bool LZMADecodeFile ( const char *fromFile, const char *toFile, CProgressInfo7Zip *progress ) { CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> inStream; CInFileStream *inStreamSpec = new CInFileStream; inStream = inStreamSpec; if ( !inStreamSpec->Open ( GetSystemString(fromFile) ) ) return false; CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> outStream; COutFileStream *outStreamSpec = new COutFileStream; outStream = outStreamSpec; if ( !outStreamSpec->Create ( GetSystemString(toFile), true ) ) return false; NCompress::NLZMA::CDecoder *decoderSpec = new NCompress::NLZMA::CDecoder; CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> decoder = decoderSpec; const UInt32 kPropertiesSize = 5; Byte properties[kPropertiesSize]; UInt32 processedSize; if ( ReadStream (inStream, properties, kPropertiesSize, &processedSize) != S_OK ) return false; if ( processedSize != kPropertiesSize ) return false; if ( decoderSpec->SetDecoderProperties2(properties, kPropertiesSize) != S_OK ) return false; UInt64 fileSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Byte b; if ( inStream->Read(&b, 1, &processedSize) != S_OK ) return false; if ( processedSize != 1 ) return false; fileSize |= ((UInt64)b) << (8 * i); } if ( progress ) { progress->Init(); progress->ApprovedStart = 1 << 21; progress->SetMax ( fileSize ); } if ( decoder->Code(inStream, outStream, 0, &fileSize, progress) != S_OK ) // decoder error return false; return true; }
bool ReadStream( std::string &strdata, std::string &strpath ) { struct stat statbuf; std::ifstream stream; int res = stat(, &statbuf ); if ( res == -1 ) { strdata.clear(); return false; }, std::ios::in ); strdata.reserve(statbuf.st_size+10); if ( stream.is_open() ) { ReadStream( stream, strdata, statbuf.st_size ); stream.close(); return true; } return(0); }
void OIBReader::ReadSequenceOib() { for (int i=0; i<(int)m_oib_info.size(); i++) { wstring path_name = m_oib_info[i].filename; if (path_name == m_path_name) m_cur_time = i; //storage POLE::Storage pStg("temp_storage.txt"); //open if ( { //enumerate std::list<std::string> entries = pStg.entries(); for(std::list<std::string>::iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { m_oib_t = i; if (!pStg.isDirectory(*it)) { std::wstring st = s2ws(*it); ReadStream(pStg,st); } } } //release pStg.close(); } }
LONG ReadStreamLong (struct IFFHandle *iff, APTR valptr, struct IFFParseBase_intern *IFFParseBase) { LONG val; #if AROS_BIG_ENDIAN # define bytes valptr #else UBYTE bytes[4]; #endif D(bug("ReadStreamLong(iff=%p valptr=%p)\n", iff, valptr)); val = ReadStream (iff, bytes, sizeof(LONG), IFFParseBase); D(bug("ReadStreamLong: val %ld\n", val)); if (val < 0) return val; else if (val != sizeof(LONG)) return IFFERR_EOF; #if !AROS_BIG_ENDIAN *(LONG *)valptr = bytes[0] << 24 | bytes[1] << 16 | bytes[2] << 8 | bytes[3]; #endif D(bug("ReadStreamLong: *valptr 0x%08lx '%c%c%c%c'\n", *(LONG *) valptr, dmkid(*(LONG *) valptr))); return sizeof(LONG); } /* ReadStreamLong */
MagickExport Image *PingImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; ImageInfo *ping_info; assert(image_info != (ImageInfo *) NULL); assert(image_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (image_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", image_info->filename); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); ping_info=CloneImageInfo(image_info); ping_info->ping=MagickTrue; image=ReadStream(ping_info,&PingStream,exception); if (image != (Image *) NULL) { ResetTimer(&image->timer); if (ping_info->verbose != MagickFalse) (void) IdentifyImage(image,stdout,MagickFalse,exception); } ping_info=DestroyImageInfo(ping_info); return(image); }
static enum MAPISTATUS fetchmail_get_stream(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, mapi_object_t *obj_stream, DATA_BLOB *body) { enum MAPISTATUS retval; uint16_t read_size; uint8_t buf[0x1000]; body->length = 0; body->data = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, uint8_t); do { retval = ReadStream(obj_stream, buf, 0x1000, &read_size); MAPI_RETVAL_IF(retval, GetLastError(), body->data); if (read_size) { body->data = talloc_realloc(mem_ctx, body->data, uint8_t, body->length + read_size); memcpy(&(body->data[body->length]), buf, read_size); body->length += read_size; } } while (read_size); errno = 0; return MAPI_E_SUCCESS; }
void BaseConnection::EventRead() { if (state_ != STATE_CONNECTED) { return; } // Allocate buffer for socket to write to. if (buffer_.Reserved() < buffer_length_ + buffer_.Length()) { buffer_.Reserve(buffer_length_ - buffer_.Reserved()); } ssize_t len; try { // Append socket's data at buffer's end. len = ReadStream(buffer_.End(), buffer_length_); buffer_.AdjustLength(len); } catch (const sockets::SocketException& e) { GetLogger_().warn("ReadStream failed with error: " + e.why()); Close(); return; } if (len == 0) { buffer_.Clear(); return; } ProcessEventRead_(buffer_); }
unsigned char *LZMADecodeData ( unsigned char *fromData, long fromSize, long &toSize, CProgressInfo7Zip *progress ) { CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> inStream; CInDataStream *inStreamSpec = new CInDataStream; inStream = inStreamSpec; inStreamSpec->LoadData ( fromData, fromSize ); NCompress::NLZMA::CDecoder *decoderSpec = new NCompress::NLZMA::CDecoder; CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> decoder = decoderSpec; const UInt32 kPropertiesSize = 5; Byte properties[kPropertiesSize]; UInt32 processedSize; if ( ReadStream (inStream, properties, kPropertiesSize, &processedSize) != S_OK ) return NULL; if ( processedSize != kPropertiesSize ) return NULL; if ( decoderSpec->SetDecoderProperties2(properties, kPropertiesSize) != S_OK ) return NULL; UInt64 fileSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Byte b; if ( inStream->Read(&b, 1, &processedSize) != S_OK ) return NULL; if ( processedSize != 1 ) return NULL; fileSize |= ((UInt64)b) << (8 * i); } CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> outStream; COutDataStream *outStreamSpec = new COutDataStream; outStream = outStreamSpec; outStreamSpec->Create ( fileSize ); // CProgressInfo *progressInfoSpec = new CProgressInfo; // CMyComPtr<ICompressProgressInfo> progressInfo = progress; if ( progress ) { progress->Init(); progress->ApprovedStart = 1 << 21; progress->SetMax ( fileSize ); } if ( decoder->Code(inStream, outStream, 0, &fileSize, progress) != S_OK ) // decoder error return NULL; toSize = outStreamSpec->GetCurrentSize (); return outStreamSpec->GetData (); }
HRESULT CInArchive::ReadBytes(void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processedSize) { UInt32 realProcessedSize; HRESULT result = ReadStream(m_Stream, data, size, &realProcessedSize); if(processedSize != NULL) *processedSize = realProcessedSize; AddToSeekValue(realProcessedSize); return result; }
attachment::attachment(message& mapi_message, const uint32_t attach_num) throw(mapi_exception) : object(mapi_message.get_session(), "attachment"), m_attach_num(attach_num), m_bin_data(NULL), m_data_size(0), m_filename("") { if (OpenAttach(&, attach_num, &m_object) != MAPI_E_SUCCESS) throw mapi_exception(GetLastError(), "attachment::attachment : OpenAttach"); property_container properties = get_property_container(); properties << PR_ATTACH_FILENAME << PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME << PR_ATTACH_SIZE << PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN << PR_ATTACH_METHOD; properties.fetch(); const char* filename = static_cast<const char*>(properties[PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME]); if (!filename) { filename = static_cast<const char*>(properties[PR_ATTACH_FILENAME]); } if (filename) m_filename = filename; m_data_size = *(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(properties[PR_ATTACH_SIZE])); const Binary_r* attachment_data = static_cast<const Binary_r*>(properties[PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN]); // Don't load PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN if it's embedded in message. // NOTE: Use RopOpenEmbeddedMessage when it is implemented. const uint32_t attach_method = *static_cast<const uint32_t*>(properties[PR_ATTACH_METHOD]); if (attach_method != ATTACH_BY_VALUE) return; // Get Binary Data. if (attachment_data) { m_data_size = attachment_data->cb; m_bin_data = new uint8_t[m_data_size]; memcpy(m_bin_data, attachment_data->lpb, attachment_data->cb); } else { mapi_object_t obj_stream; mapi_object_init(&obj_stream); if (OpenStream(&m_object, (enum MAPITAGS)PidTagAttachDataBinary, OpenStream_ReadOnly, &obj_stream) != MAPI_E_SUCCESS) throw mapi_exception(GetLastError(), "attachment::attachment : OpenStream"); if (GetStreamSize(&obj_stream, &m_data_size) != MAPI_E_SUCCESS) throw mapi_exception(GetLastError(), "attachment::attachment : GetStreamSize"); m_bin_data = new uint8_t[m_data_size]; uint32_t pos = 0; uint16_t bytes_read = 0; do { if (ReadStream(&obj_stream, m_bin_data+pos, 1024, &bytes_read) != MAPI_E_SUCCESS) throw mapi_exception(GetLastError(), "attachment::attachment : ReadStream"); pos += bytes_read; } while (bytes_read && pos < m_data_size); mapi_object_release(&obj_stream); } }
HRESULT CCabBlockInStream::PreRead(UInt32 &packSize, UInt32 &unpackSize) { CTempCabInBuffer2 inBuffer; inBuffer.Pos = 0; RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(_stream, inBuffer.Buffer, kDataBlockHeaderSize)) UInt32 checkSum = inBuffer.ReadUInt32(); packSize = inBuffer.ReadUInt16(); unpackSize = inBuffer.ReadUInt16(); if (ReservedSize != 0) { RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(_stream, _buffer, ReservedSize)); } _pos = 0; CCheckSum2 checkSumCalc; checkSumCalc.Init(); UInt32 packSize2 = packSize; if (MsZip && _size == 0) { if (packSize < 2) return S_FALSE; // bad block; Byte sig[2]; RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(_stream, sig, 2)); if (sig[0] != 0x43 || sig[1] != 0x4B) return S_FALSE; packSize2 -= 2; checkSumCalc.Update(sig, 2); } if (kBlockSize - _size < packSize2) return S_FALSE; UInt32 curSize = packSize2; if (curSize != 0) { size_t processedSizeLoc = curSize; RINOK(ReadStream(_stream, _buffer + _size, &processedSizeLoc)); checkSumCalc.Update(_buffer + _size, (UInt32)processedSizeLoc); _size += (UInt32)processedSizeLoc; if (processedSizeLoc != curSize) return S_FALSE; } TotalPackSize = _size; checkSumCalc.FinishDataUpdate(); bool dataError; if (checkSum == 0) dataError = false; else { checkSumCalc.UpdateUInt32(packSize | (((UInt32)unpackSize) << 16)); dataError = (checkSumCalc.GetResult() != checkSum); } DataError |= dataError; return dataError ? S_FALSE : S_OK; }
void CStreamChunk::Read(Framework::CStream& inputStream) { CBaseChunk::Read(inputStream); m_numElements = inputStream.Read32_MSBF(); m_vertexCount = inputStream.Read32_MSBF(); m_bytesPerVertex = inputStream.Read32_MSBF(); m_unknown1 = inputStream.Read32_MSBF(); ReadElements(inputStream); ReadStream(inputStream); }
bool LoadFile(const wxString& filename, wxString& contents) { if (!wxFileName::IsFileReadable(filename)) return false; wxFileInputStream file(filename); if (!file.IsOk()) return false; contents = ReadStream(file); return true; }
HRESULT CDecoder::ReadHeader(ISequentialInStream *inStream) { Byte header[kHeaderSize]; UInt32 processedSize; RINOK(ReadStream(inStream, header, kHeaderSize, &processedSize)); if (processedSize != kHeaderSize) return E_FAIL; _cipher.DecryptHeader(header); return S_OK; }
void FileExplorerUpdater::OnExecTerminate(wxProcessEvent &e) { ReadStream(true); m_exec_timer->Stop(); delete m_exec_timer; delete m_exec_proc; m_exec_proc=NULL; m_exec_cond->Signal(); m_exec_mutex->Unlock(); }
void FrameReader::OpenFile() { running = false; running_loop = 0; current = -1; movie.clear(); moviereader = new Openchunk(); moviereader->Setting(qfile); moviereader->start(QThread::LowPriority); connect(moviereader,SIGNAL(finished()),this, SLOT(ReadStream())); }
HRESULT CHandler::Open2(IInStream *stream) { RINOK(stream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &_startPos)); const UInt32 kHeaderSize = 8; const UInt32 kRecordSize = 5 * 4; const UInt32 kBufSize = kHeaderSize + kNumFilesMax * kRecordSize; Byte buf[kBufSize]; size_t processed = kBufSize; RINOK(ReadStream(stream, buf, &processed)); if (processed < kHeaderSize) return S_FALSE; UInt32 num = Get32(buf + 4); if (Get32(buf) != 0xCAFEBABE || num > kNumFilesMax || processed < kHeaderSize + num * kRecordSize) return S_FALSE; UInt64 endPosMax = kHeaderSize; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < num; i++) { const Byte *p = buf + kHeaderSize + i * kRecordSize; CItem &sb = _items[i]; sb.IsTail = false; sb.Type = Get32(p); sb.SubType = Get32(p + 4); sb.Offset = Get32(p + 8); sb.Size = Get32(p + 12); sb.Align = Get32(p + 16); if ((sb.Type & ~MACH_TYPE_ABI64) >= 0x100 || (sb.SubType & ~MACH_SUBTYPE_ABI64) >= 0x100 || sb.Align > 31) return S_FALSE; UInt64 endPos = (UInt64)sb.Offset + sb.Size; if (endPos > endPosMax) endPosMax = endPos; } UInt64 fileSize; RINOK(stream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_END, &fileSize)); fileSize -= _startPos; _numItems = num; if (fileSize > endPosMax) { CItem &sb = _items[_numItems++]; sb.IsTail = true; sb.Type = 0; sb.SubType = 0; sb.Offset = endPosMax; sb.Size = fileSize - endPosMax; sb.Align = 0; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CDecoder::CheckMac(ISequentialInStream *inStream, bool &isOK) { isOK = false; UInt32 processedSize; Byte mac1[kMacSize]; RINOK(ReadStream(inStream, mac1, kMacSize, &processedSize)); if (processedSize != kMacSize) return E_FAIL; Byte mac2[kMacSize]; _hmac.Final(mac2, kMacSize); isOK = CompareArrays(mac1, mac2, kMacSize); return S_OK; }
bool CInArchive::ReadBytesAndTestSize(void *data, UInt32 size) { if (m_CryptoMode) { const Byte *bufData = (const Byte *)m_DecryptedData; UInt32 bufSize = m_DecryptedDataSize; UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < size && m_CryptoPos < bufSize; i++) ((Byte *)data)[i] = bufData[m_CryptoPos++]; return (i == size); } UInt32 processedSize; ReadStream(m_Stream, data, size, &processedSize); return (processedSize == size); }
Byte CInArchive::ReadByte() { if (m_BufferPos >= BlockSize) m_BufferPos = 0; if (m_BufferPos == 0) { size_t processedSize = BlockSize; if (ReadStream(_stream, m_Buffer, &processedSize) != S_OK) throw 1; if (processedSize != BlockSize) throw 1; } Byte b = m_Buffer[m_BufferPos++]; _position++; return b; }
HRESULT CInArchive::ReadBytes(void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processedSize) { size_t realProcessedSize = size; HRESULT result = S_OK; if (_inBufMode) { try { realProcessedSize = _inBuffer.ReadBytes((Byte *)data, size); } catch (const CInBufferException &e) { return e.ErrorCode; } } else result = ReadStream(Stream, data, &realProcessedSize); if (processedSize) *processedSize = (UInt32)realProcessedSize; m_Position += realProcessedSize; return result; }
HRESULT CDecoder::ReadHeader(ISequentialInStream *inStream) { UInt32 saltSize = _key.GetSaltSize(); UInt32 extraSize = saltSize + kPwdVerifCodeSize; Byte temp[kSaltSizeMax + kPwdVerifCodeSize]; UInt32 processedSize; RINOK(ReadStream(inStream, temp, extraSize, &processedSize)); if (processedSize != extraSize) return E_FAIL; UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < saltSize; i++) _key.Salt[i] = temp[i]; for (i = 0; i < kPwdVerifCodeSize; i++) _pwdVerifFromArchive[i] = temp[saltSize + i]; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterCoder::Read(void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processedSize) { UInt32 processedSizeTotal = 0; while(size > 0) { if (_convertedPosBegin != _convertedPosEnd) { UInt32 sizeTemp = MyMin(size, _convertedPosEnd - _convertedPosBegin); memmove(data, _buffer + _convertedPosBegin, sizeTemp); _convertedPosBegin += sizeTemp; data = (void *)((Byte *)data + sizeTemp); size -= sizeTemp; processedSizeTotal += sizeTemp; break; } int i; for (i = 0; _convertedPosEnd + i < _bufferPos; i++) _buffer[i] = _buffer[i + _convertedPosEnd]; _bufferPos = i; _convertedPosBegin = _convertedPosEnd = 0; UInt32 processedSizeTemp; UInt32 size0 = kBufferSize - _bufferPos; // Optimize it: RINOK(ReadStream(_inStream, _buffer + _bufferPos, size0, &processedSizeTemp)); _bufferPos = _bufferPos + processedSizeTemp; _convertedPosEnd = Filter->Filter(_buffer, _bufferPos); if (_convertedPosEnd == 0) { if (_bufferPos == 0) break; else { _convertedPosEnd = _bufferPos; // check it continue; } } if (_convertedPosEnd > _bufferPos) { for (; _bufferPos < _convertedPosEnd; _bufferPos++) _buffer[_bufferPos] = 0; _convertedPosEnd = Filter->Filter(_buffer, _bufferPos); } } if (processedSize != NULL) *processedSize = processedSizeTotal; return S_OK; }
void CCoder::readBlocks(ISequentialInStream *inStream, UInt64 *inSizeProcessed) { size_t metadata_size = (size_t)read_int(inStream, inSizeProcessed); size_t compressed_size = (size_t)read_int(inStream, inSizeProcessed); std::vector<uint8_t> compressed_buffer; compressed_buffer.assign(compressed_size, 0); if (FAILED(ReadStream(inStream,, &compressed_size))) return; ReadMemoryStream rms_compressed(, + compressed_size); std::unique_ptr<Compressor> c(createMetaDataCompressor()); std::vector<uint8_t> metadata; WriteVectorStream wvs(&metadata); c->decompress(&rms_compressed, &wvs, metadata_size); auto cmp = read_int(inStream, inSizeProcessed); check(cmp == 1234u); ReadMemoryStream rms(&metadata);; }
inline long long read_int(ISequentialInStream *inStream, UInt64 *inSizeProcessed) { int sh = 0; long long rlt = 0; unsigned char b = 0; do { size_t processedSize = 1; if (FAILED(ReadStream(inStream, &b, &processedSize))) break; if (processedSize < 1) break; rlt = rlt + ((b & 0x7F) << sh); *inSizeProcessed += 1; sh += 7; } while ((b & 0x80) != 0); return rlt; }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterCoder::Code(ISequentialInStream *inStream, ISequentialOutStream *outStream, const UInt64 * /* inSize */, const UInt64 *outSize, ICompressProgressInfo *progress) { RINOK(Init()); UInt32 bufferPos = 0; _outSizeIsDefined = (outSize != 0); if (_outSizeIsDefined) _outSize = *outSize; while(NeedMore()) { size_t processedSize = kBufferSize - bufferPos; // Change it: It can be optimized using ReadPart RINOK(ReadStream(inStream, _buffer + bufferPos, &processedSize)); UInt32 endPos = bufferPos + (UInt32)processedSize; bufferPos = Filter->Filter(_buffer, endPos); if (bufferPos > endPos) { for (; endPos< bufferPos; endPos++) _buffer[endPos] = 0; bufferPos = Filter->Filter(_buffer, endPos); } if (bufferPos == 0) { if (endPos > 0) return WriteWithLimit(outStream, endPos); return S_OK; } RINOK(WriteWithLimit(outStream, bufferPos)); if (progress != NULL) { RINOK(progress->SetRatioInfo(&_nowPos64, &_nowPos64)); } UInt32 i = 0; while(bufferPos < endPos) _buffer[i++] = _buffer[bufferPos++]; bufferPos = i; } return S_OK; }
static unsigned ReadSection( handle filehndl, unsigned off ) { unsigned_16 len; unsigned last; void *new; if( ReadStream( filehndl, &len, sizeof( len ) ) != sizeof( len ) ) { return( 0 ); } CONV_LE_16( len ); last = off + len; if( last > ParseTableSize ) { new = ParseTable; _Realloc( new, last ); if( new == NULL ) return( 0 ); ParseTable = new; ParseTableSize = last; }
void CInArchive::SafeReadBytes(void *data, unsigned size) { size_t processed = size; if (_inBufMode) { processed = _inBuffer.ReadBytes((Byte *)data, size); m_Position += processed; } else { HRESULT result = ReadStream(Stream, data, &processed); m_Position += processed; if (result != S_OK) throw CSystemException(result); } if (processed != size) throw CUnexpectEnd(); }
void handleInvokeForwardRequest(RemoteOpHeader *h, Node srv, Stream str) { ConcreteType ct; Object o; unsigned int answer; anticipateGC(64*1024 + 2 * StreamLength(str)); TRACE(rinvoke, 3, ("InvokeForwardRequest received")); TRACE(rinvoke, 6, ("Checking for CT for incoming activation")); ct = (ConcreteType) doObjectRequest(srv, &h->targetct, ctct); assert(! ISNIL(ct)); TRACE(rinvoke, 4, ("InvokeForwarded for object with ID %s", OIDString(h->target))); o = OIDFetch(h->target); assert(!ISNIL(o)); if (RESDNT(o->flags)) { int more; State *state; TRACE(rinvoke, 4, ("The object is here, accepting activation")); ReadInt(&answer, str); more = memcmp(ReadStream(str, 4), "ACT!", 4); assert(!more); /* Suck out an activation record - argh! */ TRACE(rinvoke, 6, ("Incoming activation record!!")); state = extractActivation(o, ct, str, srv); if (!ISNIL(answer)) { #define sp state->sp PUSH(u32, answer); PUSH(ConcreteType, BuiltinInstCT(BOOLEANI)); } #undef sp } else { Node newsrv = getLocFromObj(o); TRACE(rinvoke, 4, ("Forwarding request to %s", NodeString(newsrv))); if (forwardMsg(newsrv, h, str) < 0) { Stream newstr; RewindStream(str); newstr = StealStream(str); findAndSendTo(h->target, newstr); } } TRACE(rinvoke, 4, ("Invoke forward request done")); inhibit_gc--; }
bool prepare_ex_data(ISequentialInStream *inStream, int needed) { size_t processedSize; if (ex_valid_size - ex_next_offset < needed) { if (ex_data_size - ex_next_offset < needed) { memmove(ex_data, ex_data + ex_next_offset, ex_valid_size - ex_next_offset); ex_valid_size -= ex_next_offset; ex_next_offset = 0; } // if (FAILED(str->Read(ex_data + ex_valid_size, needed - (ex_valid_size - ex_next_offset), &processedSize))) processedSize = ex_data_size - ex_valid_size; if (FAILED(ReadStream(inStream, ex_data + ex_valid_size, &processedSize))) return false; ex_valid_size += (int)processedSize; if (ex_valid_size - ex_next_offset < needed) return false; } return true; }