bool CGW_Multi_Regression_Grid::Get_Regression(int x, int y, double &Quality, CSG_Vector &b)
	int			i, nPoints;
	double		zMean, zr, rss, tss;
	CSG_Vector	z, w;
	CSG_Matrix	Y, YtW;

	if( (nPoints = Get_Variables(x, y, z, w, Y)) <= m_nPredictors )
		return( false );

	YtW.Create(nPoints, 1 + m_nPredictors);

	for(i=0, zMean=0.0; i<nPoints; i++)
		zMean		+= z[i];
		YtW[0][i]	 = w[i];

		for(int j=1; j<=m_nPredictors; j++)
			YtW[j][i]	= Y[i][j] * w[i];

	b		= (YtW * Y).Get_Inverse() * (YtW * z);

	zMean	/= nPoints;

	for(i=0, rss=0.0, tss=0.0; i<nPoints; i++)
		zr	= b[0];

		for(int j=1; j<=m_nPredictors; j++)
			zr	+= b[j] * Y[i][j];

		rss	+= w[i] * SG_Get_Square(z[i] - zr);
		tss	+= w[i] * SG_Get_Square(z[i] - zMean);

	Quality	= tss > 0.0 ? (tss - rss) / tss : 0.0;

	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CGW_Regression_Grid::Get_Regression(int x, int y)
	int		nPoints	= Set_Variables(x, y);

	if( nPoints < m_nPoints_Min )
		return( false );

	int			i;
	double		zMean, rss, tss;
	CSG_Vector	b, z;
	CSG_Matrix	Y, YtW;

	z  .Create(nPoints);
	Y  .Create(2, nPoints);
	YtW.Create(nPoints, 2);

	for(i=0, zMean=0.0; i<nPoints; i++)
		Y  [i][0]	= 1.0;
		Y  [i][1]	= m_y[i];
		YtW[0][i]	= m_w[i];
		YtW[1][i]	= m_w[i] * m_y[i];

		zMean		+= (z[i] = m_z[i]);

	b		= (YtW * Y).Get_Inverse() * (YtW * z);

	zMean	/= nPoints;

	for(i=0, rss=0.0, tss=0.0; i<nPoints; i++)
		rss	+= m_w[i] * SG_Get_Square(m_z[i] - (b[0] + b[1] * m_y[i]));
		tss	+= m_w[i] * SG_Get_Square(m_z[i] - zMean);

	GRID_SET_VALUE(m_pRegression, x, y, b[0] + b[1] * m_pPredictor->asDouble(x, y));
	GRID_SET_VALUE(m_pIntercept , x, y, b[0]);
	GRID_SET_VALUE(m_pSlope     , x, y, b[1]);
	GRID_SET_VALUE(m_pQuality   , x, y, (tss - rss) / tss);

	return( true );
bool CVariogram_Dialog::Execute(CSG_Shapes *pPoints, int Attribute, bool bLog, CSG_Table *pVariogram, CSG_Trend *pModel)
	if( m_pPoints != pPoints || m_nPoints != pPoints->Get_Count() || !m_Extent.is_Equal(pPoints->Get_Extent()) )
		m_pPoints	= pPoints;
		m_nPoints	= pPoints->Get_Count();
		m_Extent	= pPoints->Get_Extent();
		m_Distance	= -1;

		int	nSkip	= 1 + m_pPoints->Get_Count() / 10000;

		m_Settings("SKIP"   )->Set_Value(nSkip);
		m_Settings("LAGDIST")->Set_Value(CSG_Variogram::Get_Lag_Distance(m_pPoints, 0, nSkip));
		m_Settings("MAXDIST")->Set_Value(0.5 * sqrt(SG_Get_Square(m_pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_XRange()) + SG_Get_Square(m_pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_YRange())));

	m_Attribute		= Attribute;
	m_bLog			= bLog;
	m_pVariogram	= pVariogram;
	m_pModel		= pModel;

	m_pDiagram->Initialize(m_pModel, m_pVariogram);


	return( ShowModal() == wxID_OK && m_pModel && m_pModel->is_Okay() );
Ejemplo n.º 4
inline double CKernel_Density::Get_Kernel(double dx, double dy)
	double	d	= SG_Get_Length(dx, dy);

	if( d >= m_dRadius )
		return( 0.0 );

	d	/= m_dRadius;

	switch( m_Kernel )
	case 0:	// quartic kernel
		return( (3.0 / (M_PI * m_dRadius*m_dRadius)) * SG_Get_Square(1.0 - d*d) );

	case 1:	// gaussian kernel
		d	*= 2.0;
		return( exp(-0.5 * d*d) );

	case 2:	// exponential
		d	*= 2.0;
		return( exp(-d) );

	case 3:	// inverse distance
		return( pow(1.0 + d, -1.0) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
double CRGA_Basic::Get_Similarity(int x, int y, int Segment)
	CSG_Table_Record	*pSeed;

	if( is_InGrid(x, y) && (pSeed = m_pSeeds->Get_Record(Segment)) != NULL )
		int		i;
		double	a, b, Result;

		switch( m_Method )
		case 0:	// feature space and position
			for(i=0, a=0.0; i<m_nFeatures; i++)
				a	+= SG_Get_Square(Get_Feature(x, y, i) - pSeed->asDouble(SEEDFIELD_Z + i));

			b	= SG_Get_Square(x - pSeed->asDouble(SEEDFIELD_X))
				+ SG_Get_Square(y - pSeed->asDouble(SEEDFIELD_Y));

			Result	= a / m_Var_1 + b / m_Var_2;


		case 1:	// feature space
			for(i=0, a=0.0; i<m_nFeatures; i++)
				a	+= SG_Get_Square(Get_Feature(x, y, i) - pSeed->asDouble(SEEDFIELD_Z + i));

			Result	= a / m_Var_1;


		return( 1.0 / (1.0 + Result) );	// from 'distance' to 'similarity' !!!
	//	return( exp(-0.5 * Result) );

	return( -1.0 );
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool CMRVBF::Get_Smoothed(CSG_Grid *pDEM, CSG_Grid *pSmoothed, int Radius, double Smoothing)
	if( pDEM && pSmoothed )
		int		x, y, ix, iy, jx, jy, kx, ky;
		double	d, s;

		CSG_Grid	Kernel(SG_DATATYPE_Double, 1 + 2 * Radius, 1 + 2 * Radius);

		for(iy=-Radius, ky=0; iy<=Radius; iy++, ky++)
			for(ix=-Radius, kx=0; ix<=Radius; ix++, kx++)
				Kernel.Set_Value(kx, ky, 4.3565 * exp(-SG_Get_Square(sqrt((double)ix*ix + iy*iy) / 3.0)) );
			//	Kernel.Set_Value(kx, ky, exp(-(ix*ix + iy*iy) / (2.0 * s)) / (2.0 * M_PI * s));

		pSmoothed->Create(pDEM, SG_DATATYPE_Float);

		for(y=0; y<pDEM->Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, pDEM->Get_NY()); y++)
			for(x=0; x<pDEM->Get_NX(); x++)
				for(iy=-Radius, jy=y-Radius, ky=0, s=d=0.0; iy<=Radius; iy++, jy++, ky++)
					for(ix=-Radius, jx=x-Radius, kx=0; ix<=Radius; ix++, jx++, kx++)
						if( pDEM->is_InGrid(jx, jy) )
							s	+= Kernel.asDouble(kx, ky) * pDEM->asDouble(jx, jy);
							d	+= Kernel.asDouble(kx, ky);

				if( d > 0.0 )
					pSmoothed->Set_Value(x, y, s / d);
					pSmoothed->Set_NoData(x, y);

		return( true );

	return( false );
Ejemplo n.º 7
double C_Kriging_Base::Get_Weight(double d)
	if( d > 0.0 )
		switch( m_Model )
		case 0:
			return(	// Spherical Model
				d >= m_Range
			?	m_Nugget + m_Sill
			:	m_Nugget + m_Sill * (3.0 * d / (2.0 * m_Range) - d*d*d / (2.0 * m_Range*m_Range*m_Range))

		case 1:
			return(	// Exponential Model
				m_Nugget + m_Sill * (1.0 - exp(-3.0 * d / m_Range))

		case 2:
			return(	// Gaussian Model
				m_Nugget + m_Sill * SG_Get_Square(1.0 - exp(-3.0 * d / (m_Range*m_Range)))

		case 3: default:
			return(	// Linear Regression
				m_Nugget + d * m_BLIN

		case 4:
			return(	// Exponential Regression
				m_Nugget * exp(d * m_BEXP)

		case 5:
			return(	// Power Function Regression
				m_Nugget + m_APOW * pow(d, m_BPOW)

	return( m_Nugget > 0.0 ? m_Nugget : 0.00001 );
Ejemplo n.º 8
double	SG_Get_Distance_Polar(double aLon, double aLat, double bLon, double bLat, double a, double e, bool bDegree)
	if( bDegree )
		aLon	*= M_DEG_TO_RAD;
		aLat	*= M_DEG_TO_RAD;
		bLon	*= M_DEG_TO_RAD;
		bLat	*= M_DEG_TO_RAD;

	if( e <= 0.0 )
		return(	a * acos(sin(aLat) * sin(bLat) + cos(aLat) * cos(bLat) * cos(bLon - aLon)) );
		double	F	= (aLat + bLat) / 2.0;
		double	G	= (aLat - bLat) / 2.0;
		double	l	= (aLon - bLon) / 2.0;

		double	sin2_F	= SG_Get_Square(sin(F));
		double	cos2_F	= SG_Get_Square(cos(F));
		double	sin2_G	= SG_Get_Square(sin(G));
		double	cos2_G	= SG_Get_Square(cos(G));
		double	sin2_l	= SG_Get_Square(sin(l));
		double	cos2_l	= SG_Get_Square(cos(l));

		double	S	= sin2_G * cos2_l + cos2_F * sin2_l;
		double	C	= cos2_G * cos2_l + sin2_F * sin2_l;

		double	w	= atan(sqrt(S / C));
		double	D	= 2.0 * w * a;

		double	R	= sqrt(S * C) / w;
		double	H1	= (3.0 * R - 1.0) / (2.0 * C);
		double	H2	= (3.0 * R + 1.0) / (2.0 * S);

		double	f	= 1.0 / e;

		double	d	= D * (1.0 + f * H1 * sin2_F * cos2_G - f * H2 * cos2_F * sin2_G);

		return( d );
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool CGW_Multi_Regression::Get_Regression(int x, int y)
	int		nPoints	= Set_Variables(x, y);

	if( nPoints < m_nPoints_Min )
		return( false );

	int			i;
	double		zMean, rss, tss;
	CSG_Vector	b, z;
	CSG_Matrix	Y, YtW;

	z  .Create(nPoints);
	Y  .Create(1 + m_nPredictors, nPoints);
	YtW.Create(nPoints, 1 + m_nPredictors);

	for(i=0, zMean=0.0; i<nPoints; i++)
		Y  [i][0]	= 1.0;
		YtW[0][i]	= m_w[i];

		for(int j=0; j<m_nPredictors; j++)
			Y  [i][j + 1]	= m_y[i][j];
			YtW[j + 1][i]	= m_y[i][j] * m_w[i];

		zMean		+= (z[i] = m_z[i]);

	b		= (YtW * Y).Get_Inverse() * (YtW * z);

	zMean	/= nPoints;

	for(i=0, rss=0.0, tss=0.0; i<nPoints; i++)
		double	zr	= b[0];

		for(int j=0; j<m_nPredictors; j++)
			zr	+= b[j + 1] * m_y[i][j];

		rss	+= m_w[i] * SG_Get_Square(m_z[i] - zr);
		tss	+= m_w[i] * SG_Get_Square(m_z[i] - zMean);

	m_pQuality  ->Set_Value(x, y, tss > 0.0 ? (tss - rss) / tss : 0.0);
	m_pIntercept->Set_Value(x, y, b[0]);

	for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		m_pSlopes[i]->Set_Value(x, y, b[i + 1]);

	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool CMultiBand_Variation::Get_Variation(int x, int y)
	if( !m_Mask.is_NoData(x, y) )
		int			iBand, iCell, ix, iy;
		double		iDistance, iWeight, Weights, Distance;
		CSG_Vector	Centroid(m_pBands->Get_Count());

		for(iCell=0, Weights=0.0; iCell<m_Cells.Get_Count(); iCell++)
			if( m_Cells.Get_Values(iCell, ix = x, iy = y, iDistance, iWeight, true) && m_Mask.is_InGrid(ix, iy) )
				for(iBand=0; iBand<m_pBands->Get_Count(); iBand++)
					Centroid[iBand]	+= iWeight * m_pBands->asGrid(iBand)->asDouble(ix, iy);

				Weights			+= iWeight;

		if( Weights > 0.0 )
			CSG_Simple_Statistics	s;

			Centroid	*= 1.0 / Weights;

			for(iCell=0; iCell<m_Cells.Get_Count(); iCell++)
				if( m_Cells.Get_Values(iCell, ix = x, iy = y, iDistance, iWeight, true) && m_Mask.is_InGrid(ix, iy) )
					for(iBand=0, Distance=0.0; iBand<m_pBands->Get_Count(); iBand++)
						Distance	+= SG_Get_Square(Centroid[iBand] - m_pBands->asGrid(iBand)->asDouble(ix, iy));

					s.Add_Value(sqrt(Distance), iWeight);

					if( ix == x && iy == y )
						if( m_pDiff )	m_pDiff->Set_Value(x, y, sqrt(Distance));

			if( m_pMean   )	m_pMean  ->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Mean());
			if( m_pStdDev )	m_pStdDev->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_StdDev());

			return( true );

	if( m_pMean     )	m_pMean		->Set_NoData(x, y);
	if( m_pStdDev   )	m_pStdDev	->Set_NoData(x, y);
	if( m_pDiff     )	m_pDiff		->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( false );
bool CGSPoints_Semi_Variances::On_Execute(void)
	int					i, j, k, n, nDistances, nSkip, Attribute;
	double				zi, zj, zMean, v, c, maxDistance, lagDistance;
	TSG_Point			Pt_i, Pt_j;
	CSG_Vector			Count, Variance, Covariance;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;
	CSG_Shape			*pPoint;
	CSG_Shapes			*pPoints;

	pPoints		= Parameters("POINTS")		->asShapes();
	pTable		= Parameters("RESULT")		->asTable();
	Attribute	= Parameters("FIELD")		->asInt();
	nSkip		= Parameters("NSKIP")		->asInt();
	maxDistance	= Parameters("DISTMAX")		->asDouble();
	nDistances	= Parameters("DISTCOUNT")	->asInt();

	if( maxDistance <= 0.0 )
		maxDistance	= SG_Get_Length(pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_XRange(), pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_YRange());

	lagDistance	= maxDistance / nDistances;

	zMean		= pPoints->Get_Mean(Attribute);

	Count		.Create(nDistances);
	Variance	.Create(nDistances);
	Covariance	.Create(nDistances);

	for(i=0, n=0; i<pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(n, SG_Get_Square(pPoints->Get_Count()/nSkip)/2); i+=nSkip)
		pPoint	= pPoints->Get_Shape(i);

		if( !pPoint->is_NoData(Attribute) )
			Pt_i	= pPoint->Get_Point(0);
			zi		= pPoint->asDouble(Attribute);

			for(j=i+nSkip; j<pPoints->Get_Count(); j+=nSkip, n++)
				pPoint	= pPoints->Get_Shape(j);

				if( !pPoint->is_NoData(Attribute) )
					Pt_j	= pPoint->Get_Point(0);
					k		= (int)(SG_Get_Distance(Pt_i, Pt_j) / lagDistance);

					if( k < nDistances )
						zj	= pPoint->asDouble(Attribute);

						v	= SG_Get_Square(zi - zj);
						c	= (zi - zMean) * (zj - zMean);

						Count	  [k]	++;
						Variance  [k]	+= v;
						Covariance[k]	+= c;

	pTable->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s: %s]"), pPoints->Get_Name(), _TL("Variogram"), pPoints->Get_Field_Name(Attribute)));
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Class")		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);		// FIELD_CLASSNR
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Distance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_DISTANCE
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Count")		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);		// FIELD_COUNT
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Variance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_VARIANCE
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Cum.Var.")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_VARCUMUL
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Covariance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_COVARIANCE
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Cum.Covar.")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_COVARCUMUL

	for(i=0, v=0.0, c=0.0, n=0; i<nDistances; i++)
		if( Count[i] > 0 )
			n	+= (int)Count[i];
			v	+= Variance  [i];
			c	+= Covariance[i];

			pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_CLASSNR	, (i + 1));
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_DISTANCE	, (i + 1) * lagDistance);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_COUNT		, Count[i]);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_VARIANCE	, 0.5 * Variance  [i] / Count[i]);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_VARCUMUL	, 0.5 * v / n);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_COVARIANCE	, 1.0 * Covariance[i] / Count[i]);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_COVARCUMUL	, 1.0 * c / n);

	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool CFilter_LoG::Initialise(void)
	bool	bCircle	= Parameters("KERNEL_TYPE")->asInt() == 1;

	double	Sigma	= Parameters("SIGMA")->asDouble();

	switch( Parameters("METHOD")->asInt() )
	case 0:
		m_Radius	= 1;
		m_Kernel.Create(SG_DATATYPE_Double, 3, 3);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 0,  0);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 1, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 2,  0);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 0, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 1,  4);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 2, -1);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 0,  0);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 1, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 2,  0);

	case 1:
		m_Radius	= 1;
		m_Kernel.Create(SG_DATATYPE_Double, 3, 3);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 0, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 1, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 2, -1);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 0, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 1,  8);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 2, -1);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 0, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 1, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 2, -1);

	case 2:
		m_Radius	= 1;
		m_Kernel.Create(SG_DATATYPE_Double, 3, 3);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 0, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 1, -2);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(0, 2, -1);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 0, -2);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 1, 12);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(1, 2, -2);
		m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 0, -1);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 1, -2);	m_Kernel.Set_Value(2, 2, -1);

	case 3:	default:
		m_Radius	= Parameters("KERNEL_RADIUS")->asInt();

		if( Sigma <= 0.0 )
			return( false );

		m_Kernel.Create(SG_DATATYPE_Double, 1 + 2 * m_Radius, 1 + 2 * m_Radius);

		Sigma	= SG_Get_Square(m_Radius * Sigma * 0.01);

		for(int y=-m_Radius, iy=0; y<=m_Radius; y++, iy++)
			for(int x=-m_Radius, ix=0; x<=m_Radius; x++, ix++)
				double	d	= x*x + y*y;

				if( bCircle && d > m_Radius*m_Radius )
					m_Kernel.Set_NoData(ix, iy);
					m_Kernel.Set_Value(ix, iy, 1.0 / (M_PI * Sigma*Sigma) * (1.0 - d / (2.0 * Sigma)) * exp(-d / (2.0 * Sigma)));

		m_Kernel	+= -m_Kernel.Get_Mean();


	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool CRGA_Basic::On_Execute(void)
	bool		bRefresh;
	int			x, y, i, Segment;
	CSG_Grid	*pSeeds;

	m_pSegments		= Parameters("SEGMENTS"  )->asGrid();
	m_pFeatures		= Parameters("FEATURES"  )->asGridList();
	m_nFeatures		= m_pFeatures->Get_Count();

	pSeeds			= Parameters("SEEDS"     )->asGrid();
	m_pSeeds		= Parameters("TABLE"     )->asTable();

	m_pSimilarity	= Parameters("SIMILARITY")->asGrid();

	m_dNeighbour	= Parameters("NEIGHBOUR" )->asInt() == 0 ? 2 : 1;

	m_Var_1			= SG_Get_Square(Parameters("SIG_1")->asDouble());
	m_Var_2			= SG_Get_Square(Parameters("SIG_2")->asDouble());
	m_Threshold		= Parameters("THRESHOLD" )->asDouble();

	m_bNormalize	= Parameters("NORMALIZE" )->asBool();

	m_Method		= Parameters("METHOD"    )->asInt();
	bRefresh		= Parameters("REFRESH"   )->asBool();

	m_pSegments		->Assign(-1);
	m_pSegments		->Set_NoData_Value(-1);

	m_pSimilarity	->Assign(-1);
	m_pSimilarity	->Set_NoData_Value(-1);


	m_pSeeds->Add_Field(_TL("ID"  ), SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	m_pSeeds->Add_Field(_TL("AREA"), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	m_pSeeds->Add_Field(_TL("X"   ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	m_pSeeds->Add_Field(_TL("Y"   ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	for(i=0; i<m_pFeatures->Get_Count(); i++)
		m_pSeeds->Add_Field(m_pFeatures->asGrid(i)->Get_Name(), SG_DATATYPE_Double);


	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( !pSeeds->is_NoData(x, y) )
				CSG_Table_Record	*pRec	= m_pSeeds->Add_Record();

				pRec->Set_Value(0, m_pSeeds->Get_Count() - 1);
				pRec->Set_Value(SEEDFIELD_X, x);
				pRec->Set_Value(SEEDFIELD_Y, y);

				for(i=0; i<m_pFeatures->Get_Count(); i++)
					pRec->Set_Value(SEEDFIELD_Z + i, Get_Feature(x, y, i));

				m_pSimilarity->Set_Value(x, y, 1.0);

				Add_To_Segment(x, y, m_pSeeds->Get_Count() - 1);

	if( m_pSeeds->Get_Count() > 1 )
		sLong	n	= 0;

		while( n++ < Get_NCells() && Set_Progress_NCells(n) && Get_Next_Candidate(x, y, Segment) )
			Add_To_Segment(x, y, Segment);

			if( bRefresh && (n % Get_NX()) == 0 )
				DataObject_Update(m_pSegments, 0, m_pSeeds->Get_Count());

				Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%.2f"), 100.0 * m_Candidates.Get_Count() / Get_NCells()));


		return( true );


	return( false );
Ejemplo n.º 14
int CSG_Shapes_Search::Select_Radius(double x, double y, double Radius, bool bSort, int MaxPoints, int iQuadrant)
	int		xLeft, xRight;
	double	yBottom, yTop, Radius_2;

	m_nSelected	= 0;

	Radius_2	= Radius*Radius;

	switch( iQuadrant )
	default:	// all
		xLeft	= _Get_Index_Next(x - Radius);
		xRight	= _Get_Index_Next(x + Radius);
		yBottom	= -Radius;
		yTop	=  Radius;

	case 0:	// upper right
		xLeft	= _Get_Index_Next(x);
		xRight	= _Get_Index_Next(x + Radius);
		yBottom	=  0.0;
		yTop	=  Radius;

	case 1:	// lower right
		xLeft	= _Get_Index_Next(x);
		xRight	= _Get_Index_Next(x + Radius);
		yBottom	= -Radius;
		yTop	=  0.0;

	case 2:	// upper left
		xLeft	= _Get_Index_Next(x - Radius);
		xRight	= _Get_Index_Next(x);
		yBottom	=  0.0;
		yTop	=  Radius;

	case 3:	// lower left
		xLeft	= _Get_Index_Next(x - Radius);
		xRight	= _Get_Index_Next(x);
		yBottom	= -Radius;
		yTop	=  0.0;

	for(int ix=xLeft; ix<=xRight; ix++)
		double	d	= m_Pos[ix].y - y;

		if( yBottom <= d && d < yTop && (d = d*d + SG_Get_Square(m_Pos[ix].x - x)) <= Radius_2 )
			_Select_Add(m_pPoints->Get_Shape(m_Idx[ix]), d);

	if( bSort || (MaxPoints > 0 && MaxPoints < m_nSelected) )
		m_Selected_Idx.Create(m_nSelected, m_Selected_Dst, true);

	return( MaxPoints <= 0 || MaxPoints > m_nSelected ? m_nSelected : MaxPoints );
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool CWatersheds_ext::Get_Basin(CSG_Grid *pBasins, CSG_Shapes *pPolygons, int xMouth, int yMouth, int Main_ID)
	int						x, y, Basin_ID	= 1 + pPolygons->Get_Count();
	CSG_Shape				*pPolygon;
	CSG_Grid_Stack			Stack;
	CSG_Simple_Statistics	s_Height, s_Distance;

	Stack.Push(x = xMouth, y = yMouth);

	pBasins		->Set_Value(x, y, Basin_ID);
	m_Distance	 .Set_Value(x, y, 0.0);

	s_Height	+= m_pDEM->asDouble(x, y);
	s_Distance	+= 0.0;

	while( Stack.Get_Size() > 0 && Process_Get_Okay() )
		Stack.Pop(x, y);

		double	d	= m_Distance.asDouble(x, y);

		for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
			int	ix	= Get_xFrom(i, x);
			int	iy	= Get_yFrom(i, y);

			if( is_InGrid(ix, iy) && pBasins->is_NoData(ix, iy) && i == m_Direction.asInt(ix, iy) )
				Stack.Push(ix, iy);

				pBasins		->Set_Value(ix, iy, Basin_ID);
				m_Distance	 .Set_Value(ix, iy, d + Get_Length(i));

				s_Height	+= m_pDEM->asDouble(ix, iy);
				s_Distance	+= d + Get_Length(i);

	if( s_Height.Get_Count() > 1 && (pPolygon = Get_Basin(pBasins, pPolygons)) != NULL )
		double		d, Area, Perimeter, Side_A, Side_B;
		CSG_String	Gravelius;

	//	Area		= s_Height.Get_Count() * Get_System()->Get_Cellarea();
		Area		= ((CSG_Shape_Polygon*)pPolygon)->Get_Area();
		Perimeter	= ((CSG_Shape_Polygon*)pPolygon)->Get_Perimeter();

		d			= 0.28 * Perimeter / sqrt(Area);
		Gravelius	= d > 1.75 ? _TL("rectangular")
					: d > 1.5  ? _TL("ovalooblonga-rectangularoblonga")
					: d > 1.25 ? _TL("ovaloredonda-ovalooblonga")
					:            _TL("redonda-ovaloredonda");

		d			= pow(Perimeter, 2.0) - 8.0 * Area;
		Side_A		= d > 0.0 ? (Perimeter + sqrt(d))      / 4.0 : -1.0;
		Side_B		= d > 0.0 ? (Perimeter - 2.0 * Side_A) / 2.0 : -1.0;

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_ID			, Basin_ID);
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_ID_MAIN		, Main_ID);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_MOUTH_X		, Get_System()->Get_xGrid_to_World(xMouth));
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_MOUTH_Y		, Get_System()->Get_yGrid_to_World(yMouth));

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_PERIMETER		, Perimeter);
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_AREA			, Area);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_CENTROID_X	, ((CSG_Shape_Polygon*)pPolygon)->Get_Centroid().x);
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_CENTROID_Y	, ((CSG_Shape_Polygon*)pPolygon)->Get_Centroid().y);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_Z_MEAN		, s_Height  .Get_Mean());
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_Z_RANGE		, s_Height  .Get_Range());

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_DIST_MEAN		, s_Distance.Get_Mean());
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_DIST_MAX		, s_Distance.Get_Maximum());

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_CONCTIME		, s_Height.Get_Range() <= 0.0 ? -1.0 :
			pow(0.87 * pow(s_Distance.Get_Maximum() / 1000.0, 3.0) / s_Height.Get_Range(),  0.385)

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_BASIN_TYPE	, Gravelius);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_EQVRECT_A		, Side_A);
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_EQVRECT_B		, Side_B);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_OROG_IDX		, SG_Get_Square(s_Height.Get_Mean()) / (0.0001 * Area));	// Orographic index, defined as the mean catchment altitude times the ratio of the mean catchment altitude to the orthogonal projection of drainage area (Alcázar, Palau (2010): Establishing environmental flow regimes in a Mediterranean watershed based on a regional classification. Journal of Hydrology, V. 388
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_MASS_IDX		, Perimeter / (0.0001 * Area));								// Perimeter / (0.0001 * Area) ??!!

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_BASINS_UP		, 0.0);	// Upslope Basins
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_BASINS_DOWN	, 0.0);	// Downslope Basins

		return( true );

	return( false );
Ejemplo n.º 16
bool CGWR_Grid_Downscaling::Get_Regression(int x, int y)
	int			i, nPoints;
	double		zMean, zr, rss, tss;
	CSG_Vector	b, z, w;
	CSG_Matrix	Y, YtW;

	if( (nPoints = Get_Variables(x, y, z, w, Y)) <= m_nPredictors )
		return( false );

	YtW.Create(nPoints, 1 + m_nPredictors);

	for(i=0, zMean=0.0; i<nPoints; i++)
		zMean		+= z[i];
		YtW[0][i]	 = w[i];

		for(int j=1; j<=m_nPredictors; j++)
			YtW[j][i]	= Y[i][j] * w[i];

	b		= (YtW * Y).Get_Inverse() * (YtW * z);

	zMean	/= nPoints;

	for(i=0, rss=0.0, tss=0.0; i<nPoints; i++)
		zr	= b[0];

		for(int j=1; j<=m_nPredictors; j++)
			zr	+= b[j] * Y[i][j];

		rss	+= w[i] * SG_Get_Square(z[i] - zr);
		tss	+= w[i] * SG_Get_Square(z[i] - zMean);

	m_pQuality->Set_Value(x, y, tss > 0.0 ? (tss - rss) / tss : 0.0);

	for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		m_pModel[i]->Set_Value(x, y, b[i + 1]);

	m_pModel[m_nPredictors]->Set_Value(x, y, b[0]);

	if( m_pDependent->is_NoData(x, y) )
		m_pResiduals->Set_NoData(x, y);
		zr	= b[0];

		for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
			if( m_pPredictors[i]->is_NoData(x, y) )
				m_pResiduals->Set_NoData(x, y);

				return( true );

			zr	+= b[i + 1] * m_pPredictors[i]->asDouble(x, y);

		m_pResiduals->Set_Value(x, y, m_pDependent->asDouble(x, y) - zr);

	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 17
bool CSG_Variogram::Calculate(CSG_Shapes *pPoints, int Attribute, bool bLog, CSG_Table *pVariogram, int nClasses, double maxDistance, int nSkip)
	int					i, j, k, n;
	double				z, lagDistance;
	TSG_Point			p;
	CSG_Vector			Count, Variance;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Shape			*pPoint;

	if( nSkip < 1 )
		nSkip		= 1;

	if( maxDistance <= 0.0 || maxDistance > SG_Get_Length(pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_XRange(), pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_YRange()) )
		maxDistance	= SG_Get_Length(pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_XRange(), pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_YRange());	// bounding box' diagonal

	lagDistance	= maxDistance / nClasses;

	Count		.Create(nClasses);
	Variance	.Create(nClasses);

	for(i=0, n=0; i<pPoints->Get_Count()-nSkip && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(n, SG_Get_Square(pPoints->Get_Count()/nSkip)/2); i+=nSkip)
		pPoint	= pPoints->Get_Shape(i);

		if( !pPoint->is_NoData(Attribute) )
			p	= pPoint->Get_Point(0);
			z	= bLog ? log(pPoint->asDouble(Attribute)) : pPoint->asDouble(Attribute);

			for(j=i+nSkip; j<pPoints->Get_Count(); j+=nSkip, n++)
				pPoint	= pPoints->Get_Shape(j);

				if( !pPoint->is_NoData(Attribute) )
					k		= (int)(SG_Get_Distance(p, pPoint->Get_Point(0)) / lagDistance);

					if( k < nClasses )
						Count	[k]	++;
						Variance[k]	+= SG_Get_Square((bLog ? log(pPoint->asDouble(Attribute)) : pPoint->asDouble(Attribute)) - z);


	pVariogram->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), _TL("Variogram"), pPoints->Get_Name()));

	pVariogram->Add_Field(_TL("Class")		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);		// FIELD_CLASS
	pVariogram->Add_Field(_TL("Distance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_DISTANCE
	pVariogram->Add_Field(_TL("Count")		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);		// FIELD_COUNT
	pVariogram->Add_Field(_TL("Variance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_VAR_EXP
	pVariogram->Add_Field(_TL("Var.cum.")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_VAR_CUM
	pVariogram->Add_Field(_TL("Model")		, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_VAR_MODEL

	for(i=0, z=0.0, n=0; i<nClasses; i++)
		if( Count[i] > 0 )
			n	+= (int)Count[i];
			z	+= Variance[i];

			pRecord	= pVariogram->Add_Record();
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_CLASS		, (i + 1));
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_DISTANCE	, (i + 1) * lagDistance);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_COUNT		, Count[i]);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_VAR_EXP	, 0.5 * Variance[i] / Count[i]);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_VAR_CUM	, 0.5 * z / n);

	return( SG_UI_Process_Get_Okay() );