int naive_grasp(data *d, int flags) { int dim = d->numnodes; int start, cost, swaps; int *tour, *best_tour, best_cost, no_improvements; int use_three_opt = flags & DO_3OPT; long int i, limit; bool break_line = false; tour = MALLOC(dim, int); best_tour = MALLOC(dim, int); limit = (long int)dim * dim; printf("\nGRASP, %ld runs starting.. \n", limit); best_cost = INT_MAX; no_improvements = 0; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { start = RANDOM(dim); semi_greedy(d, start, tour, &cost); if (use_three_opt) { local_3opt(d, tour, &cost, &swaps); } else { local_2opt(d, tour, &cost, &swaps); } if (cost < best_cost) { if (flags & BE_VERBOSE) { if (break_line) { break_line = false; printf("\n"); } printf("%ld: %d, %d\n", i, cost, start); } best_cost = cost; memcpy(best_tour, tour, dim * sizeof(int)); no_improvements = 0; } else { no_improvements++; if (flags & BE_VERBOSE && !(no_improvements % 50)) { printf(">"); break_line = true; fflush(stdout); } } if (no_improvements == 5000) { if (flags & BE_VERBOSE) { if (break_line) { printf("\n"); break_line = false; } printf("No improvements for %d runs, stopping.\n", no_improvements); } break; } } if (flags & BE_VERBOSE) { if (break_line) printf("\n"); show_sol(best_tour, dim, best_cost); printf("Executions: %ld\n", i); } printf("\nGRASP final cost: %d\n", best_cost); free(tour); free(best_tour); return 0; }
main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int i,j,k; int nr, n_run; int n,m; double **A, **At, **G, **Gt, **GtG, **U, **Ut, **UtU, *w, **V, norm; double *v; FILE *stream; if (argc <4){ fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s m n n_run <datfile>\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } m = atoi(argv[1]); n = atoi(argv[2]); n_run = atoi(argv[3]); if (argc == 5){ if ((stream = fopen(argv[4], "r")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s.\n", argv[4]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { stream = stdin; } A = ALLOC_MATRIX(m,n); /* for(i=0; i<m; ++i){ */ /* for(j=0; j<n; ++j){ */ /* if (fscanf(stream,"%lf", A[i]+j) != 1){ */ /* fprintf(stderr,"Error occured in reading the data.\n"); */ /* exit(EXIT_FAILURE); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* } */ for(i=0; i<m; ++i){ for(j=0; j<n; ++j){ A[i][j] = RANDOM(-10.0,10.0); } } /* print A */ U = ALLOC_MATRIX(m,n); COPY_VECTOR(A[0], U[0], m*n); for(i=0; i<m; ++i){ for(j=0; j<n; ++j) printf("%8.2f ", U[i][j]); printf("\n"); } printf("Using Gram-Schmidt\n"); /* gram-schmidt */ At = RECT_TRANSPOSE(A, m,n); Gt = ALLOC_MATRIX(n,m); for(i=0; i<n_run; ++i){ COPY_VECTOR(At[0], Gt[0], n*m); GRAM_SCHMIDT(Gt,n,m); } printf("Orthogonal vectors are \n"); for (i=0; i<n; ++i){ for(j=0, norm=0.0; j<m; ++j){ norm += SQR(Gt[i][j]); printf("%.6f ", Gt[i][j]); } printf(" %f\n",norm); } G = RECT_TRANSPOSE(Gt,n,m); GtG = ALLOC_MATRIX(n,n); printf("S=\n"); for(i=0; i<n; ++i){ for(j=0; j<n; ++j){ GtG[i][j]=0.0; for(k=0; k<m; ++k) GtG[i][j]+=Gt[i][k]*G[k][j]; printf("%8.1e ", GtG[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } /* project random vector against orthogonal basis */ v = ALLOC_VECTOR(m); for(i=0; i<m; ++i) v[i] = RANDOM(-10,10); PROJECT(v, m, Gt, n); for(i=0; i<n; ++i) printf("v.G[%2d] = %9.2e\n", i, DOTP(v,Gt[i],m)); }
/* benchmark alloc / free */ ilong memory_case(ilong limit, ilong hiwater, ilong times, int rate, ilong seed) { struct case_t { ilong size, m1, m2; char *ptr; }; struct case_t *record, *p; iulong startup = 0, water = 0, maxmem = 0, sizev = 0; ilong pagesize, page_in, page_out, page_inuse; double waste; char *ptr; int count = 0, maxium = 0; int mode, size, pos; int retval = 0; record = (struct case_t*)malloc(100); xseed = seed; startup = gettime(); for (; times >= 0; times--) { mode = 0; if (RANDOM(100) < rate) { size = RANDOM(limit); if (size < sizeof(ilong) * 2) size = sizeof(ilong) * 2; if (water + size >= hiwater) mode = 1; } else { mode = 1; } /* TO ALLOC new memory block */ if (mode == 0) { if (count + 4 >= maxium) { maxium = maxium? maxium * 2 : 8; maxium = maxium >= count + 4? maxium : count + 4; sizev = maxium * sizeof(struct case_t); record = (struct case_t*)realloc(record, maxium * sizeof(struct case_t)); assert(record); } ptr = xmalloc(size); assert(ptr); /* record pointer */ p = &record[count++]; p->ptr = ptr; p->size = size; p->m1 = rand() & 0x7ffffff; p->m2 = rand() & 0x7ffffff; water += size; /* writing magic data */ *(ilong*)ptr = p->m1; *(ilong*)(ptr + p->size - sizeof(ilong)) = p->m2; } /* TO FREE old memory block */ else if (count > 0) { pos = RANDOM(count); record[count] = record[pos]; p = &record[count]; record[pos] = record[--count]; ptr = p->ptr; /* checking magic data */ if (*(ilong*)ptr != p->m1) { printf("[BAD] bad magic1: %lxh size=%d times=%d\n", ptr, p->size, times); return -1; } if (*(ilong*)(ptr + p->size - sizeof(ilong)) != p->m2) { printf("[BAD] bad magic2: %lxh size=%d times=%d\n", ptr, p->size, times); return -1; } xfree(ptr); water -= p->size; } if (water > maxmem) maxmem = water; } /* state page-supplier */ page_in = imem_gfp_default.pages_new; page_out = imem_gfp_default.pages_del; page_inuse = imem_gfp_default.pages_inuse; pagesize = imem_page_size; /* free last memory blocks */ for (pos = 0; pos < count; pos++) { p = &record[pos]; ptr = p->ptr; if (*(ilong*)ptr != p->m1) { printf("[BAD] bad magic: %lxh\n", ptr); return -1; } if (*(ilong*)(ptr + p->size - sizeof(ilong)) != p->m2) { printf("[BAD] bad magic: %lxh\n", ptr); return -1; } xfree(ptr); } /* caculate time */ startup = gettime() - startup; free(record); if (kmem_turnon && water > 0) { waste = (pagesize * page_inuse - water) * 100.0 / water; } else { waste = 0; } printf("timing: total time is %lums maxmem is %lubytes\n", startup, maxmem); if (kmem_turnon) { printf( "status: pages (in=%lu out=%lu inuse=%lu) waste=%.2f%%\n", page_in, page_out, page_inuse, waste); } printf("\n"); return (ilong)startup; }
void effect_tick(void) { int n,cnt=0,in,m,co,fn,cn,in2,flag,z; for (n=1; n<MAXEFFECT; n++) { if (fx[n].used==USE_EMPTY) continue; cnt++; if (fx[n].used!=USE_ACTIVE) continue; if (fx[n].type==1) { // remove injury flag from map fx[n].duration--; if (fx[n].duration==0) { fx[n].used=USE_EMPTY; map[fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX].flags&=~(MF_GFX_INJURED|MF_GFX_INJURED1|MF_GFX_INJURED2); } } if (fx[n].type==2) { // timer for character respawn if (fx[n].duration) fx[n].duration--; if (fx[n].duration==0 && plr_check_target(fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX)) { m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags|=MF_MOVEBLOCK; fx[n].type=8; } } if (fx[n].type==3) { // death mist fx[n].duration++; if (fx[n].duration==19) { fx[n].used=0; m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_DEATH; } else { m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_DEATH; map[m].flags|=((unsigned long long)fx[n].duration)<<40; if (fx[n].duration==9) { plr_map_remove(fx[n].data[2]); if (can_drop(m)) ; else if (can_drop(m+1)) m+=1; else if (can_drop(m-1)) m+=-1; else if (can_drop(m+MAPX)) m+=MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-MAPX)) m+=-MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+1+MAPX)) m+=1+MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+1-MAPX)) m+=1-MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-1+MAPX)) m+=-1+MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-1-MAPX)) m+=-1-MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+2)) m+=2; else if (can_drop(m-2)) m+=-2; else if (can_drop(m+2*MAPX)) m+=2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-2*MAPX)) m+=-2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+2+MAPX)) m+=2+MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+2-MAPX)) m+=2-MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-2+MAPX)) m+=-2+MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-2-MAPX)) m+=-2-MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+1+2*MAPX)) m+=1+2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+1-2*MAPX)) m+=1-2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-1+2*MAPX)) m+=-1+2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-1-2*MAPX)) m+=-1-2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+2+2*MAPX)) m+=2+2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m+2-2*MAPX)) m+=2-2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-2+2*MAPX)) m+=-2+2*MAPX; else if (can_drop(m-2-2*MAPX)) m+=-2-2*MAPX; else { int temp; co=fx[n].data[2]; temp=ch[co].temp; chlog(co,"could not drop grave"); god_destroy_items(co); ch[co].used=USE_EMPTY; if (ch[co].flags&CF_RESPAWN) fx_add_effect(2,TICKS*60*5+RANDOM(TICKS*60*10),ch_temp[temp].x,ch_temp[temp].y,temp); m=0; } if (m) { co=fx[n].data[2]; flag=0; for (z=0; z<40 && !flag; z++) { if (ch[co].item[z]) { flag=1; break; } } for (z=0; z<20 && !flag; z++) { if (ch[co].worn[z]) { flag=1; break; } } if (ch[co].citem) flag=1; if (ch[co].gold) flag=1; if (flag) { map[m].flags|=MF_MOVEBLOCK; fn=fx_add_effect(4,0,m%MAPX,m/MAPX,fx[n].data[2]); fx[fn].data[3]=fx[n].data[3]; } else { int temp; temp=ch[co].temp; god_destroy_items(co); ch[co].used=USE_EMPTY; if (temp && (ch[co].flags&CF_RESPAWN)) { if (temp==189 || temp==561) { fx_add_effect(2,TICKS*60*20+RANDOM(TICKS*60*5),ch_temp[temp].x,ch_temp[temp].y,temp); } else { fx_add_effect(2,TICKS*60*4+RANDOM(TICKS*60*1),ch_temp[temp].x,ch_temp[temp].y,temp); } xlog("respawn %d (%s): YES",co,ch[co].name); } else xlog("respawn %d (%s): NO",co,ch[co].name); } } } } } if (fx[n].type==4) { // tomb stone fx[n].duration++; if (fx[n].duration==29) { fx[n].used=USE_EMPTY; co=fx[n].data[2]; m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_TOMB; map[m].flags&=~MF_MOVEBLOCK; in=god_create_item(170); it[in].data[0]=co; if (ch[co].data[99]) it[in].max_age[0]*=4; sprintf(it[in].description,"Here rests %s, killed by %s on the %d%s%s%s%s day of the Year %d.", ch[co].reference, fx[n].data[3] ? ch[fx[n].data[3]].reference : "unknown causes", globs->mdday, (globs->mdday==1 ? "st" : ""), (globs->mdday==2 ? "nd" : ""), (globs->mdday==3 ? "rd" : ""), (globs->mdday>3 ? "th" : ""), globs->mdyear); god_drop_item(in,fx[n].data[0],fx[n].data[1]); ch[co].x=it[in].x; ch[co].y=it[in].y; chlog(co,"grave done"); } else { m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_TOMB; map[m].flags|=((unsigned long long)fx[n].duration)<<35; } } if (fx[n].type==5) { // evil magic fx[n].duration++; m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; if (fx[n].duration==8) { fx[n].used=USE_EMPTY; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_EMAGIC; } else { map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_EMAGIC; map[m].flags|=((unsigned long long)fx[n].duration)<<45; } } if (fx[n].type==6) { // good magic fx[n].duration++; m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; if (fx[n].duration==8) { fx[n].used=USE_EMPTY; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_GMAGIC; } else { map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_GMAGIC; map[m].flags|=((unsigned long long)fx[n].duration)<<48; } } if (fx[n].type==7) { // caster magic fx[n].duration++; m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; if (fx[n].duration==8) { fx[n].used=USE_EMPTY; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_CMAGIC; } else { map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_CMAGIC; map[m].flags|=((unsigned long long)fx[n].duration)<<51; } } if (fx[n].type==8) { // repawn mist fx[n].duration++; if (fx[n].duration==19) { fx[n].used=0; m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_DEATH; } else { m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_DEATH; map[m].flags|=((unsigned long long)fx[n].duration)<<40; if (fx[n].duration==9) { m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_MOVEBLOCK; if (!pop_create_char(fx[n].data[2],1) && (ch_temp[fx[n].data[2]].flags&CF_RESPAWN)) { fx[n].type=2; fx[n].duration=TICKS*60*5; // try again every 5 minutes map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_DEATH; } } } } if (fx[n].type==9) { // controlled item animation with optional monster creation fx[n].duration--; in=fx[n].data[0]; if (!(fx[n].duration&1)) it[in].status[1]++; if (fx[n].duration==0) { map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAPX].it=0; if (fx[n].data[1]) { cn=pop_create_char(fx[n].data[1],0); god_drop_char(cn,it[in].x,it[in].y); ch[cn].dir=DX_RIGHTUP; plr_reset_status(cn); } fx[n].used=USE_EMPTY; it[in].used=USE_EMPTY; } } if (fx[n].type==10) { // respawn object if (fx[n].duration) fx[n].duration--; else { m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; // check if object isnt allowed to respawn (supporting beams for mine) if (is_beam(map[m].it) || is_beam(map[m-1].it) || is_beam(map[m+1].it) || is_beam(map[m-MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-2].it) || is_beam(map[m+2].it) || is_beam(map[m-2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-1+1*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+1+1*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-1-1*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+1-1*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-2+1*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+2+1*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-2-1*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+2-1*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-1+2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+1+2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-1-2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+1-2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-2+2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+2+2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m-2-2*MAPX].it) || is_beam(map[m+2-2*MAPX].it)) { fx[n].duration=TICKS*60*15; continue; } in2=map[m].it; map[m].it=0; in=god_create_item(fx[n].data[2]); if (!god_drop_item(in,fx[n].data[0],fx[n].data[1])) { fx[n].duration=TICKS*60; it[in].used=USE_EMPTY; map[m].it=in2; } else { fx[n].used=USE_EMPTY; if (in2) it[in2].used=USE_EMPTY; reset_go(fx[n].data[0],fx[n].data[1]); } } } if (fx[n].type==11) { // remove queued spell flags fx[n].duration--; if (fx[n].duration<1) { fx[n].used=USE_EMPTY; ch[fx[n].data[0]].data[96]&=~fx[n].data[1]; } } if (fx[n].type==12) { // death mist fx[n].duration++; if (fx[n].duration==19) { fx[n].used=0; m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_DEATH; } else { m=fx[n].data[0]+fx[n].data[1]*MAPX; map[m].flags&=~MF_GFX_DEATH; map[m].flags|=((unsigned long long)fx[n].duration)<<40; } } } globs->effect_cnt=cnt; }
TGarden *GardenCreate(const float pWidth, const float pHeight, const float pX, const float pY, const float pZ) { /*! Create Ground Plane */ TRenderEntity *lPlane = RenderEntityCreateQuadTextured(pWidth, pHeight, GARDEN_GROUND_TEXTURE); if(lPlane == NULL) return NULL; CLASS_CREATE(TGarden); Matrix4GetIdentity(&this->mModelView); Matrix4SetTranslate(&this->mModelView, pX, pY, pZ); this->mGround[0] = RenderEntityClone(lPlane); RenderEntityRotate(this->mGround[0], 90.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); this->mGround[1] = RenderEntityClone(lPlane); RenderEntityRotate(this->mGround[1],-90.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); RenderEntityDestroy(lPlane); /*! Dummy Grass which will be cloned as necessary */ TGrass *lGrass = GrassCreate(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, GRASS_SIN_WAVE); if(lGrass!=NULL) { int i,j; vec2 lOffsets[GARDEN_MAX_GRASS_RINGS] = { {0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f} }; for(j=0;j<GARDEN_MAX_GRASS_RINGS;j++) for(i=0;i<GARDEN_MAX_GRASS_LINES;i++) { TGrass *lClone = GrassClone(lGrass); float lAngle = i * (2.0*M_PI/GARDEN_MAX_GRASS_LINES); float lX = cos(lAngle)*(15.0f - (j*5)); float lZ = sin(lAngle)*(15.0f - (j*5)); GrassSetPosition(lClone, lX + lOffsets[j][0], 0.0f, lZ + lOffsets[j][1]); //! Random Type GrassSetType(lClone, RANDOM(GRASS_MAX_TYPES)); //! Random Number of Segments GrassSetNumSegments(lClone, RANDOM(GRASS_MAX_SEGMENTS)+16); //! Inner Ring is Red if(j == GARDEN_MAX_GRASS_RINGS-1) { GrassSetColor(lClone, 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } this->mGrass[j][i] = lClone; } GrassDestroy(lGrass); } else { printf("Garden: grass couldn't be created for some reason. Crash is ahead!\n"); } CLASS_INSTANCE(); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { gl_list_t list1, list2, list3; set_program_name (argv[0]); /* Allow the user to provide a non-default random seed on the command line. */ if (argc > 1) srand (atoi (argv[1])); { size_t initial_size = RANDOM (50); const void **contents = (const void **) malloc (initial_size * sizeof (const void *)); size_t i; unsigned int repeat; for (i = 0; i < initial_size; i++) contents[i] = RANDOM_OBJECT (); /* Create list1. */ list1 = gl_list_nx_create (GL_ARRAY_LIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, initial_size, contents); ASSERT (list1 != NULL); /* Create list2. */ list2 = gl_list_nx_create_empty (GL_RBTREE_LIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, true); ASSERT (list2 != NULL); for (i = 0; i < initial_size; i++) ASSERT (gl_list_nx_add_last (list2, contents[i]) != NULL); /* Create list3. */ list3 = gl_list_nx_create (GL_RBTREE_LIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, initial_size, contents); ASSERT (list3 != NULL); check_all (list1, list2, list3); for (repeat = 0; repeat < 10000; repeat++) { unsigned int operation = RANDOM (16); switch (operation) { case 0: if (gl_list_size (list1) > 0) { size_t index = RANDOM (gl_list_size (list1)); const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); gl_list_node_t node1, node2, node3; node1 = gl_list_nx_set_at (list1, index, obj); ASSERT (node1 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, index) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, node1) == obj); node2 = gl_list_nx_set_at (list2, index, obj); ASSERT (node2 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, index) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, node2) == obj); node3 = gl_list_nx_set_at (list3, index, obj); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, index) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, node3) == obj); if (index > 0) { ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, gl_list_previous_node (list1, node1)) == gl_list_get_at (list1, index - 1)); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, gl_list_previous_node (list3, node3)) == gl_list_get_at (list2, index - 1)); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, gl_list_previous_node (list3, node3)) == gl_list_get_at (list2, index - 1)); } if (index + 1 < gl_list_size (list1)) { ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, gl_list_next_node (list1, node1)) == gl_list_get_at (list1, index + 1)); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, gl_list_next_node (list3, node3)) == gl_list_get_at (list2, index + 1)); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, gl_list_next_node (list3, node3)) == gl_list_get_at (list2, index + 1)); } } break; case 1: { const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); gl_list_node_t node1, node2, node3; node1 = gl_list_search (list1, obj); node2 = gl_list_search (list2, obj); node3 = gl_list_search (list3, obj); if (node1 == NULL) { ASSERT (node2 == NULL); ASSERT (node3 == NULL); } else { ASSERT (node2 != NULL); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, node1) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, node2) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, node3) == obj); } } break; case 2: { const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); size_t index1, index2, index3; index1 = gl_list_indexof (list1, obj); index2 = gl_list_indexof (list2, obj); index3 = gl_list_indexof (list3, obj); if (index1 == (size_t)(-1)) { ASSERT (index2 == (size_t)(-1)); ASSERT (index3 == (size_t)(-1)); } else { ASSERT (index2 != (size_t)(-1)); ASSERT (index3 != (size_t)(-1)); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, index1) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, index2) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, index3) == obj); ASSERT (index2 == index1); ASSERT (index3 == index1); } } break; case 3: /* add 1 element */ { const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); gl_list_node_t node1, node2, node3; node1 = gl_list_nx_add_first (list1, obj); ASSERT (node1 != NULL); node2 = gl_list_nx_add_first (list2, obj); ASSERT (node2 != NULL); node3 = gl_list_nx_add_first (list3, obj); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, node1) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, node2) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, node3) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, 0) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, 0) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, 0) == obj); } break; case 4: /* add 1 element */ { const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); gl_list_node_t node1, node2, node3; node1 = gl_list_nx_add_last (list1, obj); ASSERT (node1 != NULL); node2 = gl_list_nx_add_last (list2, obj); ASSERT (node2 != NULL); node3 = gl_list_nx_add_last (list3, obj); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, node1) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, node2) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, node3) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, gl_list_size (list1) - 1) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, gl_list_size (list2) - 1) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, gl_list_size (list3) - 1) == obj); } break; case 5: /* add 3 elements */ { const char *obj0 = RANDOM_OBJECT (); const char *obj1 = RANDOM_OBJECT (); const char *obj2 = RANDOM_OBJECT (); gl_list_node_t node1, node2, node3; node1 = gl_list_nx_add_first (list1, obj2); ASSERT (node1 != NULL); node1 = gl_list_nx_add_before (list1, node1, obj0); ASSERT (node1 != NULL); node1 = gl_list_nx_add_after (list1, node1, obj1); ASSERT (node1 != NULL); node2 = gl_list_nx_add_first (list2, obj2); ASSERT (node2 != NULL); node2 = gl_list_nx_add_before (list2, node2, obj0); ASSERT (node2 != NULL); node2 = gl_list_nx_add_after (list2, node2, obj1); ASSERT (node2 != NULL); node3 = gl_list_nx_add_first (list3, obj2); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); node3 = gl_list_nx_add_before (list3, node3, obj0); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); node3 = gl_list_nx_add_after (list3, node3, obj1); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, node1) == obj1); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, node2) == obj1); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, node3) == obj1); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, 0) == obj0); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, 1) == obj1); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, 2) == obj2); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, 0) == obj0); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, 1) == obj1); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, 2) == obj2); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, 0) == obj0); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, 1) == obj1); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, 2) == obj2); } break; case 6: /* add 1 element */ { size_t index = RANDOM (gl_list_size (list1) + 1); const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); gl_list_node_t node1, node2, node3; node1 = gl_list_nx_add_at (list1, index, obj); ASSERT (node1 != NULL); node2 = gl_list_nx_add_at (list2, index, obj); ASSERT (node2 != NULL); node3 = gl_list_nx_add_at (list3, index, obj); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, index) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, node1) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, index) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, node2) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, index) == obj); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, node3) == obj); if (index > 0) { ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, gl_list_previous_node (list1, node1)) == gl_list_get_at (list1, index - 1)); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, gl_list_previous_node (list3, node3)) == gl_list_get_at (list2, index - 1)); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, gl_list_previous_node (list3, node3)) == gl_list_get_at (list2, index - 1)); } if (index + 1 < gl_list_size (list1)) { ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list1, gl_list_next_node (list1, node1)) == gl_list_get_at (list1, index + 1)); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list2, gl_list_next_node (list3, node3)) == gl_list_get_at (list2, index + 1)); ASSERT (gl_list_node_value (list3, gl_list_next_node (list3, node3)) == gl_list_get_at (list2, index + 1)); } } break; case 7: case 8: /* remove 1 element */ if (gl_list_size (list1) > 0) { size_t n = gl_list_size (list1); const char *obj = gl_list_get_at (list1, RANDOM (n)); gl_list_node_t node1, node2, node3; node1 = gl_list_search (list1, obj); node2 = gl_list_search (list2, obj); node3 = gl_list_search (list3, obj); ASSERT (node1 != NULL); ASSERT (node2 != NULL); ASSERT (node3 != NULL); ASSERT (gl_list_remove_node (list1, node1)); ASSERT (gl_list_remove_node (list2, node2)); ASSERT (gl_list_remove_node (list3, node3)); ASSERT (gl_list_size (list1) == n - 1); } break; case 9: case 10: /* remove 1 element */ if (gl_list_size (list1) > 0) { size_t n = gl_list_size (list1); size_t index = RANDOM (n); ASSERT (gl_list_remove_at (list1, index)); ASSERT (gl_list_remove_at (list2, index)); ASSERT (gl_list_remove_at (list3, index)); ASSERT (gl_list_size (list1) == n - 1); } break; case 11: case 12: /* remove 1 element */ if (gl_list_size (list1) > 0) { size_t n = gl_list_size (list1); const char *obj = gl_list_get_at (list1, RANDOM (n)); ASSERT (gl_list_remove (list1, obj)); ASSERT (gl_list_remove (list2, obj)); ASSERT (gl_list_remove (list3, obj)); ASSERT (gl_list_size (list1) == n - 1); } break; case 13: if (gl_list_size (list1) > 0) { size_t n = gl_list_size (list1); const char *obj = "xyzzy"; ASSERT (!gl_list_remove (list1, obj)); ASSERT (!gl_list_remove (list2, obj)); ASSERT (!gl_list_remove (list3, obj)); ASSERT (gl_list_size (list1) == n); } break; case 14: { size_t n = gl_list_size (list1); gl_list_iterator_t iter1, iter2, iter3; const void *elt; iter1 = gl_list_iterator (list1); iter2 = gl_list_iterator (list2); iter3 = gl_list_iterator (list3); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ASSERT (gl_list_iterator_next (&iter1, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, i) == elt); ASSERT (gl_list_iterator_next (&iter2, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, i) == elt); ASSERT (gl_list_iterator_next (&iter3, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, i) == elt); } ASSERT (!gl_list_iterator_next (&iter1, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (!gl_list_iterator_next (&iter2, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (!gl_list_iterator_next (&iter3, &elt, NULL)); gl_list_iterator_free (&iter1); gl_list_iterator_free (&iter2); gl_list_iterator_free (&iter3); } break; case 15: { size_t end = RANDOM (gl_list_size (list1) + 1); size_t start = RANDOM (end + 1); gl_list_iterator_t iter1, iter2, iter3; const void *elt; iter1 = gl_list_iterator_from_to (list1, start, end); iter2 = gl_list_iterator_from_to (list2, start, end); iter3 = gl_list_iterator_from_to (list3, start, end); for (i = start; i < end; i++) { ASSERT (gl_list_iterator_next (&iter1, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list1, i) == elt); ASSERT (gl_list_iterator_next (&iter2, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list2, i) == elt); ASSERT (gl_list_iterator_next (&iter3, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (gl_list_get_at (list3, i) == elt); } ASSERT (!gl_list_iterator_next (&iter1, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (!gl_list_iterator_next (&iter2, &elt, NULL)); ASSERT (!gl_list_iterator_next (&iter3, &elt, NULL)); gl_list_iterator_free (&iter1); gl_list_iterator_free (&iter2); gl_list_iterator_free (&iter3); } break; } check_all (list1, list2, list3); } gl_list_free (list1); gl_list_free (list2); gl_list_free (list3); free (contents); } return 0; }
void minewall(int in,int cn) { int in2,amount,co; char buf[80]; if (!cn) { if (!it[in].drdata[4]) { it[in].drdata[4]=1; switch((it[in].x+it[in].y)%3) { case 0: it[in].sprite=15070; break; case 1: it[in].sprite=15078; break; case 2: it[in].sprite=15086; break; } } if (it[in].drdata[3]==8) { if ((map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP].flags&MF_TMOVEBLOCK) || map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP].it) { call_item(it[in].driver,in,0,ticker+TICKS); return; } it[in].sprite-=8; it[in].drdata[3]=0; it[in].flags|=IF_USE; it[in].flags&=~IF_VOID; remove_lights(it[in].x,it[in].y); map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP].it=in; map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP].flags|=MF_TSIGHTBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK; it[in].flags|=IF_SIGHTBLOCK; reset_los(it[in].x,it[in].y); add_lights(it[in].x,it[in].y); set_sector(it[in].x,it[in].y); } return; } if (ch[cn].citem) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"Please empty your hand (mouse cursor) first."); player_driver_dig_off(cn); return; } if (it[in].drdata[3]<9) { if (ch[cn].endurance<POWERSCALE) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You're too exhausted to continue digging."); player_driver_dig_off(cn); return; } ch[cn].endurance-=POWERSCALE/4-(ch[cn].prof[P_MINER]*POWERSCALE/(4*25)); it[in].drdata[3]++; it[in].drdata[5]=0; it[in].sprite++; if (it[in].drdata[3]==8) { map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP].it=0; map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP].flags&=~MF_TMOVEBLOCK; it[in].flags&=~IF_USE; it[in].flags|=IF_VOID; call_item(it[in].driver,in,0,ticker+TICKS*60*5+RANDOM(TICKS*60*25)); if (!RANDOM(15)) { in2=create_item("silver"); if (!in2) elog("silver not found"); amount=RANDOM(it[in].drdata[0]*2+1)+it[in].drdata[0]; //xlog("amount=%d",amount); if (ch[cn].prof[P_MINER]) amount+=amount*ch[cn].prof[P_MINER]/10; //xlog("amount=%d",amount); if (!amount && in2) { destroy_item(in2); } } else if (!RANDOM(50)) { in2=create_item("gold"); if (!in2) elog("gold not found"); amount=RANDOM(it[in].drdata[1]*2+1)+it[in].drdata[1]; if (ch[cn].prof[P_MINER]) amount+=amount*ch[cn].prof[P_MINER]/10; if (!amount && in2) { destroy_item(in2); } } else amount=in2=0; if (amount && in2) { it[in2].value*=amount; *(unsigned int*)(it[in2].drdata+1)=amount; sprintf(it[in2].description,"%d units of %s.",*(unsigned int*)(it[in2].drdata+1),it[in2].name); if (ch[cn].flags&CF_PLAYER) dlog(cn,in2,"took from minewall"); ch[cn].citem=in2; it[in2].carried=cn; ch[cn].flags|=CF_ITEMS; log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You found %d units of %s.",amount,it[in2].name); if (it[in2].drdata[0]==1) check_military_silver(cn,amount); } if (!RANDOM(10)) { sprintf(buf,"miner%d",it[in].drdata[2]); co=create_char(buf,0); if (!co) elog("%s not found",buf); if (co) { if (drop_char(co,it[in].x,it[in].y,0)) { ch[co].tmpx=ch[co].x; ch[co].tmpy=ch[co].y; update_char(co); ch[co].hp=ch[co].value[0][V_HP]*POWERSCALE; ch[co].endurance=ch[co].value[0][V_ENDURANCE]*POWERSCALE; ch[co].mana=ch[co].value[0][V_MANA]*POWERSCALE; ch[co].dir=DX_RIGHTDOWN; } else { destroy_char(co); } } } } set_sector(it[in].x,it[in].y); if (it[in].drdata[3]==3) { remove_lights(it[in].x,it[in].y); map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP].flags&=~MF_TSIGHTBLOCK; it[in].flags&=~IF_SIGHTBLOCK; reset_los(it[in].x,it[in].y); add_lights(it[in].x,it[in].y); } } if (it[in].drdata[3]<8) player_driver_dig_on(cn); else player_driver_dig_off(cn); }
void do_kill(int descr, dbref player, const char *what, int cost) { dbref victim; char buf[BUFFER_LEN]; struct match_data md; init_match(descr, player, what, TYPE_PLAYER, &md); match_neighbor(&md); match_me(&md); if (Wizard(OWNER(player))) { match_player(&md); match_absolute(&md); } victim = match_result(&md); switch (victim) { case NOTHING: notify(player, "I don't see that player here."); break; case AMBIGUOUS: notify(player, "I don't know who you mean!"); break; default: if (Typeof(victim) != TYPE_PLAYER) { notify(player, "Sorry, you can only kill other players."); } else { /* go for it */ /* set cost */ if (cost < tp_kill_min_cost) cost = tp_kill_min_cost; if (FLAGS(DBFETCH(player)->location) & HAVEN) { notify(player, "You can't kill anyone here!"); break; } if (tp_restrict_kill) { if (!(FLAGS(player) & KILL_OK)) { notify(player, "You have to be set Kill_OK to kill someone."); break; } if (!(FLAGS(victim) & KILL_OK)) { notify(player, "They don't want to be killed."); break; } } /* see if it works */ if (!payfor(player, cost)) { notify_fmt(player, "You don't have enough %s.", tp_pennies); } else if ((RANDOM() % tp_kill_base_cost) < cost && !Wizard(OWNER(victim))) { /* you killed him */ if (GETDROP(victim)) /* give him the drop message */ notify(player, GETDROP(victim)); else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "You killed %s!", NAME(victim)); notify(player, buf); } /* now notify everybody else */ if (GETODROP(victim)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s killed %s! ", NAME(player), NAME(victim)); parse_oprop(descr, player, getloc(player), victim, MESGPROP_ODROP, buf, "(@Odrop)"); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s killed %s!", NAME(player), NAME(victim)); } notify_except(DBFETCH(DBFETCH(player)->location)->contents, player, buf, player); /* maybe pay off the bonus */ if (GETVALUE(victim) < tp_max_pennies) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Your insurance policy pays %d %s.", tp_kill_bonus, tp_pennies); notify(victim, buf); SETVALUE(victim, GETVALUE(victim) + tp_kill_bonus); DBDIRTY(victim); } else { notify(victim, "Your insurance policy has been revoked."); } /* send him home */ send_home(descr, victim, 1); } else { /* notify player and victim only */ notify(player, "Your murder attempt failed."); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s tried to kill you!", NAME(player)); notify(victim, buf); } break; } } }
void mate(Individual *parent1, Individual *parent2, Individual *child1, Individual *child2, int wh_product) { int crossover = RANDOM(wh_product - 1); int i; int y; //#pragma omp sections //nowait // try num_threads(2), it may be faster than getting every thread to go in parallel, but then again, the nowait means they don't wait for the other one to finish. if we have 4 threads then 2 will (redundantly) do the first loop and 2 the second with an implied barrier at the end, but not if we do "nowait" { //* //#pragma omp section { for (i = 0; i < crossover; i++) { child1->image[i] = parent1->image[i]; child2->image[i] = parent2->image[i]; } } //#pragma omp section { for (y = crossover; y < wh_product; y++) { child1->image[y] = parent2->image[y]; child2->image[y] = parent1->image[y]; } } //*/ ///* /* //#pragma omp section { for (i = 0; i < crossover/2; i++) { child1->image[i] = parent1->image[i]; child2->image[i] = parent2->image[i]; } } //#pragma omp section { for (i = crossover/2; i < crossover; i++) { child1->image[i] = parent1->image[i]; child2->image[i] = parent2->image[i]; } } //#pragma omp section { for (i = crossover; i < (wh_product-crossover)/2; i++) { child1->image[i] = parent2->image[i]; child2->image[i] = parent1->image[i]; } } //#pragma omp section { for (i = crossover + (wh_product-crossover)/2; i < wh_product; i++) { child1->image[i] = parent2->image[i]; child2->image[i] = parent1->image[i]; } } */ } }
bool Stage::step(void) { updateInput(); menuOn = false; if (keys[KEYESC]) return false; if (mouse[0] or (autoDumpOn and (bodyType == Random or bodyType == Box or bodyType == Circle))) { bodiesSize = smallBodiesOn ? SMALLBODYSIZE : RANDBODYSIZE; bodiesRadius = smallBodiesOn ? SMALLHALFSIZE : RANDHALFSIZE; switch (bodyType) { case Random: if (RANDOM(0, 1)) world->makeBox(coordAllegToB2(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)), bodiesSize); else world->makeCircle(coordAllegToB2(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)), bodiesRadius); break; case Box: world->makeBox(coordAllegToB2(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)), bodiesSize); break; case Circle: world->makeCircle(coordAllegToB2(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)), bodiesRadius); break; case Free_Draw: freeDraw->takePoint(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)); break; case Custom_Polygon: customPolygon->takePoint(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)); break; case Custom_Box: customBox->takePoint(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)); break; case Custom_Circle: customCircle->takePoint(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)); break; } } else { if (freeDraw->On) freeDraw->makeBody(world); if (customBox->On) customBox->makeBody(world); if (customCircle->On) customCircle->makeBody(world); if (customPolygon->On) customPolygon->updateView(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)); } if (mouse[1]) { if (customPolygon->On) customPolygon->makeBody(world); else world->makeBomb(coordAllegToB2(Point(mouse_x, mouse_y))); } if (keys[KEY1]) bodyType = Random; if (keys[KEY2]) bodyType = Box; if (keys[KEY3]) bodyType = Circle; if (keys[KEY4]) { bodyType = Free_Draw; setMouseLock(false); } if (keys[KEY5]) { bodyType = Custom_Box; setMouseLock(false); } if (keys[KEY6]) world->destroyLastBody(); if (keys[KEY7]) world->toggleStaticMode(); if (keys[KEY8]) world->toggleSimulation(); if (keys[KEY9]) if (bodyType == Random or bodyType == Box or bodyType == Circle) toggleMouseLock(); if (keys[KEY0]) { world->destroyAllBodies(); createGround(); } if (keys[KEYP]) pyramidShow(); if (keys[KEYTAB]) menuOn = true; if (keys[KEYH]) cleanModeOn = !cleanModeOn; if (keys[KEYA]) autoDumpOn = !autoDumpOn; if (keys[KEYC]) cursorOn = !cursorOn; if (keys[KEYX]) { bodyType = Custom_Circle; setMouseLock(false); } if (keys[KEYV]) { bodyType = Custom_Polygon; setMouseLock(true); } if (keys[KEYN]) world->destroyLastNonStaticBody(); if (keys[KEYM]) world->destroyAllNonStaticBodies(); if (keys[KEYS]) smallBodiesOn = !smallBodiesOn; if (keys[KEYUP]) { gravity.y += 2; world->setGravity(gravity); } if (keys[KEYDOWN]) { gravity.y -= 2; world->setGravity(gravity); } if (keys[KEYLEFT]) { gravity.x -= 2; world->setGravity(gravity); } if (keys[KEYRIGHT]) { gravity.x += 2; world->setGravity(gravity); } if (keys[KEYD]) { if (debugDrawOn) { if (bmpDrawOn) { bmpDrawOn = false; } else { bmpDrawOn = true; toggleDebugDraw(); } } else { toggleDebugDraw(); } } world->simulate(); return true; }
void KHMetisController::runSeqPartitioner(ParaHypergraph &hgraph, MPI_Comm comm) { initCoarsestHypergraph(hgraph, comm); #ifdef DEBUG_CONTROLLER assert(h); #endif h->setNumPartitions(1); khMetisOptions[1] = numSeqRuns / numProcs + 1; if (dispOption > 1 && myRank == 0) { out_stream << "[KHMETIS]: " << numSeqRuns << " " << khMetisOptions[1] << " | "; } int numVertices = h->getNumVertices(); int numHedges = h->getNumHedges(); int totWt = h->getTotWeight(); int numHedgesCut; int ubFactor = static_cast<int>(floor(kWayConstraint * 100)); int *vWeights = h->getVerWeightsArray(); int *hOffsets = h->getHedgeOffsetArray(); int *pinList = h->getPinListArray(); int *hEdgeWts = h->getHedgeWeightsArray(); int *pArray = h->getPartVectorArray(); khMetisOptions[7] = RANDOM(1, 10000000); HMETIS_PartKway(numVertices, numHedges, vWeights, hOffsets, pinList, hEdgeWts, numParts, ubFactor, khMetisOptions.getArray(), pArray, &numHedgesCut); avePartWt = static_cast<double>(totWt) / numParts; maxPartWt = static_cast<int>(floor(avePartWt + avePartWt * kWayConstraint)); h->initCutsizes(numParts); kWayRefiner->setMaxPartWt(maxPartWt); kWayRefiner->setAvePartWt(avePartWt); kWayRefiner->rebalance(*h); #ifdef DEBUG_CONTROLLER MPI_Barrier(comm); for (int i = 0; i < numProcs; ++i) { if (myRank == i) h->checkPartitions(numParts, maxPartWt); MPI_Barrier(comm); } #endif // ### // project partitions // ### initSeqPartitions(hgraph, comm); #ifdef DEBUG_CONTROLLER hgraph.checkPartitions(numParts, maxPartWt, comm); #endif DynaMem::delete_pointer<Hypergraph>(h); }
void cmd_steal(int cn) { int co,x,y,n,cnt,in=0,chance,dice,diff,m; if (!ch[cn].prof[P_THIEF]) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You are not a thief, you cannot steal."); return; } if (ch[cn].action!=AC_IDLE) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You can only steal when standing still."); return; } if (ch[cn].citem) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"Please free your hand (mouse cursor) first."); return; } dx2offset(ch[cn].dir,&x,&y,NULL); x+=ch[cn].x; y+=ch[cn].y; if (x<1 || x>=MAXMAP-1 || y<1 || y>=MAXMAP-1) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"Out of map."); return; } m=x+y*MAXMAP; co=map[m].ch; if (!co) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"There's no one to steal from."); return; } if (!can_attack(cn,co)) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You cannot steal from someone you are not allowed to attack."); return; } if (map[m].flags&(MF_ARENA|MF_CLAN)) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You cannot steal inside an arena."); return; } if (!(ch[co].flags&CF_PLAYER)) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You can only steal from players."); return; } if (ch[co].driver==CDR_LOSTCON) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You cannot steal from lagging players."); return; } if (areaID==20) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You cannot steal in Live Quests."); return; } if (ch[co].action!=AC_IDLE || ticker-ch[co].regen_ticker<TICKS) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You cannot steal from someone if your victim is not standing still."); return; } for (n=cnt=0; n<INVENTORYSIZE; n++) { if (n>=12 && n<30) continue; if ((in=ch[co].item[n]) && !(it[in].flags&IF_QUEST) && can_carry(cn,in,1)) cnt++; } if (!cnt) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You could not find anything to steal."); return; } cnt=RANDOM(cnt); for (n=cnt=0; n<INVENTORYSIZE; n++) { if (n>=12 && n<30) continue; if ((in=ch[co].item[n]) && !(it[in].flags&IF_QUEST) && can_carry(cn,in,1)) { if (cnt<1) break; cnt--; } } if (n==INVENTORYSIZE) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You could not find anything to steal (2)."); return; } diff=(ch[cn].value[0][V_STEALTH]-ch[co].value[0][V_PERCEPT])/2; chance=40+diff; if (chance<10) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You'd get caught for sure. You decide not to try."); return; } chance=min(chance,ch[cn].prof[P_THIEF]*3); dice=RANDOM(100); diff=chance-dice; if (diff<-20) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"%s noticed your attempt and stopped you from stealing.",ch[co].name); ch[cn].endurance=1; if (ch[co].flags&CF_PLAYER) { log_char(co,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"°c3%s tried to steal from you!",ch[cn].name); } else notify_char(co,NT_GOTHIT,cn,0,0); return; } dlog(co,in,"dropped because %s stole it",ch[cn].name); remove_item_char(in); if (!give_char_item(cn,in)) { destroy_item(in); elog("had to destroy item in cmd_steal()!"); return; } add_pk_steal(cn); if (diff<0) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"%s noticed your theft, but you managed to steal a %s anyway.",ch[co].name,it[in].name); ch[cn].endurance=1; if (ch[co].flags&CF_PLAYER) { log_char(co,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"°c3%s stole your %s!",ch[cn].name,it[in].name); } else notify_char(co,NT_GOTHIT,cn,0,0); } else log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"You stole a %s without %s noticing.",it[in].name,ch[co].name); }
void varsub(int qnum, int vnum, int flags) { static char param[11][128]; static char formats[23][128]; static FILE *lfp = NULL; static int bInit = 0; long *lptr; char *ptr; int i = 0; DSS_HUGE tmp_date, tmp1, tmp2; if (!bInit) { sprintf(formats[4], "19%s-%s-01", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT, HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[5], "19%s-01-01", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[6], "19%s-01-01", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[7], "0.%s", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); /* used by q6 */ sprintf(formats[10], "19%s-%s-01", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT, HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[12], "19%s-01-01", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[14], "19%s-01-01", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[15], "19%s-01-01", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[16], "Brand#%s%s", HUGE_FORMAT, HUGE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[17], "Brand#%s%s", HUGE_FORMAT, HUGE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[19], "Brand#%s%s", HUGE_FORMAT, HUGE_FORMAT); sprintf(formats[20], "19%s-01-01", HUGE_DATE_FORMAT); bInit = 1; } if (vnum == 0) { if ((flags & DFLT) == 0) { switch(qnum) { case 1: sprintf(param[1], HUGE_FORMAT, UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)60,(DSS_HUGE)120,qnum)); param[2][0] = '\0'; break; case 2: sprintf(param[1], HUGE_FORMAT, UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)P_SIZE_MIN, (DSS_HUGE)P_SIZE_MAX, qnum)); pick_str(&p_types_set, qnum, param[3]); ptr = param[3] + strlen(param[3]); while (*(ptr - 1) != ' ') ptr--; strcpy(param[2], ptr); pick_str(®ions, qnum, param[3]); param[4][0] = '\0'; break; case 3: pick_str(&c_mseg_set, qnum, param[1]); /* * pick a random offset within the month of march and add the * appropriate magic numbers to position the output functions * at the start of March '95 */ RANDOM(tmp_date, 0, 30, qnum); strcpy(param[2], *(asc_date + tmp_date + 1155)); param[3][0] = '\0'; break; case 4: tmp_date = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1,(DSS_HUGE)58,qnum); sprintf(param[1],formats[4], 93 + tmp_date/12, tmp_date%12 + 1); param[2][0] = '\0'; break; case 5: pick_str(®ions, qnum, param[1]); tmp_date = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)93, (DSS_HUGE)97,qnum); sprintf(param[2], formats[5], tmp_date); param[3][0] = '\0'; break; case 6: tmp_date = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)93,(DSS_HUGE)97,qnum); sprintf(param[1], formats[6], tmp_date); sprintf(param[2], formats[7], UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)2, (DSS_HUGE)9, qnum)); sprintf(param[3], HUGE_FORMAT, UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)24, (DSS_HUGE)25, qnum)); param[4][0] = '\0'; break; case 7: tmp_date = pick_str(&nations2, qnum, param[1]); while (pick_str(&nations2, qnum, param[2]) == tmp_date); param[3][0] = '\0'; break; case 8: tmp_date = pick_str(&nations2, qnum, param[1]); tmp_date = nations.list[tmp_date].weight; strcpy(param[2], regions.list[tmp_date].text); pick_str(&p_types_set, qnum, param[3]); param[4][0] = '\0'; break; case 9: pick_str(&colors, qnum, param[1]); param[2][0] = '\0'; break; case 10: tmp_date = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1,(DSS_HUGE)24,qnum); sprintf(param[1],formats[10], 93 + tmp_date/12, tmp_date%12 + 1); param[2][0] = '\0'; break; case 11: pick_str(&nations2, qnum, param[1]); sprintf(param[2], "%11.10f", Q11_FRACTION / flt_scale ); param[3][0] = '\0'; break; case 12: tmp_date = pick_str(&l_smode_set, qnum, param[1]); while (tmp_date == pick_str(&l_smode_set, qnum, param[2])); tmp_date = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)93,(DSS_HUGE)97,qnum); sprintf(param[3], formats[12], tmp_date); param[4][0] = '\0'; break; case 13: pick_str(&q13a, qnum, param[1]); pick_str(&q13b, qnum, param[2]); param[3][0] = '\0'; break; case 14: tmp_date = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1,(DSS_HUGE)60,qnum); sprintf(param[1],formats[14], 93 + tmp_date/12, tmp_date%12 + 1); param[2][0] = '\0'; break; case 15: tmp_date = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1,(DSS_HUGE)58,qnum); sprintf(param[1],formats[15], 93 + tmp_date/12, tmp_date%12 + 1); param[2][0] = '\0'; break; case 16: tmp1 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); tmp2 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); sprintf(param[1], formats[16], tmp1, tmp2); pick_str(&p_types_set, qnum, param[2]); ptr = param[2] + strlen(param[2]); while (*(--ptr) != ' '); *ptr = '\0'; lptr = &sizes[0]; for (i=3; i <= MAX_PARAM; i++) { sprintf(param[i], "%ld", *permute(lptr,50,qnum) + 1); lptr = (long *)NULL; } break; case 17: tmp1 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); tmp2 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); sprintf(param[1], formats[17], tmp1, tmp2); pick_str(&p_cntr_set, qnum, param[2]); param[3][0] = '\0'; break; case 18: sprintf(param[1], HUGE_FORMAT, UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)312, (DSS_HUGE)315, qnum)); param[2][0] = '\0'; break; case 19: tmp1 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); tmp2 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); sprintf(param[1], formats[19], tmp1, tmp2); tmp1 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); tmp2 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); sprintf(param[2], formats[19], tmp1, tmp2); tmp1 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); tmp2 = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)5, qnum); sprintf(param[3], formats[19], tmp1, tmp2); sprintf(param[4], HUGE_FORMAT, UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)1, (DSS_HUGE)10, qnum)); sprintf(param[5], HUGE_FORMAT, UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)10, (DSS_HUGE)20, qnum)); sprintf(param[6], HUGE_FORMAT, UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)20, (DSS_HUGE)30, qnum)); param[7][0] = '\0'; break; case 20: pick_str(&colors, qnum, param[1]); tmp_date = UnifInt((DSS_HUGE)93,(DSS_HUGE)97,qnum); sprintf(param[2], formats[20], tmp_date); pick_str(&nations2, qnum, param[3]); param[4][0] = '\0'; break; case 21: pick_str(&nations2, qnum, param[1]); param[2][0] = '\0'; break; case 22: lptr = &ccode[0]; for (i=0; i <= 7; i++) { sprintf(param[i+1], "%ld", 10 + *permute(lptr,25, qnum)); lptr = (long *)NULL; } param[8][0] = '\0'; break; case 23: case 24: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "No variable definitions available for query %d\n", qnum); return; } } if (flags & LOG) { if (lfp == NULL) { lfp = fopen(lfile, "a"); OPEN_CHECK(lfp, lfile); } fprintf(lfp, "%d", qnum); for (i=1; i <= 10; i++) if (flags & DFLT) { if (defaults[qnum - 1][i - 1] == NULL) break; else fprintf(lfp, "\t%s", defaults[qnum - 1][i - 1]); } else { if (param[i][0] == '\0') break; else fprintf(lfp, "\t%s", param[i]); } fprintf(lfp, "\n"); } } else { if (flags & DFLT) { /* to allow -d to work at all scale factors */ if (qnum == 11 && vnum == 2) fprintf(ofp, "%11.10f", Q11_FRACTION/flt_scale); else if (defaults[qnum - 1][vnum - 1]) fprintf(ofp, "%s", defaults[qnum - 1][vnum - 1]); else fprintf(stderr, "Bad default request (q: %d, p: %d)\n", qnum, vnum); } else { if (param[vnum] && vnum <= MAX_PARAM) fprintf(ofp, "%s", param[vnum]); else fprintf(stderr, "Bad parameter request (q: %d, p: %d)\n", qnum, vnum); } } return; }
static void semi_greedy(data *d, int start, int *tour, int *tour_length) { int i, j, k; int dim = d->numnodes; int current, len, dist; int *visited = MALLOC(dim, int); /* RCL. */ struct heapelm *candidates = MALLOC(dim, struct heapelm); int rclsize, rclused; double total_bias, rprob, racc, rpick; memset(visited, 0, dim * sizeof(int)); len = 0; current = start; for (i = 0; i < dim - 1; i++) { visited[current] = 1; tour[i] = current; /* Define RCL size. */ rclused = 0; if (RANDOM_UNIT() < 0.05) rclsize = dim - i - 2; else rclsize = RANDOM(((dim - i - 2) / 4) + 1); rclsize++; DEBUG("RCL size: %d\n", rclsize); /* Define RCL. */ for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (!visited[j]) { dist = d->dist(d, current, j); if (rclused < rclsize) { candidates[rclused].num = j; candidates[rclused].cost = dist; rclused++; if (rclused == rclsize) { heap_build_max(candidates, rclsize); } } else if (dist < candidates[0].cost) { heap_replace_root(candidates, rclsize, j, dist); } } } DEBUG("RCL used: %d\n", rclused); heap_dump(candidates, rclused); /* Pick RCL element based on logarithmic bias. */ #define BIAS_LOG(r) (1/log((r)+1)) #define BIAS_LINEAR(r) (1./(r)) #define BIAS_EXP(r) (1/exp(r)) #define BIAS_RANDOM(r) 1 #define BIAS(r) BIAS_LOG(r) total_bias = 0; for (j = 1; j <= rclused; j++) { total_bias += BIAS(j); } racc = 0; rpick = RANDOM_UNIT(); #if DEBUGGING for (j = rclused; j >= 1; j--) { DEBUG("%f ", BIAS(j) / total_bias); } DEBUG("\nR: %f\n", rpick); #endif for (j = rclused, k = 1; j >= 0; j--, k++) { rprob = BIAS(k) / total_bias; if (rprob + racc > rpick) { break; } racc += rprob; } DEBUG("Picked: j = %d, %d %d\n\n", j, candidates[j-1].num, candidates[j-1].cost); current = candidates[j - 1].num; len += candidates[j - 1].cost; } tour[i] = current; len += d->dist(d, current, start); *tour_length = len; free(visited); free(candidates); #undef BIAS #undef BIAS_LOG }
int mcp_frame_output_mesg(McpFrame * mfr, McpMesg * msg) { char outbuf[BUFFER_LEN * 2]; int bufrem = sizeof(outbuf); char mesgname[128]; char datatag[32]; McpArg *anarg = NULL; int mlineflag = 0; char *p; char *out; int flushcount = 8; if (!mfr->enabled && strcmp_nocase(msg->package, MCP_INIT_PKG)) { return EMCP_NOMCP; } /* Create the message name from the package and message subnames */ if (msg->mesgname && *msg->mesgname) { snprintf(mesgname, sizeof(mesgname), "%s-%s", msg->package, msg->mesgname); } else { snprintf(mesgname, sizeof(mesgname), "%s", msg->package); } strcpyn(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), MCP_MESG_PREFIX); strcatn(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), mesgname); if (strcmp_nocase(mesgname, MCP_INIT_PKG)) { McpVer nullver = { 0, 0 }; strcatn(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), " "); strcatn(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), mfr->authkey); if (strcmp_nocase(msg->package, MCP_NEGOTIATE_PKG)) { McpVer ver = mcp_frame_package_supported(mfr, msg->package); if (!mcp_version_compare(ver, nullver)) { return EMCP_NOPACKAGE; } } } /* If the argument lines contain newlines, split them into separate lines. */ for (anarg = msg->args; anarg; anarg = anarg->next) { if (anarg->value) { McpArgPart *ap = anarg->value; while (ap) { p = ap->value; while (*p) { if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') { McpArgPart *nu = (McpArgPart *) malloc(sizeof(McpArgPart)); nu->next = ap->next; ap->next = nu; *p++ = '\0'; nu->value = string_dup(p); ap->value = (char *) realloc(ap->value, strlen(ap->value) + 1); ap = nu; p = nu->value; } else { p++; } } ap = ap->next; } } } /* Build the initial message string */ out = outbuf; bufrem = outbuf + sizeof(outbuf) - out; for (anarg = msg->args; anarg; anarg = anarg->next) { out += strlen(out); bufrem = outbuf + sizeof(outbuf) - out; if (!anarg->value) { anarg->was_shown = 1; snprintf(out, bufrem, " %s: %s", anarg->name, MCP_ARG_EMPTY); out += strlen(out); bufrem = outbuf + sizeof(outbuf) - out; } else { int totlen = strlen(anarg->value->value) + strlen(anarg->name) + 5; if (anarg->value->next || totlen > ((BUFFER_LEN - (out - outbuf)) / 2)) { /* Value is multi-line or too long. Send on separate line(s). */ mlineflag = 1; anarg->was_shown = 0; snprintf(out, bufrem, " %s*: %s", anarg->name, MCP_ARG_EMPTY); } else { anarg->was_shown = 1; snprintf(out, bufrem, " %s: ", anarg->name); out += strlen(out); bufrem = outbuf + sizeof(outbuf) - out; msgarg_escape(out, bufrem, anarg->value->value); out += strlen(out); bufrem = outbuf + sizeof(outbuf) - out; } out += strlen(out); bufrem = outbuf + sizeof(outbuf) - out; } } /* If the message is multi-line, make sure it has a _data-tag field. */ if (mlineflag) { snprintf(datatag, sizeof(datatag), "%.8lX", (unsigned long)(RANDOM() ^ RANDOM())); snprintf(out, bufrem, " %s: %s", MCP_DATATAG, datatag); out += strlen(out); bufrem = outbuf + sizeof(outbuf) - out; } /* Send the initial line. */ SendText(mfr, outbuf); SendText(mfr, "\r\n"); if (mlineflag) { /* Start sending arguments whose values weren't already sent. */ /* This is usually just multi-line argument values. */ for (anarg = msg->args; anarg; anarg = anarg->next) { if (!anarg->was_shown) { McpArgPart *ap = anarg->value; while (ap) { *outbuf = '\0'; snprintf(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "%s* %s %s: %s", MCP_MESG_PREFIX, datatag, anarg->name, ap->value); SendText(mfr, outbuf); SendText(mfr, "\r\n"); if (!--flushcount) { FlushText(mfr); flushcount = 8; } ap = ap->next; } } } /* Let the other side know we're done sending multi-line arg vals. */ snprintf(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "%s: %s", MCP_MESG_PREFIX, datatag); SendText(mfr, outbuf); SendText(mfr, "\r\n"); } return EMCP_SUCCESS; }
/** * Returns a random direction (1..8) similar to a given direction. * @param dir The exact direction. * @return The randomized direction. */ int get_randomized_dir(int dir) { return absdir(dir + RANDOM() % 3 + RANDOM() % 3 - 2); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { gl_oset_t set1; gl_list_t set2; set_program_name (argv[0]); /* Allow the user to provide a non-default random seed on the command line. */ if (argc > 1) srand (atoi (argv[1])); { size_t initial_size = RANDOM (20); size_t i; unsigned int repeat; /* Create set1. */ set1 = gl_oset_nx_create_empty (GL_ARRAY_OSET, (gl_setelement_compar_fn) strcmp, NULL); ASSERT (set1 != NULL); /* Create set2. */ set2 = gl_list_create_empty (GL_ARRAY_LIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, false); check_all (set1, set2); /* Initialize them. */ for (i = 0; i < initial_size; i++) { const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); ASSERT (gl_oset_nx_add (set1, obj) == (gl_sortedlist_search (set2, (gl_listelement_compar_fn)strcmp, obj) != NULL ? false : (gl_sortedlist_add (set2, (gl_listelement_compar_fn)strcmp, obj), true))); check_all (set1, set2); } for (repeat = 0; repeat < 100000; repeat++) { unsigned int operation = RANDOM (3); switch (operation) { case 0: { const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); ASSERT (gl_oset_search (set1, obj) == (gl_sortedlist_search (set2, (gl_listelement_compar_fn)strcmp, obj) != NULL)); } break; case 1: { const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); ASSERT (gl_oset_nx_add (set1, obj) == (gl_sortedlist_search (set2, (gl_listelement_compar_fn)strcmp, obj) != NULL ? false : (gl_sortedlist_add (set2, (gl_listelement_compar_fn)strcmp, obj), true))); } break; case 2: { const char *obj = RANDOM_OBJECT (); ASSERT (gl_oset_remove (set1, obj) == gl_sortedlist_remove (set2, (gl_listelement_compar_fn)strcmp, obj)); } break; } check_all (set1, set2); } gl_oset_free (set1); gl_list_free (set2); } return 0; }
/** * Create a cryptographically weak pseudo-random number in the interval of 0 to 1. * * @return number between 0 and 1. */ static double get_weak_random () { return ((double) RANDOM () / RAND_MAX); }
void minedoor(int in,int cn) { int in2,nr,ret; // gather information about door system if (!door_init) { for (in2=1; in2<MAXITEM; in2++) { if (!it[in2].flags) continue; if (it[in2].driver!=IDR_MINEDOOR) continue; nr=it[in2].drdata[0]; //xlog("found something at %d,%d",it[in2].x,it[in2].y); if (!it[in2].drdata[1]) { // source door if (it[in2].drdata[3]) { // usable source door if (sdoor[nr]) xlog("confused: two source doors"); sdoor[nr]=in2; //xlog("source %d is at %d,%d",it[in2].drdata[0],it[in2].x,it[in2].y); } } else { // target door if (tdoor[nr]) xlog("confused: two target doors"); tdoor[nr]=in2; //xlog("target %d is at %d,%d",it[in2].drdata[0],it[in2].x,it[in2].y); } } door_init=1; } nr=it[in].drdata[0]; if (!cn) { // timer call call_item(it[in].driver,in,0,ticker+TICKS*30); if (it[in].drdata[3]) return; // we're already open, dont do anything // dont change it when the surrounding walls have been dug away if (!(map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP+1].flags&(MF_SIGHTBLOCK|MF_TSIGHTBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP-1].flags&(MF_SIGHTBLOCK|MF_TSIGHTBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP+MAXMAP].flags&(MF_SIGHTBLOCK|MF_TSIGHTBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP-MAXMAP].flags&(MF_SIGHTBLOCK|MF_TSIGHTBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP+1+MAXMAP].flags&(MF_SIGHTBLOCK|MF_TSIGHTBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP+1-MAXMAP].flags&(MF_SIGHTBLOCK|MF_TSIGHTBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP-1+MAXMAP].flags&(MF_SIGHTBLOCK|MF_TSIGHTBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in].x+it[in].y*MAXMAP-1-MAXMAP].flags&(MF_SIGHTBLOCK|MF_TSIGHTBLOCK))) { //xlog("dug out 1"); return; } if ((in2=sdoor[nr])) { // there is a source door already, close it if (!(map[it[in2].x+it[in2].y*MAXMAP+1].flags&(MF_MOVEBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in2].x+it[in2].y*MAXMAP-1].flags&(MF_MOVEBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in2].x+it[in2].y*MAXMAP+MAXMAP].flags&(MF_MOVEBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in2].x+it[in2].y*MAXMAP-MAXMAP].flags&(MF_MOVEBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in2].x+it[in2].y*MAXMAP+1+MAXMAP].flags&(MF_MOVEBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in2].x+it[in2].y*MAXMAP+1-MAXMAP].flags&(MF_MOVEBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in2].x+it[in2].y*MAXMAP-1+MAXMAP].flags&(MF_MOVEBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK)) || !(map[it[in2].x+it[in2].y*MAXMAP-1-MAXMAP].flags&(MF_MOVEBLOCK|MF_TMOVEBLOCK))) { //xlog("dug out 2"); return; } if (RANDOM(20)) return; // some randomness it[in2].sprite=15000; it[in2].flags&=~IF_USE; it[in2].drdata[3]=0; set_sector(it[in2].x,it[in2].y); //xlog("closed source door %d at %d,%d",nr,it[in2].x,it[in2].y); } switch(it[in].drdata[2]) { case DX_UP: case DX_DOWN: it[in].sprite=20124; break; case DX_RIGHT: case DX_LEFT: it[in].sprite=20122; break; } it[in].flags|=IF_USE; it[in].drdata[3]=1; set_sector(it[in].x,it[in].y); sdoor[nr]=in; //xlog("opened source door %d at %d,%d",nr,it[in].x,it[in].y); return; } // find target if (it[in].drdata[1]) in2=sdoor[nr]; else in2=tdoor[nr]; // teleport character to target ret=0; switch(it[in2].drdata[2]) { case DX_UP: ret=teleport_char_driver(cn,it[in2].x,it[in2].y-1); break; case DX_DOWN: ret=teleport_char_driver(cn,it[in2].x,it[in2].y+1); break; case DX_RIGHT: ret=teleport_char_driver(cn,it[in2].x-1,it[in2].y); break; case DX_LEFT: ret=teleport_char_driver(cn,it[in2].x+1,it[in2].y); break; } if (!ret) { log_char(cn,LOG_SYSTEM,0,"The mine has collapsed behind this door. Some friendly spirit grabs you and teleports you somewhere else."); if (areaID!=31) teleport_char_driver(cn,230,240); else teleport_char_driver(cn,211,231); } }
int grepr_addline(ematrix *ex, ematrix *ed, int tr, int xpfd, ematrix ***lout) { ematrix *ee,*ef, **el=NULL,**elo=NULL, **x; int i,j,k,p,r, ro,co, xp=-1; if (!ed) {PROGERROR("the matrix ed must be given!"); return -1;} ro = ROWSM(ed); co = COLSM(ed); if (tr<0) tr = ((ex? ROWSM(ex)<ro: ro<=1)? 0:1); /* (tr need not be given - determining from matrix sizes) */ if (ex? (ro!=ROWSM(ex)+(!tr) || co!=COLSM(ex)+(!!tr)): (ro!=1 && co!=1)) {PROGERROR("the matrices ex, ed have wrong sizes! tr=%d; ro=%d, co=%d - %d, %d",tr,ro,co,ROWSM(ex),COLSM(ex)); return -1;} if ((ex?ISREFMAT(ex):0) || ISREFMAT(ed)) {PROGERROR("do not give refering matrices here"); return -1;} if (lout?*lout:0) {PROGERROR("the list lout must be given empty (null)"); return -1;} DEBUG(CURDLEV+1,"Adding a %s to matrix %p to (%dx%d), pf=%d\n",tr?"column":"row",ex,ro,co,xpfd); if (ex && lout) EMATDEBUGS(CURDLEV+2,ex,"\t\t-\t"); /** * We first try the easy extensions: * If ed is 1xC or Rx1, then ex has entries 0 or 1 depending on ed. * If some other line of ed is parallel (and nonzero) to the added line, * then we make ex by copying the corresponding line to append. * (We have to use the proper pfield xpfd for ed!) **/ xp = pfield_curindex(); if (xpfd>=0) pfield_switchto_fast(xpfd); if (lout) EMATDEBUGS(CURDLEV+2,ed,"\t\t~\t"); p = tr? ematrix_parallel_col(ed,co-1): ematrix_parallel_row(ed,ro-1); if (p>=0) if (ematrix_linezero(ed,tr,p)>0) p = -1; if (xpfd>=0 && xp>=0) pfield_switchto_fast(xp); if (!ex) { ee = new_ematrix(ro,co,ro,co); for (i=0; i<ro; i++) for (j=0; j<co; j++) { SETEXSIGMZERO(ee,i,j); if (SIGNM(ed,i,j)!=0) SIGNM(ee,i,j) = 1; } elo = alist_append(elo,ee); k = 1; DEBUG(CURDLEV+1,"Creating a %s matrix with %s.\n",tr?"1xC":"Rx1",gener_extprintline(0,ee,tr)); } else if (p>=0 && ro+co>=3) { ef = ematrix_copy_to(ex,ro,co); ef = ematrix_append_rc(ef,tr); if (tr) { for (i=0; i<ro; i++) if (SIGNM(ed,i,co-1)) COPYEXSIGM(ef,i,co-1,ef,i,p); } else { for (i=0; i<co; i++) if (SIGNM(ed,ro-1,i)) COPYEXSIGM(ef,ro-1,i,ef,p,i); } elo = alist_append(elo,ef); k = 1; DEBUG(CURDLEV+1,"Appending a parallel %s %s.\n",tr?"column":"row",gener_extprintline(0,ef,tr)); } else { /** * In all other cases we use the next routine: * We generate all one-line extensions of ex which have the same * zero pattern in the appended line as ed. * Then we check the subdeterminants of each extension against * the matrix ed, and store copies of isomorphic ones. **/ r = gener_matextens_zeros(ex,tr,ed,&el); DEBUG(CURDLEV+1,"Filtering %d (zero-respecting) extension lines...\n",alist_getlength(el)); if (r<0) return r; for (x=el, k=0; x?*x:0; x++) if (ematrix_havesamedets_repres(*x,ed,xpfd,tr)) { k++; elo = alist_append(elo,ematrix_copy(*x)); DEBUG(CURDLEV+1+2*(k>2),"Appending a #%d(%d) %s %s.\n",k,alist_getlength(elo),tr?"column":"row",gener_extprintline(0,*x,tr)); } if (el) dispose_alist_mats(el); } #ifndef FASTPROG if (IFRANDDEBUGLESS(222) && k>0) { x = elo+RANDOM()%k; if (!ematrix_havesamedets(*x,ed,xpfd)) {PROGERROR("the extended matrix has not same subdeterminants!");} } if (IFRANDDEBUGLESS(222) && ro>2 && co>2 && lout) { ee = ematrix_copydual(ex); ef = ematrix_copydual(ed); ematrix_swaprows(ee,0,co-2); ematrix_swaprows(ef,0,co-2); DEBUG(CURDLEV+1,"Recursive testing the number of added lines...\n"); r = grepr_addline(ee,ef,(tr<0?-1:!tr),xpfd,NULL); if (r!=k && (r>=0 || k>=0)) {PROGERROR("wrong result of a recursive call %d!=%d",r,k);} } #endif if (lout) *lout = (*lout? alist_applist(*lout,elo): elo); else if (elo) dispose_alist_mats(elo); return k; }
sizeof(struct egp_hdr) + sizeof(struct egp_acq_hdr)); /* * @nbrito -- Tue Jan 18 11:09:34 BRST 2011 * XXX Have to work a little bit more deeply in packet building. * XXX Checking EGP Type and building appropriate header. */ /* EGP Header structure making a pointer to Packet. */ egp = (struct egp_hdr *)((void *)(ip + 1) + greoptlen); egp->version = EGPVERSION; egp->type = co->egp.type; egp->code = co->egp.code; egp->status = co->egp.status; egp->as = __RND(co->; egp->sequence = __RND(co->egp.sequence); egp->check = 0; /* EGP Acquire Header structure. */ egp_acq = (struct egp_acq_hdr *)(egp + 1); egp_acq->hello = __RND(co->egp.hello); egp_acq->poll = __RND(co->egp.poll); /* Computing the checksum. */ egp->check = co->bogus_csum ? RANDOM() : cksum(egp, (void *)(egp_acq + 1) - (void *)egp); /* GRE Encapsulation takes place. */ gre_checksum(packet, co, *size); }
/** * Generate a message detailing the properties of 1-6 artifacts drawn * sequentially from the artifact list. * @param level Level of the book * @param buf Buffer to contain the description. * @param booksize Length of the book. * @return 'buf'. */ static char *artifact_msg(int level, char *buf, size_t booksize) { artifactlist *al; artifact *art; int chance, i, type, index; int book_entries = level > 5 ? RANDOM () % 3 + RANDOM () % 3 + 2 : RANDOM () % level + 1; char *final, *ch; object *tmp = NULL; StringBuffer *desc; /* Values greater than 5 create msg buffers that are too big! */ if (book_entries > 5) { book_entries = 5; } /* Let's determine what kind of artifact type randomly. * Right now legal artifacts only come from those listed * in art_name_array. Also, we check to be sure an artifactlist * for that type exists! */ i = 0; do { index = rndm(1, arraysize(art_name_array)) - 1; type = art_name_array[index].type; al = find_artifactlist(type); i++; } while (al == NULL && i < 10); /* Unable to find a message */ if (i == 10) { snprintf(buf, booksize, "None"); return buf; } /* There is no reason to start on the artifact list at the begining. Lets * take our starting position randomly... */ art = al->items; for (i = rndm(1, level) + rndm(0, 1); i > 0; i--) { /* Out of stuff, loop back around */ if (art == NULL) { art = al->items; } art = art->next; } /* Ok, let's print out the contents */ snprintf(buf, booksize, "<t t=\"Magical %s\">Herein %s detailed %s...\n", art_name_array[index].name, book_entries > 1 ? "are" : "is", book_entries > 1 ? "some artifacts" : "an artifact"); /* Artifact msg attributes loop. Let's keep adding entries to the 'book' * as long as we have space up to the allowed max # (book_entires) */ while (book_entries > 0) { if (art == NULL) { art = al->items; } desc = stringbuffer_new(); tmp = get_archetype(art->def_at_name); give_artifact_abilities(tmp, art); SET_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_IDENTIFIED); stringbuffer_append_printf(desc, "\n<t t=\"%s %s\">It is ", tmp->name, tmp->title ? tmp->title : ""); /* Chance of finding. */ chance = 100 * ((float) art->chance / al->total_chance); if (chance >= 20) { stringbuffer_append_string(desc, "an uncommon"); } else if (chance >= 10) { stringbuffer_append_string(desc, "an unusual"); } else if (chance >= 5) { stringbuffer_append_string(desc, "a rare"); } else { stringbuffer_append_string(desc, "a very rare"); } /* Value of artifact. */ stringbuffer_append_printf(desc, " item with a value of %s.", cost_string_from_value(tmp->value)); if ((ch = describe_item(tmp)) && strlen(ch) > 1) { stringbuffer_append_printf(desc, "\nProperties of this artifact include:\n %s", ch); } final = stringbuffer_finish(desc); /* Add the buf if it will fit. */ if (book_overflow(buf, final, booksize)) { free(final); break; } snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), booksize - strlen(buf), "%s", final); free(final); art = art->next; book_entries--; }
void malloc_test(struct thread_st *st) { int b, i, j, actions, pid = 1; struct bin_info p; struct lran2_st ld; /* data for random number generator */ lran2_init(&ld, st->u.seed); #if TEST_FORK>0 if(RANDOM(&ld, TEST_FORK) == 0) { int status; #if !USE_THR pid = fork(); #else pid = fork1(); #endif if(pid > 0) { /*printf("forked, waiting for %d...\n", pid);*/ waitpid(pid, &status, 0); printf("done with %d...\n", pid); if(!WIFEXITED(status)) { printf("child term with signal %d\n", WTERMSIG(status)); exit(1); } return; } exit(0); } #endif p.m = (struct bin *)malloc(st->u.bins*sizeof(*p.m)); p.bins = st->u.bins; p.size = st->u.size; for(b=0; b<p.bins; b++) { p.m[b].size = 0; p.m[b].ptr = NULL; if(RANDOM(&ld, 2) == 0) bin_alloc(&p.m[b], RANDOM(&ld, p.size) + 1, lran2(&ld)); } for(i=0; i<=st->u.max;) { #if TEST > 1 bin_test(&p); #endif actions = RANDOM(&ld, ACTIONS_MAX); #if USE_MALLOC && MALLOC_DEBUG if(actions < 2) { mallinfo(); } #endif for(j=0; j<actions; j++) { b = RANDOM(&ld, p.bins); bin_free(&p.m[b]); } i += actions; actions = RANDOM(&ld, ACTIONS_MAX); for(j=0; j<actions; j++) { b = RANDOM(&ld, p.bins); bin_alloc(&p.m[b], RANDOM(&ld, p.size) + 1, lran2(&ld)); #if TEST > 2 bin_test(&p); #endif } #if 0 /* Test illegal free()s while setting MALLOC_CHECK_ */ for(j=0; j<8; j++) { b = RANDOM(&ld, p.bins); if(p.m[b].ptr) { int offset = (RANDOM(&ld, 11) - 5)*8; char *rogue = (char*)(p.m[b].ptr) + offset; /*printf("p=%p rogue=%p\n", p.m[b].ptr, rogue);*/ free(rogue); } } #endif i += actions; } for(b=0; b<p.bins; b++) bin_free(&p.m[b]); free(p.m); if(pid == 0) exit(0); }
/** * Apply a potion. * @param op Object applying the potion. * @param tmp The potion. * @return 1 if the potion was successfully applied, 0 otherwise. */ int apply_potion(object *op, object *tmp) { int i; /* some sanity checks */ if (!op || !tmp || (op->type == PLAYER && (!CONTR(op) || !CONTR(op)->exp_ptr[EXP_MAGICAL] || !CONTR(op)->exp_ptr[EXP_WISDOM]))) { LOG(llevBug,"apply_potion() called with invalid objects! obj: %s (%s - %s) tmp:%s\n", query_name(op, NULL), CONTR(op) ? query_name(CONTR(op)->exp_ptr[EXP_MAGICAL], NULL) : "<no contr>", CONTR(op) ? query_name(CONTR(op)->exp_ptr[EXP_WISDOM], NULL) : "<no contr>", query_name(tmp, NULL)); return 0; } if (op->type == PLAYER) { /* set chosen_skill to "magic device" - thats used when we "use" a potion */ if (!change_skill(op, SK_USE_MAGIC_ITEM)) { /* no skill, no potion use (dust & balm too!) */ return 0; } if (!QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_IDENTIFIED)) { identify(tmp); } /* special potions. Only players get this */ if (tmp->last_eat == -1) { /* create a force and copy the effects in */ object *force = get_archetype("force"); if (!force) { LOG(llevBug, "apply_potion: Can't create force object?\n"); return 0; } force->type = POTION_EFFECT; /* or it will auto destroy with first tick */ SET_FLAG(force, FLAG_IS_USED_UP); /* how long this force will stay */ force-> += tmp->; if (force-> <= 0) { force-> = 1; } /* negative effects because cursed or damned */ if (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) || QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED)) { /* now we have a bit work because we change (multiply,...) the * base values of the potion - that can invoke out of bounce * values we must catch here. */ /* effects stays 3 times longer */ force-> *= 3; for (i = 0; i < NROFATTACKS; i++) { int tmp_a; int tmp_p; tmp_a = tmp->attack[i] > 0 ? -tmp->attack[i] : tmp->attack[i]; tmp_p = tmp->protection[i] > 0 ? -tmp->protection[i] : tmp->protection[i]; /* double bad effect when damned */ if (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED)) { tmp_a *= 2; tmp_p *= 2; } /* we don't want out of bound values ... */ if ((int) force->protection[i] + tmp_p > 100) { force->protection[i] = 100; } else if ((int) force->protection[i] + tmp_p < -100) { force->protection[i] = -100; } else { force->protection[i] += (sint8) tmp_p; } if ((int) force->attack[i] + tmp_a > 100) { force->attack[i] = 100; } else if ((int) force->attack[i] + tmp_a < 0) { force->attack[i] = 0; } else { force->attack[i] += tmp_a; } } insert_spell_effect("meffect_purple", op->map, op->x, op->y); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "poison.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); } /* all positive (when not on default negative) */ else { /* we don't must do the hard way like cursed/damned (no multiplication or * sign change). */ memcpy(force->protection, tmp->protection, sizeof(tmp->protection)); memcpy(force->attack, tmp->attack, sizeof(tmp->attack)); insert_spell_effect("meffect_green", op->map, op->x, op->y); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "magic_default.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); } /* now copy stats values */ force->stats.Str = QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) ? (tmp->stats.Str > 0 ? -tmp->stats.Str : tmp->stats.Str) : (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED) ? (tmp->stats.Str > 0 ? (-tmp->stats.Str) * 2 : tmp->stats.Str * 2) : tmp->stats.Str); force->stats.Con = QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) ? (tmp->stats.Con > 0 ? -tmp->stats.Con : tmp->stats.Con) : (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED) ? (tmp->stats.Con > 0 ? (-tmp->stats.Con) * 2 : tmp->stats.Con * 2) : tmp->stats.Con); force->stats.Dex = QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) ? (tmp->stats.Dex > 0 ? -tmp->stats.Dex : tmp->stats.Dex) : (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED) ? (tmp->stats.Dex > 0 ? (-tmp->stats.Dex) * 2 : tmp->stats.Dex * 2) : tmp->stats.Dex); force->stats.Int = QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) ? (tmp->stats.Int > 0 ? -tmp->stats.Int : tmp->stats.Int) : (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED) ? (tmp->stats.Int > 0 ? (-tmp->stats.Int) * 2 : tmp->stats.Int * 2) : tmp->stats.Int); force->stats.Wis = QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) ? (tmp->stats.Wis > 0 ? -tmp->stats.Wis : tmp->stats.Wis) : (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED) ? (tmp->stats.Wis > 0 ? (-tmp->stats.Wis) * 2 : tmp->stats.Wis * 2) : tmp->stats.Wis); force->stats.Pow = QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) ? (tmp->stats.Pow > 0 ? -tmp->stats.Pow : tmp->stats.Pow) : (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED) ? (tmp->stats.Pow > 0 ? (-tmp->stats.Pow) * 2 : tmp->stats.Pow * 2) : tmp->stats.Pow); force->stats.Cha = QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) ? (tmp->stats.Cha > 0 ? -tmp->stats.Cha : tmp->stats.Cha) : (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED) ? (tmp->stats.Cha > 0 ? (-tmp->stats.Cha) * 2 : tmp->stats.Cha * 2) : tmp->stats.Cha); /* kick the force in, and apply it to player */ force->speed_left = -1; force = insert_ob_in_ob(force, op); CLEAR_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_APPLIED); SET_FLAG(force, FLAG_APPLIED); /* implicit fix_player() here */ if (!change_abil(op, force)) { new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "Nothing happened."); } decrease_ob(tmp); return 1; } /* Potion of minor restoration */ if (tmp->last_eat == 1) { object *depl; archetype *at; if (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) || QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED)) { if (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED)) { drain_stat(op); drain_stat(op); drain_stat(op); drain_stat(op); } else { drain_stat(op); drain_stat(op); } fix_player(op); decrease_ob(tmp); insert_spell_effect("meffect_purple", op->map, op->x, op->y); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "poison.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); return 1; } if ((at = find_archetype("depletion")) == NULL) { LOG(llevBug, "BUG: Could not find archetype depletion."); return 0; } depl = present_arch_in_ob(at, op); if (depl != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATS; i++) { if (get_attr_value(&depl->stats, i)) { new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, restore_msg[i]); } } /* in inventory of ... */ remove_ob(depl); fix_player(op); } else { new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You feel a great loss..."); } decrease_ob(tmp); insert_spell_effect("meffect_green", op->map, op->x, op->y); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "magic_default.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); return 1; } /* improvement potion */ else if (tmp->last_eat == 2) { int success_flag = 0, hp_flag = 0, sp_flag = 0, grace_flag = 0; if (QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) || QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED)) { /* jump in by random - goto power */ if (RANDOM() % 2) { goto hp_jump; } else if (RANDOM() % 2) { goto sp_jump; } else { goto grace_jump; } while (!hp_flag || !sp_flag || !grace_flag) { hp_jump: /* mark we have checked hp chain */ hp_flag = 1; for (i = 2; i <= op->level; i++) { /* move one value to max */ if (CONTR(op)->levhp[i] != 1) { CONTR(op)->levhp[i] = 1; success_flag = 2; goto improve_done; } } sp_jump: /* mark we have checked sp chain */ sp_flag = 1; for (i = 2; i <= CONTR(op)->exp_ptr[EXP_MAGICAL]->level; i++) { /* move one value to max */ if (CONTR(op)->levsp[i] != 1) { CONTR(op)->levsp[i] = 1; success_flag = 2; goto improve_done; } } grace_jump: /* mark we have checked grace chain */ grace_flag = 1; for (i = 2; i <= CONTR(op)->exp_ptr[EXP_WISDOM]->level; i++) { /* move one value to max */ if (CONTR(op)->levgrace[i] != 1) { CONTR(op)->levgrace[i] = 1; success_flag = 2; goto improve_done; } } } success_flag = 3; } else { /* jump in by random - goto power */ if (RANDOM() % 2) { goto hp_jump2; } else if (RANDOM() % 2) { goto sp_jump2; } else { goto grace_jump2; } while (!hp_flag || !sp_flag || !grace_flag) { hp_jump2: /* mark we have checked hp chain */ hp_flag = 1; for (i = 1; i <= op->level; i++) { /* move one value to max */ if (CONTR(op)->levhp[i] != (char) op->arch->clone.stats.maxhp) { CONTR(op)->levhp[i] = (char) op->arch->clone.stats.maxhp; success_flag = 1; goto improve_done; } } sp_jump2: /* mark we have checked sp chain */ sp_flag = 1; for (i = 1; i <= CONTR(op)->exp_ptr[EXP_MAGICAL]->level; i++) { /* move one value to max */ if (CONTR(op)->levsp[i] != (char) op->arch->clone.stats.maxsp) { CONTR(op)->levsp[i] = (char) op->arch->clone.stats.maxsp; success_flag = 1; goto improve_done; } } grace_jump2: /* mark we have checked grace chain */ grace_flag = 1; for (i = 1; i <= CONTR(op)->exp_ptr[EXP_WISDOM]->level; i++) { /* move one value to max */ if (CONTR(op)->levgrace[i] != (char) op->arch->clone.stats.maxgrace) { CONTR(op)->levgrace[i] = (char) op->arch->clone.stats.maxgrace; success_flag = 1; goto improve_done; } } } } improve_done: CLEAR_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_APPLIED); if (!success_flag) { new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "The potion had no effect - you are already perfect."); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "magic_default.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); } else if (success_flag == 1) { fix_player(op); insert_spell_effect("meffect_yellow", op->map, op->x, op->y); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "magic_default.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You feel a little more perfect!"); } else if (success_flag == 2) { fix_player(op); insert_spell_effect("meffect_purple", op->map, op->x, op->y); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "poison.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "The foul potion burns like fire in you!"); } /* bad potion but all values of this player are 1! poor poor guy.... */ else { insert_spell_effect("meffect_purple", op->map, op->x, op->y); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "poison.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "The potion was foul but had no effect on your tortured body."); } decrease_ob(tmp); return 1; } } if (tmp->stats.sp == SP_NO_SPELL) { new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "Nothing happens as you apply it."); decrease_ob(tmp); return 0; } /* A potion that casts a spell. Healing, restore spellpoint (power * potion) and heroism all fit into this category. */ if (tmp->stats.sp != SP_NO_SPELL) { /* apply potion fires in player's facing direction, unless the spell is SELF one, ie, healing or cure ilness. */ cast_spell(op, tmp, spells[tmp->stats.sp].flags & SPELL_DESC_SELF ? 0 : op->facing, tmp->stats.sp, 1, spellPotion, NULL); decrease_ob(tmp); /* if you're dead, no point in doing this... */ if (!QUERY_FLAG(op, FLAG_REMOVED)) { fix_player(op); } return 1; } /* CLEAR_FLAG is so that if the character has other potions * that were grouped with the one consumed, his * stat will not be raised by them. fix_player just clears * up all the stats. */ CLEAR_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_APPLIED); fix_player(op); decrease_ob(tmp); return 1; }
static void internal_adjust_next_event(struct NetKeepAlive *nka, int got_reply, int ct) { /* if we are in the comfort zone, apply minor_fuzz. Otherwise, apply major_fuzz If we are in the comfort zone and got no reply, force us out of it. */ int i; struct timeval tv; float minor_minimum, major_minimum; i = RANDOM()&0x01; /* positive or negative shift? */ minor_minimum = KA_INITIAL_KEEPALIVE; major_minimum = (float) nka->maximal_keepalive * 0.75f; /* next_event = current_event * +/- factor */ if (nka->current_keepalive >= major_minimum) { // we are in the comfort zone // did we get any reply? // if not, bump down outside the zone // also ensure that if we // are stuck at either ends of the // spectrum, we get out fast #ifdef FAST_HANDOVER if (got_reply == 0 && ct > 1) nka->current_keepalive = major_minimum - 1; else #endif { float fuzz_factor; if (nka->current_keepalive == nka->maximal_keepalive) fuzz_factor = 1 - nka->minor_fuzz; else if (nka->current_keepalive == major_minimum) fuzz_factor = 1 + nka->minor_fuzz; else fuzz_factor = i ? (1 - nka->minor_fuzz) : (1 + nka->minor_fuzz); nka->current_keepalive = internal_trim((float)nka->current_keepalive * fuzz_factor, major_minimum, (float) nka->maximal_keepalive); } } /* else we are NOT in the comfort zone */ if (nka->current_keepalive < major_minimum) { /* if we got_reply we go up, otherwise we go down */ #ifdef FAST_HANDOVER float fuzz_factor; fuzz_factor = (ct < 2) ? (1 + nka->major_fuzz) : ( 1 - nka->major_fuzz); #else float fuzz_factor = 1; if (ct < 2) fuzz_factor = 1 + nka->major_fuzz; #endif nka->current_keepalive = internal_trim((float)nka->current_keepalive * fuzz_factor, minor_minimum, (float) nka->maximal_keepalive); } /* then put the next event in the timeval */ GETTIMEOFDAY(&tv, NULL); nka->next_event.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + (int) nka->current_keepalive; nka->next_event.tv_usec = (long)( nka->current_keepalive - (int) nka->current_keepalive ) * 1000000; Display(LOG_LEVEL_3, ELInfo, "internal_adjust_next_event", HEX_STR_NEXT_KA_IN, nka->current_keepalive); return; }
void clubmaster_driver(int cn,int ret,int lastact) { struct clubmaster_driver_data *dat; int co,in,n,rank,cc,val; struct msg *msg,*next; char *ptr,tmp[80],name[80]; dat=set_data(cn,DRD_CLUBMASTERDRIVER,sizeof(struct clubmaster_driver_data)); if (!dat) return; // oops... if (ch[cn].arg) { clubmaster_driver_parse(cn,dat); ch[cn].arg=NULL; } // loop through our messages for (msg=ch[cn].msg; msg; msg=next) { next=msg->next; // did we see someone? if (msg->type==NT_CHAR) { co=msg->dat1; // dont talk to someone we cant see, and dont talk to ourself if (!char_see_char(cn,co) || cn==co) { remove_message(cn,msg); continue; } // dont talk to someone far away if (char_dist(cn,co)>10) { remove_message(cn,msg); continue; } // dont talk to the same person twice if (mem_check_driver(cn,co,7)) { remove_message(cn,msg); continue; } if (!get_char_club(cn) && !get_char_clan(cn)) quiet_say(cn,"Hello %s! Would you like to found a °c4club°c0?",ch[co].name); mem_add_driver(cn,co,7); } // talk back if (msg->type==NT_TEXT) { analyse_text_driver(cn,msg->dat1,(char*)msg->dat2,msg->dat3); if ((msg->dat1==1 || msg->dat1==2) && (co=msg->dat3)!=cn) { // talk, and not our talk if ((ptr=strcasestr((char*)msg->dat2,"found:"))) { if (!(ch[co].flags&CF_PAID)) { quiet_say(cn,"I'm sorry, %s, but only paying players may found clubs.",ch[co].name); } else if (!get_char_clan(co) && !get_char_club(co)) { if (ch[co].gold>=10000*100) { ptr+=6; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; for (n=0; n<79; n++) { if (!(isalpha(*ptr) || *ptr==' ')) break; name[n]=*ptr++; } name[n]=0; if ((n=create_club(name))) { take_money(co,10000*100); ch[co].clan=n+CLUBOFFSET; ch[co].clan_serial=club[n].serial; ch[co].clan_rank=2; quiet_say(cn,"Congratulations, %s, you are now the leader of the club %s.",ch[co].name,club[n].name); dlog(co,0,"created club %d %s",n,club[n].name); } else quiet_say(cn,"Something's wrong with the name."); } else quiet_say(cn,"You cannot pay the fee of 10,000 gold."); } else quiet_say(cn,"You are already a member of a clan or club. You cannot found a new one."); } if ((ptr=strcasestr((char*)msg->dat2,"accept:"))) { if (!get_char_club(co) || ch[co].clan_rank<1) { quiet_say(cn,"You are not a club leader, %s.",ch[co].name); } else { ptr+=7; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; for (n=0; n<79; n++) { if (!*ptr || *ptr=='"') break; dat->accept[n]=*ptr++; } dat->accept[n]=0; strcpy(dat->join,ch[co].name); dat->accept_clan=get_char_club(co); dat->accept_cn=co; quiet_say(cn,"To join %s's club %s, say: 'join: %s'",dat->join,dat->accept,dat->join); } } if ((ptr=strcasestr((char*)msg->dat2,"join:"))) { if (get_char_clan(co) || get_char_club(co)) { quiet_say(cn,"You are already a clan or club member, %s.",ch[co].name); } else { ptr+=5; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; for (n=0; n<79; n++) { if (!*ptr || *ptr=='"') break; tmp[n]=*ptr++; } tmp[n]=0; if (strcasecmp(dat->accept,ch[co].name)) { quiet_say(cn,"You have not been invited, %s.",ch[co].name); } else if (strcasecmp(dat->join,tmp)) { quiet_say(cn,"%s has not invited you, %s.",tmp,ch[co].name); } else { //add_member(co,dat->accept_clan,dat->join); ch[co].clan=dat->accept_clan+CLUBOFFSET; ch[co].clan_serial=club[dat->accept_clan].serial; ch[co].clan_rank=0; quiet_say(cn,"%s, you are now a member of %s's club.",ch[co].name,dat->join); dat->accept[0]=0; dat->accept_clan=0; dat->join[0]=0; } } } if ((ptr=strcasestr((char*)msg->dat2,"leave!"))) { if (!get_char_club(co)) { quiet_say(cn,"You are not a club member, %s.",ch[co].name); } else { remove_member(co,co); quiet_say(cn,"You are no longer a member of any club, %s",ch[co].name); } } if ((ptr=strcasestr((char*)msg->dat2,"rank:"))) { if (!get_char_club(co) || ch[co].clan_rank<2) { quiet_say(cn,"You are not a club founder, %s.",ch[co].name); } else { ptr+=6; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; for (n=0; n<79; n++) { if (!*ptr || *ptr=='"' || isspace(*ptr)) break; tmp[n]=*ptr++; } tmp[n]=0; rank=atoi(ptr); if (rank<0 || rank>1) { quiet_say(cn,"You must use a rank between 0 and 1."); remove_message(cn,msg); continue; } for (cc=getfirst_char(); cc; cc=getnext_char(cc)) { if (!strcasecmp(tmp,ch[cc].name) && (ch[cc].flags&CF_PLAYER)) break; } if (cc) { if (!(ch[cc].flags&CF_PAID) && rank>0) { quiet_say(cn,"%s is not a paying player, you cannot set the rank higher than 0.",ch[cc].name); } else if (ch[cc].clan_rank==2) { quiet_say(cn,"%s is the club's founder, cannot change rank.",ch[cc].name); } else if (get_char_club(cc)==get_char_club(co)) { ch[cc].clan_rank=rank; quiet_say(cn,"Set %s's rank to %d.",ch[cc].name,rank); } else quiet_say(cn,"You cannot change the rank of those not belonging to your club."); } else { int uID; uID=lookup_name(tmp,NULL); if (uID==0) continue; if (uID==-1) { quiet_say(cn,"Sorry, no player by the name %s found.",tmp); } else { task_set_clan_rank(uID,ch[co].ID,get_char_club(co)+CLUBOFFSET,rank,ch[co].name); quiet_say(cn,"Update scheduled (%s,%d).",tmp,rank); } } } } if ((ptr=strcasestr((char*)msg->dat2,"fire:"))) { if (!get_char_club(co) || ch[co].clan_rank<1) { quiet_say(cn,"You are not a club leader, %s.",ch[co].name); } else { ptr+=6; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; for (n=0; n<79; n++) { if (!*ptr || *ptr=='"' || isspace(*ptr)) break; tmp[n]=*ptr++; } tmp[n]=0; for (cc=getfirst_char(); cc; cc=getnext_char(cc)) { if (!strcasecmp(tmp,ch[cc].name) && (ch[cc].flags&CF_PLAYER)) break; } if (cc) { if (get_char_club(cc)==get_char_club(co)) { if (ch[cc].clan_rank<2) { remove_member(cc,co); quiet_say(cn,"Fired: %s.",ch[cc].name); } else quiet_say(cn,"You cannot fire the founder of the club."); } else quiet_say(cn,"You cannot fire those not belonging to your club."); } else { int uID; uID=lookup_name(tmp,NULL); if (uID==0) continue; if (uID==-1) { quiet_say(cn,"Sorry, no player by the name %s found.",tmp); } else { task_fire_from_clan(uID,ch[co].ID,get_char_club(co)+CLUBOFFSET,ch[co].name); quiet_say(cn,"Update scheduled (%s).",tmp); } } } } if ((ptr=strcasestr((char*)msg->dat2,"deposit:"))) { if (!(n=get_char_club(co))) { quiet_say(cn,"You are not a club member, %s.",ch[co].name); } else { val=atoi(ptr+8)*100; if (val>0 && ch[co].gold>=val) { club[n].money+=val; take_money(co,val); quiet_say(cn,"You have deposited %dG, for a total of %dG, %s.",val/100,club[n].money/100,ch[co].name); dlog(co,0,"Deposited %dG into club %d, for a new total of %dG",val/100,n,club[n].money/100); db_update_club(n); } else quiet_say(cn,"You do not have that much gold, %s.",ch[co].name); } } if ((ptr=strcasestr((char*)msg->dat2,"withdraw:"))) { if (!(n=get_char_club(co)) || ch[co].clan_rank<2) { quiet_say(cn,"You are not a club founder, %s.",ch[co].name); } else { val=atoi(ptr+9)*100; if (val>0 && club[n].money>=val) { club[n].money-=val; give_money(co,val,"club withdrawal"); quiet_say(cn,"You have withdrawn %dG, money left in club %dG, %s.",val/100,club[n].money/100,ch[co].name); dlog(co,0,"Withdrew %dG from club %d, for a new total of %dG",val/100,n,club[n].money/100); db_update_club(n); } else quiet_say(cn,"The club does not have that much gold, %s.",ch[co].name); } } } } // got an item? if (msg->type==NT_GIVE) { co=msg->dat1; if ((in=ch[cn].citem)) { // we still have it // try to give it back if (give_char_item(cn,co)) return; // didnt work, let it vanish, then destroy_item(ch[cn].citem); ch[cn].citem=0; } } remove_message(cn,msg); } // do something. whenever possible, call do_idle with as high a tick count // as reasonable when doing nothing. if (secure_move_driver(cn,ch[cn].tmpx,ch[cn].tmpy,dat->dir,ret,lastact)) return; if (ticker>dat->last_talk+TICKS*60 && !RANDOM(25)) { switch(RANDOM(8)) { case 0: murmur(cn,"My back itches."); break; case 1: whisper(cn,"There's something stuck between your teeth."); break; case 2: murmur(cn,"Oh yeah, those were the days."); break; case 3: murmur(cn,"Now where did I put it?"); break; case 4: murmur(cn,"Oh my, life is hard but unfair."); break; case 5: murmur(cn,"Beware of the fire snails!"); break; case 6: murmur(cn,"I love the clicking of coins."); break; case 7: murmur(cn,"Gold and Silver, Silver and Gold."); break; default: break; } dat->last_talk=ticker; } if (ticker>dat->memcleartimer) { mem_erase_driver(cn,7); dat->memcleartimer=ticker+TICKS*60*60*12; } do_idle(cn,TICKS*2); }
/** * Op throws any object toss_item. * @param op Living thing throwing something. * @param toss_item Item thrown. * @param dir Direction to throw. */ void do_throw(object *op, object *toss_item, int dir) { object *left_cont, *throw_ob = toss_item, *left = NULL, *tmp_op; tag_t left_tag; rv_vector range_vector; if (!throw_ob) { if (op->type == PLAYER) { new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You have nothing to throw."); } return; } if (QUERY_FLAG(throw_ob, FLAG_STARTEQUIP)) { if (op->type == PLAYER) { new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "The gods won't let you throw that."); } return; } if (throw_ob->weight <= 0) { new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You can't throw %s.\n", query_base_name(throw_ob, NULL)); return; } /* These are throwing objects left to the player */ left = throw_ob; left_cont = left->env; left_tag = left->count; /* Sometimes get_split_ob can't split an object (because op->nrof==0?) * and returns NULL. We must use 'left' then */ if ((throw_ob = get_split_ob(throw_ob, 1, NULL, 0)) == NULL) { throw_ob = left; remove_ob(left); check_walk_off(left, NULL, MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED); if (op->type == PLAYER) { esrv_del_item(CONTR(op), left->count, left->env); } } else if (op->type == PLAYER) { if (was_destroyed(left, left_tag)) { esrv_del_item(CONTR(op), left_tag, left_cont); } else { esrv_update_item(UPD_NROF, op, left); } } /* Special case: throwing powdery substances like dust, dirt */ if (QUERY_FLAG(throw_ob, FLAG_DUST)) { cast_dust(op, throw_ob, dir); /* update the shooting speed for the player action timer. * We init the used skill with it - its not calculated here. * cast_dust() can change the used skill... */ if (op->type == PLAYER) { op->chosen_skill->stats.maxsp = throw_ob->last_grace; } return; } /* Targetting throwing */ if (!dir && op->type == PLAYER && OBJECT_VALID(CONTR(op)->target_object, CONTR(op)->target_object_count)) { dir = get_dir_to_target(op, CONTR(op)->target_object, &range_vector); } /* Three things here prevent a throw, you aimed at your feet, you * have no effective throwing strength, or you threw at a wall */ if (!dir || wall(op->map, op->x + freearr_x[dir], op->y + freearr_y[dir])) { /* Bounces off 'wall', and drops to feet */ if (!QUERY_FLAG(throw_ob, FLAG_REMOVED)) { remove_ob(throw_ob); if (check_walk_off(throw_ob, NULL, MOVE_APPLY_MOVE) != CHECK_WALK_OK) { return; } } throw_ob->x = op->x; throw_ob->y = op->y; if (!insert_ob_in_map(throw_ob, op->map, op, 0)) { return; } if (op->type == PLAYER) { if (!dir) { new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You drop %s at the ground.", query_name(throw_ob, NULL)); } else { new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "Something is in the way."); } } return; } set_owner(throw_ob, op); set_owner(throw_ob->inv, op); throw_ob->direction = dir; throw_ob->x = op->x; throw_ob->y = op->y; /* Save original wc and dam */ throw_ob->last_heal = throw_ob->stats.wc; throw_ob->stats.hp = throw_ob->stats.dam; /* Speed */ throw_ob->speed = MIN(1.0f, (speed_bonus[op->stats.Str] + 1.0f) / 1.5f); /* Now we get the wc from the used skill. */ if ((tmp_op = SK_skill(op))) { throw_ob->stats.wc += tmp_op->last_heal; } /* Monsters */ else { throw_ob->stats.wc += 10; } throw_ob->stats.wc_range = op->stats.wc_range; if (QUERY_FLAG(throw_ob, FLAG_IS_THROWN)) { throw_ob->stats.dam += throw_ob->magic; throw_ob->stats.wc += throw_ob->magic; /* Adjust for players */ if (op->type == PLAYER) { op->chosen_skill->stats.maxsp = throw_ob->last_grace; throw_ob->stats.dam = FABS((int) ((float) (throw_ob->stats.dam + dam_bonus[op->stats.Str] / 2) * LEVEL_DAMAGE(SK_level(op)))); throw_ob->stats.wc += thaco_bonus[op->stats.Dex] + SK_level(op); } else { throw_ob->stats.dam = FABS((int) ((float) (throw_ob->stats.dam) * LEVEL_DAMAGE(op->level))); throw_ob->stats.wc += 10 + op->level; } throw_ob->stats.grace = throw_ob->last_sp; throw_ob->stats.maxgrace = 60 + (RANDOM() % 12); /* Only throw objects get directional faces */ if (GET_ANIM_ID(throw_ob) && NUM_ANIMATIONS(throw_ob)) { SET_ANIMATION(throw_ob, (NUM_ANIMATIONS(throw_ob) / NUM_FACINGS(throw_ob)) * dir); } /* Adjust damage with item condition */ throw_ob->stats.dam = (sint16) (((float) throw_ob->stats.dam / 100.0f) * (float) throw_ob->item_condition); } if (throw_ob->stats.dam < 0) { throw_ob->stats.dam = 0; } update_ob_speed(throw_ob); throw_ob->speed_left = 0; SET_MULTI_FLAG(throw_ob, FLAG_FLYING); SET_FLAG(throw_ob, FLAG_FLY_ON); SET_FLAG(throw_ob, FLAG_WALK_ON); play_sound_map(op->map, CMD_SOUND_EFFECT, "throw.ogg", op->x, op->y, 0, 0); /* Trigger the THROW event */ trigger_event(EVENT_THROW, op, throw_ob, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, SCRIPT_FIX_ACTIVATOR); if (insert_ob_in_map(throw_ob, op->map, op, 0)) { move_arrow(throw_ob); } }
void mcp_basic_handler(McpFrame * mfr, McpMesg * mesg, void *dummy) { McpVer myminver = { 2, 1 }; McpVer mymaxver = { 2, 1 }; McpVer minver = { 0, 0 }; McpVer maxver = { 0, 0 }; McpVer nullver = { 0, 0 }; const char *ptr; const char *auth; if (!*mesg->mesgname) { auth = mcp_mesg_arg_getline(mesg, "authentication-key", 0); if (auth) { mfr->authkey = string_dup(auth); } else { McpMesg reply; char authval[128]; mcp_mesg_init(&reply, MCP_INIT_PKG, ""); mcp_mesg_arg_append(&reply, "version", "2.1"); mcp_mesg_arg_append(&reply, "to", "2.1"); snprintf(authval, sizeof(authval), "%.8lX", (unsigned long)(RANDOM() ^ RANDOM())); mcp_mesg_arg_append(&reply, "authentication-key", authval); mfr->authkey = string_dup(authval); mcp_frame_output_mesg(mfr, &reply); mcp_mesg_clear(&reply); } ptr = mcp_mesg_arg_getline(mesg, "version", 0); if (!ptr) return; while (isdigit(*ptr)) minver.vermajor = (minver.vermajor * 10) + (*ptr++ - '0'); if (*ptr++ != '.') return; while (isdigit(*ptr)) minver.verminor = (minver.verminor * 10) + (*ptr++ - '0'); ptr = mcp_mesg_arg_getline(mesg, "to", 0); if (!ptr) { maxver = minver; } else { while (isdigit(*ptr)) maxver.vermajor = (maxver.vermajor * 10) + (*ptr++ - '0'); if (*ptr++ != '.') return; while (isdigit(*ptr)) maxver.verminor = (maxver.verminor * 10) + (*ptr++ - '0'); } mfr->version = mcp_version_select(myminver, mymaxver, minver, maxver); if (mcp_version_compare(mfr->version, nullver)) { McpMesg cando; char verbuf[32]; McpPkg *p = mcp_PackageList; mfr->enabled = 1; while (p) { if (strcmp_nocase(p->pkgname, MCP_INIT_PKG)) { mcp_mesg_init(&cando, MCP_NEGOTIATE_PKG, "can"); mcp_mesg_arg_append(&cando, "package", p->pkgname); snprintf(verbuf, sizeof(verbuf), "%d.%d", p->minver.vermajor, p->minver.verminor); mcp_mesg_arg_append(&cando, "min-version", verbuf); snprintf(verbuf, sizeof(verbuf), "%d.%d", p->maxver.vermajor, p->maxver.verminor); mcp_mesg_arg_append(&cando, "max-version", verbuf); mcp_frame_output_mesg(mfr, &cando); mcp_mesg_clear(&cando); } p = p->next; } mcp_mesg_init(&cando, MCP_NEGOTIATE_PKG, "end"); mcp_frame_output_mesg(mfr, &cando); mcp_mesg_clear(&cando); } } }
float RandomFloat() { float Max = RAND_MAX; return ((float)RANDOM() / Max); }
long ematrix_printmore_ext(ematrix *e, int lev, char *bto, int mx) { ematrix **bas,**flt,**sep, **x, *ee,*xe; int i,ii, j,jj,k,kk, a,ro,co, *li,*basi,**basii, *orb=NULL,*orbx, *ses=NULL, bbm,bbl; long hash = 0, *flts=NULL; if (bto) bto[0] = 0; bbm = mx; bbl=0; if (!e) return -1; if (lev>0) if (ROWSM(e)*COLSM(e)>EM_MAXTOPRINTSQ || ROWSM(e)>EM_MAXTOPRINT || COLSM(e)>EM_MAXTOPRINT) { OUTPUT("Too big matroid for extended printing, sorry.\n"); return -1; } ee = ematrix_copy(e); ro = ROWSM(ee); co = COLSM(ee); basi = MMALLOC(2*(ro+co+2)*sizeof(basi[0])); li = basi+ro+co; basii = malloc_twodim(sizeof(basii[0][0]),ro+co,ro+co); for (i=0; i<ro+co; i++) basi[i] = 0; for (i=0; i<ro+co; i++) for (ii=0; ii<ro+co; ii++) basii[i][ii] = 0; flts = MMALLOC((ro+co+2)*sizeof(flts[0])); if (lev>0 && !bto) SOUTPUT("\n"); hash = ro+10*co; hash = 90909l*hash+111l*hash*hash*hash; /** * Here we collect and print all bases - their total number, and numbers * per elements (basi[]) and per element pairs (basii[][]). * The bases are given as refering square submatrices of ee (not pivoted!). * We add the numbers to the matroid hash value in a symmetric way. * ....... more to be added to the hash value - small flatlines??? * * The bases are also used later, and they are freed at the end. **/ bas = ematrix_getbases_sq(ee); hash += alist_getlength(bas)*10101l; for (x=bas; x?*x:0; x++) { xe = ematrix_refextract_xrow(ee,*x); if (ROWSM(xe)+COLSM(xe)!=ro) {PROGERROR("Something wrong with the basis size!");} for (i=0; i<ROWSM(xe); i++) li[i] = GETREFMROW(xe,i); for (i=0; i<COLSM(xe); i++) li[i+ROWSM(xe)] = GETREFMCOL(xe,i)+ro; for (i=0; i<ro; i++) { basi[li[i]]++; for (ii=0; ii<ro; ii++) basii[li[i]][li[ii]]++; } dispose_ematrix(xe); } for (i=0; i<ro+co; i++) { hash += 505l*basi[i]+7l*basi[i]*basi[i]; for (ii=0; ii<i; ii++) hash += 13l*basii[i][ii]+1l*basii[i][ii]*basii[i][ii]; if (basii[i][ii]!=basii[ii][i]) {PROGERROR("Something wrong - nonsymmetric basis pairs!");} } //************* adding small flatlines to the hash value? - here, not below, since the element // magic below is slow to compute and not computed always(!) if (lev>=0) { if (!bto) OUTPUT("Number of matroid [%.25s] bases: %d\n",EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",alist_getlength(bas)); else SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"Matroid %d x %d [%.25s], %d bases.\n",ro,co,EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",alist_getlength(bas)); } if (lev>0 && !bto) { OUTPUT(" - per elements "); for (i=0; i<ro+co; i++) SOUTPUT(" [%d: %d]%s",LIID(ee,i),basi[i],i%6==5?"\n\t\t\t":""); SOUTPUT("\n"); } if (lev>4 && !bto) { SOUTPUT("\n"); OUTPUT(" - per element pairs\n"); for (i=0,a=1; i<ro+co; i++) { if (a) SOUTPUT(" ~\t "); a = 0; for (ii=0; ii<ro+co; ii++) if (basii[i][ii]>0) { a = 1; SOUTPUT("[%2d'%2d: %-3d]",LIID(ee,i),LIID(ee,ii),basii[i][ii]); } if (a) SOUTPUT("\n"); } } /** * Here we (try to) distinguish matroid elements up to isomorphism. * We either compute "magic values" for the elements - faster, * or we rigorously compute the orbits of the automorphism group. * For the orbits, we use the numbers of bases in basi[] and the * flatline values flts[] for rough distinction, and then we use * strmag_isautmap() to see which pairs of elements are really * mapped to each other by the aut group. **/ if (lev>0) { strmag_flatlines_pr(ee,flts); /* (flts[] is globally allocated) */ for (i=0; i<ro+co; i++) flts[i] += 7*basi[i]; } if (lev>0 && lev<=2 && !bto) { OUTPUT(" - elem magic "); for (i=0; i<ro+co; i++) SOUTPUT(" [%d: %ld]%s",LIID(ee,i),flts[i],i%6==5?"\n\t\t\t":""); SOUTPUT("\n"); } if (lev>2 && ro>0) { if (ro+co>6) DEBUG(CURDLEV-3,"Warning - aut orbit computation may take very long.\n"); if (!bto) OUTPUT("Aut group orbits of [%.25s] are (via first elem id):\n",EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):""); else SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"Aut group orbits "); if (ematrix_checkid(ee)<0 && !bto) { ematrix_resetid(ee); SOUTPUT("\t\tResetting line id's in the matrix!!!\n"); } orb = MMALLOC(2*(ro+co+2)*sizeof(orb[0])); orbx = orb+(ro+co+1); for (i=0; i<ro+co; i++) orbx[i] = 1; if (!bto) { for (i=0; i<ro; i++) orb[i] = ROWSID(ee,i); for (i=ro; i<ro+co; i++) orb[i] = COLSID(ee,i-ro); } else for (i=0; i<ro+co; i++) orb[i] = i; /* (we print elem ids on output, but their indices to bto...) */ if (!bto) SOUTPUT("\t\t(%d",orb[0]); else SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"[%d",orb[0]); kk = ro+co; for (i=1; i<ro+co; i++) { for (j=0; j<i; j++) if (orbx[j]) { if (basi[i]!=basi[j] || flts[i]!=flts[j]) continue; //********** may we efficiently use basii[][] here??? if (!strmag_isautmap_h(e,i,j,flts)) continue; orb[i] = orb[j]; orbx[i] = 0; kk--; } if (!bto) SOUTPUT(",%s %d",i==ro?" ":"",orb[i]); else SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,",%s %d",i==ro?" ":"",orb[i]); } if (!bto) SOUTPUT(") =%d\n",kk); else SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"] %d.\n",kk); FREE(orb); } /** * Here we list all nontrivial flats of the matroid up to rank * depending on lev, or up to the first flats found. * See also ematrix_printmore_flats() below. * (We currently do not use information about the printed flats * in the matroid hash-value since the flats are expensive to compute. * Also, the flat comp implementation works only for bounded size!) **/ ematrix_printmore_flats(NULL,0,1); if (lev>0) for (k=0,a=1; k<lev+a && k<ro; k++) { flt = ematrix_submatrices_sub(ee,k); for (x=flt,i=0; x?*x:0; x++) { xe = ematrix_closure(ee,*x); kk = ematrix_setrank(ee,xe); if (kk>k) {PROGERROR("something wrong with the flat rank %d>%d",kk,k);} if (ROWSM(xe)+COLSM(xe)>k && k==kk) if (ematrix_printmore_flats(xe,k,0)>=0) { if (i==0 && lev>1 && !bto) SOUTPUT("\n"); if (i==0 && !bto) OUTPUT("Listing all (nontrivial) flats in [%.25s] of rank %d:\n", EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",k); if (i==0 && bto) SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"Flats of rank %d:",k); i++; if (i%5==0 && bto) SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"\n"); if (!bto) { SOUTPUT(" ~\t - rank-%d flat (%d)\t{",k,i); for (j=0; j<ROWSM(xe); j++) SOUTPUT(" %d,",ROWSID(xe,j)); for (j=0; j<COLSM(xe); j++) SOUTPUT("%c %d",!j?' ':',',COLSID(xe,j)); SOUTPUT(" }\n"); } else { SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm," %df{",i); for (j=0; j<ROWSM(xe); j++) SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"%d,",GETREFMROW(xe,j)); for (j=0; j<COLSM(xe); j++) SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"%c%d",!j?' ':',',GETREFMCOL(xe,j)+ro); SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"}"); } } dispose_ematrix(xe); } if (i==0 && k==0 && lev>1 && !bto) SOUTPUT("\n"); if (i==0 && !bto) OUTPUT("There are -NO- (nontrivial) flats in [%.25s] of rank %d.\n",EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",k); if (i>0 && bto) SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"\n"); if (flt) dispose_alist_mats(flt); if (i!=0 && bto && k>=3) break; if (i==0 && k>0) a++; } ematrix_printmore_flats(NULL,0,-1); /** * Here we list all nontrivial separations of the matroid up to lambda * depending on lev, or up to the first separations found. * (We currently do not use these information in the hash-value.) **/ if (lev>1 && !bto) { sep = ematrix_submatrices_all(ee); ii = sep? alist_getlength(sep):0; ses = MMALLOC((ii+2)*sizeof(ses[0])); for (x=sep; x?*x:0; x++) ses[x-sep] = ematrix_whatsep(ee,*x); for (k=0,a=-1; k<lev+a && k<ro; k++) { for (jj=i=0; jj<ii; jj++) if (ses[jj]==k) { xe = sep[jj]; if (ROWSM(xe)+COLSM(xe)<=k || ROWSM(xe)+COLSM(xe)>(ro+co)/2) continue; if (i==0 && lev>1) SOUTPUT("\n"); if (i==0) OUTPUT("Listing all exact separations in [%.25s] of lambda %d:\n", EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",k+1); SOUTPUT(" ~\t - %d-separation (%d)\t(",k+1,++i); for (j=0; j<ROWSM(xe); j++) SOUTPUT(" %d,",ROWSID(xe,j)); SOUTPUT(" "); for (j=0; j<COLSM(xe); j++) SOUTPUT(" %d,",COLSID(xe,j)); SOUTPUT(" )\n"); } if (i==0 && k==0) SOUTPUT("\n"); if (i==0) OUTPUT("There are -NO- exact separations in [%.25s] of lambda %d.\n",EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",k+1); if (i==0 && k>0) a++; } if (sep) dispose_alist_mats(sep); FREE(ses); } #ifndef FASTPROG /* paranoic testing of the hash-value computation: */ if (lev>=0 && IFRANDDEBUGLESS(111)) { for (ii=0; ii<4; ii++) { /* extra testing hash with pivoted matrix */ i = RANDOM()%ROWSM(ee); j = RANDOM()%COLSM(ee); if (SIGNM(ee,i,j)!=0) ematrix_pivot(ee,i,j); } if (hash!=ematrix_printmore_ext(ee,-1,NULL,0)) {PROGERROR("incorrect computation of matroid hash, ret=%ld",hash);} } /* (ee is modified here !!!) */ #endif if (bas) dispose_alist_mats(bas); if (flts) FREE(flts); if (basi) FREE(basi); if (basii) FREE(basii); /** * Some other final characteristics are printed here. * Representability is surveyed for some basic fields, depending on lev. * Among them the matroid hash-value is printed out and always returned. * So far, the matroid hash-value collects information about rank, * number of bases, numbers of bases per each element and each pair of elements. * You must update the version number if you change the collected information! **/ if (lev>0 && !bto) { SOUTPUT("\n"); k = 0; OUTPUT("Matroid [%.25s] connectivity is %d", EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",kk=struct_iconnectivity(e,&k)); if (kk==3 && k) SOUTPUT(" (internally %d-connected).\n",kk+1); else SOUTPUT(".\n"); OUTPUT("Matroid [%.25s] girth (shortest cycle) is %d.\n", EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",struct_matgirth(e)); } if (lev>0 && bto) { SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"Connectivity %d, girth (shortest cycle) %d.\n", struct_connectivity(e),struct_matgirth(e)); } if (lev>2) { char *xx_fields[] = {"GF(2)","GF(3)","GF(4)","GF(5)","GF(7)","GF(8)","GF(9)"}; if (!bto) OUTPUT("Matroid [%.25s] representability:",EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):""); else SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"Representability over:"); for (j=0; j<(int)(sizeof(xx_fields)/sizeof(xx_fields[0])); j++) { ii = pfield_curindex(); pfield_switchto(xx_fields[j]); /* (we expect all the fields defined!) */ a = grepr_isrepresented(ee,ii)>0; if (!bto) SOUTPUT(" %c%s%c",a?'+':'-',xx_fields[j],a?'+':'-'); else SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm," %c%s%c",a?'+':'-',xx_fields[j],a?'+':'-'); pfield_switchto_fast(ii); } if (!bto) SOUTPUT("\n\n"); else SNPRINTF(bto,bbl,bbm,"\n"); } if (lev>=0 && !bto) OUTPUT("Overall matroid [%.25s] hash-value (version %s): %ld\n", EMNAME(e)?EMNAME(e):"",EM_HASHVER,hash); dispose_ematrix(ee); return hash; }