int dCollideSTL(dxGeom* g1, dxGeom* SphereGeom, int Flags, dContactGeom* Contacts, int Stride){
	dIASSERT (Stride >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
	dIASSERT (g1->type == dTriMeshClass);
	dIASSERT (SphereGeom->type == dSphereClass);
	dIASSERT ((Flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)g1;

	// Init
	const dVector3& TLPosition = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(TriMesh);
	const dMatrix3& TLRotation = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(TriMesh);

	TrimeshCollidersCache *pccColliderCache = GetTrimeshCollidersCache();
	SphereCollider& Collider = pccColliderCache->_SphereCollider;

	const dVector3& Position = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(SphereGeom);
	dReal Radius = dGeomSphereGetRadius(SphereGeom);

	// Sphere
	Sphere Sphere;
	Sphere.mCenter.x = Position[0];
	Sphere.mCenter.y = Position[1];
	Sphere.mCenter.z = Position[2];
	Sphere.mRadius = Radius;

	Matrix4x4 amatrix;

	// TC results
	if (TriMesh->doSphereTC) {
		dxTriMesh::SphereTC* sphereTC = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < TriMesh->SphereTCCache.size(); i++){
			if (TriMesh->SphereTCCache[i].Geom == SphereGeom){
				sphereTC = &TriMesh->SphereTCCache[i];

		if (!sphereTC){

			sphereTC = &TriMesh->SphereTCCache[TriMesh->SphereTCCache.size() - 1];
			sphereTC->Geom = SphereGeom;
		// Intersect
		Collider.Collide(*sphereTC, Sphere, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, 
						 &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix));
	else {
		Collider.Collide(pccColliderCache->defaultSphereCache, Sphere, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, 
						 &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix));

	if (! Collider.GetContactStatus()) {
		// no collision occurred
		return 0;

	// get results
	int TriCount = Collider.GetNbTouchedPrimitives();
	const int* Triangles = (const int*)Collider.GetTouchedPrimitives();

	if (TriCount != 0){
		if (TriMesh->ArrayCallback != null){
			TriMesh->ArrayCallback(TriMesh, SphereGeom, Triangles, TriCount);

		int OutTriCount = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < TriCount; i++){
			if (OutTriCount == (Flags & NUMC_MASK)){

			const int TriIndex = Triangles[i];

			dVector3 dv[3];
			if (!Callback(TriMesh, SphereGeom, TriIndex))
			FetchTriangle(TriMesh, TriIndex, TLPosition, TLRotation, dv);

			dVector3& v0 = dv[0];
			dVector3& v1 = dv[1];
			dVector3& v2 = dv[2];

			dVector3 vu;
			vu[0] = v1[0] - v0[0];
			vu[1] = v1[1] - v0[1];
			vu[2] = v1[2] - v0[2];
			vu[3] = REAL(0.0);

			dVector3 vv;
			vv[0] = v2[0] - v0[0];
			vv[1] = v2[1] - v0[1];
			vv[2] = v2[2] - v0[2];
			vv[3] = REAL(0.0);

			// Get plane coefficients
			dVector4 Plane;
			dCROSS(Plane, =, vu, vv);

			// Even though all triangles might be initially valid, 
			// a triangle may degenerate into a segment after applying 
			// space transformation.
			if (!dSafeNormalize3(Plane)) {

			/* If the center of the sphere is within the positive halfspace of the
				* triangle's plane, allow a contact to be generated.
				* If the center of the sphere made it into the positive halfspace of a
				* back-facing triangle, then the physics update and/or velocity needs
				* to be adjusted (penetration has occured anyway).
			dReal side = dDOT(Plane,Position) - dDOT(Plane, v0);

			if(side < REAL(0.0)) {

			dReal Depth;
			dReal u, v;
			if (!GetContactData(Position, Radius, v0, vu, vv, Depth, u, v)){
				continue;	// Sphere doesn't hit triangle

			if (Depth < REAL(0.0)){
				continue; // Negative depth does not produce a contact

			dVector3 ContactPos;

			dReal w = REAL(1.0) - u - v;
			ContactPos[0] = (v0[0] * w) + (v1[0] * u) + (v2[0] * v);
			ContactPos[1] = (v0[1] * w) + (v1[1] * u) + (v2[1] * v);
			ContactPos[2] = (v0[2] * w) + (v1[2] * u) + (v2[2] * v);

			// Depth returned from GetContactData is depth along 
			// contact point - sphere center direction
			// we'll project it to contact normal
			dVector3 dir;
			dir[0] = Position[0]-ContactPos[0];
			dir[1] = Position[1]-ContactPos[1];
			dir[2] = Position[2]-ContactPos[2];
			dReal dirProj = dDOT(dir, Plane) / dSqrt(dDOT(dir, dir));
			// Since Depth already had a requirement to be non-negative,
			// negative direction projections should not be allowed as well,
			// as otherwise the multiplication will result in negative contact depth.
			if (dirProj < REAL(0.0)){
				continue; // Zero contact depth could be ignored

			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, OutTriCount, Stride);

			Contact->pos[0] = ContactPos[0];
			Contact->pos[1] = ContactPos[1];
			Contact->pos[2] = ContactPos[2];
			Contact->pos[3] = REAL(0.0);

			// Using normal as plane (reversed)
			Contact->normal[0] = -Plane[0];
			Contact->normal[1] = -Plane[1];
			Contact->normal[2] = -Plane[2];
			Contact->normal[3] = REAL(0.0);

			Contact->depth = Depth * dirProj;
			//Contact->depth = Radius - side; // (mg) penetration depth is distance along normal not shortest distance
#if !defined MERGECONTACTS	// Merge all contacts into 1
            Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
            Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;

            Contact->side2 = -1;
#endif // Otherwise assigned later

            Contact->side1 = TriIndex;

#if defined MERGECONTACTS	// Merge all contacts into 1
		if (OutTriCount > 0){
			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride);
            Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
            Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;
            Contact->side2 = -1;

			if (OutTriCount > 1 && !(Flags & CONTACTS_UNIMPORTANT)){
			    dVector3 pos;
                pos[0] = Contact->pos[0];
                pos[1] = Contact->pos[1];
                pos[2] = Contact->pos[2];

                dVector3 normal;
                normal[0] = Contact->normal[0] * Contact->depth;
                normal[1] = Contact->normal[1] * Contact->depth;
                normal[2] = Contact->normal[2] * Contact->depth;
                int TriIndex = Contact->side1;

				for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* TempContact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);
					pos[0] += TempContact->pos[0];
					pos[1] += TempContact->pos[1];
					pos[2] += TempContact->pos[2];
					normal[0] += TempContact->normal[0] * TempContact->depth;
					normal[1] += TempContact->normal[1] * TempContact->depth;
					normal[2] += TempContact->normal[2] * TempContact->depth;

                    TriIndex = (TriMesh->TriMergeCallback) ? TriMesh->TriMergeCallback(TriMesh, TriIndex, TempContact->side1) : -1;
                Contact->side1 = TriIndex;

                Contact->pos[0] = pos[0] / OutTriCount;
				Contact->pos[1] = pos[1] / OutTriCount;
				Contact->pos[2] = pos[2] / OutTriCount;
				// Remember to divide in square space.
				Contact->depth = dSqrt(dDOT(normal, normal) / OutTriCount);

				if (Contact->depth > dEpsilon) { // otherwise the normal is too small
                    dVector3Copy(Contact->normal, normal);
				} // otherwise original Contact's normal would be used and it should be already normalized

			return 1;
		else return 0;
#elif defined MERGECONTACTNORMALS	// Merge all normals, and distribute between all contacts
		if (OutTriCount != 0){
            if (OutTriCount != 1 && !(Flags & CONTACTS_UNIMPORTANT)){
				dVector3 Normal;

                dContactGeom* FirstContact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride);
				Normal[0] = FirstContact->normal[0] * FirstContact->depth;
				Normal[1] = FirstContact->normal[1] * FirstContact->depth;
				Normal[2] = FirstContact->normal[2] * FirstContact->depth;
				Normal[3] = FirstContact->normal[3] * FirstContact->depth;

				for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

					Normal[0] += Contact->normal[0] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[1] += Contact->normal[1] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[2] += Contact->normal[2] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[3] += Contact->normal[3] * Contact->depth;


				for (int i = 0; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

					Contact->normal[0] = Normal[0];
					Contact->normal[1] = Normal[1];
					Contact->normal[2] = Normal[2];
					Contact->normal[3] = Normal[3];

			return OutTriCount;
		else return 0;
#else   // none of MERGECONTACTS and MERGECONTACTNORMALS // Just return

        return OutTriCount;
	else return 0;
// clip and generate contacts
static void _cldClipping(const dVector3 &v0, const dVector3 &v1, const dVector3 &v2) {

  // if we have edge/edge intersection
  if ( iBestAxis > 4 ) {

    dVector3 vub,vPb,vPa;


    // calculate point on box edge
    for( int i=0; i<3; i++) {
      dVector3 vRotCol;
      dReal fSign = dDOT(vBestNormal,vRotCol) > 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

      vPa[0] += fSign * vBoxHalfSize[i] * vRotCol[0];
      vPa[1] += fSign * vBoxHalfSize[i] * vRotCol[1];
      vPa[2] += fSign * vBoxHalfSize[i] * vRotCol[2];

    int iEdge = (iBestAxis-5)%3;

    // decide which edge is on triangle
    if ( iEdge == 0 ) {
    } else if ( iEdge == 1) {
    } else {

    // setup direction parameter for face edge

    dReal fParam1, fParam2;

    // setup direction parameter for box edge
    dVector3 vua;
    int col=(iBestAxis-5)/3;

    // find two closest points on both edges
    _cldClosestPointOnTwoLines( vPa, vua, vPb, vub, fParam1, fParam2 );
    vPa[0] += vua[0]*fParam1;
    vPa[1] += vua[1]*fParam1;
    vPa[2] += vua[2]*fParam1;

    vPb[0] += vub[0]*fParam2; 
    vPb[1] += vub[1]*fParam2; 
    vPb[2] += vub[2]*fParam2; 

    // calculate collision point
    dVector3 vPntTmp;


    // generate contact point between two closest points
#ifdef ORIG
    if (ctContacts < (iFlags & 0x0ffff)) {
    dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(iFlags, ContactGeoms, ctContacts, iStride);
    Contact->depth = fBestDepth;
    Contact->g1 = Geom1;
    Contact->g2 = Geom2;
    GenerateContact(iFlags, ContactGeoms, iStride,  Geom1, Geom2,
                    vPntTmp, vBestNormal, fBestDepth, ctContacts);

  // if triangle is the referent face then clip box to triangle face
  } else if ( iBestAxis == 1 ) {
    dVector3 vNormal2;

    // vNr is normal in box frame, pointing from triangle to box
    dMatrix3 mTransposed;



    dVector3 vNr;
    vNr[0]=mTransposed[0*4+0]*vNormal2[0]+  mTransposed[0*4+1]*vNormal2[1]+  mTransposed[0*4+2]*vNormal2[2];
    vNr[1]=mTransposed[1*4+0]*vNormal2[0]+  mTransposed[1*4+1]*vNormal2[1]+  mTransposed[1*4+2]*vNormal2[2];
    vNr[2]=mTransposed[2*4+0]*vNormal2[0]+  mTransposed[2*4+1]*vNormal2[1]+  mTransposed[2*4+2]*vNormal2[2];

    dVector3 vAbsNormal;
    vAbsNormal[0] = dFabs( vNr[0] );
    vAbsNormal[1] = dFabs( vNr[1] );
    vAbsNormal[2] = dFabs( vNr[2] );

    // get closest face from box
    int iB0, iB1, iB2;
    if (vAbsNormal[1] > vAbsNormal[0]) {
      if (vAbsNormal[1] > vAbsNormal[2]) {
        iB1 = 0;  iB0 = 1;  iB2 = 2;
      } else {
        iB1 = 0;  iB2 = 1;  iB0 = 2;
    } else {

      if (vAbsNormal[0] > vAbsNormal[2]) {
        iB0 = 0;  iB1 = 1;  iB2 = 2;
      } else {
        iB1 = 0;  iB2 = 1;  iB0 = 2;

    // Here find center of box face we are going to project
    dVector3 vCenter;
    dVector3 vRotCol;
    if (vNr[iB0] > 0) {
        vCenter[0] = vHullBoxPos[0] - v0[0] - vBoxHalfSize[iB0] * vRotCol[0];
      vCenter[1] = vHullBoxPos[1] - v0[1] - vBoxHalfSize[iB0] * vRotCol[1];
      vCenter[2] = vHullBoxPos[2] - v0[2] - vBoxHalfSize[iB0] * vRotCol[2];
    } else {
      vCenter[0] = vHullBoxPos[0] - v0[0] + vBoxHalfSize[iB0] * vRotCol[0];
      vCenter[1] = vHullBoxPos[1] - v0[1] + vBoxHalfSize[iB0] * vRotCol[1];
      vCenter[2] = vHullBoxPos[2] - v0[2] + vBoxHalfSize[iB0] * vRotCol[2];

    // Here find 4 corner points of box
    dVector3 avPoints[4];

    dVector3 vRotCol2;

    for(int x=0;x<3;x++) {
        avPoints[0][x] = vCenter[x] + (vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vRotCol[x]) - (vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vRotCol2[x]);
        avPoints[1][x] = vCenter[x] - (vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vRotCol[x]) - (vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vRotCol2[x]);
        avPoints[2][x] = vCenter[x] - (vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vRotCol[x]) + (vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vRotCol2[x]);
        avPoints[3][x] = vCenter[x] + (vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vRotCol[x]) + (vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vRotCol2[x]);

    // clip Box face with 4 planes of triangle (1 face plane, 3 egde planes)
    dVector3 avTempArray1[9];
    dVector3 avTempArray2[9];
    dVector4 plPlane;

    int iTempCnt1=0;
    int iTempCnt2=0;

    // zeroify vectors - necessary?
    for(int i=0; i<9; i++) {


    // Normal plane
    dVector3 vTemp;

    _cldClipPolyToPlane( avPoints, 4, avTempArray1, iTempCnt1, plPlane  );

    // Plane p0
    dVector3 vTemp2;

    _cldClipPolyToPlane( avTempArray1, iTempCnt1, avTempArray2, iTempCnt2, plPlane  );

    // Plane p1

    _cldClipPolyToPlane( avTempArray2, iTempCnt2, avTempArray1, iTempCnt1, plPlane  );

    // Plane p2

    _cldClipPolyToPlane( avTempArray1, iTempCnt1, avTempArray2, iTempCnt2, plPlane  );

    // END of clipping polygons

    // for each generated contact point
    for ( int i=0; i<iTempCnt2; i++ ) {
      // calculate depth
      dReal fTempDepth = dDOT(vNormal2,avTempArray2[i]);

      // clamp depth to zero
      if (fTempDepth > 0) {
        fTempDepth = 0;

      dVector3 vPntTmp;

#ifdef ORIG
    if (ctContacts < (iFlags & 0x0ffff)) {
          dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(iFlags, ContactGeoms, ctContacts, iStride);

          Contact->depth = -fTempDepth;
          Contact->g1 = Geom1;
          Contact->g2 = Geom2;
    GenerateContact(iFlags, ContactGeoms, iStride,  Geom1, Geom2,
                    vPntTmp, vBestNormal, -fTempDepth, ctContacts);


  // if box face is the referent face, then clip triangle on box face
  } else { // 2 <= if iBestAxis <= 4
int dCollideSTL(dxGeom* g1, dxGeom* SphereGeom, int Flags, dContactGeom* Contacts, int Stride){
    dIASSERT (Stride >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
    dIASSERT (g1->type == dTriMeshClass);
    dIASSERT (SphereGeom->type == dSphereClass);
    dIASSERT ((Flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

    dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)g1;

    // Init
    const dVector3& TLPosition = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(TriMesh);
    const dMatrix3& TLRotation = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(TriMesh);

    const unsigned uiTLSKind = TriMesh->getParentSpaceTLSKind();
    dIASSERT(uiTLSKind == SphereGeom->getParentSpaceTLSKind()); // The colliding spaces must use matching cleanup method
    TrimeshCollidersCache *pccColliderCache = GetTrimeshCollidersCache(uiTLSKind);
    SphereCollider& Collider = pccColliderCache->_SphereCollider;

    const dVector3& Position = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(SphereGeom);
    dReal Radius = dGeomSphereGetRadius(SphereGeom);

    // Sphere
    Sphere Sphere;
    dCopyVector3(Sphere.mCenter, Position);
    Sphere.mRadius = Radius;

    Matrix4x4 amatrix;

    // TC results
    if (TriMesh->doSphereTC) {
        dxTriMesh::SphereTC* sphereTC = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < TriMesh->SphereTCCache.size(); i++){
            if (TriMesh->SphereTCCache[i].Geom == SphereGeom){
                sphereTC = &TriMesh->SphereTCCache[i];

        if (!sphereTC){

            sphereTC = &TriMesh->SphereTCCache[TriMesh->SphereTCCache.size() - 1];
            sphereTC->Geom = SphereGeom;

        // Intersect
        Collider.Collide(*sphereTC, Sphere, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, 
            &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix));
    else {
        Collider.Collide(pccColliderCache->defaultSphereCache, Sphere, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, 
            &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix));

    if (! Collider.GetContactStatus()) {
        // no collision occurred
        return 0;

    // get results
    int TriCount = Collider.GetNbTouchedPrimitives();
    const int* Triangles = (const int*)Collider.GetTouchedPrimitives();

    if (TriCount != 0){
        if (TriMesh->ArrayCallback != null){
            TriMesh->ArrayCallback(TriMesh, SphereGeom, Triangles, TriCount);

        int OutTriCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < TriCount; i++){
            if (OutTriCount == (Flags & NUMC_MASK)){

            const int TriIndex = Triangles[i];

            dVector3 dv[3];
            if (!Callback(TriMesh, SphereGeom, TriIndex))

            FetchTriangle(TriMesh, TriIndex, TLPosition, TLRotation, dv);

            dVector3& v0 = dv[0];
            dVector3& v1 = dv[1];
            dVector3& v2 = dv[2];

            dVector3 vu;
            dSubtractVectors3r4(vu, v1, v0);
            vu[3] = REAL(0.0);

            dVector3 vv;
            dSubtractVectors3r4(vv, v2, v0);
            vv[3] = REAL(0.0);

            // Get plane coefficients
            dVector4 Plane;
            dCalcVectorCross3(Plane, vu, vv);

            // Even though all triangles might be initially valid, 
            // a triangle may degenerate into a segment after applying 
            // space transformation.
            if (!dSafeNormalize3(Plane)) {

            /* If the center of the sphere is within the positive halfspace of the
            * triangle's plane, allow a contact to be generated.
            * If the center of the sphere made it into the positive halfspace of a
            * back-facing triangle, then the physics update and/or velocity needs
            * to be adjusted (penetration has occured anyway).

            dReal side = dCalcVectorDot3(Plane, Position) - dCalcVectorDot3(Plane, v0);

            if(side < REAL(0.0))

            dReal Depth;
            dReal u, v;
            if (!GetContactData(Position, Radius, v0, vu, vv, Depth, u, v)){
                continue;	// Sphere doesn't hit triangle

            if (Depth < REAL(0.0)){
                continue; // Negative depth does not produce a contact

            dVector3 ContactPos;

            dReal w = REAL(1.0) - u - v;
            dAddScaledVectors3r4(ContactPos, v1, v2, u, v);
            dAddScaledVector3r4(ContactPos, v0, w);

            // Depth returned from GetContactData is depth along 
            // contact point - sphere center direction
            // we'll project it to contact normal
            dVector3 dir;
            dSubtractVectors3r4(dir, Position, ContactPos);
            dReal dirProj = dCalcVectorDot3(dir, Plane) / dCalcVectorLength3(dir);

            // Since Depth already had a requirement to be non-negative,
            // negative direction projections should not be allowed as well,
            // as otherwise the multiplication will result in negative contact depth.
            if (dirProj < REAL(0.0))
                continue; // Zero contact depth could be ignored

            dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, OutTriCount, Stride);

            dCopyVector3r4(Contact->pos, ContactPos);

            // Using normal as plane (reversed)
            dCopyNegatedVector3r4(Contact->normal, Plane);
            Contact->depth = Depth * dirProj;
            //Contact->depth = Radius - side; // (mg) penetration depth is distance along normal not shortest distance

            // We need to set these unconditionally, as the merging may fail! - Bram
            Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
            Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;
            Contact->side2 = -1;

            Contact->side1 = TriIndex;

        if (OutTriCount > 0)
            if (TriMesh->SphereContactsMergeOption == MERGE_CONTACTS_FULLY)
                dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride);
                Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
                Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;
                Contact->side2 = -1;

                if (OutTriCount > 1 && !(Flags & CONTACTS_UNIMPORTANT))
                    dVector3 pos;
                    dCopyVector3r4(pos, Contact->pos);

                    dVector3 normal;
                    dCopyScaledVector3r4(normal, Contact->normal, Contact->depth);

                    int TriIndex = Contact->side1; 

                    for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++)
                        dContactGeom* TempContact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

                        dAddVector3r4(pos, TempContact->pos);
                        dAddScaledVector3r4(normal, TempContact->normal, TempContact->depth);
                        TriIndex = (TriMesh->TriMergeCallback) ? TriMesh->TriMergeCallback(TriMesh, TriIndex, TempContact->side1) : -1;

                    Contact->side1 = TriIndex;
                    dReal invOutTriCount = dRecip(OutTriCount);
                    dCopyScaledVector3r4(Contact->pos, pos, invOutTriCount);

                    if ( !dSafeNormalize3(normal) )
                        return OutTriCount;	// Cannot merge in this pathological case

                    // Using a merged normal, means that for each intersection, this new normal will be less effective in solving the intersection.
                    // That is why we need to correct this by increasing the depth for each intersection.
                    // The maximum of the adjusted depths is our newly merged depth value - Bram.

                    dReal mergedDepth = REAL(0.0);
                    dReal minEffectiveness = REAL(0.5);
                    for ( int i = 0; i < OutTriCount; ++i )
                        dContactGeom* TempContact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);
                        dReal effectiveness = dCalcVectorDot3(normal, TempContact->normal);
                        if ( effectiveness < dEpsilon )
                            return OutTriCount; // Cannot merge this pathological case
                        // Cap our adjustment for the new normal to a factor 2, meaning a 60 deg change in normal.
                        effectiveness = ( effectiveness < minEffectiveness ) ? minEffectiveness : effectiveness;
                        dReal adjusted = TempContact->depth / effectiveness;
                        mergedDepth = ( mergedDepth < adjusted ) ? adjusted : mergedDepth;
                    Contact->depth = mergedDepth;
                    dCopyVector3r4(Contact->normal, normal);

                return 1;
            else if (TriMesh->SphereContactsMergeOption == MERGE_CONTACT_NORMALS)
                if (OutTriCount != 1 && !(Flags & CONTACTS_UNIMPORTANT))
                    dVector3 Normal;

                    dContactGeom* FirstContact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride);
                    dCopyScaledVector3r4(Normal, FirstContact->normal, FirstContact->depth);

                    for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++)
                        dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);
                        dAddScaledVector3r4(Normal, Contact->normal, Contact->depth);


                    for (int i = 0; i < OutTriCount; i++)
                        dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

                        dCopyVector3r4(Contact->normal, Normal);

                return OutTriCount;
                dIASSERT(TriMesh->SphereContactsMergeOption == DONT_MERGE_CONTACTS);
                return OutTriCount;
        else return 0;
    else return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int dCollideSTL(dxGeom* g1, dxGeom* SphereGeom, int Flags, dContactGeom* Contacts, int Stride){
	dIASSERT (Stride >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
	dIASSERT (g1->type == dTriMeshClass);
	dIASSERT (SphereGeom->type == dSphereClass);
	dIASSERT ((Flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)g1;

	// Init
	const dVector3& TLPosition = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(TriMesh);
	const dMatrix3& TLRotation = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(TriMesh);

	SphereCollider& Collider = TriMesh->_SphereCollider;

	const dVector3& Position = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(SphereGeom);
	dReal Radius = dGeomSphereGetRadius(SphereGeom);

	// Sphere
	Sphere Sphere;
	Sphere.mCenter.x = Position[0];
	Sphere.mCenter.y = Position[1];
	Sphere.mCenter.z = Position[2];
	Sphere.mRadius = Radius;

	Matrix4x4 amatrix;

	// TC results
	if (TriMesh->doSphereTC) {
		dxTriMesh::SphereTC* sphereTC = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < TriMesh->SphereTCCache.size(); i++){
			if (TriMesh->SphereTCCache[i].Geom == SphereGeom){
				sphereTC = &TriMesh->SphereTCCache[i];

		if (!sphereTC){

			sphereTC = &TriMesh->SphereTCCache[TriMesh->SphereTCCache.size() - 1];
			sphereTC->Geom = SphereGeom;
		// Intersect
		Collider.Collide(*sphereTC, Sphere, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, 
						 &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix));
	else {
		Collider.Collide(dxTriMesh::defaultSphereCache, Sphere, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, 
						 &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix));

	if (! Collider.GetContactStatus()) {
		// no collision occurred
		return 0;

	// get results
	int TriCount = Collider.GetNbTouchedPrimitives();
	const int* Triangles = (const int*)Collider.GetTouchedPrimitives();

	if (TriCount != 0){
		if (TriMesh->ArrayCallback != null){
			TriMesh->ArrayCallback(TriMesh, SphereGeom, Triangles, TriCount);

		int OutTriCount = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < TriCount; i++){
			if (OutTriCount == (Flags & NUMC_MASK)){

			const int TriIndex = Triangles[i];

			dVector3 dv[3];
			if (!Callback(TriMesh, SphereGeom, TriIndex))
			FetchTriangle(TriMesh, TriIndex, TLPosition, TLRotation, dv);

			dVector3& v0 = dv[0];
			dVector3& v1 = dv[1];
			dVector3& v2 = dv[2];

			dVector3 vu;
			vu[0] = v1[0] - v0[0];
			vu[1] = v1[1] - v0[1];
			vu[2] = v1[2] - v0[2];
			vu[3] = REAL(0.0);

			dVector3 vv;
			vv[0] = v2[0] - v0[0];
			vv[1] = v2[1] - v0[1];
			vv[2] = v2[2] - v0[2];
			vv[3] = REAL(0.0);

			// Get plane coefficients
			dVector4 Plane;
			dCROSS(Plane, =, vu, vv);

			dReal Area = dSqrt(dDOT(Plane, Plane));	// We can use this later
			Plane[0] /= Area;
			Plane[1] /= Area;
			Plane[2] /= Area;

			Plane[3] = dDOT(Plane, v0);	

			/* If the center of the sphere is within the positive halfspace of the
				* triangle's plane, allow a contact to be generated.
				* If the center of the sphere made it into the positive halfspace of a
				* back-facing triangle, then the physics update and/or velocity needs
				* to be adjusted (penetration has occured anyway).
			dReal side = dDOT(Plane,Position) - Plane[3];

			if(side < REAL(0.0)) {

			dReal Depth;
			dReal u, v;
			if (!GetContactData(Position, Radius, v0, vu, vv, Depth, u, v)){
				continue;	// Sphere doesn't hit triangle

			if (Depth < REAL(0.0)){
				Depth = REAL(0.0);

			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, OutTriCount, Stride);

			dReal w = REAL(1.0) - u - v;
			Contact->pos[0] = (v0[0] * w) + (v1[0] * u) + (v2[0] * v);
			Contact->pos[1] = (v0[1] * w) + (v1[1] * u) + (v2[1] * v);
			Contact->pos[2] = (v0[2] * w) + (v1[2] * u) + (v2[2] * v);
			Contact->pos[3] = REAL(0.0);

			// Using normal as plane (reversed)
			Contact->normal[0] = -Plane[0];
			Contact->normal[1] = -Plane[1];
			Contact->normal[2] = -Plane[2];
			Contact->normal[3] = REAL(0.0);

			// Depth returned from GetContactData is depth along 
			// contact point - sphere center direction
			// we'll project it to contact normal
			dVector3 dir;
			dir[0] = Position[0]-Contact->pos[0];
			dir[1] = Position[1]-Contact->pos[1];
			dir[2] = Position[2]-Contact->pos[2];
			dReal dirProj = dDOT(dir, Plane) / dSqrt(dDOT(dir, dir));
			Contact->depth = Depth * dirProj;
			//Contact->depth = Radius - side; // (mg) penetration depth is distance along normal not shortest distance
			Contact->side1 = TriIndex;

			//Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
			//Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;
#ifdef MERGECONTACTS	// Merge all contacts into 1
		if (OutTriCount != 0){
			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride);
			if (OutTriCount != 1 && !(Flags & CONTACTS_UNIMPORTANT)){
				Contact->normal[0] *= Contact->depth;
				Contact->normal[1] *= Contact->depth;
				Contact->normal[2] *= Contact->depth;
				Contact->normal[3] *= Contact->depth;

				for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* TempContact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);
					Contact->pos[0] += TempContact->pos[0];
					Contact->pos[1] += TempContact->pos[1];
					Contact->pos[2] += TempContact->pos[2];
					Contact->pos[3] += TempContact->pos[3];
					Contact->normal[0] += TempContact->normal[0] * TempContact->depth;
					Contact->normal[1] += TempContact->normal[1] * TempContact->depth;
					Contact->normal[2] += TempContact->normal[2] * TempContact->depth;
					Contact->normal[3] += TempContact->normal[3] * TempContact->depth;
				Contact->pos[0] /= OutTriCount;
				Contact->pos[1] /= OutTriCount;
				Contact->pos[2] /= OutTriCount;
				Contact->pos[3] /= OutTriCount;
				// Remember to divide in square space.
				Contact->depth = dSqrt(dDOT(Contact->normal, Contact->normal) / OutTriCount);


			Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
			Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;

			// TODO:
			// Side1 now contains index of triangle that gave first hit
			// Probably we should find index of triangle with deepest penetration

			return 1;
		else return 0;
#elif defined MERGECONTACTNORMALS	// Merge all normals, and distribute between all contacts
		if (OutTriCount != 0){
			if (OutTriCount != 1 && !(Flags & CONTACTS_UNIMPORTANT)){
				dVector3& Normal = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->normal;
				Normal[0] *= SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->depth;
				Normal[1] *= SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->depth;
				Normal[2] *= SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->depth;
				Normal[3] *= SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->depth;

				for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

					Normal[0] += Contact->normal[0] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[1] += Contact->normal[1] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[2] += Contact->normal[2] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[3] += Contact->normal[3] * Contact->depth;

				for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

					Contact->normal[0] = Normal[0];
					Contact->normal[1] = Normal[1];
					Contact->normal[2] = Normal[2];
					Contact->normal[3] = Normal[3];

					Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
					Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;
				SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->g1 = TriMesh;
				SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->g2 = SphereGeom;

			return OutTriCount;
		else return 0;
#else	//MERGECONTACTNORMALS	// Just gather penetration depths and return
		for (int i = 0; i < OutTriCount; i++){
			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

			//Contact->depth = dSqrt(dDOT(Contact->normal, Contact->normal));

			/*Contact->normal[0] /= Contact->depth;
			Contact->normal[1] /= Contact->depth;
			Contact->normal[2] /= Contact->depth;
			Contact->normal[3] /= Contact->depth;*/

			Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
			Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;

		return OutTriCount;
	else return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int _cldClipCylinderToBox(sCylinderBoxData& cData)

	// calculate that vector perpendicular to cylinder axis which closes lowest angle with collision normal
	dVector3 vN;
	dReal fTemp1 = dVector3Dot(cData.vCylinderAxis,cData.vNormal);
	vN[0]	=	cData.vNormal[0] - cData.vCylinderAxis[0]*fTemp1;
	vN[1]	=	cData.vNormal[1] - cData.vCylinderAxis[1]*fTemp1;
	vN[2]	=	cData.vNormal[2] - cData.vCylinderAxis[2]*fTemp1;

	// normalize that vector

	// translate cylinder end points by the vector
	dVector3 vCposTrans;
	vCposTrans[0] = cData.vCylinderPos[0] + vN[0] * cData.fCylinderRadius;
	vCposTrans[1] = cData.vCylinderPos[1] + vN[1] * cData.fCylinderRadius;
	vCposTrans[2] = cData.vCylinderPos[2] + vN[2] * cData.fCylinderRadius;

	cData.vEp0[0]  = vCposTrans[0] + cData.vCylinderAxis[0]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
	cData.vEp0[1]  = vCposTrans[1] + cData.vCylinderAxis[1]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
	cData.vEp0[2]  = vCposTrans[2] + cData.vCylinderAxis[2]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));

	cData.vEp1[0]  = vCposTrans[0] - cData.vCylinderAxis[0]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
	cData.vEp1[1]  = vCposTrans[1] - cData.vCylinderAxis[1]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
	cData.vEp1[2]  = vCposTrans[2] - cData.vCylinderAxis[2]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));

	// transform edge points in box space
	cData.vEp0[0] -= cData.vBoxPos[0];
	cData.vEp0[1] -= cData.vBoxPos[1];
	cData.vEp0[2] -= cData.vBoxPos[2];

	cData.vEp1[0] -= cData.vBoxPos[0];
	cData.vEp1[1] -= cData.vBoxPos[1];
	cData.vEp1[2] -= cData.vBoxPos[2];

	dVector3 vTemp1;
	// clip the edge to box 
	dVector4 plPlane;
	// plane 0 +x
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 1 +y
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 2 +z
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 3 -x
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 4 -y
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 5 -z
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// calculate depths for both contact points
	cData.fDepth0 = cData.fBestrb + dVector3Dot(cData.vEp0, cData.vNormal);
	cData.fDepth1 = cData.fBestrb + dVector3Dot(cData.vEp1, cData.vNormal);

	// clamp depths to 0
		cData.fDepth0 = REAL(0.0);

		cData.fDepth1 = REAL(0.0);

	// back transform edge points from box to absolute space
	cData.vEp0[0] += cData.vBoxPos[0];
	cData.vEp0[1] += cData.vBoxPos[1];
	cData.vEp0[2] += cData.vBoxPos[2];

	cData.vEp1[0] += cData.vBoxPos[0];
	cData.vEp1[1] += cData.vBoxPos[1];
	cData.vEp1[2] += cData.vBoxPos[2];

	dContactGeom* Contact0 = SAFECONTACT(cData.iFlags, cData.gContact, cData.nContacts, cData.iSkip);
	Contact0->depth = cData.fDepth0;
	Contact0->g1 = cData.gCylinder;
	Contact0->g2 = cData.gBox;
	dContactGeom* Contact1 = SAFECONTACT(cData.iFlags, cData.gContact, cData.nContacts, cData.iSkip);
	Contact1->depth = cData.fDepth1;
	Contact1->g1 = cData.gCylinder;
	Contact1->g2 = cData.gBox;

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void _cldClipBoxToCylinder(sCylinderBoxData& cData ) 
	dVector3 vCylinderCirclePos, vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel;
	// check which circle from cylinder we take for clipping
	if ( dVector3Dot(cData.vCylinderAxis, cData.vNormal) > REAL(0.0) ) 
		// get top circle
		vCylinderCirclePos[0] = cData.vCylinderPos[0] + cData.vCylinderAxis[0]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
		vCylinderCirclePos[1] = cData.vCylinderPos[1] + cData.vCylinderAxis[1]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
		vCylinderCirclePos[2] = cData.vCylinderPos[2] + cData.vCylinderAxis[2]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));

		vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[0] = REAL(0.0);
		vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[1] = REAL(0.0);
		vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[2] = REAL(0.0);
		vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[nCYLINDER_AXIS] = REAL(-1.0);
		// get bottom circle
		vCylinderCirclePos[0] = cData.vCylinderPos[0] - cData.vCylinderAxis[0]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
		vCylinderCirclePos[1] = cData.vCylinderPos[1] - cData.vCylinderAxis[1]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
		vCylinderCirclePos[2] = cData.vCylinderPos[2] - cData.vCylinderAxis[2]*(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));

		vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[0] = REAL(0.0);
		vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[1] = REAL(0.0);
		vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[2] = REAL(0.0);
		vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[nCYLINDER_AXIS] = REAL(1.0);

	// vNr is normal in Box frame, pointing from Cylinder to Box
	dVector3 vNr;
	dMatrix3 mBoxInv;

	// Find a way to use quaternion

	dVector3 vAbsNormal;

	vAbsNormal[0] = dFabs( vNr[0] );
	vAbsNormal[1] = dFabs( vNr[1] );
	vAbsNormal[2] = dFabs( vNr[2] );

	// find which face in box is closest to cylinder
	int iB0, iB1, iB2;

	// Different from Croteam's code
	if (vAbsNormal[1] > vAbsNormal[0]) 
		// 1 > 0
		if (vAbsNormal[0]> vAbsNormal[2]) 
			// 0 > 2 -> 1 > 0 >2
			iB0 = 1; iB1 = 0; iB2 = 2;
			// 2 > 0-> Must compare 1 and 2
			if (vAbsNormal[1] > vAbsNormal[2])
				// 1 > 2 -> 1 > 2 > 0
				iB0 = 1; iB1 = 2; iB2 = 0;
				// 2 > 1 -> 2 > 1 > 0;
				iB0 = 2; iB1 = 1; iB2 = 0;
		// 0 > 1
		if (vAbsNormal[1] > vAbsNormal[2]) 
			// 1 > 2 -> 0 > 1 > 2
			iB0 = 0; iB1 = 1; iB2 = 2;
			// 2 > 1 -> Must compare 0 and 2
			if (vAbsNormal[0] > vAbsNormal[2])
				// 0 > 2 -> 0 > 2 > 1;
				iB0 = 0; iB1 = 2; iB2 = 1;
				// 2 > 0 -> 2 > 0 > 1;
				iB0 = 2; iB1 = 0; iB2 = 1;

	dVector3 vCenter;
	// find center of box polygon
	dVector3 vTemp;
	if (vNr[iB0] > 0) 
		vCenter[0] = cData.vBoxPos[0] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0]*vTemp[0];
		vCenter[1] = cData.vBoxPos[1] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0]*vTemp[1];
		vCenter[2] = cData.vBoxPos[2] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0]*vTemp[2];
		vCenter[0] = cData.vBoxPos[0] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0]*vTemp[0];
		vCenter[1] = cData.vBoxPos[1] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0]*vTemp[1];
		vCenter[2] = cData.vBoxPos[2] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0]*vTemp[2];

	// find the vertices of box polygon
	dVector3 avPoints[4];
	dVector3 avTempArray1[MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS];
	dVector3 avTempArray2[MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS];

	int i=0;
	for(i=0; i<MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS; i++) 
		avTempArray1[i][0] = REAL(0.0);
		avTempArray1[i][1] = REAL(0.0);
		avTempArray1[i][2] = REAL(0.0);

		avTempArray2[i][0] = REAL(0.0);
		avTempArray2[i][1] = REAL(0.0);
		avTempArray2[i][2] = REAL(0.0);

	dVector3 vAxis1, vAxis2;


	avPoints[0][0] = vCenter[0] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[0] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[0];
	avPoints[0][1] = vCenter[1] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[1] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[1];
	avPoints[0][2] = vCenter[2] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[2] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[2];

	avPoints[1][0] = vCenter[0] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[0] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[0];
	avPoints[1][1] = vCenter[1] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[1] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[1];
	avPoints[1][2] = vCenter[2] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[2] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[2];

	avPoints[2][0] = vCenter[0] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[0] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[0];
	avPoints[2][1] = vCenter[1] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[1] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[1];
	avPoints[2][2] = vCenter[2] - cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[2] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[2];

	avPoints[3][0] = vCenter[0] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[0] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[0];
	avPoints[3][1] = vCenter[1] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[1] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[1];
	avPoints[3][2] = vCenter[2] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1] * vAxis1[2] + cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2] * vAxis2[2];

	// transform box points to space of cylinder circle
	dMatrix3 mCylinderInv;

	for(i=0; i<4; i++) 

	int iTmpCounter1 = 0;
	int iTmpCounter2 = 0;
	dVector4 plPlane;

	// plane of cylinder that contains circle for intersection
	dClipPolyToPlane(avPoints, 4, avTempArray1, iTmpCounter1, plPlane);

	// Body of base circle of Cylinder
	int nCircleSegment = 0;
	for (nCircleSegment = 0; nCircleSegment < nCYLINDER_SEGMENT; nCircleSegment++)

		if (0 == (nCircleSegment % 2))
			dClipPolyToPlane( avTempArray1 , iTmpCounter1 , avTempArray2, iTmpCounter2, plPlane);
			dClipPolyToPlane( avTempArray2, iTmpCounter2, avTempArray1 , iTmpCounter1 , plPlane );

		dIASSERT( iTmpCounter1 >= 0 && iTmpCounter1 <= MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS );
		dIASSERT( iTmpCounter2 >= 0 && iTmpCounter2 <= MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS );
	// back transform clipped points to absolute space
	dReal ftmpdot;	
	dReal fTempDepth;
	dVector3 vPoint;

	if (nCircleSegment %2)
		for( i=0; i<iTmpCounter2; i++)
			vPoint[0] += vCylinderCirclePos[0];
			vPoint[1] += vCylinderCirclePos[1];
			vPoint[2] += vCylinderCirclePos[2];

			ftmpdot	 = dVector3Dot(vTemp, cData.vNormal);
			fTempDepth = cData.fBestrc - ftmpdot;
			// Depth must be positive
			if (fTempDepth > REAL(0.0))
				// generate contacts
				dContactGeom* Contact0 = SAFECONTACT(cData.iFlags, cData.gContact, cData.nContacts, cData.iSkip);
				Contact0->depth = fTempDepth;
				Contact0->g1 = cData.gCylinder;
				Contact0->g2 = cData.gBox;
		for( i=0; i<iTmpCounter1; i++)
			vPoint[0] += vCylinderCirclePos[0];
			vPoint[1] += vCylinderCirclePos[1];
			vPoint[2] += vCylinderCirclePos[2];

			ftmpdot	 = dVector3Dot(vTemp, cData.vNormal);
			fTempDepth = cData.fBestrc - ftmpdot;
			// Depth must be positive
			if (fTempDepth > REAL(0.0))
				// generate contacts
				dContactGeom* Contact0 = SAFECONTACT(cData.iFlags, cData.gContact, cData.nContacts, cData.iSkip);
				Contact0->depth = fTempDepth;
				Contact0->g1 = cData.gCylinder;
				Contact0->g2 = cData.gBox;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int dCollideRTL(dxGeom* g1, dxGeom* RayGeom, int Flags, dContactGeom* Contacts, int Stride){
	dIASSERT (Stride >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
	dIASSERT (g1->type == dTriMeshClass);
	dIASSERT (RayGeom->type == dRayClass);
	dIASSERT ((Flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)g1;

	const dVector3& TLPosition = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(TriMesh);
	const dMatrix3& TLRotation = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(TriMesh);

	const unsigned uiTLSKind = TriMesh->getParentSpaceTLSKind();
	dIASSERT(uiTLSKind == RayGeom->getParentSpaceTLSKind()); // The colliding spaces must use matching cleanup method
	TrimeshCollidersCache *pccColliderCache = GetTrimeshCollidersCache(uiTLSKind);
	RayCollider& Collider = pccColliderCache->_RayCollider;

	dReal Length = dGeomRayGetLength(RayGeom);

	int FirstContact, BackfaceCull;
	dGeomRayGetParams(RayGeom, &FirstContact, &BackfaceCull);
	int ClosestHit = dGeomRayGetClosestHit(RayGeom);

	Collider.SetFirstContact(FirstContact != 0);
	Collider.SetClosestHit(ClosestHit != 0);
	Collider.SetCulling(BackfaceCull != 0);

	dVector3 Origin, Direction;
	dGeomRayGet(RayGeom, Origin, Direction);

	/* Make Ray */
	Ray WorldRay;
	WorldRay.mOrig.x = Origin[0];
	WorldRay.mOrig.y = Origin[1];
	WorldRay.mOrig.z = Origin[2];
	WorldRay.mDir.x = Direction[0];
	WorldRay.mDir.y = Direction[1];
	WorldRay.mDir.z = Direction[2];

	/* Intersect */
	Matrix4x4 amatrix;
        int TriCount = 0;
        if (Collider.Collide(WorldRay, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix))) {
                TriCount = pccColliderCache->Faces.GetNbFaces();

        if (TriCount == 0) {
                return 0;
	const CollisionFace* Faces = pccColliderCache->Faces.GetFaces();

	int OutTriCount = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < TriCount; i++) {
		if (TriMesh->RayCallback == null ||
                    TriMesh->RayCallback(TriMesh, RayGeom, Faces[i].mFaceID,
                                         Faces[i].mU, Faces[i].mV)) {
			const int& TriIndex = Faces[i].mFaceID;
			if (!Callback(TriMesh, RayGeom, TriIndex)) {

			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, OutTriCount, Stride);

			dVector3 dv[3];
			FetchTriangle(TriMesh, TriIndex, TLPosition, TLRotation, dv);

			dVector3 vu;
			vu[0] = dv[1][0] - dv[0][0];
			vu[1] = dv[1][1] - dv[0][1];
			vu[2] = dv[1][2] - dv[0][2];
			vu[3] = REAL(0.0);
			dVector3 vv;
			vv[0] = dv[2][0] - dv[0][0];
			vv[1] = dv[2][1] - dv[0][1];
			vv[2] = dv[2][2] - dv[0][2];
			vv[3] = REAL(0.0);

			dCROSS(Contact->normal, =, vv, vu);	// Reversed

			// Even though all triangles might be initially valid, 
			// a triangle may degenerate into a segment after applying 
			// space transformation.
			if (dSafeNormalize3(Contact->normal))
				// No sense to save on single type conversion in algorithm of this size.
				// If there would be a custom typedef for distance type it could be used 
				// instead of dReal. However using float directly is the loss of abstraction 
				// and possible loss of precision in future.
				/*float*/ dReal T = Faces[i].mDistance;
				Contact->pos[0] = Origin[0] + (Direction[0] * T);
				Contact->pos[1] = Origin[1] + (Direction[1] * T);
				Contact->pos[2] = Origin[2] + (Direction[2] * T);
				Contact->pos[3] = REAL(0.0);

				Contact->depth = T;
				Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
				Contact->g2 = RayGeom;
				Contact->side1 = TriIndex;
				Contact->side2 = -1;

				// Putting "break" at the end of loop prevents unnecessary checks on first pass and "continue"
				if (OutTriCount >= (Flags & NUMC_MASK)) {
	return OutTriCount;
// capsule - trimesh  By francisco leon
int dCollideCCTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
    dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
    dIASSERT (o1->type == dTriMeshClass);
    dIASSERT (o2->type == dCapsuleClass);
    dIASSERT ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

    dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)o1;
    dxGeom*	   gCylinder = o2;

    //Get capsule params
    dMatrix3  mCapsuleRotation;
    dVector3   vCapsulePosition;
    dVector3   vCapsuleAxis;
    dReal      vCapsuleRadius;
    dReal      fCapsuleSize;
    dMatrix3* pRot = (dMatrix3*) dGeomGetRotation(gCylinder);
    dVector3* pDst = (dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(gCylinder);
    vCapsuleAxis[0] = mCapsuleRotation[0*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
    vCapsuleAxis[1] = mCapsuleRotation[1*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
    vCapsuleAxis[2] = mCapsuleRotation[2*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
    // Get size of CCylinder
    //Set Capsule params
    GIM_CAPSULE_DATA capsule;

    capsule.m_radius = vCapsuleRadius;

    //Create contact list
    GDYNAMIC_ARRAY trimeshcontacts;

    //Collide trimeshe vs capsule

    if(trimeshcontacts.m_size == 0)
        return 0;

    GIM_CONTACT * ptrimeshcontacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT,trimeshcontacts);

    unsigned contactcount = trimeshcontacts.m_size;
    unsigned contactmax = (unsigned)(flags & NUMC_MASK);
    if (contactcount > contactmax)
        contactcount = contactmax;

    dContactGeom* pcontact;
    unsigned i;

    for (i=0;i<contactcount;i++)
        pcontact = SAFECONTACT(flags, contact, i, skip);

        pcontact->pos[0] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[0];
        pcontact->pos[1] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[1];
        pcontact->pos[2] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[2];
        pcontact->pos[3] = 1.0f;

        pcontact->normal[0] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[0];
        pcontact->normal[1] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[1];
        pcontact->normal[2] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[2];
        pcontact->normal[3] = 0;

        pcontact->depth = ptrimeshcontacts->m_depth;
        pcontact->g1 = TriMesh;
        pcontact->g2 = gCylinder;
        pcontact->side1 = ptrimeshcontacts->m_feature1;
        pcontact->side2 = -1;



    return (int)contactcount;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int dCollideTrimeshPlane( dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom* contacts, int skip )
	dIASSERT( skip >= (int)sizeof( dContactGeom ) );
	dIASSERT( o1->type == dTriMeshClass );
	dIASSERT( o2->type == dPlaneClass );
	dIASSERT ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	// Alias pointers to the plane and trimesh
	dxTriMesh* trimesh = (dxTriMesh*)( o1 );
	dVector4 plane;
	dGeomPlaneGetParams(o2, plane);

	o1 -> recomputeAABB();
	o2 -> recomputeAABB();

	//Find collision

	GDYNAMIC_ARRAY collision_result;


	if(collision_result.m_size == 0 )
	    return 0;

	unsigned int contactcount = collision_result.m_size;
	unsigned int contactmax = (unsigned int)(flags & NUMC_MASK);
	if (contactcount > contactmax)
		contactcount = contactmax;

	dContactGeom* pcontact;
	vec4f * planecontact_results = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(vec4f,collision_result);

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < contactcount; i++ )
        pcontact = SAFECONTACT(flags, contacts, i, skip);

        pcontact->pos[0] = (*planecontact_results)[0];
        pcontact->pos[1] = (*planecontact_results)[1];
        pcontact->pos[2] = (*planecontact_results)[2];
        pcontact->pos[3] = REAL(1.0);

        pcontact->normal[0] = plane[0];
        pcontact->normal[1] = plane[1];
        pcontact->normal[2] = plane[2];
        pcontact->normal[3] = 0;

        pcontact->depth = (*planecontact_results)[3];
        pcontact->g1 = o1;
        pcontact->g2 = o2;



	return (int)contactcount;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int dCollideTrimeshPlane( dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom* contacts, int skip )
	dIASSERT( skip >= (int)sizeof( dContactGeom ) );
	dIASSERT( o1->type == dTriMeshClass );
	dIASSERT( o2->type == dPlaneClass );
	dIASSERT ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	// Alias pointers to the plane and trimesh
	dxTriMesh* trimesh = (dxTriMesh*)( o1 );
	dxPlane* plane = (dxPlane*)( o2 );

	int contact_count = 0;

	// Cache the maximum contact count.
	const int contact_max = ( flags & NUMC_MASK );

	// Cache trimesh position and rotation.
	const dVector3& trimesh_pos = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition( trimesh );
	const dMatrix3& trimesh_R = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation( trimesh );

	// For all triangles.

	// Cache the triangle count.
	const int tri_count = trimesh->Data->Mesh.GetNbTriangles();

	VertexPointers VP;
	ConversionArea VC;
	dReal alpha;
	dVector3 vertex;

#if !defined(dSINGLE) || 1
	dVector3 int_vertex;		// Intermediate vertex for double precision mode.
#endif // dSINGLE

	// For each triangle
	for ( int t = 0; t < tri_count; ++t )
		// Get triangle, which should also use callback.
		trimesh->Data->Mesh.GetTriangle( VP, t, VC);

		// For each vertex.
		for ( int v = 0; v < 3; ++v )
			// Get Vertex

#if defined(dSINGLE) && 0 // Always assign via intermediate array as otherwise it is an incapsulation violation

			dMULTIPLY0_331( vertex, trimesh_R, (float*)( VP.Vertex[ v ] ) );

#else // dDOUBLE || 1

			// OPCODE data is in single precision format.
			int_vertex[ 0 ] = VP.Vertex[ v ]->x;
			int_vertex[ 1 ] = VP.Vertex[ v ]->y;
			int_vertex[ 2 ] = VP.Vertex[ v ]->z;

			dMULTIPLY0_331( vertex, trimesh_R, int_vertex );

#endif // dSINGLE/dDOUBLE
			vertex[ 0 ] += trimesh_pos[ 0 ];
			vertex[ 1 ] += trimesh_pos[ 1 ];
			vertex[ 2 ] += trimesh_pos[ 2 ];

			// Collision?

			// If alpha < 0 then point is if front of plane. i.e. no contact
			// If alpha = 0 then the point is on the plane
			alpha = plane->p[ 3 ] - dDOT( plane->p, vertex );
			// If alpha > 0 the point is behind the plane. CONTACT!
			if ( alpha > 0 )
				// Alias the contact
                dContactGeom* contact = SAFECONTACT( flags, contacts, contact_count, skip );

				contact->pos[ 0 ] = vertex[ 0 ];
				contact->pos[ 1 ] = vertex[ 1 ];
				contact->pos[ 2 ] = vertex[ 2 ];

				contact->normal[ 0 ] = plane->p[ 0 ];
				contact->normal[ 1 ] = plane->p[ 1 ];
				contact->normal[ 2 ] = plane->p[ 2 ];

				contact->depth = alpha;
				contact->g1 = plane;
				contact->g2 = trimesh;


				// All contact slots are full?
				if ( contact_count >= contact_max )
					return contact_count; // <=== STOP HERE

	// Return contact count.
	return contact_count;
int dCollideRTL(dxGeom* g1, dxGeom* RayGeom, int Flags, dContactGeom* Contacts, int Stride){
	dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)g1;

	const dVector3& TLPosition = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(TriMesh);
	const dMatrix3& TLRotation = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(TriMesh);

	RayCollider& Collider = TriMesh->_RayCollider;

	dReal Length = dGeomRayGetLength(RayGeom);

	int FirstContact, BackfaceCull;
	dGeomRayGetParams(RayGeom, &FirstContact, &BackfaceCull);
	int ClosestHit = dGeomRayGetClosestHit(RayGeom);

	Collider.SetFirstContact(FirstContact != 0);
	Collider.SetClosestHit(ClosestHit != 0);
	Collider.SetCulling(BackfaceCull != 0);

	dVector3 Origin, Direction;
	dGeomRayGet(RayGeom, Origin, Direction);

	/* Make Ray */
	Ray WorldRay;
	WorldRay.mOrig.x = Origin[0];
	WorldRay.mOrig.y = Origin[1];
	WorldRay.mOrig.z = Origin[2];
	WorldRay.mDir.x = Direction[0];
	WorldRay.mDir.y = Direction[1];
	WorldRay.mDir.z = Direction[2];

	/* Intersect */
	Matrix4x4 amatrix;
        int TriCount = 0;
        if (Collider.Collide(WorldRay, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix))) {
                TriCount = TriMesh->Faces.GetNbFaces();

        if (TriCount == 0) {
                return 0;
	const CollisionFace* Faces = TriMesh->Faces.GetFaces();

	int OutTriCount = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < TriCount; i++) {
		if (OutTriCount == (Flags & 0xffff)) {
		if (TriMesh->RayCallback == null ||
                    TriMesh->RayCallback(TriMesh, RayGeom, Faces[i].mFaceID,
                                         Faces[i].mU, Faces[i].mV)) {
			const int& TriIndex = Faces[i].mFaceID;
			if (!Callback(TriMesh, RayGeom, TriIndex)) {

			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, OutTriCount, Stride);

			dVector3 dv[3];
			FetchTriangle(TriMesh, TriIndex, TLPosition, TLRotation, dv);

			float T = Faces[i].mDistance;
			Contact->pos[0] = Origin[0] + (Direction[0] * T);
			Contact->pos[1] = Origin[1] + (Direction[1] * T);
			Contact->pos[2] = Origin[2] + (Direction[2] * T);
			Contact->pos[3] = REAL(0.0);
			dVector3 vu;
			vu[0] = dv[1][0] - dv[0][0];
			vu[1] = dv[1][1] - dv[0][1];
			vu[2] = dv[1][2] - dv[0][2];
			vu[3] = REAL(0.0);
			dVector3 vv;
			vv[0] = dv[2][0] - dv[0][0];
			vv[1] = dv[2][1] - dv[0][1];
			vv[2] = dv[2][2] - dv[0][2];
			vv[3] = REAL(0.0);

			dCROSS(Contact->normal, =, vv, vu);	// Reversed


			Contact->depth = T;
			Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
			Contact->g2 = RayGeom;
	return OutTriCount;
int sCylinderBoxData::_cldClipCylinderToBox()
	dIASSERT(m_nContacts != (m_iFlags & NUMC_MASK));

	// calculate that vector perpendicular to cylinder axis which closes lowest angle with collision normal
	dVector3 vN;
	dReal fTemp1 = dVector3Dot(m_vCylinderAxis,m_vNormal);
	vN[0]	=	m_vNormal[0] - m_vCylinderAxis[0]*fTemp1;
	vN[1]	=	m_vNormal[1] - m_vCylinderAxis[1]*fTemp1;
	vN[2]	=	m_vNormal[2] - m_vCylinderAxis[2]*fTemp1;

	// normalize that vector

	// translate cylinder end points by the vector
	dVector3 vCposTrans;
	vCposTrans[0] = m_vCylinderPos[0] + vN[0] * m_fCylinderRadius;
	vCposTrans[1] = m_vCylinderPos[1] + vN[1] * m_fCylinderRadius;
	vCposTrans[2] = m_vCylinderPos[2] + vN[2] * m_fCylinderRadius;

	m_vEp0[0]  = vCposTrans[0] + m_vCylinderAxis[0]*(m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
	m_vEp0[1]  = vCposTrans[1] + m_vCylinderAxis[1]*(m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
	m_vEp0[2]  = vCposTrans[2] + m_vCylinderAxis[2]*(m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));

	m_vEp1[0]  = vCposTrans[0] - m_vCylinderAxis[0]*(m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
	m_vEp1[1]  = vCposTrans[1] - m_vCylinderAxis[1]*(m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
	m_vEp1[2]  = vCposTrans[2] - m_vCylinderAxis[2]*(m_fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));

	// transform edge points in box space
	m_vEp0[0] -= m_vBoxPos[0];
	m_vEp0[1] -= m_vBoxPos[1];
	m_vEp0[2] -= m_vBoxPos[2];

	m_vEp1[0] -= m_vBoxPos[0];
	m_vEp1[1] -= m_vBoxPos[1];
	m_vEp1[2] -= m_vBoxPos[2];

	dVector3 vTemp1;
	// clip the edge to box 
	dVector4 plPlane;
	// plane 0 +x
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( m_vEp0, m_vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 1 +y
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( m_vEp0, m_vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 2 +z
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( m_vEp0, m_vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 3 -x
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( m_vEp0, m_vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 4 -y
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( m_vEp0, m_vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// plane 5 -z
	if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( m_vEp0, m_vEp1, plPlane )) 
		return 0; 

	// calculate depths for both contact points
	m_fDepth0 = m_fBestrb + dVector3Dot(m_vEp0, m_vNormal);
	m_fDepth1 = m_fBestrb + dVector3Dot(m_vEp1, m_vNormal);

	// clamp depths to 0
		m_fDepth0 = REAL(0.0);

		m_fDepth1 = REAL(0.0);

	// back transform edge points from box to absolute space
	m_vEp0[0] += m_vBoxPos[0];
	m_vEp0[1] += m_vBoxPos[1];
	m_vEp0[2] += m_vBoxPos[2];

	m_vEp1[0] += m_vBoxPos[0];
	m_vEp1[1] += m_vBoxPos[1];
	m_vEp1[2] += m_vBoxPos[2];

	dContactGeom* Contact0 = SAFECONTACT(m_iFlags, m_gContact, m_nContacts, m_iSkip);
	Contact0->depth = m_fDepth0;
	Contact0->g1 = m_gCylinder;
	Contact0->g2 = m_gBox;
	Contact0->side1 = -1;
	Contact0->side2 = -1;
	if (m_nContacts != (m_iFlags & NUMC_MASK))
		dContactGeom* Contact1 = SAFECONTACT(m_iFlags, m_gContact, m_nContacts, m_iSkip);
		Contact1->depth = m_fDepth1;
		Contact1->g1 = m_gCylinder;
		Contact1->g2 = m_gBox;
		Contact1->side1 = -1;
		Contact1->side2 = -1;

	return 1;
int dCollideSTL(dxGeom* g1, dxGeom* SphereGeom, int Flags, dContactGeom* Contacts, int Stride){
	dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)g1;

	// Init
	const dVector3& TLPosition = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(TriMesh);
	const dMatrix3& TLRotation = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(TriMesh);

	SphereCollider& Collider = TriMesh->_SphereCollider;

	const dVector3& Position = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(SphereGeom);
	dReal Radius = dGeomSphereGetRadius(SphereGeom);

	// Sphere
	Sphere Sphere;
	Sphere.mCenter.x = Position[0];
	Sphere.mCenter.y = Position[1];
	Sphere.mCenter.z = Position[2];
	Sphere.mRadius = Radius;

	Matrix4x4 amatrix;

	// TC results
	if (TriMesh->doSphereTC) {
		dxTriMesh::SphereTC* sphereTC = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < TriMesh->SphereTCCache.size(); i++){
			if (TriMesh->SphereTCCache[i].Geom == SphereGeom){
				sphereTC = &TriMesh->SphereTCCache[i];

		if (!sphereTC){

			sphereTC = &TriMesh->SphereTCCache[TriMesh->SphereTCCache.size() - 1];
			sphereTC->Geom = SphereGeom;
		// Intersect
		Collider.Collide(*sphereTC, Sphere, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, 
						 &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix));
	else {
		Collider.Collide(dxTriMesh::defaultSphereCache, Sphere, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, 
						 &MakeMatrix(TLPosition, TLRotation, amatrix));

        if (!Collider.GetContactStatus()) {
            /* no collision occurred */
            return 0;

	// get results
	int TriCount = Collider.GetNbTouchedPrimitives();
	const int* Triangles = (const int*)Collider.GetTouchedPrimitives();

	if (TriCount != 0){
		if (TriMesh->ArrayCallback != null){
			TriMesh->ArrayCallback(TriMesh, SphereGeom, Triangles, TriCount);

		int OutTriCount = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < TriCount; i++){
			if (OutTriCount == (Flags & 0xffff)){

			const int& TriIndex = Triangles[i];

			dVector3 dv[3];
			FetchTriangle(TriMesh, TriIndex, TLPosition, TLRotation, dv);

			dVector3& v0 = dv[0];
			dVector3& v1 = dv[1];
			dVector3& v2 = dv[2];

			dVector3 vu;
			vu[0] = v1[0] - v0[0];
			vu[1] = v1[1] - v0[1];
			vu[2] = v1[2] - v0[2];
			vu[3] = REAL(0.0);

			dVector3 vv;
			vv[0] = v2[0] - v0[0];
			vv[1] = v2[1] - v0[1];
			vv[2] = v2[2] - v0[2];
			vv[3] = REAL(0.0);

			dReal Depth;
			float u, v;
			if (!GetContactData(Position, Radius, v0, vu, vv, Depth, u, v)){
				continue;	// Sphere doesnt hit triangle
			dReal w = REAL(1.0) - u - v;

			if (Depth < REAL(0.0)){
				Depth = REAL(0.0);

			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, OutTriCount, Stride);

			Contact->pos[0] = (v0[0] * w) + (v1[0] * u) + (v2[0] * v);
			Contact->pos[1] = (v0[1] * w) + (v1[1] * u) + (v2[1] * v);
			Contact->pos[2] = (v0[2] * w) + (v1[2] * u) + (v2[2] * v);
			Contact->pos[3] = REAL(0.0);

			dVector4 Plane;
			dCROSS(Plane, =, vv, vu);	// Reversed
			Plane[3] = dDOT(Plane, v0);	// Using normal as plane.

			dReal Area = dSqrt(dDOT(Plane, Plane));	// We can use this later
			Plane[0] /= Area;
			Plane[1] /= Area;
			Plane[2] /= Area;
			Plane[3] /= Area;

			Contact->normal[0] = Plane[0];
			Contact->normal[1] = Plane[1];
			Contact->normal[2] = Plane[2];
			Contact->normal[3] = REAL(0.0);

			Contact->depth = Depth;

			//Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
			//Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;
#ifdef MERGECONTACTS	// Merge all contacts into 1
		if (OutTriCount != 0){
			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride);
			if (OutTriCount != 1){
				Contact->normal[0] *= Contact->depth;
				Contact->normal[1] *= Contact->depth;
				Contact->normal[2] *= Contact->depth;
				Contact->normal[3] *= Contact->depth;

				for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* TempContact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);
					Contact->pos[0] += TempContact->pos[0];
					Contact->pos[1] += TempContact->pos[1];
					Contact->pos[2] += TempContact->pos[2];
					Contact->pos[3] += TempContact->pos[3];
					Contact->normal[0] += TempContact->normal[0] * TempContact->depth;
					Contact->normal[1] += TempContact->normal[1] * TempContact->depth;
					Contact->normal[2] += TempContact->normal[2] * TempContact->depth;
					Contact->normal[3] += TempContact->normal[3] * TempContact->depth;
				Contact->pos[0] /= OutTriCount;
				Contact->pos[1] /= OutTriCount;
				Contact->pos[2] /= OutTriCount;
				Contact->pos[3] /= OutTriCount;
				// Remember to divide in square space.
				Contact->depth = dSqrt(dDOT(Contact->normal, Contact->normal) / OutTriCount);


			Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
			Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;

			return 1;
		else return 0;
#elif defined MERGECONTACTNORMALS	// Merge all normals, and distribute between all contacts
		if (OutTriCount != 0){
			if (OutTriCount != 1){
				dVector3& Normal = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->normal;
				Normal[0] *= SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->depth;
				Normal[1] *= SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->depth;
				Normal[2] *= SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->depth;
				Normal[3] *= SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->depth;

				for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

					Normal[0] += Contact->normal[0] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[1] += Contact->normal[1] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[2] += Contact->normal[2] * Contact->depth;
					Normal[3] += Contact->normal[3] * Contact->depth;

				for (int i = 1; i < OutTriCount; i++){
					dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

					Contact->normal[0] = Normal[0];
					Contact->normal[1] = Normal[1];
					Contact->normal[2] = Normal[2];
					Contact->normal[3] = Normal[3];

					Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
					Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;
				SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->g1 = TriMesh;
				SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, 0, Stride)->g2 = SphereGeom;

			return OutTriCount;
		else return 0;
#else	//MERGECONTACTNORMALS	// Just gather penetration depths and return
		for (int i = 0; i < OutTriCount; i++){
			dContactGeom* Contact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

			//Contact->depth = dSqrt(dDOT(Contact->normal, Contact->normal));

			/*Contact->normal[0] /= Contact->depth;
			Contact->normal[1] /= Contact->depth;
			Contact->normal[2] /= Contact->depth;
			Contact->normal[3] /= Contact->depth;*/

			Contact->g1 = TriMesh;
			Contact->g2 = SphereGeom;

		return OutTriCount;
	else return 0;
int dCollideTrimeshPlane( dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom* contacts, int skip )
	dIASSERT( skip >= (int)sizeof( dContactGeom ) );
	dIASSERT( o1->type == dTriMeshClass );
	dIASSERT( o2->type == dPlaneClass );
	dIASSERT ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

	// Alias pointers to the plane and trimesh
	dxTriMesh* trimesh = (dxTriMesh*)( o1 );
	dxPlane* plane = (dxPlane*)( o2 );

	int contact_count = 0;

	// Cache the maximum contact count.
	const int contact_max = ( flags & NUMC_MASK );

	// Cache trimesh position and rotation.
	const dVector3& trimesh_pos = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition( trimesh );
	const dMatrix3& trimesh_R = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation( trimesh );

	// For all triangles.

	VertexPointersEx VPE;
	VertexPointers &VP = VPE.vp;
	ConversionArea VC;
	dReal alpha;
	dVector3 vertex;
#if !defined(dSINGLE) || 1
	dVector3 int_vertex;		// Intermediate vertex for double precision mode.
#endif // dSINGLE

	const unsigned uiTLSKind = trimesh->getParentSpaceTLSKind();
	dIASSERT(uiTLSKind == plane->getParentSpaceTLSKind()); // The colliding spaces must use matching cleanup method
	TrimeshCollidersCache *pccColliderCache = GetTrimeshCollidersCache(uiTLSKind);
	VertexUseCache &vertex_use_cache = pccColliderCache->VertexUses;

	// Reallocate vertex use cache if necessary
	const int vertex_count = trimesh->Data->Mesh.GetNbVertices();
	const bool cache_status = vertex_use_cache.ResizeAndResetVertexUSEDFlags(vertex_count);

	// Cache the triangle count.
	const int tri_count = trimesh->Data->Mesh.GetNbTriangles();

	// For each triangle
	for ( int t = 0; t < tri_count; ++t )
		// Get triangle, which should also use callback.
		bool ex_avail = trimesh->Data->Mesh.GetExTriangle( VPE, t, VC);
		// For each vertex.
		for ( int v = 0; v < 3; ++v )
			// point already used ?
			if (cache_status && ex_avail)
				unsigned VIndex = VPE.Index[v];
				if (vertex_use_cache.GetVertexUSEDFlag(VIndex))
				// mark this point as used
			// Get Vertex

#if defined(dSINGLE) && 0 // Always assign via intermediate array as otherwise it is an incapsulation violation

			dMultiply0_331( vertex, trimesh_R, (float*)( VP.Vertex[ v ] ) );

#else // dDOUBLE || 1

			// OPCODE data is in single precision format.
			int_vertex[ 0 ] = VP.Vertex[ v ]->x;
			int_vertex[ 1 ] = VP.Vertex[ v ]->y;
			int_vertex[ 2 ] = VP.Vertex[ v ]->z;

			dMultiply0_331( vertex, trimesh_R, int_vertex );

#endif // dSINGLE/dDOUBLE
			vertex[ 0 ] += trimesh_pos[ 0 ];
			vertex[ 1 ] += trimesh_pos[ 1 ];
			vertex[ 2 ] += trimesh_pos[ 2 ];

			// Collision?

			// If alpha < 0 then point is if front of plane. i.e. no contact
			// If alpha = 0 then the point is on the plane
			alpha = plane->p[ 3 ] - dCalcVectorDot3( plane->p, vertex );
			// If alpha > 0 the point is behind the plane. CONTACT!
			if ( alpha > 0 )
				// Alias the contact
                dContactGeom* contact = SAFECONTACT( flags, contacts, contact_count, skip );

				contact->pos[ 0 ] = vertex[ 0 ];
				contact->pos[ 1 ] = vertex[ 1 ];
				contact->pos[ 2 ] = vertex[ 2 ];

				contact->normal[ 0 ] = plane->p[ 0 ];
				contact->normal[ 1 ] = plane->p[ 1 ];
				contact->normal[ 2 ] = plane->p[ 2 ];

				contact->depth = alpha;
				contact->g1 = trimesh;
				contact->g2 = plane;
				contact->side1 = t;
				contact->side2 = -1;


				// All contact slots are full?
				if ( contact_count >= contact_max )
					return contact_count; // <=== STOP HERE

	// Return contact count.
	return contact_count;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int dCollideTTL(dxGeom* g1, dxGeom* g2, int Flags, dContactGeom* Contacts, int Stride)
    dIASSERT (Stride >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom));
    dIASSERT (g1->type == dTriMeshClass);
    dIASSERT (g2->type == dTriMeshClass);
    dIASSERT ((Flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 1);

    dxTriMesh* TriMesh1 = (dxTriMesh*) g1;
    dxTriMesh* TriMesh2 = (dxTriMesh*) g2;
    //Create contact list
    GDYNAMIC_ARRAY trimeshcontacts;

    g1 -> recomputeAABB();
    g2 -> recomputeAABB();

    //Collide trimeshes

    if(trimeshcontacts.m_size == 0)
        return 0;

    GIM_CONTACT * ptrimeshcontacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT,trimeshcontacts);

    unsigned contactcount = trimeshcontacts.m_size;
    unsigned maxcontacts = (unsigned)(Flags & NUMC_MASK);
    if (contactcount > maxcontacts)
        contactcount = maxcontacts;

    dContactGeom* pcontact;
    unsigned i;

    for (i=0;i<contactcount;i++)
        pcontact = SAFECONTACT(Flags, Contacts, i, Stride);

        pcontact->pos[0] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[0];
        pcontact->pos[1] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[1];
        pcontact->pos[2] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[2];
        pcontact->pos[3] = 1.0f;

        pcontact->normal[0] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[0];
        pcontact->normal[1] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[1];
        pcontact->normal[2] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[2];
        pcontact->normal[3] = 0;

        pcontact->depth = ptrimeshcontacts->m_depth;
        pcontact->g1 = g1;
        pcontact->g2 = g2;
        pcontact->side1 = ptrimeshcontacts->m_feature1;
        pcontact->side2 = ptrimeshcontacts->m_feature2;



    return (int)contactcount;