static void qlamakegroup(QLA_Complex *x, int g) { switch(g&GROUP_TYPE) { case GROUP_GL: break; case GROUP_U: { QLA_Real n = QLA_norm2_c(*x); if(n==0) { QLA_c_eq_r(*x, 1); } else { n = 1/sqrt(n); QLA_c_eq_r_times_c(*x, n, *x); } } break; case GROUP_H: QLA_c_eq_r(*x, QLA_real(*x)); break; case GROUP_AH: QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(*x, 0, QLA_imag(*x)); break; } if(g&GROUP_S) QLA_c_eq_r(*x, 1); if(g&GROUP_T) QLA_c_eq_r(*x, 0); }
static int qopqdp_gauge_unit(lua_State *L) { qassert(lua_gettop(L)==1); gauge_t *g = qopqdp_gauge_check(L, -1); QLA_Complex z; QLA_c_eq_r(z, 1); for(int i=0; i<g->nd; i++) { QDP_M_eq_c(g->links[i], &z, QDP_all_L(g->qlat)); } return 0; }
static void over_func(NCPROT1 QLA_ColorMatrix(*m), int site) { if(QLA_Nc==1) { QLA_Complex z, zs, t; QLA_C_eq_elem_M(&z, m, 0, 0); QLA_c_eq_ca(zs, z); QLA_C_eq_C_divide_C(&t, &zs, &z); QLA_M_eq_elem_C(m, &t, 0, 0); } else { QLA_ColorMatrix(s); QLA_ColorMatrix(t); QLA_ColorMatrix(tt); QLA_Complex one; QLA_c_eq_r(one, 1); QLA_M_eq_c(&s, &one); /* Loop over SU(2) subgroup index */ for(int i = 0; i < QLA_Nc; ++i) { for(int j = i+1; j < QLA_Nc; ++j) { QLA_Real a[4], r[4], rn; su2_extract(NCARG r, m, i, j); rn = sqrt( r[0]*r[0] + r[1]*r[1] + r[2]*r[2] + r[3]*r[3] ); if(rn<1e-10) { a[0] = 1; a[1] = a[2] = a[3] = 0; } else { rn = 1/rn; a[0] = rn*r[0]; a[1] = -rn*r[1]; a[2] = -rn*r[2]; a[3] = -rn*r[3]; } r[0] = a[0]*a[0] - a[1]*a[1] - a[2]*a[2] - a[3]*a[3]; a[0] *= 2; r[1] = a[0]*a[1]; r[2] = a[0]*a[2]; r[3] = a[0]*a[3]; su2_fill(NCARG &t, r, i, j); QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&tt, &t, &s); QLA_M_eq_M(&s, &tt); QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&tt, &t, m); QLA_M_eq_M(m, &tt); } } QLA_M_eq_M(m, &s); } }
static void su2_fill(NCPROT QLA_ColorMatrix(*m), QLA_Real r[4], int i, int j) { QLA_Complex z; QLA_c_eq_r(z, 1); QLA_M_eq_c(m, &z); QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(z, r[0], r[3]); QLA_M_eq_elem_C(m, &z, i, i); QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(z, r[2], r[1]); QLA_M_eq_elem_C(m, &z, i, j); r[2] = -r[2]; QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(z, r[2], r[1]); QLA_M_eq_elem_C(m, &z, j, i); r[3] = -r[3]; QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(z, r[0], r[3]); QLA_M_eq_elem_C(m, &z, j, j); }
static void make_herm(NCPROT QLA_ColorMatrix(*m), int idx, void *args) { QLA_Complex tr; QLA_c_eq_r(tr, 0); for(int i=0; i<QLA_Nc; i++) { for(int j=i; j<QLA_Nc; j++) { QLA_Complex t1, t2; QLA_c_eq_c(t1, QLA_elem_M(*m,i,j)); QLA_c_eq_c(t2, QLA_elem_M(*m,j,i)); QLA_c_peq_ca(t1, t2); QLA_c_eq_r_times_c(t1, 0.5, t1); QLA_c_eq_c(QLA_elem_M(*m,i,j), t1); QLA_c_eq_ca(QLA_elem_M(*m,j,i), t1); } QLA_c_peq_c(tr, QLA_elem_M(*m,i,i)); } QLA_c_eq_r_times_c(tr, 1./QLA_Nc, tr); for(int i=0; i<QLA_Nc; i++) { QLA_c_meq_c(QLA_elem_M(*m,i,i), tr); } }
void QOPPC(symanzik_1loop_gauge_force1) (QOP_info_t *info, QOP_GaugeField *gauge, QOP_Force *force, QOP_gauge_coeffs_t *coeffs, REAL eps) { REAL Plaq, Rect, Pgm ; QDP_ColorMatrix *tempmom_qdp[4]; QDP_ColorMatrix *Amu[6]; // products of 2 links Unu(x)*Umu(x+nu) QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat; QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat1; QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat2; QDP_ColorMatrix *staples; QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat3; QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat4; int i, k; int mu, nu, sig; double dtime; //REAL eb3 = -eps*beta/3.0; REAL eb3 = -eps/3.0; int j[3][2] = {{1,2}, {0,2}, {0,1}}; // QOP_printf0("beta: %e, eb3: %e\n", beta, eb3); dtime = -QOP_time(); for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) { tempmom_qdp[mu] = QDP_create_M(); QDP_M_eq_zero(tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_all); } tmpmat = QDP_create_M(); for(i=0; i<QOP_common.ndim; i++) { fblink[i] = gauge->links[i]; fblink[OPP_DIR(i)] = QDP_create_M(); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[i], QDP_neighbor[i], QDP_backward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_Ma(fblink[OPP_DIR(i)], tmpmat, QDP_all); } for(i=0; i<6; i++) { Amu[i] = QDP_create_M(); } staples = QDP_create_M(); tmpmat1 = QDP_create_M(); tmpmat2 = QDP_create_M(); tmpmat3 = QDP_create_M(); tmpmat4 = QDP_create_M(); Plaq = coeffs->plaquette; Rect = coeffs->rectangle; Pgm = coeffs->parallelogram; //Construct 3-staples and rectangles for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) { i=0; for(nu=0; nu<4; nu++) { if(nu!=mu){ // tmpmat1 = Umu(x+nu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat1, fblink[mu], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(Amu[i], fblink[nu], tmpmat1, QDP_all); //tmpmat2 = Umu(x-nu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat2, fblink[mu], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(Amu[i+3], fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], tmpmat2, QDP_all); //tmpmat = U_{nu}(x+mu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(staples, Amu[i], tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Plaq, staples, QDP_all); //tmpmat = U_{-nu}(x+mu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(tmpmat3, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], staples, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat4, tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, tmpmat4, QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Rect, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(tmpmat4, tmpmat2, tmpmat3, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, tmpmat4, QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_backward, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[nu], &Rect, tmpmat3, QDP_all); //tmpmat = U_{-nu}(x+mu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat3, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat, tmpmat3, staples, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[nu], &Rect, tmpmat3, QDP_all); //tmpmat = U_{-nu}(x+mu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(staples, Amu[i+3], tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Plaq, staples, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(tmpmat3, fblink[nu], staples, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat4, tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, tmpmat4, QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Rect, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(tmpmat, tmpmat3, tmpmat1, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat4, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_backward, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[nu], &Rect, tmpmat4, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat3, staples, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat4, tmpmat3, tmpmat1, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[nu], &Rect, tmpmat4, QDP_all); i++; } } // Construct the pgm staples and add them to force QDP_M_eq_zero(staples, QDP_all); i=0; for(nu=0; nu<4; nu++){ if(nu!=mu){ k=0; for(sig=0; sig<4;sig ++){ if(sig!=mu && nu!=sig){ // the nu_sig_mu ... staple and 3 reflections //tmpmat = Amu["sig"](x+nu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, Amu[j[i][k]], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); //tmpmat1 = Unu(x)*Amu["sig"](x+nu) QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat1, fblink[nu], tmpmat, QDP_all); //tmpmat3 = Unu(x+mu+sig) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[sig], QDP_forward, QDP_all); // HERE? //tmpmat2 = Unu(x)*Amu["sig"](x+nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig)) QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat2, tmpmat1, tmpmat3, QDP_all); //tmpmat = Usig(x+mu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[sig], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); //tmpmat1 = Unu(x)*Amu["sig"](x+nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig))*adj(Usig(x+mu)) QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat1, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_M(staples, tmpmat1, QDP_all); //tmpmat = Amu["sig"](x-nu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, Amu[j[i][k]], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, QDP_all); //tmpmat1 = U_{-nu}(x)*Amu["sig"](x-nu) QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat1, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], tmpmat, QDP_all); //tmpmat3 = U_{-nu}(x+mu+sig) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[sig], QDP_forward, QDP_all); // HERE? //tmpmat2 = U_{-nu}nu(x)*Amu["sig"](x-nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig)) QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat2, tmpmat1, tmpmat3, QDP_all); //tmpmat = Usig(x+mu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[sig], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); //tmpmat1 = U_{-nu}(x)*Amu["sig"](x-nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig))*adj(Usig(x+mu)) QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat1, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_M(staples, tmpmat1, QDP_all); //tmpmat = Amu["-sig"](x-nu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, Amu[j[i][k]+3], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, QDP_all); //tmpmat1 = U_{-nu}(x)*Amu["-sig"](x-nu) QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat1, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], tmpmat, QDP_all); //tmpmat = U_{-nu}(x+mu-sig) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[sig], QDP_backward, QDP_all); // HERE? //tmpmat2 = U_{-nu}nu(x)*Amu["-sig"](x-nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu-sig)) QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat2, tmpmat1, tmpmat3, QDP_all); //tmpmat = U_{-sig}(x+mu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(sig)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); //tmpmat1 = U_{-nu}(x)*Amu["-sig"](x-nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu-sig))*adj(U_{-sig}(x+mu)) QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat1, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_M(staples, tmpmat1, QDP_all); //tmpmat = Amu["-sig"](x+nu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, Amu[j[i][k]+3], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); //tmpmat1 = Unu(x)*Amu["-sig"](x+nu) QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat1, fblink[nu], tmpmat, QDP_all); //tmpmat3 = Unu(x+mu-sig) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[sig], QDP_backward, QDP_all); // HERE? //tmpmat2 = Unu(x)*Amu["-sig"](x+nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu-sig)) QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat2, tmpmat1, tmpmat3, QDP_all); //tmpmat = U_{-sig}(x+mu) QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(sig)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); //tmpmat1 = Unu(x)*Amu["sig"](x+nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig))*adj(Usig(x+mu)) QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat1, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all); QDP_M_peq_M(staples, tmpmat1, QDP_all); k++; }//close if sig!=nu ... }//close sig loop i++; }// close if nu!=mu }//close the pgm nu loop QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Pgm, staples, QDP_all); }// closes the mu loop #ifdef CHKSUM QLA_ColorMatrix qcm; QLA_Complex det, chk; QLA_c_eq_r(chk, 0); #endif for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++){ QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat, fblink[mu], tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_all); // HERE? QDP_M_eq_r_times_M_plus_M( tempmom_qdp[mu], &eb3, tmpmat, force->force[mu], QDP_all);// HERE? QDP_M_eq_antiherm_M(force->force[mu], tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_all);// HERE #ifdef CHKSUM QDP_m_eq_sum_M(&qcm, force->force[mu], QDP_all); QLA_C_eq_det_M(&det, &qcm); QLA_c_peq_c(chk, det); #endif } #ifdef CHKSUM QOP_printf0("chksum: %g %g\n", QLA_real(chk), QLA_imag(chk)); #endif //DESTROY various fields QDP_destroy_M(tmpmat); QDP_destroy_M(tmpmat1); QDP_destroy_M(tmpmat2); QDP_destroy_M(tmpmat3); QDP_destroy_M(staples); QDP_destroy_M(tmpmat4); for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++){ QDP_destroy_M(tempmom_qdp[mu]); } for(i=0; i<6; i++) { QDP_destroy_M(Amu[i]); } for(i=4; i<8; i++) { QDP_destroy_M(fblink[i]); } dtime += QOP_time(); double nflop = 96720; info->final_sec = dtime; info->final_flop = nflop*QDP_sites_on_node; info->status = QOP_SUCCESS; //QOP_printf0("Time in slow g_force: %e\n", info->final_sec); }
/* optimized version of building blocks compute tr(B^+ \Gamma_n F) [n=0..15] and projects on n_qext momenta select time interval [tsrc: tsnk] and does time reversal if time_rev==1 save results to aff_w[aff_kpath . 'g%d/qx%d_qy%d_qz%d'] Parameters: csrc = { xsrc, ysrc, zsrc, tsrc } tsnk qext[4 * i_qext + dir] components time_rev ==0 for proton_3, ==1 for proton_negpar_3 bc_baryon_t =+/-1 boundary condition for baryon 2pt[sic!] function; =bc_quark^3 */ const char * save_bb(lua_State *L, mLattice *S, mAffWriter *aff_w, const char *aff_kpath, QDP_D3_DiracPropagator *F, QDP_D3_DiracPropagator *B, const int *csrc, /* [qRank] */ int tsnk, int n_mom, const int *mom, /* [n_mom][qRank] */ int time_rev, /* 1 to reverse, 0 to not */ int t_axis, /* 0-based */ double bc_baryon_t) { /* gamma matrix parameterization for left multiplication: Gamma_n [i,j] = gamma_coeff[n][i] * \delta_{i,gamma_ind[n][i]} v[0] a[0]*v[I[0]] Gamma * v[1] = a[1]*v[I[1]] v[2] a[2]*v[I[2]] v[3] a[3]*v[I[3]] or (Gamma * X)_{ik} = a[i] * X[I[i],k] */ double complex gamma_left_coeff[16][4] = { { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, /* G0 = 1 */ { I, I,-I,-I }, /* G1 = g1 */ {-1, 1, 1,-1 }, /* G2 = g2 */ {-I, I,-I, I }, /* G3 = g1 g2 */ { I,-I,-I, I }, /* G4 = g3 */ {-1, 1,-1, 1 }, /* G5 = g1 g3 */ {-I,-I,-I,-I }, /* G6 = g2 g3 */ { 1, 1,-1,-1 }, /* G7 = g1 g2 g3 */ { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, /* G8 = g4 */ { I, I,-I,-I }, /* G9 = g1 g4 */ {-1, 1, 1,-1 }, /* G10= g2 g4 */ {-I, I,-I, I }, /* G11= g1 g2 g4 */ { I,-I,-I, I }, /* G12= g3 g4 */ {-1, 1,-1, 1 }, /* G13= g1 g3 g4 */ {-I,-I,-I,-I }, /* G14= g2 g3 g4 */ { 1, 1,-1,-1 }, /* G15= g1 g2 g3 g4 */ }; int gamma_left_ind[16][4] = { { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, /* G0 = 1 */ { 3, 2, 1, 0 }, /* G1 = g1 */ { 3, 2, 1, 0 }, /* G2 = g2 */ { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, /* G3 = g1 g2 */ { 2, 3, 0, 1 }, /* G4 = g3 */ { 1, 0, 3, 2 }, /* G5 = g1 g3 */ { 1, 0, 3, 2 }, /* G6 = g2 g3 */ { 2, 3, 0, 1 }, /* G7 = g1 g2 g3 */ { 2, 3, 0, 1 }, /* G8 = g4 */ { 1, 0, 3, 2 }, /* G9 = g1 g4 */ { 1, 0, 3, 2 }, /* G10= g2 g4 */ { 2, 3, 0, 1 }, /* G11= g1 g2 g4 */ { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, /* G12= g3 g4 */ { 3, 2, 1, 0 }, /* G13= g1 g3 g4 */ { 3, 2, 1, 0 }, /* G14= g2 g3 g4 */ { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, /* G15= g1 g2 g3 g4 */ }; #define get_mom(mom_list, i_mom) ((mom_list) + 4*(i_mom)) if (4 != S->rank || 4 != QDP_Ns || 3 != t_axis) { return "not implemented for this dim, spin, color, or t-axis"; } int latsize[4]; QDP_latsize_L(S->lat, latsize); if (NULL == aff_w || NULL == aff_kpath || NULL == mom || n_mom < 0) { return "incorrect pointer parameters"; } int i; for (i = 0 ; i < S->rank; i++) { if (csrc[i] < 0 || latsize[i] <= csrc[i]) { return "incorrect source coordinates"; } } if (tsnk < 0 || latsize[t_axis] <= tsnk) { return "incorrect sink t-coordinate"; } if (n_mom <= 0) return NULL; /* relax */ int src_snk_dt = -1; int lt = latsize[t_axis]; if (!time_rev) { src_snk_dt = (lt + tsnk - csrc[t_axis]) % lt; } else { src_snk_dt = (lt + csrc[t_axis] - tsnk) % lt; } int bb_arr_size = 16 * n_mom * (src_snk_dt + 1) * 2 * sizeof(double); double *bb_arr = qlua_malloc(L, bb_arr_size); memset(bb_arr, 0, bb_arr_size); #define bb_real(i_gamma, i_mom) ((bb_arr) + (src_snk_dt + 1) * (0 + 2 * ((i_mom) + n_mom * (i_gamma)))) #define bb_imag(i_gamma, i_mom) ((bb_arr) + (src_snk_dt + 1) * (1 + 2 * ((i_mom) + n_mom * (i_gamma)))) double complex *exp_iphase = qlua_malloc(L, n_mom * sizeof(double complex)); int coord[4]; double complex trc_FBd[4][4]; QLA_D3_DiracPropagator *F_exp = QDP_D3_expose_P(F); QLA_D3_DiracPropagator *B_exp = QDP_D3_expose_P(B); int i_site; int sites = QDP_sites_on_node_L(S->lat); for (i_site = 0; i_site < sites; i_site++) { QDP_get_coords_L(S->lat, coord, QDP_this_node, i_site); int t = -1; if (!time_rev) { t = (lt + coord[t_axis] - csrc[t_axis]) % lt; } else { t = (lt + csrc[t_axis] - coord[t_axis]) % lt; } if (src_snk_dt < t) continue; /* precalc phases for inner contraction loop */ int i_mom; for (i_mom = 0 ; i_mom < n_mom ; i_mom++) { exp_iphase[i_mom] = calc_exp_iphase(coord, csrc, latsize, get_mom(mom, i_mom)); // printf("%e+I*%e\n", creal(exp_iphase[i_mom]), cimag(exp_iphase[i_mom])); } /* compute trace_{color} [ F * B^\dag] [is,js] = sum_{ic,jc,ks} F[ic,is; jc,ks] * (B[ic,js; jc,ks])^* is,js,ks - spin, ic,jc - color */ int is, js, ks, ic, jc; for (is = 0; is < 4; is++) { for (js = 0; js < 4; js++) { QLA_D_Complex sum; QLA_c_eq_r(sum, 0); for (ks = 0; ks < 4; ks++) { for (ic = 0; ic < 3 ; ic++) for (jc = 0; jc < 3 ; jc++) QLA_c_peq_c_times_ca(sum, QLA_elem_P(F_exp[i_site], ic,is, jc,ks), QLA_elem_P(B_exp[i_site], ic,js, jc,ks)); } trc_FBd[is][js] = QLA_real(sum) + I*QLA_imag(sum); } } /* cycle over Gamma */ int gn; for (gn = 0; gn < 16 ; gn++) { double complex sum = 0.; /* compute contractions Gamma(n) */ for (is = 0; is < 4; is++) sum += gamma_left_coeff[gn][is] * trc_FBd[gamma_left_ind[gn][is]][is]; /* mult. by phase and add to timeslice sum */ for (i_mom = 0; i_mom < n_mom; i_mom++) { double complex aux = exp_iphase[i_mom] * sum; bb_real(gn, i_mom)[t] += creal(aux); bb_imag(gn, i_mom)[t] += cimag(aux); } } } qlua_free(L, exp_iphase); /* global sum */ if (QMP_sum_double_array(bb_arr, bb_arr_size / sizeof(double))) { qlua_free(L, bb_arr); return "QMP_sum_double_array error"; } /* save to AFF */ if (aff_w->master) { struct AffNode_s *aff_top = NULL; aff_top = aff_writer_mkpath(aff_w->ptr, aff_w->dir, aff_kpath); if (NULL == aff_top) { qlua_free(L, bb_arr); return aff_writer_errstr(aff_w->ptr); } double complex *cplx_buf = qlua_malloc(L, (src_snk_dt + 1) * sizeof(double complex)); char buf[200]; int gn, i_mom, t; for (gn = 0; gn < 16; gn++) for (i_mom = 0; i_mom < n_mom; i_mom++) { /* copy & mult by bc, if necessary */ const double *bb_re_cur = bb_real(gn, i_mom), *bb_im_cur = bb_imag(gn, i_mom); if (!time_rev) { /* no bc */ for (t = 0 ; t <= src_snk_dt; t++) cplx_buf[t] = bb_re_cur[t] + I*bb_im_cur[t]; } else { if (gn < 8) { for (t = 0 ; t <= src_snk_dt; t++) cplx_buf[t] = bc_baryon_t * (bb_re_cur[t] + I*bb_im_cur[t]); } else { for (t = 0 ; t <= src_snk_dt; t++) cplx_buf[t] = -bc_baryon_t * (bb_re_cur[t] + I*bb_im_cur[t]); } } /* write to AFF */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "g%d/qx%d_qy%d_qz%d", gn, get_mom(mom, i_mom)[0], get_mom(mom, i_mom)[1], get_mom(mom, i_mom)[2]); struct AffNode_s *node = aff_writer_mkpath(aff_w->ptr, aff_top, buf); if (NULL == node) { qlua_free(L, bb_arr); qlua_free(L, cplx_buf); return aff_writer_errstr(aff_w->ptr); } if (aff_node_put_complex(aff_w->ptr, node, cplx_buf, src_snk_dt + 1)) { qlua_free(L, bb_arr); qlua_free(L, cplx_buf); return aff_writer_errstr(aff_w->ptr); } } qlua_free(L, cplx_buf); } #undef bb_real #undef bb_imag #undef get_mom qlua_free(L, bb_arr); QDP_D3_reset_P(F); QDP_D3_reset_P(B); return 0; }
static void hb_func(NCPROT1 QLA_ColorMatrix(*m), int site) { QLA_RandomState *srs = rs + site; if(QLA_Nc==1) { // exp(-fac*Re[u*z]) = exp(-fac*|z|*cos(t)) // call Wensley heatbath QLA_Complex cc; QLA_Real r, phi, g, theta; // *m contains r*exp(i*phi), extract r and phi // extract QLA matrix element as complex number QLA_c_eq_c(cc, QLA_elem_M(*m,0,0)); // get norm and arg QLA_R_eq_norm_C( &r, &cc ); QLA_R_eq_arg_C( &phi, &cc ); g = fac*r; // generate theta with probability P(theta)=exp( g*cos(theta) ) get_hb1( &theta, g, srs ); // convert to real and imag //QLA_Real vr = cos( theta - phi ); //QLA_Real vi = sin( theta - phi ); // assemble QLA complex number and set QLA U(1) matrix to this //QLA_c_eq_r_plus_i_r( QLA_elem_M(*m,0,0), vr, vi ); QLA_elem_M(*m,0,0) = QLAP(cexpi)(theta - phi); } else { QLA_ColorMatrix(s); QLA_ColorMatrix(t); QLA_ColorMatrix(tt); QLA_Complex one; QLA_c_eq_r(one, 1); QLA_M_eq_c(&s, &one); /* Loop over SU(2) subgroup index */ for(int i=0; i<QLA_Nc; i++) { for(int j=i+1; j<QLA_Nc; j++) { QLA_Real a[4], b[4], r[4], rn, rl; su2_extract(NCARG r, m, i, j); rn = sqrt( r[0]*r[0] + r[1]*r[1] + r[2]*r[2] + r[3]*r[3] ); rl = fac*rn; if(rn<1e-10) { a[0] = 1; a[1] = a[2] = a[3] = 0; } else { rn = 1/rn; a[0] = rn*r[0]; a[1] = -rn*r[1]; a[2] = -rn*r[2]; a[3] = -rn*r[3]; } get_hb2(b, rl, srs); //b[0] = 1; b[1] = b[2] = b[3] = 0; r[0] = b[0]*a[0] - b[1]*a[1] - b[2]*a[2] - b[3]*a[3]; r[1] = b[0]*a[1] + b[1]*a[0] - b[2]*a[3] + b[3]*a[2]; r[2] = b[0]*a[2] + b[2]*a[0] - b[3]*a[1] + b[1]*a[3]; r[3] = b[0]*a[3] + b[3]*a[0] - b[1]*a[2] + b[2]*a[1]; su2_fill(NCARG &t, r, i, j); QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&tt, &t, &s); QLA_M_eq_M(&s, &tt); QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&tt, &t, m); QLA_M_eq_M(m, &tt); } } QLA_M_eq_M(m, &s); } }
static void get_staple_plaq(QDP_ColorMatrix *staple, int mu, QDP_ColorMatrix *u[], QOP_gauge_coeffs_t *coeffs, QDP_Subset subset, QDP_Subset osubset) { #define NC QDP_get_nc(staple) QDP_Lattice *lat = QDP_get_lattice_M(staple); int nd = QDP_ndim_L(lat); QDP_Shift *neighbor = QDP_neighbor_L(lat); QLA_Real plaq = coeffs->plaquette; QLA_Real adpl = coeffs->adjoint_plaquette; #if 1 QDP_ColorMatrix *temp1, *temp2, *temp3, *temp4, *temp5, *temp6; //temp1 = QDP_create_M(); temp2 = QDP_create_M_L(lat); //temp3 = QDP_create_M(); temp4 = QDP_create_M_L(lat); //temp5 = QDP_create_M(); temp6 = QDP_create_M_L(lat); QDP_Complex *tc = NULL; if(adpl!=0) tc = QDP_create_C_L(lat); /* staple += u[nu](x) u[mu](x+nu) u*[nu](x+mu) * + u*[nu](x-nu) u[mu](x-nu) u[nu](x-nu+mu) */ for(int nu=0; nu<nd; nu++) { if (nu == mu) continue; temp1 = QDP_create_M_L(lat); temp3 = QDP_create_M_L(lat); temp5 = QDP_create_M_L(lat); QDP_M_eq_sM(temp1, u[nu], neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all_L(lat)); QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(temp2, u[nu], u[mu], osubset); QDP_M_eq_sM(temp3, u[mu], neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, subset); QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(temp4, temp2, temp1, osubset); QDP_M_eq_sM(temp5, temp4, neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, subset); QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(temp6, u[nu], temp3, subset); //QDP_M_peq_M_times_Ma(staple, temp6, temp1, subset); //QDP_M_peq_M(staple, temp5, subset); if(adpl==0) { QDP_M_peq_M_times_Ma(temp5, temp6, temp1, subset); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(staple, &plaq, temp5, subset); } else { QLA_Complex z; QLA_c_eq_r(z, plaq/adpl); QDP_C_eq_c(tc, &z, subset); QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(temp2, temp6, temp1, subset); QDP_C_peq_M_dot_M(tc, temp2, u[mu], subset); QDP_C_eq_r_times_C(tc, &adpl, tc, subset); QDP_M_peq_C_times_M(staple, tc, temp2, subset); QDP_C_eq_c(tc, &z, subset); QDP_C_peq_M_dot_M(tc, temp5, u[mu], subset); QDP_C_eq_r_times_C(tc, &adpl, tc, subset); QDP_M_peq_C_times_M(staple, tc, temp5, subset); } //QDP_discard_M(temp1); //QDP_discard_M(temp3); //QDP_discard_M(temp5); QDP_destroy_M(temp1); QDP_destroy_M(temp3); QDP_destroy_M(temp5); } /* closes nu loop */ if(adpl!=0) QDP_destroy_C(tc); //QDP_destroy_M(temp1); QDP_destroy_M(temp2); //QDP_destroy_M(temp3); QDP_destroy_M(temp4); //QDP_destroy_M(temp5); QDP_destroy_M(temp6); #else QDP_ColorMatrix *t = QDP_create_M_L(lat); int nu, path[3]; QDP_Subset subs[2]; subs[0] = subset; subs[1] = osubset; for(nu=0; nu<nd; nu++) { if (nu == mu) continue; path[0] = 1+nu; path[1] = -(1+mu); path[2] = -(1+nu); path_prod(u, t, path, 3, 1, subs, neighsubeo); QDP_M_peq_M(staple, t, subset); path[0] = -(1+nu); path[1] = -(1+mu); path[2] = 1+nu; path_prod(u, t, path, 3, 1, subs, neighsubeo); QDP_M_peq_M(staple, t, subset); } QDP_destroy_M(t); #endif }
static void get_staple_imp(QDP_ColorMatrix *staple, int mu, QDP_ColorMatrix **u, QOP_gauge_coeffs_t *coeffs, int subl, QDP_Subset subs[], int (*neighsub)(int subl, int dir)) { #define NC QDP_get_nc(staple) QDP_Lattice *lat = QDP_get_lattice_M(staple); int nd = QDP_ndim_L(lat); int nd2 = 2*nd; QLA_Real plaq = coeffs->plaquette; QLA_Real rect = coeffs->rectangle; QLA_Real pgm = coeffs->parallelogram; QLA_Real adpl = coeffs->adjoint_plaquette; QDP_ColorMatrix *sm0[2][nd2]; QDP_ColorMatrix *t = QDP_create_M_L(lat); for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { tm[i] = QDP_create_M_L(lat); sm[i] = sm0[i]; for(int nu=0; nu<nd2; nu++) { sm[i][nu] = QDP_create_M_L(lat); } } QDP_Complex *tc = NULL; if(adpl!=0) tc = QDP_create_C_L(lat); int mup = 1 + mu; int bsubl = neighsub(subl, mup); int path[5]; QDP_Subset subset = subs[subl]; if(plaq!=0 || adpl!=0) { for(int nu=-nd; nu<=nd; nu++) { if ( nu==-mup || nu==0 || nu==mup ) continue; path[0] = nu; path[1] = -mup; path[2] = -nu; path_prod(u, t, path, 3, bsubl, subs, neighsub); if(adpl==0) { QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(staple, &plaq, t, subset); } else { QLA_Complex z; QLA_c_eq_r(z, plaq/adpl); QDP_C_eq_c(tc, &z, subset); QDP_C_peq_M_dot_M(tc, t, u[mu], subset); QDP_C_eq_r_times_C(tc, &adpl, tc, subset); QDP_M_peq_C_times_M(staple, tc, t, subset); } } } if(rect) { for(int nu=-nd; nu<=nd; nu++) { if ( nu==-mup || nu==0 || nu==mup ) continue; //s = QDP_create_M(); path[0] = nu; path[1] = nu; path[2] = -mup; path[3] = -nu; path[4] = -nu; path_prod(u, t, path, 5, bsubl, subs, neighsub); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(staple, &rect, t, subset); //QDP_destroy_M(s); //s = QDP_create_M(); path[0] = nu; path[1] = -mup; path[2] = -mup; path[3] = -nu; path[4] = mup; path_prod(u, t, path, 5, bsubl, subs, neighsub); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(staple, &rect, t, subset); //QDP_destroy_M(s); //s = QDP_create_M(); path[0] = mup; path[1] = nu; path[2] = -mup; path[3] = -mup; path[4] = -nu; path_prod(u, t, path, 5, bsubl, subs, neighsub); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(staple, &rect, t, subset); //QDP_destroy_M(s); } } if(pgm) { for(int nu=-nd; nu<=nd; nu++) { if ( nu==-mup || nu==0 || nu==mup ) continue; for(int rho=-nd; rho<=nd; rho++) { if ( rho==-mup || rho==0 || rho==mup || rho==-nu || rho==nu ) continue; path[0] = nu; path[1] = rho; path[2] = -mup; path[3] = -nu; path[4] = -rho; path_prod(u, t, path, 5, bsubl, subs, neighsub); QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(staple, &pgm, t, subset); } } } if(adpl!=0) QDP_destroy_C(tc); QDP_destroy_M(t); for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { for(int nu=0; nu<nd2; nu++) { QDP_destroy_M(sm[i][nu]); } QDP_destroy_M(tm[i]); } }
void set_M(QLA_ColorMatrix *m, int i) { #if 0 static QLA_ColorMatrix t; for(int j=0; j<QLA_Nc; j++) { for(int k=0; k<QLA_Nc; k++) { QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(*m,j,k), (((j-k+QLA_Nc+1)*(j+k+1))%19)+cos(i), (((j+4)*(k+1))%17)+sin(i)); //QLA_real(QLA_elem_M(*m,j,k)) = 1; //QLA_imag(QLA_elem_M(*m,j,k)) = 0; } } #endif for(int j=0; j<QLA_Nc; j++) { for(int k=0; k<QLA_Nc; k++) { QLA_c_eq_r(QLA_elem_M(*m,j,k), 0); } } QLA_Real step = 1e-5; if(Mtype&MtypeNZ) { for(int j=0; j<QLA_Nc; j++) { QLA_c_peq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(*m,j,j), step, -step); } } int ii=i; if((Mtype&MtypeNN)==0) ii>>=QLA_Nc; for(int j=0,k=1; ii; ii>>=1,j++) { if(j>=QLA_Nc) { j=0; k*=2; } if(ii&1) QLA_c_peq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(*m,j,j), k*step, -k*step); } ii = i; if((Mtype&MtypeNN)==0) { for(int j=0; j<QLA_Nc; j++) { if(ii&1) QLA_c_eqm_c(QLA_elem_M(*m,j,j), QLA_elem_M(*m,j,j)); ii >>= 1; } } if(Mtype&MtypeH) { // make Hermitian QLA_ColorMatrix m2; QLA_M_eq_M(&m2, m); QLA_M_peq_Ma(&m2, m); QLA_M_eq_M(m, &m2); } if((Mtype&MtypeP)&&(Mtype&MtypeH)) { // make positive Hermitian QLA_ColorMatrix m2; QLA_M_eq_M_times_Ma(&m2, m, m); QLA_M_eq_M(m, &m2); } if(Mtype&MtypeA) { // make anti-Hermitian QLA_ColorMatrix m2; QLA_M_eq_M(&m2, m); QLA_M_meq_Ma(&m2, m); QLA_M_eq_M(m, &m2); } if((Mtype&MtypeT)&&(Mtype&MtypeA)) { // make traceless anti-Hermitian QLA_ColorMatrix m2; QLA_M_eq_antiherm_M(&m2, m); QLA_M_eq_M(m, &m2); } //QLA_Real n2; //QLA_r_eq_norm2_M(&n2, m); //printf("%i\t%g\n", i, n2); }