int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; struct RadarParm prm; struct RawData raw; fp=fopen(argv[1],"r"); if (fp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"File not found.\n"); exit(-1); } while(RawFread(fp,&prm,&raw) !=-1) { fprintf(stderr,"%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d\n", prm.time.yr,,prm.time.dy,,,; prm.cp=1000; RawFwrite(stdout,&prm,&raw); } fclose(fp); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { /* File format transistion * ------------------------ * * When we switch to the new file format remove any reference * to "new". Change the command line option "new" to "old" and * remove "old=!new". */ char *envstr; int status; int arg; unsigned char help=0; unsigned char option=0; unsigned char vb=0; FILE *fp=NULL; struct OldRawFp *rawfp=NULL; int irec=1; int drec=2; int dnum=0; time_t ctime; int c,n; char command[128]; char tmstr[40]; prm=RadarParmMake(); raw=RawMake(); OptionAdd(&opt,"-help",'x',&help); OptionAdd(&opt,"-option",'x',&option); OptionAdd(&opt,"vb",'x',&vb); arg=OptionProcess(1,argc,argv,&opt,NULL); if (help==1) { OptionPrintInfo(stdout,hlpstr); exit(0); } if (option==1) { OptionDump(stdout,&opt); exit(0); } envstr=getenv("SD_RADAR"); if (envstr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Environment variable 'SD_RADAR' must be defined.\n"); exit(-1); } fp=fopen(envstr,"r"); if (fp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not locate radar information file.\n"); exit(-1); } network=RadarLoad(fp); fclose(fp); if (network==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to read radar information.\n"); exit(-1); } envstr=getenv("SD_HDWPATH"); if (envstr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Environment variable 'SD_HDWPATH' must be defined.\n"); exit(-1); } RadarLoadHardware(envstr,network); if (arg==argc) fp=stdin; else fp=fopen(argv[arg],"r"); if (fp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"File not found.\n"); exit(-1); } status=RawFread(fp,prm,raw); radar=RadarGetRadar(network,prm->stid); if (radar==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get radar information.\n"); exit(-1); } site=RadarYMDHMSGetSite(radar,prm->time.yr,prm->, prm->time.dy,prm->,prm->, prm->; if (site==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get site information.\n"); exit(-1); } command[0]=0; n=0; for (c=0;c<argc;c++) { n+=strlen(argv[c])+1; if (n>127) break; if (c !=0) strcat(command," "); strcat(command,argv[c]); } if (vb) fprintf(stderr,"%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d beam=%d\n",prm->time.yr,prm->, prm->time.dy,prm->,prm->,prm->,prm->bmnum); do { ctime = time((time_t) 0); RadarParmSetOriginCommand(prm,command); strcpy(tmstr,asctime(gmtime(&ctime))); tmstr[24]=0; RadarParmSetOriginTime(prm,tmstr); prm->lagfr = 2400; prm->frang = 360; status=RawFwrite(stdout,prm,raw); status=RawFread(fp,prm,raw); if (vb) fprintf(stderr,"%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d beam=%d\n",prm->time.yr,prm->, prm->time.dy,prm->,prm->,prm->,prm->bmnum); } while (status==0); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { /******************************************************** ** definitions of variables needed for data generation ** ********************************************************/ double t_d = .04; /*Irregualrity decay time s*/ double w = -9999.; /*spectral width*/ double t_g = 1e-6; /*irregularity growth time*/ double t_c = 1000.; /*precipitation time constant*/ double v_dop =450.; /*Background velocity (m/s)*/ double c = 3.e8; /*Speed of light (m/s)*/ double freq = 12.e6; /*transmit frequency*/ double amp0 = 1.; /*amplitude scaling factor*/ int noise_flg = 0; /*flag to indicate whether white noise is included*/ double noise_lev = 0.; /*white noise level (ratio)*/ int nave = 50; /*number of pulse sequences in an integration period*/ int nrang = 100; /*number of range gates*/ int lagfr = 4; /*lag to first range*/ int n_good = 40; /*number of range gates containing scatter*/ int life_dist = 0; /*lifetime distribution*/ double smsep = 300.e-6; /*sample spearation*/ double rngsep = 45.e3; /*range gate spearation*/ int cpid = 150; /*control program ID number*/ int n_samples; /*Number of datapoints in a single pulse sequence*/ int n_pul,n_lags,*pulse_t,*tau,nave_flg=0; double dt; /*basic lag time*/ double velo = 0.; /*standard devation of gaussian velocity spread*/ int cri_flg = 1; /*cross-range interference flag*/ int smp_flg = 0; /*output raw samples flag*/ int decayflg = 0; /*other variables*/ long i,j; int output = 0; double taus; char helpstr[] = "\nmake_sim: generates simulated single-component lorentzian ACFs\n\n" "Calling Sequence: ./sim_fitacf [-options] > output.txt\n" "Options:\n" "--help: show this information\n" "-katscan: use Kathryn McWilliams' 8 pulse sequence (default)\n" "-tauscan: use Ray Greenwald's 13 pulse sequence\n" "-oldscan: use old 7 pulse sequence\n" "-freq f: set radar frequency to f (in kHz)\n" " default is 12000 kHz\n" "-vel v: set Doppler velocity to v (in m/s)\n" " default is 400 m/s\n" "-v_spread v: set gaussian Doppler velocity spread (standard devation) to v\n" " default is 0\n" "-t_d t: set decay time to t (in milliseconds)\n" " default is 40 ms\n" "-t_g t: set growth time to t (in microseconds)\n" " default is 1 us (negligible)\n" "-t_c t: set precipitation time constant (lifetime) to t (in microseconds)\n" " default is 1e6 ms (negligible)\n" "-constant: set irregularity lifetime distribution constant\n" " default is exponential\n" "-smsep s: set sample separation to s (in microseconds)\n" " default is 300 us\n" "-noise n: add in white noise level to produce SNR n (in dB)\n" " default is no noise\n" "-nave n: set number of averages in the integration period to n\n" " default is 70/50/20 for oldscan/katscan/tauscan\n" "-nrang n: set number of range gates to n\n" " default is 100\n" "-amp a: set average ACF amplitude to a\n" " default is 1\n" "-nocri: remove cross range interference from the ACFs\n" " default is CRI on\n" " WARNING: removing cross-range interference will make\n" " the raw samples unuseable, since each range gate will\n" " have to be integrated seperately\n" "-n_good n: set number of range gates with scatter to n\n" " default is 40\n" " WARNING: setting this above ~70 for katscan or default\n" " sequence will cause cross-range interference at lag 0\n" " from range gates ~70 and above (lag 0 ~ twice the value\n" " at other range gates)\n" "-samples: output raw samples (to iqdat file) instead of ACFs\n" " default is output ACFs (to rawacf file)\n" "-decay: set ACFs to have a decaying amplitude by a\n" " factor of 1/r^2\n" "\nNOTE: all option inputs must be integers\n"; /*process command line options*/ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /*command line control program*/ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-katscan") == 0) cpid = 150; if (strcmp(argv[i], "-oldscan") == 0) cpid = 1; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tauscan") == 0) cpid = 503; /*command line irregularity distribution*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-constant") == 0) life_dist = 1; /*command line frequency*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-freq") == 0) freq = atoi(argv[i+1])*1e3; /*command line velocity*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-vel") == 0) v_dop = (double)atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line velocity spread*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v_spread") == 0) velo = (double)atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line spectral width*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-width") == 0) w = ((double)atoi(argv[i+1])); /*command line decorrelation time*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t_d") == 0) t_d = 1e-3*atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line growth time*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t_g") == 0) t_g = 1e-6*atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line precipitation time constant*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t_c") == 0) t_c = 1e-3*atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line number of range gates*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nrang") == 0) nrang = atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line power decay with range*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-decay") == 0) decayflg = 1; /*command line nave*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nave") == 0) { nave_flg = 1; nave = atoi(argv[i+1]); } /*command line noise*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noise") == 0) { noise_flg = 1; noise_lev = 1./pow(10.,((double)atoi(argv[i+1]))/10.); } /*command line amplitude*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-amp") == 0) amp0 = (double)atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line sample separation*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-smsep") == 0) smsep = 1e-6*atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line range gates with scatter*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n_good") == 0) n_good = atoi(argv[i+1]); /*command line CRI flag*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nocri") == 0) cri_flg = 0; /*command line output samples*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-samples") == 0) smp_flg = 1; /*display help*/ else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",helpstr); exit(0); } } double lambda = c/freq; if(w != -9999.) t_d = lambda/(w*2.*PI); /*oldscan*/ if(cpid == 1) { dt = 2.4e-3; /*basic lag time*/ n_pul = 7; /*number of pulses*/ n_lags = 18; /*number of lags in the ACFs*/ /*if the user did not set nave*/ if(!nave_flg) nave = 70; /*number of averages*/ /*fill the pulse table*/ pulse_t = malloc(n_pul*sizeof(int)); pulse_t[0] = 0; pulse_t[1] = 9; pulse_t[2] = 12; pulse_t[3] = 20; pulse_t[4] = 22; pulse_t[5] = 26; pulse_t[6] = 27; /*Creating lag array*/ tau = malloc(n_lags*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<n_lags;i++) tau[i] = i; /*no lag 16*/ tau[16] += 1; tau[17] += 1; } /*tauscan*/ else if(cpid == 503) { dt = 2.4e-3; /*basic lag time*/ n_pul = 13; /*number of pulses*/ n_lags = 17; /*number of lags in the ACFs*/ /*if the user did not set nave*/ if(!nave_flg) nave = 20; /*number of averages*/ /*fill the pulse table*/ pulse_t = malloc(n_pul*sizeof(int)); pulse_t[0] = 0; pulse_t[1] = 15; pulse_t[2] = 16; pulse_t[3] = 23; pulse_t[4] = 27; pulse_t[5] = 29; pulse_t[6] = 32; pulse_t[7] = 47; pulse_t[8] = 50; pulse_t[9] = 52; pulse_t[10] = 56; pulse_t[11] = 63; pulse_t[12] = 64; /*Creating lag array*/ tau = malloc(n_lags*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<10;i++) tau[i] = i; /*no lag 10*/ for(i=10;i<18;i++) tau[i] = (i+1); } /*katscan (default)*/ else { dt = 1.5e-3; /*basic lag time*/ n_pul = 8; /*number of pulses*/ n_lags = 23; /*number of lags in the ACFs*/ /*if the user did not set nave*/ if(!nave_flg) nave = 50; /*number of averages*/ /*fill the pulse table*/ pulse_t = malloc(n_pul*sizeof(int)); pulse_t[0] = 0; pulse_t[1] = 14; pulse_t[2] = 22; pulse_t[3] = 24; pulse_t[4] = 27; pulse_t[5] = 31; pulse_t[6] = 42; pulse_t[7] = 43; /*Creating lag array*/ tau = malloc(n_lags*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<6;i++) tau[i] = i; /*no lag 6*/ for(i=6;i<22;i++) tau[i] = (i+1); /*no lag 23*/ tau[22] = 24; } /*control program dependent variables*/ taus = dt/smsep; /*lag time in samples*/ n_samples = (pulse_t[n_pul-1]*taus+nrang+lagfr); /*number of samples in 1 pulse sequence*/ /*Creating the output array for ACFs*/ complex double ** acfs = malloc(nrang*sizeof(complex double *)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) { acfs[i] = malloc(n_lags*sizeof(complex double)); for(j=0;j<n_lags;j++) acfs[i][j] = 0.+I*0.; } /*flags to tell which range gates contain scatter*/ int * qflg = malloc(nrang*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) if(i < n_good) qflg[i] = 1; else qflg[i] = 0; /*create a structure to store the raw samples from each pulse sequence*/ complex double * raw_samples = malloc(n_samples*nave*sizeof(complex double)); /********************************************************** ****FILL THESE ARRAYS WITH THE SIMULATION PARAMETERS******* **********************************************************/ /*array with the irregularity decay time for each range gate*/ double * t_d_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) t_d_arr[i] = t_d; /*array with the irregularity growth time for each range gate*/ double * t_g_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) t_g_arr[i] = t_g; /*array with the irregularity lifetime for each range gate*/ double * t_c_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) t_c_arr[i] = t_c; /*array with the irregularity doppler velocity for each range gate*/ double * v_dop_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) v_dop_arr[i] = v_dop; /*array with the irregularity doppler velocity for each range gate*/ double * velo_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) velo_arr[i] = velo; /*array with the ACF amplitude for each range gate*/ double * amp0_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) amp0_arr[i] = amp0; if(noise_flg) noise_lev *= amp0; /*call the simulation function*/ sim_data(t_d_arr, t_g_arr, t_c_arr, v_dop_arr, qflg, velo_arr, amp0_arr, freq, noise_lev, noise_flg, nave, nrang, lagfr, smsep, cpid, life_dist, n_pul, cri_flg, n_lags, pulse_t, tau, dt, raw_samples, acfs, decayflg); /*pill the parameter structure*/ struct RadarParm * prm; prm = RadarParmMake(); makeRadarParm(prm, argv, argc, cpid, nave, lagfr, smsep, noise_lev, amp0, n_samples, dt, n_pul, n_lags, nrang, rngsep, freq, pulse_t); if(!smp_flg) { /*fill the rawdata structure*/ struct RawData * raw; raw = RawMake(); raw->revision.major = 1; raw->revision.minor = 1; raw->thr=0.0; int * slist = malloc(nrang*sizeof(int)); float * pwr0 = malloc(nrang*sizeof(float)); float * acfd = malloc(nrang*n_lags*2*sizeof(float)); float * xcfd = malloc(nrang*n_lags*2*sizeof(float)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) { slist[i] = i; pwr0[i] = creal(acfs[i][0]); for(j=0;j<n_lags;j++) { acfd[i*n_lags*2+j*2] = creal(acfs[i][j]); acfd[i*n_lags*2+j*2+1] = cimag(acfs[i][j]); xcfd[i*n_lags*2+j*2] = 0.; xcfd[i*n_lags*2+j*2+1] = 0.; } } RawSetPwr(raw,nrang,pwr0,nrang,slist); RawSetACF(raw,nrang,n_lags,acfd,nrang,slist); RawSetXCF(raw,nrang,n_lags,xcfd,nrang,slist); i=RawFwrite(stdout,prm,raw); free(slist); free(pwr0); free(acfd); free(xcfd); } else { /*fill the iqdata structure*/ struct IQ *iq; iq=IQMake(); int16 * samples = malloc(n_samples*nave*2*2*sizeof(int16)); for(i=0;i<nave;i++) { /*main array samples*/ for(j=0;j<n_samples;j++) { samples[i*n_samples*2*2+j*2] = (int16)(creal(raw_samples[i*n_samples+j])); samples[i*n_samples*2*2+j*2+1] = (int16)(cimag(raw_samples[i*n_samples+j])); } /*interferometer array samples*/ for(j=0;j<n_samples;j++) { samples[i*n_samples*2*2+j*2+n_samples] = 0; samples[i*n_samples*2*2+j*2+1+n_samples] = 0; } } int * badtr = malloc(nave*n_pul*2*sizeof(int)); IQFwrite(stdout,prm,iq,badtr,samples); free(samples); free(badtr); } /*output ACFs to rawacf file if(output == 0) { } fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %lf %lf %lf\n", cpid,nrang,n_lags,n_samples,nave,n_pul,n_lags,dt,smsep,freq); fprintf(stdout,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", amp0,v_dop*2./lambda,v_dop,t_d,lambda/(2.*PI*t_d), t_g,t_c,20.*log10(1./noise_lev)); for(i=0;i<n_samples*nave;i++) { fprintf(stdout,"%lf %lf\n",creal(raw_samples[i]),cimag(raw_samples[i])); } /*print the ACFs for(r=0;r<nrang;r++) { fprintf(stdout,"%d %d\n",r,qflg[r]); for(i=0;i<n_lags;i++) fprintf(stdout,"%d %lf %lf\n",tau[i],creal(acfs[r][i]),cimag(acfs[r][i])); }*/ /*free dynamically allocated memory*/ for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) free(acfs[i]); free(acfs); free(pulse_t); free(tau); free(qflg); free(raw_samples); free(t_d_arr); free(t_g_arr); free(t_c_arr); free(v_dop_arr); free(velo_arr); free(amp0_arr); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { unsigned char help=0; unsigned char option=0; unsigned char vb=0; int arg=0; int s; int thr=-1; struct RadarParm rprm; struct RawData rawacf; FILE *fp; int rtab[ORIG_MAX_RANGE]; float snr[MAX_RANGE]; int inx,l,step; float maxval; int cnt=0; int recnum=0; char vstring[256]; OptionAdd(&opt,"-help",'x',&help); OptionAdd(&opt,"-option",'x',&option); OptionAdd(&opt,"vb",'x',&vb); OptionAdd(&opt,"t",'i',&thr); arg=OptionProcess(1,argc,argv,&opt,NULL); if (help==1) { OptionPrintInfo(stdout,hlpstr); exit(0); } if (option==1) { OptionDump(stdout,&opt); exit(0); } if (arg !=argc) { fp=fopen(argv[arg],"r"); if (fp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file.\n"); exit(-1); } } else fp=stdin; s=RawFread(fp,&rprm,&rawacf); if (s==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading file.\n"); exit(-1); } if (thr !=-1) rawacf.thr=thr; sprintf(vstring,"%d.%.3d",rawacf.revision.major,rawacf.revision.minor); /* if (OldRawHeaderFwrite(stdout,"rawwrite",vstring,rawacf.thr, "example file") !=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error writing header.\n"); exit(-1); } */ do { recnum++; if (thr !=-1) rawacf.thr=thr; for (l=0;l<rprm.nrang;l++) { if (>0) snr[l]=rawacf.pwr0[l]/; else snr[l]=0; } /* if (rprm.nrang>ORIG_MAX_RANGE) { step=rprm.nrang/ORIG_MAX_RANGE; for (l=0;l<ORIG_MAX_RANGE;l++) { maxval=0.0; inx=l*step; for (s=0;s<step;s++) { if (snr[l*step+s]>maxval) { maxval=snr[l*step+s]; inx=l*step+s; } } rtab[l]=inx; } rprm.rsep=rprm.rsep*step; s=OldRawFwrite(stdout,"rawwrite",&rprm,&rawacf,recnum,rtab); } else s=OldRawFwrite(stdout,"rawwrite",&rprm,&rawacf,recnum,NULL); if (s !=0) { cnt=-1; break; } */ /* rprm.stid=(int16)40; */ /* fprintf(stderr,"%d %d\n",rprm.lagfr,rprm.frang); */ if (rprm.lagfr==600 && rprm.smsep==300)rprm.lagfr=(int16)1200; if (rprm.lagfr==400 && rprm.smsep==100)rprm.lagfr=(int16)800; s=RawFwrite(stdout,&rprm,&rawacf); if (s==-1) { cnt=-1; break; } if (vb) fprintf(stderr,"%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d\n",rprm.time.yr,,rprm.time.dy,,,; cnt++; } while ((s=RawFread(fp,&rprm,&rawacf)) !=-1); if (cnt==-1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { /******************************************************** ** definitions of variables needed for data generation ** ********************************************************/ double t_d = .04; /*Irregualrity decay time s*/ double w = -9999.; /*spectral width*/ double v_dop =450.; /*Background velocity (m/s)*/ double c = 3.e8; /*Speed of light (m/s)*/ double freq = 12.e6; /*transmit frequency*/ double amp0 = 1.; /*amplitude scaling factor*/ int noise_flg = 1; /*flag to indicate whether white noise is included*/ double noise_lev = 0.; /*white noise level (ratio)*/ int nave = 50; /*number of pulse sequences in an integration period*/ int nrang = 100; /*number of range gates*/ int lagfr = 4; /*lag to first range*/ int life_dist = 0; /*lifetime distribution*/ double smsep = 300.e-6; /*sample spearation*/ double rngsep = 45.e3; /*range gate spearation*/ int cpid = 150; /*control program ID number*/ int n_samples; /*Number of datapoints in a single pulse sequence*/ int n_pul,n_lags,*pulse_t,*tau; double dt; /*basic lag time*/ int cri_flg = 1; /*cross-range interference flag*/ int smp_flg = 0; /*output raw samples flag*/ int decayflg = 0; /*other variables*/ long i,j; double taus; /*fit file to recreate*/ char * filename = argv[argc-1]; /*read the first radar's file*/ FILE * fitfp=fopen(filename,"r"); fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",filename); if(fitfp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"File %s not found.\n",filename); exit(-1); } /*fill the parameter structure*/ struct RadarParm * prm; prm = RadarParmMake(); /*array with the irregularity decay time for each range gate*/ double * t_d_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) t_d_arr[i] = 0; /*array with the irregularity growth time for each range gate*/ double * t_g_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) t_g_arr[i] = 1.e-6; /*array with the irregularity lifetime for each range gate*/ double * t_c_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) t_c_arr[i] = 1000; /*array with the irregularity doppler velocity for each range gate*/ double * v_dop_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) v_dop_arr[i] = 0; /*array with the irregularity doppler velocity for each range gate*/ double * velo_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) velo_arr[i] = 0; /*array with the ACF amplitude for each range gate*/ double * amp0_arr = malloc(nrang*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) amp0_arr[i] = 0; /*flags to tell which range gates contain scatter*/ int * qflg = malloc(nrang*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) qflg[i] = 0; /*Creating the output array for ACFs*/ complex double ** acfs = malloc(nrang*sizeof(complex double *)); do { fscanf(fitfp,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&prm->time.yr,&prm->,&prm->time.dy,&prm->,&prm->,&prm->; fprintf(stderr,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",prm->time.yr,prm->,prm->time.dy,prm->,prm->,prm->; fscanf(fitfp,"%d %lf %d %lf %d %d %lf %lf %lf %d\n",&cpid,&freq,&prm->bmnum,&noise_lev,&nave,&lagfr,&dt,&smsep,&rngsep,&nrang); lagfr /= smsep; rngsep *= 1.e3; smsep *= 1.e-6; dt *= 1.e-6; freq *= 1.e3; double lambda = c/freq; if(w != -9999.) t_d = lambda/(w*2.*PI); /*oldscan*/ if(cpid == 1) { n_pul = 7; /*number of pulses*/ n_lags = 18; /*number of lags in the ACFs*/ /*fill the pulse table*/ pulse_t = malloc(n_pul*sizeof(int)); pulse_t[0] = 0; pulse_t[1] = 9; pulse_t[2] = 12; pulse_t[3] = 20; pulse_t[4] = 22; pulse_t[5] = 26; pulse_t[6] = 27; /*Creating lag array*/ tau = malloc(n_lags*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<n_lags;i++) tau[i] = i; /*no lag 16*/ tau[16] += 1; tau[17] += 1; } /*tauscan*/ else if(cpid == 503 || cpid == -3310) { n_pul = 13; /*number of pulses*/ n_lags = 17; /*number of lags in the ACFs*/ /*fill the pulse table*/ pulse_t = malloc(n_pul*sizeof(int)); pulse_t[0] = 0; pulse_t[1] = 15; pulse_t[2] = 16; pulse_t[3] = 23; pulse_t[4] = 27; pulse_t[5] = 29; pulse_t[6] = 32; pulse_t[7] = 47; pulse_t[8] = 50; pulse_t[9] = 52; pulse_t[10] = 56; pulse_t[11] = 63; pulse_t[12] = 64; /*Creating lag array*/ tau = malloc(n_lags*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<10;i++) tau[i] = i; /*no lag 10*/ for(i=10;i<18;i++) tau[i] = (i+1); } /*katscan (default)*/ else { cpid = 150; n_pul = 8; /*number of pulses*/ n_lags = 23; /*number of lags in the ACFs*/ /*fill the pulse table*/ pulse_t = malloc(n_pul*sizeof(int)); pulse_t[0] = 0; pulse_t[1] = 14; pulse_t[2] = 22; pulse_t[3] = 24; pulse_t[4] = 27; pulse_t[5] = 31; pulse_t[6] = 42; pulse_t[7] = 43; /*Creating lag array*/ tau = malloc(n_lags*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<6;i++) tau[i] = i; /*no lag 6*/ for(i=6;i<22;i++) tau[i] = (i+1); /*no lag 23*/ tau[22] = 24; } /*control program dependent variables*/ taus = dt/smsep; /*lag time in samples*/ n_samples = (pulse_t[n_pul-1]*taus+nrang+lagfr); /*number of samples in 1 pulse sequence*/ /*create a structure to store the raw samples from each pulse sequence*/ complex double * raw_samples = malloc(n_samples*nave*sizeof(complex double)); makeRadarParm2(prm, argv, argc, cpid, nave, lagfr, smsep, noise_lev, amp0, n_samples, dt, n_pul, n_lags, nrang, rngsep, freq, pulse_t,prm->time.yr,prm->, prm->time.dy,prm->,prm->,prm->,prm->bmnum); /********************************************************** ****FILL THESE ARRAYS WITH THE SIMULATION PARAMETERS******* **********************************************************/ for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) { fscanf(fitfp,"%*d %d %lf %lf %lf\n",&qflg[i],&v_dop,&0,&t_d); t_d = lambda/(t_d*2.*PI); if(t_d > 999999.) t_d = 0.; t_d_arr[i] = t_d; v_dop_arr[i] = v_dop; amp0 = noise_lev*pow(10.,(amp0/10.)); amp0_arr[i] = amp0; acfs[i] = malloc(n_lags*sizeof(complex double)); for(j=0;j<n_lags;j++) acfs[i][j] = 0.+I*0.; } /*call the simulation function*/ sim_data(t_d_arr, t_g_arr, t_c_arr, v_dop_arr, qflg, velo_arr, amp0_arr, freq, noise_lev, noise_flg, nave, nrang, lagfr, smsep, cpid, life_dist, n_pul, cri_flg, n_lags, pulse_t, tau, dt, raw_samples, acfs, decayflg); if(!smp_flg) { /*fill the rawdata structure*/ struct RawData * raw; raw = RawMake(); raw->revision.major = 1; raw->revision.minor = 1; raw->thr=0.0; int * slist = malloc(nrang*sizeof(int)); float * pwr0 = malloc(nrang*sizeof(float)); float * acfd = malloc(nrang*n_lags*2*sizeof(float)); float * xcfd = malloc(nrang*n_lags*2*sizeof(float)); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) { slist[i] = i; pwr0[i] = creal(acfs[i][0]); for(j=0;j<n_lags;j++) { acfd[i*n_lags*2+j*2] = creal(acfs[i][j]); acfd[i*n_lags*2+j*2+1] = cimag(acfs[i][j]); xcfd[i*n_lags*2+j*2] = 0.; xcfd[i*n_lags*2+j*2+1] = 0.; } } RawSetPwr(raw,nrang,pwr0,nrang,slist); RawSetACF(raw,nrang,n_lags,acfd,nrang,slist); RawSetXCF(raw,nrang,n_lags,xcfd,nrang,slist); i=RawFwrite(stdout,prm,raw); free(slist); free(pwr0); free(acfd); free(xcfd); } else { /*fill the iqdata structure*/ struct IQ *iq; iq=IQMake(); int16 * samples = malloc(n_samples*nave*2*2*sizeof(int16)); for(i=0;i<nave;i++) { /*main array samples*/ for(j=0;j<n_samples;j++) { samples[i*n_samples*2*2+j*2] = (int16)(creal(raw_samples[i*n_samples+j])); samples[i*n_samples*2*2+j*2+1] = (int16)(cimag(raw_samples[i*n_samples+j])); } /*interferometer array samples*/ for(j=0;j<n_samples;j++) { samples[i*n_samples*2*2+j*2+n_samples] = 0; samples[i*n_samples*2*2+j*2+1+n_samples] = 0; } } int * badtr = malloc(nave*n_pul*2*sizeof(int)); IQFwrite(stdout,prm,iq,badtr,samples); free(samples); free(badtr); } free(pulse_t); free(tau); free(raw_samples); for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) free(acfs[i]); } while(!feof(fitfp)); /*free dynamically allocated memory*/ for(i=0;i<nrang;i++) free(acfs[i]); free(acfs); free(qflg); free(t_d_arr); free(t_g_arr); free(t_c_arr); free(v_dop_arr); free(velo_arr); free(amp0_arr); fclose(fitfp); return 0; }