Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  ItemColor_Draw.  We don't draw the title, so return 0 if value is NULL
int ItemColor_Draw( int column, void *value, LWRasterID raster, int x, int y, int w, int h, IMPGhostModes ghosting ) {
  // Figure out the color square's size
  int draw_x = x +  6;
  int draw_y = y +  3;
  int draw_w = w - 12;
  int draw_h = h -  6;
  int color;
  int text_color = (ghosting == IMPGHOST_DISABLED) ? RGB_( 80, 80, 80 ) : RGB_( 0, 0, 0 );

  if( value == NULL )
    return 0;

  if( draw_w > 40 )
    draw_w = 40;

  if( raster == NULL )
    return 40;

  color = *(int *)value;

  // Draw the square
  EmptyBox( raster, raster_funcs, draw_x, draw_y, draw_w, draw_h, 1, 1,
            RGB_( 80, 80, 80 ), RGB_( 200, 200, 200 ) );

  raster_funcs->drawRGBBox( raster, ItemColors[ color ][ 0 ], ItemColors[ color ][ 1 ], ItemColors[ color ][ 2 ],
                            draw_x+1, draw_y+1, draw_w-2, draw_h-2 );

  // Draw the text
  if( (color >= 0) && (color < 15) )
    raster_funcs->drawText( raster, (char *)item_color_list[ color ], text_color, draw_x + draw_w + 10, draw_y );

  return 40;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *  Locked_Draw.
 *   Draws both the cells and the column title
int Locked_Draw( int column, void *value, LWRasterID raster, int x, int y, int w, int h, IMPGhostModes ghosting ) {
  int draw_x = x + (w/2) - (icon_width/2);
  int draw_y = y + 2;
  int prime_color  = (ghosting == IMPGHOST_DISABLED) ? RGB_( 110, 110, 110 ) : RGB_( 80, 80, 80 );
  int second_color = RGB_( 128, 128, 128 );

  if( raster == NULL )
    return icon_width + 4;

  if( value == NULL ) {
    DrawLWIcon( raster, raster_funcs, draw_x, draw_y, ICON_LOCK, RGB_( 0, 0, 0 ), second_color );

  } else {
    int state = *(int *)value;
    if( state != 0 )
      DrawLWIcon( raster, raster_funcs, draw_x, draw_y, ICON_LOCK, prime_color, second_color );

  return icon_width + 4;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// DrawLWListerHSlider():
void DrawLWListerHSlider( LWControl *ctl, LWLister *lister, DrMode mode ) {
  CDrawFuncs df( lister->GetPanelFuncs()->drawFuncs );
  LWRasterFuncs *rf = lister->GetRasterFuncs();

  // Get some sizes
  int cx = CON_HOTX( lister->GetHSlider() );
  int cy = CON_HOTY( lister->GetHSlider() );
  int cw = CON_HOTW( lister->GetHSlider() );
  int ch = CON_HOTH( lister->GetHSlider() );

  // Figure out where the slider should be drawn
  double slider_start  = 0.0;
  double slider_end    = 1.0;

  lister->GetHSliderKnobExtents( slider_start, slider_end );
  double slider_center = slider_start + (slider_end - slider_start)/2;

  // Draw the trough and knob
  double here;
  for( int i=0; i < cw; i++ ) {
    here = ((double)i/(double)cw);
    if( (here < slider_start) || (here > slider_end) )
      rf->blitPanel( lister->GetHSliderRasterTrough(), 0, 0, lister->GetPanel(), cx+i, cy, 1, 15 );
      rf->blitPanel( lister->GetHSliderRasterKnob(),   0, 0, lister->GetPanel(), cx+i, cy, 1, 15 );

  // Draw ticks on the knob
  int tick_start = (int)(slider_center * (double)cw) - 8;

  for( i=0; i < 4; i++ ) {
    df.DrawLine( lister->GetPanel(), RGB_(108, 120, 108), cx + tick_start,   cy+3, cx+tick_start,   cy+12 );
    df.DrawLine( lister->GetPanel(), RGB_(204, 216, 204), cx + tick_start+1, cy+3, cx+tick_start+1, cy+12 );
    tick_start += 5;

  // Draw the border
  PanelDraw::EmptyBox( lister->GetPanel(), &df, cx-1, cy-1, cw+2, ch+2, 1, 1, 80, 80, 80,  80, 80, 80 );
Ejemplo n.º 4
// WPopdown_ControlDraw():
void WPopdown_ControlDraw(  LWControl *con, void *data, DrMode mode ) {
  PanelControls_WPopdown *popdown = (PanelControls_WPopdown *)data;

  int x = CON_HOTX( popdown->control ) - 1;
  int y = CON_HOTY( popdown->control ) - 1;
  int w = CON_HOTW( popdown->control ) + 2;
  int h = CON_HOTH( popdown->control ) + 2;

  LWRasterID raster = popdown->raster_funcs->create( w, h, 0 );

  popdown->control->get( popdown->control, CTL_FLAGS, &ival );

  const char *title = (popdown->title == NULL) ? "(unknown)" : popdown->title;

  if( mode == DR_ERASE ) {
    if( ival.intv.value != CTLF_INVISIBLE )
      popdown->raster_funcs->drawBox( raster, LWP_BG, 0, 0, w, h );

  } else {
    RasterDraw::Button( raster, popdown->raster_funcs, 0, 0, w, h,  184, 196, 184,  0 );

    if( ival.intv.value == CTLF_DISABLE ) {    // Ghosted
      RasterDraw::DrawArrow( raster, popdown->raster_funcs, w - 9, h/2, RasterDraw::arrow_popup, RasterDraw::arrow_solid, RGB_( 204, 216, 204 ) );
      popdown->raster_funcs->drawText( raster, (char *)title, RGB_( 204, 216, 204 ), 6, 4 );

      RasterDraw::DrawArrow( raster, popdown->raster_funcs, w - 12, h/2 - 1, RasterDraw::arrow_popup, RasterDraw::arrow_solid, RGB_( 108, 120, 108 ) );
      popdown->raster_funcs->drawText( raster, (char *)title, RGB_( 108, 120, 108 ), 5, 3 );

    } else {                                   // Normal
      RasterDraw::DrawArrow( raster, popdown->raster_funcs, w - 12, h/2 - 1, RasterDraw::arrow_popup, RasterDraw::arrow_solid, RGB_( 0, 0, 0 ) );
      popdown->raster_funcs->drawText( raster, (char *)title, RGB_( 0, 0, 0 ), 5, 3 );

  popdown->raster_funcs->blitPanel( raster, 0, 0, popdown->panel, x, y, w, h );
  popdown->raster_funcs->destroy( raster );
Ejemplo n.º 5
int Visibility_Draw( int column, void *value, LWRasterID raster, int x, int y, int w, int h, IMPGhostModes ghosting ) {
  int draw_w = w < 30 ? w : 30;
  int draw_x = x + 1 + (draw_w/2) - (icon_width/2);
  int draw_y = y + 2;
  int prime_color  = (ghosting == IMPGHOST_DISABLED) ? RGB_( 110, 110, 110 ) : RGB_( 80, 80, 80 );
  int second_color = RGB_( 128, 128, 128 );

  if( raster == NULL )
    return icon_width + 4;

  if( value == NULL ) {
    DrawLWIcon( raster, raster_funcs, draw_x, draw_y, ICON_VISIBILITY_EYE, RGB_( 0, 0, 0 ), second_color );

  } else  {
    int index = *(int *)value;
    if( index != 0 ) {
      int icon;
      switch( index ) {
        case 1:  icon = ICON_BOUNDING_BOX;  break;
        case 2:  icon = ICON_POINTS_ONLY;   break;
        case 3:  icon = ICON_WIREFRAME;     break;
        case 4:  icon = ICON_FRONTFACE;     break;
        case 5:  icon = ICON_SOLID;         break;
        case 6:  icon = ICON_TEXTURED;      break;
        default: icon = ICON_DOT;

      DrawLWIcon( raster, raster_funcs, draw_x, draw_y, icon, prime_color, second_color );

    if( (index >= 0) && (index < 7) ) {
      int text_color  = (ghosting == IMPGHOST_DISABLED) ? RGB_( 80, 80, 80 ) : RGB_( 0, 0, 0 );
      raster_funcs->drawText( raster, (char *)item_vis_list[ index ], text_color, draw_x + icon_width + 10, draw_y );

  return icon_width + 4;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// DrawLWLister():
void DrawLWLister( LWControl *ctl, LWLister *lister, DrMode mode ) {
  CDrawFuncs df( lister->GetPanelFuncs()->drawFuncs );
  LWRasterFuncs *rf = lister->GetRasterFuncs();

  // Get some sizes
  int cx = CON_HOTX( lister->GetLister() );
  int cy = CON_HOTY( lister->GetLister() );
  int cw = CON_HOTW( lister->GetLister() );
  int ch = CON_HOTH( lister->GetLister() );

  int line_height = df.DispMetrics()->textHeight + 2;

  int line, col;
  int col_x = 0;
  int count = (*lister->count)( lister->GetUserData() );
  int text_pad;

  for( line=0; ((line+1) * line_height) < ch; line++ ) {
    if( (lister->GetFirstVisibleItem() + (line - 1)) >= count )

    col_x = 0;
    for( col = 0; col < (int)lister->GetColumnWidths().NumElements(); col++ ) {
      text_pad = (col == 0) ? 5 : 2;

      // Compute the raster size and possible negative X offset
      int raster_col_x = col_x - lister->GetLeftmostVisiblePixel();
      int raster_col_w = lister->GetColumnWidths()[ col ];
      if( (raster_col_x + raster_col_w) < 0 ) {                                  // Ends before left edge
        // Set the next column's X position
        col_x += lister->GetColumnWidths()[ col ];

      if( raster_col_x > (lister->GetLeftmostVisiblePixel() + cw) )              // Starts after right edge

      if( raster_col_x < 0 )
        raster_col_w += raster_col_x;
        raster_col_x = 0;

      // Compute the drawing position
      int draw_x = 0;
      if( col_x > lister->GetLeftmostVisiblePixel() )
        draw_x = col_x - lister->GetLeftmostVisiblePixel();

      // Adjust the raster width for the drawing position
      if( raster_col_w > (cw - draw_x) )
        raster_col_w = (cw - draw_x);

      // Create a raster area for this column of this line
      LWRasterID raster = rf->create( raster_col_w, line_height, 0 );

      if( line == 0 ) {
        // Header Line
        rf->drawRGBBox( raster, 112, 112, 112, 0, 0, raster_col_w, line_height );                            // Clear background

        const char * text = (*lister->name)( lister->GetUserData(), -1, col );
        if( text != NULL )
          rf->drawText( raster, (char *)text, COLOR_BLACK, raster_col_x + text_pad, 1 );                     // Text

        rf->drawLine( raster, COLOR_BLACK, 0, line_height-1, raster_col_w-1, line_height -1 );               // Draw row seperator line
        if( (col_x - lister->GetLeftmostVisiblePixel() + lister->GetColumnWidths()[ col ]) < cw )
          rf->drawLine( raster, COLOR_BLACK, raster_col_w-1, 0, raster_col_w-1, line_height - 1 );           // Draw column seperator Line
      } else {
        // Item Line
        rf->drawRGBBox( raster, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, raster_col_w, line_height );                            // Clear background

        const char * text = (*lister->name)( lister->GetUserData(), lister->GetFirstVisibleItem() + (line - 1), col );
        if( text != NULL )
          rf->drawText( raster, (char *)text, COLOR_BLACK, raster_col_x + text_pad, 1 );                     // Text

        rf->drawLine( raster, RGB_(112, 112, 112), 0, line_height-1, raster_col_w-1, line_height -1 );       // Draw row seperator line

      rf->blitPanel( raster, 0, 0, lister->GetPanel(), cx + draw_x, cy + (line * line_height), raster_col_w, line_height );
      rf->destroy( raster );

      // Set the next column's X position
      col_x += lister->GetColumnWidths()[ col ];

      // Exit the column loop if no more columns can fit
      if( col_x >= cw )

    // Handle running out of columns
    int right_edge = col_x - lister->GetLeftmostVisiblePixel();
    if( right_edge < 0 )
      right_edge = 0;

    if( right_edge < cw ) {
      // Create a raster area for this column of this line
      LWRasterID raster = rf->create( cw - right_edge, line_height, 0 );

      if( line == 0 ) {
        // Header Line
        rf->drawRGBBox( raster, 112, 112, 112, 0, 0, cw - right_edge, line_height );                            // Clear background
        rf->drawLine( raster, COLOR_BLACK, 0, line_height-1, cw - right_edge -1, line_height -1 );              // Draw row seperator line
      } else {
        // Item Line
        rf->drawRGBBox( raster, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, cw - right_edge, line_height );                            // Clear background
        rf->drawLine( raster, RGB_(112, 112, 112), 0, line_height-1, cw - right_edge -1, line_height -1 );      // Draw row seperator line

      rf->blitPanel( raster, 0, 0, lister->GetPanel(), cx + right_edge, cy + (line * line_height), cw-right_edge, line_height );
      rf->destroy( raster );

  // Fill in the empty part of the list
  int remaining = (line * line_height);
  df.DrawRGBBox( lister->GetPanel(), 128, 128, 128, cx, cy+remaining, cw, ch-remaining );