Ejemplo n.º 1
// -------------------------------------
// Constructors and destructors
QTRTPFile::QTRTPFile(Bool16 debugFlag, Bool16 deepDebugFlag)
    : fDebug(debugFlag)
    , fDeepDebug(deepDebugFlag)
    , fFile(NULL)
    , fFCB(NULL)
    , fNumHintTracks(0)
    , fFirstTrack(NULL)
    , fLastTrack(NULL)
    , fCurSeekTrack(NULL)
    , fSDPFile(NULL)
    , fSDPFileLength(0)
    , fNumSkippedSamples(0)
    , fRequestedSeekTime(0.0)
    , fSeekTime(0.0)
    , fLastPacketTrack(NULL)
    , fBytesPerSecond(0)
    , fHasRTPMetaInfoFieldArray(false)
    , fWasLastSeekASeekToPacketNumber(false)
    , fDropRepeatPackets(false)
    , fErr(errNoError)
    fFCB = NEW QTFile_FileControlBlock();
Ejemplo n.º 2
// -------------------------------------
// Initialization functions
Bool16 QTAtom_dref::Initialize(void)
    // Temporary vars
    UInt32      tempInt32;

    // General vars
    UInt64      refPos;

    // Parse this atom's fields.
    ReadInt32(drefPos_VersionFlags, &tempInt32);
    fVersion = (UInt8)((tempInt32 >> 24) & 0x000000ff);
    fFlags = tempInt32 & 0x00ffffff;

    ReadInt32(drefPos_NumRefs, &fNumRefs);

    // Read in all of the refs.
    if( fNumRefs > 0 ) {
        // Allocate our ref table.
        fRefs = NEW DataRefEntry[fNumRefs];
        if( fRefs == NULL )
            return false;

        // Read them all in..
        refPos = drefPos_RefTable;
        for( UInt32 CurRef = 0; CurRef < fNumRefs; CurRef++ ) {
            // Set up the entry.
            fRefs[CurRef].Flags = 0x0;
            fRefs[CurRef].ReferenceType = FOUR_CHARS_TO_INT('N', 'U', 'L', 'L'); // NULL
            fRefs[CurRef].DataLength = 0;
            fRefs[CurRef].Data = NULL;

            fRefs[CurRef].IsEntryInitialized = false;
            fRefs[CurRef].IsFileOpen = false;
            fRefs[CurRef].FCB = NULL;

            // Get the flags and type.
            ReadInt32(refPos + drefRefPos_VersionFlags, &tempInt32);
            fRefs[CurRef].Flags = tempInt32 & 0x00ffffff;

            ReadInt32(refPos + drefRefPos_Type, &tempInt32);
            fRefs[CurRef].ReferenceType = tempInt32;
            // We're done if this is a self-referencing atom.
            if( fRefs[CurRef].Flags & flagSelfRef ) {
                fRefs[CurRef].IsEntryInitialized = true;

            // Get all of the data.
            ReadInt32(refPos + drefRefPos_Size, &tempInt32);
            fRefs[CurRef].DataLength = tempInt32 - 12 /* skip the header */;
            fRefs[CurRef].Data = NEW char[fRefs[CurRef].DataLength];
            if( fRefs[CurRef].Data == NULL ) {
                // De-initialize this entry.
                fRefs[CurRef].DataLength = 0;
                fRefs[CurRef].IsEntryInitialized = false;
            } else {
                // Read the entry data.
                ReadBytes(refPos + drefRefPos_Data, fRefs[CurRef].Data, fRefs[CurRef].DataLength);
                // Configure the rest of the entry.
                fRefs[CurRef].FCB = NEW QTFile_FileControlBlock();
                if( fRefs[CurRef].FCB == NULL )
                    fRefs[CurRef].IsEntryInitialized = false;
                    fRefs[CurRef].IsEntryInitialized = true;
                fRefs[CurRef].IsFileOpen = false;

            // Skip over this mini-atom.
            refPos += fRefs[CurRef].DataLength + 12 /* account for the header */;