static const char* get_gzip_eof( FILE* file, long* eof ) { unsigned char buf [4]; if ( !fread( buf, 2, 1, file ) ) RAISE_ERROR( "Couldn't read from file" ); if ( buf [0] == 0x1F && buf [1] == 0x8B ) { if ( fseek( file, -4, SEEK_END ) ) RAISE_ERROR( "Couldn't seek in file" ); if ( !fread( buf, 4, 1, file ) ) RAISE_ERROR( "Couldn't read from file" ); *eof = buf [3] * 0x1000000L + buf [2] * 0x10000L + buf [1] * 0x100L + buf [0]; } else { if ( fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END ) ) RAISE_ERROR( "Couldn't seek in file" ); *eof = ftell( file ); } return 0; }
error_t Mem_Writer::write( const void* p, long s ) { long remain = allocated - size_; if ( s > remain ) { if ( mode == fixed ) RAISE_ERROR( "Tried to write more data than expected" ); if ( mode == ignore_excess ) { s = remain; } else // expanding { long new_allocated = size_ + s; new_allocated += (new_allocated >> 1) + 2048; void* p = realloc( data_, new_allocated ); if ( !p ) RAISE_ERROR( "Out of memory" ); data_ = (char*) p; allocated = new_allocated; } } assert( size_ + s <= allocated ); memcpy( data_ + size_, p, s ); size_ += s; return 0; }
lib7_val_t _lib7_runtime_export_heap ( lib7_state_t* lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg ) { /* _lib7_runtime_export_heap : String -> Bool * * Export the world to the given file and return false (the exported version * returns true). */ char fname[1024]; FILE *file; strcpy(fname, STR_LIB7toC(arg)); /* XXX BUGGO FIXME no buffer overflow check! */ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr," export-heap.c:_lib7_runtime_export_heap: Writing file '%s'\n",fname); fprintf(stderr,"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if (!(file = fopen(fname, "wb"))) { return RAISE_ERROR(lib7_state, "unable to open file for writing"); } lib7_state->lib7_argument = LIB7_true; { int status = ExportHeapImage (lib7_state, file); fclose (file); if (status == SUCCESS) return LIB7_false; else return RAISE_ERROR( lib7_state, "export failed"); } }
AnnotationList::RuleBitSet AnnotationList::checkDuplicateDeclarations( DeclarationKind declKind, const QueryLoc& loc) const { RuleBitSet lCurrAnn; // mark and detect duplicates for (Annotations::const_iterator ite = theAnnotationList.begin(); ite != theAnnotationList.end(); ++ite) { const store::Item* qname = (*ite)->getQName(); AnnotationId id = (*ite)->getId(); // detect duplicate annotations (if we "know" them) if (id != AnnotationInternal::zann_end && lCurrAnn.test(id)) { if (declKind == var_decl) { RAISE_ERROR(err::XQST0116, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(XQST0116_Duplicate), qname->getStringValue())); } else { RAISE_ERROR(err::XQST0106, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(XQST0106_Duplicate), qname->getStringValue())); } } lCurrAnn.set(id); } return lCurrAnn; }
/* given an host int hte form of C string (e.g. "" or "localhost"), returns the address */ BOOL get_dst_sockaddr_storage(char *host, SOCKADDR_STORAGE *addrPtr) { struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL, *ressave = NULL; char serviceName[8] = {0}; sock_t sock = 0; if((host == NULL) || (addrPtr == NULL)) return RAISE_ERROR(ERROR_WRONG_ARG, NULL); bzero(&hints, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); if(NetWorkFamily == IPV6) { hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; hints.ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED; } else { hints.ai_family = AF_INET; } hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; snprintf(serviceName, sizeof(serviceName), "%d", SERVER_PORT); // endianness will be handled by getaddrinfo if (getaddrinfo(host, serviceName, &hints, &res) !=0 ) { return RAISE_ERROR(ERROR_GENERAL, "Can't resolve hostname"); } ressave = res; do { if((sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol)) < 0) { continue; /* try next address */ } break; } while ((res = res->ai_next) != NULL); close(sock); if(res == NULL) /* error on last iteration */ { RAISE_SYS_ERR(ERROR_CREATING); } sock_cpy_addr_port((SOCKADDR *)addrPtr, (res->ai_addr)); freeaddrinfo(ressave); return TRUE; }
/* _lib7_Ncurses_addch : Void -> Bool * */ lib7_val_t _lib7_Ncurses_addch (lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { #if HAVE_CURSES_H && HAVE_LIBNCURSES int ch = INT32_LIB7toC(arg); int result = addch( ch ); if (result == ERR) return RAISE_ERROR(lib7_state, "addch"); return LIB7_void; #else extern char* no_ncurses_support_in_runtime; return RAISE_ERROR(lib7_state, no_ncurses_support_in_runtime); #endif }
void dynamic_context::get_variable( ulong varid, const store::Item_t& varname, const QueryLoc& loc, store::Item_t& itemValue, store::TempSeq_t& seqValue) const { itemValue = NULL; seqValue = NULL; if (varid >= theVarValues.size() || theVarValues[varid].theState == VarValue::undeclared) { zstring varName = static_context::var_name(varname.getp()); if (varid >= theVarValues.size() || theVarValues[varid].theIsExternalOrLocal || (varid > 0 && varid < MAX_IDVARS_RESERVED)) { RAISE_ERROR(err::XPDY0002, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(XPDY0002_VariableUndeclared_2), varName)); } else { RAISE_ERROR(err::XQDY0054, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(varName)); } } const VarValue& var = theVarValues[varid]; if (var.theState == VarValue::declared) { zstring varName = static_context::var_name(varname.getp()); if (var.theIsExternalOrLocal) { RAISE_ERROR(err::XPDY0002, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(XPDY0002_VariableHasNoValue_2), varName)); } else { RAISE_ERROR(err::XQDY0054, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(varName)); } } if (var.theState == VarValue::item) itemValue = var.theValue.item; else seqValue = var.theValue.temp_seq; }
/******************************************************************************* declare updating function put($uri as xs:string, $doc as xs:document-node()) as empty-sequence() ********************************************************************************/ bool PutDocumentIterator::nextImpl( store::Item_t& result, PlanState& aPlanState) const { zstring lRetrievedUriString; zstring lResolvedUriString; store::Item_t lUri; store::Item_t lDoc; store::Item_t lResolvedUriItem; std::unique_ptr<store::PUL> lPul; PlanIteratorState* state; DEFAULT_STACK_INIT(PlanIteratorState, state, aPlanState); consumeNext(lUri, theChildren[0].getp(), aPlanState); // absolutize retrieved uri try { lUri->getStringValue2(lRetrievedUriString); lResolvedUriString = theSctx->resolve_relative_uri(lRetrievedUriString, true); } catch (ZorbaException const&) { RAISE_ERROR(err::FODC0004, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(lResolvedUriString, ZED(NoResolveRelativeURI))); } // check if document already exists in the store if (GENV_STORE.getDocument(lResolvedUriString) != NULL) { RAISE_ERROR(zerr::ZAPI0020_DOCUMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(lResolvedUriString)); } // create the pul and add the primitive GENV_ITEMFACTORY->createAnyURI(lResolvedUriItem, lResolvedUriString); lPul.reset(GENV_ITEMFACTORY->createPendingUpdateList()); consumeNext(lDoc, theChildren[1].getp(), aPlanState); lPul->addCreateDocument(&loc, lResolvedUriItem, lDoc); result = lPul.release(); STACK_PUSH(result != NULL, state); STACK_END(state); }
/* _lib7_Date_mktime : (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) * -> int32::Int * * This takes a 9-tuple with the fields: tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_mday, * tm_mon, tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday, tm_isdst, and returns the corresponding * localtime value (in seconds). */ lib7_val_t _lib7_Date_mktime (lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { struct tm tm; time_t t; tm.tm_sec = REC_SELINT(arg, 0); tm.tm_min = REC_SELINT(arg, 1); tm.tm_hour = REC_SELINT(arg, 2); tm.tm_mday = REC_SELINT(arg, 3); tm.tm_mon = REC_SELINT(arg, 4); tm.tm_year = REC_SELINT(arg, 5); /* tm.tm_wday = REC_SELINT(arg, 6); */ /* ignored by mktime */ /* tm.tm_yday = REC_SELINT(arg, 7); */ /* ignored by mktime */ tm.tm_isdst = REC_SELINT(arg, 8); t = mktime (&tm); if (t < 0) { return RAISE_ERROR(lib7_state, "Invalid date"); } else { lib7_val_t result; INT32_ALLOC(lib7_state, result, t); return result; } }
Val _lib7_Ncurses_move (Task* task, Val arg) { // : (Int, Int) -> Void //================== // #if HAVE_CURSES_H && HAVE_LIBNCURSES int y = INT1_LIB7toC( GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT(arg, 0) ); int x = INT1_LIB7toC( GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT(arg, 1) ); int result = move( y, x ); if (result == ERR) return RAISE_ERROR(task, "move"); return HEAP_VOID; #else extern char* no_ncurses_support_in_runtime; return RAISE_ERROR(task, no_ncurses_support_in_runtime); #endif }
char *popen_fgets(char *cmd, char *str, int len) { FILE *fp=NULL; if((cmd == NULL) || (str == NULL)) { RAISE_ERROR(ERROR_WRONG_ARG, NULL); return NULL; } printf_d("CMD: %s\t", cmd); memset(str, 0, len); fp = popen(cmd, "r"); if(fp == NULL) { printf_d("cmd:%s error!%s\n", cmd, strerror(errno)); APVLog("cmd:%s error!%s\n", cmd, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } fgets(str, len, fp); if(str[strlen(str)-1] == '\n') { str[strlen(str)-1] = '\0'; } pclose(fp); printf_d("result:%s\n", str); return str; }
/* _ml_P_Process_waitpid : int * word -> int * int * int * * Wait for child processes to stop or terminate */ ml_val_t _ml_P_Process_waitpid (ml_state_t *msp, ml_val_t arg) { int pid; int status, how, val; ml_val_t r; pid = waitpid(REC_SELINT(arg, 0), &status, REC_SELWORD(arg, 1)); if (pid < 0) return RAISE_SYSERR(msp, pid); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { how = 0; val = WEXITSTATUS(status); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { how = 1; val = WTERMSIG(status); } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { how = 2; val = WSTOPSIG(status); } else return RAISE_ERROR(msp, "unknown child status"); REC_ALLOC3(msp, r, INT_CtoML(pid), INT_CtoML(how), INT_CtoML(val)); return r; } /* end of _ml_P_Process_waitpid */
void kill_node(node n){ if(n != NULL){ free(n); n= NULL; } RAISE_ERROR("Could not delete node "); }
char *in_id(node n){ if(n != NULL){ return n->id; } RAISE_ERROR("NODE EMPTY -- could not find id"); return n->id; }
/* _lib7_P_Process_osval : String -> int * * Return the OS-dependent, compile-time constant specified by the string. */ lib7_val_t _lib7_P_Process_osval (lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { name_val_t *result = _lib7_posix_nv_lookup (STR_LIB7toC(arg), values, NUMELMS); if (result) return INT_CtoLib7(result->val); else return RAISE_ERROR(lib7_state, "system constant not defined"); }
/******************************************************************************* declare function is-available-document($uri as xs:string) as xs:boolean ********************************************************************************/ bool IsAvailableDocumentIterator::nextImpl( store::Item_t& result, PlanState& aPlanState) const { zstring lRetrievedUriString; zstring lResolvedUriString; store::Item_t lUri; PlanIteratorState* state; DEFAULT_STACK_INIT(PlanIteratorState, state, aPlanState); consumeNext(lUri, theChildren[0].getp(), aPlanState); // absolutize retrieved uri try { lUri->getStringValue2(lRetrievedUriString); lResolvedUriString = theSctx->resolve_relative_uri(lRetrievedUriString, true); } catch (ZorbaException const&) { RAISE_ERROR(err::FODC0004, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(lResolvedUriString, ZED(NoResolveRelativeURI))); } // check if document exists in the store GENV_ITEMFACTORY-> createBoolean(result, GENV_STORE.getDocument(lResolvedUriString) != NULL); STACK_PUSH(true, state); STACK_END(state); }
bool OpNumericUnaryIterator::nextImpl(store::Item_t& result, PlanState& planState) const { store::Item_t item; store::SchemaTypeCode type; const TypeManager* tm = theSctx->get_typemanager(); PlanIteratorState* state; DEFAULT_STACK_INIT(PlanIteratorState, state, planState); if (consumeNext(item, theChild.getp(), planState )) { assert(item->isAtomic()); type = item->getTypeCode(); if (type == store::XS_UNTYPED_ATOMIC) { GenericCast::castToBuiltinAtomic(item, item, store::XS_DOUBLE, NULL, loc); type = store::XS_DOUBLE; } // TODO Optimizations (e.g. if item has already the correct type and value, // it does not have to be created newly) if (TypeOps::is_subtype(type, store::XS_DOUBLE)) { GENV_ITEMFACTORY-> createDouble(result, (thePlus ? item->getDoubleValue() : -item->getDoubleValue())); } else if (TypeOps::is_subtype(type, store::XS_FLOAT)) { GENV_ITEMFACTORY-> createFloat(result, (thePlus ? item->getFloatValue() : -item->getFloatValue())); } else if (TypeOps::is_subtype(type, store::XS_INTEGER)) { GENV_ITEMFACTORY-> createInteger(result, (thePlus ? item->getIntegerValue() : -item->getIntegerValue())); } else if (TypeOps::is_subtype(type, store::XS_DECIMAL)) { GENV_ITEMFACTORY-> createDecimal(result, (thePlus ? item->getDecimalValue() : -item->getDecimalValue())); } else { xqtref_t type = tm->create_value_type(item); RAISE_ERROR(err::XPTY0004, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(BadTypeFor_23), type->toSchemaString(), ZED(UnaryArithOp))); } STACK_PUSH(true, state); } STACK_END(state); }
error_t Std_File_Writer::write( const void* p, long s ) { long result = (long) fwrite( p, 1, s, file_ ); if ( result != s ) RAISE_ERROR( "Couldn't write to file" ); return 0; }
static void Unpack_HLS(OBJ_PTR hls, double *hp, double *lp, double *sp, int *ierr) { int len = Array_Len(hls, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; if (len != 3) { RAISE_ERROR("Sorry: invalid hls array: must have 3 entries", ierr); return; } OBJ_PTR entry = Array_Entry(hls, 0, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; double h = Number_to_double(entry, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; entry = Array_Entry(hls, 1, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; double l = Number_to_double(entry, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; entry = Array_Entry(hls, 2, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; double s = Number_to_double(entry, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; if (l < 0.0 || l > 1.0) { RAISE_ERROR_g("Sorry: invalid lightness (%g) for hls: must be between 0 " "and 1", l, ierr); return; } if (s < 0.0 || s > 1.0) { RAISE_ERROR_g("Sorry: invalid saturation (%g) for hls: must be between " "0 and 1", s, ierr); return; } *hp = h; *lp = l; *sp = s; }
/* * this creates an arbitrary mapping from positions to colors given as * (r,g,b) triples * * the colormap size is set to the length of the vectors * * the Rs, Gs, and Bs are VALUEs from 0 to 1 representing the * intensity of the color component */ OBJ_PTR c_convert_to_colormap(OBJ_PTR fmkr, FM* p, OBJ_PTR Rs, OBJ_PTR Gs, OBJ_PTR Bs, int *ierr) { long r_len, g_len, b_len; double *r_ptr = Vector_Data_for_Read(Rs, &r_len, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) RETURN_NIL; double *g_ptr = Vector_Data_for_Read(Gs, &g_len, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) RETURN_NIL; double *b_ptr = Vector_Data_for_Read(Bs, &b_len, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) RETURN_NIL; if (r_len <= 0 || r_len != g_len || b_len != g_len) { RAISE_ERROR("Sorry: vectors for convert_to_colormap must all be of " "same length", ierr); RETURN_NIL; } int i, j, buff_len = r_len * 3; unsigned char *buff; buff = ALLOC_N_unsigned_char(buff_len); for (i = 0, j = 0; j < r_len; j++) { buff[i++] = ROUND(r_ptr[j]*255); buff[i++] = ROUND(g_ptr[j]*255); buff[i++] = ROUND(b_ptr[j]*255); } OBJ_PTR lookup = String_New((char *)buff, buff_len); free(buff); OBJ_PTR result = Array_New(2); Array_Store(result, 0, Integer_New(r_len-1), ierr); Array_Store(result, 1, lookup, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) RETURN_NIL; return result; }
void c_private_radial_shading(OBJ_PTR fmkr, FM *p, double x0, double y0, double r0, double x1, double y1, double r1, OBJ_PTR colormap, double a, double b, double c, double d, bool extend_start, bool extend_end, int *ierr) { int len = Array_Len(colormap, ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; if (len != 2) { RAISE_ERROR("Sorry: colormap must be array [hivalue, lookup]", ierr); return; } OBJ_PTR hival = Array_Entry(colormap, 0, ierr); OBJ_PTR lookup = Array_Entry(colormap, 1, ierr); int hi_value = Number_to_int(hival, ierr); int lookup_len = String_Len(lookup, ierr); unsigned char *lookup_ptr = (unsigned char *)(String_Ptr(lookup, ierr)); if (*ierr != 0) return; c_radial_shading(p, x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1, hi_value, lookup_len, lookup_ptr, convert_figure_to_output_dx(p, a), convert_figure_to_output_dy(p, b), convert_figure_to_output_dx(p, c), convert_figure_to_output_dy(p, d), convert_figure_to_output_x(p, 0.0), convert_figure_to_output_y(p, 0.0), extend_start, extend_end); }
void AnnotationList::checkLiterals(DeclarationKind k, const QueryLoc& loc) const { for (Annotations::const_iterator ite = theAnnotationList.begin(); ite != theAnnotationList.end(); ++ite) { AnnotationInternal* lAnn = *ite; switch (lAnn->getId()) { case AnnotationInternal::zann_exclude_from_cache_key: case AnnotationInternal::zann_compare_with_deep_equal: //One or more integers if (!lAnn->getNumLiterals()) { RAISE_ERROR(zerr::ZXQP0062_INVALID_ANNOTATION_LITERALS_NUMBER, loc, ERROR_PARAMS( AnnotationInternal::lookup(lAnn->getId())->getStringValue(), ZED(ZXQP0062_ONE_OR_MORE_LITERALS))); } for (csize i=0; i<lAnn->getNumLiterals(); ++i) checkLiteralType(lAnn, lAnn->getLiteral(i), store::XS_INTEGER, loc); break; default: break; } } }
/******************************************************************************* declare updating function remove($uri as xs:string) as empty-sequence() ********************************************************************************/ bool RemoveDocumentIterator::nextImpl( store::Item_t& result, PlanState& aPlanState) const { zstring lRetrievedUriString; zstring lResolvedUriString; store::Item_t lUri; store::Item_t lResolvedUriItem; store::PUL_t lPul; PlanIteratorState* state; DEFAULT_STACK_INIT(PlanIteratorState, state, aPlanState); consumeNext(lUri, theChildren[0].getp(), aPlanState); // absolutize retrieved uri try { lUri->getStringValue2(lRetrievedUriString); lResolvedUriString = theSctx->resolve_relative_uri(lRetrievedUriString, true); } catch (ZorbaException const&) { RAISE_ERROR(err::FODC0004, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(lResolvedUriString, ZED(NoResolveRelativeURI))); } // check if document exists in the store if (GENV_STORE.getDocument(lResolvedUriString) == NULL) { RAISE_ERROR(zerr::ZXQD0002_DOCUMENT_NOT_VALID, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(lResolvedUriString, ZED(NoURIInStore))); } // create the pul and add the primitive GENV_ITEMFACTORY->createAnyURI(lResolvedUriItem, lResolvedUriString); lPul = GENV_ITEMFACTORY->createPendingUpdateList(); lPul->addDeleteDocument(&loc, lResolvedUriItem); result.transfer(lPul); STACK_PUSH(result != NULL, state); STACK_END(state); }
lib7_val_t _lib7_runtime_itick ( lib7_state_t* lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg ) { /* _lib7_runtime_itick : Void -> (int * int) */ return RAISE_ERROR( lib7_state, "itick unimplemented"); }
void* loadPlugin(const char* path, uint16_t minVersion, const char* functionNames[], void** functionPtrs, const char** description) { void* handle; PredefinedFunctions preFuncs; int num, found; // Try to load the file handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL); if (handle == NULL) { RAISE_ERROR("Failed to load the plugin '%s' : %s", path, dlerror()); return NULL; } // Resolve the predefined functions load(handle, PredefinedNames, STRUCT_FUNC_PTRS(preFuncs), &num, &found); if (found != num) { RAISE_ERROR("Invalid plugin"); dlclose(handle); return NULL; } // Minimum version? if (preFuncs.getVersion() < minVersion) { RAISE_ERROR("Invalid plugin version (%u < %u)", preFuncs.getVersion(), minVersion); dlclose(handle); return NULL; } // Resolve the user-functions load(handle, functionNames, functionPtrs, &num, &found); if (found != num) { RAISE_ERROR("Plugin did not contain all functions (exp. = %d, found = %d)", num, found); dlclose(handle); return NULL; } // In case the user requested the description if (description != NULL) { *description = preFuncs.getDesc(); } return handle; }
void AnnotationList::checkRequiredDeclarations( RuleBitSet declaredAnn, DeclarationKind declKind, const QueryLoc& loc) const { // check rules std::vector<AnnotationRequirement>::const_iterator ite = AnnotationInternal::theRequiredRuleSet.begin(); std::vector<AnnotationRequirement>::const_iterator end = AnnotationInternal::theRequiredRuleSet.end(); for (; ite != end; ++ite) { const AnnotationId& lCurrAnn = ite->first; const RuleBitSet& lCurrSet = ite->second; if (declaredAnn.test(lCurrAnn) && (declaredAnn & lCurrSet).count() == 0) { // build error string to return set of required annotations std::ostringstream lProblems; for (csize i = 0, j = 0; i < AnnotationInternal::zann_end; ++i) { if (lCurrSet.test(i)) { AnnotationId id = static_cast<AnnotationId>(i); lProblems << AnnotationInternal::lookup(id)->getStringValue() << ((j == lCurrSet.count() - 1) ? "" : ", "); ++j; } } if (declKind == var_decl) { RAISE_ERROR(err::XQST0116, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(XQST0116_Requirement), AnnotationInternal::lookup(lCurrAnn)->getStringValue(), lProblems.str())); } else { RAISE_ERROR(err::XQST0106, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(XQST0106_Requirement), AnnotationInternal::lookup(lCurrAnn)->getStringValue(), lProblems.str())); } } } }
void FC_SHPCLMOVE(void **addr, fortran_integer_t *length, fortran_integer_t *errcode, fortran_integer_t *want_abort) { void *ret; SHMEM_ERR_CHECK_INITIALIZED(); SHMEM_ERR_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_HEAP(*addr); if (*length <= 0) { if (0 == *want_abort) { fprintf(stderr, "[%03d] shpclmove failure (invalid length)\n", shmem_internal_my_pe); RAISE_ERROR(-1); } else { *errcode = -1; return; } } shmem_internal_barrier_all(); SHMEM_MUTEX_LOCK(shmem_internal_mutex_alloc); ret = dlrealloc(*addr, *length * 4); /* length is number of 32 bit words */ SHMEM_MUTEX_UNLOCK(shmem_internal_mutex_alloc); if (*addr != NULL) { if (*addr == ret) { *errcode = 0; } else { *errcode = 1; } *addr = ret; } else { if (0 == *want_abort) { fprintf(stderr, "[%03d] shpclmove failure\n", shmem_internal_my_pe); RAISE_ERROR(-2); } else { *errcode = -2; return; } } shmem_internal_barrier_all(); }
/* _lib7_P_ProcEnv_ttyname: int -> String * * Return terminal name associated with file descriptor, if any. */ lib7_val_t _lib7_P_ProcEnv_ttyname (lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { char* name = ttyname(INT_LIB7toC(arg)); if (name == NULL) return RAISE_ERROR(lib7_state, "not a terminal device"); return LIB7_CString (lib7_state, name); }
/* _lib7_NetDB_getnetbyname : String -> (String * String list * addr_family * sysword) option */ lib7_val_t _lib7_NetDB_getnetbyname (lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { #if defined(OPSYS_WIN32) /* FIXME: getnetbyname() does not seem to exist under Windows. What is the equivalent? */ return RAISE_ERROR(lib7_state, "<getnetbyname not implemented>"); #else return _util_NetDB_mknetent (lib7_state, getnetbyname (STR_LIB7toC(arg))); #endif } /* end of _lib7_NetDB_getnetbyname */
void AnnotationList::checkConflictingDeclarations( RuleBitSet currAnn, DeclarationKind declKind, const QueryLoc& loc) const { // check rules std::vector<RuleBitSet>::const_iterator ite = AnnotationInternal::theConflictRuleSet.begin(); std::vector<RuleBitSet>::const_iterator end = AnnotationInternal::theConflictRuleSet.end(); for (; ite != end; ++ite) { const RuleBitSet& lCurrSet = *ite; if ((currAnn & lCurrSet).count() > 1) { // build error string to return set of conflicting annotations std::ostringstream lProblems; for (csize i = 0, j = 0; i < AnnotationInternal::zann_end; ++i) { if (lCurrSet.test(i)) { AnnotationId id = static_cast<AnnotationId>(i); lProblems << AnnotationInternal::lookup(id)->getStringValue() << ((j == (currAnn & lCurrSet).count() - 1) ? "" : ", "); ++j; } } if (declKind == var_decl) { RAISE_ERROR(err::XQST0116, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(XQST0116_Conflicting), lProblems.str())); } else { RAISE_ERROR(err::XQST0106, loc, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(XQST0106_Conflicting), lProblems.str())); } } } }