Ejemplo n.º 1
int main()
    float* a, *b, *c, *d;
    a = RAlloc_Float(1024);
    b = RAlloc_Float(1024);
    c = RAlloc_Float(1024);
    d = RAlloc_Float(1024);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 1024; i ++)
        a[i] = 0.1f * i;
    //This is non-sense...
    for(i = 0; i < 100000; i ++)
        RFNL_VCopy_Gnrc_Float(b, a, 1024);
        RFNL_VCopy_Gnrc_Float(d, a, 1024);
        int j;
        for(j = 0; j < 1024; j ++)
            b[j] += a[j];
        RFNL_VAdd_Gnrc_Float(b, b, a, 1024);
        RFNL_VCplxAbs_Gnrc_Float(c, a, d, 1024);
        RFNL_VCplxMul_Gnrc_Float(d, c, d, c, b, a, 1024);
    for(i = 0; i < 1024; i ++)
        printf("%.4d %.9f\n", i, d[i]);
    RFree(a, b, c, d);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PrivateArgDeleter(RTCPDataStruct* object) {
    if(object->handler->dataStructContextDestructor != nil
          && object->context != nil) {
        object->handler->dataStructContextDestructor(object->context); // delete user-data
    nilDeleter(object->socket, RSocket);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main()
    CDSP2_Wave_Float MyWave, NewWave;
    CDSP2_Wave_Float_Ctor(& MyWave);
    CDSP2_Wave_Float_CtorSize(& NewWave, 48000 * 20);
    Float* wind = RAlloc_Float(2048);
    CDSP2_GenHanning_Float(wind, 2048);
    CDSP2_Wave_Float_SetWindow(& MyWave, wind, 2048);
    CDSP2_Wave_Float_SetWindow(& NewWave, wind, 2048);
    String_FromChars(Path, "/tmp/a.wav");
    CDSP2_Wave_Float_FromFile(& MyWave, & Path);
    CSVP_STFTIterlyzer_Float DyAna;
    CSVP_STFTIterlyzer_Float_CtorSize(& DyAna, 2048);
    CSVP_STFTIterlyzer_Float_SetHopSize(& DyAna, 512);
    CSVP_STFTIterlyzer_Float_SetWave(& DyAna, & MyWave);
    CSVP_STFTIterlyzer_Float_SetPosition(& DyAna, 100000);
    CSVP_STFTIterlyzer_Float_IterNextTo(& DyAna, 120000);
    CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float DySyn;
    CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float_CtorSize(& DySyn, 2048);
    CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float_SetHopSize(& DySyn, 512);
    CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float_SetWave(& DySyn, & NewWave);
    CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float_SetPosition(& DySyn, 100000);
    CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float_ExtractFrom(& DySyn, & DyAna);
    CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float_IterNextTo(& DySyn, 300000);
    int i;
    for(i = 150000; i < 500000; i += 30000)
        CSVP_STFTIterlyzer_Float_IterNextTo(& DyAna, i);
        CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float_ExtractFrom(& DySyn, & DyAna);
    for(i = 0; i <= DySyn.PulseList.Frames_Index; i ++)
        int j;
        for(j = 80; j < 150; j ++)
            DySyn.SpecList.Frames[i].Magn[j] = 0;
    CSVP_STFTItersizer_Float_IterPrevTo(& DySyn, 0);
    RDelete(& DyAna, & DySyn);
    String_SetChars(& Path, "/tmp/test3.wav");
    CDSP2_Wave_Float_ToFile(& NewWave, & Path);
    RDelete(& MyWave, & NewWave, & Path);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
//resampler <wav in> <wav out> <pitch> <velocity> <flags>
int main(int ArgQ, char** ArgList)
    printf("Sleepwalking's toy resampler v0.1.\n");
    printf("Powered by Rocaloid's subprojects: CVESVP, CVEDSP2, and RFNL.\n");
    String OutputPath, InputPath, StrPitch, StrVelocity, StrFlags, StrOffset,
    RNew(String, & OutputPath, & InputPath, & StrPitch, & StrVelocity, 
        & StrFlags, & StrOffset, & StrLength);
    if(ArgQ < 4)
        printf("Wrong number of Arguments.\n");
        return 1;
    String_SetChars(& InputPath, ArgList[1]);
    String_SetChars(& OutputPath, ArgList[2]);
    String_SetChars(& StrPitch, ArgList[3]);
    String_SetChars(& StrVelocity, "100");
    String_SetChars(& StrFlags, "");
    String_SetChars(& StrOffset, "0");
    String_SetChars(& StrLength, "-1");
    if(ArgQ > 4)
        String_SetChars(& StrVelocity, ArgList[4]);
    if(ArgQ > 5)
        String_SetChars(& StrFlags, ArgList[5]);
    if(ArgQ > 6)
        String_SetChars(& StrOffset, ArgList[6]);
    if(ArgQ > 7)
        String_SetChars(& StrLength, ArgList[7]);
    number Fundamental = FreqFromPitch(& StrPitch);
    number Velocity    = CNumberStr(& StrVelocity);
    int    Length      = CIntStr(& StrLength);
    if(Fundamental < 50)
        printf("Wrong pitch.\n");
        return 1;
    printf("resampler (in)%s (out)%s (pitch)%s (vel)%s (flags)%s (offset)%s "
        String_GetChars(& InputPath), String_GetChars(& OutputPath),
        String_GetChars(& StrPitch), String_GetChars(& StrVelocity), 
        String_GetChars(& StrFlags), String_GetChars(& StrOffset), 
        String_GetChars(& StrLength));
    Wave InWave, OutWave;
    FWindow_T DyWin;
    PSOLAIterlyzer PAna;
    PSOLAItersizer PSyn;
    List_DataFrame DataList;
    number* HannWind = RCall(RAlloc, number)(2048);
    RNew(Wave, & InWave, & OutWave);
    RNew(PSOLAIterlyzer, & PAna);
    RNew(PSOLAItersizer, & PSyn);
    RNew(List_DataFrame, & DataList);
    RCall(CDSP2_GenHanning, number)(HannWind, 2048);
    RCall(Wave, Resize)(& OutWave, 100000);
    RCall(Wave, SetWindow)(& InWave, HannWind, 2048);
    RCall(Wave, SetWindow)(& OutWave, HannWind, 2048);
    if(! RCall(Wave, FromFile)(& InWave, & InputPath))
        printf("Cannot read file!\n");
        return 1;
    Length = Length * (number)InWave.SampleRate / 1000;
    if(Length < 0) Length = InWave.Size;
    int VOT = RCall(CSVP_VOTFromWave, number)(& InWave, 0, InWave.Size / 2);
    int Onset = RCall(CSVP_OnsetFromWave, number)
        (& InWave, 0.005, 0, InWave.Size);
    printf("Got VOT at %d.\n", VOT);
    printf("Got Onset at %d.\n", Onset);
    //Analysis process
    RCall(PSOLAIterlyzer, SetWave)(& PAna, & InWave);
    RCall(PSOLAIterlyzer, SetPosition)(& PAna, VOT + 2000);
    RCall(PSOLAIterlyzer, SetBound)(& PAna, VOT);
    if(! RCall(PSOLAIterlyzer, PreAnalysisTo)(& PAna, VOT + 4000))
        printf("Preanalysis failed.\n");
        return 1;
    RCall(PSOLAIterlyzer, IterNextTo)(& PAna, InWave.Size);
    RCall(PSOLAIterlyzer, PrevTo)(& PAna, Onset);
    RCall(List_DataFrame, FromWave)(& DataList, & InWave, & PAna.PulseList);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i <= PAna.PulseList.Frames_Index; i ++)
        int p = RCall(PSOLAIterlyzer, Fetch)(& PAna, i);
        printf("%f %f\n", (float)p / InWave.SampleRate
                        , (float)p / InWave.SampleRate);
    //Pre-synthesis process
    OutWave.SampleRate = InWave.SampleRate;
    RCall(FWindow_T, Ctor)(& DyWin);
    RCall(FWindow, SetPara)(& DyWin, 30, 3000, 20);
    RCall(FWindow, SetFunc)(& DyWin, 
        _C(RFNL_Hanning_Size_Gnrc, _, number),
        _C(RFNL_Hanning_Valu_Gnrc, _, number));
    RCall(FWindow, Initialize)(& DyWin);
    RCall(PSOLAItersizer, SetWave)(& PSyn, & OutWave);
    RCall(PSOLAItersizer, SetWindow)(& PSyn, & DyWin);
    RCall(PSOLAItersizer, SetPosition)(& PSyn, 0);
    //Transposition process
    PMatch SorcPulse, LengthMatch;
    RNew(PMatch, & SorcPulse, & LengthMatch);
    for(i = 0; i <= PAna.PulseList.Frames_Index; i ++)
        PAna.PulseList.Frames[i] -= Onset;
    PMatchFromList_Int(& SorcPulse, & PAna.PulseList);
    int Fill = SorcPulse.X[1] - SorcPulse.X[0];
    i = 0;
    number p = SorcPulse.X[0];
    number Period = (number)InWave.SampleRate / Fundamental;
    while(p < VOT - Onset)
        i = RCall(PMatch, Query)(& SorcPulse, p).LowerIndex;
        RCall(PSOLAItersizer, Add)(& PSyn, p, & DataList.Frames[i]);
        p += Fill;
    RCall(PMatch, AddPair)(& LengthMatch, VOT - Onset, VOT - Onset);
    RCall(PMatch, AddPair)(& LengthMatch, Length,
        SorcPulse.X[SorcPulse.X_Index - 1]);
    while(p < Length)
        Transition TransPulse;
        int p2 = RCall(PMatch, Query)(& LengthMatch, p).Y;
        TransPulse = RCall(PMatch, Query)(& SorcPulse, p2);
        i = TransPulse.LowerIndex;
        RCall(PSOLAItersizer, Add)(& PSyn, p, & DataList.Frames[i]);
        p += Period;
    int Offset = (int)CNumberStr(& StrOffset) * InWave.SampleRate / 1000;
    //int OffIndex = RCall(PMatch, Query)(& SorcPulse, Offset).LowerIndex;
    RCall(PSOLAItersizer, RepositionFrom)(& PSyn, Onset - Offset);
    //Synthesis process
    RCall(PSOLAItersizer, IterNextTo)(& PSyn, InWave.Size);
    RCall(Wave, ToFile)(& OutWave, & OutputPath);
    RDelete(& OutputPath, & InputPath, & StrPitch, & StrVelocity, & StrFlags,
        & InWave, & OutWave, & DyWin, & PAna, & PSyn, & DataList, & SorcPulse,
        & LengthMatch, & StrOffset, & StrLength);
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char** arg)
    int i, j;
    Wave XWave, YWave;
    RCall(Wave, CtorSize)(& XWave, 20);
    RCall(Wave, CtorSize)(& YWave, 44100 * 5);
    Float* Win = RAlloc_Float(2048);
    CDSP2_GenHanning_Float(Win, 2048);
    RCall(Wave, SetWindow)(& XWave, Win, 2048);
    RCall(Wave, SetWindow)(& YWave, Win, 2048);
    String Path;
    String_Ctor(& Path);
    String_SetChars(& Path, arg[1]);
    RCall(Wave, FromFile)(& XWave, & Path);
    RCall(Wave, Resize)(& YWave, XWave.Size * Stretch + 5000);
    int VOT = CSVP_VOTFromWave_Float(& XWave, 0, XWave.Size - 5000);
    printf("VOT: %d\n", VOT);
    CSVP_F0Iterlyzer_Float F0Iter;
    CSVP_F0Iterlyzer_Float_Ctor(& F0Iter);
    F0Iter.Option.Adlib = 1;
    F0Iter.Option.LFreq = 50;
    F0Iter.Option.HFreq = 700;
    F0Iter.Option.Method = CSVP_F0_YIN;
    CSVP_F0Iterlyzer_Float_SetHopSize(& F0Iter, 256);
    CSVP_F0Iterlyzer_Float_SetWave(& F0Iter, & XWave);
    CSVP_F0Iterlyzer_Float_SetPosition(& F0Iter, VOT + 2000);
    CSVP_F0Iterlyzer_Float_PreAnalysisTo(& F0Iter, VOT + 10000);
    CSVP_F0Iterlyzer_Float_IterNextTo(& F0Iter, XWave.Size - 5000);
    CSVP_F0Iterlyzer_Float_PrevTo(& F0Iter, 0);
    CSVP_F0PostProcess_Float(& F0Iter.F0List, 4000, 0.15, 100, 700);
    printf("Got F0.\n");
    HNMIterlyzer HNMIter;
    RCall(HNMIterlyzer, CtorSize)(& HNMIter, 2048);
    HNMIter.GenPhase = 1;
    //HNMIter.LeftBound = VOT;
    RCall(HNMIterlyzer, SetHopSize)(& HNMIter, FFTSIZE);
    RCall(HNMIterlyzer, SetWave)(& HNMIter, & XWave);
    RCall(HNMIterlyzer, SetPosition)(& HNMIter, VOT + 1000);
    RCall(HNMIterlyzer, SetUpperFreq)(& HNMIter, 10000);
    RCall(HNMIterlyzer, SetPitch)(& HNMIter, & F0Iter.F0List);
    RCall(HNMIterlyzer, PrevTo)(& HNMIter, 0);
    RCall(HNMIterlyzer, IterNextTo)(& HNMIter, XWave.Size);
    HNMItersizer HNMSizer;
    RCall(HNMItersizer, CtorSize)(& HNMSizer, 2048);
    HNMContour TempCont;
    HNMFrame   TempHNM;
    RCall(HNMContour, Ctor)(& TempCont);
    RCall(HNMFrame, Ctor)(& TempHNM);
    CSVP_PitchModel PM;
    CSVP_PitchModel_Ctor(& PM);
    int Offset = HNMIter.PulseList.Frames[0];
    int Last;
    for(i = 0; i <= HNMIter.PulseList.Frames_Index; i ++)
        HNMFrame* OrigHNM = & HNMIter.HNMList.Frames[i];
        float F0 = OrigHNM -> Hmnc.Freq[0] * 2;
        CSVP_PitchConvertHNMFrame_Float(& TempCont, OrigHNM, & PM, F0, 12000,
        RCall(HNMFrame, From)(& TempHNM, OrigHNM);
        //RCall(HNMFrame, FromContour)(& TempHNM, & TempCont, F0, 12000);
        if(i % 5 == 0)
            float PhaseAdj = CSVP_PitchModel_GetPhseCoh(& PM, F0);
            CSVP_PhaseSyncH_Float(& HNMIter.PhseList.Frames[i], 0);
            CSVP_PhaseContract_Float(& HNMIter.PhseList.Frames[i], PhaseAdj);
            RCall(HNMItersizer, AddPhase)(& HNMSizer,
                & HNMIter.PhseList.Frames[i], Offset);
        RCall(HNMItersizer, AddPhase)(& HNMSizer, & HNMIter.PhseList.Frames[i],
        // Uncomment to plot the spectral env.
        if(Offset > 10000)
            for(j = 0; j < 1024; j ++)
                printf("%f\n", TempCont.Hmnc[j]);
        for(j = 0; j < Stretch; j ++)
            RCall(HNMItersizer, Add)(& HNMSizer, & TempHNM, Offset);
            Offset += FFTSIZE;
    Last = HNMSizer.PulseList.Frames[i * Stretch - 1];
    RDelete(& TempCont, & TempHNM, & PM);
    RCall(HNMItersizer, SetHopSize)(& HNMSizer, FFTSIZE);
    RCall(HNMItersizer, SetWave)(& HNMSizer, & YWave);
    RCall(HNMItersizer, SetPosition)(& HNMSizer,
        HNMSizer.SubsizerS -> PhseMatch.PulseList.X[50]);
    RCall(HNMItersizer, SetInitPhase)(& HNMSizer,
        & HNMSizer.SubsizerS -> PhseMatch.PhseList.Frames[50]);
    printf("%f\n", HNMSizer.SubsizerS -> PhseMatch.PulseList.X[50]);
    HNMSizer.Option.PhaseControl = 1;//CSVP_PhaseFlag_Regen;
    RCall(HNMItersizer, PrevTo    )(& HNMSizer, 0);
    RCall(HNMItersizer, IterNextTo)(& HNMSizer, Last - 8000);
    RCall(HNMItersizer, IterNextTo)(& HNMSizer, Last - 1000);
    RCall(HNMItersizer, IterNextTo)(& HNMSizer, Last);
    List_Sinusoid SList;
    RCall(List_Sinusoid, Ctor)(& SList);
    RCall(List_HNMFrame, ToSinuList)(& HNMIter.HNMList, & SList);
    CSVP_SinusoidalFromSinuList_Float(& YWave, & HNMIter.PulseList,
        & SList, & HNMIter.PhseList);
    CSVP_NoiseTurbFromSinuList_Float(& YWave, & XWave, & HNMIter.PulseList,
        & SList, & HNMIter.PhseList);
    RCall(List_Sinusoid, Dtor)(& SList);
    YWave.SampleRate = XWave.SampleRate;
    if(argc > 2)
        String_SetChars(& Path, arg[2]);
        String_SetChars(& Path, "/tmp/out.wav");
    RCall(Wave, ToFile)(& YWave, & Path);
    RDelete(& Path);
    RDelete(& XWave, & YWave, & HNMIter, & HNMSizer, & F0Iter);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int ArgN, char** Arg)
    int RegenFlag = 0;
    char* CWaveFile = NULL;
    char* CLabelFile = NULL;
    char* CRecFile = NULL;
    char* CRegenFile = "RegeneratedTrack.txt";
    int c;
    while((c = getopt(ArgN, Arg, "r")) != -1)
            case 'r':
                RegenFlag = 1;
            case '?':
                printf("Usage: rsegment [-r] "
                           "[-h] wavfile labelfile recfile\n");
                return 1;
    int i;
    for(i = optind; i < ArgN; i ++)
        switch(i - optind)
            case 0:
                CWaveFile = Arg[i];
            case 1:
                CLabelFile = Arg[i];
            case 2:
                CRecFile = Arg[i];
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: redundant argument '%s'.\n", Arg[i]);
    if(! CWaveFile)
        fprintf(stderr, "Missing argument 'wavfile'.\n");
        return 1;
    if(! CLabelFile)
        fprintf(stderr, "Missing argument 'labelfile'.\n");
        return 1;
    if(! CRecFile)
        fprintf(stderr, "Missing argument 'recfile'.\n");
        return 1;
    Wave SorcWave;
    File LabelFile;
    File RecFile;
    File RegenFile;
    String WavePath, LabelPath, RecPath, RegenPath;
    RNew(String, & WavePath, & LabelPath, & RecPath, & RegenPath);
    RNew(File, & LabelFile, & RecFile, & RegenFile);
    RCall(Wave, Ctor)(& SorcWave);
    String_SetChars(& WavePath, CWaveFile);
    String_SetChars(& LabelPath, CLabelFile);
    String_SetChars(& RecPath, CRecFile);
    String_SetChars(& RegenPath, CRegenFile);

    if(! RCall(Wave, FromFile)(& SorcWave, & WavePath))
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load wave file.\n");
        return 1;
    if(! File_Open(& LabelFile, & LabelPath, READONLY))
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load label file.\n");
        return 1;
    if(! File_Open(& RecFile, & RecPath, READONLY))
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load word table.\n");
        return 1;
        if(! File_Open(& RegenFile, & RegenPath, CREATE))
            fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create '%s'.\n", CRegenFile);
            return 1;
    Array_Ctor(String, RecList);
    Array_Ctor(int, SegList);
    ParseRecFile(& RecFile);
    ParseLabelFile(& LabelFile, SorcWave.SampleRate);
    Wave SegWave;
    RCall(Wave, Ctor)(& SegWave);
    SegWave.SampleRate = SorcWave.SampleRate;
    String SegName, LineBuf, TempBuf;
    RNew(String, & SegName, & LineBuf, & TempBuf);
    for(i = 0; i <= SegList_Index; i ++)
        int Start = SegList[i];
        int End;
        if(i == SegList_Index)
            End = SorcWave.Size;
            End = SegList[i + 1];
        if(i > RecList_Index)
            fprintf(stderr, "Insufficient records in word table.\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "Segmentation aborted at %fs.\n",
                (float)Start / SorcWave.SampleRate);
            return 1;
        String* Name = & RecList[i];
        String_Copy(& SegName, Name);
        String_JoinChars(& SegName, ".wav");
        if(! RegenFlag)
            int Size = End - Start;
            Real* Data = RCall(RAlloc, Real)(Size);
            RCall(Wave, Read)(& SorcWave, Data, Start, Size);
            RCall(Wave, Resize)(& SegWave, Size);
            RCall(Wave, Write)(& SegWave, Data, 0, Size);
            if(! RCall(Wave, ToFile)(& SegWave, & SegName))
                fprintf(stderr, "Exporting '%s' failed. Skipped.\n",
                    String_GetChars(& SegName));
            CStrFloat(& LineBuf, (float)SegList[i] / SorcWave.SampleRate);
            String_Copy(& TempBuf, & LineBuf);
            String_JoinChars(& LineBuf, "\t");
            String_Join(& LineBuf, & TempBuf);
            String_JoinChars(& LineBuf, "\t");
            String_Join(& LineBuf, Name);
            File_WriteLine(& RegenFile, & LineBuf);
    if(i <= RecList_Index)
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: redundant records in word table starting from"
            " '%s'.\n", String_GetChars(& RecList[i]));
        File_Flush(& RegenFile);
    File_Close(& RecFile);
    File_Close(& LabelFile);
    File_Close(& RegenFile);

    Array_ObjDtor(String, RecList);
    Array_Dtor(String, RecList);
    Array_Dtor(int, SegList);
    RDelete(& WavePath, & LabelPath, & RecPath, & RegenPath, & SegName,
        & LineBuf, & TempBuf);
    RDelete(& SorcWave, & LabelFile, & RecFile, & SegWave, & RegenFile);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int ArgN, char** Arg)
    UnFlag = 0;
    Level  = 1;
    char* CInPath, *COutPath;
    int c;
    while((c = getopt(ArgN, Arg, "ul:v")) != -1)
            case 'u':
                UnFlag = 1;
            case 'l':
                Level = atoi(optarg);
            case 'v':
                printf("Rocaloid PrecompDiff version " Version "\n");
                return 1;
            case '?':
                return 1;
    if(optind > ArgN - 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "[Error] Missing argument 'inwave', 'outwave'.\n");
        return 1;
    if(optind > ArgN - 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "[Error] Missing argument 'outwave'.\n");
        return 1;
    if(optind < ArgN - 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "[Error] Redundant argument '%s'.\n", Arg[optind + 2]);
    CInPath = Arg[optind];
    COutPath = Arg[optind + 1];
    String InPath, OutPath;
    RNew(String, & InPath, & OutPath);
    String_SetChars(& InPath, CInPath);
    String_SetChars(& OutPath, COutPath);
    WaveFile IOFile;
    WaveFile_Ctor(& IOFile);
    if(WaveFile_Open(& IOFile, & InPath) != 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "[Error] Cannot open '%s'.\n", CInPath);
        return 1;
    int Size = IOFile.Header.DataNum;
    Int16* Data = RAlloc_Int16(Size);
    WaveFile_FetchAll(& IOFile, (char*)Data);
    WaveFile_Close(& IOFile);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < Level; i ++)
        if(! UnFlag)
            if(! PreCompressDiff(Data, Size))
                fprintf(stderr, "[Error] %dth precompress failed. "
                                "Please try smaller precompress level.\n",
                                i + 1);
                return 1;
            DePreCompressDiff(Data, Size);
    if(WaveFile_Save(& IOFile, & OutPath) != 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "[Error] Cannot save to '%s'.\n", COutPath);
        return 1;
    WaveFile_WriteAll(& IOFile, (char*)Data, Size * 2);
    WaveFile_FinishWrite(& IOFile);
    WaveFile_Close(& IOFile);
    RDelete(& InPath, & OutPath, & IOFile);
    return 0;