Ejemplo n.º 1
FILE *choose_mac_file(char *file_name,char action)
        StandardFileReply reply;
        SFTypeList                type_list;
        short num_types;
        FILE *the_file;

        /* start out by using StandardGetFile to get the file name and stuff */
        num_types = -1;
        type_list[0] = 'YhMp';
        StandardGetFile(nil, num_types, type_list, &reply);
        if (!reply.sfGood)
                strcpy(file_name,"User Cancelled");
                return 0;

        /* now open the file */
        strcpy(file_name,(char *)reply.sfFile.name);
        PtoCstr((unsigned char *)file_name);
        the_file = fopen_mac(reply.sfFile.vRefNum,reply.sfFile.parID,
                                                                                         file_name,(char *)"r",action);

        return the_file;
Ejemplo n.º 2
gp_init (void)
    extern char    *gs_lib_default_path;
    extern char    *gs_init_file;

#if 0
    /*...Initialize Ghostscript's default library paths and initialization file...*/

        int			i;
        char	  **p;

        for (i = iGSLibPathStr, p = &gs_lib_default_path;
                i <= iGSInitFileStr;
                i++, p = &gs_init_file)
            GetIndString (string, MACSTRS_RES_ID, i);
            (void) PtoCstr (string);
            *p = malloc ((size_t) (strlen ((char *) string) + 1));
            strcpy (*p, (char *) string);
LVAL xsopen_resfile()
  char *name;
  int fn;
  name = (char *) getstring(xlgastring());
  fn = OpenResFile(name);
  return((fn >= 0) ? cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) fn) : NIL);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int SFReadHdr(FILE *file, SFSTRUCT *snd, int infoBmax)
/* utility to sample the header of an opened file, at most infoBmax info byts */
    int 	chans,dsize,infoSize;
    long	len;
    float	srate;
    char	*info;
    char	*fname;
    int 	err,i;

	if(infoBmax < SFDFLTBYTS)	infoBmax = SFDFLTBYTS;
	infoBmax = infoBmax&-4;		/* round down to multiple of four */
	infoSize = infoBmax;
	if( (fname = FindFname(file)) == NULL)
		return(SFerror = SFE_NOPEN);		/* couldn't find a pathname for this */
	err = MacReadHeader(fname,0,&chans,&srate,&dsize,&info,&infoSize);
	/* will only read into info for infoSize byts, updates infoSize to avai bts */

/*	len = MacFileLen(fname,0);
	if(len < 0)					/* couldn't read file length */
/*		printf("SFRdHdr: len read failed\n");
 	len = file->len;			/* cheat by using THINK_C's internal record... */

	if(err&7)					/* just bottom 3 bits critical - optional info */
		return(SFerror = SFE_NSF);		/* reading mac header failed */
	if(infoSize < SFDFLTBYTS)	infoSize = SFDFLTBYTS;	/* don't rock the boat */
	if(infoBmax > infoSize) 	infoBmax = infoSize;	/* actual bts in buf */
    snd->magic = SFMAGIC;
   	snd->headBsize = sizeof(SFSTRUCT) + infoSize - SFDFLTBYTS;
	snd->dataBsize = len;	snd->channels = chans;	snd->samplingRate = srate;
	if(dsize == 1)		snd->format = SFMT_CHAR;
	else if(dsize == 4)	snd->format = SFMT_FLOAT;
	else 				snd->format = SFMT_SHORT;
	for(i=0; i<infoBmax; ++i)
		snd->info[i] = info[i];
    return(SFerror = SFE_OK);

Ejemplo n.º 5
void LCD_doreadpict(Lcd *x)      /*read in a 'PICT' selected by the user*/

	Point	wher;		
	SFReply	reply;	
	SFTypeList	myFileTypes;	
	short	numFileTypes;
	OSErr	err;
	QDProcsPtr	savedProcs;
	long	longCount,myEOF,filePos;
	short vol,refNum;
	long length;
	Atom a;
	short i;
	GrafPort *thePort;
	Symbol *file;
	wher.h = 20;
	wher.v = 20;
	numFileTypes = 1;		/*display 'PICT's*/
	myFileTypes[0] = 'PICT';

	if (!x->fn[0])
		if (reply.good)
			for (i=0;i<=reply.fName[0];i++)
			PtoCstr((Byte *)x->fn);
			outlet_anything (x->file_outlet,ps_pictname,1,&a);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int SFWriteHdr(FILE *file, SFSTRUCT *snd, int infoBmax)
/* 	Utility to write out header to open file
	infoBmax optionally limits the number of info chars to write.
	infoBmax = 0 => write out all bytes implied by .headBsize field 
	infoBmax >= SFDFLTBYS => write out only infoBmax infobytes */
    int 	chans,dsize,infoSize;
    float	srate;
    char	*info;
    char	*fname;
    int 	err,i;

    if(snd->magic != SFMAGIC)
		return(SFerror = SFE_NSF);
	if(infoBmax >= SFDFLTBYTS && infoBmax < SFInfoSize(snd) )
		infoSize = infoBmax;
		infoSize = SFInfoSize(snd);
	chans = snd->channels;	srate = snd->samplingRate;
	if(snd->format == SFMT_CHAR || snd->format == SFMT_ALAW ||
			 snd->format == SFMT_ULAW)
		dsize = 1;
	else if(snd->format == SFMT_LONG || snd->format == SFMT_FLOAT)
		dsize = 4;
	else dsize = 2;		/* default short */
	info = snd->info;
	if( (fname = FindFname(file)) == NULL)
		return(SFerror = SFE_NOPEN);		/* couldn't find a pathname for this */
	MacSetCreator(fname,0/*vref*/);		/* make an Sd2 file */
		return(SFerror = SFE_WRERR);
	    return(SFerror = SFE_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 7
int SFRdXInfo(FILE *file, SFSTRUCT *psnd, int done)
/* fetch any extra info bytes needed in view of read header
    Passes open file handle, existing sound struct
    already read 'done' bytes; rest inferred from structure */
    int 	chans,dsize,infoSize;
    long	len;
    float	srate;
    char	*info;
    char	*fname;
    int 	err,i;
    int 	rem;
	if( (fname = FindFname(file)) == NULL)
		return(SFerror = SFE_NOPEN);		/* couldn't find a pathname for this */
	infoSize = SFInfoSize(psnd); /* reread whole of info */
	err = MacReadHeader(fname,0,&chans,&srate,&dsize,psnd->info,&infoSize);
		return(SFerror = SFE_NOPEN);		/* reading mac header failed */
		return(SFerror = SFE_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 8
char *macFindFile(char *fileName, Str255 message, Str255 defaultname,
			  Integer readWrite, Integer ntypes, OSType * types, 
			  Integer * volume) 
	SFTypeList      myTypes;
	Point           p;
	Integer         numTypes;
	Integer         vRefNum = (volume != (Integer *) 0) ? *volume : 0;
	LongInt         dirID;
	int             i;

	if (fileName[0] == '\0')
		/* Use standard file dialog box */
		SetPt(&p, 82, 90);
		DeactivateWindow();		/*unhighlight front window*/

		if (readWrite == WRITEIT)
		{						/* write */
			DialogEdit = true;
			NDialogButtons = 2;
			ButtonChars[0] = 's';
			ButtonChars[1] = 'n';
			SFPPutFile(p, message, defaultname, NullDialogHookPtr, &Reply,
					   putDlgID, MyDialogFilterPtr);
		} /*if (readWrite == WRITEIT)*/
		{/* read */
			if(ntypes == 0)
				numTypes = 0;
				myTypes[numTypes++] = 'TEXT';
				myTypes[numTypes++] = 'ttro';
				if(types != (OSType *) 0)
					myTypes[numTypes++] = types[0];
				numTypes = (ntypes <= 4) ? ntypes : 4; /*play it safe*/
				for(i = 0;i < numTypes; i++)
					myTypes[i] = types[i];
			DialogEdit = false;
			NDialogButtons = 2;
			ButtonChars[0] = 'o'; /* Open */
			ButtonChars[1] = 'n'; /* Cancel */
			SFPGetFile(p, message, NullFileFilterPtr,	
					   numTypes, myTypes, NullDialogHookPtr, &Reply,
					   getDlgID, MyDialogFilterPtr);
		} /*if (readWrite == WRITEIT){}else{}*/
		macUpdate((WindowPtr) 0);
		if (!Reply.good)
		{ /* cancelled */
			return (0);
		vRefNum = Reply.vRefNum;
		if (volume != (Integer *) 0)
			*volume = vRefNum;
		PtoCstr((unsigned char *) Reply.fName);
		strcpy(FileName, (char *) Reply.fName);
		CtoPstr((char *) Reply.fName);
		fileName = FileName;
	} /*if (fileName[0] == '\0')*/
	else if (volume != (Integer *) 0 && vRefNum == 0 &&
			 HGetVol((StringPtr) 0, &vRefNum, &dirID) == noErr)
		*volume = vRefNum;
	if (vRefNum != 0)
		SetVol(0L, vRefNum);
	return (fileName);

} /*macFindFile()*/
Ejemplo n.º 9
long iniMacros(void)
	int        i;

	for (i = 0; macros[i].name; i++)
		if (!installMacro(macros[i].text, macros[i].name,
			goto errorExit;
#else /*MACINTOSH*/
	Integer          id = IDBASE, id1;
	Integer          i, count = CountResources(MACROTYPE);
	char            *prefix = NAMEPREFIX;
	Integer          prefixLength = strlen(prefix);
	Str255           resName;
	char            *name = (char *) resName;
	ResType          type;
    unsigned char  **text;
	   examine all resources of the wanted type
	   If the name starts with prefix, install it as long as it is not
	   the name of the dummy last macro
	for(i=1; i<= count; i++)
		text = (unsigned char **) GetIndResource(MACROTYPE, i);
		if (ResError() != noErr)
		GetResInfo((Handle) text, &id1, &type, resName);
		if (ResError() != noErr)
			goto errorExit;
		PtoCstr((unsigned char *) name);
		if (strncmp(prefix, name, prefixLength) == 0 &&
			strcmp(name + prefixLength, ENDNAME) != 0)
			HLock((Handle) text);
		/* first two characters of *text give number of characters */
			if (!installMacro((char *) (*text) + 2, name + prefixLength,
							  (*text)[0] * 256 + (*text)[1]))
				goto errorExit;
			HUnlock((Handle) text);
		ReleaseResource((Handle) text);
	} /*while(1)*/
#endif /*MACINTOSH*/
	return (1);

	return (0);
} /*iniMacros()*/