BodyDynamicsProviderDelegate::BodyDynamicsProviderDelegate(const MassCalibrationBH& theMassCalibrationBH,
                                                           const TorsoMatrixBH& theTorsoMatrixBH,
                                                           const RobotDimensionsBH& theRobotDimensionsBH,
                                                           const FrameInfoBH& theFrameInfoBH)
: supportFootInGround(RotationMatrixBH(), Vector3BH<>(0.0f, 0.0f, -theRobotDimensions.heightLeg5Joint), true),
  theMassCalibrationBH(theMassCalibrationBH), theTorsoMatrixBH(theTorsoMatrixBH),
  theRobotDimensionsBH(theRobotDimensionsBH), theFrameInfoBH(theFrameInfoBH)
Ejemplo n.º 2
void WalkingEngineKickPlayer::applyFoot(Pose3DBH& leftOriginToFoot, Pose3DBH& rightOriginToFoot)

  float sign = mirrored ? -1.f : 1.f;
  Vector3BH<> additionalFootRotation;
  Vector3BH<> additionFootTranslation;

  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    additionFootTranslation[i] = getValue(WalkingEngineKick::Track(WalkingEngineKick::footTranslationX + i), 0.f);
    additionalFootRotation[i] = getValue(WalkingEngineKick::Track(WalkingEngineKick::footRotationX + i), 0.f);

  additionalFootRotation.x = additionalFootRotation.x * sign;
  additionalFootRotation.z = additionalFootRotation.z * sign;
  additionFootTranslation.y = additionFootTranslation.y * sign;

  (mirrored ? rightOriginToFoot : leftOriginToFoot).conc(Pose3DBH(RotationMatrixBH(additionalFootRotation), additionFootTranslation));
void BodyDynamicsProviderDelegate::footForceDerivativeUpwards(const int jointOffset,
                                                              SpatialVector<>& fcByqDoubleDotFoot,
                                                              SpatialVector<>& fcByqDotFoot,
                                                              SpatialVector<>& fcByqFoot,
                                                              const BodyDynamics& bodyDynamics)
  const bool leftSupport = bodyDynamics.supportLeg == IndykickRequest::left;
  const MassCalibrationBH::Limb pelvis = leftSupport ? MassCalibrationBH::pelvisLeft // Support pelvis
                                                   : MassCalibrationBH::pelvisRight;
  /* In a kinematic tree rootet at the torso, the natural body would be the successor body of the joint. */
  const MassCalibrationBH::Limb naturalBodyLimb = static_cast<MassCalibrationBH::Limb>(pelvis + jointOffset);
  /* In a kinematic tree rooted at the torso, the natural predecessor would be the predecessor body of the joint. */
  const MassCalibrationBH::Limb naturalPredecessorLimb = !jointOffset ? MassCalibrationBH::torso
                                                                    : static_cast<MassCalibrationBH::Limb>(pelvis + jointOffset - 1);
  const Body& naturalBody = bodyDynamics.limbs[naturalBodyLimb];
  const Body& naturalPredecessor = bodyDynamics.limbs[naturalPredecessorLimb];

  /* The joint at 'jointOffset' connects the natural body to the natural predecessor, since the base body is at the
   * end of the chain, i.e. one could say the natural leaf body.  The reference coordinate system is now on the side
   * of the natural predecessor of the joint, but still there where the joint is located, i.e. the physical position
   * is the same as the natual body's position, but the rotation of the coordinate system is different. */
  const SpatialTransform& nPredInNBody = naturalBody.X;
  const SpatialTransform& nBodyInNPred = naturalBody.Xinv;

  const SpatialTransform nBodyInRef(nBodyInNPred.rot, Vector3BH<>(), true);
  const SpatialTransform nPredInRef(RotationMatrixBH(), -nPredInNBody.pos, true);

  /* Symbols indexed with i mean the things stored in the natural predecessor, since i means the target of the joint.
   * Symbols indexed with (i-1) mean the things stored in the natural body, since (i-1) means the source of the joint. */

  /* === Equation 41. === */
  /* First, transform the axis s_i to the reference system. This is easy, since it is the axis of rotation,
   * it does not change by the rotation transform. Only the sign flips. The axis is the exception of the index rule.
   * Since it connected the bodies 'natural body' and 'natural predecessor' and 'natural body' has the 'naturally' higher
   * index, it is stored in the 'natural body' object. */
  const SpatialVector<> axis = -naturalBody.mode;
  /* Transform the aggregate spatial inertia to the reference coordinate system. */
  const SpatialInertia Ic = nPredInRef.transform(naturalPredecessor.Ic);
  /* Calculate the actual equation. */
  const SpatialInertiaDerivative IcByq = Ic.derive(axis);

  /* === Equation 42. === */
  const SpatialVector<> pcByqDot = Ic * axis;

  /* === Equation 43. === */
  /* Transform the velocity of the natural body into the reference system. */
  const SpatialVector<> velocityBody = nBodyInRef * naturalBody.v;
  /* Transform the aggregate momentum of the natural predecessor into the reference system. */
  const SpatialVector<> pc = nPredInRef * naturalPredecessor.pc;
  /* Calculate the actual equation. */
  const SpatialVector<> pcByq = IcByq * velocityBody + (axis ^ pc);

  /* === Equation 44. === */
  const SpatialVector<>& fcByqDoubleDot = pcByqDot;

  /* === Equation 45. === */
  /* Transform the time derivative of the aggregate spatial inertia to the reference system. */
  const SpatialInertiaDerivative dIc = nPredInRef.transform(naturalPredecessor.dIc);
  /* Transform the velocity ot the natural predecessor into the reference system. */
  const SpatialVector<> velocityPred = nPredInRef * naturalPredecessor.v;
  /* Calculate the actual equation. */
  const SpatialVector<> fcByqDot = pcByq + dIc * axis + (velocityPred ^ pcByqDot);

  /* === Equation 46. === */
  /* Transform the acceleration of the natural body into the reference system. */
  const SpatialVector<> accelBody = nBodyInRef * naturalBody.a;
  /* Transform the aggregate force of the natural predecessor into the reference system. */
  const SpatialVector<> fc = nPredInRef * naturalPredecessor.fc;
  /* Calculate the derivative by q of the time derivative of the aggregate spatial inertia. */
  const SpatialInertiaDerivative dIcByq = dIc.derive(axis);
  /* Calculate the actual equation. */
  const SpatialVector<> fcByq = (axis ^ fc)
    + (IcByq * accelBody)
    + (velocityBody ^ ((axis ^ pc) + (IcByq * velocityBody)))
    + (dIcByq * velocityBody);

  /* In principle all the derivatives have been calculated by now. They only have to be transformed
   * from the reference coordinate system into the coordinate system of the support foot. */
  /* Get the transformation from the natural body into the support foot. */
  const SpatialTransform& nBodyInFoot = getBodyInSupportFoot(naturalBodyLimb, bodyDynamics);
  /* Calculate the transform from reference system into the natural body. */
  const SpatialTransform& refInNBody = nBodyInRef.inverse();
  /* Calculate the transform from the reference system into the support foot system. */
  const SpatialTransform refInFoot = nBodyInFoot * refInNBody;
  /* Do the transformations. */
  fcByqDoubleDotFoot = refInFoot * fcByqDoubleDot;
  fcByqDotFoot = refInFoot * fcByqDot;
  fcByqFoot = refInFoot * fcByq;
Ejemplo n.º 4
RotationMatrixBH RotationMatrixBH::fromRotationZ(const float angle)
  const float c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
  return RotationMatrixBH(Vector3BH<>(c, s, 0.f), Vector3BH<>(-s, c, 0.f), Vector3BH<>(0.f, 0.f, 1.f));
Ejemplo n.º 5
RotationMatrixBH RotationMatrixBH::fromRotationX(const float angle)
  const float c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
  return RotationMatrixBH(Vector3BH<>(1.f, 0.f, 0.f), Vector3BH<>(0.f, c, s), Vector3BH<>(0.f, -s, c));