Ejemplo n.º 1
bool PAPlayer::OpenFile(const CFileItem& file, const CPlayerOptions &options)
  m_defaultCrossfadeMS = CSettings::GetInstance().GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_MUSICPLAYER_CROSSFADE) * 1000;

  if (m_streams.size() > 1 || !m_defaultCrossfadeMS || m_isPaused)
    m_isPaused = false; // Make sure to reset the pause state

  // if audio engine is suspended i.e. by a DisplayLost event (HDMI), MakeStream
  // waits until the engine is resumed. if we block the main thread here, it can't
  // resume the engine after a DisplayReset event
  if (CAEFactory::IsSuspended())
    if (!QueueNextFile(file))
      return false;
    if (!QueueNextFileEx(file, false))
      return false;

  CSharedLock lock(m_streamsLock);
  if (m_streams.size() == 2)
    //do a short crossfade on trackskip, set to max 2 seconds for these prev/next transitions
    m_upcomingCrossfadeMS = std::min(m_defaultCrossfadeMS, (unsigned int)MAX_SKIP_XFADE_TIME);

    //start transition to next track
    StreamInfo* si = m_streams.front();
    si->m_playNextAtFrame  = si->m_framesSent; //start next track at current frame
    si->m_prepareTriggered = true; //next track is ready to go

  if (!IsRunning())

  /* trigger playback start */
  m_isPlaying = true;

  if (options.startpercent > 0.0)

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool PAPlayer::QueueNextFile(const CFileItem &file)
  return QueueNextFile(file, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool PAPlayer::OpenFile(const CFileItem& file, const CPlayerOptions &options)
  if (m_currentlyCrossFading) CloseFileInternal(false); //user seems to be in a hurry

  m_crossFading = g_guiSettings.GetInt("musicplayer.crossfade");
  //WASAPI doesn't support multiple streams, no crossfading for cdda, cd-reading goes mad and no crossfading for last.fm doesn't like two connections
  if (file.IsCDDA() || file.IsLastFM() || g_guiSettings.GetString("audiooutput.audiodevice").find("wasapi:") != CStdString::npos) m_crossFading = 0;
  if (m_crossFading && IsPlaying())
    //do a short crossfade on trackskip
    //set to max 2 seconds for these prev/next transitions
    if (m_crossFading > 2) m_crossFading = 2;
    //queue for crossfading
    bool result = QueueNextFile(file, false);
    if (result)
      //crossfading value may be update by QueueNextFile when nr of channels changed
      if (!m_crossFading) // swap to next track
      else //force to fade to next track immediately
        m_forceFadeToNext = true;
    return result;

  // normal opening of file, nothing playing or crossfading not enabled
  // however no need to return to gui audio device

  // always open the file using the current decoder
  m_currentDecoder = 0;

  if (!m_decoder[m_currentDecoder].Create(file, (__int64)(options.starttime * 1000), m_crossFading))
    return false;

  m_iSpeed = 1;
  m_bPaused = false;
  m_bStopPlaying = false;
  m_bytesSentOut = 0;

  CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "PAPlayer: Playing %s", file.m_strPath.c_str());

  m_timeOffset = (__int64)(options.starttime * 1000);

  unsigned int channel, sampleRate, bitsPerSample;
  m_decoder[m_currentDecoder].GetDataFormat(&channel, &sampleRate, &bitsPerSample);

  if (!CreateStream(m_currentStream, channel, sampleRate, bitsPerSample))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PAPlayer::Unable to create audio stream");

  *m_currentFile = file;

  if (ThreadHandle() == NULL)


  m_bIsPlaying = true;
  m_cachingNextFile = false;
  m_currentlyCrossFading = false;
  m_forceFadeToNext = false;
  m_bQueueFailed = false;

  m_decoder[m_currentDecoder].Start();  // start playback

  return true;