Ejemplo n.º 1

This can be used by different draw_* backends to decompose a complex light / surface
interaction into primitive interactions
void RB_CreateSingleDrawInteractions( const drawSurf_t *surf, void (*DrawInteraction)(const drawInteraction_t *) ) {
	const idMaterial	*surfaceShader = surf->material;
	const float			*surfaceRegs = surf->shaderRegisters;
	const viewLight_t	*vLight = backEnd.vLight;
	const idMaterial	*lightShader = vLight->lightShader;
	const float			*lightRegs = vLight->shaderRegisters;
	drawInteraction_t	inter;

	if ( r_skipInteractions.GetBool() || !surf->geo || !surf->geo->ambientCache ) {

	if ( tr.logFile ) {
		RB_LogComment( "---------- RB_CreateSingleDrawInteractions %s on %s ----------\n", lightShader->GetName(), surfaceShader->GetName() );

	// change the matrix and light projection vectors if needed
	if ( surf->space != backEnd.currentSpace ) {
		backEnd.currentSpace = surf->space;
		qglLoadMatrixf( surf->space->modelViewMatrix );

	// change the scissor if needed
	if ( r_useScissor.GetBool() && !backEnd.currentScissor.Equals( surf->scissorRect ) ) {
		backEnd.currentScissor = surf->scissorRect;
		qglScissor( backEnd.viewDef->viewport.x1 + backEnd.currentScissor.x1, 
			backEnd.viewDef->viewport.y1 + backEnd.currentScissor.y1,
			backEnd.currentScissor.x2 + 1 - backEnd.currentScissor.x1,
			backEnd.currentScissor.y2 + 1 - backEnd.currentScissor.y1 );

	// hack depth range if needed
	if ( surf->space->weaponDepthHack ) {

	if ( surf->space->modelDepthHack ) {
		RB_EnterModelDepthHack( surf->space->modelDepthHack );

	inter.surf = surf;
	inter.lightFalloffImage = vLight->falloffImage;

	R_GlobalPointToLocal( surf->space->modelMatrix, vLight->globalLightOrigin, inter.localLightOrigin.ToVec3() );
	R_GlobalPointToLocal( surf->space->modelMatrix, backEnd.viewDef->renderView.vieworg, inter.localViewOrigin.ToVec3() );
	inter.localLightOrigin[3] = 0;
	inter.localViewOrigin[3] = 1;
	inter.ambientLight = lightShader->IsAmbientLight();

	// the base projections may be modified by texture matrix on light stages
	idPlane lightProject[4];
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
		R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( surf->space->modelMatrix, backEnd.vLight->lightProject[i], lightProject[i] );

	for ( int lightStageNum = 0 ; lightStageNum < lightShader->GetNumStages() ; lightStageNum++ ) {
		const shaderStage_t	*lightStage = lightShader->GetStage( lightStageNum );

		// ignore stages that fail the condition
		if ( !lightRegs[ lightStage->conditionRegister ] ) {

		inter.lightImage = lightStage->texture.image;

		memcpy( inter.lightProjection, lightProject, sizeof( inter.lightProjection ) );
		// now multiply the texgen by the light texture matrix
		if ( lightStage->texture.hasMatrix ) {
			RB_GetShaderTextureMatrix( lightRegs, &lightStage->texture, backEnd.lightTextureMatrix );
			RB_BakeTextureMatrixIntoTexgen( reinterpret_cast<class idPlane *>(inter.lightProjection), backEnd.lightTextureMatrix );

		inter.bumpImage = NULL;
		inter.specularImage = NULL;
		inter.diffuseImage = NULL;
		inter.diffuseColor[0] = inter.diffuseColor[1] = inter.diffuseColor[2] = inter.diffuseColor[3] = 0;
		inter.specularColor[0] = inter.specularColor[1] = inter.specularColor[2] = inter.specularColor[3] = 0;

		float lightColor[4];

		// backEnd.lightScale is calculated so that lightColor[] will never exceed
		// tr.backEndRendererMaxLight
		lightColor[0] = backEnd.lightScale * lightRegs[ lightStage->color.registers[0] ];
		lightColor[1] = backEnd.lightScale * lightRegs[ lightStage->color.registers[1] ];
		lightColor[2] = backEnd.lightScale * lightRegs[ lightStage->color.registers[2] ];
		lightColor[3] = lightRegs[ lightStage->color.registers[3] ];

		// go through the individual stages
		for ( int surfaceStageNum = 0 ; surfaceStageNum < surfaceShader->GetNumStages() ; surfaceStageNum++ ) {
			const shaderStage_t	*surfaceStage = surfaceShader->GetStage( surfaceStageNum );

			switch( surfaceStage->lighting ) {
				case SL_AMBIENT: {
					// ignore ambient stages while drawing interactions
				case SL_BUMP: {
					// ignore stage that fails the condition
					if ( !surfaceRegs[ surfaceStage->conditionRegister ] ) {
					// draw any previous interaction
					RB_SubmittInteraction( &inter, DrawInteraction );
					inter.diffuseImage = NULL;
					inter.specularImage = NULL;
					R_SetDrawInteraction( surfaceStage, surfaceRegs, &inter.bumpImage, inter.bumpMatrix, NULL );
				case SL_DIFFUSE: {
					// ignore stage that fails the condition
					if ( !surfaceRegs[ surfaceStage->conditionRegister ] ) {
					if ( inter.diffuseImage ) {
						RB_SubmittInteraction( &inter, DrawInteraction );
					R_SetDrawInteraction( surfaceStage, surfaceRegs, &inter.diffuseImage,
											inter.diffuseMatrix, inter.diffuseColor.ToFloatPtr() );
					inter.diffuseColor[0] *= lightColor[0];
					inter.diffuseColor[1] *= lightColor[1];
					inter.diffuseColor[2] *= lightColor[2];
					inter.diffuseColor[3] *= lightColor[3];
					inter.vertexColor = surfaceStage->vertexColor;
				case SL_SPECULAR: {
					// ignore stage that fails the condition
					if ( !surfaceRegs[ surfaceStage->conditionRegister ] ) {
					if ( inter.specularImage ) {
						RB_SubmittInteraction( &inter, DrawInteraction );
					R_SetDrawInteraction( surfaceStage, surfaceRegs, &inter.specularImage,
											inter.specularMatrix, inter.specularColor.ToFloatPtr() );
					inter.specularColor[0] *= lightColor[0];
					inter.specularColor[1] *= lightColor[1];
					inter.specularColor[2] *= lightColor[2];
					inter.specularColor[3] *= lightColor[3];
					inter.vertexColor = surfaceStage->vertexColor;

		// draw the final interaction
		RB_SubmittInteraction( &inter, DrawInteraction );

	// unhack depth range if needed
	if ( surf->space->weaponDepthHack || surf->space->modelDepthHack != 0.0f ) {

static void RB_GLSL_CreateDrawInteractions(const viewLight_t& vLight, const drawSurf_t *surf, InteractionList& interactionList ) {

	if (r_skipInteractions.GetBool()) {

	for (; surf; surf = surf->nextOnLight) {
		const idMaterial	*surfaceShader = surf->material;
		const float			*surfaceRegs = surf->shaderRegisters;
		const idMaterial	*lightShader = vLight.lightShader;
		const float			*lightRegs = vLight.shaderRegisters;
		drawInteraction_t	inter;
		inter.hasBumpMatrix = inter.hasDiffuseMatrix = inter.hasSpecularMatrix = false;

		if (!surf->geo || !surf->geo->ambientCache) {

		inter.surf = surf;
		inter.lightFalloffImage = vLight.falloffImage;

		R_GlobalPointToLocal( surf->space->modelMatrix, vLight.globalLightOrigin, inter.localLightOrigin.ToVec3() );
		R_GlobalPointToLocal( surf->space->modelMatrix, backEnd.viewDef->renderView.vieworg, inter.localViewOrigin.ToVec3() );
		inter.localLightOrigin[3] = 0;
		inter.localViewOrigin[3] = 1;

		// the base projections may be modified by texture matrix on light stages
		idPlane lightProject[4];
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( surf->space->modelMatrix, vLight.lightProject[i], lightProject[i] );

		for (int lightStageNum = 0; lightStageNum < lightShader->GetNumStages(); lightStageNum++) {
			const shaderStage_t	*lightStage = lightShader->GetStage( lightStageNum );

			// ignore stages that fail the condition
			if (!lightRegs[lightStage->conditionRegister]) {

			inter.lightImage = lightStage->texture.image;

			memcpy( inter.lightProjection, lightProject, sizeof(inter.lightProjection) );
			// now multiply the texgen by the light texture matrix
			if (lightStage->texture.hasMatrix) {
				float tmp[16];
				RB_GetShaderTextureMatrix( lightRegs, &lightStage->texture, tmp );
				RB_BakeTextureMatrixIntoTexgen( reinterpret_cast<class idPlane *>(inter.lightProjection), tmp );

			inter.bumpImage = NULL;
			inter.specularImage = NULL;
			inter.diffuseImage = NULL;
			inter.diffuseColor[0] = inter.diffuseColor[1] = inter.diffuseColor[2] = inter.diffuseColor[3] = 0;
			inter.specularColor[0] = inter.specularColor[1] = inter.specularColor[2] = inter.specularColor[3] = 0;

			float lightColor[4];

			// backEnd.lightScale is calculated so that lightColor[] will never exceed
			// tr.backEndRendererMaxLight
			lightColor[0] = backEnd.lightScale * lightRegs[lightStage->color.registers[0]];
			lightColor[1] = backEnd.lightScale * lightRegs[lightStage->color.registers[1]];
			lightColor[2] = backEnd.lightScale * lightRegs[lightStage->color.registers[2]];
			lightColor[3] = lightRegs[lightStage->color.registers[3]];

			// go through the individual stages
			for (int surfaceStageNum = 0; surfaceStageNum < surfaceShader->GetNumStages(); surfaceStageNum++) {
				const shaderStage_t	*surfaceStage = surfaceShader->GetStage( surfaceStageNum );

				switch (surfaceStage->lighting) {
				case SL_AMBIENT: {
					// ignore ambient stages while drawing interactions
				case SL_BUMP: {
					// ignore stage that fails the condition
					if (!surfaceRegs[surfaceStage->conditionRegister]) {
					// draw any previous interaction
					RB_SubmittInteraction( &inter, interactionList, lightShader->IsAmbientLight() );
					inter.diffuseImage = NULL;
					inter.specularImage = NULL;
					R_SetDrawInteraction( surfaceStage, surfaceRegs, &inter.bumpImage, inter.bumpMatrix, NULL );
					inter.hasBumpMatrix = surfaceStage->texture.hasMatrix;
				case SL_DIFFUSE: {
					// ignore stage that fails the condition
					if (!surfaceRegs[surfaceStage->conditionRegister]) {
					if (inter.diffuseImage) {
						RB_SubmittInteraction( &inter, interactionList, lightShader->IsAmbientLight() );
					R_SetDrawInteraction( surfaceStage, surfaceRegs, &inter.diffuseImage,
						inter.diffuseMatrix, inter.diffuseColor.ToFloatPtr() );
					inter.diffuseColor[0] *= lightColor[0];
					inter.diffuseColor[1] *= lightColor[1];
					inter.diffuseColor[2] *= lightColor[2];
					inter.diffuseColor[3] *= lightColor[3];
					inter.vertexColor = surfaceStage->vertexColor;
					inter.hasDiffuseMatrix = surfaceStage->texture.hasMatrix;
				case SL_SPECULAR: {
					// ignore stage that fails the condition
					if (!surfaceRegs[surfaceStage->conditionRegister]) {
					if (inter.specularImage) {
						RB_SubmittInteraction( &inter, interactionList, lightShader->IsAmbientLight() );
					R_SetDrawInteraction( surfaceStage, surfaceRegs, &inter.specularImage,
						inter.specularMatrix, inter.specularColor.ToFloatPtr() );
					inter.specularColor[0] *= lightColor[0];
					inter.specularColor[1] *= lightColor[1];
					inter.specularColor[2] *= lightColor[2];
					inter.specularColor[3] *= lightColor[3];
					inter.specularColor *= r_specularScale.GetFloat();
					inter.vertexColor = surfaceStage->vertexColor;
					inter.hasSpecularMatrix = surfaceStage->texture.hasMatrix;

			// draw the final interaction
			RB_SubmittInteraction( &inter, interactionList, lightShader->IsAmbientLight() );