capture object.");
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(2, FALSE, &captureFPS);
    if (captureFPS<=0) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "StartVideoCapture called with a negative capture rate.");

    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(3, FALSE, &dropframes);
    if (dropframes<0) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "StartVideoCapture called with invalid (negative) dropframes - argument.");

    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(4, FALSE, &starttime);
    if (starttime<0) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "StartVideoCapture called with invalid (negative) startAt - argument.");

    // Try to start capture:
    captureFPS = (double) PsychVideoCaptureRate(capturehandle, captureFPS, dropframes, &starttime);

    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, captureFPS);
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(2, FALSE, starttime);

    // Ready!    
Ejemplo n.º 9
PsychError SCREENPlayMovie(void) 

    int                                 moviehandle = -1;
    double                              rate = 0;
    int                                 loop = 0;
    double                              sndvolume = 1;
    double                              dropped = 0;
    // All sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};

    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(4));            // Max. 4 input args.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(2));        // Min. 2 input args required.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));           // Max. 1 output args.

    // Get the movie handle:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, TRUE, &moviehandle);
    if (moviehandle==-1) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "PlayMovie called without valid handle to a movie object.");

    // Get the requested playback rate.
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(2, TRUE, &rate);

    // Get the 'loop' flag: If zero, we don't loop, otherwise we loop.
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(3, FALSE, &loop);

    // Get the requested sound volume. Defaults to 1 == Full blast!
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(4, FALSE, &sndvolume);
    if (sndvolume<0) sndvolume = 0;
    if (sndvolume>1) sndvolume = 1;

    // Start playback via low-level routines:
    dropped = (double) PsychPlaybackRate(moviehandle, rate, loop, sndvolume);

    // Return optional count of dropped frames:
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, dropped);

    // Ready!
PsychError SCREENglScale(void)  
    // If you change useString then also change the corresponding synopsis string in ScreenSynopsis.c
    static char useString[] = "Screen('glScale', windowPtr, sx, sy [, sz]);";
    //                                           1          2   3     4
    static char synopsisString[] = "Define a scale transform by (sx, sy, sz) in space, relative to the enclosing reference frame."
        "See <http://www.opengl.org/documentation/red_book_1.0/> Chapter 4 for detailed information.";
    static char seeAlsoString[] = "";	
    PsychWindowRecordType	*windowRecord;
    double                      sx, sy, sz;
    // Default to non-scale, aka scale by 1.0:
    //all sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
    //check for superfluous arguments
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(4));        // The maximum number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(3));    // Number of required inputs.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));       // The maximum number of outputs
    //get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
    // Fetch translation vector:
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(2, FALSE, &sx);
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(3, FALSE, &sy);
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(4, FALSE, &sz);
    // Switch to windows OpenGL context:
    // Execute it:
    glScaled(sx, sy, sz);
    //All psychfunctions require this.
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Close all ports of all devices -- Effectively a shutdown.
PsychError IOPORTCloseAll(void)
 	static char useString[] = "IOPort('CloseAll');";
	static char synopsisString[] = 
		"Close all open I/O port devices, regardless of type. Release all ressources.\n";
	static char seeAlsoString[] = "'Close'";	 
	// Setup online help: 
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
	if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none); };
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(0));     // The maximum number of inputs
	PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(0)); // The required number of inputs	
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));	 // The maximum number of outputs

	// Close all ports by calling our shutdown function:
PsychError SCREENSetVideoCaptureParameter(void) 
    int capturehandle = -1;
    double value = DBL_MAX;
    double oldvalue;
    char* pname = NULL;

    // All sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};

    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(3));            // Max. 3 input args.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(2));        // Min. 2 input args required.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));           // One output arg.
    // Get the device handle:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, TRUE, &capturehandle);
    if (capturehandle==-1) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "SetVideoCaptureParameter called without valid handle to a capture object.");
    // Copy in parameter name string:
    PsychAllocInCharArg(2, TRUE, &pname);
    if (pname == NULL) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "SetVideoCaptureParameter called without a parameter name string.");

    // Copy in (optional) value for parameter:
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(3, FALSE, &value);

    // Try to set parameter:
    oldvalue = PsychVideoCaptureSetParameter(capturehandle, pname, value);

    // Return old value of capture parameter:
    if (strstr(pname, "Get")==NULL) {
      PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, oldvalue);

    // Ready!    
PsychError SCREENVideoCaptureDevices(void) 
	int engineId;
	// All sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString2, synopsisString2, seeAlsoString);
	if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};

	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));            // Max. 1 input args.
	PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(0));        // Min. 1 input args required.
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));           // Max. 1 output args.
	engineId = PsychPrefStateGet_VideoCaptureEngine();
	PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, FALSE, &engineId);
	// Do actual enumeration for the given engineId:
	PsychEnumerateVideoSources(engineId, 1);

	// Ready!
Ejemplo n.º 14
PsychError SCREENDisplaySize(void)
    static char useString[] = "[width, height]=Screen('DisplaySize', ScreenNumber);";
    static char synopsisString[] =
        "Return the physical width and height of the output display device associated with 'ScreenNumber'. "
        "The size is returned in units of millimeters as reported by the display device itself to the OS. "
        "On MacOS-X, if Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) for the display device is not "
        "available, the size is estimated by OS-X based on the device width and height in pixels, with an "
        "assumed resolution of 2.835 pixels/mm or 72 DPI, a reasonable guess for displays predating "
        "EDID support. On M$-Windows and GNU/Linux, the behaviour in case of missing EDID data is "
        "unknown. This function returns a width and height of zero if physical display size can't be "
        "queried from the operating system. Please handle the returned information with great caution. "
        "It is unclear how accurate the EDID data for typical monitors or video beamers really is. This "
        "information could be pretty unreliable and therefore misleading!";
    static char seeAlsoString[] = "";
    int screenNumber, Width, Height;

    //all sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {

    //check for superfluous arguments
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));		//The maximum number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1));	//Insist that the argument be present.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(2));		//The maximum number of outputs

    // Retrieve screen number:
    PsychCopyInScreenNumberArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber);
    // Query physical size of this screen in millimeters:
    PsychGetDisplaySize(screenNumber, &Width, &Height);
    // Return it:
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, (double) Width);
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(2, kPsychArgOptional, (double) Height);

PsychError EyelinkImageModeDisplay(void)
	int		iResult		= 0;
	// Add help strings
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
	// Output help if asked
	if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {
	// Check arguments
	// Verify eyelink is up and running
		// NOTE:  Enno's OSX version added this eyelink call. Not sure if we want it or not.
		iResult = image_mode_display();
		//mexPrintf("EyelinkImageModeDisplay is not yet implemented.\n");
	// Assign output arg if available
	PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, iResult);
Ejemplo n.º 16
PsychError SCREENTextMode(void) 

    PsychTextDrawingModeType		newCopyMode;
    Str255							oldCopyModeName; 
    char							*newCopyModeName;
    psych_bool							doSetMode;
    PsychWindowRecordType			*windowRecord;
    psych_bool							nameError;                           
    //all subfunctions should have these two lines.  
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    //check for valid number of arguments
    //Get the window record
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
    //Get the old copy mode & its name
    PsychGetTextDrawingModeNameFromTextDrawingModeConstant(oldCopyModeName, 255, windowRecord->textAttributes.textMode);
    PsychCopyOutCharArg(1, FALSE, oldCopyModeName);
    //Get the copy new mode string 
    doSetMode= PsychAllocInCharArg(2, FALSE, &newCopyModeName);
        nameError=PsychGetTextDrawingModeConstantFromTextDrawingModeName(&newCopyMode, newCopyModeName);
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid text copy mode.  See Screen('TextModes') for a list of allowable modes");
		windowRecord->textAttributes.needsRebuild|=(windowRecord->textAttributes.textMode != newCopyMode) ? TRUE : FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 17
PsychError IOPORTPurge(void)
    static char useString[] = "IOPort('Purge', handle);";
    static char synopsisString[] = "Purge all data queued for reading or writing from/to device specified by 'handle'. All unread or unwritten data is discarded.";
    static char seeAlsoString[] = "'Flush'";

    int handle;

    // Setup online help:
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none); };

    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));     // The maximum number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1)); // The required number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));     // The maximum number of outputs

    // Get required port handle:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &handle);


Ejemplo n.º 18
PsychError EyelinkTimeOffset(void)
   double offset;

   //all sub functions should have these two lines
   PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);

   //check to see if the user supplied superfluous arguments

	// Verify eyelink is up and running

   offset = eyelink_double_usec_offset()/1000;
   PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, offset);
PsychError SCREENCloseVideoCapture(void) 
    int capturehandle = -1;
    // All sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));            // Max. 1 input args.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1));        // Min. 1 input args required.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));           // No output args.

    // Get the handle:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, TRUE, &capturehandle);
    if (capturehandle==-1) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "CloseVideoCapture called without valid handle to a capture object.");

    // Try to delete the object, releasing all associated ressources:

    // Ready!    
PsychError EyelinkGetNextDataType(void)
   int type = 0;

   //all sub functions should have these two lines
   PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);

   //check to see if the user supplied superfluous arguments

	// Verify eyelink is up and running

   type = eyelink_get_next_data(NULL);

   PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, TRUE,  type);
Ejemplo n.º 21
PsychError IOPORTFlush(void)
    static char useString[] = "IOPort('Flush', handle);";
    static char synopsisString[] = "Flush all data queued for writeout to device specified by 'handle', wait for full write completion.";
    static char seeAlsoString[] = "'Flush'";

    int handle;

    // Setup online help:
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none); };

    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));     // The maximum number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1)); // The required number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));     // The maximum number of outputs

    // Get required port handle:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &handle);


Ejemplo n.º 22
PsychError SCREENGlobalRect(void)  
	int						screenNumber;
	PsychWindowRecordType	*windowRecord;
	PsychRectType			rect; 
	//all sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
	//check for superfluous arguments

	if(PsychIsScreenNumberArg(1)) {
		// Real screen id: Get screens global rect and return it:
		PsychCopyInScreenNumberArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber);
		PsychGetGlobalScreenRect(screenNumber, rect);
		PsychCopyOutRectArg(1, FALSE, rect);
	else if(PsychIsWindowIndexArg(1)) {
		// Window:
		PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, TRUE, &windowRecord);

		//  Onscreen?
		if (PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) {
			PsychCopyOutRectArg(1, FALSE, windowRecord->globalrect);
		else {
			PsychCopyOutRectArg(1, FALSE, windowRecord->rect);
	else PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Argument was recognized as neither a window index nor a screen pointer");

PsychError EyelinkAcceptTrigger(void)
   int result;
   //all sub functions should have these two lines
   PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);

   //check to see if the user supplied superfluous arguments
	// Verify eyelink is up and running

   result = eyelink_accept_trigger();

   /* if there is an output variable available, assign result to it.   */
   PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, result);
PsychError EyelinkStopRecording(void)
	// Add help strings
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
	// Output help if asked
	if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {

	// Check arguments
	// Verify eyelink is up and running

Ejemplo n.º 25
PsychError IOPORTBytesAvailable(void)
 	static char useString[] = "navailable = IOPort('BytesAvailable', handle);";
	static char synopsisString[] = "Return number 'navailable' of data bytes available for readout from device specified by 'handle'.";
	static char seeAlsoString[] = "'Read'";
	int				handle;
	// Setup online help: 
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
	if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none); };
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1));     // The maximum number of inputs
	PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1)); // The required number of inputs	
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));	 // The maximum number of outputs

	// Get required port handle:
	PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &handle);
	// Copy out number of bytes available for read on port:
	PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, (double) PsychBytesAvailableIOPort(handle));

Ejemplo n.º 26
PsychError SCREENCreateMovie(void)
    static char useString[] = "moviePtr = Screen('CreateMovie', windowPtr, movieFile [, width][, height][, frameRate=30][, movieOptions][, numChannels=4][, bitdepth=8]);";
    static char synopsisString[] =
        "Create a new movie file with filename 'movieFile' and according to given 'movieOptions'.\n"
        "The function returns a handle 'moviePtr' to the file.\n"
        "Currently only single-track video encoding is supported.\n"
        "See 'Screen AddAudioBufferToMovie?' on how to add audio tracks to movies.\n"
        "Movie creation is a 3 step procedure:\n"
        "1. Create a movie and define encoding options via 'CreateMovie'.\n"
        "2. Add video and audio data to the movie via calls to 'AddFrameToMovie' et al.\n"
        "3. Finalize and close the movie via a call to 'FinalizeMovie'.\n\n"
        "All following parameters are optional and have reasonable defaults:\n\n"
        "'width' Width of movie video frames in pixels. Defaults to width of window 'windowPtr'.\n"
        "'height' Height of movie video frames in pixels. Defaults to height of window 'windowPtr'.\n"
        "'frameRate' Playback framerate of movie. Defaults to 30 fps. Technically this is not the "
        "playback framerate but the granularity in 1/frameRate seconds with which the duration of "
        "a single movie frame can be specified. When you call 'AddFrameToMovie', there's an optional "
        "parameter 'frameDuration' which defaults to one. The parameter defines the display duration "
        "of that frame as the fraction 'frameDuration' / 'frameRate' seconds, so 'frameRate' defines "
        "the denominator of that term. However, for a default 'frameDuration' of one, this is equivalent "
        "to the 'frameRate' of the movie, at least if you leave everything at defaults.\n\n"
        "'movieoptions' a textstring which allows to define additional parameters via keyword=parm pairs. "
        "For GStreamer movie writing, you can provide the same options as for GStreamer video recording. "
        "See 'help VideoRecording' for supported options and tips.\n"
        "Keywords unknown to a certain implementation or codec will be silently ignored:\n"
        "EncodingQuality=x Set encoding quality to value x, in the range 0.0 for lowest movie quality to "
        "1.0 for highest quality. Default is 0.5 = normal quality. 1.0 often provides near-lossless encoding.\n"
        "'numChannels' Optional number of image channels to encode: Can be 1, 3 or 4 on OpenGL graphics hardware, "
        "and 3 or 4 on OpenGL-ES hardware. 1 = Red/Grayscale channel only, 3 = RGB, 4 = RGBA. Please note that not "
        "all video codecs can encode pure 1 channel data or RGBA data, ie. an alpha channel. If an unsuitable codec "
        "is selected, movie writing may fail, or unsupported channels (e.g., the alpha channel) may get silently "
        "discarded. It could also happen that a codec which doesn't support 1 channel storage will replicate "
        "the Red/Grayscale data into all three RGB channels, leading to no data loss but increased movie file size. "
        "Default is to request RGBA 4 channel data from the system, encoding to RGBA or RGB, depending on codec.\n"
        "'bitdepth' Optional color/intensity resolution of each channel: Default is 8 bpc, for 8 bit per component "
        "storage. OpenGL graphics hardware, but not OpenGL-ES, also supports 16 bpc image readback. However, not all "
        "codecs can encode with > 8 bpc color/luminance precision, so encoding with 16 bpc may fail or silently reduce "
        "precision to less bits, possibly 8 bpc or less. If you specify the special keyword UsePTB16BPC in 'movieoptions', "
        "then PTB will use its own proprietary 16 bpc format for 1 or 3 channel mode. This format can only be read by "
        "PTB's own movie playback functions, not by other software.\n"
        "In general, embedded OpenGL-ES graphics hardware is more restricted in the type of image data it can return. "
        "Most video codecs are lossy codecs. They will intentionally throw away color or spatial precision of encoded "
        "video to reduce video file size or network bandwidth, often in a way that is not easily perceptible to the "
        "naked eye. If you require high fidelity, make sure to double-check your results for a given codec + parameter "
        "setup, e.g., via encoding + decoding the movie and checking the original data against decoded data.\n"

    static char seeAlsoString[] = "FinalizeMovie AddFrameToMovie CloseMovie PlayMovie GetMovieImage GetMovieTimeIndex SetMovieTimeIndex";

    PsychWindowRecordType                   *windowRecord;
    char                                    *moviefile;
    char                                    *movieOptions;
    int                                     moviehandle = -1;
    double                                  framerate = 30.0;
    int                                     width;
    int                                     height;
    int                                     numChannels, bitdepth;
    char                                    defaultOptions[2] = "";

    // All sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};

    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(8));            // Max. 8 input args.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(2));        // Min. 2 input args required.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));           // Max. 1 output args.

    // Get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
    // Only onscreen windows allowed:
    if(!PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "CreateMovie called on something else than an onscreen window.");

    // Get the movie name string:
    moviefile = NULL;
    PsychAllocInCharArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &moviefile);

    // Get the optional size:
    // Default Width and Height of movie frames is derived from size of window:
    width  = (int) PsychGetWidthFromRect(windowRecord->clientrect);
    height = (int) PsychGetHeightFromRect(windowRecord->clientrect);
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(3, kPsychArgOptional, &width);
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(4, kPsychArgOptional, &height);

    // Get the optional framerate:
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(5, kPsychArgOptional, &framerate);

    // Get the optional options string:
    movieOptions = defaultOptions;
    PsychAllocInCharArg(6, kPsychArgOptional, &movieOptions);

    // Get optional number of channels of movie:
    numChannels = 4;
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(7, kPsychArgOptional, &numChannels);
    if (numChannels != 1 && numChannels != 3 && numChannels != 4) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid number of channels 'numChannels' provided. Only 1, 3 or 4 channels allowed!");

    // Get optional bitdepth of movie:
    bitdepth = 8;
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(8, kPsychArgOptional, &bitdepth);
    if (bitdepth != 8 && bitdepth != 16) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid 'bitdepth' provided. Only 8 bpc or 16 bpc allowed!");

    // Create movie of given size and framerate with given options:
    moviehandle = PsychCreateNewMovieFile(moviefile, width, height, framerate, numChannels, bitdepth, movieOptions, NULL);
    if (0 > moviehandle) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "CreateMovie failed for reason mentioned above.");

    // Return handle to it:
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, (double) moviehandle);

Ejemplo n.º 27
PsychError SCREENOpenMovie(void)
    PsychWindowRecordType                   *windowRecord;
    char                                    *moviefile;
    char                                    *movieOptions;
    char                                    dummmyOptions[1];
    int                                     moviehandle = -1;
    int                                     framecount;
    double                                  durationsecs;
    double                                  framerate;
    double                                  aspectRatio;
    int                                     width;
    int                                     height;
    int                                     asyncFlag = 0;
    int                                     specialFlags1 = 0;
    static psych_bool                       firstTime = TRUE;
    double                                  preloadSecs = 1;
    int                                     rc;
    int                                     pixelFormat = 4;
    int                                     maxNumberThreads = -1;

    if (firstTime) {
        // Setup asyncopeninfo on first invocation:
        firstTime = FALSE;
        asyncmovieinfo.asyncstate = 0; // State = No async open in progress.

    // All sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) {PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none);};

    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(8));            // Max. 8 input args.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1));        // Min. 1 input args required.
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(7));           // Max. 7 output args.

    // Get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
    windowRecord = NULL;
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, FALSE, &windowRecord);

    // Only onscreen windows allowed:
    if(windowRecord && !PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "OpenMovie called on something else than an onscreen window.");

    // Get the movie name string:
    moviefile = NULL;
    PsychAllocInCharArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &moviefile);

    // Get the (optional) asyncFlag:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(3, FALSE, &asyncFlag);

    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(4, FALSE, &preloadSecs);
    if (preloadSecs < 0 && preloadSecs!= -1 && preloadSecs!= -2) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "OpenMovie called with invalid (negative, but not equal -1) 'preloadSecs' argument!");

    // Get the (optional) specialFlags1:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(5, FALSE, &specialFlags1);
    if (specialFlags1 < 0) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "OpenMovie called with invalid 'specialFlags1' setting! Only positive values allowed.");

    // Get the (optional) pixelFormat:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(6, FALSE, &pixelFormat);
    if (pixelFormat < 1 || pixelFormat > 10) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "OpenMovie called with invalid 'pixelFormat' setting! Only values 1 to 10 are allowed.");

    // Get the (optional) maxNumberThreads:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(7, FALSE, &maxNumberThreads);
    if (maxNumberThreads < -1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "OpenMovie called with invalid 'maxNumberThreads' setting! Only values of -1 or greater are allowed.");

    // Get the (optional) movie options string: As PsychAllocInCharArg() no-ops if
    // the optional string isn't provided, we need to point movieOptions to an empty
    // 0-terminated string by default, so we don't have a dangling pointer:
    dummmyOptions[0] = 0;
    movieOptions = &dummmyOptions[0];
    PsychAllocInCharArg(8, FALSE, &movieOptions);

    // Queueing of a new movie for seamless playback requested?
    if (asyncFlag & 2) {
        // Yes. Do a special call, just passing the moviename of the next
        // movie to play. Pass the relevant moviehandle as retrieved from
        // preloadSecs:
        moviehandle = (int) preloadSecs;
        preloadSecs = 0;
        PsychCreateMovie(windowRecord, moviefile, preloadSecs, &moviehandle, asyncFlag, specialFlags1, pixelFormat, maxNumberThreads, movieOptions);
        if (moviehandle == -1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Could not queue new moviefile for gapless playback.");

    // Asynchronous Open operation in progress or requested?
    if ((asyncmovieinfo.asyncstate == 0) && !(asyncFlag & 1)) {
        // No. We should just synchronously open the movie:

        // Try to open the named 'moviefile' and create & initialize a corresponding movie object.
        // A handle to the movie object is returned upon successfull operation.
        PsychCreateMovie(windowRecord, moviefile, preloadSecs, &moviehandle, asyncFlag, specialFlags1, pixelFormat, maxNumberThreads, movieOptions);
    else {
        // Asynchronous open operation requested or running:
        switch(asyncmovieinfo.asyncstate) {
            case 0: // No async open running, but async open requested
                // Fill all information needed for opening the movie into the info struct:
                asyncmovieinfo.asyncstate = 1; // Mark state as "Operation in progress"
                asyncmovieinfo.moviename = strdup(moviefile);
                asyncmovieinfo.preloadSecs = preloadSecs;
                asyncmovieinfo.asyncFlag = asyncFlag;
                asyncmovieinfo.specialFlags1 = specialFlags1;
                asyncmovieinfo.pixelFormat = pixelFormat;
                asyncmovieinfo.maxNumberThreads = maxNumberThreads;
                asyncmovieinfo.movieOptions = strdup(movieOptions);

                if (windowRecord) {
                    memcpy(&asyncmovieinfo.windowRecord, windowRecord, sizeof(PsychWindowRecordType));
                } else {
                    memset(&asyncmovieinfo.windowRecord, 0, sizeof(PsychWindowRecordType));

                asyncmovieinfo.moviehandle = -1;

                // Increase our scheduling priority to basic RT priority: This way we should get
                // more cpu time for our PTB main thread than the async. background prefetch-thread:
                // On Windows we must not go higher than basePriority 1 (HIGH PRIORITY) or bad interference can happen.
                // On OS/X we use basePriority 2 for robust realtime, using up to (4+1) == 5 msecs of time in every 10 msecs slice, allowing for up to 1 msec jitter/latency for ops.
                // On Linux we just use standard basePriority 2 RT-FIFO scheduling and trust the os to do the right thing.
                if ((rc=PsychSetThreadPriority(NULL, ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_WINDOWS) ? 1 : 2), ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_OSX) ? 4 : 0)))!=0) {
                    printf("PTB-WARNING: In OpenMovie(): Failed to raise priority of main thread [System error %i]. Expect movie timing problems.\n", rc);

                // Start our own movie loader Posix-Thread:
                PsychCreateThread(&asyncmovieinfo.pid, NULL, PsychAsyncCreateMovie, &asyncmovieinfo);

                // Async movie open initiated. We return control to host environment:

            case 1: // Async open operation in progress, but not yet finished.
                // Should we wait for completion or just return?
                if (asyncFlag & 1) {
                    // Async poll requested. We just return -1 to signal that open isn't finished yet:
                    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, TRUE, -1);
                // We fall through to case 2 - Wait for "Load operation successfully finished."
                // Fall through.
            case 2: // Async open operation finished. Parse asyncinfo struct and return it to host environment:
                // We need to join our terminated worker thread to release its ressources. If the worker-thread
                // isn't done yet (fallthrough from case 1 for sync. wait), this join will block us until worker
                // completes:

                asyncmovieinfo.asyncstate = 0; // Reset state to idle:
                moviehandle = asyncmovieinfo.moviehandle;

                // Release options string:

                // Movie successfully opened?
                if (moviehandle < 0) {
                    // Movie loading failed for some reason.
                    printf("PTB-ERROR: When trying to asynchronously load movie '%s', the operation failed! Reasons given above.\n", asyncmovieinfo.moviename);
                    PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Asynchronous loading of the movie failed.");


                // We can fall out of the switch statement and continue with the standard synchronous load code as if
                // the movie had been loaded synchronously.
                PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Unhandled async movie state condition encountered! BUG!!");

    // Upon sucessfull completion, we'll have a valid handle in 'moviehandle'.
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, TRUE, (double) moviehandle);

    // Retrieve infos about new movie:

    // Is the "count" output argument (total number of frames) requested by user?
    if (PsychGetNumOutputArgs() > 5) {
        // Yes. Query the framecount (expensive!) and return it:
        PsychGetMovieInfos(moviehandle, &width, &height, &framecount, &durationsecs, &framerate, NULL, &aspectRatio);
        PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(6, TRUE, (double) framecount);
    else {
        // No. Don't compute and return it.
        PsychGetMovieInfos(moviehandle, &width, &height, NULL, &durationsecs, &framerate, NULL, &aspectRatio);

    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(2, FALSE, (double) durationsecs);
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(3, FALSE, (double) framerate);
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(4, FALSE, (double) width);
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(5, FALSE, (double) height);
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(7, FALSE, (double) aspectRatio);

    // Ready!
PsychError SCREENSetOpenGLTextureFromMemPointer(void) 
    PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord, *textureRecord;
    int w, h, d, testarg, upsidedown, glinternalformat, glexternaltype, glexternalformat;
    double doubleMemPtr;
    GLenum target = 0;
    doubleMemPtr = 0;
    upsidedown = 0;

    //all subfunctions should have these two lines.  
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(11));     // The maximum number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(5)); // The required number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(2));    // The maximum number of outputs
    // Get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
    // Get the texture record from the texture record argument.
    // Check if either none ( [] or '' ) or the special value zero was
    // provided as Psychtoolbox textureHandle. In that case, we create a new
    // empty texture record instead of reusing an existing one.
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, FALSE, &testarg);
    if (testarg==0) {
        // No valid textureHandle provided. Create a new empty textureRecord.
        textureRecord->screenNumber = windowRecord->screenNumber;
        textureRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject = windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject;
        textureRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext = windowRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext;
        textureRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject = windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject;
		textureRecord->colorRange = windowRecord->colorRange;
		// Copy imaging mode flags from parent:
		textureRecord->imagingMode = windowRecord->imagingMode;

        // Mark it valid and return handle to userspace:
    else {
        // None of the special values provided. We assume its a handle to a valid
        // and existing PTB texture and try to retrieve the textureRecord:
        PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(2, TRUE, &textureRecord);
    // Is it  a textureRecord?
    if (!PsychIsTexture(textureRecord)) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You tried to set texture information on something else than a texture!");
    // Query double-encoded memory pointer:
    PsychCopyInDoubleArg(3, TRUE, &doubleMemPtr);
    // Query width:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(4, TRUE, &w);

    // Query height:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(5, TRUE, &h);

    // Query depth:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(6, TRUE, &d);

    // Query (optional) upsidedown - flag:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(7, FALSE, &upsidedown);
    // Query (optional) OpenGL texture target:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(8, FALSE, (int*) &target);
    // Query (optional) full format spec:
    glinternalformat = 0;
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(9, FALSE, &glinternalformat);
    if (glinternalformat>0) {
      // Ok copy the (now non-optional) remaining format spec:
      PsychCopyInIntegerArg(10, TRUE, &glexternalformat);
      PsychCopyInIntegerArg(11, TRUE, &glexternaltype);      

    // Safety checks:
    if (doubleMemPtr == 0) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You tried to set invalid (NULL) imagePtr.");

    if (w<=0) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You tried to set invalid (negative) texture width.");

    if (h<=0) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You tried to set invalid (negative) texture height.");
    if (d<=0) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You tried to set invalid (negative) texture depth.");
    if (d>4) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You tried to set invalid (greater than four) texture depth.");

    if (target!=0 && target!=GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT && target!=GL_TEXTURE_2D) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You tried to set invalid texture target.");

    // Activate OpenGL rendering context of windowRecord and make it the active drawing target:

    // Ok, setup texture record for texture:
    textureRecord->depth = d * 8;
	textureRecord->nrchannels = d;
    PsychMakeRect(textureRecord->rect, 0, 0, w, h);

    // Override texture target, if one was provided:
    if (target!=0) textureRecord->texturetarget = target;

    // Orientation is normally set to 2 - like an upright Offscreen window texture.
    // If upsidedown flag is set, then we do 3 - an upside down Offscreen window texture.
    textureRecord->textureOrientation = (upsidedown>0) ? 3 : 2;
    if (glinternalformat!=0) {
      textureRecord->textureinternalformat = glinternalformat;
      textureRecord->textureexternalformat = glexternalformat;
      textureRecord->textureexternaltype = glexternaltype;

    // Setting memsize to zero prevents unwanted free() operation in PsychDeleteTexture...
    textureRecord->textureMemorySizeBytes = 0;

    // This will retrieve an OpenGL compatible pointer to the raw pixel data and assign it to our texmemptr:
    textureRecord->textureMemory = (GLuint*) PsychDoubleToPtr(doubleMemPtr);
    // printf("InTexPtr %p , %.20e", PsychDoubleToPtr(doubleMemPtr), doubleMemPtr);

    // Let PsychCreateTexture() do the rest of the job of creating, setting up and
    // filling an OpenGL texture with memory buffers image content:

    // Return new (or old) PTB textureHandle for this texture:
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, textureRecord->windowIndex);
    PsychCopyOutRectArg(2, FALSE, textureRecord->rect);

    // Done.
PsychError SCREENPreloadTextures(void)  
	PsychWindowRecordType                   *windowRecord, *texwin;
	psych_bool                                 isArgThere;
        int                                     *texhandles;
        PsychWindowRecordType                   **windowRecordArray;        
        int                                     i, n, numWindows, myhandle; 
        double                                  *success;
        psych_bool*                                residency;
        GLuint*                                 texids;
        GLboolean*                              texresident;
        psych_bool                                 failed = false;
        GLclampf                                maxprio = 1.0f;
        GLenum                                  target;

	//all sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
	//check for superfluous arguments
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(2));        //The maximum number of inputs
	PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1));    //The minimum number of inputs
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(2));       //The maximum number of outputs
	//get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
	PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &windowRecord);
	// Get optional texids vector:
	isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, 2);
        PsychAllocInIntegerListArg(2, FALSE, &n, &texhandles);
        if (n < 1) isArgThere=FALSE;
        // Enable this windowRecords framebuffer as current drawingtarget:

		// Disable shader:
		PsychSetShader(windowRecord, 0);


	// Fetch global texturing mode:

        glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0);
	// Setup identity modelview matrix:

        PsychCreateVolatileWindowRecordPointerList(&numWindows, &windowRecordArray);            

        // Process vector of all texids for all requested textures:
        if (!isArgThere) {
            // No handles provided: In this case, we preload all textures:
            for(i=0; i<numWindows; i++) {                
                if (windowRecordArray[i]->windowType==kPsychTexture) {
                    // Prioritize this texture:
                    glPrioritizeTextures(1, (GLuint*) &(windowRecordArray[i]->textureNumber), &maxprio);
                    // Bind this texture:
                    glBindTexture(target, windowRecordArray[i]->textureNumber);
                    // Render a single textured point, thereby enforcing a texture upload:
                    glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2i(10,10);
                    glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2i(10,11);
                    glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2i(11,11);
                    glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex2i(11,10);                    
            texids = (GLuint*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLuint) * n);
            texresident = (GLboolean*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLboolean) * n);

            for(i=0; i<numWindows; i++) {                
                if (windowRecordArray[i]->windowType==kPsychTexture) {
                    texids[n] = (GLuint) windowRecordArray[i]->textureNumber;
        else {
            // Vector with texture handles provided: Just preload them.
            texids = (GLuint*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLuint) * n);
            texresident = (GLboolean*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLboolean) * n);
            for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
                myhandle = texhandles[i];
                texwin = NULL;
                if (IsWindowIndex(myhandle)) FindWindowRecord(myhandle, &texwin);
                if (texwin && texwin->windowType==kPsychTexture) {
                    // Prioritize this texture:
                    glPrioritizeTextures(1, (GLuint*) &(texwin->textureNumber), &maxprio);
                    // Bind this texture:
                    glBindTexture(target, texwin->textureNumber);
                    // Render a single textured point, thereby enforcing a texture upload:
                    glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2i(10,10);
                    glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2i(10,11);
                    glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2i(11,11);
                    glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex2i(11,10);                    
                    texids[i] = (GLuint) texwin->textureNumber;
                else {
                    // This handle is invalid or at least no texture handle:
                    printf("PTB-ERROR! Screen('PreloadTextures'): Entry %i of texture handle vector (handle %i) is not a texture handle!\n",
                           i, myhandle);
                    failed = true;
        // Restore old matrix from backup copy, undoing the global translation:
        // Disable texture engine:

        // Wait for prefetch completion:
        // We don't need these anymore:
        if (failed) {
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "At least one texture handle in texids-vector was invalid! Aborted.");
        // Query residency state of all preloaded textures:
        success = NULL;
        PsychAllocOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, &success);
        *success = (double) glAreTexturesResident(n, texids, texresident);
        // Sync pipe again, just to be safe...
        // Count them and copy them into output vector:
        PsychAllocOutBooleanMatArg(2, FALSE, n, 1, 1, &residency);
        for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
            residency[i] = (psych_bool) ((*success) ? TRUE : texresident[i]);
 	// Done. Our PsychMallocTemp'ed arrays will be auto-released...
Ejemplo n.º 30
PsychError SCREENPreference(void)  

	PsychArgFormatType		arg1Type;
	char					*preferenceName, *newFontName;
	const char				*tableCreator, *oldDefaultFontName;
	Boolean					preferenceNameArgumentValid, booleanInput, ignoreCase, tempFlag, textAlphaBlendingFlag, suppressAllWarningsFlag;
	int						numInputArgs, i, newFontStyleNumber, newFontSize, tempInt;
	double					returnDoubleValue, inputDoubleValue;
	//all sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
	//check for superfluous or missing arguments
	//Cases which require both a window pointer or screen number and preference name.  Argument 1 is the wposn and argument 2 is the preference name.
	if( numInputArgs >= 2 && (PsychIsScreenNumberArg(1) || PsychIsScreenNumberArg(1)) && PsychGetArgType(2)==PsychArgType_char ){
		PsychAllocInCharArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &preferenceName);
		//preferences which require window pointer or screen number argument which we DO NOT support  
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, unsupportedMacVideoPreferenceNames[i]))
		//insert here conditionals  to act on prefernces which accept a window pointer or screen number argument which we DO support.

	//Cases which do not require a wposn.  Argument 1 is the preference name.  if present Argument 2 is the new value
		PsychAllocInCharArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &preferenceName);
		//Preferernces which we do not support and which do not require a wposn
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, unsupportedMacNonVideoPreferenceNames[i]))
		//Preferences which we do support
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "IgnoreCase")){
			PsychCopyOutFlagArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, ignoreCase);
				PsychCopyInFlagArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &booleanInput);
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "Tick0Secs")){
			if(PsychCopyInDoubleArg(2, kPsychArgOptional, &inputDoubleValue) && inputDoubleValue==PsychGetNanValue())
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, returnDoubleValue);
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "PsychTableVersion")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, (double)PsychPrefStateGet_PsychTableVersion());
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "PsychTableCreator")){
			PsychCopyOutCharArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, tableCreator);
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "Process")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, (double)getpid());

		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "DefaultFontName")){
			PsychCopyOutCharArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, oldDefaultFontName);
				PsychAllocInCharArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &newFontName);
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "DefaultFontStyle")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_DefaultTextStyle());
				PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &newFontStyleNumber);
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "DefaultTextYPositionIsBaseline")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_TextYPositionIsBaseline());
				PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempInt);
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "DefaultFontSize")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_DefaultTextSize());
				PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &newFontSize);
		if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "DebugMakeTexture")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_DebugMakeTexture());
				PsychCopyInFlagArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempFlag);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "SkipSyncTests")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_SkipSyncTests());
				PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempInt);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "VisualDebugLevel")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_VisualDebugLevel());
				PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempInt);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "VBLTimestampingMode")){
			PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_VBLTimestampingMode());
                            PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempInt);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "ConserveVRAM")){
					PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_ConserveVRAM());
						PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempInt);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "Verbosity")){
					PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity());
						PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempInt);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "EmulateOldPTB")){
				PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_EmulateOldPTB());
					PsychCopyInFlagArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempFlag);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "Enable3DGraphics")){
				PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, PsychPrefStateGet_3DGfx());
					PsychCopyInFlagArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &tempFlag);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "TextAlphaBlending")){
				PsychCopyOutFlagArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, textAlphaBlendingFlag);
					PsychCopyInFlagArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &booleanInput);
			if(PsychMatch(preferenceName, "SuppressAllWarnings")){
				PsychCopyOutFlagArg(1, kPsychArgOptional, suppressAllWarningsFlag);
					PsychCopyInFlagArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &booleanInput);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid arguments to preferences command");