Ejemplo n.º 1
std::vector<std::wstring> CAdblockPlusClient::GetExceptionDomains()
  Communication::InputBuffer response;
  if (!CallEngine(Communication::PROC_GET_EXCEPTION_DOMAINS, response)) 
    return std::vector<std::wstring>();
  return ReadStrings(response);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  if (!sEnableUI)
    return -1;

  // Only show the Progress UI if the process is taking a significant amount of
  // time where a significant amount of time is defined as .5 seconds after
  // ShowProgressUI is called sProgress is less than 70.

  if (sQuit || sProgressVal > 70.0f)
    return 0;

  char ini_path[PATH_MAX];
  snprintf(ini_path, sizeof(ini_path), "%s.ini", sProgramPath);

  StringTable strings;
  if (ReadStrings(ini_path, &strings) != OK)
    return -1;

  sWin = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
  if (!sWin)
    return -1;

  static GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
  char icon_path[PATH_MAX];
  snprintf(icon_path, sizeof(icon_path), "%s.png", sProgramPath);

  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(sWin), "delete_event",
                   G_CALLBACK(OnDeleteEvent), NULL);

  gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), strings.title);
  gtk_window_set_type_hint(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG);
  gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS);
  gtk_window_set_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), FALSE);
  gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), TRUE);
  pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (icon_path, NULL);
  gtk_window_set_icon(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), pixbuf);

  GtkWidget *vbox = gtk_vbox_new(TRUE, 6);
  sLabel = gtk_label_new(strings.info);
  gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(sLabel), 0.0f, 0.0f);
  sProgressBar = gtk_progress_bar_new();

  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), sLabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), sProgressBar, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

  sTimerID = g_timeout_add(TIMER_INTERVAL, UpdateDialog, NULL);

  gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(sWin), 10);
  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(sWin), vbox);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  if (!sEnableUI)
    return -1;

  // Only show the Progress UI if the process is taking significant time.
  // Here we measure significant time as taking more than one second.


  if (sQuit || sProgressVal > 50.0f)
    return 0;

  char path[PATH_MAX];
  snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s.ini", sProgramPath);

  StringTable strings;
  if (ReadStrings(path, &strings) != OK)
    return -1;
  sWin = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
  if (!sWin)
    return -1;

  // GTK 2.2 seems unable to prevent our dialog from being closed when
  // the user hits the close button on the dialog.  This problem only
  // occurs when either one of the following methods are called:
  //   gtk_window_set_position
  //   gtk_window_set_type_hint
  // For this reason, we disable window decorations.
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(sWin), "delete_event",
                   G_CALLBACK(OnDeleteEvent), NULL);

  gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), strings.title);
  gtk_window_set_type_hint(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG);
  gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS);
  gtk_window_set_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), FALSE);
  gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(sWin), FALSE);

  GtkWidget *vbox = gtk_vbox_new(TRUE, 6);
  sLabel = gtk_label_new(strings.info);
  gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(sLabel), 0.0f, 0.0f);
  sProgressBar = gtk_progress_bar_new();

  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), sLabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), sProgressBar, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

  sTimerID = g_timeout_add(TIMER_INTERVAL, UpdateDialog, NULL);

  gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(sWin), 10);
  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(sWin), vbox);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    std::vector<std::string> strings;
    std::sort(strings.begin(), strings.end(), CompareStrings);
    std::copy(strings.begin(), strings.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, " "));
    std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
std::vector<std::wstring> CAdblockPlusClient::GetElementHidingSelectors(const std::wstring& domain)
  Communication::OutputBuffer request;
  request << Communication::PROC_GET_ELEMHIDE_SELECTORS << ToUtf8String(domain);

  Communication::InputBuffer response;
  if (!CallEngine(request, response)) 
    return std::vector<std::wstring>();
  return ReadStrings(response);
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool ReadStringsFromFile(const string& path,
                         StringTable& strings,
                         bool unescape)
  ifstream* f = UIOpenRead(path);
  bool success = false;
  if (f->is_open()) {
    success = ReadStrings(*f, strings, unescape);

  delete f;
  return success;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// A wrapper function to read strings for the updater.
// Added for compatibility with the original code.
ReadStrings(const NS_tchar *path, StringTable *results)
  const unsigned int kNumStrings = 2;
  const char *kUpdaterKeys = "Title\0Info\0";
  char updater_strings[kNumStrings][MAX_TEXT_LEN];

  int result = ReadStrings(path, kUpdaterKeys, kNumStrings, updater_strings);

  strncpy(results->title, updater_strings[0], MAX_TEXT_LEN - 1);
  results->title[MAX_TEXT_LEN - 1] = '\0';
  strncpy(results->info, updater_strings[1], MAX_TEXT_LEN - 1);
  results->info[MAX_TEXT_LEN - 1] = '\0';

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * A wrapper function to read strings for the maintenance service.
 * @param path    The path of the ini file to read from
 * @param results The maintenance service strings that were read
 * @return OK on success
static int
ReadMaintenanceServiceStrings(LPCWSTR path, 
                              MaintenanceServiceStringTable *results)
  // Read in the maintenance service description string if specified.
  const unsigned int kNumStrings = 1;
  const char *kServiceKeys = "MozillaMaintenanceDescription\0";
  char serviceStrings[kNumStrings][MAX_TEXT_LEN];
  int result = ReadStrings(path, kServiceKeys, 
                           kNumStrings, serviceStrings);
  if (result != OK) {
    serviceStrings[0][0] = '\0';
          serviceStrings[0], MAX_TEXT_LEN - 1);
  results->serviceDescription[MAX_TEXT_LEN - 1] = '\0';
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void TestCustomReadWrite(void) {
	Strings strings = NewStringsTable(3);
	String carl = InsertString(strings, "Carl");
	String john = InsertString(strings, "John");
	String peter = InsertString(strings, "Peter");
	const char* c = GetString(strings, carl);
	const char* j = GetString(strings, john);
	const char* p = GetString(strings, peter);
	assert(strcmp(c, "Carl") == 0);
	assert(strcmp(j, "John") == 0);
	assert(strcmp(p, "Peter") == 0);
	// Save data.
	const char* file = "testfiles/test-strings.bin";
	FILE *f = fopen(file, "w");
	WriteStrings(strings, f);
	// Release memory.
	f = fopen(file, "r");
	strings = ReadStrings(f);
	assert(strings.table->len == 3);
	assert(strings.table->cap == 3);
	assert(strings.table->column_len == 1);
	c = GetString(strings, carl);
	j = GetString(strings, john);
	p = GetString(strings, peter);
	assert(strcmp(c, "Carl") == 0);
	assert(strcmp(j, "John") == 0);
	assert(strcmp(p, "Peter") == 0);
	assert(strings.table == NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 10
int NS_main(int argc, NS_tchar **argv)
  printf("Running TestAUSReadStrings tests\n");

  int rv = 0;
  int retval;
  NS_tchar inifile[MAXPATHLEN];
  StringTable testStrings;

  NS_tchar *slash = NS_tstrrchr(argv[0], PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
  if (!slash) {
    fail("%s | unable to find platform specific path separator (check 1)", TEST_NAME);
    return 20;

  *(++slash) = '\0';
  // Test success when the ini file exists with both Title and Info in the
  // Strings section and the values for Title and Info.
  NS_tsnprintf(inifile, sizeof(inifile), NS_T("%sTestAUSReadStrings1.ini"), argv[0]);
  retval = ReadStrings(inifile, &testStrings);
  if (retval == OK) {
    if (strcmp(testStrings.title, "Title Test - \xD0\x98\xD1\x81\xD0\xBF\xD1\x8B" \
                                  "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB0\xD0\xBD\xD0\xB8\xD0\xB5 " \
                                  "\xCE\x94\xCE\xBF\xCE\xBA\xCE\xB9\xCE\xBC\xCE\xAE " \
                                  "\xE3\x83\x86\xE3\x82\xB9\xE3\x83\x88 " \
                                  "\xE6\xB8\xAC\xE8\xA9\xA6 " \
                                  "\xE6\xB5\x8B\xE8\xAF\x95") != 0) {
      rv = 21;
      fail("%s | Title ini value incorrect (check 3)", TEST_NAME);

    if (strcmp(testStrings.info, "Info Test - \xD0\x98\xD1\x81\xD0\xBF\xD1\x8B" \
                                 "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB0\xD0\xBD\xD0\xB8\xD0\xB5 " \
                                 "\xCE\x94\xCE\xBF\xCE\xBA\xCE\xB9\xCE\xBC\xCE\xAE " \
                                 "\xE3\x83\x86\xE3\x82\xB9\xE3\x83\x88 " \
                                 "\xE6\xB8\xAC\xE8\xA9\xA6 " \
                                 "\xE6\xB5\x8B\xE8\xAF\x95\xE2\x80\xA6") != 0) {
      rv = 22;
      fail("%s | Info ini value incorrect (check 4)", TEST_NAME);
  else {
    fail("%s | ReadStrings returned %i (check 2)", TEST_NAME, retval);
    rv = 23;

  // Test failure when the ini file exists without Title and with Info in the
  // Strings section.
  NS_tsnprintf(inifile, sizeof(inifile), NS_T("%sTestAUSReadStrings2.ini"), argv[0]);
  retval = ReadStrings(inifile, &testStrings);
  if (retval != PARSE_ERROR) {
    rv = 24;
    fail("%s | ReadStrings returned %i (check 5)", TEST_NAME, retval);

  // Test failure when the ini file exists with Title and without Info in the
  // Strings section.
  NS_tsnprintf(inifile, sizeof(inifile), NS_T("%sTestAUSReadStrings3.ini"), argv[0]);
  retval = ReadStrings(inifile, &testStrings);
  if (retval != PARSE_ERROR) {
    rv = 25;
    fail("%s | ReadStrings returned %i (check 6)", TEST_NAME, retval);

  // Test failure when the ini file doesn't exist
  NS_tsnprintf(inifile, sizeof(inifile), NS_T("%sTestAUSReadStringsBogus.ini"), argv[0]);
  retval = ReadStrings(inifile, &testStrings);
  if (retval != READ_ERROR) {
    rv = 26;
    fail("%s | ini file doesn't exist (check 7)", TEST_NAME);

  // Test reading a non-default section name
  NS_tsnprintf(inifile, sizeof(inifile), NS_T("%sTestAUSReadStrings3.ini"), argv[0]);
  retval = ReadStrings(inifile, "Title\0", 1, &testStrings.title, "BogusSection2");
  if (retval == OK) {
    if (strcmp(testStrings.title, "Bogus Title") != 0) {
      rv = 27;
      fail("%s | Title ini value incorrect (check 9)", TEST_NAME);
  else {
    fail("%s | ReadStrings returned %i (check 8)", TEST_NAME, retval);
    rv = 28;

  if (rv == 0) {
    printf("TEST-PASS | %s | all checks passed\n", TEST_NAME);
  } else {
    fail("%s | %i out of 9 checks failed", TEST_NAME, gFailCount);

  return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static bool AddSubmittedReport(const string& serverResponse)
  StringTable responseItems;
  istringstream in(serverResponse);
  ReadStrings(in, responseItems, false);

  if (responseItems.find("StopSendingReportsFor") != responseItems.end()) {
    // server wants to tell us to stop sending reports for a certain version
    string reportPath =
      gSettingsPath + UI_DIR_SEPARATOR + "EndOfLife" +

    ofstream* reportFile = UIOpenWrite(reportPath);
    if (reportFile->is_open()) {
      // don't really care about the contents
      *reportFile << 1 << "\n";
    delete reportFile;

  if (responseItems.find("Discarded") != responseItems.end()) {
    // server discarded this report... save it so the user can resubmit it
    // manually
    return false;

  if (responseItems.find("CrashID") == responseItems.end())
    return false;

  string submittedDir =
    gSettingsPath + UI_DIR_SEPARATOR + "submitted";
  if (!UIEnsurePathExists(submittedDir)) {
    return false;

  string path = submittedDir + UI_DIR_SEPARATOR +
    responseItems["CrashID"] + ".txt";

  ofstream* file = UIOpenWrite(path);
  if (!file->is_open()) {
    delete file;
    return false;

  char buf[1024];
  UI_SNPRINTF(buf, 1024,
  *file << buf << "\n";

  if (responseItems.find("ViewURL") != responseItems.end()) {
    UI_SNPRINTF(buf, 1024,
    *file << buf << "\n";

  delete file;

  WriteSubmissionEvent(Succeeded, responseItems["CrashID"]);
  return true;
void HDF5HierarchyReader::readHierarchy( hid_t iFile )
    std::vector<hobj_ref_t>     objectRefs;

    std::vector<uint32_t>       childrenSizes;
    std::vector<std::string>    childrenNames;
    std::vector<hobj_ref_t>     childrenRefs;

    std::vector<uint32_t>       attrSizes;
    std::vector<std::string>    attrNames;
    std::vector<char>           hasMask;
    std::vector<uint32_t>       maskBits;
    std::vector<char>           hasMeta;
    std::vector<std::string>    metaStrs;

    ReadReferences( iFile, "object_references", objectRefs );

    // Children
    childrenSizes.resize( objectRefs.size() );
    H5LTget_attribute_uint( iFile, ".", "children_sizes",
                            &childrenSizes.front() );

    ReadReferences( iFile, "children_references", childrenRefs );

    childrenNames.resize( childrenRefs.size() );
    ReadStrings( iFile, "children_names",
                 childrenNames.size(), &childrenNames.front() );

    // Attributes
    attrSizes.resize( objectRefs.size() );
    H5LTget_attribute_uint( iFile, ".", "attr_sizes", &attrSizes.front() );

    size_t totalA(0);
    for( size_t i=0; i < attrSizes.size(); ++i )
        totalA += attrSizes[i];

    attrNames.resize( totalA );
    ReadStrings( iFile, "attr_names", totalA, &attrNames.front() );

    // Masks
    hasMask.resize( totalA );
    H5LTget_attribute_char( iFile, ".", "mask_on", &hasMask.front() );
    size_t totalMask(0);
    for( size_t i = 0; i < hasMask.size(); ++i )
        totalMask += hasMask[i];

    maskBits.resize( totalMask * 6 );
    H5LTget_attribute_uint( iFile, ".", "mask_bits", &maskBits.front() );

    // MetaData
    hasMeta.resize( totalA );
    H5LTget_attribute_char( iFile, ".", "meta_on", &hasMeta.front() );
    size_t totalMeta(0);
    for( size_t i = 0; i < hasMeta.size(); ++i )
        totalMeta += hasMeta[i];

    metaStrs.resize( totalMeta );
    ReadStrings( iFile, "meta_strs", totalMeta, &metaStrs.front() );

    m_H5H.extractFromCompactObjectHierarchy( iFile, objectRefs,
                                             childrenSizes, childrenNames,
                                             attrSizes, attrNames,
                                             hasMask, maskBits,
                                             hasMeta, metaStrs );
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void
InitDialog(HWND hDlg)
  WCHAR filename[MAX_PATH];
  if (!GetStringsFile(filename))

  StringTable uiStrings;
  if (ReadStrings(filename, &uiStrings) != OK)


  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, uiStrings.title, strlen(uiStrings.title) + 1,
                      szwTitle, sizeof(szwTitle)/sizeof(szwTitle[0]));
  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, uiStrings.info, strlen(uiStrings.info) + 1,
                      szwInfo, sizeof(szwInfo)/sizeof(szwInfo[0]));

  SetWindowTextW(hDlg, szwTitle);
  SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INFO), szwInfo);

  // Set dialog icon
  if (hIcon)
    SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM) hIcon);

  HWND hWndPro = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PROGRESS);
  SendMessage(hWndPro, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, 100));

  // Resize the dialog to fit all of the text if necessary.
  RECT infoSize, textSize;
  HWND hWndInfo = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INFO);

  // Get the control's font for calculating the new size for the control
  HDC hDCInfo = GetDC(hWndInfo);
  HFONT hInfoFont, hOldFont;
  hInfoFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hWndInfo, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);

  if (hInfoFont)
    hOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDCInfo, hInfoFont);

  // There are three scenarios that need to be handled differently
  // 1. Windows Mobile where dialog should be full screen.
  // 2. Windows CE where the dialog might wrap.
  // 3. Windows where the dialog should never wrap. The Windows CE and Windows
  //    scenarios could be combined but then we would have to calculate the
  //    extra border space added by the Aero theme which just adds complexity.
#ifdef WINCE
  RECT rcDlgInner1, rcDlgInner2, rcInfoOuter1, rcInfoOuter2;
  // The dialog's client rectangle and the window rectangle for the text before
  // making the dialog full screen are needed to calculate the change in border
  // sizes.
  GetClientRect(hDlg, &rcDlgInner1);
  GetWindowRect(hWndInfo, &rcInfoOuter1);

  // Make the dialog fullscreen
  shidi.dwMask = SHIDIM_FLAGS;
  shidi.hDlg = hDlg;
  if (!SHInitDialog(&shidi))

  // Hide the OK button
  SHDoneButton(hDlg, SHDB_HIDE);

  GetClientRect(hDlg, &rcDlgInner2);
  GetWindowRect(hWndInfo, &rcInfoOuter2);
  textSize.left = 0;
  // Calculate the maximum possible width for the text by adding to the
  // existing text rectangle's window width the change in the dialog rectangle's
  // client width and the change in the text rectangle's window left position
  // after the dialog has been made full screen.
  textSize.right = (rcInfoOuter2.right - rcInfoOuter2.left) + \
                   (rcDlgInner2.right - rcDlgInner1.right) + \
                   (rcInfoOuter1.left - rcInfoOuter2.left);
  RECT rcWorkArea, rcInfoOuter1;
  GetWindowRect(hWndInfo, &rcInfoOuter1);
  SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, NULL, &rcWorkArea, NULL);
  textSize.left = 0;
  // Calculate the maximum possible width for the text by subtracting from the
  // existing working area's width the text rectangle's margin.
  textSize.right = (rcWorkArea.right - rcWorkArea.left) - \
                   (rcInfoOuter1.left + rcInfoOuter1.right);
  // Measure the space needed for the text allowing multiple lines if necessary.
  // DT_CALCRECT means nothing is drawn.
  if (DrawText(hDCInfo, szwInfo, -1, &textSize,
    GetClientRect(hWndInfo, &infoSize);
    SIZE extra;
    // Calculate the additional space needed for the text by subtracting from
    // the rectangle returned by DrawText the existing client rectangle's width
    // and height.
    extra.cx = (textSize.right - textSize.left) - \
               (infoSize.right - infoSize.left);
    extra.cy = (textSize.bottom - textSize.top) - \
               (infoSize.bottom - infoSize.top);
    // XXX rstrong - add 2 pixels to the width to prevent the text from wrapping
    // due to Windows CE and Windows Mobile adding an extra pixel to the
    // beginning and the end of the text. Though I have found no good reason for
    // this it has been consistent with multiple font sizes.
    extra.cx += 2;

    RESIZE_WINDOW(hWndInfo, extra.cx, extra.cy);
    RESIZE_WINDOW(hWndPro, extra.cx, 0);

    // Move the controls 1 pixel to the left on Windows Mobile to compensate for
    // the 2 extra pixels added to the controls above. This isn't needed on
    // Windows CE for reasons of the unknown variety.
    MOVE_WINDOW(hWndInfo, -1, 0);
    MOVE_WINDOW(hWndPro, -1, extra.cy);
    RESIZE_WINDOW(hDlg, extra.cx, extra.cy);
    MOVE_WINDOW(hWndPro, 0, extra.cy);

  // Measure the space needed for the text on a single line. DT_CALCRECT means
  // nothing is drawn.
  if (DrawText(hDCInfo, szwInfo, -1, &textSize,
    GetClientRect(hWndInfo, &infoSize);
    SIZE extra;
    // Calculate the additional space needed for the text by subtracting from
    // the rectangle returned by DrawText the existing client rectangle's width
    // and height.
    extra.cx = (textSize.right - textSize.left) - \
               (infoSize.right - infoSize.left);
    extra.cy = (textSize.bottom - textSize.top) - \
               (infoSize.bottom - infoSize.top);
    if (extra.cx < 0)
      extra.cx = 0;
    if (extra.cy < 0)
      extra.cy = 0;
    if ((extra.cx > 0) || (extra.cy > 0)) {
      RESIZE_WINDOW(hDlg, extra.cx, extra.cy);
      RESIZE_WINDOW(hWndInfo, extra.cx, extra.cy);
      RESIZE_WINDOW(hWndPro, extra.cx, 0);
      MOVE_WINDOW(hWndPro, 0, extra.cy);

  if (hOldFont)
    SelectObject(hDCInfo, hOldFont);

  ReleaseDC(hWndInfo, hDCInfo);

  // On Windows Mobile the dialog is full screen so don't center it.
  CenterDialog(hDlg);  // make dialog appear in the center of the screen
