Ejemplo n.º 1
void myFree(void * p, char * fn, int ln){
	memEntry *ptr;
	memEntry *before;	//memEntry for the previous block
	memEntry *after;	//memEntry for the next block
	if(sl == NULL) {
		printf(KRED "Error: No malloced/calloced memory in the list. Failed to free.\n" KNRM);
	} if(SLFind(sl, p) == NULL) {
		printf(KRED "Error: This memory pointer was never malloced/calloced in the list. Failed to free.\n" KNRM);
	ptr = (memEntry *)((char *)p - sizeof(memEntry));

	if((before = ptr->prev) != 0 && before->isFree){
		before->size += sizeof(memEntry) + ptr->size;	// Combining with the previous memEntry free block
		before->next  = 	ptr->next;
		ptr->isFree   = 		1;
		before->next  = 	ptr->next;
		if(ptr->next != 0){
			ptr->next->prev = before;

		SLRemove(sl, p);
	} else {   
		if (ptr->isFree == 0) {
		    SLRemove(sl, p);
		    ptr->isFree = 1;
		    before = ptr;
		    printf(KGRN "Freed block 0x%x\n" KNRM, p);
		} else {
			printf(KRED "Error: Attempted to double free a pointer. Failed to free.\n" KNRM);
	if((after = ptr->next) != 0 && after->isFree){
		before->size += sizeof(memEntry) + after->size;	// // Merging with the next memEntry free block
		before->next = after->next;
		before->isFree = 1;
		if(after->next != 0) {
			after->next->prev = before;
		SLRemove(sl, p);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void add_word(char *filename, char *wordToAdd, char *tokenString) {

	FileWithCount file;
	file = (FileWithCount) malloc( sizeof(FileWithCount) );
	file->filename = (char *) malloc( BUFSIZ+1 );
	snprintf(file->filename, BUFSIZ, "%s", filename);
	file->count = 1;
	printf("Filename after file %s and should be %s\n",file->filename,filename);

	/*Find if word exists*/
	WordNode wordToFind = (WordNode) malloc(sizeof(WordNode));
	wordToFind->word = (char *) malloc (BUFSIZ+1);
	snprintf(wordToFind->word, BUFSIZ, "%s", wordToAdd);
	WordNode isWordThere;
	isWordThere = (WordNode) SLFind(wordList, wordToFind);
	if (isWordThere != NULL) { 				/*Word already exists*/
		printf("WORD EXISTS:  %s\n", wordToAdd);
		SortedListIteratorPtr iter;
		iter = SLCreateIterator(isWordThere->files);
		void *obj = NULL;
		while ((obj = SLNextItem(iter))) {
			FileWithCount objFile;
			objFile = obj;		

			if (compareFilesWithCount(objFile, file) == 0) {
			/*Filename present,
				just increase count and break*/
		if(obj == NULL) {
		/*File not found, insert it into list*/
			printf("Filename before slinsert %s\n",file->filename);
			SLInsert(isWordThere->files, file);
			printf("Inserted file %s into word %s\n",file->filename,isWordThere->word);
			printf("Filename actually %s\n",filename);
			free (wordToFind->word);
			free (wordToFind);
		} else {
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Add Word\n");
			free (file->filename);
			free (file);
			free (wordToFind->word);
			free (wordToFind);			

	} else {						/*Word doesn't exist yet*/

		wordToFind->files = SLCreate(compareFilesWithCount);
		/* printf("The word of the day is %s\n", w->word); */
		/*Insert file path into word*/
		SLInsert(wordToFind->files, file);
		/*Insert word into word list*/
		SLInsert(wordList, wordToFind);
