Ejemplo n.º 1
static void SpawnFly(AActor *self, const PClass *spawntype, FSoundID sound)
	AActor *newmobj;
	AActor *fog = NULL;
	AActor *eye = self->master; // The eye is the spawnshot's master, not the target!
	AActor *targ = self->target; // Unlike other projectiles, the target is the intended destination.
	int r;
	// [BC] Brain spitting is server-side.
	if ( NETWORK_InClientMode() )

	// [GZ] Should be more viable than a countdown...
	if (self->special2 != 0)
		if (self->special2 > level.maptime)
			return;		// still flying
		if (self->reactiontime == 0 || --self->reactiontime != 0)
			return;		// still flying
	if (spawntype != NULL)
		fog = Spawn (spawntype, targ->x, targ->y, targ->z, ALLOW_REPLACE);
		if (fog != NULL) S_Sound (fog, CHAN_BODY, sound, 1, ATTN_NORM);

	// [BC] If we're the server, spawn the fire, and tell clients to play the sound.
	if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER ) && ( fog ))
		SERVERCOMMANDS_SpawnThing( fog );
		SERVERCOMMANDS_SoundPoint( fog->x, fog->y, fog->z, CHAN_BODY, "brain/spawn", 1, ATTN_NORM );

	FName SpawnName;

	FDropItem *di;   // di will be our drop item list iterator
	FDropItem *drop; // while drop stays as the reference point.
	int n = 0;

	// First see if this cube has its own actor list
	drop = self->GetDropItems();

	// If not, then default back to its master's list
	if (drop == NULL && eye != NULL)
		drop = eye->GetDropItems();

	if (drop != NULL)
		for (di = drop; di != NULL; di = di->Next)
			if (di->Name != NAME_None)
				if (di->amount < 0)
					di->amount = 1; // default value is -1, we need a positive value.
				n += di->amount; // this is how we can weight the list.
		di = drop;
		n = pr_spawnfly(n);
		while (n >= 0)
			if (di->Name != NAME_None)
				n -= di->amount; // logically, none of the -1 values have survived by now.
			if ((di->Next != NULL) && (n >= 0))
				di = di->Next;
				n = -1;
		SpawnName = di->Name;
	if (SpawnName == NAME_None)
		// Randomly select monster to spawn.
		r = pr_spawnfly ();

		// Probability distribution (kind of :),
		// decreasing likelihood.
			 if (r < 50)  SpawnName = "DoomImp";
		else if (r < 90)  SpawnName = "Demon";
		else if (r < 120) SpawnName = "Spectre";
		else if (r < 130) SpawnName = "PainElemental";
		else if (r < 160) SpawnName = "Cacodemon";
		else if (r < 162) SpawnName = "Archvile";
		else if (r < 172) SpawnName = "Revenant";
		else if (r < 192) SpawnName = "Arachnotron";
		else if (r < 222) SpawnName = "Fatso";
		else if (r < 246) SpawnName = "HellKnight";
		else			  SpawnName = "BaronOfHell";
	spawntype = PClass::FindClass(SpawnName);
	if (spawntype != NULL)
		newmobj = Spawn (spawntype, targ->x, targ->y, targ->z, ALLOW_REPLACE);
		if (newmobj != NULL)
			// Make the new monster hate what the boss eye hates
			if (eye != NULL)
				newmobj->CopyFriendliness (eye, false);
			// Make it act as if it was around when the player first made noise
			// (if the player has made noise).
			newmobj->LastHeard = newmobj->Sector->SoundTarget;

			if (newmobj->SeeState != NULL && P_LookForPlayers (newmobj, true, NULL))
				newmobj->SetState (newmobj->SeeState);
			if (!(newmobj->ObjectFlags & OF_EuthanizeMe))
				// telefrag anything in this spot
				P_TeleportMove (newmobj, newmobj->x, newmobj->y, newmobj->z, true);

				// [BC] If we're the server, tell clients to spawn the new monster.
				if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
					SERVERCOMMANDS_SpawnThing( newmobj );
					if ( newmobj->state == newmobj->SeeState )
						SERVERCOMMANDS_SetThingState( newmobj, STATE_SEE );
			newmobj->flags4 |= MF4_BOSSSPAWNED;

	// [BC] Tell clients to destroy the cube.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVERCOMMANDS_DestroyThing( self );

	// remove self (i.e., cube).
	self->Destroy ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
void DUEL_DoFight( void )
	ULONG				ulIdx;
	DHUDMessageFadeOut	*pMsg;

	// No longer waiting to duel.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_CLIENT )
		DUEL_SetState( DS_INDUEL );

	// Make sure this is 0. Can be non-zero in network games if they're slightly out of sync.
	g_ulDuelCountdownTicks = 0;

	// Reset level time to 0.
	level.time = 0;

	for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < MAXPLAYERS; ulIdx++ )
		// Since the level time is being reset, also reset the last frag/excellent time for
		// each player.
		players[ulIdx].ulLastExcellentTick = 0;
		players[ulIdx].ulLastFragTick = 0;
		players[ulIdx].ulLastBFGFragTick = 0;

		players[ulIdx].ulDeathsWithoutFrag = 0;
		players[ulIdx].ulFragsWithoutDeath = 0;
		players[ulIdx].ulRailgunShots = 0;

	// Tell clients to "fight!".
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVERCOMMANDS_DoGameModeFight( 0 );

	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_SERVER )
		// Play fight sound.
		ANNOUNCER_PlayEntry( cl_announcer, "Fight" );

		screen->SetFont( BigFont );

		// Display "FIGHT!" HUD message.
		pMsg = new DHUDMessageFadeOut( "FIGHT!",
			1.0f );

		StatusBar->AttachMessage( pMsg, 'CNTR' );
		screen->SetFont( SmallFont );
	// Display a little thing in the server window so servers can know when matches begin.
		Printf( "FIGHT!\n" );

	// Reset the map.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_CLIENT )
		GAME_ResetMap( );

	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_CLIENT )
		// Respawn the players.
		for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < MAXPLAYERS; ulIdx++ )
			if (( playeringame[ulIdx] ) && ( PLAYER_IsTrueSpectator( &players[ulIdx] ) == false ))
				if ( players[ulIdx].mo )
					if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
						SERVERCOMMANDS_DestroyThing( players[ulIdx].mo );

					players[ulIdx].mo->Destroy( );
					players[ulIdx].mo = NULL;

				// Set the player's state to PST_REBORNNOINVENTORY so they everything is cleared (weapons, etc.)
				players[ulIdx].playerstate = PST_REBORNNOINVENTORY;
				G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer( ulIdx, true );

				if ( players[ulIdx].pSkullBot )
					players[ulIdx].pSkullBot->PostEvent( BOTEVENT_DUEL_FIGHT );
