Ejemplo n.º 1
void RageMatrixAngles( RageMatrix* pOut, const RageVector3 &angles )
	const RageVector3 angles_radians( angles * 2*PI / 360 );
	const float sy = RageFastSin( angles_radians[2] );
	const float cy = RageFastCos( angles_radians[2] );
	const float sp = RageFastSin( angles_radians[1] );
	const float cp = RageFastCos( angles_radians[1] );
	const float sr = RageFastSin( angles_radians[0] );
	const float cr = RageFastCos( angles_radians[0] );

	RageMatrixIdentity( pOut );

	// matrix = (Z * Y) * X
	pOut->m[0][0] = cp*cy;
	pOut->m[0][1] = cp*sy;
	pOut->m[0][2] = -sp;
	pOut->m[1][0] = sr*sp*cy+cr*-sy;
	pOut->m[1][1] = sr*sp*sy+cr*cy;
	pOut->m[1][2] = sr*cp;
	pOut->m[2][0] = (cr*sp*cy+-sr*-sy);
	pOut->m[2][1] = (cr*sp*sy+-sr*cy);
	pOut->m[2][2] = cr*cp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Return RageMatrixRotationX(rX) * RageMatrixRotationY(rY) * RageMatrixRotationZ(rZ)
 * quickly (without actually doing two complete matrix multiplies), by removing the
 * parts of the matrix multiplies that we know will be 0. */
void RageMatrixRotationXYZ( RageMatrix* pOut, float rX, float rY, float rZ )
	rX *= PI/180;
	rY *= PI/180;
	rZ *= PI/180;

	const float cX = RageFastCos(rX);
	const float sX = RageFastSin(rX);
	const float cY = RageFastCos(rY);
	const float sY = RageFastSin(rY);
	const float cZ = RageFastCos(rZ);
	const float sZ = RageFastSin(rZ);

	 * X*Y:
	 * RageMatrix(
	 *	cY,  sY*sX, sY*cX, 0,
	 *	0,   cX,    -sX,   0,
	 *	-sY, cY*sX, cY*cX, 0,
	 *	0, 0, 0, 1
	 * );
	 * X*Y*Z:
	 * RageMatrix(
	 *	cZ*cY, cZ*sY*sX+sZ*cX, cZ*sY*cX+sZ*(-sX), 0,
	 *	(-sZ)*cY, (-sZ)*sY*sX+cZ*cX, (-sZ)*sY*cX+cZ*(-sX), 0,
	 *	-sY, cY*sX, cY*cX, 0,
	 *	0, 0, 0, 1
	 * );

	pOut->m00 = cZ*cY;
	pOut->m01 = cZ*sY*sX+sZ*cX;
	pOut->m02 = cZ*sY*cX+sZ*(-sX);
	pOut->m03 = 0;
	pOut->m10 = (-sZ)*cY;
	pOut->m11 = (-sZ)*sY*sX+cZ*cX;
	pOut->m12 = (-sZ)*sY*cX+cZ*(-sX);
	pOut->m13 = 0;
	pOut->m20 = -sY;
	pOut->m21 = cY*sX;
	pOut->m22 = cY*cX;
	pOut->m23 = 0;
	pOut->m30 = 0;
	pOut->m31 = 0;
	pOut->m32 = 0;
	pOut->m33 = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
float ArrowEffects::GetYPos( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float fYOffset, float fYReverseOffsetPixels, bool WithReverse )
	float f = fYOffset;

	if( WithReverse )
		float fShift, fScale;
		ArrowGetReverseShiftAndScale( pPlayerState, iCol, fYReverseOffsetPixels, fShift, fScale );

		f *= fScale;
		f += fShift;

	const float* fEffects = pPlayerState->m_PlayerOptions.GetCurrent().m_fEffects;

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] != 0 )
		f += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] 
			* ( RageFastCos( RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast()*TIPSY_TIMER_FREQUENCY 

	// In beware's DDR Extreme-focused fork of StepMania 3.9, this value is
	// floored, making arrows show on integer Y coordinates. Supposedly it makes
	// the arrows look better, but testing needs to be done.
	// todo: make this a noteskin metric instead of a theme metric? -aj
	return QUANTIZE_ARROW_Y ? floor(f) : f;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* prh.xyz -> heading, pitch, roll */
void RageQuatFromHPR(RageVector4* pOut, RageVector3 hpr )
	hpr *= PI;
	hpr /= 180.0f;
	hpr /= 2.0f;

	const float sX = RageFastSin(hpr.x);
	const float cX = RageFastCos(hpr.x);
	const float sY = RageFastSin(hpr.y);
	const float cY = RageFastCos(hpr.y);
	const float sZ = RageFastSin(hpr.z);
	const float cZ = RageFastCos(hpr.z);

	pOut->w = cX * cY * cZ + sX * sY * sZ;
	pOut->x = sX * cY * cZ - cX * sY * sZ;
	pOut->y = cX * sY * cZ + sX * cY * sZ;
	pOut->z = cX * cY * sZ - sX * sY * cZ;
Ejemplo n.º 5
RageVector4 RageQuatFromR(float theta )
	theta *= PI/180.0f;
	theta /= 2.0f;
	theta *= -1;
	const float c = RageFastCos(theta);
	const float s = RageFastSin(theta);

	return RageVector4(0, 0, s, c);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void RageMatrixRotationZ( RageMatrix* pOut, float theta )
	theta *= PI/180;

	pOut->m[0][0] = RageFastCos(theta);
	pOut->m[1][1] = pOut->m[0][0];

	pOut->m[0][1] = RageFastSin(theta);
	pOut->m[1][0] = -pOut->m[0][1];
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* prh.xyz -> pitch, roll, heading */
void RageQuatFromPRH(RageVector4* pOut, RageVector3 prh )
	prh *= PI;
	prh /= 180.0f;
	prh /= 2.0f;

	/* Set cX to the cosine of the angle we want to rotate on the X axis,
	 * and so on.  Here, hpr.z (roll) rotates on the Z axis, hpr.x (heading)
	 * on Y, and hpr.y (pitch) on X. */
	const float sX = RageFastSin(prh.y);
	const float cX = RageFastCos(prh.y);
	const float sY = RageFastSin(prh.x);
	const float cY = RageFastCos(prh.x);
	const float sZ = RageFastSin(prh.z);
	const float cZ = RageFastCos(prh.z);

	pOut->w = cX * cY * cZ + sX * sY * sZ;
	pOut->x = sX * cY * cZ - cX * sY * sZ;
	pOut->y = cX * sY * cZ + sX * cY * sZ;
	pOut->z = cX * cY * sZ - sX * sY * cZ;
Ejemplo n.º 8
float ArrowEffects::GetYOffsetFromYPos( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float YPos, float fYReverseOffsetPixels )
	float f = YPos;

	const float* fEffects = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fEffects;
	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] != 0 )
		f -= fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] * ( RageFastCos( RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast()*1.2f + iCol*2.f) * ARROW_SIZE*0.4f );

	float fShift, fScale;
	ArrowGetReverseShiftAndScale( pPlayerState, iCol, fYReverseOffsetPixels, fShift, fScale );

	f -= fShift;
	if( fScale )
		f /= fScale;

	return f;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void RageDisplay::DrawCircleInternal( const RageSpriteVertex &p, float radius )
	const int subdivisions = 32;
	RageSpriteVertex v[subdivisions+2];
	v[0] = p;

	for(int i = 0; i < subdivisions+1; ++i) 
		const float fRotation = float(i) / subdivisions * 2*PI;
		const float fX = RageFastCos(fRotation) * radius;
		const float fY = -RageFastSin(fRotation) * radius;
		v[1+i] = v[0];
		v[1+i].p.x += fX;
		v[1+i].p.y += fY;

	this->DrawFan( v, subdivisions+2 );
Ejemplo n.º 10
float ArrowEffects::GetYPos( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float fYOffset, float fYReverseOffsetPixels, bool WithReverse )
	float f = fYOffset;

	if( WithReverse )
		float fShift, fScale;
		ArrowGetReverseShiftAndScale( pPlayerState, iCol, fYReverseOffsetPixels, fShift, fScale );

		f *= fScale;
		f += fShift;

	const float* fEffects = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fEffects;

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] != 0 )
		f += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] * ( RageFastCos( RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast()*1.2f + iCol*1.8f) * ARROW_SIZE*0.4f );
	return f;
Ejemplo n.º 11
float ArrowEffects::GetYOffsetFromYPos( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float YPos, float fYReverseOffsetPixels )
	float f = YPos;

	const float* fEffects = pPlayerState->m_PlayerOptions.GetCurrent().m_fEffects;
	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] != 0 )
		f -= fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] 
			* ( RageFastCos( RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast()*TIPSY_OFFSET_TIMER_FREQUENCY 

	float fShift, fScale;
	ArrowGetReverseShiftAndScale( pPlayerState, iCol, fYReverseOffsetPixels, fShift, fScale );

	f -= fShift;
	if( fScale )
		f /= fScale;

	return f;
Ejemplo n.º 12
float ArrowEffects::GetXPos( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iColNum, float fYOffset ) 
	float fPixelOffsetFromCenter = 0;	// fill this in below
	const Style* pStyle = GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle();
	const float* fEffects = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fEffects;

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TORNADO] != 0 )
		// TRICKY: Tornado is very unplayable in doubles, so use a smaller
		// tornado width if there are many columns
		bool bWideField = pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer > 4;
		int iTornadoWidth = bWideField ? 2 : 3;

		int iStartCol = iColNum - iTornadoWidth;
		int iEndCol = iColNum + iTornadoWidth;
		CLAMP( iStartCol, 0, pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer-1 );
		CLAMP( iEndCol, 0, pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer-1 );

		float fMinX = FLT_MAX;
		float fMaxX = FLT_MIN;
		// TODO: Don't index by PlayerNumber.
		PlayerNumber pn = pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber;

		for( int i=iStartCol; i<=iEndCol; i++ )
			fMinX = min( fMinX, pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pn][i].fXOffset );
			fMaxX = max( fMaxX, pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pn][i].fXOffset );

		const float fRealPixelOffset = pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pn][iColNum].fXOffset;
		const float fPositionBetween = SCALE( fRealPixelOffset, fMinX, fMaxX, -1, 1 );
		float fRads = acosf( fPositionBetween );
		fRads += fYOffset * 6 / SCREEN_HEIGHT;
		const float fAdjustedPixelOffset = SCALE( RageFastCos(fRads), -1, 1, fMinX, fMaxX );

		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += (fAdjustedPixelOffset - fRealPixelOffset) * fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TORNADO];

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_DRUNK] != 0 )
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_DRUNK] * ( RageFastCos( RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast() + iColNum*0.2f + fYOffset*10/SCREEN_HEIGHT) * ARROW_SIZE*0.5f );
	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_FLIP] != 0 )
		// TODO: Don't index by PlayerNumber.
		PlayerNumber pn = pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber;

		const int iNumCols = pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer;
		int iFirstCol = 0;
		int iLastCol = iNumCols-1;
		const int iNewCol = SCALE( iColNum, iFirstCol, iLastCol, iLastCol, iFirstCol );
		const float fOldPixelOffset = pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pn][iColNum].fXOffset;
		const float fNewPixelOffset = pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pn][iNewCol].fXOffset;
		const float fDistance = fNewPixelOffset - fOldPixelOffset;
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fDistance * fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_FLIP];
	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_INVERT] != 0 )
		// TODO: Don't index by PlayerNumber.
		PlayerNumber pn = pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber;
		const int iNumCols = pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer;
		const int iNumSides = pStyle->m_StyleType==ONE_PLAYER_TWO_SIDES ? 2 : 1;
		const int iNumColsPerSide = iNumCols / iNumSides;
		const int iSideIndex = iColNum / iNumColsPerSide;
		const int iColOnSide = iColNum % iNumColsPerSide;

		const int iColLeftOfMiddle = (iNumColsPerSide-1)/2;
		const int iColRightOfMidde = (iNumColsPerSide+1)/2;

		int iFirstColOnSide = -1;
		int iLastColOnSide = -1;
		if( iColOnSide <= iColLeftOfMiddle )
			iFirstColOnSide = 0;
			iLastColOnSide = iColLeftOfMiddle;
		else if( iColOnSide >= iColRightOfMidde )
			iFirstColOnSide = iColRightOfMidde;
			iLastColOnSide = iNumColsPerSide-1;
			iFirstColOnSide = iColOnSide/2;
			iLastColOnSide = iColOnSide/2;

		// mirror
		const int iNewColOnSide = SCALE( iColOnSide, iFirstColOnSide, iLastColOnSide, iLastColOnSide, iFirstColOnSide );
		const int iNewCol = iSideIndex*iNumColsPerSide + iNewColOnSide;

		const float fOldPixelOffset = pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pn][iColNum].fXOffset;
		const float fNewPixelOffset = pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pn][iNewCol].fXOffset;
		const float fDistance = fNewPixelOffset - fOldPixelOffset;
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fDistance * fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_INVERT];

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_BEAT] != 0 )
	do {
		float fAccelTime = 0.2f, fTotalTime = 0.5f;
		/* If the song is really fast, slow down the rate, but speed up the
		 * acceleration to compensate or it'll look weird. */
		const float fBPM = GAMESTATE->m_fCurBPS * 60;
		const float fDiv = max(1.0f, truncf( fBPM / 150.0f ));
		fAccelTime /= fDiv;
		fTotalTime /= fDiv;

		float fBeat = GAMESTATE->m_fSongBeat + fAccelTime;
		fBeat /= fDiv;

		const bool bEvenBeat = ( int(fBeat) % 2 ) != 0;

		/* -100.2 -> -0.2 -> 0.2 */
		if( fBeat < 0 )

		fBeat -= truncf( fBeat );
		fBeat += 1;
		fBeat -= truncf( fBeat );

		if( fBeat >= fTotalTime )

		float fAmount;
		if( fBeat < fAccelTime )
			fAmount = SCALE( fBeat, 0.0f, fAccelTime, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			fAmount *= fAmount;
		} else /* fBeat < fTotalTime */ {
			fAmount = SCALE( fBeat, fAccelTime, fTotalTime, 1.0f, 0.0f);
			fAmount = 1 - (1-fAmount) * (1-fAmount);

		if( bEvenBeat )
			fAmount *= -1;

		const float fShift = 20.0f*fAmount*RageFastSin( fYOffset / 15.0f + PI/2.0f );
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_BEAT] * fShift;
	} while(0);

	return fPixelOffsetFromCenter;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void GrooveRadar::GrooveRadarValueMap::DrawPrimitives()

	// draw radar filling
	const float fRadius = GetUnzoomedWidth()/2.0f*1.1f;

	DISPLAY->SetTextureMode( TextureUnit_1, TextureMode_Modulate );
	RageSpriteVertex v[12]; // needed to draw 5 fan primitives and 10 strip primitives

	// xxx: We could either make the values invisible or draw a dot
	// (simulating real DDR). TODO: Make that choice up to the themer. -aj
	if( !m_bValuesVisible )

	// use a fan to draw the volume
	RageColor color = this->m_pTempState->diffuse[0];
	color.a = 0.5f;
	v[0].p = RageVector3( 0, 0, 0 );
	RageColor midcolor = color;
	midcolor.a = RADAR_CENTER_ALPHA;
	v[0].c = midcolor;
	v[1].c = color;

	for( int i=0; i<NUM_SHOWN_RADAR_CATEGORIES+1; i++ ) // do one extra to close the fan
		const float fDistFromCenter = 
			( m_fValuesOld[c] * (1-m_PercentTowardNew) + m_fValuesNew[c] * m_PercentTowardNew + 0.07f ) * fRadius;
		const float fRotation = RADAR_VALUE_ROTATION(i);
		const float fX = RageFastCos(fRotation) * fDistFromCenter;
		const float fY = -RageFastSin(fRotation) * fDistFromCenter;

		v[1+i].p = RageVector3( fX, fY, 0 );
		v[1+i].c = v[1].c;


	// use a line loop to draw the thick line
	for( int i=0; i<=NUM_SHOWN_RADAR_CATEGORIES; i++ )
		const float fDistFromCenter = 
			( m_fValuesOld[c] * (1-m_PercentTowardNew) + m_fValuesNew[c] * m_PercentTowardNew + 0.07f ) * fRadius;
		const float fRotation = RADAR_VALUE_ROTATION(i);
		const float fX = RageFastCos(fRotation) * fDistFromCenter;
		const float fY = -RageFastSin(fRotation) * fDistFromCenter;

		v[i].p = RageVector3( fX, fY, 0 );
		v[i].c = this->m_pTempState->diffuse[0];

	// TODO: Add this back in -Chris
//	switch( PREFSMAN->m_iPolygonRadar )
//	{
//	case 0:		DISPLAY->DrawLoop_LinesAndPoints( v, NUM_SHOWN_RADAR_CATEGORIES, RADAR_EDGE_WIDTH );	break;
//	case 1:		DISPLAY->DrawLoop_Polys( v, NUM_SHOWN_RADAR_CATEGORIES, RADAR_EDGE_WIDTH );			break;
//	default:
//	case -1:
//	break;
//	}
Ejemplo n.º 14
void ArrowEffects::Update()
	static float fLastTime = 0;
	float fTime = RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast();
	FOREACH_EnabledPlayer( pn )
		const Style* pStyle = GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle(pn);
		const Style::ColumnInfo* pCols = pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pn];
		const SongPosition &position = GAMESTATE->m_bIsUsingStepTiming
		? GAMESTATE->m_pPlayerState[pn]->m_Position : GAMESTATE->m_Position;
		const float field_zoom= GAMESTATE->m_pPlayerState[pn]->m_NotefieldZoom;
		const float* effects= GAMESTATE->m_pPlayerState[pn]->m_PlayerOptions.GetCurrent().m_fEffects;

		PerPlayerData &data = g_EffectData[pn];
		if( !position.m_bFreeze || !position.m_bDelay )
			data.m_fExpandSeconds += fTime - fLastTime;
			data.m_fExpandSeconds = fmodf( data.m_fExpandSeconds, PI*2 );
		// Update Tornado
		for( int iColNum = 0; iColNum < MAX_COLS_PER_PLAYER; ++iColNum )
			// TRICKY: Tornado is very unplayable in doubles, so use a smaller
			// tornado width if there are many columns

			/* the below makes an assumption for dance mode.
			 * perhaps check if we are actually playing on singles without,
			 * say more than 6 columns. That would exclude IIDX, pop'n, and
			 * techno-8, all of which would be very hectic.
			 * certain non-singles modes (like halfdoubles 6cols)
			 * could possibly have tornado enabled.
			 * let's also take default resolution (640x480) into mind. -aj */
			bool bWideField = pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer > 4;
			int iTornadoWidth = bWideField ? 2 : 3;

			int iStartCol = iColNum - iTornadoWidth;
			int iEndCol = iColNum + iTornadoWidth;
			CLAMP( iStartCol, 0, pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer-1 );
			CLAMP( iEndCol, 0, pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer-1 );

			data.m_fMinTornadoX[iColNum] = FLT_MAX;
			data.m_fMaxTornadoX[iColNum] = FLT_MIN;

			for( int i=iStartCol; i<=iEndCol; i++ )
				data.m_fMinTornadoX[iColNum] = min( data.m_fMinTornadoX[iColNum], pCols[i].fXOffset * field_zoom );
				data.m_fMaxTornadoX[iColNum] = max( data.m_fMaxTornadoX[iColNum], pCols[i].fXOffset * field_zoom);

		// Update Invert
		for( int iColNum = 0; iColNum < MAX_COLS_PER_PLAYER; ++iColNum )
			const int iNumCols = pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer;
			const int iNumSides = (pStyle->m_StyleType==StyleType_OnePlayerTwoSides ||
					       pStyle->m_StyleType==StyleType_TwoPlayersSharedSides) ? 2 : 1;
			const int iNumColsPerSide = iNumCols / iNumSides;
			const int iSideIndex = iColNum / iNumColsPerSide;
			const int iColOnSide = iColNum % iNumColsPerSide;

			const int iColLeftOfMiddle = (iNumColsPerSide-1)/2;
			const int iColRightOfMiddle = (iNumColsPerSide+1)/2;

			int iFirstColOnSide = -1;
			int iLastColOnSide = -1;
			if( iColOnSide <= iColLeftOfMiddle )
				iFirstColOnSide = 0;
				iLastColOnSide = iColLeftOfMiddle;
			else if( iColOnSide >= iColRightOfMiddle )
				iFirstColOnSide = iColRightOfMiddle;
				iLastColOnSide = iNumColsPerSide-1;
				iFirstColOnSide = iColOnSide/2;
				iLastColOnSide = iColOnSide/2;

			// mirror
			int iNewColOnSide;
			if( iFirstColOnSide == iLastColOnSide )
				iNewColOnSide = 0;
				iNewColOnSide = SCALE( iColOnSide, iFirstColOnSide, iLastColOnSide, iLastColOnSide, iFirstColOnSide );
			const int iNewCol = iSideIndex*iNumColsPerSide + iNewColOnSide;

			const float fOldPixelOffset = pCols[iColNum].fXOffset;
			const float fNewPixelOffset = pCols[iNewCol].fXOffset;
			data.m_fInvertDistance[iColNum] = fNewPixelOffset - fOldPixelOffset;

		// Update Tipsy
		if(effects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TIPSY] != 0)
			const float time= RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast();
			const float time_times_timer= time * TIPSY_TIMER_FREQUENCY;
			const float arrow_times_mag= ARROW_SIZE * TIPSY_ARROW_MAGNITUDE;
			const float time_times_offset_timer= time *
			const float arrow_times_offset_mag= ARROW_SIZE *
			for(int col= 0; col < MAX_COLS_PER_PLAYER; ++col)
				data.m_tipsy_result[col]= RageFastCos(
					time_times_timer + (col * TIPSY_COLUMN_FREQUENCY)) *
				data.m_tipsy_offset_result[col]= RageFastCos(
					time_times_offset_timer + (col * TIPSY_OFFSET_COLUMN_FREQUENCY)) *
			for(int col= 0; col < MAX_COLS_PER_PLAYER; ++col)
				data.m_tipsy_result[col]= 0;

		// Update Beat
		do {
			float fAccelTime = 0.2f, fTotalTime = 0.5f;
			float fBeat = position.m_fSongBeatVisible + fAccelTime;

			const bool bEvenBeat = ( int(fBeat) % 2 ) != 0;

			data.m_fBeatFactor = 0;
			if( fBeat < 0 )

			// -100.2 -> -0.2 -> 0.2
			fBeat -= truncf( fBeat );
			fBeat += 1;
			fBeat -= truncf( fBeat );

			if( fBeat >= fTotalTime )

			if( fBeat < fAccelTime )
				data.m_fBeatFactor = SCALE( fBeat, 0.0f, fAccelTime, 0.0f, 1.0f);
				data.m_fBeatFactor *= data.m_fBeatFactor;
			} else /* fBeat < fTotalTime */ {
				data.m_fBeatFactor = SCALE( fBeat, fAccelTime, fTotalTime, 1.0f, 0.0f);
				data.m_fBeatFactor = 1 - (1-data.m_fBeatFactor) * (1-data.m_fBeatFactor);

			if( bEvenBeat )
				data.m_fBeatFactor *= -1;
			data.m_fBeatFactor *= 20.0f;
		} while( false );
	fLastTime = fTime;
Ejemplo n.º 15
float ArrowEffects::GetXPos( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iColNum, float fYOffset ) 
	float fPixelOffsetFromCenter = 0; // fill this in below

	const Style* pStyle = GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle(pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber);
	const float* fEffects = curr_options->m_fEffects;

	// TODO: Don't index by PlayerNumber.
	const Style::ColumnInfo* pCols = pStyle->m_ColumnInfo[pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber];
	PerPlayerData &data = g_EffectData[pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber];

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TORNADO] != 0 )
		const float fRealPixelOffset = pCols[iColNum].fXOffset * pPlayerState->m_NotefieldZoom;
		const float fPositionBetween = SCALE( fRealPixelOffset, data.m_fMinTornadoX[iColNum], data.m_fMaxTornadoX[iColNum], 
		float fRads = acosf( fPositionBetween );

		const float fAdjustedPixelOffset = SCALE( RageFastCos(fRads), TORNADO_OFFSET_SCALE_FROM_LOW, TORNADO_OFFSET_SCALE_FROM_HIGH,
							 data.m_fMinTornadoX[iColNum], data.m_fMaxTornadoX[iColNum] );

		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += (fAdjustedPixelOffset - fRealPixelOffset) * fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TORNADO];

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_DRUNK] != 0 )
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_DRUNK] * 
			( RageFastCos( RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast() + iColNum*DRUNK_COLUMN_FREQUENCY
	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_FLIP] != 0 )
		const int iFirstCol = 0;
		const int iLastCol = pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer-1;
		const int iNewCol = SCALE( iColNum, iFirstCol, iLastCol, iLastCol, iFirstCol );
		const float fOldPixelOffset = pCols[iColNum].fXOffset * pPlayerState->m_NotefieldZoom;
		const float fNewPixelOffset = pCols[iNewCol].fXOffset * pPlayerState->m_NotefieldZoom;
		const float fDistance = fNewPixelOffset - fOldPixelOffset;
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fDistance * fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_FLIP];
	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_INVERT] != 0 )
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += data.m_fInvertDistance[iColNum] * fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_INVERT];

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_BEAT] != 0 )
		const float fShift = data.m_fBeatFactor*RageFastSin( fYOffset / BEAT_OFFSET_HEIGHT + PI/BEAT_PI_HEIGHT );
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_BEAT] * fShift;

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_XMODE] != 0 )
		// based off of code by v1toko for StepNXA, except it should work on
		// any gametype now.
		switch( pStyle->m_StyleType )
			case StyleType_OnePlayerTwoSides:
			case StyleType_TwoPlayersSharedSides: // fall through?
					// find the middle, and split based on iColNum
					// it's unknown if this will work for routine.
					const int iMiddleColumn = static_cast<int>(floor(pStyle->m_iColsPerPlayer/2.0f));
					if( iColNum > iMiddleColumn-1 )
						fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_XMODE]*-(fYOffset);
						fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_XMODE]*fYOffset;
			case StyleType_OnePlayerOneSide:
			case StyleType_TwoPlayersTwoSides: // fall through
					// the code was the same for both of these cases in StepNXA.
					if( pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber == PLAYER_2 )
						fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_XMODE]*-(fYOffset);
						fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_XMODE]*fYOffset;
			case StyleType_FourPlayersFourSides: // fall through
					// the code was the same for both of these cases in StepNXA.
					if (pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber == PLAYER_2)
						fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_XMODE] * -(fYOffset);
						fPixelOffsetFromCenter += fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_XMODE] * fYOffset;

	fPixelOffsetFromCenter += pCols[iColNum].fXOffset * pPlayerState->m_NotefieldZoom;

	if( fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TINY] != 0 )
		// Allow Tiny to pull tracks together, but not to push them apart.
		float fTinyPercent = fEffects[PlayerOptions::EFFECT_TINY];
		fTinyPercent = min( powf(TINY_PERCENT_BASE, fTinyPercent), (float)TINY_PERCENT_GATE );
		fPixelOffsetFromCenter *= fTinyPercent;

	return fPixelOffsetFromCenter;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* For visibility testing: if bAbsolute is false, random modifiers must return
 * the minimum possible scroll speed. */
float ArrowEffects::GetYOffset( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float fNoteBeat, float &fPeakYOffsetOut, bool &bIsPastPeakOut, bool bAbsolute )
	// Default values that are returned if boomerang is off.
	fPeakYOffsetOut = FLT_MAX;
	bIsPastPeakOut = true;

	float fYOffset = 0;
	const SongPosition &position = pPlayerState->GetDisplayedPosition();
	float fSongBeat = position.m_fSongBeatVisible;
	Steps *pCurSteps = GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber];

	/* Usually, fTimeSpacing is 0 or 1, in which case we use entirely beat spacing or
	 * entirely time spacing (respectively). Occasionally, we tween between them. */
	if( curr_options->m_fTimeSpacing != 1.0f )
		if( GAMESTATE->m_bInStepEditor ) {
			// Use constant spacing in step editor
			fYOffset = fNoteBeat - fSongBeat;
		} else {
			fYOffset = GetDisplayedBeat(pPlayerState, fNoteBeat) - GetDisplayedBeat(pPlayerState, fSongBeat);
			fYOffset *= pCurSteps->GetTimingData()->GetDisplayedSpeedPercent(
								     position.m_fMusicSecondsVisible );
		fYOffset *= 1 - curr_options->m_fTimeSpacing;

	if( curr_options->m_fTimeSpacing != 0.0f )
		float fSongSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_Position.m_fMusicSecondsVisible;
		float fNoteSeconds = pCurSteps->GetTimingData()->GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(fNoteBeat);
		float fSecondsUntilStep = fNoteSeconds - fSongSeconds;
		float fBPM = curr_options->m_fScrollBPM;
		float fBPS = fBPM/60.f / GAMESTATE->m_SongOptions.GetCurrent().m_fMusicRate;
		float fYOffsetTimeSpacing = fSecondsUntilStep * fBPS;
		fYOffset += fYOffsetTimeSpacing * curr_options->m_fTimeSpacing;

	// TODO: If we allow noteskins to have metricable row spacing
	// (per issue 24), edit this to reflect that. -aj

	// Factor in scroll speed
	float fScrollSpeed = curr_options->m_fScrollSpeed;
	if(curr_options->m_fMaxScrollBPM != 0)
		fScrollSpeed= curr_options->m_fMaxScrollBPM /
			(pPlayerState->m_fReadBPM * GAMESTATE->m_SongOptions.GetCurrent().m_fMusicRate);
	// don't mess with the arrows after they've crossed 0
	if( fYOffset < 0 )
		return fYOffset * fScrollSpeed;

	const float* fAccels = curr_options->m_fAccels;
	//const float* fEffects = curr_options->m_fEffects;

	float fYAdjust = 0;	// fill this in depending on PlayerOptions

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] != 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight();
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * 1.5f / ((fYOffset+fEffectHeight/1.2f)/fEffectHeight); 
		float fAccelYAdjust =	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY: Clamp this value, or else BOOST+BOOMERANG will draw a ton of arrows on the screen.
		fYAdjust += fAccelYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] != 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight();
		float fScale = SCALE( fYOffset, 0.f, fEffectHeight, 0, 1.f );
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * fScale; 
		float fBrakeYAdjust = fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY: Clamp this value the same way as BOOST so that in BOOST+BRAKE, BRAKE doesn't overpower BOOST
		fYAdjust += fBrakeYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] != 0 )
		fYAdjust +=	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] * WAVE_MOD_MAGNITUDE *RageFastSin( fYOffset/WAVE_MOD_HEIGHT );

	fYOffset += fYAdjust;

	// Factor in boomerang
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOMERANG] != 0 )
		float fPeakAtYOffset = SCREEN_HEIGHT * BOOMERANG_PEAK_PERCENTAGE;	// zero point of boomerang function
		fPeakYOffsetOut = (-1*fPeakAtYOffset*fPeakAtYOffset/SCREEN_HEIGHT) + 1.5f*fPeakAtYOffset;
		bIsPastPeakOut = fYOffset < fPeakAtYOffset;

		fYOffset = (-1*fYOffset*fYOffset/SCREEN_HEIGHT) + 1.5f*fYOffset;

	if( curr_options->m_fRandomSpeed > 0 && !bAbsolute )
		// Generate a deterministically "random" speed for each arrow.
		unsigned seed = GAMESTATE->m_iStageSeed + ( BeatToNoteRow( fNoteBeat ) << 8 ) + (iCol * 100);

		for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
			seed = ((seed * 1664525u) + 1013904223u) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
		float fRandom = seed / 4294967296.0f;

		/* Random speed always increases speed: a random speed of 10 indicates
		 * [1,11]. This keeps it consistent with other mods: 0 means no effect. */
		fScrollSpeed *=
				SCALE( fRandom,
						0.0f, 1.0f,
						1.0f, curr_options->m_fRandomSpeed + 1.0f );

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND] != 0 )
		// TODO: Don't index by PlayerNumber.
		PerPlayerData &data = g_EffectData[pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber];
		float fExpandMultiplier = SCALE( RageFastCos(data.m_fExpandSeconds*EXPAND_MULTIPLIER_FREQUENCY),
		fScrollSpeed *=	SCALE( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND], 
				      EXPAND_SPEED_SCALE_TO_LOW, fExpandMultiplier );

	fYOffset *= fScrollSpeed;
	fPeakYOffsetOut *= fScrollSpeed;

	return fYOffset;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void NoteDisplay::DrawHoldBottomCap( const TapNote& tn, int iCol, int iRow, bool bIsBeingHeld, float fYHead, float fYTail, int	fYStep, float fPercentFadeToFail, float fColorScale, bool bGlow, float fYStartOffset, float fYEndOffset )
	// Draw the bottom cap (always wavy)
	StripBuffer queue;

	Sprite* pBottomCap = GetHoldBottomCapSprite( NoteRowToBeat(iRow), tn.subType == TapNote::hold_head_roll, bIsBeingHeld );

	pBottomCap->SetZoom( ArrowEffects::GetZoom( m_pPlayerState ) );

	// draw manually in small segments
	RageTexture* pTexture = pBottomCap->GetTexture();
	const RectF *pRect = pBottomCap->GetCurrentTextureCoordRect();
	DISPLAY->SetTexture( 0, pTexture );

	const float fFrameWidth		= pBottomCap->GetZoomedWidth();
	const float fFrameHeight	= pBottomCap->GetZoomedHeight();
	const float fYCapTop		= fYTail+cache->m_iStopDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromTail;
	const float fYCapBottom		= fYTail+cache->m_iStopDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromTail+fFrameHeight;

	bool bReverse = m_pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.GetReversePercentForColumn(iCol) > 0.5f;

	if( bGlow )
		fColorScale = 1;

	float fDrawYCapTop;
	float fDrawYCapBottom;
		float fYStartPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYStartOffset, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		float fYEndPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYEndOffset, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		fDrawYCapTop = max( fYCapTop, bReverse ? fYEndPos : fYStartPos );
		fDrawYCapBottom = min( fYCapBottom, bReverse ? fYStartPos : fYEndPos );

	bool bAllAreTransparent = true;
	bool bLast = false;
	// don't draw any part of the tail that is before the middle of the head
	float fY=max( fDrawYCapTop, fYHead );
	for( ; !bLast; fY += fYStep )
		if( fY >= fDrawYCapBottom )
			fY = fDrawYCapBottom;
			bLast = true;

		const float fYOffset		= ArrowEffects::GetYOffsetFromYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fY, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		const float fX			= ArrowEffects::GetXPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset );
		const float fZ			= ArrowEffects::GetZPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset );

		// XXX: Actor rotations use degrees, RageFastCos/Sin use radians. Convert here.
		const float fRotationY		= ArrowEffects::GetRotationY( m_pPlayerState, fYOffset ) * PI/180;

		// if we're rotating, we need to modify the X and Z coords for the outer edges.
		const float fRotOffsetX		= fFrameWidth/2 * RageFastCos(fRotationY);
		const float fRotOffsetZ		= fFrameWidth/2 * RageFastSin(fRotationY);
		const float fXLeft		= fX - fRotOffsetX;
		const float fXRight		= fX + fRotOffsetX;
		const float fZLeft		= fZ - fRotOffsetZ;
		const float fZRight		= fZ + fRotOffsetZ;

		const float fTopDistFromTail	= fY - fYCapTop;
		const float fTexCoordTop	= SCALE( fTopDistFromTail,    0, fFrameHeight, pRect->top, pRect->bottom );
		const float fTexCoordLeft	= pRect->left;
		const float fTexCoordRight	= pRect->right;
		const float	fAlpha		= ArrowGetAlphaOrGlow( bGlow, m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset, fPercentFadeToFail, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		const RageColor color		= RageColor(fColorScale,fColorScale,fColorScale,fAlpha);

		if( fAlpha > 0 )
			bAllAreTransparent = false;

		queue.v[0].p = RageVector3(fXLeft,  fY, fZLeft);	queue.v[0].c = color; queue.v[0].t = RageVector2(fTexCoordLeft,  fTexCoordTop);
		queue.v[1].p = RageVector3(fXRight, fY, fZRight);	queue.v[1].c = color; queue.v[1].t = RageVector2(fTexCoordRight, fTexCoordTop);

		if( queue.Free() < 2 )
			/* The queue is full.  Render it, clear the buffer, and move back a step to
			 * start off the quad strip again. */
			if( !bAllAreTransparent )
			bAllAreTransparent = true;
			fY -= fYStep;
	if( !bAllAreTransparent )
Ejemplo n.º 18
	float Tween( float f ) const { return 1 - RageFastCos( f*PI*2.5f )/(1+f*3); }
Ejemplo n.º 19
/* For visibility testing: if bAbsolute is false, random modifiers must return the
 * minimum possible scroll speed. */
float ArrowEffects::GetYOffset( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float fNoteBeat, float &fPeakYOffsetOut, bool &bIsPastPeakOut, bool bAbsolute )
	// Default values that are returned if boomerang is off.
	fPeakYOffsetOut = FLT_MAX;
	bIsPastPeakOut = true;

	float fYOffset = 0;

	/* Usually, fTimeSpacing is 0 or 1, in which case we use entirely beat spacing or
	 * entirely time spacing (respectively).  Occasionally, we tween between them. */
	if( pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fTimeSpacing != 1.0f )
		float fSongBeat = GAMESTATE->m_fSongBeat;
		float fBeatsUntilStep = fNoteBeat - fSongBeat;
		float fYOffsetBeatSpacing = fBeatsUntilStep * ARROW_SPACING;
		fYOffset += fYOffsetBeatSpacing * (1-pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fTimeSpacing);

	if( pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fTimeSpacing != 0.0f )
		float fSongSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_fMusicSeconds;
		float fNoteSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong->GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(fNoteBeat);
		float fSecondsUntilStep = fNoteSeconds - fSongSeconds;
		float fBPM = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fScrollBPM;
		float fBPS = fBPM/60.f;
		float fYOffsetTimeSpacing = fSecondsUntilStep * fBPS * ARROW_SPACING;
		fYOffset += fYOffsetTimeSpacing * pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fTimeSpacing;

	// don't mess with the arrows after they've crossed 0
	if( fYOffset < 0 )
		return fYOffset * pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fScrollSpeed;

	const float* fAccels = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fAccels;
	//const float* fEffects = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fEffects;

	float fYAdjust = 0;	// fill this in depending on PlayerOptions

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] != 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight(pPlayerState);
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * 1.5f / ((fYOffset+fEffectHeight/1.2f)/fEffectHeight); 
		float fAccelYAdjust =	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY:	Clamp this value, or else BOOST+BOOMERANG will draw a ton of arrows on the screen.
		CLAMP( fAccelYAdjust, -400.f, 400.f );
		fYAdjust += fAccelYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] != 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight(pPlayerState);
		float fScale = SCALE( fYOffset, 0.f, fEffectHeight, 0, 1.f );
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * fScale; 
		float fBrakeYAdjust = fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY:	Clamp this value the same way as BOOST so that in BOOST+BRAKE, BRAKE doesn't overpower BOOST
		CLAMP( fBrakeYAdjust, -400.f, 400.f );
		fYAdjust += fBrakeYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] != 0 )
		fYAdjust +=	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] * 20.0f*RageFastSin( fYOffset/38.0f );

	fYOffset += fYAdjust;

	// Factor in boomerang
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOMERANG] != 0 )
		float fOriginalYOffset = fYOffset;

		fYOffset = (-1*fOriginalYOffset*fOriginalYOffset/SCREEN_HEIGHT) + 1.5f*fOriginalYOffset;
		float fPeakAtYOffset = SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.75f;	// zero point of function above
		fPeakYOffsetOut = (-1*fPeakAtYOffset*fPeakAtYOffset/SCREEN_HEIGHT) + 1.5f*fPeakAtYOffset;
		bIsPastPeakOut = fOriginalYOffset < fPeakAtYOffset;

	// Factor in scroll speed
	float fScrollSpeed = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fScrollSpeed;
	if( pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fRandomSpeed > 0 && !bAbsolute )
		int seed = GAMESTATE->m_iStageSeed + ( BeatToNoteRow( fNoteBeat ) << 8 ) + (iCol * 100);

		/* Temporary hack: the first call to RandomFloat isn't "random"; it takes an extra
		 * call to get the RNG rolling. */
		RandomFloat( seed );
		float fRandom = RandomFloat( seed );

		/* Random speed always increases speed: a random speed of 10 indicates [1,11].
		 * This keeps it consistent with other mods: 0 means no effect. */
		fScrollSpeed *=
				SCALE( fRandom,
						0.0f, 1.0f,
						1.0f, pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fRandomSpeed + 1.0f );

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND] != 0 )
		/* Timers can't be global, since they'll be initialized before SDL. */
		static RageTimer timerExpand;
		if( !GAMESTATE->m_bFreeze )
			g_fExpandSeconds += timerExpand.GetDeltaTime();
			timerExpand.GetDeltaTime();	// throw away
		float fExpandMultiplier = SCALE( RageFastCos(g_fExpandSeconds*3), -1, 1, 0.75f, 1.75f );
		fScrollSpeed *=	SCALE( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND], 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, fExpandMultiplier );

	fYOffset *= fScrollSpeed;
	fPeakYOffsetOut *= fScrollSpeed;

	return fYOffset;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void NoteDisplay::DrawHoldBody( const TapNote& tn, int iCol, int iRow, bool bIsBeingHeld, float fYHead, float fYTail, int fYStep, float fPercentFadeToFail, float fColorScale, bool bGlow,
							   float fYStartOffset, float fYEndOffset )
	// Draw the body (always wavy)
	StripBuffer queue;

	Sprite* pSprBody = GetHoldBodySprite( NoteRowToBeat(iRow), tn.subType == TapNote::hold_head_roll, bIsBeingHeld );

	pSprBody->SetZoom( ArrowEffects::GetZoom( m_pPlayerState ) );

	// draw manually in small segments
	RageTexture* pTexture = pSprBody->GetTexture();
	const RectF *pRect = pSprBody->GetCurrentTextureCoordRect();
	DISPLAY->SetTexture( 0, pTexture );
	DISPLAY->SetTextureWrapping( true );

	const float fFrameWidth  = pSprBody->GetZoomedWidth();
	const float fFrameHeight = pSprBody->GetZoomedHeight();
	const float fYBodyTop = fYHead + cache->m_iStartDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromHead;
	const float fYBodyBottom = fYTail + cache->m_iStopDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromTail;

	const bool bReverse = m_pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.GetReversePercentForColumn(iCol) > 0.5f;
	bool bAnchorToBottom = bReverse && cache->m_bFlipHeadAndTailWhenReverse;

	if( bGlow )
		fColorScale = 1;

	/* Only draw the section that's within the range specified.  If a hold note is
	 * very long, don't process or draw the part outside of the range.  Don't change
	 * fYBodyTop or fYBodyBottom; they need to be left alone to calculate texture
	 * coordinates. */
	float fDrawYBodyTop;
	float fDrawYBodyBottom;
		float fYStartPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYStartOffset, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		float fYEndPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYEndOffset, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );

		fDrawYBodyTop = max( fYBodyTop, bReverse ? fYEndPos : fYStartPos );
		fDrawYBodyBottom = min( fYBodyBottom, bReverse ? fYStartPos : fYEndPos );

	// top to bottom
	bool bAllAreTransparent = true;
	bool bLast = false;
	float fVertTexCoordOffset = 0;
	for( float fY = fDrawYBodyTop; !bLast; fY += fYStep )
		if( fY >= fDrawYBodyBottom )
			fY = fDrawYBodyBottom;
			bLast = true;

		const float fYOffset		= ArrowEffects::GetYOffsetFromYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fY, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		const float fX			= ArrowEffects::GetXPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset );
		const float fZ			= ArrowEffects::GetZPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset );

		// XXX: Actor rotations use degrees, RageFastCos/Sin use radians. Convert here.
		const float fRotationY		= ArrowEffects::GetRotationY( m_pPlayerState, fYOffset ) * PI/180;

		// if we're rotating, we need to modify the X and Z coords for the outer edges.
		const float fRotOffsetX		= fFrameWidth/2 * RageFastCos(fRotationY);
		const float fRotOffsetZ		= fFrameWidth/2 * RageFastSin(fRotationY);
		const float fXLeft		= fX - fRotOffsetX;
		const float fXRight		= fX + fRotOffsetX;
		const float fZLeft		= fZ - fRotOffsetZ;
		const float fZRight		= fZ + fRotOffsetZ;

		const float fDistFromBodyBottom	= fYBodyBottom - fY;
		const float fDistFromBodyTop	= fY - fYBodyTop;
		float fTexCoordTop		= SCALE( bAnchorToBottom ? fDistFromBodyTop : fDistFromBodyBottom,    0, fFrameHeight, pRect->bottom, pRect->top );
		/* For very large hold notes, shift the texture coordinates to be near 0, so we
		 * don't send very large values to the renderer. */
		if( fY == fDrawYBodyTop ) // first
				fVertTexCoordOffset = floorf( fTexCoordTop );
		fTexCoordTop -= fVertTexCoordOffset;
		const float fTexCoordLeft		= pRect->left;
		const float fTexCoordRight		= pRect->right;
		const float	fAlpha				= ArrowGetAlphaOrGlow( bGlow, m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset, fPercentFadeToFail, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		const RageColor color			= RageColor(fColorScale,fColorScale,fColorScale,fAlpha);

		if( fAlpha > 0 )
			bAllAreTransparent = false;

		queue.v[0].p = RageVector3(fXLeft,  fY, fZLeft);	queue.v[0].c = color; queue.v[0].t = RageVector2(fTexCoordLeft,  fTexCoordTop);
		queue.v[1].p = RageVector3(fXRight, fY, fZRight);	queue.v[1].c = color; queue.v[1].t = RageVector2(fTexCoordRight, fTexCoordTop);
		if( queue.Free() < 2 )
			/* The queue is full.  Render it, clear the buffer, and move back a step to
			 * start off the quad strip again. */
			if( !bAllAreTransparent )
			bAllAreTransparent = true;
			fY -= fYStep;

	if( !bAllAreTransparent )