Ejemplo n.º 1
ofImage normalizeROI(vector<vector<pos>> i, ofImage inROI){
	//Output image
	ofImage outROI=inROI;

	//Loop through each position pair
	for(int j = 0; j < i.size(); j++){

		//Get the two positions
		pos upperleft = i[j][0], lowerright = i[j][1];
		//Get width and height of the current ROI
		int ROIwidth = lowerright.getX() - upperleft.getX();
		int ROIheight = lowerright.getY() - upperleft.getY();

		//Loop through each pixel in the ROI and convert pixels to chromatic rg
		for(int p = 0;p < ROIheight;p++){
			for(int q = 0; q < ROIwidth;q++){
				pos tempPos(upperleft.getX()+q,upperleft.getY()+p,0);
				outROI.setColor(tempPos.getX(), tempPos.getY(), RGB2rgb(tempPos, inROI));
	//Return output
	return outROI;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool IsColorConflict(DWORD dwClr1, DWORD dwClr2) // return whether dwClr1 and dwClr2 are closely together
	// NEW COLOR CONFLICT METHOD: u'v'-distance
	int R1 = 0xff & (dwClr1 >> 16);
	int G1 = 0xff & (dwClr1 >>  8);
	int B1 = 0xff & (dwClr1      );
	int R2 = 0xff & (dwClr2 >> 16);
	int G2 = 0xff & (dwClr2 >>  8);
	int B2 = 0xff & (dwClr2      );
	double r1=0,g1=0,b1=0,r2=0,g2=0,b2=0,x1=0,y1=0,Y1=0,x2=0,y2=0,Y2=0,u1=0,v1=0,u2=0,v2=0;
	RGB2rgb(R1, G1, B1, &r1, &g1, &b1);
	RGB2rgb(R2, G2, B2, &r2, &g2, &b2);
	rgb2xyY(r1, g1, b1, &x1, &y1, &Y1);
	rgb2xyY(r2, g2, b2, &x2, &y2, &Y2);
	xy2upvp(x1, y1, &u1, &v1);
	xy2upvp(x2, y2, &u2, &v2);
	double Y = (Y1+Y2)/2.0;
	double clrdiff = sqrt((u2-u1)*(u2-u1) + (v2-v1)*(v2-v1)) * Y*Y * 150;
	double lumdiff = (Abs<double>(Y2-Y1) / std::max<double>(Y*Y*5, 0.5)) / 0.10;
	return clrdiff + lumdiff < 1.0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
SEXP do_gray(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP lev, ans;
    double level;
    int i, ilevel, nlev;

    checkArity(op, args);

    PROTECT(lev = coerceVector(CAR(args),REALSXP));
    nlev = LENGTH(lev);
    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, nlev));
    for (i = 0; i < nlev; i++) {
	level = REAL(lev)[i];
	if (ISNAN(level) || level < 0 || level > 1)
	    errorcall(call, _("invalid gray level, must be in [0,1]."));
	ilevel = 255 * level + 0.5;
	SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, mkChar(RGB2rgb(ilevel, ilevel, ilevel)));
    return ans;