Ejemplo n.º 1
void SMesh::configuring()

    const ConfigType config = this->getConfigTree().get_child("config.<xmlattr>");

    const std::string color          = config.get<std::string>("color", "#ffffffff");
    const std::string unclippedColor = config.get<std::string>("unclippedcolor", "#aaaaff44");



    const std::string autoresetcamera = config.get<std::string>("autoresetcamera", "yes");
    SLM_ASSERT("'autoresetcamera' must be 'yes' or 'no'", autoresetcamera == "yes" || autoresetcamera == "no");
    m_autoResetCamera = (autoresetcamera == "yes");

    const std::string uvGen = config.get<std::string>("uvgen", "none");

    if(uvGen == "none")
        m_uvgen = NONE;
    else if(uvGen == "sphere")
        m_uvgen = SPHERE;
    else if(uvGen == "cylinder")
        m_uvgen = CYLINDER;
    else if(uvGen == "plane")
        m_uvgen = PLANE;
        SLM_FATAL("'uvgen' value must be 'none', 'sphere', 'cylinder' or 'plane', actual: " + uvGen);

    if (config.count("texture"))
        SLM_FATAL("'texture' is deprecated, you need to connect manually the SMesh::textureApplied signal to the "
                  "STexture::applyTexture slot.");

    if (config.count("shadingMode"))
        const std::string shading                         = config.get<std::string>("shadingMode");
        const ::fwData::Material::ShadingType shadingMode = (shading == "ambient") ? ::fwData::Material::AMBIENT :
                                                            (shading == "flat") ? ::fwData::Material::FLAT :
                                                            (shading == "gouraud") ? ::fwData::Material::GOURAUD :

    this->setClippingPlanesId(config.get<std::string>("clippingplane", ""));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void SliceIndexPositionEditor::configuring() throw(fwTools::Failed)

    if( this->m_configuration->size() > 0 )
        ::fwRuntime::ConfigurationElementContainer::Iterator iter = this->m_configuration->begin() ;
        SLM_ASSERT("Sorry, only one xml element \"sliceIndex\" is accepted.", this->m_configuration->size() == 1 && (*iter)->getName() == "sliceIndex" );
        SLM_ASSERT("Sorry, xml element \"sliceIndex\" is empty.", ! (*iter)->getValue().empty() );
        std::string  orientation = (*iter)->getValue();

        if(orientation == "axial" )
            m_orientation = Z_AXIS;
        else if(orientation == "frontal" )
            m_orientation = Y_AXIS;
        else if(orientation == "sagittal" )
            m_orientation = X_AXIS;
            SLM_FATAL("The value for the xml element \"sliceIndex\" can only be axial, frontal or sagittal.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SPlaneSlicer::configuring()
    const auto& srvConf = this->getConfigTree();

    const auto& config = srvConf.get_child("config.<xmlattr>");

    const std::string& orientation = config.get<std::string>("orientation", "");

    if(orientation == "axial")
        m_orientation = ::fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor::Orientation::Z_AXIS;
    else if(orientation == "sagittal")
        m_orientation = ::fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor::Orientation::X_AXIS;
    else if(orientation == "frontal")
        m_orientation = ::fwDataTools::helper::MedicalImageAdaptor::Orientation::Y_AXIS;
        SLM_FATAL("Unknown orientation: '" + orientation + "'.");
void PSAFromPDBSelectorUpdaterSrv::configuring()  throw ( ::fwTools::Failed )

    ::fwRuntime::ConfigurationElementContainer handleEvents = m_configuration->findAllConfigurationElement("update");

    SLM_ASSERT("Problem with configuration for PSAFromPDBSelectorUpdaterSrv type, missing element \"update\"", handleEvents.size() != 0 );
    OSLM_DEBUG( "handleEvents.size() = " << handleEvents.size() );
    for(    ::fwRuntime::ConfigurationElementContainer::Iterator item = handleEvents.begin();
            item != handleEvents.end();
            ++item )
        SLM_FATAL_IF( "Sorry, attribute \"patientKey\" is missing", !(*item)->hasAttribute("patientKey") );
        std::string patientKey =  (*item)->getExistingAttributeValue("patientKey");

        SLM_FATAL_IF( "Sorry, attribute \"studyKey\" is missing", !(*item)->hasAttribute("studyKey") );
        std::string studyKey =  (*item)->getExistingAttributeValue("studyKey");

        SLM_FATAL_IF( "Sorry, attribute \"acquisitionKey\" is missing", !(*item)->hasAttribute("acquisitionKey") );
        std::string acquisitionKey =  (*item)->getExistingAttributeValue("acquisitionKey");

        SLM_FATAL_IF( "Sorry, attribute \"patientNameKey\" is missing", !(*item)->hasAttribute("patientNameKey") );
        std::string patientNameKey =  (*item)->getExistingAttributeValue("patientNameKey");

        SLM_FATAL_IF( "Sorry, attribute \"patientInfoKey\" is missing", !(*item)->hasAttribute("patientInfoKey") );
        std::string patientInfoKey =  (*item)->getExistingAttributeValue("patientInfoKey");

        SLM_FATAL_IF( "Sorry, attribute \"onEvent\" is missing", !(*item)->hasAttribute("onEvent") );
        std::string onEvent =  (*item)->getExistingAttributeValue("onEvent");

        SLM_FATAL_IF( "Sorry, attribute \"fromUID\" is missing", !(*item)->hasAttribute("fromUID") );
        std::string fromUID =  (*item)->getExistingAttributeValue("fromUID");

        SLM_FATAL_IF( "Sorry, attribute \"actionType\" is missing", !(*item)->hasAttribute("actionType") );
        std::string actionType =  (*item)->getExistingAttributeValue("actionType");

        ActionType action;
        if ( actionType == "ADD" )                    { action = ADD; }
        else if ( actionType == "SWAP" )              { action = SWAP; }
        else if ( actionType == "REMOVE" )            { action = REMOVE; }
        else if ( actionType == "ADD_OR_SWAP" )       { action = ADD_OR_SWAP; }
        else if ( actionType == "REMOVE_IF_PRESENT" ) { action = REMOVE_IF_PRESENT; }
        else if ( actionType == "DO_NOTHING" )        { action = DO_NOTHING; }
            SLM_FATAL("Sorry this type of \"actionType\" is not managed by PSAFromPDBSelectorUpdaterSrv type");

        OSLM_INFO( "Manage event "<< onEvent <<" from this object "<< fromUID <<" and "<< actionType << " "<< patientKey << "  " << studyKey << "  " << acquisitionKey << "  " << patientNameKey << " in my composite.");
        PSAManagedEvent managedEvent (onEvent, fromUID, patientKey, studyKey, acquisitionKey, patientNameKey, patientInfoKey, action);
        m_psaManagedEvents.push_back( managedEvent );
        addNewHandledEvent( onEvent );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ISlideViewBuilder::initialize( ::fwRuntime::ConfigurationElement::sptr configuration)
    SLM_ASSERT("Bad configuration name " + configuration->getName() + ", must be 'slideView'",
               configuration->getName() == "slideView");

    if (configuration->hasAttribute("align"))
        std::string aligment = configuration->getExistingAttributeValue("align");
        if (aligment == "top")
            m_aligment = TOP;
        else if (aligment == "bottom")
            m_aligment = BOTTOM;
        else if (aligment == "right")
            m_aligment = RIGHT;
        else if (aligment == "left")
            m_aligment = LEFT;
            SLM_FATAL("Wrong value '"+ aligment +"' for 'align' attribute (require top, bottom, right or left)");

    if (configuration->hasAttribute("opacity"))
        std::string opacity = configuration->getExistingAttributeValue("opacity");
        m_opacity = std::stod(opacity);
        SLM_ASSERT("Opacity must be in [0 - 1]; actual: " + opacity, m_opacity >= 0. && m_opacity <= 1.);

    if (configuration->hasAttribute("size"))
        std::string size = configuration->getExistingAttributeValue("size");
        m_size = std::stoi(size);
        SLM_ASSERT("Size must not be negative", m_size >= 0.);

    ::fwRuntime::ConfigurationElement::csptr styleCfg = configuration->findConfigurationElement("styleSheet");
    if (styleCfg)
        m_styleSheet = styleCfg->getValue();
Ejemplo n.º 6
void bt_sighandler(int sig, siginfo_t *info,
                   void *secret)

    void *trace[16];
    char **messages = (char **)NULL;
    int i, trace_size = 0;
    ucontext_t *uc = (ucontext_t *)secret;

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Got signal " << sig;

    /* Do something useful with siginfo_t */
    if (sig == SIGSEGV)
        ss << " faulty address is " << info->si_addr;
#ifndef __MACOSX__
        ss << " from " << uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EIP];
    ss << std::endl;

    trace_size = backtrace(trace, 16);
    /* overwrite sigaction with caller's address */
#ifndef __MACOSX__
    trace[1] = (void *) uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EIP];

    messages = backtrace_symbols(trace, trace_size);
    /* skip first stack frame (points here) */
    ss <<  "    [bt] Execution path:" << std::endl;
    for (i = 1; i<trace_size; ++i)
        ss <<  "    [bt] " <<  decode(messages[i]) << std::endl;

    if (sig == SIGSEGV)
        SLM_FATAL("SIGSEV signal " + ss.str() );
        SLM_ERROR("SIGUSR1 signal " + ss.str() );

Ejemplo n.º 7
void SSnapshot::snap(std::string filePath)
    SLM_ASSERT("filePath is empty", !filePath.empty());
    namespace fs = ::boost::filesystem;
    fs::path pathImageSnap(filePath);

    std::string ext = ".jpg";
    ext = pathImageSnap.extension().string();
    vtkImageWriter* writer = 0;

    if( ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" )
        writer = vtkJPEGWriter::New();
    else if ( ext == ".bmp" )
        writer = vtkBMPWriter::New();
    else if ( ext == ".tiff" )
        writer = vtkTIFFWriter::New();
    else if ( ext == ".png" )
        writer = vtkPNGWriter::New();
        SLM_FATAL("Error: Format is not supported.");

    vtkWindowToImageFilter* snapper = vtkWindowToImageFilter::New();
    snapper->SetMagnification( 1 );
    snapper->SetInput( this->getRenderer()->GetRenderWindow() );

    writer->SetInputConnection( snapper->GetOutputPort() );
    writer->SetFileName( pathImageSnap.string().c_str() );

Ejemplo n.º 8
void Object::shallowCopy(const ::fwData::Object::csptr& source )
    SLM_FATAL("shallowCopy not implemented for : " + this->getClassname() );
::boost::shared_ptr<Bundle> BundleDescriptorReader::processPlugin(xmlNodePtr node, const ::boost::filesystem::path& location) throw(RuntimeException)
    // Creates the bundle.
    ::boost::shared_ptr<Bundle> bundle;
    // Processes all plugin attributes.
    xmlAttrPtr  curAttr;
    std::string bundleIdentifier;
    std::string version;
    std::string pluginClass;
    for(curAttr = node->properties; curAttr != 0; curAttr = curAttr->next)
        if(xmlStrcmp(curAttr->name, (const xmlChar*) ID.c_str()) == 0)
            bundleIdentifier = (const char*) curAttr->children->content;

        if(xmlStrcmp(curAttr->name, (const xmlChar*) CLASS.c_str()) == 0)
            pluginClass = (const char*) curAttr->children->content;

        if(xmlStrcmp(curAttr->name, (const xmlChar*) VERSION.c_str()) == 0)
            version = (const char*) curAttr->children->content;
    SLM_ASSERT("bundle identifier is empty", !bundleIdentifier.empty());

    if( ::fwRuntime::Runtime::getDefault()->findBundle(bundleIdentifier, Version(version)))
        return bundle;
    if(pluginClass.empty() == true)
        bundle = ::boost::shared_ptr<Bundle>( new Bundle(location, bundleIdentifier, version) );
        bundle = ::boost::shared_ptr<Bundle>( new Bundle(location, bundleIdentifier, version, pluginClass) );

    // Processes all child nodes.
    xmlNodePtr curChild;
    for(curChild = node->children; curChild != 0; curChild = curChild->next)
        // Skip non element nodes.
        if(curChild->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)

        // Extension declaration.
        if(xmlStrcmp(curChild->name, (const xmlChar*) EXTENSION.c_str()) == 0)
            ::boost::shared_ptr<Extension> extension(processExtension(curChild, bundle));

        // Extension point declaration.
        if(xmlStrcmp(curChild->name, (const xmlChar*) EXTENSION_POINT.c_str()) == 0)
            ::boost::shared_ptr<ExtensionPoint> point(processExtensionPoint(curChild, bundle));

        // Library declaration.
        if(xmlStrcmp(curChild->name, (const xmlChar*) LIBRARY.c_str()) == 0)
            ::boost::shared_ptr<dl::Library> library(processLibrary(curChild));

        // Requirement declaration.
        if(xmlStrcmp(curChild->name, (const xmlChar*) REQUIREMENT.c_str()) == 0)
            const std::string   requirement(processRequirement(curChild));

        // Point declaration.
        if(xmlStrcmp(curChild->name, (const xmlChar*) POINT.c_str()) == 0)
            SLM_FATAL("Sorry, this xml element  ( <point ... > </point> ) is depreciated (" + location.string() + ")" );

    // Job's done.
    return bundle;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void notifyFrameFetched(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, int id, jbyteArray data)

    if (current_camera == NULL)
        SLM_FATAL(" current_camera == NULL");

        jboolean isCopy;
        jbyte* data_ptr = env->GetByteArrayElements(data, &isCopy);

        unsigned char* argb = new unsigned char[g_width * g_height * 4 * sizeof(unsigned char)];

        int size     = g_width * g_height;
        int v_offset = size;
        int u_offset = size +1;

        int y1_1,y1_2,y1_3,y1_4;
        int y2_1,y2_2,y2_3,y2_4;
        int y3_1,y3_2,y3_3,y3_4;
        int y4_1,y4_2,y4_3,y4_4;
        int u_1,u_2,u_3,u_4;
        int v_1,v_2,v_3,v_4;

        for(int i = 0, k = 0; i < size; i += 8, k += 8)
            // indexes
            int id1 = i;
            int id2 = i+2;
            int id3 = i+4;
            int id4 = i+6;

            int k1 = k;
            int k2 = k+2;
            int k3 = k+4;
            int k4 = k+6;

            // yuv components

            // index 1
            y1_1 = data_ptr[id1  ]&0xff;
            y2_1 = data_ptr[id1+1]&0xff;
            y3_1 = data_ptr[g_width+id1  ]&0xff;
            y4_1 = data_ptr[g_width+id1+1]&0xff;

            u_1 = data_ptr[u_offset + k1]&0xff;
            v_1 = data_ptr[v_offset + k1]&0xff;

            u_1 -= 128;
            v_1 -= 128;

            // index 2
            y1_2 = data_ptr[id2  ]&0xff;
            y2_2 = data_ptr[id2+1]&0xff;
            y3_2 = data_ptr[g_width+id2  ]&0xff;
            y4_2 = data_ptr[g_width+id2+1]&0xff;

            u_2 = data_ptr[u_offset + k2]&0xff;
            v_2 = data_ptr[v_offset + k2]&0xff;

            u_2 -= 128;
            v_2 -= 128;

            //index 3
            y1_3 = data_ptr[id3  ]&0xff;
            y2_3 = data_ptr[id3+1]&0xff;
            y3_3 = data_ptr[g_width+id3  ]&0xff;
            y4_3 = data_ptr[g_width+id3+1]&0xff;

            u_3 = data_ptr[u_offset + k3]&0xff;
            v_3 = data_ptr[v_offset + k3]&0xff;

            u_3 -= 128;
            v_3 -= 128;

            //index 4
            y1_4 = data_ptr[id4  ]&0xff;
            y2_4 = data_ptr[id4+1]&0xff;
            y3_4 = data_ptr[g_width+id4  ]&0xff;
            y4_4 = data_ptr[g_width+id4+1]&0xff;

            u_4 = data_ptr[u_offset + k4]&0xff;
            v_4 = data_ptr[v_offset + k4]&0xff;

            u_4 = u_4 - 128;
            v_4 = v_4 - 128;

            // Convert to rgb
            convertYUVtoRGB(y1_1, u_1, v_1, id1*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y2_1, u_1, v_1, (id1+1)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y3_1, u_1, v_1, (g_width+id1)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y4_1, u_1, v_1, (g_width+id1+1)*4, argb);

            convertYUVtoRGB(y1_2, u_2, v_2, (id2)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y2_2, u_2, v_2, (id2+1)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y3_2, u_2, v_2, (g_width+id2)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y4_2, u_2, v_2, (g_width+id2+1)*4, argb);

            convertYUVtoRGB(y1_3, u_3, v_3, (id3)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y2_3, u_3, v_3, (id3+1)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y3_3, u_3, v_3, (g_width+id3)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y4_3, u_3, v_3, (g_width+id3+1)*4, argb);

            convertYUVtoRGB(y1_4, u_4, v_4, (id4)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y2_4, u_4, v_4, (id4+1)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y3_4, u_4, v_4, (g_width+id4)*4, argb);
            convertYUVtoRGB(y4_4, u_4, v_4, (g_width+id4+1)*4, argb);


            if (i!=0 && (i+8)%g_width==0)
                i += g_width;
        // call the fechFrame method to emit signal

        env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, data_ptr, JNI_ABORT);
