Ejemplo n.º 1
DECLINLINE(uint32_t) msiGetMsiData(PPCIDEVICE pDev, int32_t iVector)
    int16_t  iOff = msiIs64Bit(pDev) ? VBOX_MSI_CAP_MESSAGE_DATA_64 : VBOX_MSI_CAP_MESSAGE_DATA_32;
    uint16_t lo = PCIDevGetWord(pDev, pDev->Int.s.u8MsiCapOffset + iOff);

    // vector encoding into lower bits of message data
    uint8_t bits = msiGetMme(pDev);
    uint16_t uMask = ((1 << bits) - 1);
    lo &= ~uMask;
    lo |= iVector & uMask;

    return RT_MAKE_U32(lo, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void UIMultiScreenLayout::initialize(QMenu *pMenu)
    if (m_cHostScreens > 1)
        for (int i = 0; i < m_cGuestScreens; ++i)
            m_screenMenuList << pMenu->addMenu(tr("Virtual Screen %1").arg(i + 1));
            QActionGroup *pScreenGroup = new QActionGroup(m_screenMenuList.last());
            connect(pScreenGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(sltScreenLayoutChanged(QAction*)));
            for (int a = 0; a < m_cHostScreens; ++a)
                QAction *pAction = pScreenGroup->addAction(tr("Use Host Screen %1").arg(a + 1));
                pAction->setData(RT_MAKE_U32(i, a));
static int ParseUsbIds(PRTSTREAM pInStrm, const char *pszFile)
     * State data.
    VendorRecord vendor = { 0, 0, 0, "" };

     * Process the file line-by-line.
     * The generic format is that we have top level entries (vendors) starting
     * in position 0 with sub entries starting after one or more, depending on
     * the level, tab characters.
     * Specifically, the list of vendors and their products will always start
     * with a vendor line followed by indented products.  The first character
     * on the vendor line is a hex digit (four in total) that makes up the
     * vendor ID.  The product lines equally starts with a 4 digit hex ID value.
     * Other lists are assumed to have first lines that doesn't start with any
     * lower case hex digit.
    uint32_t iLine = 0;;
    for (;;)
        char szLine[_4K];
        int rc = RTStrmGetLine(pInStrm, szLine, sizeof(szLine));
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))

            /* Check for vendor line. */
            char chType = szLine[0];
            if (   RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(chType)
                && RT_C_IS_SPACE(szLine[4])
                && RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(szLine[1])
                && RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(szLine[2])
                && RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(szLine[3]) )
                if (ParseAlias(szLine, vendor.vendorID, vendor.str) == 0)
                    return RTMsgErrorExit((RTEXITCODE)ERROR_IN_PARSE_LINE,
                                          "%s(%d): Error in parsing vendor line: '%s'", pszFile, iLine, szLine);
            /* Check for product line. */
            else if (szLine[0] == '\t' && vendor.vendorID != 0)
                ProductRecord product = { 0, vendor.vendorID, 0, "" };
                if (ParseAlias(&szLine[1], product.productID, product.str) == 0)
                    product.key = RT_MAKE_U32(product.productID, product.vendorID);
                    Assert(product.vendorID == vendor.vendorID);
                    return RTMsgErrorExit((RTEXITCODE)ERROR_IN_PARSE_LINE, "Error in parsing product line: '%s'", szLine);
            /* If not a blank or comment line, it is some other kind of data.
               So, make sure the vendor ID is cleared so we don't try process
               the sub-items of in some other list as products. */
            else if (   chType != '#'
                     && chType != '\0'
                     && *RTStrStripL(szLine) != '\0')
                vendor.vendorID = 0;
        else if (rc == VERR_EOF)
            return RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS;
            return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "RTStrmGetLine failed: %Rrc", rc);