Ejemplo n.º 1
QgsConstWkbPtr QgsClipper::clippedLineWKB( QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr, const QgsRectangle& clipExtent, QPolygonF& line )
  QgsWKBTypes::Type wkbType = wkbPtr.readHeader();

  int nPoints;
  wkbPtr >> nPoints;

  int skipZM = ( QgsWKBTypes::coordDimensions( wkbType ) - 2 ) * sizeof( double );

  if ( static_cast<int>( nPoints * ( 2 * sizeof( double ) + skipZM ) ) > wkbPtr.remaining() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "%1 points exceed wkb length (%2>%3)" ).arg( nPoints ).arg( nPoints * ( 2 * sizeof( double ) + skipZM ) ).arg( wkbPtr.remaining() ) );
    return QgsConstWkbPtr( nullptr, 0 );

  double p0x, p0y, p1x = 0.0, p1y = 0.0; //original coordinates
  double p1x_c, p1y_c; //clipped end coordinates
  double lastClipX = 0.0, lastClipY = 0.0; //last successfully clipped coords

  line.reserve( nPoints + 1 );

  for ( int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i )
    if ( i == 0 )
      wkbPtr >> p1x >> p1y;
      wkbPtr += skipZM;
Ejemplo n.º 2
const unsigned char* QgsSymbolV2::_getLineString( QPolygonF& pts, QgsRenderContext& context, const unsigned char* wkb, bool clipToExtent )
  QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr( wkb + 1 );
  unsigned int wkbType, nPoints;
  wkbPtr >> wkbType >> nPoints;

  bool hasZValue = QgsWKBTypes::hasZ( static_cast< QgsWKBTypes::Type >( wkbType ) );
  bool hasMValue = QgsWKBTypes::hasM( static_cast< QgsWKBTypes::Type >( wkbType ) );

  double x = 0.0;
  double y = 0.0;
  const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = context.coordinateTransform();
  const QgsMapToPixel& mtp = context.mapToPixel();

  //apply clipping for large lines to achieve a better rendering performance
  if ( clipToExtent && nPoints > 1 )
    const QgsRectangle& e = context.extent();
    double cw = e.width() / 10;
    double ch = e.height() / 10;
    QgsRectangle clipRect( e.xMinimum() - cw, e.yMinimum() - ch, e.xMaximum() + cw, e.yMaximum() + ch );
    wkbPtr = QgsConstWkbPtr( QgsClipper::clippedLineWKB( wkb, clipRect, pts ) );
    pts.resize( nPoints );

    QPointF* ptr = pts.data();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i, ++ptr )
      wkbPtr >> x >> y;
      if ( hasZValue )
        wkbPtr += sizeof( double );
      if ( hasMValue )
        wkbPtr += sizeof( double );

      *ptr = QPointF( x, y );

  //transform the QPolygonF to screen coordinates
  if ( ct )
    ct->transformPolygon( pts );

  QPointF* ptr = pts.data();
  for ( int i = 0; i < pts.size(); ++i, ++ptr )
    mtp.transformInPlace( ptr->rx(), ptr->ry() );

  return wkbPtr;
Ejemplo n.º 3
QgsConstWkbPtr QgsClipper::clippedLineWKB( QgsConstWkbPtr& wkbPtr, const QgsRectangle& clipExtent, QPolygonF& line )
  QgsWKBTypes::Type wkbType = wkbPtr.readHeader();

  int nPoints;
  wkbPtr >> nPoints;

  int skipZM = ( QgsWKBTypes::coordDimensions( wkbType ) - 2 ) * sizeof( double );

  if ( static_cast<int>( nPoints * ( 2 * sizeof( double ) + skipZM ) ) > wkbPtr.remaining() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "%1 points exceed wkb length (%2>%3)" ).arg( nPoints ).arg( nPoints * ( 2 * sizeof( double ) + skipZM ) ).arg( wkbPtr.remaining() ) );
    return QgsConstWkbPtr( nullptr, 0 );

  double p0x, p0y, p1x = 0.0, p1y = 0.0; //original coordinates
  double p1x_c, p1y_c; //clipped end coordinates
  double lastClipX = 0.0, lastClipY = 0.0; //last successfully clipped coords

  QPolygonF pts;
  wkbPtr -= sizeof( unsigned int );
  wkbPtr >> pts;
  nPoints = pts.size();

  line.reserve( nPoints + 1 );

  QPointF *ptr = pts.data();

  for ( int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i, ++ptr )
    if ( i == 0 )
      p1x = ptr->rx();
      p1y = ptr->ry();
      p0x = p1x;
      p0y = p1y;

      p1x = ptr->rx();
      p1y = ptr->ry();

      p1x_c = p1x;
      p1y_c = p1y;
      if ( clipLineSegment( clipExtent.xMinimum(), clipExtent.xMaximum(), clipExtent.yMinimum(), clipExtent.yMaximum(),
                            p0x, p0y, p1x_c,  p1y_c ) )
        bool newLine = !line.isEmpty() && ( !qgsDoubleNear( p0x, lastClipX ) || !qgsDoubleNear( p0y, lastClipY ) );
        if ( newLine )
          //add edge points to connect old and new line
          connectSeparatedLines( lastClipX, lastClipY, p0x, p0y, clipExtent, line );
        if ( line.size() < 1 || newLine )
          //add first point
          line << QPointF( p0x, p0y );

        //add second point
        lastClipX = p1x_c;
        lastClipY = p1y_c;
        line << QPointF( p1x_c,  p1y_c );
  return wkbPtr;
Ejemplo n.º 4
QgsConstWkbPtr QgsDistanceArea::measurePolygon( QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr, double* area, double* perimeter, bool hasZptr ) const
  if ( !wkbPtr )
    QgsDebugMsg( "no feature to measure" );
    return wkbPtr;


  // get number of rings in the polygon
  int numRings;
  wkbPtr >> numRings;

  if ( numRings == 0 )
    QgsDebugMsg( "no rings to measure" );
    return QgsConstWkbPtr( nullptr, 0 );

  // Set pointer to the first ring
  QList<QgsPoint> points;
  QgsPoint pnt;
  double x, y;
  if ( area )
    *area = 0;
  if ( perimeter )
    *perimeter = 0;

    for ( int idx = 0; idx < numRings; idx++ )
      int nPoints;
      wkbPtr >> nPoints;

      // Extract the points from the WKB and store in a pair of
      // vectors.
      for ( int jdx = 0; jdx < nPoints; jdx++ )
        wkbPtr >> x >> y;
        if ( hasZptr )
          // totally ignore Z value
          wkbPtr += sizeof( double );

        pnt = QgsPoint( x, y );

        if ( mEllipsoidalMode && ( mEllipsoid != GEO_NONE ) )
          pnt = mCoordTransform.transform( pnt );
        points.append( pnt );

      if ( points.size() > 2 )
        if ( area )
          double areaTmp = computePolygonArea( points );
          if ( idx == 0 )
            // exterior ring
            *area += areaTmp;
            *area -= areaTmp; // interior rings

        if ( perimeter )
          if ( idx == 0 )
            // exterior ring
            *perimeter += computeDistance( points );

  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area or perimeter." ) );

  return wkbPtr;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void QgsFeatureRendererV2::renderFeatureWithSymbol( QgsFeature& feature, QgsSymbolV2* symbol, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer, bool selected, bool drawVertexMarker )
  QgsSymbolV2::SymbolType symbolType = symbol->type();

  const QgsGeometry* geom = feature.constGeometry();
  if ( !geom || !geom->geometry() )

  const QgsGeometry* segmentizedGeometry = geom;
  bool deleteSegmentizedGeometry = false;
  context.setGeometry( geom->geometry() );

  //convert curve types to normal point/line/polygon ones
  switch ( QgsWKBTypes::flatType( geom->geometry()->wkbType() ) )
    case QgsWKBTypes::CurvePolygon:
    case QgsWKBTypes::CircularString:
    case QgsWKBTypes::CompoundCurve:
    case QgsWKBTypes::MultiSurface:
    case QgsWKBTypes::MultiCurve:
      QgsAbstractGeometryV2* g = geom->geometry()->segmentize();
      if ( !g )
      segmentizedGeometry = new QgsGeometry( g );
      deleteSegmentizedGeometry = true;


  switch ( QgsWKBTypes::flatType( segmentizedGeometry->geometry()->wkbType() ) )
    case QgsWKBTypes::Point:
      if ( symbolType != QgsSymbolV2::Marker )
        QgsDebugMsg( "point can be drawn only with marker symbol!" );
      QPointF pt;
      _getPoint( pt, context, segmentizedGeometry->asWkb() );
      (( QgsMarkerSymbolV2* )symbol )->renderPoint( pt, &feature, context, layer, selected );
      if ( context.testFlag( QgsRenderContext::DrawSymbolBounds ) )
        //draw debugging rect
        context.painter()->setPen( Qt::red );
        context.painter()->setBrush( QColor( 255, 0, 0, 100 ) );
        context.painter()->drawRect((( QgsMarkerSymbolV2* )symbol )->bounds( pt, context ) );
    case QgsWKBTypes::LineString:
      if ( symbolType != QgsSymbolV2::Line )
        QgsDebugMsg( "linestring can be drawn only with line symbol!" );
      QPolygonF pts;
      _getLineString( pts, context, segmentizedGeometry->asWkb(), symbol->clipFeaturesToExtent() );
      (( QgsLineSymbolV2* )symbol )->renderPolyline( pts, &feature, context, layer, selected );
    case QgsWKBTypes::Polygon:
      if ( symbolType != QgsSymbolV2::Fill )
        QgsDebugMsg( "polygon can be drawn only with fill symbol!" );
      QPolygonF pts;
      QList<QPolygonF> holes;
      _getPolygon( pts, holes, context, segmentizedGeometry->asWkb(), symbol->clipFeaturesToExtent() );
      (( QgsFillSymbolV2* )symbol )->renderPolygon( pts, ( holes.count() ? &holes : NULL ), &feature, context, layer, selected );

    case QgsWKBTypes::MultiPoint:
      if ( symbolType != QgsSymbolV2::Marker )
        QgsDebugMsg( "multi-point can be drawn only with marker symbol!" );

      QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr( segmentizedGeometry->asWkb() + 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      unsigned int num;
      wkbPtr >> num;
      const unsigned char* ptr = wkbPtr;
      QPointF pt;

      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i )
        ptr = QgsConstWkbPtr( _getPoint( pt, context, ptr ) );
        (( QgsMarkerSymbolV2* )symbol )->renderPoint( pt, &feature, context, layer, selected );

    case QgsWKBTypes::MultiCurve:
    case QgsWKBTypes::MultiLineString:
      if ( symbolType != QgsSymbolV2::Line )
        QgsDebugMsg( "multi-linestring can be drawn only with line symbol!" );

      QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr( segmentizedGeometry->asWkb() + 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      unsigned int num;
      wkbPtr >> num;
      const unsigned char* ptr = wkbPtr;
      QPolygonF pts;

      const QgsGeometryCollectionV2* geomCollection = dynamic_cast<const QgsGeometryCollectionV2*>( geom->geometry() );

      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i )
        if ( geomCollection )
          context.setGeometry( geomCollection->geometryN( i ) );
        ptr = QgsConstWkbPtr( _getLineString( pts, context, ptr, symbol->clipFeaturesToExtent() ) );
        (( QgsLineSymbolV2* )symbol )->renderPolyline( pts, &feature, context, layer, selected );

    case QgsWKBTypes::MultiSurface:
    case QgsWKBTypes::MultiPolygon:
      if ( symbolType != QgsSymbolV2::Fill )
        QgsDebugMsg( "multi-polygon can be drawn only with fill symbol!" );

      QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr( segmentizedGeometry->asWkb() + 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      unsigned int num;
      wkbPtr >> num;
      const unsigned char* ptr = wkbPtr;
      QPolygonF pts;
      QList<QPolygonF> holes;

      const QgsGeometryCollectionV2* geomCollection = dynamic_cast<const QgsGeometryCollectionV2*>( geom->geometry() );

      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i )
        if ( geomCollection )
          context.setGeometry( geomCollection->geometryN( i ) );
        ptr = _getPolygon( pts, holes, context, ptr, symbol->clipFeaturesToExtent() );
        (( QgsFillSymbolV2* )symbol )->renderPolygon( pts, ( holes.count() ? &holes : NULL ), &feature, context, layer, selected );
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "feature %1: unsupported wkb type 0x%2 for rendering" ).arg( feature.id() ).arg( geom->wkbType(), 0, 16 ) );

  if ( drawVertexMarker )
    const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = context.coordinateTransform();
    const QgsMapToPixel& mtp = context.mapToPixel();

    QgsPointV2 vertexPoint;
    QgsVertexId vertexId;
    double x, y, z;
    QPointF mapPoint;
    while ( geom->geometry()->nextVertex( vertexId, vertexPoint ) )
      x = vertexPoint.x(); y = vertexPoint.y(); z = vertexPoint.z();
      if ( ct )
        ct->transformInPlace( x, y, z );
      mapPoint.setX( x ); mapPoint.setY( y );
      mtp.transformInPlace( mapPoint.rx(), mapPoint.ry() );
      renderVertexMarker( mapPoint, context );

  if ( deleteSegmentizedGeometry )
    delete segmentizedGeometry;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawGroup( const DisplacementGroup& group, QgsRenderContext& context )
  const QgsFeature& feature = group.begin().value().first;
  bool selected = mSelectedFeatures.contains( feature.id() ); // maybe we should highlight individual features instead of the whole group?

  //get list of labels and symbols
  QStringList labelAttributeList;
  QList<QgsMarkerSymbolV2*> symbolList;

  QgsMultiPointV2* groupMultiPoint = new QgsMultiPointV2();
  for ( DisplacementGroup::const_iterator attIt = group.constBegin(); attIt != group.constEnd(); ++attIt )
    labelAttributeList << ( mDrawLabels ? getLabel( attIt.value().first ) : QString() );
    symbolList << dynamic_cast<QgsMarkerSymbolV2*>( attIt.value().second );
    groupMultiPoint->addGeometry( attIt.value().first.constGeometry()->geometry()->clone() );

  //calculate centroid of all points, this will be center of group
  QgsGeometry groupGeom( groupMultiPoint );
  QgsGeometry* centroid = groupGeom.centroid();
  QPointF pt;
  _getPoint( pt, context, QgsConstWkbPtr( centroid->asWkb(), centroid->wkbSize() ) );
  delete centroid;

  //calculate max diagonal size from all symbols in group
  double diagonal = 0;
  Q_FOREACH ( QgsMarkerSymbolV2* symbol, symbolList )
    if ( symbol )
      diagonal = qMax( diagonal, QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context,
                       M_SQRT2 * symbol->size(),
                       symbol->outputUnit(), symbol->mapUnitScale() ) );

  QgsSymbolV2RenderContext symbolContext( context, QgsSymbolV2::MM, 1.0, selected );

  QList<QPointF> symbolPositions;
  QList<QPointF> labelPositions;
  double circleRadius = -1.0;
  calculateSymbolAndLabelPositions( symbolContext, pt, symbolList.size(), diagonal, symbolPositions, labelPositions, circleRadius );

  //draw Circle
  if ( circleRadius > 0 )
    drawCircle( circleRadius, symbolContext, pt, symbolList.size() );

  //draw mid point
  if ( labelAttributeList.size() > 1 )
    if ( mCenterSymbol )
      mCenterSymbol->renderPoint( pt, &feature, context, -1, selected );
      context.painter()->drawRect( QRectF( pt.x() - symbolContext.outputLineWidth( 1 ), pt.y() - symbolContext.outputLineWidth( 1 ), symbolContext.outputLineWidth( 2 ), symbolContext.outputLineWidth( 2 ) ) );

  //draw symbols on the circle
  drawSymbols( feature, context, symbolList, symbolPositions, selected );
  //and also the labels
  drawLabels( pt, symbolContext, labelPositions, labelAttributeList );