void UPlayFabMatchmakerAPI::OnProcessRequestComplete(FHttpRequestPtr Request, FHttpResponsePtr Response, bool bWasSuccessful)
    // Be sure that we have no data from previous response

    FPlayFabBaseModel myResponse;

    // Check we have result to process futher
    if (!bWasSuccessful)
        UE_LOG(LogPlayFab, Error, TEXT("Request failed: %s"), *Request->GetURL());

        // Broadcast the result event
        myResponse.responseError.ErrorCode = 500;
        myResponse.responseError.ErrorName = "Request Error";
        myResponse.responseError.ErrorMessage = "HTTP Request Error";

        myResponse.responseData = ResponseJsonObj;

        Matchmaker_proxy->OnPlayFabResponse.Broadcast(myResponse, false);


    // Save response data as a string
    ResponseContent = Response->GetContentAsString();

    // Save response code as int32
    ResponseCode = Response->GetResponseCode();

    // Try to deserialize data to JSON
    TSharedRef<TJsonReader<TCHAR>> JsonReader = TJsonReaderFactory<TCHAR>::Create(ResponseContent);
    FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(JsonReader, ResponseJsonObj->GetRootObject());

    // Decide whether the request was successful
    bIsValidJsonResponse = bWasSuccessful && ResponseJsonObj->GetRootObject().IsValid();

    // Log errors
    if (!bIsValidJsonResponse)
        if (!ResponseJsonObj->GetRootObject().IsValid())
            // As we assume it's recommended way to use current class, but not the only one,
            // it will be the warning instead of error
            UE_LOG(LogPlayFab, Warning, TEXT("JSON could not be decoded!"));

    // Serialize data to json string
    FString InputString;
    TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<> > Writer = TJsonWriterFactory<>::Create(&InputString);
    FJsonSerializer::Serialize(ResponseJsonObj->GetRootObject().ToSharedRef(), Writer);

    // Log response state
    UE_LOG(LogPlayFab, Log, TEXT("Response : %s"), *InputString);

    myResponse.responseData = ResponseJsonObj;

    // Broadcast the result event
    Matchmaker_proxy->OnPlayFabResponse.Broadcast(myResponse, true);
void USIOJRequestJSON::OnProcessRequestComplete(FHttpRequestPtr Request, FHttpResponsePtr Response, bool bWasSuccessful)
	// Be sure that we have no data from previous response

	// Check we have a response and save response code as int32
		ResponseCode = Response->GetResponseCode();

	// Check we have result to process futher
	if (!bWasSuccessful || !Response.IsValid())
		UE_LOG(LogSIOJ, Error, TEXT("Request failed (%d): %s"), ResponseCode, *Request->GetURL());

		// Broadcast the result event


	// Save response data as a string
	ResponseContent = Response->GetContentAsString();

	// Log response state
	UE_LOG(LogSIOJ, Log, TEXT("Response (%d): %s"), ResponseCode, *ResponseContent);

	// Process response headers
	TArray<FString> Headers = Response->GetAllHeaders();
	for (FString Header : Headers)
		FString Key;
		FString Value;
		if (Header.Split(TEXT(": "), &Key, &Value))
			ResponseHeaders.Add(Key, Value);

	// Try to deserialize data to JSON
	TSharedRef<TJsonReader<TCHAR>> JsonReader = TJsonReaderFactory<TCHAR>::Create(ResponseContent);
	FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(JsonReader, ResponseJsonObj->GetRootObject());

	// Decide whether the request was successful
	bIsValidJsonResponse = bWasSuccessful && ResponseJsonObj->GetRootObject().IsValid();

	// Log errors
	if (!bIsValidJsonResponse)
		if (!ResponseJsonObj->GetRootObject().IsValid())
			// As we assume it's recommended way to use current class, but not the only one,
			// it will be the warning instead of error
			UE_LOG(LogSIOJ, Warning, TEXT("JSON could not be decoded!"));

	// Broadcast the result event

	// Finish the latent action
	if (ContinueAction)
          FSIOJLatentAction<USIOJsonObject*> *K = ContinueAction;
          ContinueAction = nullptr;

void USIOJRequestJSON::ResetData()
void USIOJRequestJSON::Cancel()
	ContinueAction = nullptr;
