Ejemplo n.º 1
void FileSystem_SetupStandardDirectories( const char *pFilename, const char *pGameInfoPath )
	// Set qdir.
	if ( !pFilename )
		pFilename = ".";

	Q_MakeAbsolutePath( qdir, sizeof( qdir ), pFilename, NULL );
	Q_StripFilename( qdir );
	Q_strlower( qdir );
	if ( qdir[0] != 0 )
		Q_AppendSlash( qdir, sizeof( qdir ) );

	// Set gamedir.
	Q_MakeAbsolutePath( gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ), pGameInfoPath );
	Q_AppendSlash( gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ) );
static void FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( 
	CFSSearchPathsInit &initInfo, 
	const char *pPathID, 
	bool *bFirstGamePath, 
	const char *pBaseDir, 
	const char *pLocation,
	bool bLowViolence )
	char fullLocationPath[MAX_PATH];
	Q_MakeAbsolutePath( fullLocationPath, sizeof( fullLocationPath ), pLocation, pBaseDir );

	// Now resolve any ./'s.
	V_FixSlashes( fullLocationPath );
	if ( !V_RemoveDotSlashes( fullLocationPath ) )
		Error( "FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath - Can't resolve pathname for '%s'", fullLocationPath );
	// Add language, mod, and gamebin search paths automatically.
	if ( Q_stricmp( pPathID, "game" ) == 0 )
		// add the low violence path
		if ( bLowViolence )
			char szPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( szPath, sizeof(szPath), "%s_lv", fullLocationPath );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );
		// add the language path
		if ( initInfo.m_pLanguage )
			AddLanguageGameDir( initInfo.m_pFileSystem, fullLocationPath, initInfo.m_pLanguage );

		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tempcontent" ) != 0 )
			char szPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( szPath, sizeof(szPath), "%s_tempcontent", fullLocationPath );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );

		// mark the first "game" dir as the "MOD" dir
		if ( *bFirstGamePath )
			*bFirstGamePath = false;
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( fullLocationPath, "MOD", PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );
			Q_strncpy( initInfo.m_ModPath, fullLocationPath, sizeof( initInfo.m_ModPath ) );
		// add the game bin
		AddGameBinDir( initInfo.m_pFileSystem, fullLocationPath );

	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( fullLocationPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );
Ejemplo n.º 3
// main application
int CHLModelViewerApp::Main()

	g_pDataCache->SetSize( 64 * 1024 * 1024 );

	//mx::setDisplayMode (0, 0, 0);
	g_MDLViewer = new MDLViewer ();
	g_MDLViewer->setMenuBar (g_MDLViewer->getMenuBar ());

	g_pStudioModel->ClearLookTargets( );

	// Load up the initial model
	const char *pMdlName = NULL;
	int nParmCount = CommandLine()->ParmCount();
	if ( nParmCount > 1 )
		pMdlName = CommandLine()->GetParm( nParmCount - 1 );

	if ( pMdlName && Q_stristr( pMdlName, ".mdl" ) )
		char absPath[MAX_PATH];
		Q_MakeAbsolutePath( absPath, sizeof( absPath ), pMdlName );

		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-screenshot" ) )
			g_MDLViewer->SaveScreenShot( absPath );
		else if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-dump" ) )
			g_MDLViewer->DumpText( absPath );
			g_MDLViewer->LoadModelFile( absPath );

	int nRetVal = mx::run ();


	return nRetVal;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static bool Sys_GetExecutableName( char *out, int len )
#if defined( _WIN32 )
    if ( !::GetModuleFileName( ( HINSTANCE )GetModuleHandle( NULL ), out, len ) )
		return false;
	if ( CommandLine()->GetParm(0) )
		Q_MakeAbsolutePath( out, len, CommandLine()->GetParm(0) );
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static bool CHLModelViewerApp_SuggestGameInfoDirFn( CFSSteamSetupInfo const *pFsSteamSetupInfo, char *pchPathBuffer, int nBufferLength, bool *pbBubbleDirectories )
	const char *pMdlName = NULL;
	int nParmCount = CommandLine()->ParmCount();
	if ( nParmCount > 1 )
		pMdlName = CommandLine()->GetParm( nParmCount - 1 );

	if ( pMdlName && Q_stristr( pMdlName, ".mdl" ) )
		Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pchPathBuffer, nBufferLength, pMdlName );

		if ( pbBubbleDirectories )
			*pbBubbleDirectories = true;

		return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static bool CHLSceneViewerApp_SuggestGameInfoDirFn( CFSSteamSetupInfo const *pFsSteamSetupInfo, char *pchPathBuffer, int nBufferLength, bool *pbBubbleDirectories )
	const char *pFilename = NULL;
	const int nParmCount = CommandLine()->ParmCount();
	char pchTmpBuf[ MAX_PATH ];
	for ( int nPi = 0; nPi < nParmCount; ++nPi )
		pFilename = CommandLine()->GetParm( nParmCount - 1 );
		Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pchTmpBuf, sizeof( pchTmpBuf ), pFilename );
		if ( _access( pchTmpBuf, 04 ) == 0 )
			Q_strncpy( pchPathBuffer, pchTmpBuf, nBufferLength );

			if ( pbBubbleDirectories )
				*pbBubbleDirectories = true;

			return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
FSReturnCode_t LocateGameInfoFile( const CFSSteamSetupInfo &fsInfo, char *pOutDir, int outDirLen )
	// Engine and Hammer don't want to search around for it.
	if ( fsInfo.m_bOnlyUseDirectoryName )
		if ( !fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName )
			return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_MISSING_GAMEINFO_FILE, "bOnlyUseDirectoryName=1 and pDirectoryName=NULL." );

		bool bExists = DoesFileExistIn( fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName, GAMEINFO_FILENAME );
		if ( IsX360() && !bExists )
			bExists = DoesFileExistIn( fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName, GAMEINFO_FILENAME_ALTERNATE );
		if ( !bExists )
			if ( IsX360() && CommandLine()->FindParm( "-basedir" ) )
				char basePath[MAX_PATH];
				strcpy( basePath, CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-basedir", "" ) );
				Q_AppendSlash( basePath, sizeof( basePath ) );
				Q_strncat( basePath, fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName, sizeof( basePath ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
				if ( DoesFileExistIn( basePath, GAMEINFO_FILENAME ) )
					Q_strncpy( pOutDir, basePath, outDirLen );
					return FS_OK;
				if ( IsX360() && DoesFileExistIn( basePath, GAMEINFO_FILENAME_ALTERNATE ) )
					Q_strncpy( pOutDir, basePath, outDirLen );
					return FS_OK;

			return SetupFileSystemError( true, FS_MISSING_GAMEINFO_FILE, "Setup file '%s' doesn't exist in subdirectory '%s'.\nCheck your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.", GAMEINFO_FILENAME, fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName );

		Q_strncpy( pOutDir, fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName, outDirLen );
		return FS_OK;

	// First, check for overrides on the command line or environment variables.
	const char *pProject = GetVProjectCmdLineValue();

	if ( pProject )
		if ( DoesFileExistIn( pProject, GAMEINFO_FILENAME ) )
			Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pOutDir, outDirLen, pProject );
			return FS_OK;
		if ( IsX360() && DoesFileExistIn( pProject, GAMEINFO_FILENAME_ALTERNATE ) )	
			Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pOutDir, outDirLen, pProject );
			return FS_OK;

		if ( IsX360() && CommandLine()->FindParm( "-basedir" ) )
			char basePath[MAX_PATH];
			strcpy( basePath, CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-basedir", "" ) );
			Q_AppendSlash( basePath, sizeof( basePath ) );
			Q_strncat( basePath, pProject, sizeof( basePath ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
			if ( DoesFileExistIn( basePath, GAMEINFO_FILENAME ) )
				Q_strncpy( pOutDir, basePath, outDirLen );
				return FS_OK;
			if ( DoesFileExistIn( basePath, GAMEINFO_FILENAME_ALTERNATE ) )
				Q_strncpy( pOutDir, basePath, outDirLen );
				return FS_OK;
		if ( fsInfo.m_bNoGameInfo )
			// fsInfo.m_bNoGameInfo is set by the Steam dedicated server, before it knows which mod to use.
			// Steam dedicated server doesn't need a gameinfo.txt, because we'll ask which mod to use, even if
			// -game is supplied on the command line.
			Q_strncpy( pOutDir, "", outDirLen );
			return FS_OK;
			// They either specified vproject on the command line or it's in their registry. Either way,
			// we don't want to continue if they've specified it but it's not valid.
			goto ShowError;

	if ( fsInfo.m_bNoGameInfo )
		Q_strncpy( pOutDir, "", outDirLen );
		return FS_OK;

	// Ask the application if it can provide us with a game info directory
		bool bBubbleDir = true;
		SuggestGameInfoDirFn_t pfnSuggestGameInfoDirFn = GetSuggestGameInfoDirFn();
		if ( pfnSuggestGameInfoDirFn &&
			( * pfnSuggestGameInfoDirFn )( &fsInfo, pOutDir, outDirLen, &bBubbleDir ) &&
			FS_OK == TryLocateGameInfoFile( pOutDir, outDirLen, bBubbleDir ) )
			return FS_OK;

	// Try to use the environment variable / registry
	if ( ( pProject = getenv( GAMEDIR_TOKEN ) ) != NULL &&
		 ( Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pOutDir, outDirLen, pProject ), 1 ) &&
		 FS_OK == TryLocateGameInfoFile( pOutDir, outDirLen, false ) )
		return FS_OK;

	if ( IsPC() )
		Warning( "Warning: falling back to auto detection of vproject directory.\n" );
		// Now look for it in the directory they passed in.
		if ( fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName )
			Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pOutDir, outDirLen, fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName );
			Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pOutDir, outDirLen, "." );

		if ( FS_OK == TryLocateGameInfoFile( pOutDir, outDirLen, true ) )
			return FS_OK;

		// Use the CWD
		Q_getwd( pOutDir, outDirLen );
		if ( FS_OK == TryLocateGameInfoFile( pOutDir, outDirLen, true ) )
			return FS_OK;

	return SetupFileSystemError( true, FS_MISSING_GAMEINFO_FILE, 
		"Unable to find %s. Solutions:\n\n"
		"1. Read http://www.valve-erc.com/srcsdk/faq.html#NoGameDir\n"
		"2. Run vconfig to specify which game you're working on.\n"
		"3. Add -game <path> on the command line where <path> is the directory that %s is in.\n",
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( 
	CFSSearchPathsInit &initInfo, 
	const char *pPathID, 
	bool *bFirstGamePath, 
	const char *pBaseDir, 
	const char *pLocation,
	bool bLowViolence )
	char fullLocationPath[MAX_PATH];
	Q_MakeAbsolutePath( fullLocationPath, sizeof( fullLocationPath ), pLocation, pBaseDir );

	// Now resolve any ./'s.
	V_FixSlashes( fullLocationPath );
	if ( !V_RemoveDotSlashes( fullLocationPath ) )
		Error( "FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath - Can't resolve pathname for '%s'", fullLocationPath );

	// Add language, mod, and gamebin search paths automatically.
	if ( Q_stricmp( pPathID, "game" ) == 0 )
		bool bDoAllPaths = true;
#if defined( _X360 ) && defined( LEFT4DEAD )
		// hl2 is a vestigal mistake due to shaders, xbox needs to prevent any search path bloat
		if ( V_stristr( fullLocationPath, "\\hl2" ) )
			bDoAllPaths = false;

		// add the language path, needs to be topmost, generally only contains audio
		// and the language localized movies (there are 2 version one normal, one LV)
		// this trumps the LV english movie as desired for the language
		if ( initInfo.m_pLanguage && bDoAllPaths )
			AddLanguageGameDir( initInfo.m_pFileSystem, fullLocationPath, initInfo.m_pLanguage );

		// next add the low violence path
		if ( bLowViolence && bDoAllPaths )
			char szPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( szPath, sizeof(szPath), "%s_lv", fullLocationPath );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );
		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tempcontent" ) != 0 && bDoAllPaths )
			char szPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( szPath, sizeof(szPath), "%s_tempcontent", fullLocationPath );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );

		// mark the first "game" dir as the "MOD" dir
		if ( *bFirstGamePath )
			*bFirstGamePath = false;
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( fullLocationPath, "MOD", PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );
			Q_strncpy( initInfo.m_ModPath, fullLocationPath, sizeof( initInfo.m_ModPath ) );
		if ( bDoAllPaths )
			// add the game bin
			AddGameBinDir( initInfo.m_pFileSystem, fullLocationPath );

	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( fullLocationPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool FileSystem_Init_Normal( const char *pFilename, FSInitType_t initType, bool bOnlyUseDirectoryName )
	if ( initType == FS_INIT_FULL )
		// First, get the name of the module
		char fileSystemDLLName[MAX_PATH];
		bool bSteam;
		if ( FileSystem_GetFileSystemDLLName( fileSystemDLLName, MAX_PATH, bSteam ) != FS_OK )
			return false;

		// If we're under Steam we need extra setup to let us find the proper modules

		// Next, load the module, call Connect/Init.
		CFSLoadModuleInfo loadModuleInfo;
		loadModuleInfo.m_pFileSystemDLLName = fileSystemDLLName;
		loadModuleInfo.m_pDirectoryName = pFilename;
		loadModuleInfo.m_bOnlyUseDirectoryName = bOnlyUseDirectoryName;
		loadModuleInfo.m_ConnectFactory = Sys_GetFactoryThis();
		loadModuleInfo.m_bSteam = bSteam;
		loadModuleInfo.m_bToolsMode = true;
		if ( FileSystem_LoadFileSystemModule( loadModuleInfo ) != FS_OK )
			return false;

		// Next, mount the content
		CFSMountContentInfo mountContentInfo;
		mountContentInfo.m_pDirectoryName=  loadModuleInfo.m_GameInfoPath;
		mountContentInfo.m_pFileSystem = loadModuleInfo.m_pFileSystem;
		mountContentInfo.m_bToolsMode = true;
		if ( FileSystem_MountContent( mountContentInfo ) != FS_OK )
			return false;
		// Finally, load the search paths.
		CFSSearchPathsInit searchPathsInit;
		searchPathsInit.m_pDirectoryName = loadModuleInfo.m_GameInfoPath;
		searchPathsInit.m_pFileSystem = loadModuleInfo.m_pFileSystem;
		if ( FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths( searchPathsInit ) != FS_OK )
			return false;

		// Store the data we got from filesystem_init.
		g_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem = loadModuleInfo.m_pFileSystem;
		g_pFullFileSystemModule = loadModuleInfo.m_pModule;

		FileSystem_AddSearchPath_Platform( g_pFullFileSystem, loadModuleInfo.m_GameInfoPath );

		// Set qdir.
		if ( !pFilename )
			pFilename = ".";

		Q_MakeAbsolutePath( qdir, sizeof( qdir ), pFilename, NULL );
		Q_StripFilename( qdir );
		strlwr( qdir );
		if ( qdir[0] != 0 )
			Q_AppendSlash( qdir, sizeof( qdir ) );

		// Set gamedir.
		Q_MakeAbsolutePath( gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ), loadModuleInfo.m_GameInfoPath );
		Q_AppendSlash( gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ) );
		if ( !Sys_LoadInterface(
			(void**)&g_pFullFileSystem ) )
			return false;

		if ( g_pFullFileSystem->Init() != INIT_OK )
			return false;

		g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( "../platform", "PLATFORM" );
		g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( ".", "GAME" );

		g_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 *  Takes a data stream compressed with bzip2, and writes it out to disk, uncompresses it, and deletes the
 *  compressed version.
static bool DecompressBZipToDisk( const char *outFilename, const char *srcFilename, char *data, int bytesTotal )
	if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( outFilename ) || !data || bytesTotal < 1 )
		return false;

	// Create the subdirs
	char * tmpDir = CloneString( outFilename );
	COM_CreatePath( tmpDir );
	delete[] tmpDir;

	// open the file for writing
	char fullSrcPath[MAX_PATH];
	Q_MakeAbsolutePath( fullSrcPath, sizeof( fullSrcPath ), srcFilename, com_gamedir );

	if ( !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( fullSrcPath ) )
		// Write out the .bz2 file, for simplest decompression
		FileHandle_t ifp = g_pFileSystem->Open( fullSrcPath, "wb" );
		if ( !ifp )
			return false;
		int bytesWritten = g_pFileSystem->Write( data, bytesTotal, ifp );
		g_pFileSystem->Close( ifp );
		if ( bytesWritten != bytesTotal )
			// couldn't write out all of the .bz2 file
			g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( srcFilename );
			return false;

	// Prepare the uncompressed filehandle
	FileHandle_t ofp = g_pFileSystem->Open( outFilename, "wb" );
	if ( !ofp )
		g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( srcFilename );
		return false;

	// And decompress!
	const int OutBufSize = 65536;
	char    buf[ OutBufSize ];
	BZFILE *bzfp = BZ2_bzopen( fullSrcPath, "rb" );
	while ( 1 )
		int bytesRead = BZ2_bzread( bzfp, buf, OutBufSize );
		if ( bytesRead < 0 )
			break; // error out

		if ( bytesRead > 0 )
			int bytesWritten = g_pFileSystem->Write( buf, bytesRead, ofp );
			if ( bytesWritten != bytesRead )
				break; // error out
			g_pFileSystem->Close( ofp );
			BZ2_bzclose( bzfp );
			g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( srcFilename );
			return true;

	// We failed somewhere, so clean up and exit
	g_pFileSystem->Close( ofp );
	BZ2_bzclose( bzfp );
	g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( srcFilename );
	g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( outFilename );
	return false;