Ejemplo n.º 1
RNRgb R3PointLight::
SpecularReflection(const R3Brdf& brdf, const R3Point& eye, 
    const R3Point& point, const R3Vector& normal) const
    // Check if light is active
    if (!IsActive()) return RNblack_rgb;

    // Get material properties
    const RNRgb& Sc = brdf.Specular();
    RNScalar s = brdf.Shininess();

    // Get light properties
    const RNRgb& Ic = Color();
    RNScalar I = IntensityAtPoint(point);
    R3Vector L = DirectionFromPoint(point);

    // Compute geometric stuff
    RNScalar NL = normal.Dot(L);
    if (RNIsNegativeOrZero(NL)) return RNblack_rgb;
    R3Vector R = (2.0 * NL) * normal - L;
    R3Vector V = eye - point;
    RNScalar VR = V.Dot(R);
    if (RNIsNegativeOrZero(VR)) return RNblack_rgb;

    // Return specular component of reflection
    return (I * pow(VR,s)) * Sc * Ic;
Ejemplo n.º 2
RNRgb R3DirectionalLight::
Reflection(const R3Brdf& brdf, const R3Point& eye, 
    const R3Point& point, const R3Vector& normal) const
    // Check if light is active
    if (!IsActive()) return RNblack_rgb;

    // Get material properties
    const RNRgb& Dc = brdf.Diffuse();
    const RNRgb& Sc = brdf.Specular();
    RNScalar s = brdf.Shininess();

    // Get light properties
    RNScalar I = Intensity();
    R3Vector L = -(Direction());
    const RNRgb& Ic = Color();

    // Compute geometric stuff
    RNScalar NL = normal.Dot(L);
    if (RNIsNegativeOrZero(NL)) return RNblack_rgb;
    R3Vector R = (2.0 * NL) * normal - L;
    R3Vector V = eye - point;
    RNScalar VR = V.Dot(R);

    // Compute diffuse reflection
    RNRgb rgb = (I * NL) * Dc * Ic;

    // Compute specular reflection
    if (RNIsPositive(VR)) rgb += (I * pow(VR,s)) * Sc * Ic;

    // Return total reflection
    return rgb;
Ejemplo n.º 3
RNRgb R3PointLight::
DiffuseReflection(const R3Brdf& brdf, 
    const R3Point& point, const R3Vector& normal) const
    // Check if light is active
    if (!IsActive()) return RNblack_rgb;

    // Get material properties
    const RNRgb& Dc = brdf.Diffuse();

    // Get light properties
    const RNRgb& Ic = Color();
    RNScalar I = IntensityAtPoint(point);
    R3Vector L = DirectionFromPoint(point);

    // Compute geometric stuff
    RNScalar NL = normal.Dot(L);
    if (RNIsNegativeOrZero(NL)) return RNblack_rgb;

    // Return diffuse component of reflection
    return (I * NL) * Dc * Ic;