Ejemplo n.º 1
double traceBullet(double initSpeed, double airFriction, double angle, double angleTarget, double distance) {
    double velX, velY, posX, posY, lastPosX, lastPosY, posTargetX, posTargetY, velMag;
    velX = cos(RADIANS(angle)) * initSpeed;
    velY = sin(RADIANS(angle)) * initSpeed;
    posX = 0;
    posY = 0;
    posTargetX = cos(RADIANS(angleTarget)) * distance;
    posTargetY = sin(RADIANS(angleTarget)) * distance;

    double simulationStep = 0.05;

    int i = 0;
    while (i < MAXITERATIONS) {
        lastPosX = posX;
        lastPosY = posY;
        velMag = sqrt(pow(velX, 2) + pow(velY, 2));
        posX += velX * simulationStep * 0.5;
        posY += velY * simulationStep * 0.5;
        velX += simulationStep * (velX * velMag * airFriction);
        velY += simulationStep * (velY * velMag * airFriction - 9.80665);
        posX += velX * simulationStep * 0.5;
        posY += velY * simulationStep * 0.5;
        if (posX >= posTargetX) { break; }

    double coef = (posTargetX - lastPosX) / (posX - lastPosX);
    return (lastPosY + (posY - lastPosY) * coef) - posTargetY;
int albers_conic_equal_area_ellipsoid(mapx_class *current,
				      double lat, double lon, 
				      double *x, double *y)

  double phi, lam, sin_phi, rho, theta, q;
  phi = RADIANS(lat);
  lam = RADIANS(lon - current->lon0);
  sin_phi = sin(phi);  

  if (0 == current->eccentricity)
      q = 2 * sin_phi;
      q = (1-current->e2) * ( ( sin_phi / (1 - (current->e2 * sin_phi * sin_phi)) ) - 
             ( log( (1 - (current->eccentricity*sin_phi)) / 
             (1 + (current->eccentricity*sin_phi)) ) / 
             (2*current->eccentricity) ) );

  rho = (current->Rg / current->n) * sqrt(current->C - (current->n*q));
  theta = current->n * lam;
  *x = rho * sin(theta);
  *y = current->rho0 - (rho * cos(theta));
  *x += current->false_easting;
  *y += current->false_northing;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Observer::Observer(const char *nm, double lat, double lng, double hgt)
    this->name = nm ;
    LA = RADIANS(lat) ;
    LO = RADIANS(lng) ;
    HT = hgt / 1000 ;

    U[0] = cos(LA)*cos(LO) ;
    U[1] = cos(LA)*sin(LO) ;
    U[2] = sin(LA) ;

    E[0] = -sin(LO) ;
    E[1] =  cos(LO) ;
    E[2] =  0. ;

    N[0] = -sin(LA)*cos(LO) ;
    N[1] = -sin(LA)*sin(LO) ;
    N[2] =  cos(LA) ;

    double RP = RE * (1 - FL) ;
    double XX = RE * RE ;
    double ZZ = RP * RP ;
    double D = sqrt(XX*cos(LA)*cos(LA) + 
	            ZZ*sin(LA)*sin(LA)) ;
    double Rx = XX / D + HT ;
    double Rz = ZZ / D + HT ;

    O[0] = Rx * U[0] ;
    O[1] = Rx * U[1] ;
    O[2] = Rz * U[2] ;

    V[0] = -O[1] * W0 ;
    V[1] =  O[0] * W0 ;
    V[2] =  0 ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int mollweide(mapx_class *current, double lat, double lon,
	      double *x, double *y)
  double dlon;
  double phi, lam, theta, delta;
  double sin_theta, cos_theta, psi, epsilon=1e-6;
  int it, maxit=10;
  dlon = lon - current->lon0;
  phi = RADIANS (lat);
  lam = RADIANS (dlon);
  delta = 0.0;
  theta = phi;
  sin_theta = sin(theta);
  cos_theta = cos(theta);
  if (fabs(cos_theta) > epsilon)
  { psi = PI*sin(phi);
    it = 0;
    { delta = -(theta + sin_theta - psi) / (1 + cos_theta);
      theta += delta;
      sin_theta = sin(theta);
      cos_theta = cos(theta);
      if (++it >= maxit) break;
    } until (fabs(delta) <= epsilon);
    theta /= 2.0;
    sin_theta = sin(theta);
    cos_theta = cos(theta);
Ejemplo n.º 5
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char         **av, *in_fname, *out_fname ;
  int          ac, nargs ;
  MRI_SURFACE  *mris ;
  float        alpha, beta, gamma ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mris_rotate.c,v 1.6 2011/03/02 00:04:33 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 6)
    usage_exit() ;

  in_fname = argv[1] ;
  if (sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &alpha) != 1)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not scan alpha from %s",
              Progname, argv[2]) ;
  if (sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &beta) != 1)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not scan beta from %s",
              Progname, argv[3]) ;
  if (sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &gamma) != 1)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not scan gamma from %s",
              Progname, argv[4]) ;
  out_fname = argv[5] ;

  mris = MRISfastRead(in_fname) ;
  if (!mris)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
              Progname, in_fname) ;

  alpha = RADIANS(alpha) ;
  beta = RADIANS(beta) ;
  gamma = RADIANS(gamma) ;
  MRIScenter(mris, mris) ;
  MRISrotate(mris, mris, alpha, beta, gamma) ;
  if (!mris)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not rotate surface", Progname) ;

  if (Gdiag & DIAG_SHOW)
    fprintf(stderr, "writing rotated surface to %s\n", out_fname) ;
  MRISwrite(mris, out_fname) ;

  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;  /* for ansi */
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Démarrage de la scène
void SceneSimple::Reset()
    // On peut par exemple remettre la caméra à une position donnée :
    Camera& cam = Camera::getInstance();
    cam.setEye(vec3(10.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f));
    cam.setAngle(RADIANS(225.f), RADIANS(90.f));

int init_albers_conic_equal_area_ellipsoid(mapx_class *current)
  current->Rg = current->equatorial_radius / current->scale;
  current->sin_phi0 = sin(RADIANS(current->center_lat));
  current->sin_phi1 = sin(RADIANS(current->lat0));
  current->sin_phi2 = sin(RADIANS(current->lat1));
  current->cos_phi1 = cos(RADIANS(current->lat0));
  current->cos_phi2 = cos(RADIANS(current->lat1));
  current->m1 = current->cos_phi1 / 
      sqrt(1 - (current->e2 * current->sin_phi1 * current->sin_phi1));
  current->m2 = current->cos_phi2 / 
      sqrt(1 - (current->e2 * current->sin_phi2 * current->sin_phi2));
  if (0 == current->eccentricity)
      current->q0 = 2 * current->sin_phi0;
      current->q1 = 2 * current->sin_phi1;
      current->q2 = 2 * current->sin_phi2;
      current->q0 = (1-current->e2) *
                      ( ( current->sin_phi0 / 
                      (1 - (current->e2 * current->sin_phi0 * current->sin_phi0)) ) - 
                      ( log( (1 - (current->eccentricity*current->sin_phi0)) / 
                      (1 + (current->eccentricity*current->sin_phi0)) ) / 
                      (2*current->eccentricity) ) );
      current->q1 = (1-current->e2) * 
                      ( ( current->sin_phi1 / 
                      (1 - (current->e2 * current->sin_phi1 * current->sin_phi1)) ) - 
                      ( log( (1 - (current->eccentricity*current->sin_phi1)) / 
                      (1 + (current->eccentricity*current->sin_phi1)) ) / 
                      (2*current->eccentricity) ) );
      current->q2 = (1-current->e2) * 
                      ( ( current->sin_phi2 / 
                      (1 - (current->e2 * current->sin_phi2 * current->sin_phi2)) ) - 
                      ( log( (1 - (current->eccentricity*current->sin_phi2)) / 
                      (1 + (current->eccentricity*current->sin_phi2)) ) / 
                      (2*current->eccentricity) ) );
  if (999 == current->lat1 || current->lat0 == current->lat1)
      current->n = current->sin_phi1;
      current->n = ( (current->m1*current->m1) - (current->m2*current->m2) ) / 
                     (current->q2 - current->q1);
  current->C = (current->m1*current->m1) + (current->n*current->q1);
  current->rho0 = (current->Rg / current->n) * sqrt(current->C - (current->n*current->q0));

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ExtObject::UpdateInfoBox()

	info.x = start.x+((line_width/2)*cos(RADIANS(info.angle-90)));
	info.y = start.y+((line_width/2)*sin(RADIANS(info.angle-90)));
	info.w = sqrt(pow(end.x-start.x,2)+pow(end.y-start.y,2));
	info.h = line_width;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void CGeometry::Motion(D3DVECTOR &Position,D3DVECTOR &Angle,float Speed)
	D3DVECTOR	RadAngle;

	Position.z+=( ((float)cos(RadAngle.y)) * ((float)cos(RadAngle.x)) ) * Speed;
	Position.x+=( ((float)sin(RadAngle.y)) * ((float)cos(RadAngle.x)) ) * Speed;
	Position.y+=-((float)sin(RadAngle.x)) * Speed;
int init_cylindrical_equidistant(mapx_class *current)
  if (current->lat1 == 999) current->lat1 = 0.00;
  current->cos_phi1 = cos (RADIANS (current->lat1));

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void make_plant(
    float *data, float ao, float light,
    float px, float py, float pz, float n, int w, float rotation)
    static const float positions[4][4][3] = {
        {{ 0, -1, -1}, { 0, -1, +1}, { 0, +1, -1}, { 0, +1, +1}},
        {{ 0, -1, -1}, { 0, -1, +1}, { 0, +1, -1}, { 0, +1, +1}},
        {{-1, -1,  0}, {-1, +1,  0}, {+1, -1,  0}, {+1, +1,  0}},
        {{-1, -1,  0}, {-1, +1,  0}, {+1, -1,  0}, {+1, +1,  0}}
    static const float normals[4][3] = {
        {-1, 0, 0},
        {+1, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, -1},
        {0, 0, +1}
    static const float uvs[4][4][2] = {
        {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}},
        {{1, 0}, {0, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}},
        {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}},
        {{1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 1}}
    static const float indices[4][6] = {
        {0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3},
        {0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3},
        {0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3},
        {0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3}
    float *d = data;
    float s = 0.0625;
    float a = 0;
    float b = s;
    struct item_list *plant = get_item_by_id(ABS(w));
    float du = (plant->tile->sprite % 16) * s;
    float dv = (plant->tile->sprite / 16) * s;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        for (int v = 0; v < 6; v++) {
            int j = indices[i][v];
            *(d++) = n * positions[i][j][0];
            *(d++) = n * positions[i][j][1];
            *(d++) = n * positions[i][j][2];
            *(d++) = normals[i][0];
            *(d++) = normals[i][1];
            *(d++) = normals[i][2];
            *(d++) = du + (uvs[i][j][0] ? b : a);
            *(d++) = dv + (uvs[i][j][1] ? b : a);
            *(d++) = ao;
            *(d++) = light;
    float ma[16];
    float mb[16];
    mat_rotate(mb, 0, 1, 0, RADIANS(rotation));
    mat_multiply(ma, mb, ma);
    mat_apply(data, ma, 24, 3, 10);
    mat_translate(mb, px, py, pz);
    mat_multiply(ma, mb, ma);
    mat_apply(data, ma, 24, 0, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void display() {

    float fov = RADIANS(70.0);
    float aspect = (float)W_WIDTH / (float)W_HEIGHT;


    projection = glm::perspective(fov, aspect, 0.1f, 100.0f);

    lightPos = glm::vec4(1, 0, 1, 0);
    lightDiff = glm::vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1);
    lightSpec = glm::vec4(1, 1, 1, 0);

    glUniformMatrix4fv(uProjection, 1, GL_FALSE, &projection[0][0]);
    glUniformMatrix4fv(uView, 1, GL_FALSE, &view[0][0]);

    glUniform4fv(uLightPos, 1, &lightPos[0]);
    glUniform4fv(uLightDiff, 1, &lightDiff[0]);
    glUniform4fv(uLightSpec, 1, &lightSpec[0]);

    glUniform3fv(uCameraPosition, 1, &(camera.position)[0]);

    obj.rotation[2] = (float)timer / 5000.0;
    obj.draw(programID, projection * view, uModel);

Ejemplo n.º 13
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    gdouble max_area = 0.0001;
    gdouble min_angle = RADIANS(15.0);
    guint niter = 10;

    Polygon *p = polygon_create_box( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
    /* Polygon *p = polygon_create_island(); */
    /* Polygon *p = polygon_create_A(); */

    Mesh * mesh = mesh_triangulate_polygon( p );
    mesh_make_cdt_by_edge_flipping( mesh );
    polygon_free( p );
    mesh_refine( mesh, RUPPERT_REFINEMENT, max_area, min_angle );
    mesh_relax( mesh );
    mesh_smooth( mesh, ELEMENT_QUALITY_SMOOTHING, niter, max_area );
    mesh_relax( mesh );
    mesh_smooth( mesh, ELEMENT_QUALITY_SMOOTHING, niter, max_area );
    mesh_save_to_eps( "mesh.eps", mesh );
    mesh_save_to_obj( "mesh.obj", mesh );

    mesh_free( mesh );

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 14
Vector3f Vector3f::rotate(float angle, Vector3f axis)
	float sinHalfAngle = sinf(RADIANS(angle / 2.0f));
	float cosHalfAngle = cosf(RADIANS(angle / 2.0f));

	float rX = axis.x * sinHalfAngle;
	float rY = axis.y * sinHalfAngle;
	float rZ = axis.z * sinHalfAngle;
	float rW = cosHalfAngle;

	Quaternion rotation = Quaternion(rX, rY, rZ, rW);
	Quaternion conjugate = rotation.conjugated();

	Quaternion r = rotation * (*this) * conjugate;

	return Vector3f(r.x, r.y, r.z);
Ejemplo n.º 15
void SceneTerrain::Init()
	ResourceManager& res = ResourceManager::getInstance();
	VarManager& var = VarManager::getInstance();

	m_vSunAngle = vec2(0.0f, RADIANS(45.0f));

	m_pSkybox = (TextureCubemap*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURECUBEMAP, "sand_up.jpg sand_dn.jpg sand_tp.jpg sand_bm.jpg sand_lt.jpg sand_rt.jpg");

	m_pShaderLighting	= (Shader*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::SHADER, "lighting");
	m_pShaderTerrain	= (Shader*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::SHADER, "terrain_ground");
	m_pShaderWater		= (Shader*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::SHADER, "terrain_water");
	m_pShaderGrass		= (Shader*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::SHADER, "terrain_grass");
	m_pShaderTree		= (Shader*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::SHADER, "terrain_tree");

	res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::MESH, "terrain_house.obj");

	res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "wall_diffuse.jpg");
	res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "wall_NM_height.tga");

	m_tTextures.push_back( (Texture2D*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "terrain_detail_NM.tga") );
	m_tTextures.push_back( (Texture2D*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "sandfloor009a.jpg") );
	m_tTextures.push_back( (Texture2D*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "terrain_rocky_map_1024.png") );
	m_tTextures.push_back( (Texture2D*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "terrain_grass_map_1024.png") );
	m_tTextures.push_back( (Texture2D*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "terrain_water_caustics.jpg") );
	res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "grass_billboards.tga");
	res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "palm_texture.tga");

	m_pTexWaterNoiseNM = (Texture2D*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "terrain_water_NM.jpg");
	m_pTerrainDiffuseMap = (Texture2D*)res.LoadResource(ResourceManager::TEXTURE2D, "test_heightmap512_2_diffusemap.jpg");

	var.set("water_height", 4.2f);

	m_pTerrain = new Terrain();
	assert(m_pTerrain != NULL);
	//BoundingBox bbox( vec3(-300.0f, 0.0f, -300.0f), vec3(300.0f, 50.0f, 300.0f) );
	BoundingBox bbox( vec3(-300.0f, 0.0f, -300.0f), vec3(300.0f, 40.0f, 300.0f) );
//	m_pTerrain->Load("test_heightmap1024_2.jpg", bbox, 32);
	m_pTerrain->Load("test_heightmap512_2.jpg", bbox, 16);

	ImageTools::ImageData img;
	ImageTools::OpenImage("test_heightmap512_2_diffusemap.jpg", img);
	m_pTerrain->GenerateGrass(img, 200000);
	m_pTerrain->GenerateVegetation(img, 100);

	Reload(); // set shader constants

	m_fboWaterReflection.Create(FrameBufferObject::FBO_2D_COLOR, 512, 512);
	m_fboDepthMapFromLight[0].Create(FrameBufferObject::FBO_2D_DEPTH, 2048, 2048);
	m_fboDepthMapFromLight[1].Create(FrameBufferObject::FBO_2D_DEPTH, 2048, 2048);

Ejemplo n.º 16
static void	_turrets(SDLData* d, XShip* s)
  unsigned	u;

  for (u = 0; u < 8; ++u)
      s->turret_anim[u] = SDLazy_AnimCreate(d->srf_ship[SRF_SHIP_TURRET], 7, 7, ANIM_PAUSE);
      SDLazy_SetCenter(s->turret_anim[u], v2f_(10.5, 34));
  SDLazy_SetScaleX (s->turret_anim[1], -1);
  SDLazy_SetRot    (s->turret_anim[2], RADIANS(+90));
  SDLazy_SetRot    (s->turret_anim[3], RADIANS(+90));
  SDLazy_SetScaleX (s->turret_anim[3], -1);
  SDLazy_SetScale  (s->turret_anim[4], v2f_(-1, -1));
  SDLazy_SetScaleY (s->turret_anim[5], -1);
  SDLazy_SetRot    (s->turret_anim[6], RADIANS(-90));
  SDLazy_SetRot    (s->turret_anim[7], RADIANS(-90));
  SDLazy_SetScaleX (s->turret_anim[7], -1);
int init_albers_conic_equal_area(mapx_class *current)
  current->sin_phi0 = sin(RADIANS(current->center_lat));
  current->sin_phi1 = sin(RADIANS(current->lat0));
  current->cos_phi1 = cos(RADIANS (current->lat0));

  if (999 == current->lat1 || current->lat0 == current->lat1)
    current->n = current->sin_phi1;
    current->n = (current->sin_phi1 + sin(RADIANS(current->lat1)))/2;

  current->C = (current->cos_phi1*current->cos_phi1
		+ 2*current->n*current->sin_phi1);

  current->rho0 = 
    current->Rg*sqrt(current->C - 2*current->n*current->sin_phi0)/current->n;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
float RotateTowards(float start, float end, float step)
   float cs = cos(RADIANS(start));
   float ce = cos(RADIANS(end));
   float ss = sin(RADIANS(start));
   float se = sin(RADIANS(end));

   float z = cs*se - ss*ce;
   float dot = cs*ce + ss*se;
   float angle = DEGREES(acos(dot));
   if(angle > step)
      if(z > 0)
         return start + step;
         return start - step;
      return end;
Ejemplo n.º 19


  Return Values:
QuadEqual(double a1, double a2)
  a1 = normAngle(a1) ;
  a2 = normAngle(a2) ;
  if (fabs(a1 - a2) < RADIANS(90.0))
    return(1) ;
    return(0) ;
Ejemplo n.º 20
Character *Character::SyncDummy() {
	btTransform armTranslation;
	btTransform armRotation;
	Arms->RigidBody->setWorldTransform(armTranslation * RigidBody->getGhostObject()->getWorldTransform() * armRotation);
	return this;
int albers_conic_equal_area(mapx_class *current, double lat, double lon, 
			    double *x, double *y)
  double phi, lam, sin_phi, rho, theta;
  phi = RADIANS(lat);
  lam = RADIANS(lon - current->lon0);

  sin_phi = sin(phi);
  rho = current->Rg*sqrt(current->C - 2*current->n*sin_phi)/current->n;
  theta = current->n*lam;

  *x = rho*sin(theta);
  *y = current->rho0 - rho*cos(theta);

  *x += current->false_easting;
  *y += current->false_northing;
  return 0;
int cylindrical_equidistant (mapx_class *current,
			     double lat, double lon, double *x, double *y)
  double dlon;
  double phi, lam;
  dlon = lon - current->lon0;
  phi = RADIANS (lat);
  lam = RADIANS (dlon);
  *x =  current->Rg * lam * current->cos_phi1;
  *y =  current->Rg * phi;
  *x += current->false_easting;
  *y += current->false_northing;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
Satellite::tle(const char *nm, const char *l1, const char *l2)
    name = nm ;

    // direct quantities from the orbital elements

    N = getlong(l2, 2, 7) ;
    YE = getlong(l1, 18, 20) ;
    if (YE < 58)
	YE += 2000 ;
	YE += 1900 ;

    TE = getdouble(l1, 20, 32) ;
    M2 = RADIANS(getdouble(l1, 33, 43)) ;

    IN = RADIANS(getdouble(l2, 8, 16)) ;
    RA = RADIANS(getdouble(l2, 17, 25)) ;
    EC = getdouble(l2, 26, 33)/1e7f ;
    WP = RADIANS(getdouble(l2, 34, 42)) ;
    MA = RADIANS(getdouble(l2, 43, 51)) ;
    MM = 2.0f * M_PI * getdouble(l2, 52, 63) ;
    RV = getlong(l2, 63, 68) ;

    // derived quantities from the orbital elements 

    // convert TE to DE and TE 
    DE = fnday(YE, 1, 0) + (long) TE ;
    TE -= (long) TE ;
    N0 = MM/86400 ;
    A_0 = pow(GM/(N0*N0), 1./3.) ;
    B_0 = A_0*sqrt(1.-EC*EC) ;
    PC = RE*A_0/(B_0*B_0) ;
    PC = 1.5f*J2*PC*PC*MM ;
    double CI = cos(IN) ;
    QD = -PC*CI ;
    WD =  PC*(5*CI*CI-1)/2 ;
    DC = -2*M2/(3*MM) ;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * Morgan SCARA Forward Kinematics. Results in cartes[].
 * Maths and first version by QHARLEY.
 * Integrated into Marlin and slightly restructured by Joachim Cerny.
void forward_kinematics_SCARA(const float &a, const float &b) {

  const float a_sin = sin(RADIANS(a)) * L1,
              a_cos = cos(RADIANS(a)) * L1,
              b_sin = sin(RADIANS(b)) * L2,
              b_cos = cos(RADIANS(b)) * L2;

  cartes[X_AXIS] = a_cos + b_cos + SCARA_OFFSET_X;  //theta
  cartes[Y_AXIS] = a_sin + b_sin + SCARA_OFFSET_Y;  //theta+phi

      "SCARA FK Angle a=", a,
      " b=", b,
      " a_sin=", a_sin,
      " a_cos=", a_cos,
      " b_sin=", b_sin,
      " b_cos=", b_cos
    SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR(" cartes (X,Y) = "(cartes[X_AXIS], ", ", cartes[Y_AXIS], ")");
Ejemplo n.º 25
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Stuart Levy, Tamara Munzner, Mark Phillips";

/* Authors: Charlie Gunn, Pat Hanrahan, Stuart Levy, Tamara Munzner, Mark Phillips */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "radians.h"
#include "transform3.h"
#include "ooglutil.h"	/* For OOGLError() */

 *     ( cot(fov/2)/aspect       0           0           0	)
 *     (         0          cot(fov/2)       0           0	)
 * T = (         0               0     -(f+n)/(f-n)     -1	)
 *     (         0               0     -2*f*n/(f-n)      0	)
 * Transform to the unit cube. Also flip from rh to lh.
Tm3PerspectiveFOV( Transform3 T,
		   float fov, float aspect, float n, float f )
    float cotfov;

    Tm3Identity( T );

    if( n == f ) {
	OOGLError(1/*UserError*/, "Tm3Perspective: n and f must be different" );
    if( fov == 0. ) {
	OOGLError(1/*UserError*/, "Tm3Perspective: fov must not equal 0" );

    cotfov = tan( RADIANS(fov)/2.0 );
    if( cotfov != 0. )
	cotfov = 1. / cotfov;

    T[TMX][TMX] =  cotfov/aspect;
    T[TMY][TMY] =  cotfov;
    T[TMZ][TMZ] = -2*(f+n)/(f-n);
    T[TMW][TMZ] = -2*f*n/(f-n);
    T[TMX][TMW] = -1.;
    T[TMW][TMW] =  0.;
Ejemplo n.º 26
long ExtObject::aJump(LPVAL theParams)
	float ga = RADIANS(grav_dir * 90);

	int cosga = cos(ga)*1.5f;
	int singa = sin(ga)*1.5f;

		dy = -jump_strength * singa;
		dx = -jump_strength * cosga;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 27
double getSolution(double initSpeed, double airFriction, double angleTarget, double distance) {
    double posTargetX, posTargetY;
    posTargetX = cos(RADIANS(angleTarget)) * distance;
    posTargetY = sin(RADIANS(angleTarget)) * distance;

    if (traceBullet(initSpeed, airFriction, MAXELEVATION, angleTarget, distance) < 0) {
        return MAXELEVATION - angleTarget;

    double a1 = angleTarget;
    double a2 = MAXELEVATION;
    double f1, f2, tmp;
    f1 = traceBullet(initSpeed, airFriction, a1, angleTarget, distance);
    if (fabs(f1) <= PRECISION) { return 0; }
    while (fabs(f1) > PRECISION) {
        f2 = traceBullet(initSpeed, airFriction, a2, angleTarget, distance);
        tmp = a2 - f2 * (a2 - a1) / (f2 - f1);
        a1 = a2;
        a2 = tmp;
        f1 = f2;

    return a2 - angleTarget;
Ejemplo n.º 28
Sun::predict(const DateTime &dt)
    long DN = dt.DN ;
    double TN = dt.TN ;

    double T = (double) (DN - fnday(YG, 1, 0)) + TN ;
    double GHAE = RADIANS(G0) + T * WE ;
    double MRSE = RADIANS(G0) + T * WW + M_PI ;
    double MASE = RADIANS(MAS0 + T * MASD) ;
    double TAS = MRSE + EQC1*sin(MASE) + EQC2*sin(2.*MASE) ;
    double C, S ;

    C = cos(TAS) ;
    S = sin(TAS) ;
    SUN[0]=C ;
    SUN[1]=S*CNS ;
    SUN[2]=S*SNS ;
    C = cos(-GHAE) ; 
    S = sin(-GHAE) ; 
    H[0]=SUN[0]*C - SUN[1]*S ;
    H[1]=SUN[0]*S + SUN[1]*C ;
    H[2]=SUN[2] ;
Ejemplo n.º 29
float CGeometry::Orbit(D3DVECTOR &Position,D3DVECTOR &Rotation,D3DVECTOR &Center,float Angle,float Radius,float Step)
	float Rads = RADIANS(Angle);

	Position.x = -sin(Rads) * Radius;
	Position.z = -cos(Rads) * Radius;
	Position.x += Center.x;
	Position.z += Center.z;


	Angle += Step;

	return Angle;
Ejemplo n.º 30
void Hemicube::renderToSurface( HemiSides surfaceSide, Scene *scene, const Vector& eye, const Vector& lookDir, const Vector &upDir )
  surfaces[ surfaceSide ]->rtBind() ;

  // Clear WHITE.  This is the "no patch" color
  surfaces[ surfaceSide ]->clear( ByteColor( 255,255,255,255 ) ) ;

  if( !win->beginDrawing() )
    error( "Hemicube could not begin drawing" ) ;
    return ;
  // Set matrices in shader (globals)
  Matrix proj = Matrix::ProjPerspectiveRH( RADIANS( HEMI_FOV ), 1.0, HEMI_NEAR, HEMI_FAR ) ; // always use 1.0 aspect, even on sides
  Matrix view = Matrix::LookAt( eye, lookDir, upDir ) ;
  win->setModelviewProjection( view*proj ) ;

  //win->cullMode( CullMode::CullNone ) ;
  win->setFillMode( FillMode::Solid ) ;
  // activate the id shader:
  win->alphaBlend( false ) ;
  #pragma region right render code
  // To calculate form factors,
  // I need the scene rendered
  // with patch ids (Hence use the "shaderID" shader.)
  win->shaderID->unsetTexture( 0 ) ; // DO NOT draw with a texture! (if there was bound previously)
  win->shaderID->activate() ;
  win->render( scene ) ;  
  #pragma endregion

  /////win->shaderPhongLit->activate() ;//! DEBUG
  /////window->rasterize() ;//! DEBUG

  win->endDrawing() ;
  win->present() ;

  surfaces[ surfaceSide ]->rtUnbind() ;