Ejemplo n.º 1

A fast, conservative center-to-corner culling test
Returns true if the box is outside the given global frustum, (positive sides are out)
bool R_RadiusCullLocalBox( const idBounds &bounds, const float modelMatrix[16], int numPlanes, const idPlane *planes ) {
	int			i;
	float		d;
	idVec3		worldOrigin;
	float		worldRadius;
	const idPlane	*frust;

	if ( r_useCulling.GetInteger() == 0 ) {
		return false;

	// transform the surface bounds into world space
	idVec3	localOrigin = ( bounds[0] + bounds[1] ) * 0.5;

	R_LocalPointToGlobal( modelMatrix, localOrigin, worldOrigin );

	worldRadius = (bounds[0] - localOrigin).Length();	// FIXME: won't be correct for scaled objects

	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPlanes ; i++ ) {
		frust = planes + i;
		d = frust->Distance( worldOrigin );
		if ( d > worldRadius ) {
			return true;	// culled

	return false;		// no culled
Ejemplo n.º 2
static viewDef_t *R_MirrorViewBySurface( drawSurf_t *drawSurf ) {
	viewDef_t		*parms;
	orientation_t	surface, camera;
	idPlane			originalPlane, plane;

	// copy the viewport size from the original
	parms = (viewDef_t *)R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *parms ) );
	*parms = *tr.viewDef;
	parms->renderView.viewID = 0;	// clear to allow player bodies to show up, and suppress view weapons

	parms->isSubview = true;
	parms->isMirror = true;

	// create plane axis for the portal we are seeing
	R_PlaneForSurface( drawSurf->geo, originalPlane );
	R_LocalPlaneToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, originalPlane, plane );

	surface.origin = plane.Normal() * -plane[3];
	surface.axis[0] = plane.Normal();
	surface.axis[0].NormalVectors( surface.axis[1], surface.axis[2] );
	surface.axis[2] = -surface.axis[2];

	camera.origin = surface.origin;
	camera.axis[0] = -surface.axis[0];
	camera.axis[1] = surface.axis[1];
	camera.axis[2] = surface.axis[2];

	// set the mirrored origin and axis
	R_MirrorPoint( tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg, &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.vieworg );

	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[0], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[0] );
	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[1], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[1] );
	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[2], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[2] );

	// make the view origin 16 units away from the center of the surface
	idVec3	viewOrigin = ( drawSurf->geo->bounds[0] + drawSurf->geo->bounds[1] ) * 0.5;
	viewOrigin += ( originalPlane.Normal() * 16 );

	R_LocalPointToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, viewOrigin, parms->initialViewAreaOrigin );

	// set the mirror clip plane
	parms->numClipPlanes = 1;
	parms->clipPlanes[0] = -camera.axis[0];

	parms->clipPlanes[0][3] = -( camera.origin * parms->clipPlanes[0].Normal() );
	return parms;
Ejemplo n.º 3

Tests all corners against the frustum.
Can still generate a few false positives when the box is outside a corner.
Returns true if the box is outside the given global frustum, (positive sides are out)
bool R_CornerCullLocalBox( const idBounds &bounds, const float modelMatrix[16], int numPlanes, const idPlane *planes ) {
	int			i, j;
	idVec3		transformed[8];
	float		dists[8];
	idVec3		v;
	const idPlane *frust;

	// we can disable box culling for experimental timing purposes
	if ( r_useCulling.GetInteger() < 2 ) {
		return false;

	// transform into world space
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) {
		v[0] = bounds[i&1][0];
		v[1] = bounds[(i>>1)&1][1];
		v[2] = bounds[(i>>2)&1][2];

		R_LocalPointToGlobal( modelMatrix, v, transformed[i] );

	// check against frustum planes
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPlanes ; i++ ) {
		frust = planes + i;
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++ ) {
			dists[j] = frust->Distance( transformed[j] );
			if ( dists[j] < 0 ) {
		if ( j == 8 ) {
			// all points were behind one of the planes
			return true;


	return false;		// not culled
Ejemplo n.º 4
idScreenRect idRenderWorldLocal::ScreenRectFromWinding( const idWinding *w, viewEntity_t *space ) {
	idScreenRect	r;
	int				i;
	idVec3			v;
	idVec3			ndc;
	float			windowX, windowY;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < w->GetNumPoints() ; i++ ) {
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( space->modelMatrix, (*w)[i].ToVec3(), v );
		R_GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( v, ndc );

		windowX = 0.5f * ( 1.0f + ndc[0] ) * ( tr.viewDef->viewport.x2 - tr.viewDef->viewport.x1 );
		windowY = 0.5f * ( 1.0f + ndc[1] ) * ( tr.viewDef->viewport.y2 - tr.viewDef->viewport.y1 );

		r.AddPoint( windowX, windowY );


	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 5
idScreenRect idRenderWorldLocal::ScreenRectFromWinding( const idWinding * w, const viewEntity_t * space ) {
	const float viewWidth = (float) tr.viewDef->viewport.x2 - (float) tr.viewDef->viewport.x1;
	const float viewHeight = (float) tr.viewDef->viewport.y2 - (float) tr.viewDef->viewport.y1;

	idScreenRect r;
	for ( int i = 0; i < w->GetNumPoints(); i++ ) {
		idVec3 v;
		idVec3 ndc;
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( space->modelMatrix, (*w)[i].ToVec3(), v );
		R_GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( v, ndc );

		float windowX = ( ndc[0] * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * viewWidth;
		float windowY = ( ndc[1] * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * viewHeight;

		r.AddPoint( windowX, windowY );


	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 6

Check the surface for visibility on a per-triangle basis
for cases when it is going to be VERY expensive to draw (subviews)

If not culled, also returns the bounding box of the surface in 
Normalized Device Coordinates, so it can be used to crop the scissor rect.

OPTIMIZE: we could also take exact portal passing into consideration
bool R_PreciseCullSurface( const drawSurf_t *drawSurf, idBounds &ndcBounds ) {
	const srfTriangles_t *tri;
	int numTriangles;
	idPlane clip, eye;
	int i, j;
	unsigned int pointOr;
	unsigned int pointAnd;
	idVec3 localView;
	idFixedWinding w;

	tri = drawSurf->geo;

	pointOr = 0;
	pointAnd = (unsigned int)~0;

	// get an exact bounds of the triangles for scissor cropping

	for ( i = 0; i < tri->numVerts; i++ ) {
		int j;
		unsigned int pointFlags;

		R_TransformModelToClip( tri->verts[i].xyz, drawSurf->space->modelViewMatrix,
			tr.viewDef->projectionMatrix, eye, clip );

		pointFlags = 0;
		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
			if ( clip[j] >= clip[3] ) {
				pointFlags |= (1 << (j*2));
			} else if ( clip[j] <= -clip[3] ) {
				pointFlags |= ( 1 << (j*2+1));

		pointAnd &= pointFlags;
		pointOr |= pointFlags;

	// trivially reject
	if ( pointAnd ) {
		return true;

	// backface and frustum cull
	numTriangles = tri->numIndexes / 3;

	R_GlobalPointToLocal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg, localView );

	for ( i = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3 ) {
		idVec3	dir, normal;
		float	dot;
		idVec3	d1, d2;

		const idVec3 &v1 = tri->verts[tri->indexes[i]].xyz;
		const idVec3 &v2 = tri->verts[tri->indexes[i+1]].xyz;
		const idVec3 &v3 = tri->verts[tri->indexes[i+2]].xyz;

		// this is a hack, because R_GlobalPointToLocal doesn't work with the non-normalized
		// axis that we get from the gui view transform.  It doesn't hurt anything, because
		// we know that all gui generated surfaces are front facing
		if ( tr.guiRecursionLevel == 0 ) {
			// we don't care that it isn't normalized,
			// all we want is the sign
			d1 = v2 - v1;
			d2 = v3 - v1;
			normal = d2.Cross( d1 );

			dir = v1 - localView;

			dot = normal * dir;
			if ( dot >= 0.0f ) {
				return true;

		// now find the exact screen bounds of the clipped triangle
		w.SetNumPoints( 3 );
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, v1, w[0].ToVec3() );
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, v2, w[1].ToVec3() );
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, v3, w[2].ToVec3() );
		w[0].s = w[0].t = w[1].s = w[1].t = w[2].s = w[2].t = 0.0f;

		for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
			if ( !w.ClipInPlace( -tr.viewDef->frustum[j], 0.1f ) ) {
		for ( j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ ) {
			idVec3	screen;

			R_GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( w[j].ToVec3(), screen );
			ndcBounds.AddPoint( screen );

	// if we don't enclose any area, return
	if ( ndcBounds.IsCleared() ) {
		return true;

	return false;

Called when a entityDef and a lightDef are both present in a
portalArea, and might be visible.  Performs cull checking before doing the expensive

References tr.viewCount so lighting surfaces will only be created if the ambient surface is visible,
otherwise it will be marked as deferred.

The results of this are cached and valid until the light or entity change.
void idInteraction::CreateInteraction( const idRenderModel *model ) {
	const idMaterial *	lightShader = lightDef->lightShader;
	const idMaterial*	shader;
	bool				interactionGenerated;
	idBounds			bounds;


	bounds = model->Bounds( &entityDef->parms );

	// if it doesn't contact the light frustum, none of the surfaces will
	if ( R_CullLocalBox( bounds, entityDef->modelMatrix, 6, lightDef->frustum ) ) {

// ---> sikk - Ambient light culling (entities)
#ifndef _SIKKBC
	if ( lightDef->parms.ambient && !model->IsStaticWorldModel() ) {
		idVec3 center, org;
		center = ( entityDef->parms.bounds[0] + entityDef->parms.bounds[1] ) * 0.5;
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( entityDef->modelMatrix, center, org );
//		center = center + entityDef->parms.origin;
		org = entityDef->parms.ambLightUseCenter ? org : entityDef->parms.origin;
		if ( lightDef->world->PointInArea( org ) != lightDef->areaNum ) {
#endif _SIKKBC
// <--- sikk - Ambient light culling

	// use the turbo shadow path
	shadowGen_t shadowGen = SG_DYNAMIC;

	// really large models, like outside terrain meshes, should use
	// the more exactly culled static shadow path instead of the turbo shadow path.
	// FIXME: this is a HACK, we should probably have a material flag.
	if ( bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0] > 3000 ) {
		shadowGen = SG_STATIC;

	// create slots for each of the model's surfaces
	numSurfaces = model->NumSurfaces();

	surfaces = (surfaceInteraction_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( sizeof( *surfaces ) * numSurfaces );

	interactionGenerated = false;

	// check each surface in the model
	for ( int c = 0 ; c < model->NumSurfaces() ; c++ ) {
		const modelSurface_t	*surf;
		srfTriangles_t	*tri;
		surf = model->Surface( c );

		tri = surf->geometry;
		if ( !tri ) {

		// determine the shader for this surface, possibly by skinning
		shader = surf->shader;
		shader = R_RemapShaderBySkin( shader, entityDef->parms.customSkin, entityDef->parms.customShader );

		if ( !shader ) {

		// try to cull each surface
		if ( R_CullLocalBox( tri->bounds, entityDef->modelMatrix, 6, lightDef->frustum ) ) {

// ---> sikk - Ambient light culling (world surfaces)
#ifndef _SIKKBC
		if ( lightDef->parms.ambient && model->IsStaticWorldModel() ) {
			idStr temp = model->Name();	// the rendermodel name for static world is the areaNum
			temp.StripLeadingOnce( "_area" ); // strip _area so we just have the number
			if ( atoi( temp.c_str() ) != lightDef->areaNum ) {
#endif _SIKKBC
// <--- sikk - Ambient light culling

		surfaceInteraction_t *sint = &surfaces[c];

		sint->shader = shader;

		// save the ambient tri pointer so we can reject lightTri interactions
		// when the ambient surface isn't in view, and we can get shared vertex
		// and shadow data from the source surface
		sint->ambientTris = tri;

		// "invisible ink" lights and shaders
		if ( shader->Spectrum() != lightShader->Spectrum() ) {

		// generate a lighted surface and add it
		if ( shader->ReceivesLighting() || lightShader->IsFogLight() ) {	// sikk - fogLight fix: added "|| lightShader->IsFogLight()" - ambient surfaces are now fogged
			if ( tri->ambientViewCount == tr.viewCount && !lightShader->IsFogLight()) {	// sikk - fogLight fix: "&& !lightShader->IsFogLight()" - this keeps lit surfaces from fogging twice (or at least being created twice...I think)
				sint->lightTris = R_CreateLightTris( entityDef, tri, lightDef, shader, sint->cullInfo );
			} else {
				// this will be calculated when sint->ambientTris is actually in view
				sint->lightTris = LIGHT_TRIS_DEFERRED;
			interactionGenerated = true;

		// if the interaction has shadows and this surface casts a shadow
		if ( HasShadows() && shader->SurfaceCastsShadow() && tri->silEdges != NULL ) {

			// if the light has an optimized shadow volume, don't create shadows for any models that are part of the base areas
			if ( lightDef->parms.prelightModel == NULL || !model->IsStaticWorldModel() || !r_useOptimizedShadows.GetBool() ) {

				// this is the only place during gameplay (outside the utilities) that R_CreateShadowVolume() is called
				sint->shadowTris = R_CreateShadowVolume( entityDef, tri, lightDef, shadowGen, sint->cullInfo );
				if ( sint->shadowTris ) {
					if ( shader->Coverage() != MC_OPAQUE || ( !r_skipSuppress.GetBool() && entityDef->parms.suppressSurfaceInViewID ) ) {
						// if any surface is a shadow-casting perforated or translucent surface, or the
						// base surface is suppressed in the view (world weapon shadows) we can't use
						// the external shadow optimizations because we can see through some of the faces
						sint->shadowTris->numShadowIndexesNoCaps = sint->shadowTris->numIndexes;
						sint->shadowTris->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps = sint->shadowTris->numIndexes;
				interactionGenerated = true;

		// free the cull information when it's no longer needed
		if ( sint->lightTris != LIGHT_TRIS_DEFERRED ) {
			R_FreeInteractionCullInfo( sint->cullInfo );

	// if none of the surfaces generated anything, don't even bother checking?
	if ( !interactionGenerated ) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
void R_WobbleskyTexGen( drawSurf_t *surf, const idVec3 &viewOrg )
	idVec3		localViewOrigin;
	const int	*parms = surf->material->GetTexGenRegisters();
	float		wobbleDegrees = surf->shaderRegisters[parms[0]];
	float		wobbleSpeed = surf->shaderRegisters[parms[1]];
	float		rotateSpeed = surf->shaderRegisters[parms[2]];
	wobbleDegrees = wobbleDegrees * idMath::PI / 180;
	wobbleSpeed = wobbleSpeed * 2 * idMath::PI / 60;
	rotateSpeed = rotateSpeed * 2 * idMath::PI / 60;
	// very ad-hoc "wobble" transform
	float	transform[16];
	float	a = tr.viewDef->floatTime * wobbleSpeed;
	float	s = sin( a ) * sin( wobbleDegrees );
	float	c = cos( a ) * sin( wobbleDegrees );
	float	z = cos( wobbleDegrees );
	idVec3	axis[3];
	axis[2][0] = c;
	axis[2][1] = s;
	axis[2][2] = z;
	axis[1][0] = -sin( a * 2 ) * sin( wobbleDegrees );
	axis[1][2] = -s * sin( wobbleDegrees );
	axis[1][1] = sqrt( 1.0f - ( axis[1][0] * axis[1][0] + axis[1][2] * axis[1][2] ) );
	// make the second vector exactly perpendicular to the first
	axis[1] -= ( axis[2] * axis[1] ) * axis[2];
	// construct the third with a cross
	axis[0].Cross( axis[1], axis[2] );
	// add the rotate
	s = sin( rotateSpeed * tr.viewDef->floatTime );
	c = cos( rotateSpeed * tr.viewDef->floatTime );
	transform[0] = axis[0][0] * c + axis[1][0] * s;
	transform[4] = axis[0][1] * c + axis[1][1] * s;
	transform[8] = axis[0][2] * c + axis[1][2] * s;
	transform[1] = axis[1][0] * c - axis[0][0] * s;
	transform[5] = axis[1][1] * c - axis[0][1] * s;
	transform[9] = axis[1][2] * c - axis[0][2] * s;
	transform[2] = axis[2][0];
	transform[6] = axis[2][1];
	transform[10] = axis[2][2];
	transform[3] = transform[7] = transform[11] = 0.0f;
	transform[12] = transform[13] = transform[14] = 0.0f;
	R_GlobalPointToLocal( surf->space->modelMatrix, viewOrg, localViewOrigin );
	int		numVerts = surf->geo->numVerts;
	int		size = numVerts * sizeof( idVec3 );
	idVec3	*texCoords = ( idVec3 * ) _alloca16( size );
	const idDrawVert *verts = surf->geo->verts;
	for( int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ )
		idVec3 v;
		v[0] = verts[i].xyz[0] - localViewOrigin[0];
		v[1] = verts[i].xyz[1] - localViewOrigin[1];
		v[2] = verts[i].xyz[2] - localViewOrigin[2];
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( transform, v, texCoords[i] );
	surf->dynamicTexCoords = vertexCache.AllocFrameTemp( texCoords, size );
static viewDef_t* R_MirrorViewBySurface( const drawSurf_t* drawSurf )
	// copy the viewport size from the original
	viewDef_t* parms = ( viewDef_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *parms ) );
	*parms = *tr.viewDef;
	parms->renderView.viewID = 0;	// clear to allow player bodies to show up, and suppress view weapons
	parms->isSubview = true;
	parms->isMirror = true;
	parms->isObliqueProjection = false;
	// create plane axis for the portal we are seeing
	idPlane originalPlane, plane;
	R_PlaneForSurface( drawSurf->frontEndGeo, originalPlane );
	R_LocalPlaneToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, originalPlane, plane );
	orientation_t surface;
	surface.origin = plane.Normal() * -plane[3];
	surface.axis[0] = plane.Normal();
	surface.axis[0].NormalVectors( surface.axis[1], surface.axis[2] );
	surface.axis[2] = -surface.axis[2];
	orientation_t camera;
	camera.origin = surface.origin;
	camera.axis[0] = -surface.axis[0];
	camera.axis[1] = surface.axis[1];
	camera.axis[2] = surface.axis[2];
	// set the mirrored origin and axis
	R_MirrorPoint( tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg, &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.vieworg );
	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[0], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[0] );
	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[1], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[1] );
	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[2], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[2] );
	// make the view origin 16 units away from the center of the surface
	const idVec3 center = (drawSurf->frontEndGeo->bounds[0] + drawSurf->frontEndGeo->bounds[1]) * 0.5f;
	const idVec3 viewOrigin = center + (originalPlane.Normal() * 16.0f);

	R_LocalPointToGlobal(drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, viewOrigin, parms->initialViewAreaOrigin);

	// set the mirror clip plane
	parms->numClipPlanes = 1;
	parms->clipPlanes[0] = -camera.axis[0];
	parms->clipPlanes[0][3] = -( camera.origin * parms->clipPlanes[0].Normal() );
	if (r_waterReflectFix.GetBool() && !parms->is2Dgui && drawSurf->material->GetSurfaceType() == SURFTYPE_MIRROR)
		parms->isObliqueProjection = true;
		float dist = parms->clipPlanes[0].Dist();
		float viewdist = parms->renderView.vieworg * parms->clipPlanes[0].Normal();
		float fDist = -dist + viewdist;
		static const float fudge = 2.f;	//fudge avoids depth precision artifacts when performing oblique projection
		if (fDist > fudge || fDist < -fudge)
			if (fDist < 0.f)
				fDist += fudge;
				fDist -= fudge;

		parms->clipPlanes[0][3] = fDist;		


	return parms;

Check the surface for visibility on a per-triangle basis
for cases when it is going to be VERY expensive to draw (subviews)

If not culled, also returns the bounding box of the surface in
Normalized Device Coordinates, so it can be used to crop the scissor rect.

OPTIMIZE: we could also take exact portal passing into consideration
bool R_PreciseCullSurface( const drawSurf_t* drawSurf, idBounds& ndcBounds )
	const srfTriangles_t* tri = drawSurf->frontEndGeo;
	unsigned int pointOr = 0;
	unsigned int pointAnd = ( unsigned int )~0;
	// get an exact bounds of the triangles for scissor cropping
	const idJointMat* joints = ( tri->staticModelWithJoints != NULL && r_useGPUSkinning.GetBool() ) ? tri->staticModelWithJoints->jointsInverted : NULL;
	for( int i = 0; i < tri->numVerts; i++ )
		const idVec3 vXYZ = idDrawVert::GetSkinnedDrawVertPosition( tri->verts[i], joints );
		idPlane eye, clip;
		R_TransformModelToClip( vXYZ, drawSurf->space->modelViewMatrix, tr.viewDef->projectionMatrix, eye, clip );
		unsigned int pointFlags = 0;
		for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			if( clip[j] >= clip[3] )
				pointFlags |= ( 1 << ( j * 2 + 0 ) );
			else if( clip[j] <= -clip[3] )  	// FIXME: the D3D near clip plane is at zero instead of -1
				pointFlags |= ( 1 << ( j * 2 + 1 ) );
		pointAnd &= pointFlags;
		pointOr |= pointFlags;
	// trivially reject
	if( pointAnd != 0 )
		return true;
	// backface and frustum cull
	idVec3 localViewOrigin;
	R_GlobalPointToLocal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg, localViewOrigin );
	for( int i = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3 )
		const idVec3 v1 = idDrawVert::GetSkinnedDrawVertPosition( tri->verts[ tri->indexes[ i + 0 ] ], joints );
		const idVec3 v2 = idDrawVert::GetSkinnedDrawVertPosition( tri->verts[ tri->indexes[ i + 1 ] ], joints );
		const idVec3 v3 = idDrawVert::GetSkinnedDrawVertPosition( tri->verts[ tri->indexes[ i + 2 ] ], joints );
		// this is a hack, because R_GlobalPointToLocal doesn't work with the non-normalized
		// axis that we get from the gui view transform.  It doesn't hurt anything, because
		// we know that all gui generated surfaces are front facing
		if( tr.guiRecursionLevel == 0 )
			// we don't care that it isn't normalized,
			// all we want is the sign
			const idVec3 d1 = v2 - v1;
			const idVec3 d2 = v3 - v1;
			const idVec3 normal = d2.Cross( d1 );
			const idVec3 dir = v1 - localViewOrigin;
			const float dot = normal * dir;
			if( dot >= 0.0f )
				return true;
		// now find the exact screen bounds of the clipped triangle
		idFixedWinding w;
		w.SetNumPoints( 3 );
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, v1, w[0].ToVec3() );
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, v2, w[1].ToVec3() );
		R_LocalPointToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, v3, w[2].ToVec3() );
		w[0].s = w[0].t = w[1].s = w[1].t = w[2].s = w[2].t = 0.0f;
		for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
			if( !w.ClipInPlace( -tr.viewDef->frustums[FRUSTUM_PRIMARY][j], 0.1f ) )
		for( int j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
			idVec3 screen;
			R_GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( w[j].ToVec3(), screen );
			ndcBounds.AddPoint( screen );
	// if we don't enclose any area, return
	if( ndcBounds.IsCleared() )
		return true;
	return false;