Ejemplo n.º 1
static FSReturnCode_t TryLocateGameInfoFile( char *pOutDir, int outDirLen, bool bBubbleDir )
	// Retain a copy of suggested path for further attempts
	CArrayAutoPtr < char > spchCopyNameBuffer( new char [ outDirLen ] );
	Q_strncpy( spchCopyNameBuffer.Get(), pOutDir, outDirLen );
	spchCopyNameBuffer[ outDirLen - 1 ] = 0;

	// Make appropriate slashes ('/' - Linux style)
	for ( char *pchFix = spchCopyNameBuffer.Get(),
		*pchEnd = pchFix + outDirLen;
		pchFix < pchEnd; ++ pchFix )
		if ( '\\' == *pchFix )
			*pchFix = '/';

	// Have a look in supplied path
		if ( DoesFileExistIn( pOutDir, GAMEINFO_FILENAME ) )
			return FS_OK;
		if ( IsX360() && DoesFileExistIn( pOutDir, GAMEINFO_FILENAME_ALTERNATE ) ) 
			return FS_OK;
	while ( bBubbleDir && Q_StripLastDir( pOutDir, outDirLen ) );

	// Make an attempt to resolve from "content -> game" directory
	Q_strncpy( pOutDir, spchCopyNameBuffer.Get(), outDirLen );
	pOutDir[ outDirLen - 1 ] = 0;
	if ( char *pchContentFix = Q_stristr( pOutDir, "/content/" ) )
		sprintf( pchContentFix, "/game/" );
		memmove( pchContentFix + 6, pchContentFix + 9, pOutDir + outDirLen - (pchContentFix + 9) );

		// Try in the mapped "game" directory
			if ( DoesFileExistIn( pOutDir, GAMEINFO_FILENAME ) )
				return FS_OK;
			if ( IsX360() && DoesFileExistIn( pOutDir, GAMEINFO_FILENAME_ALTERNATE ) )
				return FS_OK;
		while ( bBubbleDir && Q_StripLastDir( pOutDir, outDirLen ) );

	// Could not find it here
Ejemplo n.º 2
FSReturnCode_t GetSteamCfgPath( char *steamCfgPath, int steamCfgPathLen )
	steamCfgPath[0] = 0;
	char executablePath[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !FileSystem_GetExecutableDir( executablePath, sizeof( executablePath ) ) )
		return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_GetExecutableDir failed." );
	Q_strncpy( steamCfgPath, executablePath, steamCfgPathLen );
	while ( 1 )
		if ( DoesFileExistIn( steamCfgPath, "steam.cfg" ) )
		if ( !Q_StripLastDir( steamCfgPath, steamCfgPathLen) )
			// the file isnt found, thats ok, its not mandatory
			return FS_OK;
	Q_AppendSlash( steamCfgPath, steamCfgPathLen );
	Q_strncat( steamCfgPath, "steam.cfg", steamCfgPathLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	return FS_OK;
FSReturnCode_t SetSteamInstallPath( char *steamInstallPath, int steamInstallPathLen, CSteamEnvVars &steamEnvVars, bool bErrorsAsWarnings )
	if ( IsConsole() )
		// consoles don't use steam

	// Start at our bin directory and move up until we find a directory with steam.dll in it.
	char executablePath[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !FileSystem_GetExecutableDir( executablePath, sizeof( executablePath ) )	)
		if ( bErrorsAsWarnings )
			Warning( "SetSteamInstallPath: FileSystem_GetExecutableDir failed.\n" );
			return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_GetExecutableDir failed." );

	Q_strncpy( steamInstallPath, executablePath, steamInstallPathLen );
	while ( 1 )
		// Ignore steamapp.cfg here in case they're debugging. We still need to know the real steam path so we can find their username.
		// find 
		if ( DoesFileExistIn( steamInstallPath, "steam.dll" ) && !DoesFileExistIn( steamInstallPath, "steamapp.cfg" ) )
		if ( !Q_StripLastDir( steamInstallPath, steamInstallPathLen ) )
			if ( bErrorsAsWarnings )
				Warning( "Can't find steam.dll relative to executable path: %s.\n", executablePath );
				return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_MISSING_STEAM_DLL, "Can't find steam.dll relative to executable path: %s.", executablePath );

	// Also, add the install path to their PATH environment variable, so filesystem_steam.dll can get to steam.dll.
	char szPath[ 8192 ];
	steamEnvVars.m_Path.GetValue( szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
	if ( !DoesPathExistAlready( szPath, steamInstallPath ) )
		steamEnvVars.m_Path.SetValue( "%s;%s", szPath, steamInstallPath );
	return FS_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Purpose: 
// Output : const char
const char *GetBaseDirectory( void )
	static char path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
	if ( path[0] == 0 )
		GetModuleFileName( (HMODULE)GetAppInstance(), path, sizeof( path ) );
		Q_StripLastDir( path, sizeof( path ) );	// Get rid of the filename.
		Q_StripTrailingSlash( path );
	return path;
void CopyDev()
	FileFindHandle_t handle;
	char steamappsPath[MAX_PATH*4];
	const char *pszGameDir = engine->GetGameDirectory();

	Q_strcpy( steamappsPath, pszGameDir );
	Q_StripLastDir( steamappsPath, sizeof(steamappsPath) );
	Q_StripLastDir( steamappsPath, sizeof(steamappsPath) );

	char searchPath[MAX_PATH*4];
	Q_snprintf( searchPath, sizeof(searchPath), "%s\\shaders\\fxc\\*", pszGameDir );
	Q_FixSlashes( searchPath );
	Msg( "searching for shaders in: %s\n", searchPath );

	const char *pszName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( searchPath, &handle );

	while ( pszName != NULL )
		if ( Q_strlen( pszName ) > 4 )
			char filename[MAX_PATH];
			Q_FileBase( pszName, filename, sizeof( filename ) );

			char filepath_src[MAX_PATH];
			char filepath_dst[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( filepath_src, sizeof( filepath_src ), "%s\\shaders\\fxc\\%s.vcs\0", pszGameDir, filename );
			Q_snprintf( filepath_dst, sizeof( filepath_dst ), "%s\\common\\alien swarm\\platform\\shaders\\fxc\\%s.vcs\0", steamappsPath, filename );
			Q_FixSlashes( filepath_src );
			Q_FixSlashes( filepath_dst );

			Msg( "%s --> %s\n", filepath_src, filepath_dst );
			engine->CopyFile( filepath_src, filepath_dst );

		pszName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );

	g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( handle );
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Purpose: Add a new configuration with proper defaults to a keyvalue block
bool AddConfig( int configID )
	// Find the games block of the keyvalues
	KeyValues *gameBlock = g_ConfigManager.GetGameBlock();
	if ( gameBlock == NULL )
		Assert( 0 );
		return false;

	// Set to defaults
	defaultConfigInfo_t newInfo;
	memset( &newInfo, 0, sizeof( newInfo ) );

	// Data for building the new configuration
	const char *pModName = g_Configs[configID]->m_Name.Base();
	const char *pModDirectory = g_Configs[configID]->m_ModDir.Base();
	// Mod name
	Q_strncpy( newInfo.gameName, pModName, sizeof( newInfo.gameName ) );
	// FGD
	Q_strncpy( newInfo.FGD, "base.fgd", sizeof( newInfo.FGD ) );

	// Get the base directory
	Q_FileBase( pModDirectory, newInfo.gameDir, sizeof( newInfo.gameDir ) );

	// Default executable
	Q_strncpy( newInfo.exeName, "hl2.exe", sizeof( newInfo.exeName ) );

	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	Q_strncpy( szPath, pModDirectory, sizeof( szPath ) );
	Q_StripLastDir( szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
	Q_StripTrailingSlash( szPath );

	char fullDir[MAX_PATH];
	g_ConfigManager.GetRootGameDirectory( fullDir, sizeof( fullDir ), g_ConfigManager.GetRootDirectory(), "half-life 2" );
	return g_ConfigManager.AddDefaultConfig( newInfo, gameBlock, szPath, fullDir );
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Adds the platform folder to the search path.
void FileSystem_AddSearchPath_Platform( IFileSystem *pFileSystem, const char *szGameInfoPath )
	char platform[MAX_PATH];
	if ( pFileSystem->IsSteam() )
		// Steam doesn't support relative paths
		Q_strncpy( platform, "platform", MAX_PATH );
		if ( !Sys_GetExecutableName( platform, sizeof( platform ) ) )
			// fall back to old method if we can't get the executable name
			Q_strncpy( platform, szGameInfoPath, MAX_PATH );
			Q_StripTrailingSlash( platform );
			Q_strncat( platform, "/../platform", MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH );
			Q_StripFilename( platform );
			Q_StripTrailingSlash( platform );
			Q_FixSlashes( platform );

			// remove bin folder if necessary
			int nLen = Q_strlen( platform );
			if ( ( nLen > 4 )
					&& platform[ nLen - 4 ] == CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR
					&& !Q_stricmp( "bin", platform + ( nLen - 3 ) )
				Q_StripLastDir( platform, sizeof( platform ) );
				Q_StripTrailingSlash( platform );
			// go into platform folder
			Q_strncat( platform, "/platform", MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH );

	pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( platform, "PLATFORM" );
Ejemplo n.º 8
FSReturnCode_t SetSteamInstallPath( char *steamInstallPath, int steamInstallPathLen, CSteamEnvVars &steamEnvVars, bool bErrorsAsWarnings )
	if ( IsConsole() )
		// consoles don't use steam

	if ( IsPosix() )
		return FS_OK; // under posix the content does not live with steam.dll up the path, rely on the environment already being set by steam
	// Start at our bin directory and move up until we find a directory with steam.dll in it.
	char executablePath[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !FileSystem_GetExecutableDir( executablePath, sizeof( executablePath ) )	)
		if ( bErrorsAsWarnings )
			Warning( "SetSteamInstallPath: FileSystem_GetExecutableDir failed.\n" );
			return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_GetExecutableDir failed." );

	Q_strncpy( steamInstallPath, executablePath, steamInstallPathLen );
#ifdef WIN32
	const char *pchSteamDLL = "steam.dll";
#elif defined(OSX)
	// under osx the bin lives in the bin/ folder, so step back one
	Q_StripLastDir( steamInstallPath, steamInstallPathLen );
	const char *pchSteamDLL = "libsteam.dylib";	
#elif defined(LINUX)
	// under linux the bin lives in the bin/ folder, so step back one
	Q_StripLastDir( steamInstallPath, steamInstallPathLen );
	const char *pchSteamDLL = "libsteam.so";
	while ( 1 )
		// Ignore steamapp.cfg here in case they're debugging. We still need to know the real steam path so we can find their username.
		// find 
		if ( DoesFileExistIn( steamInstallPath, pchSteamDLL ) && !DoesFileExistIn( steamInstallPath, "steamapp.cfg" ) )
		if ( !Q_StripLastDir( steamInstallPath, steamInstallPathLen ) )
			if ( bErrorsAsWarnings )
				Warning( "Can't find %s relative to executable path: %s.\n", pchSteamDLL, executablePath );
				return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_MISSING_STEAM_DLL, "Can't find %s relative to executable path: %s.", pchSteamDLL, executablePath );

	// Also, add the install path to their PATH environment variable, so filesystem_steam.dll can get to steam.dll.
	char szPath[ 8192 ];
	steamEnvVars.m_Path.GetValue( szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
	if ( !DoesPathExistAlready( szPath, steamInstallPath ) )
#ifdef WIN32
#define PATH_SEP ";"
#define PATH_SEP ":"
		steamEnvVars.m_Path.SetValue( "%s%s%s", szPath, PATH_SEP, steamInstallPath );
	return FS_OK;
void ParseFilesFromResList( UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol & resfilesymbol, CUtlRBTree< ReferencedFile, int >& files, char const *resfile )
	int addedStrings = 0;
	int resourcesConsidered = 0;

	int offset = Q_strlen( gamedir );

	char basedir[MAX_PATH];
	Q_strncpy( basedir, gamedir, sizeof( basedir ) );
	if ( !Q_StripLastDir( basedir, sizeof( basedir ) ) )
		Error( "Can't get basedir from %s.", gamedir );

	FileHandle_t resfilehandle;
	resfilehandle = g_pFileSystem->Open( resfile, "rb" );
	if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE != resfilehandle )
		// Read in the entire file
		int length = g_pFileSystem->Size(resfilehandle);
		if ( length > 0 )
			char *pStart = (char *)new char[ length + 1 ];
			if ( pStart && ( length == g_pFileSystem->Read(pStart, length, resfilehandle) ) )
				pStart[ length ] = 0;

				char *pFileList = pStart;

				char token[512];

				while ( 1 )
					pFileList = ParseFile( pFileList, token, NULL );
					if ( !pFileList )

					if ( strlen( token ) > 0 )
						char szFileName[ 256 ];
						Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%s%s", basedir, token );
						_strlwr( szFileName );
						Q_FixSlashes( szFileName );
						while ( szFileName[ strlen( szFileName ) - 1 ] == '\n' ||
							szFileName[ strlen( szFileName ) - 1 ] == '\r' )
							szFileName[ strlen( szFileName ) - 1 ] = 0;

						if ( Q_strnicmp( szFileName, gamedir, offset ) )

						char *pFile = szFileName + offset;

						ReferencedFile rf;
						rf.sym = g_Analysis.symbols.AddString( pFile );

						int idx = files.Find( rf );
						if ( idx == files.InvalidIndex() )
							rf.maplist.AddToTail( resfilesymbol );
							files.Insert( rf );
							ReferencedFile & slot = files[ idx ];
							if ( slot.maplist.Find( resfilesymbol ) == slot.maplist.InvalidIndex() )
								slot.maplist.AddToTail( resfilesymbol );


			delete[] pStart;


	int filesFound = addedStrings;

	vprint( 1, "Found %i new resources (%i total) in %s\n", filesFound, resourcesConsidered, resfile );