Ejemplo n.º 1
void idRestoreGame::ReadTraceModel( idTraceModel &trace ) {
	int j, k;

	ReadInt( (int&)trace.type );
	ReadInt( trace.numVerts );
	for ( j = 0; j < MAX_TRACEMODEL_VERTS; j++ ) {
		ReadVec3( trace.verts[j] );
	ReadInt( trace.numEdges );
	for ( j = 0; j < (MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES+1); j++ ) {
		ReadInt( trace.edges[j].v[0] );
		ReadInt( trace.edges[j].v[1] );
		ReadVec3( trace.edges[j].normal );
	ReadInt( trace.numPolys );
	for ( j = 0; j < MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYS; j++ ) {
		ReadVec3( trace.polys[j].normal );
		ReadFloat( trace.polys[j].dist );
		ReadBounds( trace.polys[j].bounds );
		ReadInt( trace.polys[j].numEdges );
		for ( k = 0; k < MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYEDGES; k++ ) {
			ReadInt( trace.polys[j].edges[k] );
	ReadVec3( trace.offset );
	ReadBounds( trace.bounds );
	ReadBool( trace.isConvex );
	// padding win32 native structs
	char tmp[3];
	file->Read( tmp, 3 );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void idRestoreGame::ReadRenderEntity( renderEntity_t& renderEntity )
	int i;
	int index;
	ReadModel( renderEntity.hModel );
	ReadInt( renderEntity.entityNum );
	ReadInt( renderEntity.bodyId );
	ReadBounds( renderEntity.bounds );
	// callback is set by class's Restore function
	renderEntity.callback = NULL;
	renderEntity.callbackData = NULL;
	ReadInt( renderEntity.suppressSurfaceInViewID );
	ReadInt( renderEntity.suppressShadowInViewID );
	ReadInt( renderEntity.suppressShadowInLightID );
	ReadInt( renderEntity.allowSurfaceInViewID );
	ReadVec3( renderEntity.origin );
	ReadMat3( renderEntity.axis );
	ReadMaterial( renderEntity.customShader );
	ReadMaterial( renderEntity.referenceShader );
	ReadSkin( renderEntity.customSkin );
	ReadInt( index );
	renderEntity.referenceSound = gameSoundWorld->EmitterForIndex( index );
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ )
		ReadFloat( renderEntity.shaderParms[ i ] );
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI; i++ )
		ReadUserInterface( renderEntity.gui[ i ] );
	// idEntity will restore "cameraTarget", which will be used in idEntity::Present to restore the remoteRenderView
	renderEntity.remoteRenderView = NULL;
	renderEntity.joints = NULL;
	renderEntity.numJoints = 0;
	ReadFloat( renderEntity.modelDepthHack );
	ReadBool( renderEntity.noSelfShadow );
	ReadBool( renderEntity.noShadow );
	ReadBool( renderEntity.noDynamicInteractions );
	ReadBool( renderEntity.weaponDepthHack );
	ReadInt( renderEntity.forceUpdate );
	ReadInt( renderEntity.timeGroup );
	ReadInt( renderEntity.xrayIndex );
Ejemplo n.º 3
	Parses an LP file to build an LPModel instance.

	\param filename Filename to read data from.
	\return true model is read successfully.
	bool LPModel::ReadModel(std::string filename) {
		if (!boost::filesystem::exists(filename)) {
			cout << "File not found: " << filename;
			return false;

		boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source> file(filename);

		if (!file){
			cout << "Cannot open file: " << filename;
			return false;

		std::string *line = new std::string();
		bool reconsider;

		getline(file, *line);
		linesRead = 0;
		while (!file.eof()){
			reconsider = false;


			if (line->length() == 0 || (line->length() > 0 && ((*line)[0] == ' ' || (*line)[0] == '\\'))) {
				getline(file, *line);


			if (boost::iequals(*line, "Generals")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "General")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "Gen")) {
				line = ReadGenerals(file);
				reconsider = true;
			else if (boost::iequals(*line, "Bounds")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "Bound")) {
				line = ReadBounds(file);
				reconsider = true;
			else if (boost::iequals(*line, "Binaries")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "Binary")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "Bin")) {
				line = ReadBinaries(file);
				reconsider = true;
			else if (boost::iequals(*line, "SOS")) {
				line = ReadSosVars(file);
				reconsider = true;
			else if (boost::iequals(*line, "Subject To")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "such that")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "st")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "S.T.")
				|| boost::iequals(*line, "ST.")) {
				line = ReadConstraints(file);
				reconsider = true;

			if (!reconsider) {
				getline(file, *line);

		return true;