Ejemplo n.º 1
void R_Bloom_InitTextures( void )
	unsigned char *data;
	int maxtexsize;
	size_t size;

	// Find closer power of 2 to screen size.
	for (screen_texture_width = 1;  screen_texture_width  < glwidth;  screen_texture_width *= 2);
	for (screen_texture_height = 1; screen_texture_height < glheight; screen_texture_height *= 2);

    // Disable blooms if we can't handle a texture of that size.
	glGetIntegerv (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxtexsize);
	if (screen_texture_width > maxtexsize || screen_texture_height > maxtexsize)
		screen_texture_width = screen_texture_height = 0;
		Cvar_SetValue (&r_bloom, 0);
		Com_Printf ("WARNING: 'R_InitBloomScreenTexture' too high resolution for Light Bloom. Effect disabled\n");

	// Init the screen texture.
	size = screen_texture_width * screen_texture_height * sizeof (int);
	data = Q_malloc (size);
	memset (data, 255, size);
	//r_bloomscreentexture = GL_LoadTexture ( "***r_screenbackuptexture***", screen_texture_width, screen_texture_height, data, 0, 4); // false, false, 4);
	if (!r_bloomscreentexture)
		r_bloomscreentexture = texture_extension_number++;

	GL_Bind (r_bloomscreentexture);
	glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl_solid_format, screen_texture_width, screen_texture_height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);

	Q_free (data);

	// Validate bloom size and init the bloom effect texture.

	// If screensize is more than 2x the bloom effect texture, set up for stepped downsampling.
	r_bloomdownsamplingtexture = 0;
	r_screendownsamplingtexture_size = 0;
	if( glwidth > (BLOOM_SIZE * 2) && !r_bloom_fast_sample.value )
		r_screendownsamplingtexture_size = (int)(BLOOM_SIZE * 2);
		data = Q_calloc (r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, sizeof (int));
		r_bloomdownsamplingtexture = GL_LoadTexture ( "***r_bloomdownsamplingtexture***", r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, data, 0, 4);
		Q_free (data);

	// Init the screen backup texture.
	if (r_screendownsamplingtexture_size)
		R_Bloom_InitBackUpTexture (r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size);
		R_Bloom_InitBackUpTexture (BLOOM_SIZE, BLOOM_SIZE);
Ejemplo n.º 2
* R_Bloom_InitTextures
static void R_Bloom_InitTextures( void )
	qbyte *data;
	int size;

	if( glConfig.ext.texture_non_power_of_two )
		screen_texture_width = glState.width;
		screen_texture_height = glState.height;
		// find closer power of 2 to screen size 
		for (screen_texture_width = 1;screen_texture_width < glState.width;screen_texture_width <<= 1);
		for (screen_texture_height = 1;screen_texture_height < glState.height;screen_texture_height <<= 1);

	// disable blooms if we can't handle a texture of that size
	if( screen_texture_width > glConfig.maxTextureSize || screen_texture_height > glConfig.maxTextureSize )
		screen_texture_width = screen_texture_height = 0;
		Cvar_ForceSet( "r_bloom", "0" );
		Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: 'R_InitBloomScreenTexture' too high resolution for light bloom, effect disabled\n" );

	// init the screen texture
	size = screen_texture_width * screen_texture_height * 4;
	data = Mem_TempMalloc( size );
	memset( data, 255, size );
	r_bloomscreentexture = R_LoadPic( "***r_bloomscreentexture***", &data, screen_texture_width, screen_texture_height, IT_CLAMP|IT_NOMIPMAP|IT_NOCOMPRESS|IT_NOPICMIP, 3 );
	Mem_TempFree( data );

	// validate bloom size and init the bloom effect texture

	// if screensize is more than 2x the bloom effect texture, set up for stepped downsampling
	r_bloomdownsamplingtexture = NULL;
	r_screendownsamplingtexture_size = 0;

	if( (glState.width > (BLOOM_SIZE * 2) || glState.height > (BLOOM_SIZE * 2)) && !r_bloom_fast_sample->integer )
		r_screendownsamplingtexture_size = (int)( BLOOM_SIZE * 2 );
		data = Mem_TempMalloc( r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * 4 );
		memset( data, 0, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * 4 );
		r_bloomdownsamplingtexture = R_LoadPic( "***r_bloomdownsamplingtexture***", &data, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, IT_CLAMP|IT_NOMIPMAP|IT_NOCOMPRESS|IT_NOPICMIP, 3 );
		Mem_TempFree( data );

	// init the screen backup texture
	if( r_screendownsamplingtexture_size )
		R_Bloom_InitBackUpTexture( r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size );
		R_Bloom_InitBackUpTexture( BLOOM_SIZE, BLOOM_SIZE );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * =================
 * R_Bloom_InitTextures
 * =================
void R_Bloom_InitTextures(void)
    byte *data;
    int  size;

    //find closer power of 2 to screen size
    for (screen_texture_width = 1; screen_texture_width < vid.width; screen_texture_width *= 2)
    for (screen_texture_height = 1; screen_texture_height < vid.height; screen_texture_height *= 2)

    //disable blooms if we can't handle a texture of that size

/*	if( screen_texture_width > glConfig.maxTextureSize ||
 *              screen_texture_height > glConfig.maxTextureSize ) {
 *              screen_texture_width = screen_texture_height = 0;
 *              Cvar_SetValue ("r_bloom", 0);
 *              Com_Printf( "WARNING: 'R_InitBloomScreenTexture' too high resolution for Light Bloom. Effect disabled\n" );
 *              return;
 *      }*/

    //init the screen texture
    size = screen_texture_width * screen_texture_height * 4;
    data = malloc(size);
    memset(data, 255, size);
    r_bloomscreentexture = R_LoadPic("***r_bloomscreentexture***", (byte *)data, screen_texture_width, screen_texture_height, it_pic, 3);

    //validate bloom size and init the bloom effect texture

    //if screensize is more than 2x the bloom effect texture, set up for stepped downsampling
    r_bloomdownsamplingtexture       = NULL;
    r_screendownsamplingtexture_size = 0;
    if ((vid.width > (BLOOM_SIZE * 2)) && !r_bloom_fast_sample->value)
        r_screendownsamplingtexture_size = (int)(BLOOM_SIZE * 2);
        data = malloc(r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * 4);
        memset(data, 0, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * r_screendownsamplingtexture_size * 4);
        r_bloomdownsamplingtexture = R_LoadPic("***r_bloomdownsamplingtexture***", (byte *)data, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, it_pic, 3);

    //Init the screen backup texture
    if (r_screendownsamplingtexture_size)
        R_Bloom_InitBackUpTexture(r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size);
        R_Bloom_InitBackUpTexture(BLOOM_SIZE, BLOOM_SIZE);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void R_Bloom_InitTextures( void )
    if( GL_Support( R_ARB_TEXTURE_NPOT_EXT ))
        screen_texture_width = glState.width;
        screen_texture_height = glState.height;
        // find closer power of 2 to screen size
        for( screen_texture_width = 1; screen_texture_width < glState.width; screen_texture_width <<= 1 );
        for( screen_texture_height = 1; screen_texture_height < glState.height; screen_texture_height <<= 1 );

    // disable blooms if we can't handle a texture of that size
    if( screen_texture_width > glConfig.max_2d_texture_size || screen_texture_height > glConfig.max_2d_texture_size )
        screen_texture_width = screen_texture_height = 0;
        CVAR_SET_FLOAT( "r_bloom", 0.0f );
        ALERT( at_warning, "'R_InitBloomScreenTexture' too high resolution for light bloom, effect disabled\n" );

    r_bloomscreentexture = CREATE_TEXTURE( "*bloomscreentexture", screen_texture_width, screen_texture_height, NULL, TF_IMAGE );

    // validate bloom size and init the bloom effect texture

    // if screensize is more than 2x the bloom effect texture, set up for stepped downsampling
    r_bloomdownsamplingtexture = 0;
    r_screendownsamplingtexture_size = 0;

    if(( glState.width > (BLOOM_SIZE * 2) || glState.height > (BLOOM_SIZE * 2)) && !r_bloom_fast_sample->value )
        r_screendownsamplingtexture_size = (int)( BLOOM_SIZE * 2 );
        r_bloomdownsamplingtexture = CREATE_TEXTURE( "*bloomdownsampletexture", r_screendownsamplingtexture_size,
                                     r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, NULL, TF_IMAGE );

    // init the screen backup texture
    if( r_screendownsamplingtexture_size )
        R_Bloom_InitBackUpTexture( r_screendownsamplingtexture_size, r_screendownsamplingtexture_size );
    else R_Bloom_InitBackUpTexture( BLOOM_SIZE, BLOOM_SIZE );