Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Invoked when a server of the specified service dies
void svc_postmortem( struct service *sp, struct server *serp )
   struct service  *co_sp   = SERVER_CONNSERVICE( serp ) ;
   connection_s    *cp      = SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ;
   const char      *func    = "svc_postmortem" ;


    * Log information about the server that died
   if ( SVC_IS_LOGGING( sp ) )
      if ( SERVER_WRITES_TO_LOG(serp) )
         if ( debug.on )
            msg( LOG_DEBUG, func,
                        "Checking log size of %s service", SVC_ID( sp ) ) ;
         xlog_control( SVC_LOG( sp ), XLOG_SIZECHECK ) ;
      svc_log_exit( sp, serp ) ;

    * Now check if we have to check the log size of the service that owns
    * the connection
   if ( co_sp != sp && SVC_IS_LOGGING( co_sp ) )
      xlog_control( SVC_LOG( co_sp ), XLOG_SIZECHECK ) ;

   if (!SVC_WAITS(sp)) {
      conn_free( cp, 1 ) ;
      cp = NULL;
   } else {
      if (cp) {
         if ( SVC_SOCKET_TYPE( sp ) == SOCK_DGRAM )
            drain( cp->co_descriptor ) ;
         cp = NULL;
         if( SVC_RELE( sp ) == 0 )
            svc_release( sp ); /* shouldn't be 0, but should remove from
                                * pset if it is... */
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Read data from the remote socket and send it to the appropriate local 
 * socket.
 * If this is a new connection, insert it in the connection table and
 * place its handle in *chpp.
static void udp_remote_to_local( struct intercept_s *ip, channel_s **chpp )
   char               buf[ MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE ] ;
   packet_s           packet ;
   channel_s          *chp ;
   bool_int           addr_checked ;

   *chpp = CHANNEL_NULL ;

   packet.data = buf ;
   packet.size = sizeof( buf ) ;
   if ( get_incoming_packet( ip, &packet ) == FAILED )
      return ;

   chp = int_lookupconn( ip, &packet.from, &addr_checked ) ;
   if ( chp == CHANNEL_NULL )
      struct server      *serp = INT_SERVER( ip ) ;
      struct service    *sp = SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ;
      connection_s      *cop = SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ;

      if ( ( chp = int_newconn( ip, &packet.from, INT_REMOTE( ip ) ) ) == NULL )
         return ;

      CONN_SETADDR( cop, &packet.from ) ;      /* for logging */

      if ( INTERCEPT( ip ) )
         mask_t check_mask ;
         access_e result ;

         M_OR( check_mask, XMASK( CF_ADDRESS ), XMASK( CF_TIME ) ) ;
         result = access_control( sp, cop, &check_mask ) ;

         if ( result != AC_OK )
            svc_log_failure( sp, cop, result ) ;
            chp->ch_state = BAD_CHANNEL ;
            return ;
       * Since we don't distinguish ports, there is no point to log
       * another successful attempt from the same address
      if ( ! addr_checked )
         svc_log_success( sp, cop, SERVER_PID( serp ) ) ;
      *chpp = chp ;
   else if ( chp->ch_state == BAD_CHANNEL )
      return ;
   if ( debug.on )
      msg( LOG_DEBUG, "udp_remote_to_local",
               "sending %d bytes to server on port %d",
                     packet.size, ntohs( INT_LOCALADDR( ip )->sin_port ) ) ;

   send_data( chp->ch_local_socket,
         packet.data, packet.size, NULL ) ;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void tcpmux_handler( const struct server *serp )
   char      svc_name[ BUFFER_SIZE ] ;
   int       cc ;
   int       descriptor = SERVER_FD( serp ) ;
   const     struct service *svc = SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ;
   unsigned  u;
   struct    service *sp = NULL;
   struct    server server, *nserp;
   struct    service_config *scp = NULL;


   /*  Read in the name of the service in the format "svc_name\r\n".
    *  XXX: should loop on partial reads (could probably use Sread() if
    *  it wasn't thrown out of xinetd source code a few revisions back).
      cc = read( descriptor, svc_name, sizeof( svc_name ) ) ;
   } while (cc == -1 && errno == EINTR);

   if ( cc <= 0 )
      msg(LOG_ERR, "tcpmux_handler", "read failed");

   if ( ( cc <= 2 ) ||
        ( ( svc_name[cc - 1] != '\n' ) || ( svc_name[cc - 2] != '\r' ) ) )
      if ( debug.on )
         msg(LOG_DEBUG, "tcpmux_handler", "Invalid service name format.");

   svc_name[cc - 2] = '\0';  /*  Remove \r\n for compare */

   if ( debug.on )
      msg(LOG_DEBUG, "tcpmux_handler", "Input (%d bytes) %s as service name.",
          cc, svc_name);

   /*  Search the services for the a match on name.

   for ( u = 0 ; u < pset_count( SERVICES( ps ) ) ; u++ )
      sp = SP( pset_pointer( SERVICES( ps ), u ) ) ;

      if ( strcasecmp( svc_name, SC_NAME( SVC_CONF( sp ) ) ) == 0 )
         /*  Found the pointer. Validate its type.
         scp = SVC_CONF( sp );
         if ( ! SVC_IS_MUXCLIENT( sp ) )
            if ( debug.on )
               msg(LOG_DEBUG, "tcpmux_handler", "Non-tcpmux service name: %s.",

         /*  Send the accept string if we're a PLUS (+) client.

         if ( SVC_IS_MUXPLUSCLIENT( sp ) )
            if ( Swrite( descriptor, TCPMUX_ACK, sizeof( TCPMUX_ACK ) ) !=
                 sizeof( TCPMUX_ACK ) )
                msg(LOG_ERR, "tcpmux_handler", "Ack write failed for %s.",
         break;  /*  Time to get on with the service */
      continue;  /*  Keep looking */

   if ( u >= pset_count( SERVICES( ps ) ) )
      if ( debug.on )
         msg(LOG_DEBUG, "tcpmux_handler", "Service name %s not found.",

   if( SVC_WAITS( svc ) ) /* Service forks, so close it */

   server.svr_sp = sp;
   server.svr_conn = SERVER_CONNECTION(serp);
   nserp = server_alloc(&server);
   if( SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) ) {
      SC_INTERNAL(scp, nserp);
   } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: child.c Proyecto: aosm/xinetd
 * This function is invoked in a forked process to run a server. 
 * If the service is internal the appropriate function is invoked
 * otherwise the server program is exec'ed.
 * This function also logs the remote user id if appropriate
void child_process( struct server *serp )
   struct service          *sp  = SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ;
   connection_s            *cp  = SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ;
   struct service_config   *scp = SVC_CONF( sp ) ;
   const char              *func = "child_process" ;


   if ((signals_pending[0] >= 0 && Sclose(signals_pending[0])) ||
       (signals_pending[1] >= 0 && Sclose(signals_pending[1])))
      msg(LOG_ERR, func, "Failed to close the signal pipe: %m");
   signals_pending[0] = -1;
   signals_pending[1] = -1;


   if ( debug.on )
      msg( LOG_DEBUG, func, "Process %d is sleeping", getpid() ) ;
      sleep( 10 ) ;

   if ( ! SC_IS_INTERCEPTED( scp ) )
      set_credentials( scp ) ;
      if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_NICE ) )
         (void) nice( SC_NICE( scp ) ) ;

   if ( svc_child_access_control(sp, cp) != OK )

   if ( SERVER_LOGUSER( serp ) )
      unsigned   timeout ;
      idresult_e result ;
       * We use LOGUSER_SUCCESS_TIMEOUT unless the service requires
       * identification, in which case we use an infinite timeout
      timeout = SC_MUST_IDENTIFY( scp ) ? 0 : LOGUSER_SUCCESS_TIMEOUT ;
      result = log_remote_user( serp, timeout ) ;

      if ( result != IDR_OK && SC_MUST_IDENTIFY( scp ) )
         svc_logprint( sp, NOID_ENTRY, "%s %s",
                  conn_addrstr( SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ),
                     idresult_explain( result ) ) ;
         _exit( 0 ) ;

   if ( scp->sc_sessioncreate == YES ) 
      if ( SessionCreate(0, sessionHasTTY|sessionIsRemote) != noErr )
         svc_logprint( sp, "SessionCreate", "SessionCreate() failed!" );

   /* this is where the server gets executed  -bbraun */
   if ( ! SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) )
      if( scp->sc_redir_addr != NULL )
         redir_handler( serp );
#if defined(HAVE_SETENV)
         char buff[1024];

         strx_sprint(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "REMOTE_HOST=%s", conn_addrstr(cp));
         if( env_addstr(SC_ENV(scp)->env_handle, buff) != ENV_OK ) {
            msg( LOG_ERR, func, "Error adding REMOTE_HOST variable for %s: %m", SC_NAME(scp) );
            _exit( 1 ) ;
         exec_server( serp ) ;
      char name[ 180 ] ;
       * We don't bother to disassociate from the controlling terminal
       *   (we have a controlling terminal only if debug.on is TRUE)
       * Also, for interceptor processes, we give them the name:
       *            <program_name> <service-id> interceptor
      if ( SC_IS_INTERCEPTED( scp ) )
         strx_print( INT_NULL, name, sizeof( name ) - 1,
                           "%s %s interceptor", program_name, SC_ID( scp ) ) ;
         int namelen = sizeof( name ) - 1 ;      /* leave space for the NUL */
         char host[NI_MAXHOST];
         size_t hostlen = NI_MAXHOST;
         socklen_t addrlen = 0;
         union xsockaddr *sinp = CONN_XADDRESS(SERVER_CONNECTION(serp));
         int len;

         if( sinp == NULL )

         if( SC_IPV6(scp) ) addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
         else if( SC_IPV4(scp) ) addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);

         len = strx_nprint(name, namelen, "(%s service) %s", program_name,
            SC_ID( scp ) ) ;

         if( getnameinfo( SA(sinp), addrlen, host, hostlen, NULL, 0, 0) != 0 )
               strcpy(host, "unknown");

         if ( SC_IPV6(scp) && SC_ACCEPTS_CONNECTIONS( scp ) && 
               !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&sinp->sa_in6.sin6_addr) )
            strx_print( INT_NULL, &name[ len ], namelen - len, " %s" , host ) ;
         if ( SC_IPV4(scp) && SC_ACCEPTS_CONNECTIONS( scp ) )
            strx_print( INT_NULL, &name[ len ], namelen - len, " %s", host ) ;
      rename_process( name ) ;
      SVC_INTERNAL( sp, serp ) ;
   _exit( 0 ) ;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * This function always runs in a forked process.
idresult_e log_remote_user( const struct server *serp, unsigned timeout )
    static char         buf[ IBUFSIZE ] ;
    int                 cc ;
    union xsockaddr     sin_local, sin_remote, sin_contact, sin_bind;
    volatile unsigned   local_port;
    volatile unsigned   remote_port;
    int                 sd ;
    socklen_t           sin_len ;
    char               *p ;
    const char         *func = "log_remote_user" ;

    if ( timeout && signal( SIGALRM, sigalrm_handler ) == SIG_ERR )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "signal: %m" ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

     * Determine local and remote addresses
    sin_len = sizeof( sin_local ) ;
    if ( getsockname( SERVER_FD( serp ), &sin_local.sa, &sin_len ) == -1 )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "(%d) getsockname: %m", getpid() ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

         * This shouldn't happen since identification only works for
         * connection-based services.
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "connection has no address" ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

    CLEAR( sin_contact );
    sin_remote = *CONN_XADDRESS( SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ) ;
    sin_contact = sin_remote;
    memcpy( &sin_bind, &sin_local, sizeof(sin_bind) ) ;
    local_port = 0;
    remote_port = 0;
    if( sin_remote.sa.sa_family == AF_INET ) {
        local_port = ntohs( sin_local.sa_in6.sin6_port ) ;
        remote_port = ntohs( sin_remote.sa_in6.sin6_port ) ;
        sin_contact.sa_in6.sin6_port = htons( IDENTITY_SERVICE_PORT ) ;
        sin_bind.sa_in.sin_port = 0 ;
    } else if( sin_remote.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 ) {
        local_port = ntohs( sin_local.sa_in.sin_port ) ;
        remote_port = ntohs( sin_remote.sa_in.sin_port ) ;
        sin_contact.sa_in.sin_port = htons( IDENTITY_SERVICE_PORT ) ;
        sin_bind.sa_in6.sin6_port = 0 ;

     * Create a socket, bind it, and set the close-on-exec flag on the
     * descriptor. We set the flag in case we are called as part of a
     * successful attempt to start a server (i.e. execve will follow).
     * The socket must be bound to the receiving address or ident might
     * fail for multi-homed hosts.
    sd = socket( sin_remote.sa.sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ;
    if ( sd == -1 )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "socket creation: %m" ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;
    if ( bind(sd, &sin_bind.sa, sizeof(sin_bind.sa)) == -1 )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "socket bind: %m" ) ;
        (void) Sclose( sd ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;
    if ( fcntl( sd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC ) == -1 )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "fcntl F_SETFD: %m" ) ;
        (void) Sclose( sd ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

    if ( timeout ) {
        if ( sigsetjmp( env, 1 ) == 0 )
            START_TIMER( timeout ) ;
        else {
            Sclose( sd ) ;
            return( IDR_TIMEDOUT ) ;

    if ( connect( sd, &sin_contact.sa, sizeof( sin_contact ) ) == -1 )
        if ( timeout ) {
            STOP_TIMER() ;
            signal ( SIGALRM, SIG_DFL ) ;
        Sclose( sd );
        return( IDR_NOSERVER ) ;

    cc = strx_nprint( buf, sizeof( buf ),
                      "%d,%d\r\n", remote_port, local_port ) ;
    if ( write_buf( sd, buf, cc ) == FAILED )
        if ( timeout ) {
            STOP_TIMER() ;
            signal ( SIGALRM, SIG_DFL ) ;
        Sclose( sd );
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

    p = get_line( sd, buf, sizeof( buf ) ) ;

    if ( timeout ) {
        STOP_TIMER() ;
        signal ( SIGALRM, SIG_DFL ) ;

    if ( p == NULL ) {
        Sclose( sd );
        return( IDR_RESPERR ) ;

     * Verify that the received line is OK
    if ( ( p = verify_line( buf, local_port, remote_port ) ) == NULL )
        msg(LOG_ERR, func, "Bad line received from identity server at %s: %s",
            xaddrname( &sin_remote ), buf ) ;
        Sclose( sd );
        return( IDR_BADRESP ) ;

    svc_logprint( SERVER_CONNSERVICE( serp ), USERID_ENTRY, "%s", p ) ;
    return( IDR_OK ) ;