Ejemplo n.º 1
/* This function is reentrant */
static int handle_signal (Signal_Type *s)
   int status = 0;
   int was_blocked;

   (void) block_signal (s->sig, &was_blocked);

   /* At this point, sig is blocked and the handler is about to be called.
    * The pending flag can be safely set to 0 here.
   s->pending = 0;

   if (s->handler != NULL)
	int depth = SLstack_depth ();

	if ((-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())
	    || (-1 == SLang_push_integer (s->sig))
	    || (-1 == SLang_end_arg_list ())
	    || (-1 == SLexecute_function (s->handler)))
	  status = -1;

	if ((status == 0)
	    && (depth != SLstack_depth ()))
	     SLang_verror (SL_Application_Error, "The signal handler %s corrupted the stack", s->handler->name);
	     status = -1;

   if (was_blocked == 0)
     (void) unblock_signal (s->sig);

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int sl_report_function (Isis_Fit_Statistic_Type *s, void *pfp, double stat, unsigned int npts, unsigned int nvpars) /*{{{*/
   FILE *fp = (FILE *)pfp;
   char *str;

   if (s == NULL || s->sl_report == NULL)
     return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   if ((-1 == SLang_push_double (stat))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_integer ((int) npts))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_integer ((int) nvpars)))
     return -1;
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function ((SLang_Name_Type *)s->sl_report))
     return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&str))
     return -1;

   if (EOF == fputs (str, fp))
        SLang_free_slstring (str);
        return -1;
   SLang_free_slstring (str);
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int _pSLcall_bos_handler (SLFUTURE_CONST char *file, int line)
   int status = 0;
   int err;

   if (BOS_Callback_Handler == NULL)
     return 0;

   if (Handler_Active)
     return 0;

   if ((0 != (err = _pSLang_Error))
       && (-1 == _pSLang_push_error_context ()))
     return -1;

   if ((-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLang_push_string (file))
       || (-1 == SLclass_push_int_obj (SLANG_INT_TYPE, line))
       || (-1 == SLang_end_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLexecute_function (BOS_Callback_Handler)))
	set_bos_eos_handlers (NULL, NULL);
	status = -1;

   if (err)
     _pSLang_pop_error_context (status != 0);

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int SLang_run_hooks (SLFUTURE_CONST char *hook, unsigned int num_args, ...)
   unsigned int i;
   va_list ap;

   if (SLang_get_error ())
     return -1;

   if (0 == SLang_is_defined (hook))
     return 0;

   (void) SLang_start_arg_list ();
   va_start (ap, num_args);
   for (i = 0; i < num_args; i++)
	char *arg;

	arg = va_arg (ap, char *);
	if (-1 == SLang_push_string (arg))
   va_end (ap);
   (void) SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (_pSLang_Error) return -1;
   return SLang_execute_function (hook);
Ejemplo n.º 5
int Plot_histogram_data (int n, float *lo, float *hi, float *val) /*{{{*/
   int status = -1;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->plot_histogram == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: plot_histogram operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   status = push_three_float_arrays (n, lo, hi, val);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if ((status < 0) || (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->plot_histogram)))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting histogram");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting histogram");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int Plot_line (int n, float *x, float *y) /*{{{*/
   int status = -1;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->plot_xy == NULL)
     return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   status = push_two_float_arrays (n, x, y);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if ((status < 0) || (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->plot_xy)))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting line");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting line");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int Plot_points (int n, float *x, float *y, int symbol) /*{{{*/
   int status = -1;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->plot_points == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: plot_points operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   status = push_two_float_arrays (n, x, y);
   SLang_push_integer (symbol);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if ((status < 0) || (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->plot_points)))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting points");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting points");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int Plot_select_window (int device) /*{{{*/
   int status;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->select_window == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: select_window operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_integer (device);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->select_window))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed selecting plot device");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed selecting plot device");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int Plot_subdivide (int num_x_subpanels, int num_y_subpanels) /*{{{*/
   int status;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->subdivide == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: subdivide operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_integer (num_x_subpanels);
   SLang_push_integer (num_y_subpanels);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->subdivide))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed subdividing plot device");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed subdividing plot device");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int Plot_open (char *device) /*{{{*/
   int id;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->open == NULL)
     return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_string (device);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->open))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed opening plot device");
        return -1;

   if ((-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&id))
       || (id <= 0))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed opening plot device");
        return -1;

   return id;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int _Plot_set_charsize (float size) /*{{{*/
   int status;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->set_char_size == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: set_char_size operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_float (size);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->set_char_size))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: set_char_size failed");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: set_char_size failed");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int Plot_y_errorbar (int n, float *x, float *top, float *bot, /*{{{*/
                     float terminal_length)
   int status = -1;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->plot_y_errorbar == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: plot_y_errorbar operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   status = push_three_float_arrays (n, x, top, bot);
   SLang_push_float (terminal_length);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if ((status < 0) || (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->plot_y_errorbar)))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting Y errorbar");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting Y errorbar");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* int _pSLcall_debug_hook (char *file, int line, char *funct) */
int _pSLcall_debug_hook (SLFUTURE_CONST char *file, int line)
   int status = 0, err;

   if (Debug_Hook == NULL)
     return 0;

   if (Debug_Handler_Active)
     return 0;

   if ((0 != (err = _pSLang_Error))
       && (-1 == _pSLang_push_error_context ()))
     return -1;

   if ((-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLang_push_string (file))
       || (-1 == SLclass_push_int_obj (SLANG_INT_TYPE, line))
       || (-1 == SLang_end_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLexecute_function (Debug_Hook)))
	status = -1;
	set_debug_hook (NULL);

   if (err)
     (void) _pSLang_pop_error_context (status != 0);

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int _pSLcall_bof_handler (SLFUTURE_CONST char *fun, SLFUTURE_CONST char *file)
   int status = 0, err;

   if (BOF_Callback_Handler == NULL)
     return 0;

   if (Handler_Active)
     return 0;

   if ((0 != (err = _pSLang_Error))
       && (-1 == _pSLang_push_error_context ()))
     return -1;

   if ((-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLang_push_string (fun))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_string (file))
       || (-1 == SLang_end_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLexecute_function (BOF_Callback_Handler)))
	set_bof_eof_handlers (NULL, NULL);
	status = -1;
   if (err)
     _pSLang_pop_error_context (status != 0);
   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void rline_call_update_hook (SLrline_Type *rli,
                                    SLFUTURE_CONST char *prompt,
                                    SLFUTURE_CONST char *buf,
                                    unsigned int len,
                                    unsigned int point, VOID_STAR cd)
    Rline_CB_Type *cb;

    (void) rli;
    (void) len;
    cb = (Rline_CB_Type *)cd;

    if (-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())

    if ((-1 == SLang_push_mmt (cb->mmt))
            || (-1 == SLang_push_string (prompt))
            || (-1 == SLang_push_string (buf))
            || (-1 == SLang_push_int ((int) point))
            || ((cb->cd != NULL) && (-1 == SLang_push_anytype (cb->cd))))
        (void) SLang_end_arg_list ();

    (void) SLexecute_function (cb->update_hook);
Ejemplo n.º 16
char *Plot_configure_axis (char *opt, int is_log, int has_numbers) /*{{{*/
   char *s;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return NULL;

   if (PLI->configure_axis == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: configure_axis operation is not supported");
        return NULL;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_string (opt);
   SLang_push_integer (is_log);
   SLang_push_integer (has_numbers);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->configure_axis))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: configure_axis failed");
        return NULL;

   if (-1 == SLpop_string (&s))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: configure_axis failed");
        return NULL;

   return s;
Ejemplo n.º 17
int _pSLcall_eos_handler (void)
   int err, status = 0;

   if ((EOS_Callback_Handler == NULL)
       || (Handler_Active))
     return 0;

   if ((0 != (err = _pSLang_Error))
       && (-1 == _pSLang_push_error_context ()))
     return -1;

   if ((-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLang_end_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLexecute_function (EOS_Callback_Handler)))
	status = -1;
	set_bos_eos_handlers (NULL, NULL);
   if (err)
     _pSLang_pop_error_context (status != 0);

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int _Plot_label_box (char *xlabel, char *ylabel, char *tlabel) /*{{{*/
   int status;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->label_axes == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: label_axes operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_string (xlabel);
   SLang_push_string (ylabel);
   SLang_push_string (tlabel);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->label_axes))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: label_axes failed");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: label_axes failed");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: hooks.c Proyecto: hankem/jed
static int execute_fun_with_args (SLang_Name_Type *nt, unsigned int argc,
				  char **argv)
   unsigned int i;

   (void) SLang_start_arg_list ();
   for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
     (void) SLang_push_string (argv[i]);
   (void) SLang_end_arg_list ();

   return SLexecute_function (nt);
Ejemplo n.º 20
int user_open_source (char **argv, int argc, double area,
		      double cosx, double cosy, double cosz)
   char *file;
   int status;

   if (-1 == init_slang ())
     return -1;
   file = argv[0];
   if ((argc == 0) || (NULL == (file = argv[0])))
	fprintf (stderr, "No filename specified for the slang source\n");
	return -1;

   if (0 != SLang_load_file (file))
	fprintf (stderr, "Encountered a problem loading %s\n", file);
	return -1;

   if (NULL == (Open_Source = SLang_get_function ("user_open_source")))
	fprintf (stderr, "%s failed to define user_open_source\n", file);
	return -1;

   if (NULL == (Create_Ray = SLang_get_function ("user_create_ray")))
	fprintf (stderr, "%s failed to define user_create_ray\n", file);
	return -1;

   if ((-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == push_c_string_array (argv, argc))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_double (area))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_double (cosx))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_double (cosy))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_double (cosz))
       || (-1 == SLang_end_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLexecute_function (Open_Source))
       || (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status)))
	SLang_verror (0, "Error occured processing user_open_source in %s", file);
	return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static int call_simple_update_cb (SLang_Name_Type *f, Rline_CB_Type *cb, int *opt)
    if (f == NULL)
        return 0;

    if (-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())
        return -1;
    if ((-1 == SLang_push_mmt (cb->mmt))
            || ((opt != NULL) && (-1 == SLang_push_int (*opt)))
            || ((cb->cd != NULL) && (-1 == SLang_push_anytype (cb->cd))))
        (void) SLang_end_arg_list ();
        return -1;
    return SLexecute_function (f);
Ejemplo n.º 22
static int apply_line_modifier (Model_t *m, Model_Info_Type *info, DB_line_t *line, double *emis) /*{{{*/
   Plasma_State_Type lm_state;

   lm_state.temperature = m->temperature;
   lm_state.ndensity = m->density;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_array (info->line_emis_modifier_params, 0);
   SLang_push_int (line->indx);
   if (-1 == SLang_push_cstruct ((VOID_STAR)&lm_state, Plasma_State_Layout))
     return -1;
   SLang_push_double (*emis);
   if (info->line_emis_modifier_args != NULL)
     isis_push_args (info->line_emis_modifier_args);

   if (info->line_emis_modifier_qualifiers == NULL)
        SLang_end_arg_list ();

        if (-1 == SLexecute_function (info->line_emis_modifier))
          return -1;
        if ((-1 == SLang_push_function (info->line_emis_modifier))
            || (-1 == SLang_push_struct (info->line_emis_modifier_qualifiers)))
          return -1;

        SLang_end_arg_list ();

        if (-1 == SLang_execute_function ("_isis->do_eval_with_qualifiers"))
          return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_double (emis))
     return -1;

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int Plot_symbol_points (SLindex_Type n, float *x, float *y, int *symbol) /*{{{*/
   SLang_Array_Type *sl_sym=NULL;
   int status = -1;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->plot_symbol_points == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: plot_symbol_points operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   if (NULL == (sl_sym = SLang_create_array (SLANG_INT_TYPE, 0, NULL, &n, 1)))
     return -1;
   memcpy ((char *)sl_sym->data, (char *)symbol, n * sizeof(int));

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   status = push_two_float_arrays (n, x, y);
   SLang_push_array (sl_sym, 1);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if ((status < 0) || (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->plot_symbol_points)))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting points");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed plotting points");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int _Plot_draw_box (char *xopt, float xtick, int nxsub, /*{{{*/
                     char *yopt, float ytick, int nysub)
   int status;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->draw_box == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: draw_box operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_string (xopt);
   SLang_push_float (xtick);
   SLang_push_integer (nxsub);
   SLang_push_string (yopt);
   SLang_push_float (ytick);
   SLang_push_integer (nysub);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->draw_box))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: draw_box failed");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: draw_box failed");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 25
int Plot_put_text_offset (char *where, float offset, float ox, float oy, char *text) /*{{{*/
   int status;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->put_text_offset == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: put_text_offset operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_string (where);
   SLang_push_float (offset);
   SLang_push_float (ox);
   SLang_push_float (oy);
   SLang_push_string (text);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->put_text_offset))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: put_text_offset failed");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: put_text_offset failed");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static int execute_read_callback (CSV_Type *csv, char **sptr)
   char *s;

   *sptr = NULL;

   if ((-1 == SLang_start_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLang_push_anytype (csv->callback_data))
       || (-1 == SLang_end_arg_list ())
       || (-1 == SLexecute_function (csv->read_callback)))
     return -1;

   if (SLang_peek_at_stack () == SLANG_NULL_TYPE)
	(void) SLang_pop_null ();
	return 0;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&s))
     return -1;

   *sptr = s;
   return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 27
int Plot_put_text (float x, float y, float angle, float justify, char *txt) /*{{{*/
   int status;

   if (pli_undefined())
     return -1;

   if (PLI->put_text_xy == NULL)
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "plot: put_text_xy operation is not supported");
        return -1;

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_float (x);
   SLang_push_float (y);
   SLang_push_float (angle);
   SLang_push_float (justify);
   SLang_push_string (txt);
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (PLI->put_text_xy))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: put_text_xy failed");
        return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&status))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "plot: put_text_xy failed");
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: slopt.c Proyecto: hankem/ISIS
static int slfe_optimize (Isis_Fit_Type *ift, void *clientdata, /*{{{*/
                          double *x, double *y, double *weights, unsigned int npts,
                          double *pars, unsigned int npars)
   Isis_Fit_Engine_Type *e;
   SLang_Array_Type *sl_pars=NULL, *sl_pars_min=NULL, *sl_pars_max=NULL;
   SLang_Array_Type *sl_new_pars=NULL;
   SLindex_Type n;
   int status = -1;

   (void) clientdata; (void) x; (void) y; (void) weights; (void) npts;

   if ((ift == NULL) || (pars == NULL) || (npars <= 0)
       || (Current_Fit_Object_MMT == NULL))
     return -1;

   e = ift->engine;

   n = (SLindex_Type) npars;
   sl_pars = SLang_create_array (SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE, 0, NULL, &n, 1);
   sl_pars_min = SLang_create_array (SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE, 0, NULL, &n, 1);
   sl_pars_max = SLang_create_array (SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE, 0, NULL, &n, 1);

   if ((NULL == sl_pars) || (NULL == sl_pars_min) || (NULL == sl_pars_max))
     return -1;

   memcpy ((char *)sl_pars->data, (char *)pars, npars * sizeof(double));
   memcpy ((char *)sl_pars_min->data, (char *)e->par_min, npars * sizeof(double));
   memcpy ((char *)sl_pars_max->data, (char *)e->par_max, npars * sizeof(double));

   /* FIXME: Increment the reference count to prevent a segv.
    * There must be a better way.
   SLang_inc_mmt (Current_Fit_Object_MMT);

   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   if ((-1 == SLang_push_mmt (Current_Fit_Object_MMT))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_array (sl_pars, 1))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_array (sl_pars_min, 1))
       || (-1 == SLang_push_array (sl_pars_max, 1)))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "calling user-defined optimization method '%s'",
        goto return_error;
   SLang_end_arg_list ();

   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (e->sl_optimize))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "executing optimization method '%s'",
        goto return_error;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_array_of_type (&sl_new_pars, SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "returning results from optimization method '%s'",
        goto return_error;

   if ((sl_new_pars == NULL) || (sl_new_pars->num_elements != npars))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "corrupted parameter array returned from optimization method '%s'",
        goto return_error;

   memcpy ((char *)pars, (char *)sl_new_pars->data, npars * sizeof(double));

   status = 0;
   SLang_free_array (sl_new_pars);

   if (SLang_get_error())
        isis_throw_exception (SLang_get_error());
        return -1;

   return status;
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: slopt.c Proyecto: hankem/ISIS
static int slfe_set_options (Isis_Fit_Engine_Type *e, Isis_Option_Type *opts) /*{{{*/
   SLang_Array_Type *sl_opts;
   SLindex_Type i, n;

   if (opts == NULL)
     return -1;

   n = opts->num_options;
   if (n == 0)
     return 0;

   if (NULL == (sl_opts = SLang_create_array (SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1, NULL, &n, 1)))
     return -1;

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        int have_value = (opts->option_values[i] != 0);
        char *s;

        if (have_value)
             s = isis_mkstrcat (opts->option_names[i], "=",
                                opts->option_values[i], NULL);
        else s = opts->option_names[i];

        if ((s == NULL)
            || (-1 == SLang_set_array_element (sl_opts, &i, &s)))
             SLang_free_array (sl_opts);
             if (have_value) ISIS_FREE(s);

        if (have_value) ISIS_FREE(s);

   (void) SLang_push_array (sl_opts, 1);

   /* converts options array to a struct */
   SLang_execute_function ("_isis->options_to_struct");

   /* this function then pops the struct off the stack */
   if (-1 == SLexecute_function (e->sl_set_options))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "setting options for fit method '%s'",
        return -1;

   if (SLang_get_error ())
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "S-Lang error while setting options for fit method '%s'",
        return -1;

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static int call_ionpop_modifier (Model_t *m, Model_Info_Type *info, float *ionpop_new) /*{{{*/
   Plasma_State_Type s;
   SLang_Array_Type *sl_ionpop = NULL;
   int Z, q, status = -1;

   s.temperature = m->temperature;
   s.ndensity = m->density;

   /* Float_Type[n,n] = ionpop_modifier (params, state, last_ionpop, [,args]) */
   SLang_start_arg_list ();
   SLang_push_array (info->ionpop_params, 0);
   if (-1 == SLang_push_cstruct ((VOID_STAR)&s, Plasma_State_Layout))
        SLang_end_arg_list ();
        return -1;
   SLang_push_array (m->last_ionpop, 0);
   if (info->ionpop_args != NULL)
     isis_push_args (info->ionpop_args);

   if (info->ionpop_qualifiers == NULL)
        SLang_end_arg_list ();

        if (-1 == SLexecute_function (info->ionpop_modifier))
          return -1;
        if ((-1 == SLang_push_function (info->ionpop_modifier))
            || (-1 == SLang_push_struct (info->ionpop_qualifiers)))
          return -1;

        SLang_end_arg_list ();

        if (-1 == SLang_execute_function ("_isis->do_eval_with_qualifiers"))
          return -1;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_array_of_type (&sl_ionpop, SLANG_FLOAT_TYPE))
     return -1;

   if ((sl_ionpop == NULL)
       || (sl_ionpop->num_dims != 2)
       || ((sl_ionpop->dims[0] != n+1) || (sl_ionpop->dims[1] != n+1)))
        isis_vmesg (FAIL, I_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                    "ionpop_modifier: invalid return value, expecting: Float_Type[n,n] with n=%d", n+1);
        goto return_status;

   for (Z = 1; Z <= n; Z++)
        for (q = 0; q <= Z; q++)
             int i[2];
             i[0] = Z;  i[1] = q;
             if (-1 == SLang_get_array_element (sl_ionpop, i, &ionpop_new[Z*(n+1)+q]))
               goto return_status;

   SLang_free_array (m->last_ionpop);
   m->last_ionpop = sl_ionpop;

   status = 0;
   if (status != 0)
       SLang_free_array (sl_ionpop);

   return status;