static void se_setHelperCamera(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,jfloatArray location, jfloatArray axisZ, jfloatArray up, jfloat fov, jfloat ratio, float near, float far) { jstring sceneName = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, sceneNameID); const char* sceneName8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(sceneName, 0); SE_Scene* scene = findScene(sceneName8); if(!scene) { env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sceneName, sceneName8); return; } SE_Camera* camera = SE_Application::getInstance()->getHelperCamera(SE_SHADOWCAMERA); if(!camera) { env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sceneName, sceneName8); return; } if(_DEBUG) LOGD("BORQS## se_setHelperCamera get camera ok!!### \n"); float* cLocation = env->GetFloatArrayElements(location, 0); float* cAxisZ = env->GetFloatArrayElements(axisZ, 0); float* cUp = env->GetFloatArrayElements(up, 0); SE_Vector3f mLocation = SE_Vector3f(cLocation[0],cLocation[1],cLocation[2]); SE_Vector3f mAxisZ = SE_Vector3f(cAxisZ[0],cAxisZ[1],cAxisZ[2]); SE_Vector3f mUp = SE_Vector3f(cUp[0],cUp[1],cUp[2]); camera->create(mLocation, mAxisZ, mUp, fov, ratio, near, far); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(location, cLocation, 0); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(axisZ, cAxisZ, 0); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(up, cUp, 0); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sceneName, sceneName8); }
static void se_addLightToScene(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jstring lightName, jfloatArray lightpos, jfloatArray lightdir,jfloatArray spotdata,jint lighttype) { jstring sceneName = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, sceneNameID); const char* sceneName8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(sceneName, 0); SE_Scene* scene = findScene(sceneName8); if(scene) { float* lpos = env->GetFloatArrayElements(lightpos, 0); float* ldir = env->GetFloatArrayElements(lightdir, 0); float* lspotdata = env->GetFloatArrayElements(spotdata, 0); SE_Vector3f pos = SE_Vector3f(lpos[0],lpos[1],lpos[2]); SE_Vector3f dir = SE_Vector3f(ldir[0],ldir[1],ldir[2]); SE_Light::LightType lt = (SE_Light::LightType)lighttype; SE_Light* light = new SE_Light(); float att = lpos[3]; float spot_cutoff = lspotdata[0]; float spot_exp = lspotdata[1]; light->setLightType(lt); light->setLightPos(pos); light->setAttenuation(att);//point attenuation from 0 to 1.0, 0 means no attenuation light->setLightDir(dir); const char* lightName8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(lightName, 0); light->setLightName(lightName8); light->setSpotLightCutOff(spot_cutoff); light->setSpotLightExp(spot_exp); light->setDirLightStrength(1.0); scene->addLightToScene(light); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(lightpos, lpos, 0); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(lightdir, ldir, 0); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(lightName, lightName8); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(spotdata, ldir, 0); } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sceneName, sceneName8); }
SE_Vector3f SE_Quat::map(const SE_Vector3f& v) const { SE_Quat vq(v, 0); if(!vq.hasInverse()) { return SE_Vector3f(0, 0, 0); } SE_Quat ret = mul(vq).mul(inverse()); return SE_Vector3f(ret.x, ret.y , ret.z); }
static SE_RenderUnit* createSelectedFrame(SE_Geometry* spatial) { SE_RenderUnit* ru = NULL; if(spatial) { SE_BoundingVolume* bv = spatial->getWorldBoundingVolume(); if(bv) { SE_AABBBV* aabbBV = NULL; SE_SphereBV* sphereBV = NULL; SE_OBBBV* obbBV = NULL; switch(bv->getType()) { case AABB: { aabbBV = (SE_AABBBV*)bv; SE_AABB aabb = aabbBV->getGeometry(); SE_Segment edge[12]; aabb.getEdge(edge); std::string renderUnitName = std::string(spatial->getSpatialName()) + "lineedge"; #ifdef USE_RUMANAGER SE_RenderUnitManager* srum = SE_Application::getInstance()->getRenderUnitManager(); ru = srum->find(renderUnitName.c_str()); if(!ru) { ru = new SE_LineSegRenderUnit(edge, 12, SE_Vector3f(0, 1, 0)); srum->insert(renderUnitName.c_str(),ru); } #else ru = new SE_LineSegRenderUnit(edge, 12, SE_Vector3f(0, 1, 0)); #endif } break; case SPHERE: { sphereBV = (SE_SphereBV*)bv; } break; case OBB: { obbBV = (SE_OBBBV*)bv; } break; } } } return ru; }
SE_RenderUnit* SE_MeshSimObject::createWireRenderUnit() { //generate world geometry data SE_GeometryData data; SE_Matrix4f m2w = this->getSpatial()->getWorldTransform(); SE_GeometryData::transform(mMesh->getGeometryData(),m2w,&data); int faceNum = data.getFaceNum(); int vertexNum = data.getVertexNum(); SE_Vector3f* vertex = data.getVertexArray(); SE_Vector3i* faces = data.getFaceArray(); SE_Segment* seg = new SE_Segment[faceNum * 3]; int n = 0 ; for(int i = 0 ; i < faceNum ; i++) { SE_Vector3i* f = &faces[i]; seg[n++].set(vertex[f->x], vertex[f->y]); seg[n++].set(vertex[f->y], vertex[f->z]); seg[n++].set(vertex[f->z], vertex[f->x]); } SE_RenderUnit* ru = new SE_LineSegRenderUnit(seg, faceNum * 3, SE_Vector3f(0, 1, 0)); delete[] seg; return ru; }
void SE_Camera::rotateLocal(float angle, SE_AXIS_TYPE axis) { SE_Quat q; switch(axis) { case SE_AXIS_X: q.set(angle, SE_Vector3f(1, 0, 0)); break; case SE_AXIS_Y: q.set(angle, SE_Vector3f(0, 1, 0)); break; case SE_AXIS_Z: q.set(angle, SE_Vector3f(0, 0, 1)); break; } return rotateLocal(q); }
SE_Spatial* SE_ElementManager::createSpatial() { if(!mRoot) return NULL; SE_Spatial* spatial = mRoot->createSpatial(NULL); spatial->setLocalTranslate(SE_Vector3f(0, 0, 0)); spatial->setLocalScale(SE_Vector3f(1, 1, 1)); SE_Vector4f c1(1, 0, 0, 0); SE_Vector4f c2(0, -1, 0, 0); SE_Vector4f c3(0, 0, 1, 0); SE_Vector4f c4(-mRoot->getWidth() / 2, mRoot->getHeight() / 2, 0, 1); SE_Matrix4f localM; localM.setColumn(0, c1); localM.setColumn(1, c2); localM.setColumn(2, c3); localM.setColumn(3, c4); spatial->setPostMatrix(localM); return spatial; }
SE_Vector4f SE_Quat::toRotate() const { SE_Vector3f axis = SE_Vector3f(x, y, z); if (axis.isZero()) { return SE_Vector4f(); } SE_Vector3f axisNorm = axis.normalize(); float cos = w; float radian = SE_Acosf(cos); float angle = SE_RadianToAngle(radian); SE_Vector4f rotate = SE_Vector4f(angle * 2.0, axisNorm.x, axisNorm.y, axisNorm.z) ; return rotate; }
void View::setPosition(float x, float y) { mX = x; mY = y; SE_Matrix3f identity3; identity3.identity(); SE_Matrix4f transform; transform.identity(); transform.set(identity3,SE_Vector3f(mX,mY,0)); setPrevMatrix(transform); //update updateWorldTransform(); updateBoundingVolume(); }
/** *create a particle object * *@templateName template of particle, realize a particle effect *@particleName the name of particle object, we can find the object through particleName *@path the path of the particle texture image *@x the x-coordinate of the particle object position *@y the y-coordinate of the particle object position *@z the z-coordinate of the particle object position */ static void se_createParticleObject(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jint effectIndex, jfloatArray cameraPos, jstring mainImagePath, jstring helpImagePath) { const char* main = env->GetStringUTFChars(mainImagePath, NULL); const char* help = env->GetStringUTFChars(helpImagePath, NULL); float* camerapos = env->GetFloatArrayElements(cameraPos, 0); SE_Vector3f position = SE_Vector3f(camerapos[0], camerapos[1], camerapos[2]); ParticleSystemManager* particleSystemManager = SE_Application::getInstance()->getParticleSystemManager(); SE_Vector3f boxsize; particleSystemManager->createEffect((SE_Effect)effectIndex, position, main,help,boxsize); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(mainImagePath, main); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(helpImagePath, help); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(cameraPos, camerapos, 0); }
void SE_BipedController::createBoneToWorldMatrix(int frameindex) { //per frame refresh; mAfterTransformMatrixToWorld.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < oneBipAnimation.size(); ++i) { SE_Biped * bip = oneBipAnimation[i]; SE_Matrix4f transform; if(bip->animationInfo.size() == 0) { transform.identity(); } else { SE_Quat worldR = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->rotateQ; SE_Vector3f worldT = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->translate; SE_Vector3f worldS = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->scale; //not use scale transform.set(worldR.toMatrix3f(),SE_Vector3f(1,1,1),worldT);//myTransform relate parent } SE_Matrix4f parentBoneToWorld; parentBoneToWorld.identity(); if(bip->parent) { parentBoneToWorld = *(bip->parent->boneToWorldPerFrame[frameindex]); } else { //this bip is ROOT,the transform is world relative; } SE_Matrix4f tranToWorld = parentBoneToWorld.mul(transform); mAfterTransformMatrixToWorld.push_back(tranToWorld); } }
static void se_updateSceneLightPos(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,jstring lightName,jfloatArray lightpos) { #if 0 jstring sceneName = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, sceneNameID); const char* sceneName8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(sceneName, 0); SE_Scene* scene = findScene(sceneName8); const char* sceneLightName8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(lightName, 0); if(scene) { float* lpos = env->GetFloatArrayElements(lightpos, 0); SE_Vector3f pos = SE_Vector3f(lpos[0],lpos[1],lpos[2]); //scene->updateSceneLightPos(pos,sceneLightName8); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(lightpos, lpos, 0); } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sceneName, sceneName8); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sceneName, sceneLightName8); #endif }
void SE_BipedController::fillBoneToWorldPerFrame() { int maxFrameIndex = findMaxFrameIndex(); for(int i = 0; i < oneBipAnimation.size(); ++i) { //get bip one by one SE_Biped *bip = oneBipAnimation[i]; //fill bonetoworld for every frame for(int j = 0; j < maxFrameIndex + 1; ++j) { if(bip->parent) { SE_Matrix4f * m = new SE_Matrix4f(); SE_Matrix4f myTrans; if(bip->animationInfo.size() > 0) { //FIXME: the parent Allways has keyframe when child has keyframe myTrans.set(bip->animationInfo[j]->rotateQ.toMatrix3f(),SE_Vector3f(1,1,1),bip->animationInfo[j]->translate); *m = bip->parent->boneToWorldPerFrame[j]->mul(myTrans); } else { //this bip on this frame has no key. *m = bip->bind_pose; } bip->boneToWorldPerFrame.push_back(m); } else { //this bip is ROOT SE_Matrix4f * m = new SE_Matrix4f(); *m = bip->bind_pose; bip->boneToWorldPerFrame.push_back(m); } } } }
static void se_updateSceneLightDir(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jstring lightName,jfloatArray lightdir) { #if 0 jstring sceneName = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, sceneNameID); const char* sceneName8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(sceneName, 0); SE_Scene* scene = findScene(sceneName8); const char* sceneLightName8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(lightName, 0); if(scene) { float* ldir = env->GetFloatArrayElements(lightdir, 0); SE_Vector3f dir = SE_Vector3f(ldir[0],ldir[1],ldir[2]); scene->updateSceneLightDir(dir,sceneLightName8); env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(lightdir, ldir, 0); } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sceneName, sceneName8); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sceneName, sceneLightName8); #endif }
static SE_RenderUnit* createSelectedFrame(SE_NewGeometry* spatial) { SE_RenderUnit* ru = NULL; if(spatial) { SE_BoundingVolume* bv = spatial->getWorldBoundingVolume(); if(bv) { SE_AABBBV* aabbBV = NULL; SE_SphereBV* sphereBV = NULL; SE_OBBBV* obbBV = NULL; switch(bv->getType()) { case SE_BoundingVolume::AABB: { aabbBV = (SE_AABBBV*)bv; SE_AABB aabb = aabbBV->getGeometry(); SE_Segment edge[12]; aabb.getEdge(edge); ru = new SE_LineSegRenderUnit(edge, 12, SE_Vector3f(0, 1, 0)); } break; case SE_BoundingVolume::SPHERE: { sphereBV = (SE_SphereBV*)bv; } break; case SE_BoundingVolume::OBB: { obbBV = (SE_OBBBV*)bv; } break; } } } return ru; }
SE_Vector3f SE_BoundingVolume::getCenter() { return SE_Vector3f(); }
SE_Vector3f SE_BipedController::convert(int vertexIndex,int frameindex,const char * objname, const SE_Vector3f& v) { SE_Vector4f input; input.set(v,1); SE_Vector4f result(0,0,0,0); SE_SkeletonUnit *su = findSU(objname); //bipedIndex.size is number that how many bips effact this vertext. int bipNumPerVertex = su->objVertexBlendInfo[vertexIndex]->bipedIndex.size(); //how many bips will take effact to one vertex for(int i = 0; i < bipNumPerVertex; ++i) { int bipIndex = su->objVertexBlendInfo[vertexIndex]->bipedIndex[i];//bipIndex is start from 1, not 0. int bipindexfromcache = su->bipCache[bipIndex-1]->bipIndexOnBipAnimation; SE_Biped *bip = oneBipAnimation[bipindexfromcache];// find bip from all bips if(bip->animationInfo.size() == 0) { continue; } #ifdef _FORDEBUG SE_Matrix4f bindpos = bip->bind_pose; SE_Matrix4f inversOfbp = bindpos.inverse(); SE_Quat worldR = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->rotateQ; SE_Vector3f worldT = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->translate; SE_Vector3f worldS = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->scale; SE_Matrix4f transform; transform.identity(); //not use scale transform.set(worldR.toMatrix3f(),SE_Vector3f(1,1,1),worldT);//myTransform relate parent SE_Matrix4f parentBoneToWorld; parentBoneToWorld.identity(); if(bip->parent) { parentBoneToWorld = *(bip->parent->boneToWorldPerFrame[frameindex]); } else { //this bip is ROOT,the transform is world relative; } SE_Matrix4f m = parentBoneToWorld.mul(transform).mul(inversOfbp); SE_Matrix4f m = mAfterTransformMatrixToWorld[bipindexfromcache].mul(mBindposeMatrixInverse[bipindexfromcache]); #else SE_Matrix4f m = AllFrameFinalTransformMatrix[frameindex][bipindexfromcache]; #endif result = result + * su->objVertexBlendInfo[vertexIndex]->weight[i]; } return; }
SE_Vector3f SE_RenderUnit::getColor() { return SE_Vector3f(0, 0, 0); }
SE_Vector3f SE_SphereBV::getCenter() { return SE_Vector3f(); }
void ASE_Loader::Write(SE_BufferOutput& output, SE_BufferOutput& outScene, const char* shaderPath) { int materialNum = mSceneObject->mMats.size(); int numWhichHasSubmaterial = 0; int materialRealNum = materialNum; int i; for(i = 0 ; i < materialNum ; i++) { ASE_Material* srcm = &mSceneObject->mMats[i]; materialRealNum += srcm->numsubmaterials; if(srcm->numsubmaterials > 0) { numWhichHasSubmaterial++; } } std::vector<_MaterialData> materialVector(materialRealNum); std::vector<int> indexWhichHasSubmaterial(numWhichHasSubmaterial); int l = 0; int mi = 0; for(i = 0 ; i < materialNum ; i++) { ASE_Material* srcm = &mSceneObject->mMats[i]; _MaterialData md; md.subMaterialNum = srcm->numsubmaterials; = srcm->materialData; materialVector[mi++] = md; if(srcm->numsubmaterials > 0) { indexWhichHasSubmaterial[l++] = i; } } std::vector<int>::iterator it; for(it = indexWhichHasSubmaterial.begin() ; it != indexWhichHasSubmaterial.end() ; it++) { int index = *it; ASE_Material* m = &mSceneObject->mMats[index]; for(int j = 0 ; j < m->numsubmaterials ; j++) { _MaterialData md; md.subMaterialNum = 0; = m->submaterials[j]; materialVector[mi++] = md; } } std::vector<_MaterialData>::iterator itMaterial; output.writeShort(SE_MATERIALDATA_ID); output.writeInt(materialVector.size()); int mmm = materialVector.size(); //for(itMaterial = materialVector.begin() ; itMaterial != materialVector.end() ; itMaterial++) for(i = 0 ; i < materialVector.size() ; i++) { SE_MaterialDataID mid = SE_Application::getInstance()->createCommonID(); mid.print(); SE_Util::sleep(SLEEP_COUNT); materialVector[i].mid = mid; mid.write(output); output.writeVector3f(materialVector[i].md.ambient); output.writeVector3f(materialVector[i].md.diffuse); output.writeVector3f(materialVector[i].md.specular); output.writeVector3f(SE_Vector3f(0, 0, 0)); } /////////////////////////////write texture data /////////////// output.writeShort(SE_IMAGEDATA_ID); int imageDataNum = 0; for(itMaterial = materialVector.begin() ; itMaterial != materialVector.end() ; itMaterial++) { std::string texStr(itMaterial->md.texName); if(texStr != "") { imageDataNum++; } } output.writeInt(imageDataNum); for(itMaterial = materialVector.begin() ; itMaterial != materialVector.end() ; itMaterial++) { std::string texStr(itMaterial->md.texName); if(texStr != "") { size_t pos = texStr.find('.'); std::string name = texStr.substr(0, pos); name = name + ".raw"; SE_ImageDataID tid = texStr.c_str(); itMaterial->tid = tid; tid.write(output); output.writeInt(0); // image data type output.writeString(name.c_str()); } } /////////////////////////////write geom data ///////////////////////////////////////////// output.writeShort(SE_GEOMETRYDATA_ID); int geomDataNum = mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.size(); output.writeInt(geomDataNum); std::vector<_GeomTexCoordData> geomTexCoordData(geomDataNum); std::list<ASE_GeometryObject*>::iterator itGeomObj; int n = 0; SE_Matrix4f modelToWorldM, worldToModelM; SE_Matrix3f rotateM; SE_Quat rotateQ; SE_Vector3f rotateAxis, scale, translate; for(itGeomObj = mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.begin(); itGeomObj != mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.end(); itGeomObj++) { ASE_GeometryObject* go = *itGeomObj; ASE_Mesh* mesh = go->mesh; SE_GeometryDataID gid = SE_Application::getInstance()->createCommonID(); SE_Util::sleep(SLEEP_COUNT); rotateAxis.x = go->rotateAxis[0]; rotateAxis.y = go->rotateAxis[1]; rotateAxis.z = go->rotateAxis[2]; scale.x = go->scale[0]; scale.y = go->scale[1]; scale.z = go->scale[2]; translate.x = go->translate[0]; translate.y = go->translate[1]; translate.z = go->translate[2]; rotateQ.set(go->rotateAngle, rotateAxis); rotateM = rotateQ.toMatrix3f();//.setRotateFromAxis(go->rotateAngle, rotateAxis); modelToWorldM.set(rotateM, scale, translate); worldToModelM = modelToWorldM.inverse(); geomTexCoordData[n++].geomID = gid; gid.write(output); output.writeInt(mesh->numVertexes); output.writeInt(mesh->numFaces); output.writeInt(0); int i; for(i = 0 ; i < mesh->numVertexes ; i++) { SE_Vector4f p(mesh->vertexes[i].x, mesh->vertexes[i].y, mesh->vertexes[i].z, 1.0f); p =; output.writeFloat(p.x); output.writeFloat(p.y); output.writeFloat(p.z); } for(i = 0 ; i < mesh->numFaces ; i++) { output.writeInt(mesh->faces[i].vi[0]); output.writeInt(mesh->faces[i].vi[1]); output.writeInt(mesh->faces[i].vi[2]); } } ////////////////////////write texture coordinate/////////////////////////////////////////////// output.writeShort(SE_TEXCOORDDATA_ID); output.writeInt(geomDataNum); n = 0; for(itGeomObj = mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.begin(); itGeomObj != mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.end(); itGeomObj++) { ASE_GeometryObject* go = *itGeomObj; ASE_Mesh* mesh = go->mesh; SE_TextureCoordDataID tcid = SE_Application::getInstance()->createCommonID(); SE_Util::sleep(SLEEP_COUNT); tcid.write(output); geomTexCoordData[n++].texCoordID = tcid; output.writeInt(mesh->numTVertexes); output.writeInt(mesh->numFaces); int i; for(i = 0 ; i < mesh->numTVertexes ; i++) { output.writeFloat(mesh->tvertexes[i].s); output.writeFloat(mesh->tvertexes[i].t); } for(i = 0 ; i < mesh->numFaces ; i++) { output.writeInt(mesh->tfaces[i].vi[0]); output.writeInt(mesh->tfaces[i].vi[1]); output.writeInt(mesh->tfaces[i].vi[2]); } } ///////////////////// write shader program //// output.writeShort(SE_SHADERPROGRAMDATA_ID); int spNum = 1; output.writeInt(spNum);// shader program num; std::vector<SE_ProgramDataID> programDataVector(spNum); for(i = 0 ; i < spNum ; i++) { SE_ProgramDataID proID = "main_vertex_shader"; programDataVector[i] = proID; SE_Util::sleep(SLEEP_COUNT); proID.write(output); std::string str(shaderPath); std::string vertexShaderPath = str + SE_SEP + "main_vertex_shader.glsl"; std::string fragmentShaderPath = str + SE_SEP + "main_fragment_shader.glsl"; char* vertexShader = NULL; int vertexShaderLen = 0; char* fragmentShader = NULL; int fragmentShaderLen = 0; SE_IO::readFileAll(vertexShaderPath.c_str(), vertexShader, vertexShaderLen); SE_IO::readFileAll(fragmentShaderPath.c_str(), fragmentShader, fragmentShaderLen); output.writeInt(vertexShaderLen); output.writeInt(fragmentShaderLen); output.writeBytes(vertexShader, vertexShaderLen); output.writeBytes(fragmentShader, fragmentShaderLen); delete[] vertexShader; delete[] fragmentShader; } ///////////////////// write mesh //////////////// std::vector<SE_MeshID> meshIDVector(geomDataNum); output.writeShort(SE_MESHDATA_ID); output.writeInt(geomDataNum); n = 0; for(itGeomObj = mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.begin(); itGeomObj != mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.end(); itGeomObj++) { ASE_GeometryObject* go = *itGeomObj; ASE_Mesh* mesh = go->mesh; SE_MeshID meshID = SE_Application::getInstance()->createCommonID(); SE_Util::sleep(SLEEP_COUNT); meshID.write(output); meshIDVector[n] = meshID; SE_GeometryDataID geomID = geomTexCoordData[n].geomID; SE_TextureCoordDataID texCoordID = geomTexCoordData[n].texCoordID; n++; geomID.write(output); output.writeFloat(go->wireframeColor[0]); output.writeFloat(go->wireframeColor[1]); output.writeFloat(go->wireframeColor[2]); int texNum = 0; int materialref = go->materialref; int startpos = 0; int subMaterialStartPos = 0; _MaterialData mdData; if(materialref == -1) { output.writeInt(texNum); goto WRIET_SURFACE; } mdData = materialVector[materialref]; if(mdData.subMaterialNum > 0) { int j; for(j = 0 ; j < (materialref - 1) ; j++) { _MaterialData d = materialVector[j]; startpos += d.subMaterialNum; } int k = startpos; for(int j = 0 ; j < mdData.subMaterialNum ; j++) { _MaterialData subMaterialData = materialVector[materialNum + k]; k++; std::string texStr(; if(texStr != "") { texNum++; } } } else { std::string texStr(; if(texStr != "") { texNum = 1; } } output.writeInt(texNum); for(i = 0 ; i < texNum ; i++) { if(mdData.subMaterialNum > 0) { int j; for(j = 0 ; j < (materialref - 1) ; j++) { _MaterialData d = materialVector[j]; subMaterialStartPos += d.subMaterialNum; } for(int j = 0 ; j < mdData.subMaterialNum ; j++) { _MaterialData subMaterialData = materialVector[materialNum + subMaterialStartPos]; subMaterialStartPos++; std::string texStr(; if(texStr != "") { output.writeInt(1);//current we just has one texture unit; output.writeInt(0);//texture unit type is TEXTURE0 texCoordID.write(output); output.writeInt(1);//image num use in the texture unit. current it is not mipmap. so the num is 1 subMaterialData.tid.write(output); } } } else { std::string texStr(; if(texStr != "") { output.writeInt(1);//current we just has one texture unit; output.writeInt(0);//texture unit type is TEXTURE0 texCoordID.write(output); output.writeInt(1);//image num use in the texture unit. current it is not mipmap. so the num is 1 mdData.tid.write(output); } } } ///write surface WRIET_SURFACE: if(mesh->numFaceGroup > 0) { SE_ASSERT(mesh->numFaceGroup == mesh->faceGroup.size()); output.writeInt(mesh->numFaceGroup); std::vector<std::list<int> >::iterator itFaceGroup; int indexM = startpos; int texIndex = 0; for(itFaceGroup = mesh->faceGroup.begin() ; itFaceGroup != mesh->faceGroup.end(); itFaceGroup++) { _MaterialData md = materialVector[materialNum + indexM]; std::string texStr(; md.mid.write(output); output.writeInt(itFaceGroup->size()); std::list<int>::iterator itFace; for(itFace = itFaceGroup->begin() ; itFace != itFaceGroup->end() ; itFace++) { output.writeInt(*itFace); } programDataVector[0].write(output); if(texStr != "") { output.writeInt(texIndex); } else { output.writeInt(-1); } indexM++; texIndex++; } } else { output.writeInt(1); //just has one surface std::string texStr(; mdData.mid.write(output); output.writeInt(mesh->numFaces); // facets num; for(int f = 0 ; f < mesh->numFaces ; f++) output.writeInt(f); programDataVector[0].write(output); if(texStr != "") { output.writeInt(0); // the texture index is 0; } else { output.writeInt(-1); } } } /////// create scene ////////// SE_SpatialID spatialID = SE_Application::getInstance()->createCommonID(); SE_Util::sleep(SLEEP_COUNT); SE_CommonNode* rootNode = new SE_CommonNode(spatialID, NULL); rootNode->setBVType(SE_BoundingVolume::AABB); n = 0; for(itGeomObj = mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.begin(); itGeomObj != mSceneObject->mGeomObjects.end(); itGeomObj++) { ASE_GeometryObject* go = *itGeomObj; ASE_Mesh* mesh = go->mesh; SE_MeshID meshID = meshIDVector[n++]; SE_SpatialID childID = SE_Application::getInstance()->createCommonID(); SE_Util::sleep(SLEEP_COUNT); SE_Geometry* child = new SE_Geometry(childID, rootNode); rootNode->addChild(child); SE_Vector3f translate, scale, rotateAxis; translate.x = go->translate[0]; translate.y = go->translate[1]; translate.z = go->translate[2]; scale.x = go->scale[0]; scale.y = go->scale[1]; scale.z = go->scale[2]; rotateAxis.x = go->rotateAxis[0]; rotateAxis.y = go->rotateAxis[1]; rotateAxis.z = go->rotateAxis[2]; child->setLocalTranslate(translate); //child->setLocalTranslate(SE_Vector3f(0, 0, 0)); child->setLocalScale(scale); //child->setLocalScale(SE_Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); SE_Quat q; q.set(go->rotateAngle, rotateAxis); child->setLocalRotate(q); //q.set(0, SE_Vector3f(0, 0, 0)); child->setBVType(SE_BoundingVolume::AABB); SE_MeshSimObject* meshObj = new SE_MeshSimObject(meshID); meshObj->setName(go->name); child->attachSimObject(meshObj); } SE_SceneID sceneID = SE_Application::getInstance()->createCommonID(); SE_Util::sleep(SLEEP_COUNT); sceneID.write(outScene); _WriteSceneTravel wst(outScene); rootNode->travel(&wst, true); LOGI("write end\n"); }