Ejemplo n.º 1
double CSG_Table_DBase::asDouble(int iField)
	char	*s;
	double	Result	= 0;

	if( bOpen && iField >= 0 && iField < nFields )
		if( FieldDesc[iField].Type == DBF_FT_NUMERIC )
			s		= (char *)SG_Calloc(FieldDesc[iField].Width + 1, sizeof(char));
			memcpy(s, Record + FieldOffset[iField], FieldDesc[iField].Width);

			Result	= atof(s);

		else if( FieldDesc[iField].Type == DBF_FT_DATE )
			s		= (char *)SG_Calloc(FieldDesc[iField].Width + 1, sizeof(char));
			memcpy(s, Record + FieldOffset[iField], FieldDesc[iField].Width);

			int	d	= atoi(s + 6);	s[6]	= '\0';	if( d < 1 )	d	= 1;	else if( d > 31 )	d	= 31;
			int	m	= atoi(s + 4);	s[4]	= '\0';	if( m < 1 )	m	= 1;	else if( m > 12 )	m	= 12;
			int	y	= atoi(s);		

			Result	= 10000 * y + 100 * m + 1 * d;


	return( Result );
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CSG_PointCloud::_Inc_Array(void)
    if( m_nFields > 0 && m_Array_Points.Set_Array(m_nRecords + 1, (void **)&m_Points) )
        m_Points[m_nRecords++]	= m_Cursor	= (char *)SG_Calloc(m_nPointBytes, sizeof(char));

        return( true );

    return( false );
Ejemplo n.º 3
size_t CSG_File::Read(CSG_String &Buffer, size_t Size) const
	if( m_pStream )
		char	*b	= (char *)SG_Calloc(Size + 1, sizeof(char));
		int		i	= fread(b, sizeof(char), Size, m_pStream);
		Buffer		= b;

		return( i );

	return( 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 4
int CSG_Table_DBase::asInt(int iField)
	char	*s;
	int		Result	= 0;

	if( bOpen && iField >= 0 && iField < nFields )
		if( FieldDesc[iField].Type == DBF_FT_NUMERIC )
			s		= (char *)SG_Calloc(FieldDesc[iField].Width + 1, sizeof(char));
			memcpy(s, Record + FieldOffset[iField], FieldDesc[iField].Width);
			Result	= atoi(s);

	return( Result );
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool CTable_PCA::Get_Fields(void)
    CSG_Parameters	*pFields	= Parameters("FIELDS")->asParameters();

    m_Features	= (int *)SG_Calloc(pFields->Get_Count(), sizeof(int));
    m_nFeatures	= 0;

    for(int iFeature=0; iFeature<pFields->Get_Count(); iFeature++)
        if( pFields->Get_Parameter(iFeature)->asBool() )
            CSG_String	s(pFields->Get_Parameter(iFeature)->Get_Identifier());

            m_Features[m_nFeatures++]	= s.asInt();

    return( m_nFeatures > 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool COpenCV_NNet::On_Execute(void)
	bool					b_updateWeights, b_noInputScale, b_noOutputScale, b_NoData;
	int						i_matType, i_layers, i_maxIter, i_neurons, i_areasClassId, i_trainFeatTotalCount, *i_outputFeatureIdxs, i_outputFeatureCount, i_Grid, x, y, i_evalOut, i_winner;
	double					d_alpha, d_beta, d_eps;
	DATA_TYPE				e_dataType;
	TRAINING_METHOD			e_trainMet;
	CSG_Table				*t_Weights, *t_Indices, *t_TrainInput, *t_EvalInput, *t_EvalOutput;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*gl_TrainInputs;
	CSG_Grid				*g_EvalOutput, *g_EvalOutputCert;
	CSG_Shapes				*s_TrainInputAreas;
	CSG_Parameters			*p_TrainFeatures;
	TSG_Point				p;
	CvMat					*mat_Weights, *mat_Indices, **mat_data, *mat_neuralLayers, mat_layerSizesSub, *mat_EvalInput, *mat_EvalOutput;	// todo: mat_indices to respect input indices, mat_weights for initialization
	CvANN_MLP_TrainParams	tp_trainParams;
	CvANN_MLP				model;

	b_updateWeights		= Parameters("UPDATE_WEIGHTS"							)->asBool();
	b_noInputScale		= Parameters("NO_INPUT_SCALE"							)->asBool();
	b_noOutputScale		= Parameters("NO_OUTPUT_SCALE"							)->asBool();
	i_layers			= Parameters("NNET_LAYER"								)->asInt();
	i_neurons			= Parameters("NNET_NEURONS"								)->asInt();
	i_maxIter			= Parameters("MAX_ITER"									)->asInt();
	i_areasClassId		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS_CLASS_FIELD"			)->asInt();
	e_dataType			= (DATA_TYPE)Parameters("DATA_TYPE"						)->asInt();
	e_trainMet			= (TRAINING_METHOD)Parameters("TRAINING_METHOD"			)->asInt();
	e_actFunc			= (ACTIVATION_FUNCTION)Parameters("ACTIVATION_FUNCTION"	)->asInt();
	d_alpha				= Parameters("ALPHA"									)->asDouble();
	d_beta				= Parameters("BETA"										)->asDouble();
	d_eps				= Parameters("EPSILON"									)->asDouble();
	t_Weights			= Parameters("WEIGHTS"									)->asTable();
	t_Indices			= Parameters("INDICES"									)->asTable();
	t_TrainInput		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_TABLE"						)->asTable();
	t_EvalInput			= Parameters("EVAL_INPUT_TABLE"							)->asTable();
	t_EvalOutput		= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_TABLE"						)->asTable();
	p_TrainFeatures		= Parameters("TRAIN_FEATURES_TABLE"						)->asParameters();
	gl_TrainInputs		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_GRIDS"						)->asGridList();
	g_EvalOutput		= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CLASSES"					)->asGrid();
	g_EvalOutputCert	= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CERTAINTY"				)->asGrid();
	s_TrainInputAreas	= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS"						)->asShapes();

	// Fixed matrix type (TODO: Analyze what to do for other types of data (i.e. images))
	i_matType = CV_32FC1;

	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// We are working with TABLE data
		if( t_TrainInput->Get_Count() == 0 || p_TrainFeatures->Get_Count() == 0 )
			Error_Set(_TL("Select an input table and at least one output feature!"));
			return( false );

		// Count the total number of available features
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = t_TrainInput->Get_Field_Count();

		// Count the number of selected output features
		i_outputFeatureIdxs = (int *)SG_Calloc(i_trainFeatTotalCount, sizeof(int));
		i_outputFeatureCount = 0;
		for(int i=0; i<p_TrainFeatures->Get_Count(); i++)
			if( p_TrainFeatures->Get_Parameter(i)->asBool() )
				i_outputFeatureIdxs[i_outputFeatureCount++] = CSG_String(p_TrainFeatures->Get_Parameter(i)->Get_Identifier()).asInt();

		// Update the number of training features
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = i_trainFeatTotalCount-i_outputFeatureCount;

		if( i_outputFeatureCount <= 0 )
			Error_Set(_TL("Select at least one output feature!"));
			return( false );

		// Now convert the input and output training data into a OpenCV matrix objects
		mat_data = GetTrainAndOutputMatrix(t_TrainInput, i_matType, i_outputFeatureIdxs, i_outputFeatureCount);
		// TODO: Add some grid validation logic
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = gl_TrainInputs->Get_Count();
		i_outputFeatureCount = s_TrainInputAreas->Get_Count();

		// Convert the data from the grid into the matrix from
		mat_data = GetTrainAndOutputMatrix(gl_TrainInputs, i_matType, s_TrainInputAreas, i_areasClassId, g_EvalOutput, g_EvalOutputCert);

	// Add two additional layer to the network topology (0-th layer for input and the last as the output)
	i_layers = i_layers + 2;
	mat_neuralLayers = cvCreateMat(i_layers, 1, CV_32SC1);
	cvGetRows(mat_neuralLayers, &mat_layerSizesSub, 0, i_layers);
	//Setting the number of neurons on each layer
	for (int i = 0; i < i_layers; i++)
		if (i == 0)
			// The first layer needs the same size (number of nerons) as the number of columns in the training data
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_trainFeatTotalCount));
		else if (i == i_layers-1)
			// The last layer needs the same size (number of neurons) as the number of output columns
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_outputFeatureCount));
			// On every other layer set the layer size selected by the user
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_neurons));	

	// Create the training params object
	tp_trainParams = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams();
	tp_trainParams.term_crit = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, i_maxIter, d_eps);

	// Check which training method was selected and set corresponding params
	if(e_trainMet == RPROP)
		// Set all RPROP specific params
		tp_trainParams.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::RPROP;
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw0 = Parameters("RP_DW0"				)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_plus = Parameters("RP_DW_PLUS"		)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_minus = Parameters("RP_DW_MINUS"	)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_min = Parameters("RP_DW_MIN"		)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_max = Parameters("RP_DW_MAX"		)->asDouble();
		// Set all BPROP specific params
		tp_trainParams.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::BACKPROP;
		tp_trainParams.bp_dw_scale = Parameters("BP_DW_SCALE"			)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.bp_moment_scale = Parameters("BP_MOMENT_SCALE"	)->asInt();
	// Create the model (depending on the activation function)
	if(e_actFunc == SIGMOID)
		model.create(mat_neuralLayers, CvANN_MLP::GAUSSIAN, d_alpha, d_beta);

	// Now train the network

	// TODO: Integrate init weights and indicies for record selection
	// mat_Weights  = GetMatrix(t_Weights, i_matType);
	// mat_Indices = GetMatrix(t_Indices, i_matType);
	//model.train(mat_TrainInput, mat_TrainOutput, NULL, NULL, tp_trainParams);
	model.train(mat_data[0], mat_data[1], NULL, NULL, tp_trainParams);

	// Predict data
	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// Get the eavaluation/test matrix from the eval table
		mat_EvalInput = GetEvalMatrix(t_EvalInput, i_matType);
		// Train and eval data overlap in grid mode
		mat_EvalInput = GetEvalMatrix(gl_TrainInputs, i_matType);

	// Prepare output matrix
	mat_EvalOutput = cvCreateMat(mat_EvalInput->rows, i_outputFeatureCount, i_matType);

	// Start prediction
	model.predict(mat_EvalInput, mat_EvalOutput);

	Message_Add(_TL("Successfully trained the network and predicted the values. Here comes the output."));
	// Save and print results
	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// DEBUG -> Save results to output table and print results
		for (int i = 0; i < i_outputFeatureCount; i++)
			t_EvalOutput->Add_Field(CSG_String(t_TrainInput->Get_Field_Name(i_outputFeatureIdxs[i])), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		for (int i = 0; i < mat_EvalOutput->rows; i++)
			CSG_Table_Record* tr_record = t_EvalOutput->Add_Record();

			for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
				float f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
				tr_record->Set_Value(j, f_targetValue);
		// Fill the output table output
		for (int i = 0; i < i_outputFeatureCount; i++)
			// TODO: Get the class name
			t_EvalOutput->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("CLASS_%d"), i), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		for (int i = 0; i < mat_EvalOutput->rows; i++)
			CSG_Table_Record* tr_record = t_EvalOutput->Add_Record();

			for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
				float f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
				tr_record->Set_Value(j, f_targetValue);

		i_evalOut = 0;

		// Fill the output grid
		for(y=0, p.y=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, p.y+=Get_Cellsize())
			for(x=0, p.x=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, p.x+=Get_Cellsize())
				for(i_Grid=0, b_NoData=false; i_Grid<gl_TrainInputs->Get_Count() && !b_NoData; i_Grid++)
					// If there is one grid that has no data in this point p, then set the no data flag
					if( gl_TrainInputs->asGrid(i_Grid)->is_NoData(x, y) )
						b_NoData = true;

				if (!b_NoData)
					// We have data in all grids, so this is a point that was predicted
					// Get the winner class for this point and set it to the output grid
					float f_targetValue = 0;

					for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
						if (mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i_evalOut*i_outputFeatureCount+j] > f_targetValue)
							// The current value is higher than the last one, so lets memorize the current class
							f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i_evalOut*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
							i_winner = j;

					// Now finally set the values to the grids
					g_EvalOutput->Set_Value(x, y, i_winner);
					g_EvalOutputCert->Set_Value(x, y, f_targetValue);


	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool CSTL_Export::On_Execute(void)
	bool		bBinary;
	int			zField;
	float		v[3];
	CSG_String	File;
	CSG_File	Stream;

	pTIN	= Parameters("TIN")		->asTIN();
	File	= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();
	zField	= Parameters("ZFIELD")	->asInt(); 
	bBinary	= Parameters("BINARY")	->asInt() == 1; 

	if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_W, bBinary) )
		return( false );

	if( bBinary )
		char	*sHeader	= (char *)SG_Calloc(80, sizeof(char));
		DWORD	nFacets		= pTIN->Get_Triangle_Count();
		WORD	nBytes		= 0;

		Stream.Write(sHeader , sizeof(char), 80);
		Stream.Write(&nFacets, sizeof(DWORD));


		for(int iTriangle=0; iTriangle<pTIN->Get_Triangle_Count(); iTriangle++)
			CSG_TIN_Triangle	*pTriangle	= pTIN->Get_Triangle(iTriangle);

			Get_Normal(pTriangle, zField, v);

			Stream.Write(v, sizeof(float), 3);	// facet normal

			for(int iNode=0; iNode<3; iNode++)
				CSG_TIN_Node	*pNode	= pTriangle->Get_Node(iNode);

				v[0]	= (float)pNode->Get_X();
				v[1]	= (float)pNode->Get_Y();
				v[2]	= (float)pNode->asDouble(zField);

				Stream.Write(v, sizeof(float), 3);

			Stream.Write(&nBytes, sizeof(WORD));

	else	// ASCII
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("solid %s\n"), SG_File_Get_Name(File, false).c_str());

		for(int iTriangle=0; iTriangle<pTIN->Get_Triangle_Count(); iTriangle++)
			CSG_TIN_Triangle	*pTriangle	= pTIN->Get_Triangle(iTriangle);

			Get_Normal(pTriangle, zField, v);

			Stream.Printf(SG_T(" facet normal %.4f %.4f %.4f\n"), v[0], v[1], v[2]);
			Stream.Printf(SG_T("  outer loop\n"));

			for(int iNode=0; iNode<3; iNode++)
				CSG_TIN_Node	*pNode	= pTriangle->Get_Node(iNode);

				v[0]	= (float)pNode->Get_X();
				v[1]	= (float)pNode->Get_Y();
				v[2]	= (float)pNode->asDouble(zField);

				Stream.Printf(SG_T("   vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f\n"), v[0], v[1], v[2]);

			Stream.Printf(SG_T("  endloop\n"));
			Stream.Printf(SG_T(" endfacet\n"));		

		Stream.Printf(SG_T("endsolid %s\n"), SG_File_Get_Name(File, false).c_str());

	return( true );
bool CGW_Multi_Regression_Grid::On_Execute(void)
	int		i;

	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pPredictors	= Parameters("PREDICTORS")->asGridList();

	if( !Initialize(Parameters("POINTS")->asShapes(), Parameters("DEPENDENT")->asInt(), pPredictors) )

		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	Quality;

	m_dimModel	= *Get_System();

	if( Parameters("RESOLUTION")->asInt() == 1 && Parameters("RESOLUTION_VAL")->asDouble() > Get_Cellsize() )
		CSG_Rect	r(Get_System()->Get_Extent()); r.Inflate(0.5 * Parameters("RESOLUTION_VAL")->asDouble(), false);

		m_dimModel.Assign(Parameters("RESOLUTION_VAL")->asDouble(), r);

		m_pQuality	= &Quality;
		m_pQuality	= Parameters("QUALITY")->asGrid();

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("upsetting model domain"));

	m_pPredictors	= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Calloc(m_nPredictors    , sizeof(CSG_Grid *));
	m_pModel		= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Calloc(m_nPredictors + 1, sizeof(CSG_Grid *));

	for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		if( m_dimModel.Get_Cellsize() > Get_Cellsize() )	// scaling
			m_pPredictors[i]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_dimModel);
			m_pPredictors[i]	->Assign(pPredictors->asGrid(i), GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour);	// GRID_INTERPOLATION_Mean_Cells
			m_pPredictors[i]	= pPredictors->asGrid(i);

		m_pModel     [i]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_dimModel);
		m_pModel     [i]	->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pPredictors->asGrid(i)->Get_Name(), _TL("Factor")));

	m_pModel[m_nPredictors]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_dimModel);
	m_pModel[m_nPredictors]	->Set_Name(_TL("Intercept"));

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("model creation"));

	bool	bResult	= Get_Model();

	if( m_dimModel.Get_Cellsize() > Get_Cellsize() )	// scaling
		for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)

			m_pPredictors[i]	= pPredictors->asGrid(i);

	if( bResult )
		Process_Set_Text(_TL("model application"));

		bResult	= Set_Model();

	if( Parameters("MODEL_OUT")->asBool() )
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pModel	= Parameters("MODEL")->asGridList();


		for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		for(i=0; i<=m_nPredictors; i++)



	return( bResult );
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool CGWR_Grid_Downscaling::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pPredictors	= Parameters("PREDICTORS")->asGridList();

	if( (m_nPredictors = pPredictors->Get_Count()) <= 0 )
		return( false );

	m_pDependent	= Parameters("DEPENDENT")->asGrid();

	if( !m_pDependent->Get_Extent().Intersects(Get_System()->Get_Extent()) )
		return( false );

	int		i;

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("upscaling of predictors"));

	m_pPredictors	= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Calloc(m_nPredictors    , sizeof(CSG_Grid *));
	m_pModel		= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Calloc(m_nPredictors + 1, sizeof(CSG_Grid *));

	for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		m_pPredictors[i]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_pDependent->Get_System());
		m_pPredictors[i]	->Assign(pPredictors->asGrid(i), GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour);	// GRID_INTERPOLATION_Mean_Cells

		m_pModel     [i]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_pDependent->Get_System());
		m_pModel     [i]	->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pPredictors->asGrid(i)->Get_Name(), _TL("Factor")));

	m_pModel[m_nPredictors]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_pDependent->Get_System());
	m_pModel[m_nPredictors]	->Set_Name(_TL("Intercept"));

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("model creation"));

	bool	bResult	= Get_Model();

	for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)

		m_pPredictors[i]	= pPredictors->asGrid(i);

	if( bResult )

		bResult	= Set_Model();

	if( Parameters("MODEL_OUT")->asBool() )
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pModel	= Parameters("MODEL")->asGridList();


		for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		for(i=0; i<=m_nPredictors; i++)


	return( bResult );
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool CSG_Grid_Radius::Create(int maxRadius)

	if( maxRadius > 0 && maxRadius != m_maxRadius )
		int		x, y, i, n;
		double	d;

		m_maxRadius	= maxRadius;

		m_nPoints_R	= (int *)SG_Calloc(m_maxRadius + 1, sizeof(int));

		for(y=-m_maxRadius; y<=m_maxRadius; y++)
			for(x=-m_maxRadius; x<=m_maxRadius; x++)
				if( (d = M_GET_LENGTH(x, y)) <= m_maxRadius )

		if( m_nPoints > 0 )
			m_Points	= (TSG_Grid_Radius  *)SG_Calloc(m_nPoints      , sizeof(TSG_Grid_Radius  ));
			m_Points_R	= (TSG_Grid_Radius **)SG_Calloc(m_maxRadius + 1, sizeof(TSG_Grid_Radius *));

			for(i=0, n=0; i<=m_maxRadius; i++)
				m_Points_R [i]	 = m_Points + n;
				n				+= m_nPoints_R[i];
				m_nPoints_R[i]	 = 0;

			for(y=-m_maxRadius; y<=m_maxRadius; y++)
				for(x=-m_maxRadius; x<=m_maxRadius; x++)
					if( (d = M_GET_LENGTH(x, y)) <= m_maxRadius )
						i	= (int)d;
						n	= m_nPoints_R[i]++;

						m_Points_R[i][n].x	= x;
						m_Points_R[i][n].y	= y;
						m_Points_R[i][n].d	= d;

			return( true );


	return( false );
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool CGW_Multi_Regression::On_Execute(void)
	int		i;

	m_pPoints		= Parameters("POINTS")		->asShapes();
	m_iDependent	= Parameters("DEPENDENT")	->asInt();
	m_Radius		= Parameters("RANGE")		->asInt() == 0 ? Parameters("RADIUS")   ->asDouble() : 0.0;
	m_Mode			= Parameters("MODE")		->asInt();
	m_nPoints_Max	= Parameters("NPOINTS")		->asInt() == 0 ? Parameters("MAXPOINTS")->asInt()    : 0;
	m_nPoints_Min	= Parameters("MINPOINTS")	->asInt();


	if( !Get_Predictors() )

		return( false );

	if( (m_nPoints_Max > 0 || m_Radius > 0.0) && !m_Search.Create(m_pPoints, -1) )

		return( false );

	m_pQuality		= NULL;
	m_pIntercept	= NULL;
	m_pSlopes		= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Calloc(m_nPredictors, sizeof(CSG_Grid *));

	switch( Parameters("TARGET")->asInt() )
	case 0:	// user defined...
		if( m_Grid_Target.Init_User(m_pPoints->Get_Extent()) && Dlg_Parameters("USER") )
			m_pQuality		= m_Grid_Target.Get_User(SG_T("QUALITY"  ));
			m_pIntercept	= m_Grid_Target.Get_User(SG_T("INTERCEPT"));

			for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
				m_pSlopes[i]	= m_Grid_Target.Get_User(SG_Get_String(i, 0));

	case 1:	// grid...
		if( Dlg_Parameters("GRID") )
			m_pQuality		= m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid(SG_T("QUALITY"  ));
			m_pIntercept	= m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid(SG_T("INTERCEPT"));

			for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
				m_pSlopes[i]	= m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid(SG_Get_String(i, 0));

	if( m_pQuality == NULL )

		return( false );

	m_pQuality  ->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s (%s)"), m_pPoints->Get_Name(), _TL("GWR Quality")));
	m_pIntercept->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s (%s)"), m_pPoints->Get_Name(), _TL("GWR Intercept")));

	for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		m_pSlopes[i]->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s (%s)"), m_pPoints->Get_Name(), m_pPoints->Get_Field_Name(m_iPredictor[i])));

	int	nPoints_Max	= m_nPoints_Max > 0 ? m_nPoints_Max : m_pPoints->Get_Count();

	m_y.Create(1 + m_nPredictors, nPoints_Max);

	for(int y=0; y<m_pIntercept->Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, m_pIntercept->Get_NY()); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<m_pIntercept->Get_NX(); x++)
			if( !Get_Regression(x, y) )
				m_pQuality  ->Set_NoData(x, y);
				m_pIntercept->Set_NoData(x, y);

				for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
					m_pSlopes[i]->Set_NoData(x, y);


	return( true );