Ejemplo n.º 1
  Authenticate data with the certificate.

  @param[in]      InData          Pointer to the Data to be signed.
  @param[in]      InDataSize      InData size in bytes.
  @param[in]      PrivateKey      Pointer to the  private key.
  @param[in]      PrivateKeySize  The size of Private Key in bytes.
  @param[in]      KeyPassWord     Pointer to the password for retrieving private key.
  @param[in]      KeyPwdSize      The size of Key Password in bytes.
  @param[out]     OutData         The pointer to the signed data.
  @param[in, out] OutDataSize     Pointer to contain the size of out data.

IpSecCryptoIoAuthDataWithCertificate (
  IN     UINT8   *InData,
  IN     UINTN   InDataSize,
  IN     UINT8   *PrivateKey,
  IN     UINTN   PrivateKeySize,
  IN     UINT8   *KeyPassWord,
  IN     UINTN   KeyPwdSize,
     OUT UINT8   **OutData,
  IN OUT UINTN   *OutDataSize
  UINT8         *RsaContext;
  UINT8         *Signature;
  UINTN         SigSize;

  SigSize   = 0;
  RsaContext = NULL;

  // Retrieve RSA Private Key from password-protected PEM data
  RsaGetPrivateKeyFromPem (
    (CONST UINT8 *)PrivateKey,
    (CONST CHAR8 *)KeyPassWord,
    (VOID **) &RsaContext
  if (RsaContext == NULL) {

  // Sign data
  Signature = NULL;
  if (!RsaPkcs1Sign (RsaContext, InData, InDataSize, Signature, &SigSize)) {
    Signature = AllocateZeroPool (SigSize);
  } else {

  RsaPkcs1Sign (RsaContext, InData, InDataSize, Signature, &SigSize);

  *OutData     = Signature;
  *OutDataSize = SigSize;

  if (RsaContext != NULL) {
    RsaFree (RsaContext);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  Verify the singed data with the public key which is contained in a certificate.

  @param[in]     InCert          Pointer to the Certificate which contains the
                                 public key.
  @param[in]     CertLen         The size of Certificate in bytes.
  @param[in]     InCa            Pointer to the CA certificate
  @param[in]     CaLen           The size of CA certificate in bytes.
  @param[in]     InData          Pointer to octect message hash to be checked.
  @param[in]     InDataSize      Size of the message hash in bytes.
  @param[in]     Singnature      The pointer to the RSA PKCS1-V1_5 signature to be verifed.
  @param[in]     SigSize         Size of signature in bytes.

  @retval  TRUE   Valid signature encoded in PKCS1-v1_5.
  @retval  FALSE  Invalid signature or invalid RSA context.

IpSecCryptoIoVerifySignDataByCertificate (
  IN     UINT8   *InCert,
  IN     UINTN   CertLen,
  IN     UINT8   *InCa,
  IN     UINTN   CaLen,
  IN     UINT8   *InData,
  IN     UINTN   InDataSize,
  IN     UINT8   *Singnature,
  IN     UINTN   SigSize
  UINT8         *RsaContext;
  BOOLEAN       Status;

  // Create the RSA Context
  RsaContext = RsaNew ();
  if (RsaContext == NULL) {
    return FALSE;

  // Verify the validity of X509 Certificate
  if (!X509VerifyCert (InCert, CertLen, InCa, CaLen)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Retrieve the RSA public Key from Certificate
  RsaGetPublicKeyFromX509 ((CONST UINT8 *)InCert, CertLen, (VOID **)&RsaContext);

  // Verify data
  Status = RsaPkcs1Verify (RsaContext, InData, InDataSize, Singnature, SigSize);

  if (RsaContext != NULL) {
    RsaFree (RsaContext);

  return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  Retrieves the RSA Public Key from one X509 certificate (DER format only).

  @param[in]     InCert            Pointer to the certificate.
  @param[in]     CertLen           The size of the certificate in bytes.
  @param[out]    PublicKey         Pointer to the retrieved public key.
  @param[out]    PublicKeyLen      Size of Public Key in bytes.

  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS            Successfully get the public Key.
  @retval  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The certificate is malformed.

IpSecCryptoIoGetPublicKeyFromCert (
  IN     UINT8   *InCert,
  IN     UINTN   CertLen,
  OUT    UINT8   **PublicKey,
  OUT    UINTN   *PublicKeyLen
  UINT8         *RsaContext;
  EFI_STATUS    Status;

  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

  // Create the RSA Context
  RsaContext = RsaNew ();

  // Retrieve the RSA public key from CA Certificate
  if (!RsaGetPublicKeyFromX509 ((CONST UINT8 *)InCert, CertLen, (VOID **) &RsaContext)) {
    goto EXIT;

  *PublicKeyLen = 0;

  RsaGetKey (RsaContext, RsaKeyN, NULL, PublicKeyLen);

  *PublicKey = AllocateZeroPool (*PublicKeyLen);
  ASSERT (*PublicKey != NULL);

  if (!RsaGetKey (RsaContext, RsaKeyN, *PublicKey, PublicKeyLen)) {

  if (RsaContext != NULL) {
    RsaFree (RsaContext);

  return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  Verify data payload with AuthInfo in EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SHA256 type.
  Follow the steps in UEFI2.2.

  @param[in]  VirtualMode             The current calling mode for this function.
  @param[in]  Global                  The context of this Extended SAL Variable Services Class call.
  @param[in]  Data                    The pointer to data with AuthInfo.
  @param[in]  DataSize                The size of Data.
  @param[in]  PubKey                  The public key used for verification.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER       Invalid parameter.
  @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION      Authentication failed.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                 Authentication successful.

VerifyDataPayload (
  IN  BOOLEAN                   VirtualMode,
  IN  UINT8                     *Data,
  IN  UINTN                     DataSize,
  IN  UINT8                     *PubKey
  BOOLEAN                         Status;
  EFI_CERT_BLOCK_RSA_2048_SHA256  *CertBlock;
  UINT8                           Digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
  VOID                            *Rsa;
  VOID                            *HashContext;

  Rsa         = NULL;
  CertData    = NULL;
  CertBlock   = NULL;

  if (Data == NULL || PubKey == NULL) {

  CertBlock = (EFI_CERT_BLOCK_RSA_2048_SHA256 *) (CertData->AuthInfo.CertData);

  // wCertificateType should be WIN_CERT_TYPE_EFI_GUID.
  // Cert type should be EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SHA256.
  if ((CertData->AuthInfo.Hdr.wCertificateType != WIN_CERT_TYPE_EFI_GUID) ||
      !CompareGuid (&CertData->AuthInfo.CertType, Global->CertRsa2048Sha256Guid[VirtualMode])
        ) {
    // Invalid AuthInfo type, return EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION.

  // Hash data payload with SHA256.
  ZeroMem (Digest, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
  HashContext = Global->HashContext[VirtualMode];
  Status  = Sha256Init (HashContext);
  if (!Status) {
    goto Done;
  Status  = Sha256Update (HashContext, Data + AUTHINFO_SIZE, (UINTN) (DataSize - AUTHINFO_SIZE));
  if (!Status) {
    goto Done;
  // Hash Monotonic Count.
  Status  = Sha256Update (HashContext, &CertData->MonotonicCount, sizeof (UINT64));
  if (!Status) {
    goto Done;
  Status  = Sha256Final (HashContext, Digest);
  if (!Status) {
    goto Done;
  // Generate & Initialize RSA Context.
  Rsa = RsaNew ();
  ASSERT (Rsa != NULL);
  // Set RSA Key Components.
  // NOTE: Only N and E are needed to be set as RSA public key for signature verification.
  Status = RsaSetKey (Rsa, RsaKeyN, PubKey, EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SIZE);
  if (!Status) {
    goto Done;
  Status = RsaSetKey (Rsa, RsaKeyE, mRsaE, sizeof (mRsaE));
  if (!Status) {
    goto Done;
  // Verify the signature.
  Status = RsaPkcs1Verify (

  if (Rsa != NULL) {
    RsaFree (Rsa);
  if (Status) {
    return EFI_SUCCESS;
  } else {

  Extraction handler tries to extract raw data from the input guided section.
  It also does authentication check for RSA 2048 SHA 256 signature in the input guided section.
  It first checks whether the input guid section is supported. 
  If not, EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will return.

  @param InputSection    Buffer containing the input GUIDed section to be processed.
  @param OutputBuffer    Buffer to contain the output raw data allocated by the caller.
  @param ScratchBuffer   A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer for function internal use.
  @param AuthenticationStatus A pointer to a caller-allocated UINT32 that indicates the
                              authentication status of the output buffer.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Section Data and Auth Status is extracted successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The GUID in InputSection does not match this instance guid.

Rsa2048Sha256GuidedSectionHandler (
  IN CONST  VOID    *InputSection,
  OUT       VOID    **OutputBuffer,
  IN        VOID    *ScratchBuffer,        OPTIONAL
  OUT       UINT32  *AuthenticationStatus
  EFI_STATUS                      Status;
  UINT32                          OutputBufferSize;
  VOID                            *DummyInterface;
  EFI_CERT_BLOCK_RSA_2048_SHA256  *CertBlockRsa2048Sha256;
  BOOLEAN                         CryptoStatus;
  UINT8                           Digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
  UINT8                           *PublicKey;
  UINTN                           PublicKeyBufferSize;
  VOID                            *HashContext;
  VOID                            *Rsa;
  HashContext = NULL;
  Rsa         = NULL;
  if (IS_SECTION2 (InputSection)) {
    // Check whether the input guid section is recognized.
    if (!CompareGuid (
        &(((EFI_GUID_DEFINED_SECTION2 *)InputSection)->SectionDefinitionGuid))) {
    // Get the RSA 2048 SHA 256 information.
    CertBlockRsa2048Sha256 = &((RSA_2048_SHA_256_SECTION2_HEADER *) InputSection)->CertBlockRsa2048Sha256;
    OutputBufferSize       = SECTION2_SIZE (InputSection) - sizeof (RSA_2048_SHA_256_SECTION2_HEADER);
      PERF_START (NULL, "RsaCopy", "DXE", 0);
      CopyMem (*OutputBuffer, (UINT8 *)InputSection + sizeof (RSA_2048_SHA_256_SECTION2_HEADER), OutputBufferSize);
      PERF_END (NULL, "RsaCopy", "DXE", 0);
    } else {
      *OutputBuffer = (UINT8 *)InputSection + sizeof (RSA_2048_SHA_256_SECTION2_HEADER);

    // Implicitly RSA 2048 SHA 256 GUIDed section should have STATUS_VALID bit set
    *AuthenticationStatus = EFI_AUTH_STATUS_IMAGE_SIGNED;
  } else {
    // Check whether the input guid section is recognized.
    if (!CompareGuid (
        &(((EFI_GUID_DEFINED_SECTION *)InputSection)->SectionDefinitionGuid))) {
    // Get the RSA 2048 SHA 256 information.
    CertBlockRsa2048Sha256 = &((RSA_2048_SHA_256_SECTION_HEADER *)InputSection)->CertBlockRsa2048Sha256;
    OutputBufferSize       = SECTION_SIZE (InputSection) - sizeof (RSA_2048_SHA_256_SECTION_HEADER);
      PERF_START (NULL, "RsaCopy", "DXE", 0);
      CopyMem (*OutputBuffer, (UINT8 *)InputSection + sizeof (RSA_2048_SHA_256_SECTION_HEADER), OutputBufferSize);
      PERF_END (NULL, "RsaCopy", "DXE", 0);
    } else {
      *OutputBuffer = (UINT8 *)InputSection + sizeof (RSA_2048_SHA_256_SECTION_HEADER);

    // Implicitly RSA 2048 SHA 256 GUIDed section should have STATUS_VALID bit set
    *AuthenticationStatus = EFI_AUTH_STATUS_IMAGE_SIGNED;

  // Check whether there exists EFI_SECURITY_POLICY_PROTOCOL_GUID.
  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiSecurityPolicyProtocolGuid, NULL, &DummyInterface);
  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    // If SecurityPolicy Protocol exist, AUTH platform override bit is set.
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_PLATFORM_OVERRIDE;
    return EFI_SUCCESS;

  // All paths from here return EFI_SUCESS and result is returned in AuthenticationStatus
  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
  // Fail if the HashType is not SHA 256
  if (!CompareGuid (&gEfiHashAlgorithmSha256Guid, &CertBlockRsa2048Sha256->HashType)) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: HASH type of section is not supported\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;

  // Allocate hash context buffer required for SHA 256
  HashContext = AllocatePool (Sha256GetContextSize ());
  if (HashContext == NULL) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Can not allocate hash context\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;

  // Hash public key from data payload with SHA256.
  ZeroMem (Digest, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
  CryptoStatus = Sha256Init (HashContext);
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Sha256Init() failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;
  CryptoStatus = Sha256Update (HashContext, &CertBlockRsa2048Sha256->PublicKey, sizeof(CertBlockRsa2048Sha256->PublicKey));
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Sha256Update() failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;
  CryptoStatus  = Sha256Final (HashContext, Digest);
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Sha256Final() failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;
  // Fail if the PublicKey is not one of the public keys in PcdRsa2048Sha256PublicKeyBuffer
  PublicKey = (UINT8 *)PcdGetPtr (PcdRsa2048Sha256PublicKeyBuffer);
  DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "DxePcdRsa2048Sha256: PublicKeyBuffer = %p\n", PublicKey));
  ASSERT (PublicKey != NULL);
  DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "DxePcdRsa2048Sha256: PublicKeyBuffer Token = %08x\n", PcdToken (PcdRsa2048Sha256PublicKeyBuffer)));
  PublicKeyBufferSize = LibPcdGetExSize (&gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid, PcdToken (PcdRsa2048Sha256PublicKeyBuffer));
  DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "DxePcdRsa2048Sha256: PublicKeyBuffer Size = %08x\n", PublicKeyBufferSize));
  ASSERT ((PublicKeyBufferSize % SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0);
  CryptoStatus = FALSE;
  while (PublicKeyBufferSize != 0) {
    if (CompareMem (Digest, PublicKey, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) {
      CryptoStatus = TRUE;
    PublicKey = PublicKey + SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
    PublicKeyBufferSize = PublicKeyBufferSize - SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Public key in section is not supported\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;

  // Generate & Initialize RSA Context.
  Rsa = RsaNew ();
  if (Rsa == NULL) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: RsaNew() failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;
  // Set RSA Key Components.
  // NOTE: Only N and E are needed to be set as RSA public key for signature verification.
  CryptoStatus = RsaSetKey (Rsa, RsaKeyN, CertBlockRsa2048Sha256->PublicKey, sizeof(CertBlockRsa2048Sha256->PublicKey));
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: RsaSetKey(RsaKeyN) failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;
  CryptoStatus = RsaSetKey (Rsa, RsaKeyE, mRsaE, sizeof (mRsaE));
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: RsaSetKey(RsaKeyE) failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;

  // Hash data payload with SHA256.
  ZeroMem (Digest, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
  CryptoStatus = Sha256Init (HashContext);
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Sha256Init() failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;
  PERF_START (NULL, "RsaShaData", "DXE", 0);
  CryptoStatus = Sha256Update (HashContext, *OutputBuffer, OutputBufferSize);
  PERF_END (NULL, "RsaShaData", "DXE", 0);
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Sha256Update() failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;
  CryptoStatus  = Sha256Final (HashContext, Digest);
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Sha256Final() failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;
    goto Done;

  // Verify the RSA 2048 SHA 256 signature.
  PERF_START (NULL, "RsaVerify", "DXE", 0);
  CryptoStatus = RsaPkcs1Verify (
                   sizeof (CertBlockRsa2048Sha256->Signature)
  PERF_END (NULL, "RsaVerify", "DXE", 0);
  if (!CryptoStatus) {
    // If RSA 2048 SHA 256 signature verification fails, AUTH tested failed bit is set.
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: RsaPkcs1Verify() failed\n"));
    *AuthenticationStatus |= EFI_AUTH_STATUS_TEST_FAILED;

  // Free allocated resources used to perform RSA 2048 SHA 256 signature verification
  if (Rsa != NULL) {
    RsaFree (Rsa);
  if (HashContext != NULL) {
    FreePool (HashContext);

  DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "DxeRsa2048Sha256: Status = %r  AuthenticationStatus = %08x\n", Status, *AuthenticationStatus));

  return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  Validate UEFI-OpenSSL RSA Key Retrieving & Signature Interfaces.

  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS  Validation succeeded.
  @retval  EFI_ABORTED  Validation failed.

ValidateCryptRsa2 (
  BOOLEAN  Status;
  VOID     *RsaPrivKey;
  VOID     *RsaPubKey;
  UINT8    *Signature;
  UINTN    SigSize;
  UINT8    *Subject;
  UINTN    SubjectSize;

  Print (L"\nUEFI-OpenSSL RSA Key Retrieving Testing: ");

  // Retrieve RSA private key from encrypted PEM data.
  Print (L"\n- Retrieve RSA Private Key for PEM ...");
  Status = RsaGetPrivateKeyFromPem (TestKeyPem, sizeof (TestKeyPem), PemPass, &RsaPrivKey);
  if (!Status) {
    Print (L"[Fail]");
    return EFI_ABORTED;
  } else {
    Print (L"[Pass]");

  // Retrieve RSA public key from X509 Certificate.
  Print (L"\n- Retrieve RSA Public Key from X509 ... ");
  RsaPubKey = NULL;
  Status    = RsaGetPublicKeyFromX509 (TestCert, sizeof (TestCert), &RsaPubKey);
  if (!Status) {
    Print (L"[Fail]");
    return EFI_ABORTED;
  } else {
    Print (L"[Pass]");

  // Generate RSA PKCS#1 Signature.
  Print (L"\n- PKCS#1 Signature ... ");
  SigSize = 0;
  Status  = RsaPkcs1Sign (RsaPrivKey, MsgHash, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, NULL, &SigSize);
  if (Status || SigSize == 0) {
    Print (L"[Fail]");
    return EFI_ABORTED;

  Signature = AllocatePool (SigSize);
  Status    = RsaPkcs1Sign (RsaPrivKey, MsgHash, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, Signature, &SigSize);
  if (!Status) {
    Print (L"[Fail]");
    return EFI_ABORTED;
  } else {
    Print (L"[Pass]");

  // Verify RSA PKCS#1-encoded Signature.
  Print (L"\n- PKCS#1 Signature Verification ... ");
  Status = RsaPkcs1Verify (RsaPubKey, MsgHash, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, Signature, SigSize);
  if (!Status) {
    Print (L"[Fail]");
    return EFI_ABORTED;
  } else {
    Print (L"[Pass]");

  // X509 Certificate Subject Retrieving.
  Print (L"\n- X509 Certificate Subject Bytes Retrieving ... ");
  SubjectSize = 0;
  Status  = X509GetSubjectName (TestCert, sizeof (TestCert), NULL, &SubjectSize);
  Subject = (UINT8 *)AllocatePool (SubjectSize);
  Status  = X509GetSubjectName (TestCert, sizeof (TestCert), Subject, &SubjectSize);
  if (!Status) {
    Print (L"[Fail]");
    return EFI_ABORTED;
  } else {
    Print (L"[Pass]");

  // X509 Certificate Verification.
  Print (L"\n- X509 Certificate Verification with Trusted CA ...");
  Status = X509VerifyCert (TestCert, sizeof (TestCert), TestCACert, sizeof (TestCACert));
  if (!Status) {
    Print (L"[Fail]\n");
    return EFI_ABORTED;
  } else {
    Print (L"[Pass]\n");

  // Release Resources.
  RsaFree  (RsaPubKey);
  RsaFree  (RsaPrivKey);
  FreePool (Signature);
  FreePool (Subject);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;