Ejemplo n.º 1
 * The entity handler determines how to process a POST request.
 * Per the REST paradigm, POST can also be used to update representation of existing
 * resource or create a new resource.
 * For pstat, it updates only tm and om.
static OCEntityHandlerResult HandlePstatPutRequest(const OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest)
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;
    cJSON *postJson = NULL;
    OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "HandlePstatPutRequest  processing PUT request");

    if (ehRequest->resource)
        postJson = cJSON_Parse(((OCSecurityPayload*)ehRequest->payload)->securityData);
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, postJson, INFO);
        cJSON *jsonPstat = cJSON_GetObjectItem(postJson, OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME);
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, jsonPstat, INFO);
        cJSON *commitHashJson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonPstat, OIC_JSON_COMMIT_HASH_NAME);
        uint16_t commitHash = 0;
        if (commitHashJson)
            commitHash = commitHashJson->valueint;
        cJSON *tmJson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonPstat, OIC_JSON_TM_NAME);
        if (tmJson && gPstat)
            gPstat->tm = (OicSecDpm_t)tmJson->valueint;
            if(0 == tmJson->valueint && gPstat->commitHash == commitHash)
                gPstat->isOp = true;
                gPstat->cm = NORMAL;
                OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "CommitHash is valid and isOp is TRUE");
                OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "CommitHash is not valid");
        cJSON *omJson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonPstat, OIC_JSON_OM_NAME);
        if (omJson && gPstat)
             * Check if the operation mode is in the supported provisioning services
             * operation mode list.
            for(size_t i=0; i< gPstat->smLen; i++)
                if(gPstat->sm[i] == (unsigned int)omJson->valueint)
                    gPstat->om = (OicSecDpom_t)omJson->valueint;
        // Convert pstat data into JSON for update to persistent storage
            ehRet = OC_EH_OK;
    if(OC_EH_OK != ehRet)
          * If some error is occured while ownership transfer,
          * ownership transfer related resource should be revert back to initial status.

    //Send payload to request originator
    if(OC_STACK_OK != SendSRMResponse(ehRequest, ehRet, NULL))
        OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "SendSRMResponse failed in HandlePstatPostRequest");
    return ehRet;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static OCEntityHandlerResult HandleDoxmPutRequest (const OCEntityHandlerRequest * ehRequest)
    OIC_LOG (DEBUG, TAG, "Doxm EntityHandle  processing PUT request");
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;
    OicUuid_t emptyOwner = {.id = {0}};

     * Convert JSON Doxm data into binary. This will also validate
     * the Doxm data received.
    OicSecDoxm_t* newDoxm = JSONToDoxmBin(((OCSecurityPayload*)ehRequest->payload)->securityData);

    if (newDoxm)
        // Iotivity SRM ONLY supports OIC_JUST_WORKS now
        if (OIC_JUST_WORKS == newDoxm->oxmSel)
            if ((false == gDoxm->owned) && (false == newDoxm->owned))
                 * If current state of the device is un-owned, enable
                 * anonymous ECDH cipher in tinyDTLS so that Provisioning
                 * tool can initiate JUST_WORKS ownership transfer process.
                if(memcmp(&(newDoxm->owner), &emptyOwner, sizeof(OicUuid_t)) == 0)
                    OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "Doxm EntityHandle  enabling AnonECDHCipherSuite");
#ifdef __WITH_DTLS__
                    ehRet = (CAEnableAnonECDHCipherSuite(true) == CA_STATUS_OK) ? OC_EH_OK : OC_EH_ERROR;
#endif //__WITH_DTLS__
                    goto exit;
#ifdef __WITH_DTLS__
                    //Save the owner's UUID to derive owner credential
                    memcpy(&(gDoxm->owner), &(newDoxm->owner), sizeof(OicUuid_t));

//                    OCServerRequest *request = (OCServerRequest *)ehRequest->requestHandle;
//                    //Generating OwnerPSK
//                    OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "Doxm EntityHandle  generating OwnerPSK");
//                    //Generate new credential for provisioning tool
//                    ehRet = AddOwnerPSK((CAEndpoint_t *)&request->devAddr, newDoxm,
//                            (uint8_t*) OXM_JUST_WORKS, strlen(OXM_JUST_WORKS));
//                    VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, OC_EH_OK == ehRet, ERROR);

                    // Update new state in persistent storage
                    if (true == UpdatePersistentStorage(gDoxm))
                        ehRet = OC_EH_OK;
                        OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Failed to update DOXM in persistent storage");
                        ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;

                     * Disable anonymous ECDH cipher in tinyDTLS since device is now
                     * in owned state.
                    CAResult_t caRes = CA_STATUS_OK;
                    caRes = CAEnableAnonECDHCipherSuite(false);
                    VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, caRes == CA_STATUS_OK, ERROR);
                    OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "ECDH_ANON CipherSuite is DISABLED");

#ifdef __WITH_X509__
#endif //__WITH_X509__
#endif //__WITH_DTLS__
        else if(OIC_RANDOM_DEVICE_PIN == newDoxm->oxmSel)
            if ((false == gDoxm->owned) && (false == newDoxm->owned))
                 * If current state of the device is un-owned, enable
                 * anonymous ECDH cipher in tinyDTLS so that Provisioning
                 * tool can initiate JUST_WORKS ownership transfer process.
                if(memcmp(&(newDoxm->owner), &emptyOwner, sizeof(OicUuid_t)) == 0)
                    gDoxm->oxmSel = newDoxm->oxmSel;
                    //Update new state in persistent storage
                    if((UpdatePersistentStorage(gDoxm) == true))
                        ehRet = OC_EH_OK;
                        OIC_LOG(WARNING, TAG, "Failed to update DOXM in persistent storage");
                        ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;

#ifdef __WITH_DTLS__
                    CAResult_t caRes = CA_STATUS_OK;

                    caRes = CAEnableAnonECDHCipherSuite(false);
                    VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, caRes == CA_STATUS_OK, ERROR);
                    OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "ECDH_ANON CipherSuite is DISABLED");

                    caRes = CASelectCipherSuite(TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA_256);
                    VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, caRes == CA_STATUS_OK, ERROR);

                    char ranPin[OXM_RANDOM_PIN_SIZE + 1] = {0,};
                    if(OC_STACK_OK == GeneratePin(ranPin, OXM_RANDOM_PIN_SIZE + 1))
                        //Set the device id to derive temporal PSK

                         * Since PSK will be used directly by DTLS layer while PIN based ownership transfer,
                         * Credential should not be saved into SVR.
                         * For this reason, use a temporary get_psk_info callback to random PIN OxM.
                        caRes = CARegisterDTLSCredentialsHandler(GetDtlsPskForRandomPinOxm);
                        VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, caRes == CA_STATUS_OK, ERROR);
                        ehRet = OC_EH_OK;
                        OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Failed to generate random PIN");
                        ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;
#endif //__WITH_DTLS__
#ifdef __WITH_DTLS__
                    //Save the owner's UUID to derive owner credential
                    memcpy(&(gDoxm->owner), &(newDoxm->owner), sizeof(OicUuid_t));

                    //Update new state in persistent storage
                    if((UpdatePersistentStorage(gDoxm) == true))
                        ehRet = OC_EH_OK;
                        OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Failed to update DOXM in persistent storage");
                        ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;

         * When current state of the device is un-owned and Provisioning
         * Tool is attempting to change the state to 'Owned' with a
         * qualified value for the field 'Owner'
        if ((false == gDoxm->owned) && (true == newDoxm->owned) &&
            (memcmp(&(gDoxm->owner), &(newDoxm->owner), sizeof(OicUuid_t)) == 0))
            gDoxm->owned = true;
            // Update new state in persistent storage
            if (UpdatePersistentStorage(gDoxm))
                //Update default ACL of security resource to prevent anonymous user access.
                if(OC_STACK_OK == UpdateDefaultSecProvACL())
                    ehRet = OC_EH_OK;
                    OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Failed to remove default ACL for security provisioning");
                    ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;
                OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Failed to update DOXM in persistent storage");
                ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;

    if(OC_EH_OK != ehRet)
        OIC_LOG(WARNING, TAG, "The operation failed during handle DOXM request,"\
                            "DOXM will be reverted.");

         * If some error is occured while ownership transfer,
         * ownership transfer related resource should be revert back to initial status.

    //Send payload to request originator
    if(OC_STACK_OK != SendSRMResponse(ehRequest, ehRet, NULL))
        OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "SendSRMResponse failed in HandlePstatPostRequest");

    return ehRet;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * The entity handler determines how to process a POST request.
 * Per the REST paradigm, POST can also be used to update representation of existing
 * resource or create a new resource.
 * For pstat, it updates only tm and om.
static OCEntityHandlerResult HandlePstatPostRequest(const OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest)
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;
    OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "HandlePstatPostRequest  processing POST request");
    OicSecPstat_t *pstat = NULL;

    if (ehRequest->payload)
        uint8_t *payload = ((OCSecurityPayload *) ehRequest->payload)->securityData;
        size_t size = ((OCSecurityPayload *) ehRequest->payload)->payloadSize;
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, payload, ERROR);

        OCStackResult ret = CBORPayloadToPstat(payload, size, &pstat);
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, pstat, ERROR);
        if (OC_STACK_OK == ret)
            if (false == (pstat->cm & TAKE_OWNER) && false == pstat->isOp)
                gPstat->cm = pstat->cm;
                OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "State changed to Ready for Provisioning");
            else if (false == (pstat->cm & TAKE_OWNER) && true == pstat->isOp)
                gPstat->isOp =pstat->isOp;
                OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "State changed to Ready for Normal Operation");
                OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "Invalid Device provisionig state");
            if (pstat->om != MULTIPLE_SERVICE_SERVER_DRIVEN && gPstat)
                 * Check if the operation mode is in the supported provisioning services
                 * operation mode list.
                for (size_t i=0; i< gPstat->smLen; i++)
                    if(gPstat->sm[i] == pstat->om)
                        gPstat->om = pstat->om;
            // Convert pstat data into CBOR for update to persistent storage
            if (UpdatePersistentStorage(gPstat))
                ehRet = OC_EH_OK;
    if(OC_EH_OK != ehRet)
          * If some error is occured while ownership transfer,
          * ownership transfer related resource should be revert back to initial status.

    //Send payload to request originator
    if(OC_STACK_OK != SendSRMResponse(ehRequest, ehRet, NULL, 0))
        ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR;
        OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "SendSRMResponse failed in HandlePstatPostRequest");
    return ehRet;